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Want biden to run for reelection. The average age in america is 39 years while the two leading candidates are double that. Despite what americans say they want, if the race were today it would be a repeat of 2020 same candidates very likely another close race. If most voters disapprove of the Job Performance of both the current and most recent president , why are those same voters poised to nominate both again . If americans truly want different options why is this looking like a repeat of 2020 . If americans truly believe the country is headed in the wrong direction why are they keeping the same drivers . Joining us now to figure it all out are two students in politics is just guitar off is the coast of the five indicate he is the editor of townhall. Com. Both are fox news contributors. Jessica im going to start the eye want you to help us make sense of this most americans say they went different choices, different candidates, do not want a repeat of the past do not approve of the current or former president and yet if the primaries ended today it would be Biden Versus Trump again. So why . Quickset is quite the laundry list of negatives i was watching the intro read through us i was like this is bad. It is very different for democrats and republicans. Obsolete joe biden is the incumbent it is standard he would be running again. So that is a separate issue altogether. On the republican side to think what you have and im sure katy looked up on this as well since it is her party that you have a real dichotomy between what the primary base which has majority of that mag the Maga Diehard Trs want the broader republican electorate. You are seeing trump voters get more and more dug in as each new indictment comes down. Tyou get more solidly behind hi. I think that is why youre you e seeing that. But at Courtly Real Problem is weve talked about this on your show before, trey, i appreciate appreciate your open of these conversations. Theres no room in america but the twoparty system in the way that our Campaign Financing system works. Especially if it is very hard for anybody to get the kind of attention if they are not the leaders of the democrats were the republicans the kind of attention or the kind of funding that you need to become preside. There are so few people that can possibly pull that off. Trey invited billion dollars a promise to not run for president i promise you i would not too. I would buy beach house at Pawleys Island. Katy two thirds of the democrats i think im going get the polling with two thirds of democrats dont want the incumbent president to run again. So why is he not being challenged by other democrats . You look in the mirror and see a future president if he is vulnerable why are other democrats running . Text jessica alluded to this. Other democrats are not officially running i would say governor gavin newsom of california, governor of illinois have been circling the waters hoping that maybe it will get their chance to jump in here as you say to third of democrats do not want joe biden to run again. It is very difficult to beat an incumbent president even if they are unpopular inside their own Apartheid Democrats have a number of worries including president joe bidens ability to go up against a Real Campaign when it comes to the 2024 election. They have questions about whether he can actually go forward with a second term should he win the white house again. That is why youre seeing these questions from republicans about running against Vice President Kamala Harris nikki haley brought this up at the first debate h is been something shes talking about. The infrastructure it really is a big thing for democrats. It is very difficult to take on an incumbent weathers the senate or the house but certainly its more difficult when you have the entire dnc all of the Ballot Initiatives getting the name on the ballot. That is something that is difficult for outside people even if they are tough Top Democrats like gavin newsom to break through on any kind of incumbency. Really that is the bottom line every day of infrastructure into the election already the not going to pivot at this point. Trey my question for both of you will start with your you je, then you katy, our expectations for the president just off . If we are never happy with the president , of his now it may be her in the future his or her approval numbers are always subterranean are our expectations just off for politicians or is Something Else . In other words why are people so unhappy yet they keep making the same choice. Jessica start with you and then finish with katy. I think people do generally respond to surveys in a negative fashion i have worked in polling for my career after getting out of Graduate School you do see this a lot. Or we are on the wrong track versus the right track to think out and vote for the person thats happening the 2022 midterms the red way that never happened . The thought republicans were going to pick up double digit seats people even speculated up to 40 seats and democrats over performed historical expectations on three or four seats depending upon how much of a person you count George Santos as. [laughter] thats generally what happens here. I will say that donald trump is a special kind of candidate which i think all of us can acknowledge. He is the most polarizing figure in Melody Malady politics lover hate him he elicits very strong reaction. I think that is the difficulty with what is going on there. And then joe biden being 80 years old to something we have never seen before. I will say in his defense people saying they think he is too old to write is different than im not going to vote for him. You do have over 50 of republicans and saying if donald