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To use your adult son against you. How do you feel about that and what do you have to say to those people . I have we have great confidence in our son. Im not concerned about any accusations that have been made against him. Its used to get to me. I think its kind of foul play, but look, it is what it is. Hes a grown man. He is the smartest man i know in pure intellectual capacity. And as long as hes good, were good. Jesse and even though joe wont talk about it, were learning that Hunters Partners texted get joe involved. Fox news obtaining texts from hunters former Business Associates in 2017, which show joe biden be, they needed him to influence a joint venture with the Chinese Energy company and were even hoping to make it appear a truly family business. Greg gutfeld, when you hear joe biden say that hunter is the smartest person he knows, what is your reaction to that . Greg he doesnt know any smart people. I mean, im worried about his inner circle and outer circle. I mean, hunter has done some crazy things for a smart guy. But i have to say, i have to hand it to colbert. It was a brutal interview. Im amazing that joe could walk after that. Thank god they had a doctor on hand. You remember in the old days, colbert played the role of the overthe top right winger, a parody of bill riley. Now hes switched sides and doing a parody of the left, like an overthetop oprah. I can not wait for the car. You saw a glimpse of the future. Youre going to see a return to the obama era happy hibernation. When this media goes on sleep mode. Theyre going to be awake but theyre not going to be conscious. Its because they see they see biden and trump the way kids see their parents in a divorce. They just want to hang around the parent, let them do what they want. Thats joe. Jesse juan, how brave do you think it was for joe biden and jill to enter that terror dome on cbs with colbert . Juan well, its a comedy show. Hard to criticize politicians for getting a sympathetic interview. Joe biden did do 60 minutes. Its not like hes escaping rigorous questions. I will say, i dont think theres any parent out there, any parent that would not understand giving unconditional love to a child. I dont know about brilliance, but brilliant people make mistakes, too. I think clearly as a parent, what he has said in the debates, if youll recall, jesse and now here is that you know what . This is his son and hes his father. That is primary. That is even more important than being our president. So i think we got to take all of that in to consideration. And unlike the current president , by the way, i dont think any of bidens kids will be working in the white house and setting up deals or soninlaw like Jared Kushner setting up deals. I dont think that is going on. Jesse you mean like the mideast peace deal . Pretty good deal, juan. Joe wish he had a deal like that. Juan yeah, really. Jesse juan brought up cbs as is okay. He did cbs, 60 minutes. 60 minutes is the network that said before the election there was no hunter biden scandal. The woman wont let donald trump talk about it, lesley stahl. Doesnt matter. Its all the same. To that point, joe biden is now he needs to be interviewed, which he didnt get from colbert as the president elect. Not a parent. Joe Biden Jonathan Turley was tweeting tweeted something about this. He said this is not just about hunter biden. Its about the president elect and whether he lied about his knowledge of the dealings. Either Tony Bobulinski or joe biden is lying. Its about if joe biden is compromised. If there was no there there, joe biden would go and sit down with a hardhitting journalist. Start with peter doocy and answer these questions directly about hunter biden being under a federal investigation. Ukraine and china. But instead, he goes and, you know, he knows hes got colbert and these humorfree hosts and hacks totally in the bag. Colbert was interviewing him like oh, theres other theyre so mean to you. You know, joe biden knows that he could tell colbert hey, buddy, wax my legs and pumice my feet. Colbert would do it and he would weep. Jesse dana, with your expertise in this field, i have two questions for you. One, what did you make of joes, hes my son and i love him like hes a 16yearold boy. And what did you think about just the choice itself to do these softball late night comedy shows instead of real interviews . Dana i dont blame them for going on shows where they will get favorable coverage. I think you want that when you can get it. Just so happens the conservat e conservatives cant find that in places. So the other thing is, i feel two things. One, he said that hes concerned that theres foul play or he called it foul play. So if he really thinks the Justice Department or the fbi and Law Enforcement is up to foul play here, that deserves more explanation. Why you think its foul play and was it foul play when bill bar, the attorney general, made sure that this news didnt get out before the election. I dont think that was foul play. The other thing i would say is, i thought we would have a return to normalcy . A return to normalcy would include a briefing every day on the record from the Biden Transition Team instead of once a week by zoom. I thought it would include the press corps have access or do that think a return of normalcy being blown off by the principal. They had access to the president every day under the administration. Like it or not, like what he said or not, they always had access. Theyre about to be frozen out. If they dont band together and demand more access, they wont get it. Jesse all right. Coming up, joe biden and Kamala Harris getting ready to take the vaccine. Even after months of down playing it because, of course, donald trump. Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. Wow whatd you get, ryan . Its customized Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual what does it do bud . It customizes our Home Insurance so we only pay for what we need and what did you get, mike . I got a bike. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My hands are everything to me. But i was diagnosed with dupuytrens contracture. And it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. Thought surgery was my only option. Turns out i was wrong. So when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. Like you, my hands have a lot more to do. Learn more at factsonhand. Com today. Hello scott yep, its me haha haha surprise are you serious . That is the sweetest thing ever hahaha get out of here dont just buy a gift make a cameo spread the word dana Vice President mike pence and karen pence getting their covid19 shots live on television. The move comes as we await the move modernas vaccine. That could happen today. The Advisory Panel endorsed it yesterday. Up next to get the shot, president elect joe biden and his wife, dr. Jill biden who will publicly receive their first doses monday. Kamala harris will wait for hers until the following week. The announcement is a big reversal after they spent doubts on the vaccine. I trust the sign tests, but i dont trust donald trump. The doctors tell us that we should take it, ill be the first in line to take it. If Donald Trump Tells us to take it, im not taking it. Dana all right, jesse. I guess they didnt expect the vaccine to happen this quickly and now theyre caught in a little hypocrisy pickle, so to speak. Jesse they were willing to sacrifice lives for political power. They were saying, dont trust this vaccine. Spiking millions of americans that now wont take the vaccine. Risking death. Just so they can hurt donald trump. Now theyre going to roll up their sleeves and get stuck with the needle . No. Where do these people come off . Greg touched on it yesterday. They will say or do anything for power. They will plant an insurance policy on you, call you a russian agent, call you a rapeest and then disappear. Where is dr. Blase ford . Where are the 50 intel guys that said that hunters laptop was russia disinformation . Where is the whistleblower in ukraine . That was a hoax, a cover up. They are like actors, dana. They read from a script and fake outrage and then they move on to the next con once everything is just destroyed. The media doesnt hold them accountable because they write their scripts. So juan, i would love for one day just to be a democrat. I could do whatever i wanted, say whatever i wanted, destroy whoever i wanted and id pay no price. Honestly, im thinking switching parties just for that. Dana well get you a form. Juan, well let you respond to that. Juan youre welcome, jesse. Welcome to the party. I think you have a good deal on the republican side right now. You know, im listening to you and thinking, wow, this is an incredible spin. Im getting dizzy. I think it was donald trump that politicized the virus and promised the vaccine in a whip. I think its the politifact that calls at this time political lie of the year jesse he delivered on the vaccine. Juan he delivered now, but im saying he said that this was going to be over by easter, if youll recall as we approach christmas. Thats what he said jesse he said the shut down would be over by easter. Dana what about what Kamala Harris said, juan . Juan im sorry. Go ahead. Dana talking about biden and harris. They are going to get the vaccine. Theyre the beneficiaries as millions of americans will be. Do you think that they have some egg on their face having said that they wouldnt take the vaccine if it happened under a Trump Administration . Juan no, i think what they said was they did not trust Donald Trumps salesmanship and distortions that they could trust him. They trust the scientists. They said that they have absolute faith in the scientists, both of them said that. I think theyre going to take it. Thats why i was so pleased to see havent pence and his wife, karen pence, the second lady take it today. I think thats the real heres a little craziness. The language its a shot in the arm for confidence in people to take that vaccine. I think right now you have the whole antivax crowd out there that is not very sympathetic. Dana greg, what do you make of we predicted this. We said if they get the vaccine approved while trump is president , theyre going to be the beneficiaries of that