Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20130216 :

FOXNEWSW The Five February 16, 2013

Parliament is doing, debating to see if their country is ready for a zombie apocalypse. Now emergency measures to field the possibility of an invasion of zombies. The leadership of this Prime Minister canada will never become a safe haven for zombies, ever. Here, here. In light of the bizarre debate they were mocking quebec security agent for using zombie prep exercises. Tell us what you think at gretawire. Com, good night from washington. On basic cable. Im thirsty. Andrea hello. Im Andrea Tantaros with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, on loan from bill oreilly the one and only jesse waters. Its 5 00 in new york city. Move your hand, waters. This is the five president obama was back in his hometown pushing for gun control. The president spoke in chicago where the skyrocketing murder rate is now as bad as the al capone gap land days soft far this year there have been 44 only side44homicide compared ton there were 26. Eric, you were born and raised in chicago. This problem got out of hand. In the first five hour, i talked cops on the ground who say there are not enough force. The civil Rights Groups are out of control. Do you think what the president said will have any effect . Eric give president obama credit for going to chicago. Why are you going, making tour of rounds and bypass chicago. He is in chicago where the murder rate is higher than any other major city in murder. More than double from say 20, 25 years ago. The rate, bob. Number, 508 homicides last year on pace to break the record this year. There is hand gun ban. You not allowed to carry a handgun inshy of chicago. The most strict gun control laws arent helping the murder rate go down. You apply it across the country, it doesnt maybe seasons to apply the rules it doesnt make sense to apply the rules. Bob if you felt the camera moved up and down, andrea threw her bag behind her. Her purse. Al cope day, 26 murders and now there are 44. Chicago was a fifth of the size is it now. That might have something to do with it. The other thing i would say is this a gang war. Eric but the rate. The rate. Bob the rate what . Eric 19 per 100,000 in chicago. National average is 4. 7 through 100,000. It surpasses any of the city at any other time. Bob how many having a drug war . Eric you want law abiding citizen boss unarmed while drug wars are going on . Bob look at chicago where they are getting shot. No in neighborhood where there are law abiding citizens. I was in the south side of chicago last year. Bob by yourself. There with guys that are street guys. I said im nervous. They said dont be nervous. We dont shoot white people. You the best customer. Its blacken black gang problem. They are fighting over narcotics. The economy is squeezed so they are fighting over smaller pieces of the pie. Nothing is spilled out the white neighborhoods yet. Commercial district, so right now its contained. Eric its irrelevant who is shooting whom. The fact that people are dieing in the city with the strictest gun control laws prove that gun control laws dont help. Maybe the city needs more gang cops, cops that break up the gangs but they certainly dont need more gun laws. The cops dont get on the street and do foot patrol. They stay in the car. They dont form militia. Andrea a lot of culprits are the young kids. Dont put pressure on them. They protest it. Last year alone 96 of gun felonies were not even prosecuted in the town. So, how do you fix it from here . Dana everyone is focusing on the wrong problem. Gun issue, i would like it if we waved a magic wand and there was never more gun violence. The root cause is the dissol lution of the family. Underperforming school. If you take a map of chicago and overlay gun violence and the crimes and the drug abuse or drug war crimes, underperforming a undercapacity schools, its a perfect match. I think the first thing we have to do is identify what is the real problem. Then they have to start figuring out a way to deal with it. Interest you say that about the forming relationships. Because that is what general petraeus said you needed to do. You are right. What they did is clear hold and build strategy. They need to do that on the south side. Andrea what do you make of this . Chicago authorities arent permitted to answer calls, 9 11 calls that are theft, vehicular theft, misdemeanor felony. If you get your car stolen you cant call the cops. They want to make sure cops can answer the murders. That is out of control. Bob the cops are sitting in their cars because of civil libertys unions . Its because they dont want to get out in middle of the gang war. They dont want to go out there andrea they dont want to lose their job. Bob they dont have the courage to get out of the cars. Andrea you called the Police Officers coward . Eric the guns used to perpetrate the murders, do you think there would be fewer of them in hands of bad guys with more gun control laws . Do the bad guys abide by the laws . Bob if you confiscate them. I would havent the courage to get out in the middle of a gang war. Andrea if you dont have the right backup or assistant. They busted the budget they cant afford to give the cops backup. Bob that is right. Why would anyone want to be courageous in the face of that with two guys in the car. Andrea how about fix the city finances. You go in strong and flood the zone with all kind of people. Informant, tipsters. All sort of technology that you can monster them. Charge them with racketeering. Put them in jail for ten year years. Bob think did in los