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Take office which is going to be very, very soon. The theft of North Carolina jobs will end. Youve taken it harder than most states. Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obama care. Sadly, it has just been announced that the residents of North Carolina are going to experience massive doubledigit premium hikes. 95 of the 100 North Carolina counties will only have one insurer in the obama Care Exchange next year. Lots of luck negotiating. Honestly, it wont matter because we will win and it well terminate it and youll have much Better Health care for less money. It wont matter. Premiums are surging and companies are leaving and insurers are fleeing and doctors are quitting. Doctors, they are leaving. They are quitting. I have a friend who is a doctor and he said i have more accountants than i have nurses. It is so complicated. And deductibles are going through the roof. Yet Hillary Clinton wants to double down and expand obama care and make it even more expensive. Im asking for your vote so we can repeal and replace obama care and Save Health Care for every family in North Carolina. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. People are pouring in, folks. Theyre pouring. Did you see last night in michigan, the crowd we had. And the crowd we had by the way, how about 24,000, maybe 25,000 rest next to ft. Bragg. You saw that the other night. And we went to minnesota. Minnesota has been treated very, very badly. We went to minnesota where were doing very well. Everyone said why minnesota . That doesnt go republican. It is going republican this year, ill tell you. Minnesota. Great place. And you know, youve been watching and youve been seeing and these people are being driven crazy, the dishonest media. Were winning ohio. Were winning iowa. Were winning we think New Hampshire. Going to do great in New Hampshire. I hear were winning North Carolina big. I hear. Were winning florida. Winning florida. Doing really well. Headlines today on how well were doing in florida. And i think were going to win the great state of pennsylvania. I do. And were winning plenty of other places. So we have to go. The big key, you have to go. Were in a rigged system, folks. Were in a rigged system. You have to go, you have to vote and make sure that vote gets registered in there. Real change also means restoring honesty to our government. [ chanting ] thank you. Wow great, great spirit. I have a job right next to we have a beautiful, beautiful property right next right near charlotte. You know about it, folks . It is great, right. Some of the people. But its an amazing place. It is an amazing place to work and to live and we love it. Hillary clinton is the most corrupt person ever to seek the office of the presidency of the united states. She threatened National Security. She sold her office to the highest bidder and then to cover her tracks, she deleted 33,000 emails after receiving a congressional subpoena and nothing happens to her. Nothing happens. Shes being protected by a totally rigged system, folks. Shes being protected. You know, james cartwright, general james cartwright, fourstar general, two weeks ago probably going to jail for up to five years. For doing nothing by comparison. In fact, he said he did it for National Security reasons, and i could understand that. Going to jail for up to five years. General petraeus, his life was destroyed and here she is, she is running for president. Shes done 25 times worse than anybody has ever dreamt. It is a rigged system. It is a rigged, rigged system. [ chanting ] dont worry, folks, the cameras will never spin around and show this crowd. They never do. They show my face and the two people behind me. Not the thousands behind me. They never do. They never do. So dishonest. There they are. There they are. My group. Women for trump. Women for trump. Theyve been following me, these ladies for a long time, how are we doing . Are we doing well . Great picture. And now it is up to the American People to deliver the justice that we deserve at the ballot box tomorrow. At the ballot box. Were going to win. I think it is a great way of showing what we have to show in light of what is going on with justice in this country. I really do. I think it is a great way. You show it tomorrow. You show it tomorrow. My contract with the American Voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and to take our country back from the special interests. And folks, i was on the other side for a long time. It is a very good place to be. But i love the country. I love this country. Ive really gotten to love the people of this country because i have been everywhere. We have the greatest people on earth. But i love this country and i couldnt watch when they make the iran deal, they give them 150 billion, the terrorist state. A state that was ready to collapse until we made them rich and powerful. We gave them a path to nuclear weapons. They were ready to collapse. We gave them remember, 400 billion. Right . We gave them 400 million. Then we found out that was wrong. It wasnt 400 million. It was 1. 7 billion in cash. In cash. Do you know what 1. 