work. Greg of course. I love it. They didnt trust trump but trust the scientists. Because donald trump makes the vaccine, not the scientists. Like its hes in in the lab. Its the most idiotic way of framing this. Theyre hypocrites. A month ago they said not to take the vaccine because its under trumps administration. Then it changes after an election. So you once again, we see these were in a hypocrisy pickle as dana says, this is like me saying that love actually is the worst movie made. Then you find out i own the dvd and i cried last night watching it. Its that sad. The other thing to talk about, getting this is why i will never be Vice President. Because if i were taking the vaccine publicly, i would definitely have faked an attack after taking it. I couldnt resist it. You know what . Its like you have all of these people saying hes freaking out. Thats why ill never been in public office. You cant trust me. Dana last word to you, dagen. Dagen i vote for you, greg. Over and over again. Id make sure my dead relatives voted for you, too. Greg excellent. Dagen theres a lot to undo by Kamala Harris and joe biden with all the fear mongering. We cant quantify all the people that discouraged. President trump knew the only way out of this is to get a vaccine and quickly. He leaned on private industry and the science. The very private industry, is very companies and scientists that are constantly vilified but the left, by the democrats. So we all need to root for a vaccine if we ever want to go back to ball games and concerts and weddings. If you want to save our friends and familys businesses from going under. My friends businesses are going under by the day who will all root for this vaccine to be safe, effective and hellapopular. Dana a good point. What about to vaccine, big pharma . That takes a break this week. Okay. Coming up a massive drug ring busted on three American College campuses and the Mexican Cartels shopping involvement next on the five. One of the worst things about a cold sore is how it can make you feel. 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While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Ask your doctor about eliquis. And if your ability to afford your medication has changed, we want to help. Juan a huge Drug Trafficking bust at three big colleges in North Carolina. With an alarming connection to dangerous mexican drug cartels. 21 hardened criminals arrested for their role in a drug ring that sold more than 1. 5 million worth of pot, cocaine and xanax. The suspects were set to largely operate out of fraternities. Heres the u. S. Attorney involved taking to dana perino earlier today. It started with a local investigation just looking in to some allegations of possibly a little drug use in these fraternity houses, which is unfortunately nothing new. But once the local authorities started looking and seeing there were major quantities moving and supplying and really feeding into a culture, then at that time they reached out to us, we saw thousands of pounds of marijuana, hundreds of kilos of cocaine and the other drugs just mentioned. Juan and the dea agent reading the investigation says there was a direct link to mexican drug cartels. Simple some point these guys were distributing so much drugs that they made connections and dealing with the Mexican Cartel directly and getting it shipped to them from l. A. In to the North Carolina area. Some of these kids were making 65,000 a year off of this. Juan dana, you interviewed the prosecutor and the defense on the 2 00 show. I think what struck everybody is the connection to mexican drug cartels. What did you learn . Dana well, one thing i learned in watching that clip is that i blink a lot. Like a lot. I wonder if i have some sort of problem that needs to be addressed or if jesse can tell me if theres a body language thing. I have to work on that. When they mentioned the mexican drug cartel, im like okay, this is the show ozarks comes to North Carolina and you have a fraternity, like this great story. Its also quite troubling. We know how dangerous and deadly the mexican drug cartels can be. The other thing is i asked the u. S. Attorney if the law had been changed at least on marijuana from a federal standpoint, meaning marijuana being more legal, whatever the laws change, would that have changed the situation. His description of the amounts and the situation that was basically escalating across all of these universities is one of the reasons he did that. I did talk to a defense attorney. He said he didnt say his clients would plead guilty but he said we are cooperating and expect to solve this without going to trial. Take that for what you can imagine it means. Juan all right. So jesse, college kids drinking and smoking. As you heard, no big surprise. What the surprise is thousands of pounds of marijuana. Kilos of cocaine. Its the magnitude. Frat houses. I think thats beyond any ones imagination, right . Jesse yeah. Hunter biden is on a none stop flight to North Carolina right now, juan. Looks like the left was wrong about White Privilege and wow did these boys get popped. Hardened drug dealers. Zach abercrombie. These