Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20171122 :

FOXNEWSW The Five November 22, 2017

Worried by the actions and rhetoric of our current president. I have been very disappointed in the way he has conducted himself. Dana she went on to say that racism in america has become more politically acceptable in the trump era. I think there is proven to be more White Supremacists and White Nationalist than i wish there were in our country, as you saw tragically in charlottesville and other place places. And they have made common cause with the president s agenda out of their own mouths that he is someone they are on to promote it. Dana greg, its your lucky day. We start another show with Hillary Clinton. Greg i cant get enough of her. Conservative radio used to go after liberals. Not anymore. Brian they dont go on. Thats what makes this news. Greg identitydriven politics helped greeted by her campaign that led to a lot of divisiveness. She is swimming in the pool of fallacy. Trump will have creepy fans because when you have a lot of fans, some of them are bound to be creepy. The bigger the pool, the likely there is a creep in the pool. If you are the lifeguard, should you Say Something . I think one of the flaws with donald trump, its a salesmans flaw. You never want just turned down a sale. Its not a moral choice. Its not a correct choice but its part of thinking that the money is green, sue never turned turn down a sale. You never condemn anyone until somebody else comes along. There is a glimmer of truth here. The other issue is the democrats have a problem. Remember how they made al gore the president of Global Warming because they couldnt make an president. They gave him a cause so he couldnt hurt anybody. They need to make her the president of the angry book club so she can go off and do something. She could be bill clintons own defense attorney when those cases come up. She could interrogate juanita broaddrick. Dana if they hadnt had to close the clinton global initiative, she could be doing that but thats not available to her. Did you try to get Hillary Clinton on your radio show . Brian no, not that i know of. We asked her on fox friends on a regular basis and she had no interest. The biggest mistake al gore, john kerry, who came on as secretary of state and Hillary Clinton did make. If you come on, juan, as you know. Solve your best segments were with people, and this show in particular, people who disagree with you because you win people over. Some you dont but at least you go in there and get your hands dirty. In this interview, she said uranium one, it is still going on and theres a problem with that. The story is moving. The emails, they made it the number one story. It shouldnt have been. The problem is, there was a lot there but you didnt go in and attack it. She admitted, she didnt listen, nor did her staff. How do you know how to fight an uphill battle if you dont know the other side. Juan this is a shortcoming for democrats. Imagine the kind of flak i get being on fox. But they dont have a sense of the ability to come here and use this as a forum to influence people. I think thats why its great she went on the radio show. I think its very important that you have sufficient respect for people, even if you disagree with them, to talk with them. Dana i would love to have her on the daily briefing, in case you are watching, hillary. If you come on to a place where you are not necessarily going to be guaranteed a warm reception but you are pleasant and you give some good points, the viewer will say thats good. She was nice, kind, whatever. Kimberly appreciate the upside. If you believe in yourself and your confident in what you have to offer, you are a great candidate and you have ideas that are compelling, why wouldnt you take a chance and get in the ring and go into a forum where you might be able to reach them crossover or swing, independent voters. I would feel more certain going with someone like her. The point is, she didnt take the chance. You think, juan, that other people made this a mistake, they would learn. How many high paid consultants and experts does it take to figure it out when you have eyeballs on a network like fox news channel, why wouldnt you take the opportunity . Dana the one thing that really drives me crazy, this would be true if the conservative went on msnbc and complained during the interview. Like, i know what network im on. She did that a few years ago and ive never forgotten it. Brian she didnt go on when she was going against president obama. One of the things she said was thank god for fox. We were the only one asking central obama legitimate questions. Greg she hated obama. Juan i dont know about that but she was his rival. Greg bill hates him too. Juan you have a situation where she said this week when bill clinton was running, if there had been a fox news, he wouldnt have been able to win because fox news is so partisan. I have heard from obama. Brian he won though, twice. Juan talking about the legislative agenda. Fox news makes him into this ogre. The reality is, if you are not talking to people, this goes back to your business about the salesman, you are not selling. Youre not making the pitch. They may feel unfairly attacked but show up. Dana she did make a comment about president obama. It is true that when you run to succeed a twoterm president of your own party, you have a historical headwind blowing against you. I refer to that in the book because its not just this