7 billion in cash is . If you could take that whole side of the arena and you wouldnt have enough room. How stupid are we to allow this to happen. Our leaders are incompetent. President obama is campaigning today with Hillary Clinton. Because she cant campaign. She cant campaign. So obama is taking air force one, which cost a fortune, you know hes very much into the environment and you take a massive old engine 747, very much into the environment. Very much into the ozone layer but yet hell fly that plane all over the place to campaign for crooked hillary. And i dont think its going to work. And shes not getting any crowds. So she gets beyonce and jayz. I like them. I like that. And you know what they do . I get bigger crowds than they do. I get far bigger crowds. Look at this place. I mean, look at the crowds we had in michigan. By the way, michigan is in play. You know, it hasnt been in play for republicans for 30something years. Michigan is in play. Because they are tired of watching their car factories being taken out and tired of losing their jobs to mexico. Ford ford right now moved all of the small car production to mexico. They are building the biggest plants in the world in mexico. And michigan is going to vote for trump because ive been complaining about it for five years to michigan. Now were going to have some tomorrow is going to be a very historic day, i believe that. I think it will show. I think it will be brexit, plus, plus, plus. Does that make sense . Plus, plus, plus. It will be amazing. Going to be amazing. I want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear the words were all about to say. This is a phrase i told you i didnt like it. I thought it was hokie, but it is not hokie. It is called drain the swamp. Were going to go to washington, were going to drain the swamp. Cant believe it. I told i hated that expression. I said no way im going to say that. No way. That is so hokie. And i said it and the place went crazy and then i said it to another another place and it went crazier. And then i said it was confidence and it went wild and now i love the expression, i think it was genius. [ chanting ] drain the swamp. Drain the swamp. Is there any place better to be than a trump rally . Are we having fun . Are we having fun . And i dont have a guitar and i dont have a piano. All we have is Great Concepts for our country, which is the most important thing. Because frankly when people get on stage, and theyre entertainers and they entertain in order to get people to fill up a room for himk. And by the way. They used the dirtiest language the other night and many of the people left. The political people heard words theyve never heard before and they left. The place was half empty actually it never got full, even with them. And then it was pretty much empty midway through. And then most of the people just left. And when hillary got up, there was practically she might have well just started with a few people. It would have been easier. But you know, she hears those words i wont use the words, i wont address the words because the Crooked Media will say, did you hear what donald trump said today . But honestly yeah. Those words were disgusting. If i ever said those words that jayz or that beyonce said the other night, you know what would happen to me, the reinstitution of the electric chair. It would be how about if i got the answers to the debate, or if i got the questions. Supporting instead of hillary getting the questions to the debate, which is cheating. She is a cheat. She is a cheat. She never reported it. Shes a cheat. So supporting that instead of her supporting somebody gave donald trump the questions to the debate. Headlines all over the world. He Must Withdraw from the race. You dont even here anything about crooked hillary. She had the questions. To me that is such a big deal. And some people say my people, dont mention that. And i said, to me it is a big deal. That is a big deal. But it is not a big deal for the dishonest media. See, they dont want to report it. But just think about it. Supporting it was us, at the core of my contract, is my plan to bring back our jobs. Bring them back to america. And by the way, you have a great governor. Support your governor. Hes a great guy. Where is he . Hes here someplace. He is a great guy and hes in a tough fight and hes going to win that fight. But hes a great guy. So hopefully you will support your governor. North carolina has lost nearly half of its manufacturing jobs since nafta. A deal signed by bill clinton and his lovely wife hillary. Now think of it. Think of it. Think of the numbers of jobs. Here is the one that gets me the most. Two things get the most. Two things that just dont seem real because were going to take care of our veterans, right. Like big league because our veterans are great. But two statistics i cant believe. 22 suicides a day for our veterans. Think of it. You wouldnt think that is possible. Because they are treated so badly. They wait in line for six, seven, eight days for a simple procedure that could solve their problem or for a prescription. But two numbers i dont it just doesnt make sense. 22 suicides a day for our veterans. Okay. It doesnt make sense. And here is another one. America has lost 70,000 factories. Now i thought they meant 700. Or 7,000 maybe. It is 70,000 factories since china entered the world trade organization. Another bill and Hillary Clinton backed disaster. Think of it, though. Speak of think of what 70,000 factories is. So those are the two numbers. They dont seem to be real. Sad numbers. Sad numbers. Especially the vets, to be honest with you. Were living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of our world. There has never been anything happened to a country like has been happening to the united states. Our jobs are fleeing. Our companies are being taken. And leaving. And leaving. A Trump Administration will stop the jobs from leaving america and we will stop the jobs from leaving North Carolina. If a Company Wants to fire their workers and leave, as an example, North Carolina and move to another country and then ship their products back into the united states, through what will be a very strong border, by the way, we will make them pay a 35 tax on every product that they ship back. And here is what is going to happen. Theyre not going to leave. Theyre not going to leave. Now your politicians, some of them dont understand it. And the one [ inaudible ]. Well donald trump is speaking at a rally. Clearly there is an audio problem. These rallies are pool feeds and often when this happens weve lost the audio from that pool feed. And of course, all of the networks are working to reestablish it. If we do, well take you back. It is 3 00 on the east coast, noon on the west coast and most who will vote have already voted. And now we wait. Locked still in the pergatory between the race and the reveal. What will happen among blacks and hispanics. What will go down in florida and in pennsylvania . Who will control the senate . And who will emerge as the president elect sometime tomorrow . The news deck and the nation stand frozen in the moment. Hours before election day in america. Lets get to it. Now, Shepard Smith reporting, live from the fox news deck. First from the fox news desk, if that was confusing, ask children. The Fox News Decision Team has just made major changes to the 2016 electoral scoreboard, one day before election day in america. The Decision Team has shifted North Carolina from leaning democratic to tossup. If you are a republican, this is the best news youve had of the day. North carolina had been leading democratic through much of the cycle. It is no doubt a mustwin on trump teams road map to victory and now it no longer leans democratic, it is now a tossup state. Ill tell you the big picture on that in just a moment. It is crucial to his victory and one of the biggest battlegrounds in all of this election. The clinton team has called this the check mate state but it leans their way no longer. North carolina, from the fox news brain room, is now a tossup. Analysts say if clinton does win there she could block any path for trump to win the white house without slipping a lot of blue states and that is why they call it the check mate state. The Decision Team has shifted arizona, iowa and utah arizona, iowa and utah, from tossup to lead republican. Leaning republican. Not solid republican, but leaning. And nevada from tossup, here you go, from nevada to tossup to leading democrat. That is a big move. And a lot of that has to do out in the state of nevada with the six electoral votes. A lot of that has to do with the hispanic vote in that state. Well get to the details. So four changes in Donald Trumps favor. One in the favor of Hillary Clinton. The scoreboard shows, and this is the most important set of numbers, way up there at the top, so tall i cant even reach it, secretary clinton at 274, either lean democrat or solid democrat. Donald trump at 215, either lean republican or solid republican. With tossup at 49. What do you need to win the presidency . 270. So if everything holds with the leans and the solids, shes the president. Of course, you decide. The score card shows clinton still has the advantage in terms of electoral votes but it is much closer today than two days ago and much closer then than it was three days before that. If there is movement in one direction it is toward donald trump. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Donald trump today rallying supporters in the state of North Carolina. That is part of his jampacked Campaign Schedule the day before the election. North carolina is one of five major battleground states that the republican nominee is touring today. He also has a column in usa today making a lastminute pitch to voters. He promised to, quote, drain the swamp of corruption in d. C. , writing, and i quote, we must fix a rigged system in which political insiders can break the law without consequence. And where government officials put special interests above the national interests. With all of that and one day to go, we have team fox coverage. Carl cameron in manchester, New Hampshire this afternoon and where donald trump is set to hold a rally with mike pence later tonight. Carl, each one of these states that trump is hitting today is critical. Reporter that is right, shep. And it is hard to think about taking the romney election of 2012 and the red states that he created and protect those and that gives him to 206 electoral votes and he need 270 and in order to do that he needs to flip democratic states. And they need to be big ones. Trump started in florida. It is a must win. He has to flip that state and keep all of the Romney States and then he is in striking distance. The next state he went to today, North Carolina, that is a red state. That is one that mitt romney won. He has to defend that. He cant lose it. From there he goes to pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has been among the battleground states pretty reliably democrat in the last few elections and Hillary Clinton has had a bit on the edge of the polls there. That is a toss up. Trump goes there next. From pennsylvania he comes to New Hampshire. New hampshire is a blue state but also the first place where he won his primary. Winning the New Hampshire prime is something that the rest of the folks who may not have voted in the primary will recognize trump is very popular here. Cory lewandowski is from windham and this a blue state he could flip, and tonight for what will probably be a michigan midnight rally, you have a blue state that has been predominantly democrat in the last 30 years and if he could flip that and the polls suggest he is closing in tightly on Hillary Clinton who had an advantage there for the last couple of weeks, but only a small one, all of the states are within the margin of error. People say they are up one or two points and that is a margin race, shep, but when you see thousands of polls over the last couple of years where it is between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, always very closely within the margin, you begin to realize that one or two points may be enough for any one of them to win any one of the states, even though we