fellows will strike fear in the hearts of their cell mates when theyre brought in. I hope they had a good run. Theyll never ever got a job again with a felony job in the securities try, the insurance, anywhere. Securities. Their life is pretty much over. So you think people that went to a good college like this are smart . Theyre not. The degree from here doesnt make you smart at all. Of all of these dozens of fraternity brothers, not one said hey, guys, maybe this isnt such a good idea. Maybe we should cut this out . I know kids do drugs in college. Youre not supposed to be the one selling the drugs. Juan greg. Thats the point. The scale was massive. It went from california to North Carolina. Why are you snickering . Greg because what jesse just said is the ultimate hypocrisy. Its okay to demand the drug. You just better not supply it. No, no, no, no. Dana sell it. Greg if youre demanding jesse draw the line. Greg if you demand the drug, you have jesse draw the line. Greg youre making the life of the supplier worthy. The fact is, theres a connection jesse greg, i can still like to go out to dinner but i dont have to own the restaurant. Greg but you dont make the restaurant illegal. Jesse de blasio does. Greg theres a connection to a cartel. Thats why a supply works in an illegal operation. As long as a demand is there, theres always supply and as long as humans seek oblivion or pleasure, theres always a demand. The problem here, arent these drug dealers its not the Mexican Cartel. Its the real enemy here, china who comes through mexico, sold in counterfeit xanax. That kills thousands of our people, including people you know, celebrities have died because of counterfeit xanax and other drugs. One simple thing to do, legalize drugs. Everybody goes oh, my god. Things will get worse. No its already worse. Its already worse. It gets better. Drugs are about delivery seasons in which you can contain a substance, easily tolerated bundles. If a cup of coffee didnt exist, if it were illegal, people would snort caffeine. But we have delivery systems. Its that simple. The fact is you eliminate the illegality, you eliminate the dangerous drugs gangs and then you put it up on individuals to make up their own mind. And then you can have your drugs and not punish the supplier while you take the drugs. Juan im wondering dagen what youre thinking. I heard here university of North Carolina, duke, appalachian state. No mention of wake forest. That is in North Carolina. Dagen right. Yeah. Duke sucks. Just get in general. The general rule. Duke sucks. So the dea agent said one of the dealers was making 65,000 a year. Thats not even enough for a year of tuition and room and board at duke university. It cost almost 79,000 a year. That is 316,000 over four years. So i wonder, what parent is if theres any parents out there paying for their kids to go to these schools and these nitwits are shipping cash across the country and putting weed or cocaine in cars. Because theyre not just theyre bad drug dealers. Theyre idiots. They should be expelled for that. Greg you have to major in it. Juan all right. Calm down, guys. Its friday. Coming up, more drama surrounding tom cruises outburst on the set of mission impossible. Plus, is a reboot of the apprentice in our future . The fastest seven up next on the five. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. 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Dagen President Trump reportedly mulling an apprentice reboot asking aides questions like how would you like to see the apprentice come back and remember the apprentice. Greg . This came from the deally beast, which is two levels below the world news. I never met a person that worked at the daily beast because they never get another job. So this is b. S. Hes not going to do a tv show. Hes going to do a network. You dont go from the most interesting president ever to hosting a game show. Dagen in theory, jesse, that could be part of a network. People loved him on that show. Jesse im going to pretend that im going to believe in this show. [laughter] i think it could be great just for the sake of argument. You could have a fox edition. You co have hegseth competing with dobbs and janine. I would watch his last season, he had about 11 million an episode. He started off with almost 30 million an episode. How many people voted for him. 74 Million People . You get a fraction of that, youre the number 1 show on television. Theres an appetite for it. Id watch for sure. Greg now do network. Jesse yes. I dont want to compete against him. Lets get real here. Talking about one show. Dagen dana . Dana i think that he will be a very interesting former president to watch. He has a ton of energy. A lot of drive. Hes got a big following. He can the hardest thing for him is to figure out what things does he most want to do. Anything he wants to do he can do it. Dagen juan, youd watch it. I know you would. Juan i dont know who would air it. Its not my cup of tea. I didnt watch the original. If hes asking this question, i think theres good news there implic implicit. Hes acknowledging that he lost the election. Theres something