angeles, it didnt work. Andrea Rudy Giuliani did it in new york. It worked. Its not just chicago. That has the strict gun laws. South africa as well as brazil. South africa is an example of gun control, some of the strictest laws in the world. Not working at all. This week we saw the olympic superstar amputee, Oscar Pistorius had a gun. Allegedly shot his girlfriend. Dana they are on the front page of the aed killer and who he is. His girlfriend, beautiful model not getting as much attention. I understand why. He was an olympic runner. The Domestic Violence problem is International Worldwide problem. The violence in south africa is such that a lot of people feel like they need weapons to protect themselves. President obama in chicago, can they match up the policy proposal and the executive orders including naming atm director. Is that going to do anything . Can they fuel momentum out of this, it took away the best talking points people had. What about chicago . You dont go in your home township of chicago. Hopefully they can focus on what is the policy prescription . Whether or not it would have not runner, pistorius, if he had not had a weapon you know, i am out of words on it. Eric south africa, four out of ten people hustled and are concerned about breaking them. Number one concern. When you make it harder for lawabiding people to protect themselves, family and property, you instill fear. By the way you make it more dangerous. Bob most people are not killed with guns in south africa. They have history with people and tires put around their neck and burned. Dais is not what this is about. canes is about Domestic Violence. Eric a lot of people dying. Dana that was apartheid. This white on white violence had something to do with apartheid . Bob only the good guys supposedly had guns. All of the other people didnt have them. The nra would love to have it. Apartheid system. The nra wants apartheid system . Only the good guys have guns. Really . Bob yeah. The nra wants all whites to have guns. Blacks not to have guns . Andrea do you disagree . What is wrong with law abiding citizens to have guns . Eric he is liberal. Wants attorney have them. Andrea spread the guns around. Bob if you confiscate hand gups you would havent that problem. Eric you cant confiscate handguns. Do it once again. What about crack . What about heroin . That is illegal. Its baped. You can get crack and heroin anytime you want if youre bad. Same with a gun. Bob washington has a high murder rate they get guns from virginia, lax rates. Pennsylvania has lax rates. Eric you make my point. It doesnt matter how strin jent the gun laws are, bad people will get guns. You want the law abiding citizens to be armed. Bob you want a gun culture of apartheid only good people have guns. That works you out, doesnt it . Dana that doesnt make sense. How did you get apartheid out of an olympic white runner killing his white supermodel girlfriend . Andrea okay. Well stop talking about apartheid and similar to a pivot to Christopher Dorner was captured and Heather Mcdonald, scholar and columnist for National Review online blames the universities for this liberal fascination with the hero worship of the killer who is advocating for gun control. You go to college and university. Fair point . Might be a stretch. One example, mikosi nadi shot three white women in georgia. He said he was anthropology major. He learned to hate white people at the university. They taught him at school that they colonized the world and wanted to get back at them and said he needed to right the wrong and he went out and shot people. Im not saying this a trend. Andrea dont you agree that there is something to the class warfare. Bob do you know Heather Mcdonald who is a decent person comes up with this study on one or two professor. They advocate supporting people like dorner is absolutely ridiculous and right wing line that we hear over and over again. Tall liberals love people like dorner and you want to do that eric ridiculous. Is there a history of liberal professors supporting occupy wall street . Bob small percentage. Dana or setting off bomb at the pentagon. Bob liberal professors before that. Andrea there is a bit bob i could pick out right wing professors who didnt andrea people online praised him. Bob do you how me liberals boston most of them are andrea most of them are in the university. Coming up, did you know pilgrims were Illegal Immigrants . That is what a federal agency is telling the employees and up with of their training videos on cultural diversity. We have that tape. That up next on the five. Dana the usda is getting unwanted attention for Training Program on cultural diversity. Costing taxpayers on 200,000. It was on tape. The video opposed by Judicial Watch shows the instructor giving employees cultural sensitivity training. Listen. Pilgrims are illegal aliens. Say the pilgrims never gave a passport to the indians. By the way, i dont like the word minority. How about emerging majority. Dana they had broader culture and this was broken on the oreilly factor. Was it good use of taxpayers dollars . Absolutely not. They have a railroad of doing this at the usda. They spent 2 22,000,000 of mony making oil portrait of him. They had 1 million on Internship Program and hired one intern. Great intern. Did a lot of work. But what i dont understand is the left has hated pilgrims. They said pilgrims came over and raped the indians and took all the land. Destroyed the environment. But now they are saying that pilgrims are illegal aliens. Sure youre sure the bob youre sure the whole left is like that . This is what greg does. Andrea