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Baby wait may soon be over. Palace Officials Say the princess has been in labor at a London Hospital as the frenzy over the royal birth of the baby reaches critical mass. First labors usually take awhile, thats according to the mayo clinic. First time moms are usually in early labor for anywhere from 6 to 12 hours and active labor up to eight. This is where Officials Say staffers are now caring for Kate Middleton in a private wing. They say the first hint that the baby is here will come when a royal aid emerges with a signed bull law 10 on Buckingham Palace letter head. An official is said to deliver the letter head to Buckingham Palace where it will go on display on an easel in front of the building. All sorts of people have been camped outside the hospital waiting for the royal couples first baby. A 78yearold man has been there nearly two weeks sleeping on a bench. That private wing is the same place where princess di gave birth to Prince William and prince harry. You can see here the crowd outside the hospital for williams birth in 1982, thats on the left. On the right hand side compared to the crowd for this royal birth. Lets go to amy kellogg live outside in london. What is the latest . Reporter well a representative of the royal midwifes says the baby will come when it is ready to come. We are looking at the 14th hour of labor for the poor Kate Middleton. We are hoping that this baby will come too. We would love more than anything to give you some news. It is to the point where the press are taking pictures of the colleagues colleagues and interviewing other reporters and anyone who comes wrapped in a union jack with royal memorabilia hanging off his or her arms is bound to be the sound byte of the day. We are getting a little nervous because night is beginning to fall. We know there is a certain cutoff point of the announcement news. If it happens in the middle of the night the queen cant be rowed and we rowed and we wont know until the morning. There is a cutoff p oi nt of 10 30 and you just dont wake her up. Maybe word could sneak out. Anything from the royal family, speaking of them . Prince harry who is about to be bumped from his position as third in line to the thrown is at his military base. We have not heard from him or seen him. The queen is tucked up in Buckingham Palace. Prince charles was in york earlier today and he was approached by i think it was a young child who asked him for the latest news and here is what he had to say. I will see what i can do. Apparently, trace, Prince Charles was door stopped at another function and he said i dont have any word. You guys will get it first. Ofof course we are all camped across the street to the main entrance of the wing. We will have that announcement as soon as we can. Again, we are starting to worry as night falls that this could be something put off until tomorrow. Back to you, trace. Amy kellogg, and we will go back with any breaking news. Even after the announcement of the birth it could be days before we know the babys name. Princess di and Prince Charles waited a full week before sharing Prince Williams name. The royal baby will likely have four names, but none of them last names. Leak Prince William for example like Prince William is illiam Arthur Philip luis. Prince charles is Charles Philip arthur george. And they say the newborns title will be baby cambridge. For more on this we are clearly excited over the birth. Arthur edward has been a royal photographer who has been there a longtime for the british newspaper the sun. He joins us now from london, and everybody is wondering as the couple went into the hospital, everybody missed the shot. How did they get in . It was early, 6 00 in the morning. You know, we have been asked by the palace not to photograph kate going in. Thats the last thing she wanted was to be seen like that going in. None of us would have taken the pictures anyway out of respect for her. You know, it is amazing because we talked about this earlier how you have been doing this for three decades. We know Prince William and prince harry in the 1980s, and you know what it looks like with the crowds. We have put a side by side up. Give us an idea of the frenzy now compared to the frenzy back then. It is incredible now. They are look pop stars. People are out here young people who come down to see them and old people and grannies. They are all here to see if they can see anything. At the moment they are looking at a house, but they want to be looking at the door and see Prince William and his lovely wife kate and their new baby walk out the door. For the moment we will wait and pea patient. It is hot here. It is like saudi arabia and not like london. In there poor kate is going through murder so we have it easy. We heard the temperatures are in like the high 70s which has to be torture in london. My final question i have to ask you is what happens . You have to have been there for three decades and what happens if word leaks out before the formal presentation gets out . Well, i suspect thats very possible. In this age of social media, i think it could get out, and i think there could be a tweet from inside the hospital. Who knows . But it doesnt matter if it comes out officially. Whether the queen hears first or who hears first the whole world wants to know when this baby is born and whether it is a boy or girl. The sooner it comes the