trump is convicted they are not going to vote for him. I guess its a sad State Of Affairs when you are looking for that kind of light shining through in terms of a differential but it is important. Hugs arkady i will let you bring us home. Well, i would say the old joke if you want the perfect candidate you have to run for office yourself. And so when we put our faith in politicians or an president or members of congress, people on capitol hill they are part of the government. They are trying to represent a number of different factions throughout the country. The government, when it was found it was supposed to be limited and small i think its time has gone on the country has grown with a population and its diversity. People think the government is supposed to do certain things for them when that was really not the intention. In terms of what people are going to vote on the choices that they may have now especially comes to Biden Versus Trump, even if people are dissatisfied they start voting on issues that affect them which is why the democrats are worried about this economic message in their pushing the bidenomics narrative it. People go to the polls and say this is a choice he is in the choices available what is affecting me . What do i care most about . Democrats are getting out to the polls on the issue of abortion. At the end of the day people may say they will or will not vote for a certain candidate but when it comes to specific issues they look at their choices and say who represents me the most . In terms of trump and him being number one in the polls by 40 points or 30 points consistently i would never underestimate the power of unfinished business. And he certainly has that including a movement behind him which is why you are seeing this match up again in 2024 rather than a different republican who is unable to break through on the national stage. Can i just answer that he think its a really smart point if you notice joe bidens Campaign Motto is finish the job. Both candidates are saying they have unfinished business. Going into 2024. Which probably makes it easier for people to say these are the guys were going to go with. Trey there is no one in the world i would rather discuss awful dreadful news within the two of you. So the next time i have a laundry list of really awful things too. Pickwick sunset next sunday i am sure. [laughter] works i will have you both on. Or im going to take that billion dollars in mid to Pawleys Island and South Carolina in the meantime thank you both for joining us On A Sunday Night hope you all have a great weekend. Greg q2, thanks trey. Thank you. Thank you all. We know the country is in significant debt and runs an annual deficit. There is nothing earth shattering about that. But Budget Experts are warning it may be even worse than we thought. The deficit even after covid and after withdrawing from afghanistan is expected to be double what was projected. It is one thing to take on a tough year but when you cannot even make ends meet in a good year something is systemically flawed. People say they want a balanced budget they want to eliminate the deficit and paid on the debt. But are we really prepared to live with the consequences of less spending and our lawmakers prepared to vote for . Our president s ready to sign it. Mike represent the great state of new york and congress will he serves on the Financial Services committee. He joins us now. Congressman thank you for joining us. Democrats of the tax rates are not high enough or more things should be text republicans want less spending. So how is this ever going to be resolved if each size has a fundamentally different explanation for why we are where we are . Listen, we do not have a Revenue Problem in this country. We have a Record Revenue is the issue is that we keep spending more than we have. This administration over the prior two years increased spending by over 5 trillion. The administration before that obviously increase spending as well. Both parties frankly have been irresponsible and reckless. Im driving up our spending. Driving up the National Debt we are 32 trillion. But we blocked off 89 of the budget we said it is untouchable we are not going to touch it. We are fighting over 11 of spending nationwide. You look at a state like new york that i represent they are facing a 9 billiondollar Budget Deficit next year a 13 billiondollar Budget Deficit the year after any 36 billion revenue shortfall. These are significant challenges at the federal and state level. If we do not get serious about rightsizing government, reining in outofcontrol spending and getting back within our means were going to go broke. Trey are at congress when you raise a point that cannot be raised enough. I just wonder how many of your constituents my former constituents understand how little of the pie is being fought over because so much of the spending is a mandatory or socalled mandatory spending and honestly congressman i do not hear the president ial candidates talking about mandatory spending or entitlement reform. They have to know what you and i know which is how important it is to solving this problem. So, if they know its important and they arent talking about it why would that be . Because its obviously the third rail of politics and people do not want to engage on something until they are forced to. The reality is if we do nothing on Social Security and medicare both programs are going to go broke. And so we are going to have to do without long term. I think both parties need to be part of the solution youre not going to be able to solve this with just one party. Because of it being the third rail in the political football that it is, both the parties need to get serious about it. I think obviously you look back two years past we have had commissions. We have looked at ways to do it in a bipartisan manner to deal with the longterm ramifications of Social Security and medicare. These are vital programs that our seniors rely on. Its promises that we have made and we need to fulfill. We have to make sure both programs are sustainable for the long term. So its going to require both parties being serious about it. The fact is we were talking about 11 of the budget which was discretionary spending. We blocked off defense pretty blocked off veterans who blocked off Social Security and medicare. So were only talking about 11 we are fighting 2. 