cant tell you that statistically because of the polls. If every vote ever mattered, it is now. Carl cameron, good luck and thank you. It looks like donald trump may need to sweep every Battle Ground state to reach 270 votes tomorrow and has to flip some is blue states, at least one. Our republican strategist tells the wall street that trump has to quote, run the table. Analysts say he will need to flip a democraticleaning state because if you look at the big board, with all of the electoral votes up there, if you look at that, clinton has 274 in the lean republican or solid republican. So something has to flip. Its math. And something has to flip. From light blue or blue, over into yellow and then into some shade of red. The billionaire has said he has a shot to do that in michigan. And a shot to do that in pennsylvania. States that havent voted republican in decades but he would have to make it happen. The polls there show he is still behind Hillary Clinton, but the polls have been wrong in the past. And hes only down by Single Digits in each of the states. So lets hear from john busy, a journalist, from the wall street jurm. T the changes are significant. They are. Lawa meckler has that story in todays wall street journal. He has no run not win not North Carolina, which fox has moved in a shade of red, but ohio moved to tossup, but nonetheless. Right, to toss up. Ohio, florida, plus, as you were pointed out, a state that has traditionally go blue, gone democrat, such as michigan. Notably they are pounding away at New Hampshire and pennsylvania. Both of them are in those states today. Clinton and trump. One reason is not only are they they are very various shades of tossup. They are leaning but still just leaning and they both hope to get them but neither state has early voting. They have to go to the polls. Weve seen 40 million americans all vote and some before the latest fbi news exonerating clinton on her emails, yesterday, on sunday. So they made their decisions before that news came out. Those two states have not yet. And you are seeing them pound away there. Which of these do you see with the greatest possibility for a flip . Well, i mean, hes hoping michigan is that is that state. Hes there again today. There is a clinton lead is a narrow one. Most of the leads are narrow ones. That is why this is still a pretty tight race. You notice that hes not going out to nevada. Why is that . It is a long shlep to get out there to begin with. But hes not putting nevada on his schedule today in part because of the early voting there was one of the notable moments of this campaign season. A very large hispanic turnout in nevada, in clark county. The harry reid machinery in nevada turning out the vote. And that now that was tossupish, and it has now gone to a shade of blue. So well watch as that hispanic turnout moves through some of the other Battle Ground states, notably florida, some in North Carolina as well, if that emerges as as big of a factor in nevada, you might see it less of a shade of pink and more of a tossup than we are expecting. So you are saying that this thing really, in the last minutes, it really could go either way. For some states for sure. And you know what hes counting on also is something we cant calculate. A lot of the early voting calculations that say the democrats are doing better in some states and republicans in others, we dont know what the cross over vote is going to be. People who have registered as democrats but for whatever political reason, they want to vote trump or republicans voting clinton, but i would say if his strength has been in the white male, noncollege educated voter, that there is a lot of those that have gone democrat that could easily go trump. Well be with you all night tomorrow night on the fox broadcast network. My team and i, plus all of the guests will be with you depending on where you are in the country, all in prime time and late into the night on the mox broadcast network, where you get football and Chris Wallace on sunday mornings and well have you tomorrow night for more hours than you could stomach. I hope you are with us. Ahead the poll of the state of the race, including what voters say about which candidate has what it takes for landing the top job in all of the land. If your friends are telling you, this thing is done, your vote is not going to matter, your friends are wrong. Your vote matters in america. If you are not positive where you could vote, you know what you could do this, this is so easy, could you google where i do vote. Just google that and hit send and then it will ask you for your address, not your exact address, just your address and you put it in there and it will tell you exactly where you vote. And not only that, exactly who is on your ballot. Who is on my ballot. So you could plan in advance. What if there is somebody you are not sure and didnt study for that as somebody said on Late Night Television last night, the advice is good. See your ballot right there online. Just google it. Well be right back. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Ii could stand in the middle of a5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f a themselves. You know you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this, i dont know, i dont remember. Hes going like i dont remember. all finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way. I think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. Painter you want this color over the whole house . Im lea gabriel with the fox report and more of todays headlines twox people have died after a tornado and heavy rain slammed central italy. The twister hitting about 35 miles from rome and strong storms causing floods and damaging buildings already weakened by recent earthquakes. Search crews have found a second body on the property in South Carolina days after finding a woman there chained up alive. The woman and her boyfriend went missing in august. Authorities found this corpse on friday. Investigators say the Property Owner also confessed to four separate murders from 2003. The fbi and Homeland Security are helping investigate. And janet reno, the first woman to serve as u. S. Attorney general has died. She served during the most divisive moments of the 90s and authorized the 1993 raid on the branch dividan compound in waco texas that left dozens dead and allowed a woman to be seized from her family. She was 78 years old. News continues right after this. [accountant] my job is to manage and grow businesses. And ive never seen a rocket ship take off like this. [owner] im lindsey. Im the founder of ezpz. My accountant. Hes almost like my dad in this weird way. Yeah, im proud of you. You actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day laughs . [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] ive been able to say, okay. Heres the challenges youre going to have. And we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. And what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at quickbooks. Com we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. The trump and Clinton Campaigns are reacting to the fbi director jame combys announcement that the agency will not bring charges against Hillary Clinton for using a private email server as secretary of state, so she is completely off the hook again. The director said they found nothing to change the earlier decision after reviewing newly discovered emails and in a letter to congress or leaders there he said he felt he had to update lawmakers after testifying over the summer that the investigation was essentially done. Critics on both sides of the political aisle have blasted the move and acoupled the director accused the director of going against the Justice Policy of not interfering with president ial elections. Here is what robbie mook told abc news this morning. It was bizarre that he sent the first letter saying that he had some information. We were glad obviously this was resolved. I dont understand why he couldnt have just looked into the matter and resolved it and not created such a ruckus in the campaign. But were just glad that in this last day hillary could get back out on the road and celebrate the historic turnout weve seen across the country and talk about the vision she has for our country. Rooby mook from team clinton. And trump praised comey when he announced the additional email review. Now the republican nominee is calling for supporters to deliver justice at the ballot box. Here is what his campaign manager, Kelly Anne Conway told abc news this morning. This is the kind of fbi investigation and i just some dismays that democrats attacked him a week ago and he was a hero before that. You were attacking him before that. He came out under oath and said Hillary Clinton was reckless and careless she should not have set up the illegal server and the email server and lied about the number of devices she had and she said one and jim comey said it turns out about 13 and she lied about having classified information. The hillary camp,shows that e is tightening after the director announced the new review, if you will. But a fox news poll shows that the secretary has expanded her lead against trump nationally. Against the National Number mythical National Number, as we have individual state elections but nevertheless the survey has him beating her 48 to 45 in a national election. And henry is live in washington. What is the white house reaction from the director comey. When you show the back and forth and people flipflopping, one of the only consistent people is josh earnest. A couple of weeks ago when they were mad at comby for what they thought was interference in the election and he said look, he is a man of character and we wont criticize or defend the decision to get involved. And earnest may have felt vindicated as the president headed to michigan to campaign for Hillary Clinton and they said the white house was not informed in advance of directors comeys decision to send the letter yesterday and the president believed those are best left to those at the department of just ace and the fbi that have the responsibility to set aside perm views and foeblg us on the focus on the fact of the investigation. And adding that the president is confident that comey is not using this for a particular party. And they said the director marches to his own drummer and made an independent decision in july to not recommend prosecution for Hillary Clinton and he informed congress that he got new information and once he learned there was nothing new and he made that clear to clear clinton. And so is mailpalooza over. It is over on the email server but they will still press comey. Senator feinstein is sending a letter saying it makes his actions nine days ago even more troubling. There is no doubt she said it created a false impression about the nature of the agencys inquiry. And look at Jason Chaffetz who said clinton will face more investigation. Watch. I dont know that it is terribly surprising that they came to the same conclusion, that Hillary Clinton was so careless with classified information, this mess that she created. I dont know that that is terribly surprising. I was actually more surprised ten days ago to announce they were looking at new information. But i still have a lot of questions. People like trey gowdy and jim jordan and i, were going to keep after this until we get to the truth. We dont have it yet. So this chapter of the fbi probe is over but republicans on the hill are saying if Hillary Clinton is elected, there is a whole bunch of new investigations. 