Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2015

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150114 23:00:00

further. >> i care about what you think but not what you think about me. >> i am the opposite. i don't care what you think. what do you think about me? >> "special report" is next. i'm bret baier in washington. breaking late this afternoon the fbi revealed a plot by a suspected isis terrorist on the u.s. capitol. that is the latest in a number of high profile terrorism stories we are covering for you tonight. i will speak with the french ambassador to the u.s. about paris and his country's war against radical islam in a moment. first chief intelligence correspondent is live with the latest. >> seven page criminal complaint accuses a cincinnati, ohio man of pledging his support for isis online and actively plotting to wage -- in the fall of 2014 the
fbi says christopher cornell revealed revealed -- he is accused of viewing propaganda videos as well as researching his target in the construction of pipe bombs. he was charged with a quote at u.s. officer and the possession of a fire arm in furtherance of an attempted crime of violence. the court documents say he was inspired by the american cleric who was in charge of al qaeda in yemen's plot against the west. according to court documents stated i believe we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything. we already got a thumbs up from the brothers over there. an 11-minute video was released today. the state department told
reporters there is no reason to doubt the state's authen tisity adding the style is consistent with the terror group. when pressed on the paris massacre where the kouachi brothers said they were sent by al qaeda in yemen the adding it is not decimated or on the run as president obama husband consistently emphasized. >> clearly remains a threat as we have talked about. isis is a different kind of threat as we have also talked about which is why we are going after them in iraq and syria. >> an official emphasized that the ohio suspect was never in a position to execute his plot on the capitol. france meantime is making moves against islamic extremists. francois hollande is sending an aircraft carrier to the middle
east. the french government ordered a crack down on hate speech already rounding up several dozen people on related charges. "charlie hebdo's" first issue since the attack sold out before dawn. another print run of 2 million more copies is planned. let's bring in the french ambassador to the u.s. thank you so much. >> good evening. >> let's start with the latest on this investigation. there is apparently a new suspect who has been identified an accomplice. >> it is obvious that the two killers were supported by a network. we have to dismantle the network. we have first identify one member of the network and secondly we know now from where the weapons are coming. apparently in the neighborhood where there is a lot of
trafficking. now weapons are -- you have a lot which are that you can buy. >> the video we saw today was al qaeda and the arabian peninsula taking credit for this attack. we know that both of the brothers the kouachi brothers travelled out of the country to yemen and there was some kind of coordination according to intelligence officials. what do you know about the tie to al qaeda? that is one of the big questions that we have to answer because there are two main possibilities. one is that al qaeda is the sponsor. do and kill these guys. the other one would be that al qaeda is the operational commander of the operation. it makes a lot of difference. if we discover that al qaeda can organize such an attack of
course it will be very serious. it may be the case because the attack was very professional. it was not the way we were expecting. they behave as a military command. it is worrying so the investigation is conducted precisely. >> we have another person being named here. there are other people being looked for. >> of course. >> tied to this cell. >> yeah. it's a network. now we have to look for the people. some names are floating around. we know the wife of the killer of the shop decided to go to syria the day before the attack and she was with somebody that we have identified and which is linked also.
>> the world has obviously reacted to these attacks. i want you to take a listen to the turkish president and his comments and how he reacted. >> translator: the hypocrisy of the west is obvious. as muslims we never stood up for terrorism or massacres. racism hatred lies beneath the. >> your reaction to that? >> i don't -- i'm only an ambassador. i don't react to a president. what i want to say is as the prime minister said we are at war with radical islam. it means that right now that islam and in a sense muslims but islam is breeding [ inaudible ] which is quite dangerous for everybody.
i think in the coming weeks or coming months we have to define the global strategy. the part of the strategy is to work with the muslim countries, to do that part of the job. >> are you surprised by the reluctance of the obama administration to use the word radical islam? >> everybody has its own sensitivity. really that is the political life in the u.s. it's not the same thing as the political life in france. the fact is in france we have know an attack which was really an attack by islamists. it was not only an attack by islamists but an attack by western venues. that led our government to define the war and say now it's clear what we have. on one side islamists and on the other side democracy. >> i have heard you and other french officials deal with the unity march and the lack of a high profile official.