better. I dont care if it comes by pigeon, just get the news quickly. Exactly right. Arthur edward, royal photographer for the sun. Arthur, stand by. If you get the word let us know and we will come back to you. Thank you very much. Meantime here at home, our 401k seems to be doing okay even after the u. S. Economy suffered a black eye when detroit filed for bankruptcy last week. Look at the dow hovering just above where it was yesterday. If it finishes in the green it marks the fifth record high this month and its 28th record close this year. What is more . The National Association of real fors reports the median house price of previously owned homes soared to a fiveyear high last month, but that the overall home sales fell after two months of sharp gains. The white house says president obama will address all of these conflicting economic signs in a series of speeches beginning on wednesday. W nee dal is live wendal is live at the white house. Why is the president bringing up the economy now . Congress will take its summer recess next month and when it gets back lawmakers will deal with the budget and raising the debt ceiling. The president may want to reach out to some of the lawmaker constituents to give them questions to ask when they get home. Not exactly on specifics, but on the themes he raised in kansas in 2011 and a speech in 2005 when he was elected to senate about growing the middle class. We plead guilty to the charge that there is a continuity that exists between the speech the president will give at gailsburg on wednesday and his speech in knox college in 2005 and his state of the Union Addresses and his inaugural addresses. Jay carney says the themes are what inspired mr. Obama to run for president in the first place. They will not deny the middle class is not faring as good as it should, but john boehner blames needless regulations out of the obama administration. He says they are making people reluctant to invest in the country. Speaking of the economy, of course, detroit is the big story. The president said in his campaign he wouldnt let detroit go bankrupt. What are you hearing about detroit possibly getting a bailout of some sort . The white house says detroits insolve ven see is between the state of michigan, the city of detroit and the creditors. Jay carney says they will try to help and senior advisors are talking with officials, but there is not much appetite for a bailout. And the detroit mayor is not ready to ask for one. I know the president has a lot on his plate. This is going to add tremendously to that. I want to say we are not the only city that is going to struggle through what we are going through. There are cities having the same problems we are having. We may be one of the first, the largest, but we will absolutely not be the last. Any hint of a bailout likely to drive republicans up the wall. Detroit voted 97 straight democratic in 2012. Trace . Live at the white house, thank you. Police are now charging a man with three murders after a sickening discovery at his home. And now there is word the accused killer might be a copycat. He was fascinated with an infamous serial killer from the cleveland area. We will talk to a criminal profiler, but first we are now hearing that a woman on a rollercoaster voiced concerns about her safety bar to the ride operator. Thats moments before she fell to her death as her children watched. The new details on that are next. A mother plunged to her death from a rollercoaster right in front of her children. Witnesses say she complained her safety bar was not completely secure swrus just as the ride started. It started on friday in arlington on the texas giant which is reportedly 14 stories high. One witness says the victim lifted her arms just as the coaster dropped and thats when she apparently tumbled out of it. Folks say the womans kids were yelling for help when the ride returned. They were screaming when they came back and trying to get out of the restraint screaming my mom my mom shes gone. There is no evidence of foul play and the makers of that ride are now traveling from germany to try to figure out what went wrong. Texas Officials Say the ride had a sticker authorizing its safe use through next february, but it is now closed down until they reinspect it. Since the Texas Department of insurance is not responsible for investigating accidents, the Amusement Park is apparently running its own investigation. With us now, former prosecutor and defense attorney and fox news legal analyst. Good to see you. I have been watching you cover this story today and, wow, horrific. Horrific obviously for the mom. Horrific for the children who witnessed this. You are obviously going to see a flurry of lawsuits which in the best interest of the financial well being of the great adventure six flags, the whole empire, they are going to want to settle as quickly and quietly as possible. The outcries now by the politicians are why isnt there government regulation . Thats what i dont get. If you look at this thing, in california you know they regular lace frisbies they regulate frisbies on the beach. But in texas you can put your child on a rollercoaster going 70 feet down. There is zero im sorry, state regulation. And there is zero federal regulation. Is this prime pickings for lawsuits down there . To some degree it is. This is a bigger conversation really about our society and how much do we want government to be