1 trillion in savings over six years it is still nowhere near enough to deal with our Budget Deficits stop borrowing at the levels that we are. Bidenomics has been a complete disaster. It gave us record inflation. We are borrowing a graders at levels that we have it is unsustainable. Trey thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night congressman. Much appreciated thanks trey pickax coming up Alex Murdaugh is seeking another trustee during Jury Tampering by the clerk of court for all people jim griffin joins us next onusin Sunday Night In America. Smart bankers. Convenient tools. Boom. One bank with the power of both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it. Centrum silver is now clinically shown to support Cognitive Health in older adults. Its one more step towards taking charge of your health. So every day, you can say, youuu did it with centrum silver. Youve worn many hats, from past jobs in fact. Now, you can trade in those hats to help earn your grad cap your past experience can help you earn your degree faster and for less. Trey welcome back to sunday night and america paid the Double Murder Trial of Alex Murdaugh gripped the country for months when it was all said and done murdaugh was convicted of murdering his wife and son and sentenced to life without parole yes to be the obligatory appeals but eventually they murdaugh case would fade from the headlines replaced by some other horrific crime. And yet murdaugh is still in the news at leveling one of the most serious allegations you can possibly level which is Jury Tampering. Trial lawyers cannot talk to members of the jury except in court. In fact judges tell the jury you may see the lawyers on the sidewalk or walking into the courthouse or maybe at lunch. But the lawyers cannot speak to you. At all. Not even hello. So do not consider them rude, consider them a Rule Followers but witnessed often times cannot speak to one another during trial. But the roles are different for clerk of court admittedly. The clerk is the liaison between the court and the jury communicating logistics about lunch orders or questions or when court begins. There is no question the clerk interacts with the jury. But never about the facts. Never about the law and never about the credibility of a witness. The lawyers for Alex Murdaugh filed a motion asserting the clerk in the murdaugh case inserted herself in an unlawful way. It is a very serious allegation which if proven could lead to a new trial for Alex Murdaugh. Lets find out what the facts are and if there is another side to the story. We are joined by one of Alex Murdaughs lawyers and host of the podcast the presumption. Mr. Jim griffin. Mr. Griffin, you have been in lots of court room throughout your career state and federal you are a very experienced trial lawyer. Tell us precisely what the clerk of court is alleged to have done or said. Thanks for having me trey. After the trial we had heard that perhaps there was some improper contact with the jury during the course of the trial we reach out to jurors to interview them. It took a while to break down the barriers. But ultimately we were able to interview a few jurors. The information they provided us under oath sworn Affidavit State essentially the following. The clerk of court went into the jury room on the day the defense started putting up their case that i started putting up evidence and alex defense the clerk says quote you all will hear things that will throw you off. Do not let this distract you. And another sworn affidavit says the clerk of court right before alex began to test if i said dont be fooled watching closely. Look at his movements. And it goes on the information in the affidavits right before the jury began to deliberate the clerk says this should not take you long for the clerk also said if it goes past 11 youre going to be sequestered and no one had been warned that was a possibility. There were six jurors who smoked on the jury they were not permitted to go have a smoke break until a verdict was reached. Theres a lot of irregularities that have been reported to us. And so now its lead is investigating the ag is investing filed a motion asking for a new trail we have not had a hearing yet we hope to have an evidentiary hearing to address those. Trey, youve been on courtrooms long enough. We prosecuted cases together. What we found out from that Jury Interviews was jawdropping. I have never heard of such have never seen of such an ive been practicing law for some 37 years. It is very disturbing what is been reported to us. Trey when you are at laying it out, jim that is what prosecutors do. Prosecutors are the one that say dont rely on the testimony of a defendant. Those it sounded like Closing Arguments he clerk was making which leads me too wonder this, that she admit these interactions . Or are we headed toward a factual dispute where a judge is going to have to decide who is telling the truth . We have not heard from the clerk so i cannot speak for her. She has gotten to find lawyers to speak for her and to my knowledge theyve not comported any statements yet. Trey alright. I think what folks out there are wondering is