i want to ask you about the challenges uniquely to france with some 6 million muslims and this question about assimilation and what is happening in your country and the challenge that that involves. >> well, again first in a sense it is not only a french challenge. why the french in a sense are on the forefront because we are the first community out of the u.s. and first muslim community. that is the reason in a sense why we are the first. i think it was yesterday or a few days ago the head said an attack against london is i quote highly likely. we are all of us we have the same problem. it's not because you are in a society that you become a
killer. the fact is that there is the fact of radical islam. that is not the same. one may be the breeding ground for the other. >> we appreciate your time today. >> thank you very much. the reach and strength of islamic militants and terrorists grows by the day. even though one powerful force in terror hasn't grabbed headlines lately it grabbed a lot of ground. jennifer griffin reminds us of the grave threat by boko haram. >> reporter: the head of boko haram tried to retake the spot light praising the attack in france in a new video. the terrorists kidnapped 200 christian school girls last april prompting a twitter campaign for their release. it has been on the move capturing 12 tons. they control more territory than isis. >> president obama has been able to draw forces into the iraq and syrian region to be able to
confront isis. boko haram and its spread in northern nigeria across the northern part of the continent of africa is equally a threat. >> reporter: slaughtered up to 2,000 people last week after capturing a base causing some to ask why after i am charlie the world is not saying i am baga. >> we essentially are in boko haram's backyard. we have a lot of americans who live there and teach there and have the families there. and so you cannot just leave us stranded like that. >> reporter: competing for attention with isis and al qaeda, boko haram recently sent a 10-year-old female suicide bomber into a market place killing 16 people. >> we haven't seen boko haram's focus beyond the region. >> it starts regional and like a
cancer it spreads. >> reporter: the nigerian government cancelled a u.s. terrorism training program last month and senior u.s. officials confirmed it has not asked for u.s. drones to take off in search for the girls in some time. up next republicans make the case against president obama's immigration plan while national security hangs in the balance. k fox 14 in el paso covering a deadly crash in west texas. eight inmates died after a bus carrying state prisoners lost control in icy conditions and collided with a freight train. two climbers closing in on the top of the peak in yosemite national park. the pair started the climb two days after christmas and have been climbing without the use of harnesses and ropes.
this is a live look at phoenix from our affiliates. the big story there tonight the secret testimony of jodi ariousas. she was convicted last year for the 2008 death of travis alander. a new jury is deciding on life in prison or the death penalty. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ying ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. [ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® nexium® 24hr. it's the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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republicans today cleared the first and easiest hurdle in stopping president obama's executive moves on immigration. lawmakers are heavily divided on whether or not president obama should veto the bill if it reaches his desk. everyone seems to think their opponent's position would jeopardize american safety. chief congressional
correspondent with that story on capitol hill tonight. >> the yeas are 236 and the nays are 191. >> reporter: defiant house lawmakers passed a $39.7 billion homeland security funding package loaded with amendments designed to stop president obama's executive action on immigration. >> we are dealing with a president who has ignored the people ignored the constitution and even his own past statements. >> reporter: boehner rattled off nearly two dozen examples of the president's words saying he had the authority. republican argued this is not partisan. >> this is a fight over whether this branch of government will ever find the courage to stand up for itself. >> reporter: a new poll reveals voters are more than twice as likely to think the republican congress will win most often than the president. democrats who pushed the president to act last year warned republicans will pay a heavy price.