involved versus the natural instinct to profit for capitalism. My industry isnt federally regulated to any degree and every client who came to me got 25 years to life in prison and i will be out of business pretty quickly. If anybody who wept on to this went on to this ride was injured or killed they will be out of business. This is part of a much bigger philosophical discussion of having government in every aspect of our lives or having capitalism. Like you say, should there really be the government involved with frisbies on the beach . Is that really what we should be worried about . It doesnt seem right to me. Thats my point. You look at this whole thing and you say there is no government regulation. Thats fine. Nobody is pushing for more. If you had a kid and you can have children and so do i, but when they get on the ride, these are inspected by Insurance Adjusters that do not take any liability because they are testing them to make sure they dont lose money on them. Is there enough testing for safety purposes . Besides the Insurance Adjusters who would be their Insurance Company they are representing who would be and are on the hook now for the millions or possibly hundreds of millions if you calculate the damage to the children, the psychological damages, there is a selfserving interest there and the industry itself. Trace, you report one more story like this in the next three to four weeks and no one is going to that park. No one is definitely going on that ride and the company closes. They have a selfinterest to make sure everybody is as safe as possible. In my opinion, we dont theyd the government in they dont need the government in every aspect of our lives. We need common sense and to let capitalism play itself out to ensure everybodys safety. Artie, good to see you. Thank you. Police are now taking another look at a tragic limo fire that killed a bride and four of her friends. Thats after the limos driver s wife came forward to say he wasnt paying attention when the deadly fire erupted. Her stunning new claims in what he was actually doing at the time is coming up. Well, a registered sex offender faces murder charges after the bodies of three women turned up over the weekend in plastic trash bags. It is just the latest in a series of disturbing cases involving missing women in the cleveland area. Investigators say they found all three bodies just a few hundred yards apart. One in a garage. One in a backyard. One in the basement of a vacant home. The mayor of cleveland said a serial killer may have influenced this new suspect. They describe him as the worst offender in the history of the county and the state of ohio. A Court Sentenced sowell to death for murdering 11 women, decapitating some and hiding the remains around his home. And then there is ariel castro, the former School Bus Driver last week pleading not guilty to nearly a thousand counts including murder, kidnapping and rape for holding three women captive in his home for nearly a decade. Prosecutors say he beat one of the women who was pregnant until she miss carried. His home is about 10 miles away from where investigators made this latest discovery over the weekend. Garrett is live in our midwest newsroom. Garrett, we now know, i guess, the name of one of the women who died, right . Thats right. Her name is angela deskins. She was 38 years old and according to the northeast ohio missing persons database she has been missing since june 7th when she was last seen. Police were only able to identify her body through fingerprints. That is of course because as you mentioned she was after she was killed she was put into these garbage bags along with the two other victims who have not been identified yet. Investigators say of those two other victims one of them could have been killed and put in those garbage bags up to nine years ago. They had been sitting there for a great deal of time. Medical examiners say when they found those bodies they were so greatly decomposed that they havent been able to identify them yet and say it could take several more days about of they are able to do soment joy we to do so. We are working on profiles for the decedents and dental charts for the decedents which could help get a positive identification. Right now we are not asking relatives of missing persons and the general public to come forward. Police say they are going to continue search efforts there in that area for any other potential bodies that could be there. Trace . Garrett, while the search goes on for the bodies, what else are we learning about the suspect . That suspect, michael madison, the 35yearold registered sex offender, we are learning he has quite a checkered past. We were looking through the criminal records and he has a string of drugrelated charges as well as he served a fouryear prison sentence for a 2002 attempted rape conviction. Part of that attempted rape conviction was a plea deal. He was originally charged with kidnapping as well. That was later dropped as part of the plea deal. We know right now he is facing those three charges of aggravated murder as well as three charges of kidnapping and with that aggravated murder charge he could be facing the Death Penalty or life in sentence. He is being held on a 6 million bond. Trace . And the charges could increase, garrett. Live in the midwest, garrett, thank you. Joining us now, clinical psychologist and criminal profiler dr. Allen lipman. He is the