is guilty of this, too. Its certain people do that. That is a good idea . No, i do not. West of taxpayer money. Do i think that the people who came in to force indians off their land and murdered them . Were you coming over on the may flouer . My family came over in chains as enemy of the state. Dana then they were part of apartheid or Something Like that. Listen to one more sound bite from this. Together we make extension of each others quest. To work for all of us. So thank you, black folks. Say thank you, black folks. Say america was founded by outsiders. Say that. Or today insiders. Dana i think if i had been an employee and required to go to this, i dont think i would have said any of. That i wouldnt want to go. Because i had more important things to do. Eric you have to watch it and wonder if he was being outrageous to prove a point, opposite point. Like never stay stuff like this. I dont think this is an issue by 200 thank you. The 20,000. They got a bargain. Then are you sure the employees are like yeah, america is owned by outsiders for the insiders. Its crazy that is going on. Werent they involved in harassment, sensitivity issues . I couldnt speak that. Bob what about the up withs you have to sit through . Dana there are, the Sexual Harassment training and sensetivity training. A lot of different places. None of them that i know are like that. Im all for Employee Development and figuring out a way. How to we enhance the employees lives. Or the Personality Test, if we would take a Personality Test and find out what the personalities are to Work Together better. That is a good use of taxpayer money. What did you think when you saw this . Andrea are we building our economy sensitivity . Im surprised they didnt hire bob to do the training. Just kidding. Am i missing something . It sounded like toe tailtarian brainwashing. Creepy. It probably scared people. Walk around the office and scared to say something. Am i missing something here . Why are they talking abimmigration at the u sda . Arent there corn prices they need to talk about . Maybe Something Like that . Bob right. This is out of their area of expertise. But they came in and threw the indians off their land, exterminateed them. Exterminateed them . Dana farm and migrant lentor something they deal with. So americas Founding Fathers that came over here, colonized america, made it the great land it is our today, you say they exterminateed bob jesse, you must have been educated you dont believe that. Bob the Founding Fathers came here 100 years after the approximately grimpilgrims came. The colonist, bob. Bob what do you think they did with the indians that occupied the land . They ate corn and thanksgiving. Wrapped themselves around in blankets. Sap kumbaysang kumbaya. Dana coming up, is it a bird or plane or the end of the world . [ sirens ] dana meteor and asteroi asteroids wreaking havoc on earth. We have the cosmos covered next on the five. bell rings they remind me so much of my grandkids. Wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. Ive been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. 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So join the six Million People who have already called about this insurance. Whether youre getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. So, what are you waiting for . Go call now well finish up here. Eric the resident apocalyptico, scary thing going on. Meteors crashing in to buildings. [ siren ] government preparing for zombie attack. Department of Homeland Security preparing for the end of times. You think im being overdramatic because my favorite show is walking dead . No. Watch an actual training vide video. This is what happened, they reenacted a zombie attack. Dana why . Eric i dont know. Dana this is horse crap. Eric i dont know why they wasted money doing. This but the department of Homeland Security did that. This is not horse crap. Dana its real. Eric zombies are are coming. Dana i hope they do. I dont believe you believe zombies are coming. Im telling you. You have cant kill them. You can shoot them. Shoot an arm off, leg off, they dont die. Bob if you get to oz the wizard could stop it. Eric you dont believe it . Bob no. Night of the living dead. Remember they came up from the cemetery and shot them down . You got it in your head. What is a zombie and why is he going to they tack us . Dana why is the Homeland Security making video about it. Eric wasting money onsome beau attacks. Andrea we notice a theme. Pilgrim, sensitivity training, softinshooting zombies. The meteor in russia, i guess they didnt know it was going to go. If you are going to go, go the day after valentines day. Got love in russia. Bob why didnt they have radar to track . When you were with the Bush Administration didnt they have lasers to shoot these out of the sky . Deflected in tehran or Something Like that . Andrea doesnt it make you nervous that nasa is being dismantled by the administration . How are we supposed to know when they are coming . Bob nasa was not who intercepted this. It was department of defense. It was not nasa. Andrea right. Nasa doesnt have anything to do with space. Bob i dont think the republicans. This is a waste of time. If it hits your house, well this is not hateful. I dont want it to hit your house. If it hits the russians, too bad, too. Any human being, too bad. With the exception of a few i can think of. Eric this is irrelevant. [ overtalk ] bronc you upset about that . Eric no. Everything is fine. Can we point out the weekend away that the department of

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