what is the standard for determining lets just for our sake of conversation in an improper took place between a clerk and a member of the jury or multiple members. What is the Legal Standard for when that rises to the level is it prejudice . What gets you a new trial . Are two standards that apply if a Court Official is the one engaging in the improper private communication according to the South Carolina court of appeals the standard is this, a new trial must be granted unless it clearly appears the Subject Matter of the communication was harmless and could not have affected the verdict. Could not have affected. Theres no second guessing here its was the Subject Matter of the communication something that could have affected the verdict . In the Subject Matter is the credibility of the defense that the Defense Counsel is putting up the credibility of the defendant. The most important part one of the most important parts of the trail we feel strongly this cannot be disregarded as harmless. It is very harmful. And a new trial is warranted. Trey you know jim you are right. You and i have been around the block many, many many times as many clerk of courts. I dont ever recall hearing a clerk of Court Expressed privately his or her opinion on a case. I have never heard of a clerk addressing the jury on the merits of the trial ive just never heard of that. I guess its up to sled to investigate and then a judge will make factual findings. So Alex Murdaughs case will remain in the news Ladies And Gentlemen for quite some time. Jim griffin from the great state of South Carolina. Thank you for joining us. Thank you my friend. Trey will bar the murdaugh case much owatch of Martha Maccallumx Nation Exclusive The Fall of the house of murdaugh. Up next the southern border continues to be a crisis we are joined by someone just returned from an extended visit to the border. That is next. An unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day which is impossible. They dont have enough money to buy food. 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And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. vo in three seconds, pam will decide. pam im moving closer to the grandkids wait. I got to sell the house vo dont wait, just sell directly to opendoor. Easy as pie. pam piece of cake. vo whichever. Get your Competitve Offer at opendoor. Com. Welcome to fox by this on his way to alaska following an historic meeting in vietnam. The president secured deals on Semi Conductors and Rare Earth Materials and minerals. Diplomatic status. The us has been pushing for the upgraded months now. This is a way to counter chinas influence on the region. The u. S. Is now in the same tier as china and russia. President biden will commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the septeseptember 11 attack in ance tomorrow. All eyes are on the atlantic oceans Hurricane Elite Re strengthens to a major hurricane. Lee is once again a cap three hurricane with sustained winds of about 120 Miles Per Hour preet lee will make a hard turn in the coming days putting it parallels the u. S. The biggest threat right now is a Dangerous Surf Undercurrents on the east coast but i am ashley, back to Sunday Night In America. Welcome back to Sunday Night In America but this week a u. S. Consulate in mexico was told to shelter in place due to violence at the southern border. Just another in a long series of incidents approving once again the southern border is not secure. Indeed the border is best described as a crisis by design. Photos consist elite side the border as an area of concern voters are concerned about Drug Trafficking and National Security and loss of sovereignty and the cartels. House republicans have threatened to impeach a secretary which assuredly will not result in a conviction. Candidates for president or talk about using the u. S. Military mexico which almost assuredly will not happen. So what is a real solution . Our next guest gop candidate for president former cia official and he served in congress represent a border district. He just returned from an extended visit to the border and he joins us now. Well, tell us what you saw congressman when you visited the border. It was more than just a photo op i think you were there for a while werent you . What set is right is there for about three days. Talking to all levels of Law Enforcement. Heres one of the things i saw that is really disappointing is a morale amongst people in Law Enforcement is the lowest i have ever seen ive been associated with this issue for over a decade. The problem is when you have 5. 5 Million People allowed into this country illegally by the Biden Administration, that is what is causing all these problems. These 5. 5 Million People under joe biden have basically walked across the border and surrendered to border patrol. Dhs Senior Leaders at dhs of them and shipping them all over the country. In new york at the beginning of the week you had the mayor of new york city talk about how this was a crisis and potentially bring new york city to its knees and. By the fact the Biden Administration is seeing a revolt from blue states over his Border Policies is another sign of how disastrous all this really is. Trey congressman i may have this wrong we used to have remain a mexico policy. I think i read in last 24 hours about Biden Administration remained in texas policy . What is that . The fact theyre even floating if anyone comes into the country illegally they have to stay in texas. This is obviously a political attempt by biden and his administration to placate Blue State Governors that are upset. Its not the governor of texas with the governor of arizona moving people to places up with the governor of texas did not ship 100,000 people on buses. It was a couple