founder and director of Washingtons Center for the study of violence. Dr. Lipman, good to see you, sir. How are you, trace . Im well, thank you. Im curious when we talk about this guy who has kind of admitted was fascinated with another serial killer in the cleveland area, what is this . A bizarre emulation of a hero . A weird copycat . What do you make of this . First lets acknowledge and our hearts go out to the families and community of cleveland going through another horrific tragedy and we want to stay close to the facts of the research. The fact of the matter is criminal, sexual, serial murder dont tend to be original characters. What we are likely to see with madison and what we have so far on the facts is someone who needs a great deal of power and control over women, who feels very frustrated or has a lack of power and control over women and act out this way repeated looy getting a sense of power and dominance and sexual excitement. By the way, someone who is that way, and we have seen these cases throughout history, domer and of course sowell, but they always follow the same mo. They repeat it. They hide it. One is eventually found and then eventually there is this trail. While we dont know yet, there is a likelihood based on past evidence that there will be more of these victims to be found. Thats my next question. He is telling police there are more victims and they got their information and they say they believe there are a lot more victims, and you believe that is the case. We have 30 seconds left. The fact of the matter is plain as day the mayor has stated that madison has said he was following the textbook of sowell, and a neighbor has said that madison said it to him. We know that this was in his mind. So we know that it is likely that there is more to come. Right. Dr. Lipman, good of you. Thank you so much. Meantime, George Zimmerman showing his face in public for the First Time Since his not guilty verdict. And cops say he did it to help save somebody. The details on that are ahead. And the royal baby craze continues. Another live look at the hospital where Officials Say Kate Middleton is now in labor in a private wing. Our own resident brit is here with an update from his mum. Thats approaching the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. And there is breaking news on studio b and it is a boy. We just learned that the princess has delivered or the duchess has delivered a healthy baby boy. It just happened minutes ago. They just released the word. Lets bring in amy kellogg if she is outside the hospital. Tell us what you know about this announcement. Trace, it happened at 4 24 local time. The baby weighs eight pounds and six ounces. It is fair to say a big bouncing boy. That is all we know. We know that the whole procedure here was speeded up. We were talking about this delivery of an announcement to an easel unveiled at Buckingham Palace. No, it was announced here at the hospital. I think the fear was that twitter and other social media sites would trump this elaborate plan by Buckingham Palace essentially. We know it is a baby boy and, trace, let me make sure i am not missing any new information. The babys name will be announced in due course. This baby is the third in line of succession to the throne. Had it been a daughter she would have been third in line. It wouldnt have made a difference. What is so interesting is simply everyone thought this would be a girl. They assumed that the duchess of cambridge had made a little blip when she mentioned she would give a gift to her daughter. In the end, it has been a little baby boy, and it has been delivered just now here in london in the whipping of saint marys in the wing of Saint Marys Hospital. Amy kellogg stand by. They did change the rules that in fact boy or girl he or she would be first in line or third in line. Now we know that it is a baby boy. The name has not been announced yet. I want to bring in Jonathon Hunt and he is our resident brit. When they changed this, jonathon, we just got word maybe 10 minutes ago that they were changing the rules. We talked about how formal this was going to be and they would put it up on the easel in Buckingham Palace and it would go on like they had been doing since time in memoriam. They decided a short time ago to change the system that is clearly working in the time of social networking and social websites where they think the word can get out much, much sooner than the official announcement. They knew very well that driving the royal proclamation from Saint Marys Hospital to Buckingham Palace which you can see on the right of the screen there, and then putting it on that gold edged easel, the news was going to get out much quicker in this day and age. So now we get this press released telling us that indeed as they put it the duchess of cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4 24 p. M. That is 11 24 eastern time. So just over four hours ago the baby was born. The bottom of the press released one line everybody is interested in. Her royal heiness and her child are doing well and will remain in hospital overnight. As they say it over there, in hospital overnight. Doing very well. That is good news for everybody. You can see the crowds rushing toward the gates of Buckingham Palace. It has been building throughout the day and ever since we heard the duchess had gone into labor. Around 6 00 a. M. Local time, that was 1 00 a. M. Eastern