>> the fruits of your action today will cause only anger and outrage and mobilization of an immigrant community throughout this nation. >> reporter: the house measure would halt the administration's efforts to stop deportations of millions of illegal immigrants. democrat claimed the amendments were inconsistent with american values. >> young people, we have dreams for you. we dream of the great things you are going to do helping to make america a greater country. >> reporter: 26 republicans voted against the proposal to end mr. obama's deferred action for childhood arrivals program protecting so-called dreamers. says it is a magnet drawing children here and defended her amendments. >> is it radical to support the rule of law? is it radical to fight for american workers who are going to lose their jobs to illegal
aliens? >> reporter: with some democrats arguing taking on the fight is dangerous some say the commander in chief shouldn't veto. >> he will have a choice whether his unlawful executive amnesty is more important than keeping americans safe. i think that would be a grave mistake. >> first gop leaders must figure out what can get through the senate. republicans are the majority party but they need 60 to pass the bill. >> thanks. stocks fell across the board today. the dow slumped 187. the s&p 500 was off 12. the nasdaq finished 22 behind. change is afoot at the embattled secret service. fox news confirms four high ranking executives in the agency have been reassigned. this is the biggest shakeup since former director julia pearson was forced to resign last year after a fence jumper with a knife got into the white house. breaking news on 2016. who is in and who is out?
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regulation seems to be the order of the day. we will look at how the president is dealing with the internet in just a moment. first here is chief white house correspondent ed henry on the administration's moves on methane. >> reporter: after pledging to cooperate with republican leaders president obama picked another battle revealing plans at new regulations. >> i only have two years in office left i'm kind of in a
rush. >> reporter: such a rush that top industry officials charge the move to cut emissions of methane by up to 45% by 2025 is unrealistic and will hammer a recovering economy. >> it has a chilling effect on our ability to produce the oil and natural gas that we need in this country. what they have done today is said we are not interested in cleaning the air. we are interested in regulation for the sake of regulation. >> reporter: officials at the environmental defense fund released this video to show that methane has a huge impact on the environment because its 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide. >> addressing the issue of climate change but this also represents waste. the fact of the matt aer is the industry today emits enough gas to heat 6 million homes a year. taking action to reduce these leaks will help save energy for the american economy. >> reporter: industry officials note that voluntary standards
they had already adopted were bringing carbon emissions down by 17% without the president's intervention. >> another kind of one size fits all regulation that is going to have an impact on one of the most innovative industries int country. >> reporter: the new regulations to be fleshed out will be hitting an oil industry dealing with the fact that while plummeting gasoline prices are welcome news for the public. >> the consumer will have more income in the pocket. retail spending may be on oughtautos or eating out. it is a net positive for the u.s. >> reporter: folks are talking about shutting down rigs and possibly cutting jobs. >> we have been running four rigs most of 2014. we have already dropped one down to three and we will be in the process in late february early march and will go two. >> environmental defense fund told me a lot of the emission reduction from industry came
because of previous regulations. he hopes the new rounds of regulations will spark more emission cuts and making the industries more efficient. >> thank you. what if any, control should the u.s. government have over the internet? depending who you ask net neutrality is a way to protect folks from companies or a slew of unnecessary regulations that hurt competition and ultimately consumers. correspondent doug mcelway breaks it all down. >> reporter: greeted by protesters one with a sign that said no more executive actions the president came to cedar falls utilities to tout his latest. this utility is one of a handful to provide high speed internet free of tiered pricing and blocked content. it is a model for the president's national plan. >> in too many places across america some big companies are doing everything they can to keep out competitors. today in 19 states we have laws
on the books that stamp out competition and make it really difficult for communities to provide their own broad band. >> reporter: federal communications commissioner supports net nutrality despite one cost estimate of $15 billion in new state and federal taxes a year. he writes the internet must not advantage some to the detriment of others. it is argued that net nutrality is orwell yn. >> it is anything but neutral. first thing the government wants to do is regulate the cost of the internet by allocating the costs to servers rather than having the free market allocate the cost. >> it is a form of price regulation. history shows that price regulationtypically results either in higher prices or lower quality service. >> reporter: labor may have shrunk but so did prices. the reagan administration
deregulated phone companies resulting in lower prices and more choice. proponents fear a growing monopoly by folks like google. >> if broad band companies become too large we have general laws to take that into account. >> reporter: the s.e.c. is set to vote on a final law by late february. that may spur the republican controlled congress into action. >> needs to get out of the way and let innovation take place. >> reporter: the biggest resistance may come from the american people who have learned the hard way that promises of sweeping new regulations don't always mean lower costs, better choice and better service. >> thank you. up next, the justice department treats a small business trying to get by like hucksteres trying to steal your money.
they say they knew the feds were trouble from the very start.