dozen. It has been the Biden Administration that has been flying people from places like san antonio and el paso to new york, boston, and l. A. This is a real simple solution. Stop letting people come in the country illegally. We do not have to pass laws you do not have to get anything from congress. This is Senior Leadership at the department of Homeland Security putting out policies to allow people to come into this country illegally. That can be stopped with an order from the secretary of the department of Homeland Security. Trey are at congress and before i let you go you have laid out your plan on day one. So your competitors have talked about using u. S. Military pretty find that surprising they do not want to use the u. S. Military anywhere else in the world but they want to use it in mexico. Mexico is never going to allow that to happen so is that a serious suggestion to use the u. S. Military to go after cartels in mexico . Unilateral use of the u. S. Military in mexico is a nonstarter. Mexico is our number one Trading Partner and yes, right now the bilateral relationship between the u. S. And mexico is the worst it has ever been. But we should be working in collaboration with the mexicans and the Fentanyl Crisis despite the fact the mexican president says mexico is not involved in the Fentanyl Crisis, they are. Fentanyl is killing mexican citizens as well too. Making sure the entities in the military have the tools and capabilities to action. That these cartels It Somethings something we should be doing. Using Drone Technologies in collaboration is something that should be explored. But theres other places like el salvador, guatemala, honduras, some of those countries where their Intelligence Services are willing to work with the United States of america in order to action, stop, dismantle the criminal smuggling organizations. For the last 20 years we have not secure the border because we have too many leaders lying about the complexity of how to solve this problem. And as every other country is finding out, Border Security is a Public Safety issue that is why im running people and go o herder for america. Com to learn more. Trey former cia officer, former congressman, current for the white house thank you for joining us on a s sunday night. Thank you trey. Next, retail crime is at an alltime high some prosecutors will not do a single thing about it. But we found one that actually will. Sam is a District Attorney in new mexico. He joins us next. Acement you ca. Man looks great. Tech thats service on your time. Schedule now. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. [bones cracking] tense music one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. Just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. Aleve. Who do you take it for . We all have obstacles, challenges, at different points in life. 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Tonight were going to shine the light on a prosecutor who is taking these seriously. Sam from the great state of new mexico mr. District attorney pete i assumed youve seen the video our viewers have seen them people just taking things with impunity from stores with no consequence by do not understand from a Law Enforcement what is your take on it . Absolutely there has to be consequences. There has to be consequences for people are filing the rule of law Who Brazenly Go into a store and walked out with whatever they decide theyre going to walk out with for its unacceptable every single level. And the days of shoplifting without consequences is coming to an end. We are going to prosecute every single shoplifting at case. The das office is entering its appearance on every shoplifting case including misdemeanors. Were going to hold People Accountable. Trey mr. District attorney are quoted as saying people should be able to go to the store without being afraid. Every one of our viewers would say i agree with that. What was the argument for i didnt understand it you . I dont know. For a long time now 20 some years ago when i was a Rookie Prosecutor if you will we prosecute every single shoplifting case. And then here in albuquerque at least we had a situation where we let officers prosecute these cases. That was not getting the kind of results we should be getting at all. It was a dismal conviction rate. And we have changed things up. I cant get in the minds of people think we should not prosecute certain crimes. But this is unacceptable shoplifting at every level. Not only is it disastrous for businesses that of course thats common sense. I can tell you people walking into a store and they see Someone Shoplifting something that is a scary sight. Who dhec are you to be doing that . But at the same time they get scared and it is understandable. They have a right to be and they have a right to be feeling safe when they are going to the Grocery Store going out shopping. I have that right in this community and we should make sure we are doing everything we can to hold People Accountable who just dont care about the rule of law. We are going to hold them accountable. Quickly after this we assume you still have discretion. If someone is a firsttime offender and you decide based on the evidence that you want to put this person in a Diversion Program i assume you still have the discretion you can do what you think is best for a onetime offender as opposed to a serial Repeat Offender . Absolutely. Listen, there is no doubt we have got a Fentanyl Problem here just like in so many different places across the country. That addiction does crazy things to people who may never be in the criminal Justice System for that addiction and now their mind it tells them somehow theyve got to get more money for these drugs they got in current commit a crime like shoplifting. We