104, ed. Thank you. Lets bring in both sides. Morgan and former state Department Press officer, and also the national cochair of maverick pac focused on getting Young Professionals into politics. Jabu marine is a current Fox News Contributor and comes to us from the lift. More investigations. I wonder is the nation up for that . What do you think . I am just shocked at how divided we are. And it is just on both sides we see just the disgust with washington. In july the democrats were saying that comey was the best thing that ever happened to the fbi. On friday trump trump was saying that comey is the best director everybody on both sides are upset. And now on sunday everybody is back mad again. Everyone is upset that he asserted himself and i heard from both republicans and democrats, he said we have something we have to look at. Which made everybody think, because one would, the fbi director is going to come in with something. He has to have seen something. This cant be duplicates and some personals. So now it is duplicates and personals. So im not faulting him, im saying that is unusual and never happened before and both republicans and democrats acknowledge, this is this is unusual. He didnt have a subpoena for the emails when he sent the letter. This is the third time in six months that hes injected himself in a national election. And dont think this is good for the American People. It is not good for either party. We need to be able to have faith in our institutions. And frankly i think that he was put in this position where Loretta Lynch decided to get on a private plane with bill clinton while Hillary Clinton was under investigation. You could take this back to something. Im sure adam and eve are involved at some point. He was put in this position because he understands the types of leaks happening at the fbi. This is true. But this absolutely begs the question of, if they could get through the emails in a week, why didnt they get through the emails before he sent out a letter that was so confusing and so misleading. Well we know why it took them this long, now. Because they ran a whole bunch through a dupe processor. Which are duplicates and which ones have we already red and then down to the read and then down to the series and directory said a series of personal mails they had to go back through the right channels because everything has a channel and send it and bring it back and go were clear and that is the reason it took this long. Otherwise it could have been done like this. Veteranly two days before a national election. Thankfully it wasnt after and hanging ouver our heads because people wants to know, do you want to bring it down or let it fly. He raised the false flag and the Clinton Campaign knew there was nothing that was anything there. They knew there was nothing there. There was no beef. But i think ultimately this deprives the American People of both candidates going in these last few days with a positive message. With whatever the message was. Talking about how to bring each other together. It should deprive donald trump of his last closing statements about the Conspiracy Theory and innuendo he is pushing but we wont see that happening because he is still up with the commercials so they are just based on lies and conspiracy theories that the director has come out and said, this doesnt exist. We have no time because trump ate up the top of the hour. But in general, how are you feeling . I think it is going to be a strong and close night for republicans. Listen, i was one of those republicans in the primary that wrote off donald trump. And every democrat is doing that today. You do that at your own peril. In general, how are you feeling . Im feeling good. There are a million volunteers for the Hillary Campaign in this next 24 hours. A million . One Million People. They contacted 14 Million People through knocking on doors and making phone calls over this weekend. That is unprecedented. That is how you win a campaign. You prepare for it. And like my mom always said, there is no such thing as luck. It is when preparation meets opportunity. Donald trump looks at preparation with disdain. I dont think the American People are on board with the president who doesnt cross the ts and dot the is. And that is Political Science and that is what the smart smarties have been saying on Television Forever and on your editorial tv, g. O. T. , get out the vote and one candidate said that is what were going to two and were going to organize and get ready and were have get out of the vote and the other candidate said this is a movement and i have a message resonate ago Cross America and you smarty smarties on television, you are not in touch with america and im right and youre wrong. Go tv, no, movement and message, yes. Were going to learn tomorrow. And it is not that the Republican Party is without we have it in the senate two different priorities. Yes. All right. Well be right back. I work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready so how late are they going to campaign . Hillary clinton is planning to campaign past midnight tonight. But before voters head to the polls. Because once they head to the polls, you dont campaign any more. Secretary clinton wrote an op ed for the u. S. Today and she made her case saying in part, quote, there is so much more we need to do together and we certainly wont get it all done in the first 100 days but were going to roll up our sleeves an get to work for the American Families and ill never, ever quit. Jennifer griffin live in philadelphia where secretary clinton is holding a megarally tonight. This megarally, we havent seen anything quite like this in the cycle with all of the heavy hitters on one stage that i remember. Absolutely. It will be president and mrs. Obama and bruce springsteen, jon bon jovi and hillary and bill and