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harming legitimate businesses. investigators of potential fraudsteres are being investigated.
>> reporter: mike owns the tiny hawkins gun store in northern wisconsin. he banked through his local credit union. >> i received a call from the local credit union and i was told to close my business account. >> reporter: he went in and recorded the bank manager. >> firearms ammunition, auctioner auctioners. >> his business was placed on a high risk list created by a department of justice program. banks and payment processors are told if they keep accounts with businesses on the list they will be subject to heightened scrutiny and increased audits. we located several business owners from pay day lenders to pawnshops who say their accounts
were closed because of operation choke point. says the operation was created to combat fraud but evolved into morality police with bureaucrats subjectively targeting businesses. >> they think if they can cut off legal businesses' ability to bank they can put the businesses they don't like out of business. >> reporter: the department of justice told fox news we do not target businesses operating within the bounds of the law and have no interest in pursuing or discouraging lawful conduct. >> that is a bold faced lie. we have memos that shows they were targeting legal businesses. >> reporter: one memo provided to us seems to show an indifference. consumer protection branch director writes in reference to pay day lenders although we recognize the possibility that banks may have decided to stop doing business with legitimate lenders who do not believe that such decisions should alter our investigative plans.
the u.s. consumer coalition says choke point has intimidated banks into closing thousands of accounts. >> this is one of the greatest abuses of power that the country has never heard of. >> most of the businesses we contacted have been able to find alternative banks. he may be able to return to his local credit union however he found another bank to avoid going out of bz. congressman duffy thinks the auvl bank accounts will only last until investigators krut scrutinize those institutions as well. >> in chicago, thank you. attorney general eric holder announced new revisions to justice department guidelines including the use of subpoenas. holder says the new protocol struck a balance between protecting the american people and allowing the free flow of information. you may remember holder said late last year that his biggest
regret in office was his approval in a national security leak investigation of a secret search warrant application that branded chief washington correspondent rosen a criminal and a flight risk. speaking of our chief washington correspondent james rosen, james takes us through the 2016 tug of war between the establishment candidates and the up and comers. >> reporter: murphy's diner in manchester offers the first of five new hampshire stops for republican senator of rand paul of kentucky with the game club prompting the prospect to switch out his suit jacket for one with greater appeal to gun owners. democrats jumped on these comments about individuals who paul accused of gaining the system. >> over half the people on disability or either anxious or their back hurts.
join the club. i'm not saying there aren't legitimate people who are disabled. if you have able bodied people taking the money there is not enough money left for people who are truly disabled. >> rand paul has yet again proven he is not a new type of republican. he is a leader who wants to help get a fair shot. >> after a common core event helped to contrast with jeb bush, paul called mitt romney the 2012 nominee a good person and good businessman but suggested republicans also look for somebody new. >> the same old same old has been tried. if we try the same thing again we might get the same result. >> reporter: chris christie with strong ties to wall street is reportedly forming a leadership pack, a step towards a presidential run. bush's early action has spurred
about everyone in the crowded field to speed up deliberation. >> do you have a timeline? >> we need to do it soon enough so we can mount a credible campaign. we are getting close. >> reporter: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren the economic populous who many have called on to challenge hillary clinton if the former secretary of state seeks the democratic nomination telling fortune magazine no when asked if she will run for president. >> thank you. up next, the threat of terror with plots at home in europe, the mid east and africa. fox all stars weigh in after the break.