want to do our best to see they have an opportunity to get treatment. We are going to divert folks and firsttime offenses were going to give them that opportunity. If th there frequent flyers are Repeat Offenders and we see them enough, or we see their name show up or them show up we will prosecute them. Even if its misdemeanors if they continue to do this will be asking for jail time. There has to be some kind of consequence for that kind of behavior. Otherwise if there isnt, they just keep doing it. And it just gets worse and worse. And the safety of the community is the most important job i feel like i is a prosecutor we have to do everything we can to make people feel safe and be safe in the city of albuquerque. Mr. District attorney you keep doing the lords work and thank you for sticking up for the lawabiding folks and joining us on sunday night. Thank you so much we appreciate it. Trey next we do not pick our families but we do pick our friends. Increasingly people feel like they are running out of choices. Psychotherapists alisa joins us to discuss the crisis of friendship next on Sunday Night In America. Meet three students all learning to save and spend their money with chase. Freedom for kids. Hungry . Thank you, chef. Control for parents. Nice. One bank for both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. Introducing the limited Edition Disney collection from blendjet. 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Those friends multiply the joy and they shoulder the paint and they add depth to the quality of our lives. Right now there is a friendship recession especially among men. Increasing number of men say they do not have any Close Friends most men claim fewer Close Friends in previous generations, is this true . And if so why . And what can we do about it . As a therapist and counselor but she joins us now. Welcome alisa. How can people, especially men develop or nurture more Close Friendships more Close Relationships . First of all, thank you for having me. So how can we develop closer friendships . The first thing is why are we having less friendships . I think the rise of technology, social media, the aftermath of the pandemic, the fear of rejection along with society at not putting as much a value on the importance of friendship. So how do we then work on having more friends . But i see in my field in particular under some of less men in therapy. And as that study says i believe they said it was 15 report having no Close Friends at all. They are less likely to reach out when they need the help. Which means say they are struggling with depression theyre not getting the help they need and they are isolating more. Also with men what i see that friendships may be they do have a lot of friends but it is surface level. They are not having deeper conversations they are not having meaningful conversations that we want them to have. Trey what i used to tell myself and tell others although very few people come to me for advice. I know a lot of people come to you. To have more friends you need to be a better friend. So i am wondering in your practice, what are the qualities of a really good friends . Is a great point. We need to make the effort to be a good friend. What does that look like . First of all its maintaining friendships we need to call them on their birthday. We need to pick up the phone its okay if you havent talked to them in five years or five months. That is okay. We can check in on their Mental Health how are you doing . How is mom i hear she is sick. Its okay if time has passed the other thing it will say in order to make friends we have to get our friends out there. So many of us are used to from the pandemic doing things virtually. We are not getting out of the house. Go to the coffee shop in your area. Take your earbuds out put your cell phone down. As the coffee at maries to a question. Complement somebodies shoes or if you see somebody in the shop that is reading the book asked them about it. We need to be friendly and also we need to be approachable. So when we are out in about are we completely mentally checked out . Or are we i see these surveys that suggest theres a friendship among men but among everyone. I just wonder how did we get here . Half the world is isolated, lonely at the other half does not have any friends. How do we get here . As i mentioned previously i think this rise in technology, social media. With Technology People are less likely to see people in person with social media what we are seeing here is that there is this comparison. Want to put a highlight reel i with this perfect lifestyle is people feel excluded or not good enough so they are not as likely to reach out. Also within the pandemic people are lonely. People were isolated there was a virtual work so they were rusty on making friends. Trey great advice thank you so much for joining us. And thank you for helping us navigate. Friends, i will finish the way i started we do not pick our family but we do pick our friends it is a really important part of our lives. Thank you for helping us make better decisions. Absolutely, thank you so much. Thank you for spending part of you are sunday night with us. I hope you have a great week ahead. Until next week you can find us online at Gaudi America or on the podcast too. Good night from South Carolina. I am doctor to call sapphire about with jimmy failla and welcome to the big weekend show. The big story tonight a parental parted, the Loudoun County father he was just pardoned byae Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin is speaking after he made this announcement today on fox news sunday. We righted the wrong he shouldve never been prosecuted mr. Smith did what any father

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