here. A long labor in all, but a healthy 8 pound 6 ounce son. Now, of course, trace, all of us brits and the rest of the world waits for the name. George was favorite and james was there. This is a modern couple and they may go against tradition and we shall see. We waited a week when william was born. In fact 31 years ago and we could wait a few days again yet. They are going to come out and make an announcement and we will carry that live. We will find out exactly what they say. We are told they will make an an announcement. You can see the frenzied crowd and they are putting up cameras and taking shots. Our understanding is they put up a message board. They notified for those not watching television or hooked up to the radio they notified them with a message board on the right hand side we just lost it, but thats why the crowd ran over to the gates and started taking pictures of that notice. They are just now announcing you can hear it in the background. They are going over the press released that it is a baby boy. The name has not yet been released. As jonathon was saying, there are odds on favorites. For all of us americans, jonathon, give us an idea and take us inside how important this is and why it is such a big deal. We have had great fun with your mom over the past week and how excited she is over this thing. Give us an idea inside the culture and why this is such a big deal and why the crowds are so vast and why the interest is so high. Not just in the uk, but really all over the world for this. It is partly trough diecious that the interest in the royals has always been so high. But particularly this time around, trace, the royals went through a couple of bad decades. It was a tough time, of course, with dianas death in 1997. There was a lot of i wouldnt is say ill feeling, but they were not comfortable with the way the royal family handled that. A lot of people had sympathy for the queen and what she had been through, and then you get this young couple, the torch being passed in the Royal Wedding a couple years ago to william in us sense and obviously to kate. As my mother was texting us last week she said they brought what she called a real freshness to the monarchy. Everybody is genuinely excited to see them every time they get a chance to, and they are genuinely excited to see this baby when it emerges from those same doors which are in front of the wing where diana with charles alongside her 31 years ago walked out cradling baby william. We will see a similar scene at some point in probably the next 24 to 36 hours, william and kate and the baby boy. Indeed. High times in buckingham square. This really is a great picture you are seeing there. You can see the crowds pushing up and the media there and everybody waiting for the announcement to come. I want to bring in royal watcher Imogen Lloyd Webber. She is clearly one of the experts on this. Imogen, give us an idea of when you first heard this and what you think is the next big step. Is it the picture . Is it duchess kate coming out holding the baby . What is next for the pomp and circumstance that is involved . Joy it it is of course a world of media, so we are waiting for the picture which i understand will be first thing tomorrow morning, them leaving the hospital. She will be staying overnight. Interestingly kate always said she wanted a son. William wanted a daughter. So mom will be absolutely thrilled as will absolutely thrilled. As will the commonwealth country. Though they changed the rules in britain, so in case it was a daughter and she had a little brother, not all of the commonwealth country have actually changed the rules yet. So they didnt have to change the rules after all. Imogen lloyd webber stand by if you could. I want to bring in martha mccown. She is on americas newsroom and she has been there. You know, you have been there since the start. We thought this would be coming earlier. This is a big deal over there. A lot of people dont realize exactly how big it is. It is a big deal, trace. Let me tell you something. The most hardened royal watchers in this crowd moments ago when word started to ripple across everybody and the joyous cheers that wept up from the crowd went up from the crowd we had an inkling because a bunch of nurses and workers from the hospital, maybe you can see and maybe if pierre can go up there in an area over the road they started to gather. They clearly knew that something was up. Then we got the news that there would be a press released coming out before the cure yes, the cour ri er came out. They are trying to manage this. They were concerned. Look at the people that were probably involved on the wing and had an idea. It happened close to four hours ago. They have had time to tweet out or get the word out. They wanted to do it their own way. The press released and then this dapper dressed gentleman came out of the wing and handed the official envelope to the cower yes, sirs the courriers that drove up and off they went. It is interesting to me the timing of all of this. It is very similar to Prince Williams own birth. His mom, princess diana, went into the hospital about 5 30 in the morning. The baby was announced around 9 00 that night. Then what happened was Prince Charles came outside at 10 30 p. M. That evening. We may get a visit from Prince William this evening. I would not rule it out. It is possible he may come out and greet everybody. He is going to be