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dangerous affiliate with aq core and that they perpetrated these kinds of attacks. >> for al qaeda is a shell of its former self. we decimated the al qaeda leadership that attacked us on 9/11. >> it continues to be clear that core al qaeda has been decimated. >> the state department saying al qaeda is very active and that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula may be behind this french attack that they are seeing and the cell they are looking for. the plot that we told you at the beginning of the show thwarted by the fbi is described as an isis sympathizer. we will start with fox polls. just new out tonight the threat from islamic extremists is 64% of you say increasing. and is president obama prepared to do whatever it takes to
defeat islamic extremists and there you see he is ticking down on that front. now, let's bring in our panel. senior writer for the weekly standard. opinion writer for the washington post and syndicated columnist. thoughts? >> this parsing of the groups that are getting stronger and not getting stronger, the administration just is always focused on what are called core al qaeda as if you can ignore all of the other elements, all of the other scattered islamist groups around the world. that doesn't wash anymore. it doesn't make any difference. you can call it core al qaeda, but there are core al qaeda operatives in yemen. it is an appendage of core al qaeda. it was by the paris attacks. it is obviously a significant one.
what you have is a competition between isis on one hand and on the other hand al qaeda with its core and affiliates and the fact that we focus on one or the other is beside the point. what is new is the geography of this terrorism. each of these now is developing its own sovereign territory. as we know in iraq and syria. al qaeda is generally in yemen where it is autonomous and boko haram just spilled in out of nigeria. it is also sovereign in the area and they have the small elements in the small no go zones in europe especially in france. that is the new territory of islamism. it is not on the run. it is not hiding. it is out in the open. >> officials say they are not no-go zones but areas where there is high crime and happen
to be all muslim but they refuse the no-go characterization. >> since 2006 where all of the suburbs were flame, the french police do not venture here and people know that it is ruled by either gangsteres or by clerics. >> the administration chuck, is very careful to parse which group is doing what and doing this dividing. they are also careful not to say radical islam. we have been now four days with white house questions about that phrase. you heard the french ambassador say each has to choose as they are saying we are at a war with radical islam. >> why should these last four days be different from the last five or six years in which there has been a concerted effort to characterize the enemy as violent extremism? there is really nothing new there. i would have thought maybe in
the heat of the moment where it is so obvious that these particular perpetrators were islamists and striking back against somebody they thought insulted the prophet. i think we have to give some credit to the administration for one point on this which is the story about yemen. it's not as if they are not doing anything about yemen. yemen is being regularly hammered in these aqap groups by drone strikes. the administration did launch air strikes against isis in syria and so forth and perhaps part of the problem that we are now facing is that those strikes themselves are breeding a kind of back lash that they are using to recruit terrorists against the west. >> you are not suggesting as the president did that yemen and somalia are success stories. >> to the extent he was portraying that as a success. it was a mistake to do so. you can't say no effort is being
made. if we are making effort anywhere that is where it is. >> it is evident to a lot of people that this is al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. they are taking credit for it in a new video but al qaeda core in yemen seems to have this umbrella operation that continues to be spreading around europe and all over. >> this is largely a false distinction and has been for quite some time. the president and his administration like to talk about al qaeda core because they don't want to have to address the threats. they have ended the war on terror. if there is a network of al qaeda and al qaeda affiliates dedicated to killing civilians world wide then a war on that network is not only appropriate but it's the only responsible thing to do. the war is over. the president is not prosecuting that war. if, on the other hand, we are seeing a series of lone wolves and having intelligence officials backgrounding
reporters today saying what happened in paris were lone wolves. >> which is what the ambszder said is not true. >> by definition if there are two they are not lone wolves. beyond that we have an abundance of evidence that al qaeda in yemen was at least involved. whether they helped sponsor them or had command and control we may not know but eric holder on sunday distanced the administration from any intelligence so we have no evidence suggesting al qaeda in the arabian peninsula was behind the attacks. it reminded me of the president three days after it was admitted to the fbi that he had been sent by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula the president said he was an isolated extremist. he wasn't. the administration can sort of maintain the false narrative that this isn't a war and doesn't need to be a war. but it does need to be a war. right now it is a war that we
are losing. >> we will continue this discussion on the other side of the break. ♪ stouffer's mac and cheese with real aged cheddar now in a convenient cup. new stouffer's mac cups. made for you to love. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get . test test. test test. test test. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today!