campaign can be set apart from everything thats ever happened. Its a challenge. Brian do you know what the problem is . Permission to speak. Im sorry. Dana go ahead. Its a freeforall. Brian she says its hard to run as an agent of change when you are following someone in your party. You have to say i like president obama but this is what i would have done differently. The economy, regulations. When it comes to syria, i wouldve done something different. I have a memo that says i recommended we started bombing. Dana she did that in 2008 when she had to distance herself from bill clinton. Mccain had to separate from george w. Bush. That always happens. What do you think will happen next time . The democrats still have are out there. Greg theyve got to send her somewhere. Theyve got to send her somewhere. Dana she said no one thats thinking about running in 2020 has reached out to her. Greg she also said she doesnt think she could be friends with donald trump anymore. I guess she didnt mind his behavior when he was a democrat or on the correct side of politics, like her husband who i think she could be friends with or harvey weinstein. She could be friends with him and she could be friends to a lesser extent with al franken who, by the way, no one has followed up on. Go on youtube. Google al franken and howard stern. 1999. There is an interview there waiting to be discovered. Kimberly the difference, President Trump they were all over but they are not doing it with al franken. Juan lets go back for a second to hillarys interview with hugh hewitt. There are two things interesting to me. She says guess what, the Child Health Care Insurance Program that trump is just letting it linger and die. Dana congress is supposed to take it up before december. Juan but he has the president has some authority, some voice, and hes said nothing. It will leave kids with diabetes and other illnesses to suffer. I think thats wrong. The second thing, trump retweets something that says hillary is a corrupt blank. What is wrong with him . Greg thats what he does. We have accepted this. What about Paul Manaforts house arrest . I will say it quick. He is under house arrest, which everybody should want to be under house arrest. Its an excuse to not go to someones piano recital. Dana it is your dream. Greg he is not allowed to drink. Dana because he is getting a limited release to travel on the condition he doesnt drink. Juan can he smoke . Dana can he smoke . I might take up smoking if i had to do that. Kimberly no. Take it back. Greg she didnt say what she was smoking, could be an herbal cigarette. Cloves. They were big back in the day. Dana we have a lot more to come. We are going to keep going. Dramatic tape of a north korean soldiers desperate escape. It all starts with a wish. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. 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Kimberly President Trump put north korea back on the list of state sponsors of terror. Kim jong un is unhappy, calling it a serious provocation that justifies its need for nukes. The country is so oppressive, its own people dont want to live there. We want to show you some dramatic new video just released by the united nations. We must warn you its disturbing. Last week, a north korean soldier risked it all to escape from his country. He defected by trying to cross the heavily armed border with the south. When his comrades caught wind, they opened fire. He was hit several times and collapsed on the south korean side. What an amazing sight it was to see troops from the south pole him to safety. That soldier has thankfully regained consciousness after surgery and is now reportedly enjoying american tv shows and movies in the hospital and south korean pop songs. What a story. Greg i tuned in, i watched it on msnbc and they played the tape backwards and claimed the south korean guy was trying to escape north korea. Brian absolutely. Greg this is a good tape to see before thanksgiving because everybody should be thankful they dont live in a country where people are dying to get out and arent allowed to get out. This is a History Lesson about tyranny. We talk about, the poor guy was operated on and they found a parasitic worm the size of a human arm in his stomach, which is an apt metaphor. Brian it is not rare. Greg the food they eat is being raised its an apt metaphor for tyranny. It destroys from within. It shows you how unfair life is that if you are born here, you are going to make it. If youre born there, you are screwed. We have to remember that whenever we are speaking about people coming here, that they deserve a chance to come here. Whether you think its we have to deal with National Security and vetting im about are lucky. Brian what you are saying is we should be looser on immigration and with the right way . Greg extreme vetting but do not demonize people legitimately trying to escape horrible conditions. Brian we have plenty of room is what youre saying. Greg especially at your place in long island. Kimberly its very spacious. Brian sometimes i get lost it so big. He has pneumonia, hepatitis b. They say he has blood poisoning. Even though he is watching television, they are not sure hes out of the woods yet. Kimberly can you imagine. Thats part of the problem ther there. This despicable regime, they dont get proper medical care. Literally he is running, getting shot, they saved his life. Look at all the medical conditions he had. He unbelievable. Kimberly the guy who shot