excited. He has a son. 24r is an heir there is an heir to the british thrown. From all reports they are doing well. It is joyous. It is a joyous occasion. It is joyous. Martha, i have to tell you while you are on screen on the left hand side we have the officialy sell there have the official easel there. Would they you had to know something was up. We knew something was up. It told me the fact they put out an email that said we are going to have a press announcement before we do the royal announcement told me that everything was okay. I felt that the fact that they were planning how they would make the announcement definitely gave as you a sense that things were okay and they were ready to say something, and that it would come shortly. And then in very quick succession we got the news. It is exciting it is a boy and a surprise. Everybody did think this baby was going to be a girl. As amy was saying or imogen was saying kate said she hoped for a boy, and she got her wish. Now it remains to be seen what the name is. I dont think it will take a week to announce the name. They have had time, and there has been a wait, i think we may learn the name sooner rather than later. And the betting is on george. We will see if thats the case. There is tons of betting going on and thats the top name on the list. Well see if they are right, trace. And you know more about this than i do, martha. I heard you talking with bill about if you look back at the history and of course we all recently learned a lot more about the royal family through the movie the kings speech and you were talking about names and association with that and how you had a brother that passed on the throne and one king take over. It is fascinating how very important the name is which is why aside from the birth of the baby, the name really is very critical. Talk about that. Well, a lot of americans are familiar with the movie the kings speech. It was very popular in america. It was about Queen Elizabeths father, king george, who was never meant to be king. His brother, edward the 8th abdocated the throne. It was a huge embarassment. He married the twice divorcee from the united states. It was a real black mark on the royal family at that time. And george was a reluctant leader, Queen Elizabeths father. He stepped in and ended up being a meaningful king for the people in britain. He stepped into a job that wasnt destined to be his. Of course we would not have Queen Elizabeth on the throne if not for that happening. I think the name george is significant. Whether or not that is the name we dont know. Philip and arthur and luis and charles are also ones they would clearly be considering as tributes to a number of people. That is one of the surprises that is still to come. Martha stand by if you could. I want to bring back in Jonathon Hunt quickly. Jonathon, you can see on the left hand side of your screen, you are watching this along with me. There are big events to come. As you go through the traditional sayings, what do we expect to happen next . What you are seeing at this second is the royal proclamation being handed over. It can be taken into the queen. It will then come back and will be brought back out to the Buckingham Palace court and it will be placed right there on that golden easel. The old way of doing things that got scuffled this time because they wanted to beat the social media world of twitter so they sent out a press released first. That was the handing over of the proclamation. The queen will read it and sign it and it will come back out and be put on the easel and everybody in britain is celebrating. The pubs i can tell you will be over flowing at 8 45 p. M. I tell you as well, trace, i know you wanted an update from mum. When she heard the news this morning, 6 00 a. M. Her time, that kate was on her way and in labor, she immediately went out, my mum, to get her hair done for the occasion. She also tells me she stocked up on champagne and shard nay which explains why economists say the birth will be worth something leak 400 million to the british economy, 395 million of that will ae my moms drinking habit. And the pubs are over flowing every night at this time. Good point. They get plenty of business regardless of who is born on what day. I want to go back if i can to martha mcgowan. It is interesting because we were talking a little with imogen and amy kellogg. We had so many photographers outside. You were among them at certain times this week. It is amazing to me because right now there is just not much to photograph. We have been watching this easel. We are not going to see duchess kate. We are not going to see the baby we presume for quite some time. What are they all waiting for . You know, they are waiting for something that could happen. We have had a lot of surprises tonight. Amy kellogg is with me. Amy, you and i talked about what happened when william was born. That evening around 10 30 at night, and keep in mind it is 8 46 p. M. Here in london. Prince charles came down and greeted everybody and soaked it up as a proud dad. We may see her we may see william tonight. If he does it, it will be spontaneous. We may get a warning, and we might not. I guess it doesnt matter because we are here for the duration. Prince william has a very difficult relationship with the media. I understand that it predates the tragic death of his mother as she was chased by paparazzi in paris. I think he grew up with