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the mission that is starting is also an answer to terrorism. we are at war with them, so we must put military means that are more adapted in the face of the threats. >> i'm describing to you the reasons why we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn't seem to accurately described what had happened. we also don't want to be in a situation where we are legitimizing what we consider to be a completely illegitimate justification for this violence. >> continuing our discussion about terrorism, what the administration is doing on
it, about it, there is number five is the fox poll obama on terrorism. president obama on terrorism, what the new fox poll shows is that he stands at 39% approval. 53% disapproval. and there you can see the record low and the record high of those two. we're back with the panel. steve? >> i think the problem when you have day after day have you administration officials dancing around using this term radical islam or islamist is it suggests both to people here and to people fighting alongside of us or who would be fighting alongside of us if we were fighting more of a war that he we don't really know who we are fighting and that we're not that dedicated to actually winning the battle. i think it's dangerous because not only sends the message to the people who are on our side but more importantly, it sends that message to the people on the other side. and the administration makes these distinctions sometimes they are distinctions without a difference. as in the statements from nasa are a al nasary made
the statements peninsula. no question is he a member of al qaeda core. so you have, again, the administration making this distinction when al qaeda itself doesn't make the same distinction. >> what about the french here. french president out on the aircraft carrier charles deploying that aircraft carrier to the middle east to step up air strikes against isis saying it's a war against radical islam and kind of leading the way here. >> yeah, it's kind of ironic reversal in a way. he is paving a little bit like george w. bush after september 11th, 2001. there is obvious reason for that is that france just got hit and they just got hit very hard. they got hit in a way that talents to divide their whole society and they have gotten a wakeup call. they do have of all the european country probably probably the largest capability to project force like that, i think he would be under terrible political pressure if he didn't react this way. i want to say something about this word game that the administration is
playing. you can say that it muddles the picture of who we are fighting and so forth but you have to acknowledge at some level this is a tough circle to square. we need the support of muslim countries in this war on terrorism. there has to be some effort made to distinguish between the so to speak friendly forces in the muslim world and those who we are opposed to. george w. bush did the same thing. he may not have, you know gone to the length of denying that this is islamist terrorism all together, but he went to great lengths to distinguish. >> he used the phrase radical islam. >> i'm just saying that that's what -- that is the legitimate intention behind what they are doing. >> you conceive -- concede it is verbal gymnastics? >> it's a silly intention. the entire world knows there is a difference between islam and radical islam and particularly the moderate muslims. >> that's not erdwan says.
>> the uae uses the word radical islam. egypt, you would admit is a majority muslim country industry, 90% muslim. its president stood up and gave a speech on january the 1st to an audience of clerics in which he said we have to reform islam. this is coming out of islam. it is a joke what the administration is doing because everybody understands that you use a phrase radical islam you are not indicting all of islam. you know ba la persist this absurd word game. >> if everybody know what is it is what's the advantage of actually saying it, if everybody knows it's radical islam what difference does it make if he says it. >> everybody understands that we distinguish between a radical islam ministry islam and islam but if you as because you are afraid that there will be people who don't understand that you don't say radical islam. you say we are fi violent extremism, what does
that mean? it means nothing. >> we will continue this discussion in the online show. that's it for the panel. but speaking of which, stay tuned to find out what happens when the panel stop being polite but the cameras are still rolling. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
if you haven't been there before, here is what you have missed recently. let me take advantage of "special report" online. >> yes please. don't drop an f bomb or something. >> no, no, no. >> you can spare a couple minutes for you. >> for you and others, of course. >> outnourished. [ laughter ] >> you are one lucky guy. >> i have got to tell you something, you are right on this. >> again, 7 says what ms did juan start taking? did charles prescribe them?