chelsea clinton. Here at Independence Hall where they signed the constitution and it is a symbolic back drop and the campaign feeling good about where they are stand in the wake of comeys letter yesterday and they are not taking any chances and talking about the letter. They want Hillary Clinton to make her closing arguments. We dont have to accept a dark and divisive vision for america. Tomorrow, you can vote. For a hopeful, inclusive and bighearted america. And our core values are being tested in this election. There is a lot of talk about how to heal the nation and heal the divide. We are reaching out across the aisle already even though people havent even voted yet. Tonight they will air a 2minute video of her addressing the electorate directly during the voice and she will talk directly to the American People as well as to many women who they expect to turn out in large numbers in this campaign. Jennifer, big focus on michigan today. Something that if we back the dvr back two weeks, you never could have convinced me they would have to do or would be doing i just wouldnt have guessed it. Would you . Reporter no. It is the most unusual place to stop a campaign and it was clear that president obama also felt like it was a strange place to be sending him on the last day his last day of campaigning. He addressed students in ann arbor earlier today. Who you are, what you are, doesnt change once you move into the oval office. It only gets magnified, a spotlight is put on you. It is like an ekg for your character. If you denegrade minorities before you take office, then you will denegrade minorities after you take office. Why michigan in there is a large working class vote that trump has done well and the latino vote that is counter balancing the vote against africanamerican. So they are not taking any chances and they dont want to take a chance of trump flipping this rust belt state and that is why you are seeing not only president obama but Hillary Clinton is there as we speak. Back to you. Great to see you. Thank you. There is much more ahead from the final fox news poll before election day. New data on key groups that could have a huge impact on the results tomorrow. That is coming up. And have you seen what is happening on wall street . The dow up now exactly 2 or right at it. The nasdaq up more than 2 and the s p 500 up more than 2 . What is this all about . That is coming. Stay with us. Whats it like to be in good hands . Like finding new ways to be taken care of. Home, car, Life Insurance obviously, ohhh. But with added touches you cant get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. Or safe driving bonus checks. Even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee in means Protection Plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. Its good to be in, good hands. Seven minutes before the hour and fox news poll show both candidates still have their issues. According to the final numbers onethird of likely voters say each candidate is honest and trustworthy. Onethird. And two third say the next president is not honest and not trustworthy. The democratic nominee doing much better when it comes to which candidate has the temperament to be president. 60 say yes for clinton and about the same amount say no for trump. And Trace Gallagher here in studio preparing for the Election Night coverage on the fox and what is happening group to top. At the top of the show you said Hillary Clinton has four point lead head to head in and in a race and in women shes up by 12 points. Not as well as democratic experts have hoped for and not as well as a lot of pundits were hoping that she would do with women but still shes up by 12. When it comes to black motor, she is voters she is dominating. Up by 85 . Which is about where president obama was in 2012. What is surprising, if you go back and look at hispanic voters she is still dominated by 33 points. But this is disappointing because it is not as well as president obama did back in 2012. And when you look at the wall, that donald trump talked about and the mass deportations, shes not doing as well as expected. Trump on the flip side, not doing well with hispanics at all. But it is interesting that hes doing better than mitt romney did in 2012. For trump it is all about white voters. Hes doing well with them and evangelicals and those with College Degrees and a 7 lead with white voters and mitt romney has the same lead and they say trump needs to be at 20 to move the needle on this. What about independents. That is interesting because if you look at just the flatout numbers, donald trump is still leading. 42 and Hillary Clinton has 32 there. 36 . 36 . I apologize. And if you go back two weeks, this is precomey and all of the fbi announcements and Hillary Clinton is at 28 so in the past two weeks donald trump has picked up one point on independents and Hillary Clinton has picked up eight points there. She has some lead there. And you and john busy talked about the cross over and you have republicans breaking toward Hillary Clinton by 9 and only 4 of democrats voting for trump, though we should know that Trump Supporters are still more loyal, like 68 are are only about 61 for democrats. 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Vote on the issues that matter to you. We are going to win the great state of florida and we are going to take back the white house. All right. They are talking up on their final day. They have a chance to talk to you. Welcome, im neil cavuto and this is your world and were ticking down the final moments before americans get the a chance to put their stamp on thing even though 40 million have voted early. The rest of them get their chance tomorrow. Lets take a look at how wall street is playing this. Already

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