cameras always in his moms face. I think that was difficult for him. The flip side of that, of course, is that the press loves william. The public loves william. That is the function of the press coverage. And we have seen hem happier happier seen him happier since he met kate and got married. I remember the night before the wedding we were outside of Clarence House and william and harry did choose to come out. They chatted with people the night before the wedding. Everybody was shocked they came out. They were joking around with everybody and it was a happy occasion. This obviously is such a happy occasion for him. So perhaps we will see him later. That answers your question. These cameras arent going anywhere until tomorrow morning when it is expected that kate and william and the baby will come out. And that is going to be the money shot, as we say in the business. Thats what all of these cameras back here are waiting for, right, amy . We know she is spending the night in the hospital. That was part of the notice that said she was delivered of a son. I love the wording of that. They are doing well and will be here overnight. If they do depart, it is a quick turn around, really. So we are watching this live. We understand that people are walking out of the palace. Lets listen in. So we are able to watch this too. What an exciting moment at Buckingham Palace m people have been hanging out there thrawout the course of the whole week. William and kate it should be mentioned are very modern couple. But they are a traditional couple. They chose to do the easel thing that was done when william was done. The official proclamation is put on the easel. They walk that line well between being modern and being traditional. Yes, and i think that someone famously said you dont want to let too much daylight into magic. There is only so far they can push it. But they have been very modern and user friendly. Of course this maybe as far as they go. We will wait and see. I think it is funny everybody seems to have figured out what their plan is. They are going to have a parttime nanny and they are going to have date nights now that baby makes three. But we dont know yet. We will wait and see and learn. This easel moment is a nice touch, a traditional touch in this time of twitter and texting and all of that. It is nice they kept to this. The easel is the oldest form of social media. This is not something we normally see with an easel announcement. Keep in mind that the pr machine out of Clarence House is a completely new fangeled organization. They got it right and they understand what they have in william and harry and kate and now this baby. And no doubt they will make the most of it. They have had so many rough yores between the divorces with charles and diana and andrew and Sara Ferguson and they wanted to put all of that behind them in a big way. Although they will remain private, they are very traditional and they also understand that this is an opportunity to continue to ingratiate themselves with the british people and remind themselves why they like having a royal family. Too, martha, it is not nice to hang out next to the hospital. There are no facilities and no pomp and ceremony. Not complaining, but there are so many members of the public who have chosen not because they are working and not because they are working with the press or hospital, they want to be here. That says a lot. There are streams of champagne in the air back there. People are popping corks. Thats because there is excitement and there is a lot of goodwill toward this couple. The British Press lake to say that kate has not put a foot wrong. I think also she is with her embrace of certain charities has shown that she has a real passion for vulnerable children. She has taken the time to followup with some of the children she has met in hospitals and shelters, and that goes a long way. I think that is important. If that is a role she is carving for herself, that is necessary. At this point there is a lot of excitement. It is not like the Royal Wedding where there is a lot to watch. There is not a lot to watch here, is there . People are here though popping champagne corks. We heard she is in such a luxury suite, as you can expect, they will be dining on a nice meal and champagne in their suite. It is available to them whether or not they are taking advantage of it, we will see. We will have lots coming from here tonight, and maybe even an appearance from Prince William. We will stay here to find out. Now back to you folks in new york. Trace, back to you. Martha, thank you. Stand by, if you would. I want to bring back the royal watcher Imogen Lloyd Webber who is now in our new york studio. It is fascinating for me as i read this. It says the duchess of cambridge has been delivered a son. Her royal heiness was delivered a son at 4 24 p. M. We talked about social media and keeping a lid on this and it is almost 9 00 at night. For the better part of four hours and maybe longer they were able to keep this under wraps which in this day and age seems like an astounding task. It is an astounding task, but quite up williams street. William has something as a smiling hatred to the media. He does on some level believe they drove diana, his mother to her death. They were waiting a little bit and getting frustrated outside the wing. They would have enjoyed telling them lets remember this is a state event and you can see the