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Hobby , Technician , Fixture , Badge , Medal , Award , Crest , Ford Five Hundred , Computer Monitor , Exercise Machine , Gambling , Poker , General Aviation , Water Transportation , Naval Architecture , Motor Ship , Boating , Speedboat , Cruise Ship , Fur Clothing , Baseball Umpire , Softball , Coach , Club , Fashion Design , Carnival , Tradition , Dance , Palm Tree , Arecales , Costume , Tropics , Beach , Caribbean , Attalea Speciosa , Coast , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Date Palm , Elaeis , Bay , Borassus Flabellifer , Wave , Resort , Island , Lagoon , Parasailing , Toy , Marketplace , Bazaar , Swing , Grove , Birch Family , Transparent Material , Lobby , Goggles , Reflection , Street Stunts , Waterway , River , Evening , Cup , Coffee , Flat White , Latte , Cuban Espresso , Caffeine , Espresso , Ristretto , Caffè Macchiato , Cappuccino , Coffee Cup , Café Au Lait , Ingredient , Cortado , Dish , Tableware , Coffee Milk , Serveware , Instant Coffee , Mechanical Fan , Pet , Canidae , Dog Breed , Dog , Carnivore , Guard Dog , Whippet , Non Sporting Group , Great Dane , Mattress , Comfort , Performing Arts , Acrobatics , Sole , Wrist , Toe , Sleep , Belt , Headphones , Cap , Bedroom , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Pillow , Nap , Mammal , Vertebrate , Elk , Horn , Deer , Reindeer , Wilderness , National Park , Moose , Terrestrial Animal , Bovine , Snout , Cow Goat Family , Fawn , Portable Media Player , Feature Phone , Mobile Phone , Media Player , Remote Control , Portable Communications Device , Birth , Kiss , Tennis , Tennis Court , Ball Game , Racquet Sport , Soft Tennis , Racket , Tennis Player , Racketlon , Rackets , Real Tennis , Sports Training , Tennis Equipment , Boxing Ring , Net Sports , Tennis Racket Accessory , Sports Drink , Archery , Precision Sports , Bow And Arrow , Flatland Bmx , Road Cycling , Road Bicycle Racing , Ten Pin Bowling , Bowling , Bowler , Leisure Centre , Lawn Game , Family , Campus , Brochure , Projection Screen , Carpet , Website , Mansion , Palace , Landscape Lighting , Official Residence , Château , Christmas Lights , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Presidential Palace , Courthouse , Aquarium Lighting , Suzuki , Window Treatment , Junk Food , Flavor , Meal , Snack , Fast Food , Comfort Food , Vegetarian Food , Recipe , Side Dish , Breakfast , Convenience Food , Produce , Instant Noodles , Baking , Dairy , Apple , Popcorn , Pizza , American Food , Brick , Square , Bathroom , Wallpaper , Pasta , Macaroni And Cheese , Italian Food , European Food , Asian Food , Wallet , Paint , Valentines Day , Sweetness , Operating Theater , Medical Procedure , Physician , Dentist , Tooth , Medical Technologist , Nursing , Chef , Cook , Chief Cook , Cooking , Chefs Uniform , Supermarket , Grocery Store , Shopping Cart , Convenience Store , Aisle , Shopping , Customer , Outlet Store , Pharmacy Technician , Pharmacy , Warehouse , Escalator , Animal Shelter , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Gmc , Volvo Xc70 , Chevrolet Hhr , Wetsuit , Giraffe , Giraffidae , Light Commercial Vehicle , Ford , Minibus , Tour Bus Service , City Car , Crossover Suv , Whiteboard , Marines , Pleased , Security , Swat , Water Resources , Body Of Water , Loch , Reservoir , Channel , Inlet , Lighthouse , Lake , Bank , Beacon , Steeple , Lake District , Memorial , National Monument , Unesco World Heritage Site , Spire , Broadcasting , Convention Center , Conference Hall , Outer Space , Nebula , Universe , Glitter , Petal , Embellishment , Fractal Art , Drop , Viola , Violet Family , Lavender , Flowering Plant , Pollen , Lamiales , Fiction , Icing , Cake , Cake Decorating , Buttercream , Plumbing Fixture , Dessert , Ceramic , Linens , Baby Shower , Sofa Bed , Cushion , Throw Pillow , Composite Material , Engineering , Toolroom , Machine Tool , Outdoor Table , Patio , Grandparent , Underpants , Athletic Shoe , Flyer , Sunrise , Dusk , Afterglow , Sunset , Security Lighting , Reading , Author , Daughter , Lap , Mother , Gardening , Home Door , Geranium , Shade , Brickwork , Fireplace , Sock , Slot Machine , Drum , Membranophone ,

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