him saved his life. Kimberly thats what im saying. Dana he might have known he was dying. I hope we get a lot of intelligence from him, to the extent he knew anything he could. Juan he is only 24 years old. He is not a highranking guy. Dana freedom is universal. The desire to be free is something every human is born with. To the extent we can help them get to a better place, we should. Juan i was thinking, reading about the story, not only is he a young guy who made this tremendous effort. But it is said last time a soldier escape from north korea, ten years ago in 07 and annually about 1,000 North Koreans flee the country. They do anything to get out. The problem is most of them go through china. Guess what, one of the request people have right now is that china stop sending North Koreans back. But the chinese are worried that if they dont send them back, there will be a flood of refugees. This gets back to what you were saying. These people deserve the opportunity. You believe in democratic principles. If you believe in human rights, how can you turn your back . Dana are you a neocon . Juan because i believe in human rights . Dana you have an obligation to do something. What should we do . Juan maybe donald trump should have mentioned this when he was over there. Brian with north korea, ive always felt the biggest underreported story when we talk about north korea is how horrible the conditions are for the North Koreans themselves. When we finally take the lid off the country, hopefully in this generation, we are going to say, what did we allow to happen . This is an ongoing holocaust with nobody getting fat except for the fat leader. Juan do you think it is us or the chinese . I think its the chinese. Brian doing what . Juan keeping a lid on it. They dont want a reunified north korea. Brian i i dont think they have great relations with North Koreans. I think theres an opportunity with the rest of the world. He did not alienate anybody on this trip. Ive read other accounts. I cant read japanese like greg and i cant read korean like dana but i was able to read the translation english is overrated. The contractions throw me off. When you look at the reviews and the relations. You see we are making progress. Exposing this country. This is the first time we have a legitimate change to make a change. Juan why are you saying that . Stiffer because china is actually playing ball. They are sending an envoy. Dana all because he has nuclear weapons. There is no other option. Juan this guy has been firing off missiles at a greater rate. Now he says they are a terrorist state. What does that allow . Allows us to impose more sanctions. Hey, where are the russians . Brian they had a 90 minute talk yesterday. Juan i am saying if he is putins pal, get putin to say greg now you want them to talk . Juan if putin would stop replacing the losses from the chinese thanks, maybe there would be more effect. Brian maybe that has happened. They said they did talk about north korea. I think the president is smart enough to know i have to surround shut the circle off. Juan maybe we should say hats off to rex tillerson. Mr. President , i know how sensitive you are. Thank you. Kimberly lacks some sincerity. Try it again. Juan if you coach me, i will do it. How should i do it . Kimberly thank you, mr. President. Juan wait a minute. Holy smokes. You have a unique touch. How about this . Thank you. Thank you, sir. Kimberly coming up, antitrump comedian Sarah Silverman has had a revelation about all of you socalled deplorables out there. Greg will tell you next. at increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia. Isnt it like a bad cold or flu . Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. In some cases, part of your lung may fill with mucus, making it hard to breathe. Can i catch it from a pneumococcal vaccination . No. The vaccines do not contain live bacteria. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to help protect yourself. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist whats that, broheim . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. 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Its like wild kingdom for vendor studies majors. She claims after meeting so many trump voters, she likes them. She loves them. What a surprise. You can feel comfortable around people who you dont agree with. So this is progress for a progressive, especially one who called for a military overthrow of trump, a coup while riots were going on. Imagine if anyone had listened. This is a big step. For a progressive, the personal is always political where the right isnt just wrong but evil. Good for sarah for deciding that you are okay. Youve met the approval of someone paid to talk to you. She appreciates you the way a cat appreciates yarn. Will hurd will hurd enlightenment hold . I dont know. I remember how sarah ridiculed andrew breitbart, not to his face but when she took his seat after he left the set on bill mahers show. How are you . It is sticky here. In general. You are not saying that. Greg that was classy. She was nice to him in the green room but then did that when hes not around. It proves her point. Its easy to be a jerk to someone when they are not there. Wrapped in a cocoon of confirmation bias, its easy to hate millions of people and overtime for them to hate you back. But i hope sarah has changed. Truly. Anything would be an improvemen improvement. Im going t

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