amazing pictures outside Buckingham Palace, but this is a family event. Kate and william spoke in their engagement interview in how they were looking forward to and hoping to have a family. William said he hoped to have two children. It is wonderful. And kate saying before she would love a son while william wanted a daughter. She has her son. We will see what happens with the second. Baby watch two. You have to remember it is the primary role of the royal wife to deliver an heir and a spare as quickly as possible. Kate is halfway there. An heir and a spare. The baby weighs eight pounds and six ounces and the duke of cambridge was present for the birth. The queen and the duke and duchess of cornwall and prince harry and members of both families are delighted with the news as you can imagine. You talk about the surge of the royal family and how popular they have become. Your mum is getting all fancied up tonight with a couple of bottles of champagne, but it truly is. It is accurate to say that for years the royal family was losing popularity and suddenly there is a youth and resurgeons we have not seen in quite possibly several decades. It was visible not just for the british people, but we have been told hold on one second. His royal heiness, the duke and duchess of cambridge. The third in line to the throne. Her magesty the queen and the the first of his royal heiness, the prince of wales. [inaudible]. God save the queen. [bell ringing]. I am not sure whether that is what he and that, trace, in case you are wondering, was a piece of purely british theater. The formal reading of the proclamation of the birth ending of course with the fabulous words, god save the queen. Words i would like to hear you say on this special day, please, mr. Gallagher. Exactly, god save the queen. Thank you. The truth here is you have tradition that is not all lost. Twitter has not killed tradition after all. They had the easel. They issued a press released before it was given to the easel and lets listen to him. The prince and princess of cambridge. The duke is the third of her magesty the queen. The prince of wales. [bell ringing]. So i can tell you that we just heard from jonathon, back to you. Finishing your statement, mr. Hunt . Thats fabulous. He is worth hearing twice that particular guy. I was just saying the turn around for the monarchy was so significant when kate and william got married. I remember saying at the time outside of Buckingham Palace that it felt like the first time we had seen even the queen smile in a decade. It did signal a turning around for the british monarchy. It was a turning around of the perception with the british public. And this is just another new beginning after we have had the new beginning of the marriage and now we get this royal birth, a baby boy who will one day be the king of england. Trace . And again for those who just joined us, third in line, correct me if i am wrong, but now third in line behind Prince Charles of course and Prince William. So that is what this baby takes and bumping prince harry. Yes, prince harry is officially bumped down one. Harry clearly thinks that never having really any realistic chance of taking to the throne is a very good thing because are you a lot freer to run and caw voter naked cavort naked around vegas if you are not going to be king. I dont think harry is crying in his milk tonight. Yes thats how king george took over for the brother. Imogen, i want to get your thoughts on what you think will happen next. What is most important . As martha pointed out, we may well see william on the steps tonight. And then it will be all about that call tomorrow morning where we will get to meet his royal heiness, the prince of came brynn for the first time. The prince of cambridge for the first time. And that will be a monumental occasion. For those of us just joining us, this news broke about 30, maybe 29 minutes ago that in fact in the press released it reads as follows, the duchess of cambridge, as you saw the drama and the man read this, the duchess of cambridge has been delivered a son. Her royal heiness, the duchess of cambridge sighly delivered a safely delivered a son at 4 24, so almost four and a half hours now. The baby weighs 8 pounds, six ounces. The duke of cambridge was present for the birth, the queen, the duke and the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall and prince harry and members of both families informed and are delighted with the news. There is a baby boy. 8 pounds, 6 ounces for duchess kate and for Prince William. And now we wait for Prince William possibly to address the media. We will continue watching this live. You saw it break here on studio b. We will continue now with your world. Im trace gallagher. Have a great day. The wait is over. Kate middle son, the duchess of cambridge delivering an 8 pound 6 ounce boy at 4 24 p. M. Local time in london at Saint Marys Hospital there. The infant is now third in line for the british throne behind Prince Charles and william. You are looking at Buckingham Palace and the crowds are gathering. The official announcement read and the duchess had been safely delivered of a son, rather archaic language they use over there. Her royal heiness doing well and so too is her young son. Both will stay overnight in the hospital there. You will not see them probably until tomorrow morning. You may see prince wli

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