in there. Also, you know, when i think about him going back like that, i just think we most other former president s, they want to do charity work. Maybe he should talk about taking the vaccine himself. Greg yeah. Obama went on to charity work at netflix. All of that money is going to charity. Yeah. 100 million. Dagen yeah, the book deal. All of that. Next up, more drama on the sets of the Movie Mission impossible 7. Few crew members are calling it quits after this viral rant from tom cruise about following covid safety rules. Youre not getting a [bleep] movie. Is it understood . If i see it again youre [bleep] going. Dagen now the actor is reportedly taking an early christmas break from the filming of the movie. I think that is real, dana. Because tom cruise is not that good of an actor. Hes never tone a good movie. Maybe all the right moves. No way. Dana it sounds like he needs a break. So maybe thats good. Take a break. Well all get a break, a little break. Calm down. Be all right. Dagen jesse . Jesse id shoot this into my veins. I love it. I want to be it. Im thinking about having more emotional outbursts like this. I dont even care if the producers record it. Leak it all you want. Its good buzz for the five. Dagen should i do it . Well, do it live. Do it live juan . Jesse not that one. Juan gosh, for me, its cold, its dark and were going through a tough time with the virus. Theres light at the end of the tunnel and we can get away from having to listen to tom cruises going off and making people uncomfortable. He may be right. We have to keep our distance. A lot of people just think boy, thats an ego out of control. Dagen greg . Greg you know, i think hes going through a very stressful period. I think theres a book out there that could help him. I think its called dianetics. He should read it. Might help. Dana i thought you were going to say the plus. Greg i was. But i thought no, ill go with dianetics. Jesse follow the science. Greg yeah. Dagen maybe watch leah reminy show it. And a man in new york was trapped in his car for ten hours without heat after a plow covered his car in four feet of snow. Police came to his rescue and a hospital is treating him for hypothermia and frostbite. Juan, you look like a man that is always ready for emergency. I expect you have a hatchet in your pickup truck ready for these instances. Juan gee, i have to get a pickup truck. I do keep snacks in the back. My wife is like this stuff is old. A bottle of war and snacks, these a good thing in the car. Dagen greg . Greg yes. I also keep food. I also have firewood and some lighter fluid. So in case im ever stuck, i can have a camp fire. Dagen jesse . Jesse i dont want to slander the guy. Was he drunk . How does that happen . Drive in to Something Like that . Fall asleep in your car and pile on top. Thats what happened. I want to apologize if he was totally sober. Greg thats that fastest apology ive ever seen. Literally within 40 seconds. Jesse it was honest. It was honest. Dagen dana, black ice. It can happen. What do you say . Dana my mom and dad my sister and i have special ready kits or, you know, emergency supplies in our trunks of our cars when we started driving. I dont drive anymore. But i feel for this guy. How lonely and scary that must have been. Glad hess on the mend. Wish him the best. Right . Yes. Jesse yes. Wish you the best, buddy. Dagen on that note fan mail friday next. Research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres something you shouldnt try at home. Look, Liberty Mutual customizes Home Insurance so we only pay for what we need. Its pretty cool. That is cool grandma very cool. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Heres to the duers. To all the people who realize they can du more with less asthma thanks to dupixent, the addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma. Dupixent isnt for sudden breathing problems. It can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. Its not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. Dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and dont change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Are you ready to du more with less asthma . Talk to your asthma specialist about dupixent. If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. Heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, so you dont wait for life. You live it. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, [narrator] as many of the nations most trusted hospitals, we all know this. The science has not changed. Masks slow the spread of covid19. Every one of our Healthcare Professionals is asking you to do one very simple thing. Lets keep it up. Lets mask up. solemn orchestral music ends greg i know. Fan mail friday. Were answering your questions. First one from william w. Could you survive in the woods alone for two days . Woods or desert or dessert. Who knows. Dagen in. Dagen yes, im a woman and we carry a lot of water. In our bodies. Meaning were constantly bloated. We can lost more than two days. Greg interesting. I didnt know that. What about you, dana . Youre a woman. Dana i didnt know that. Now that i know that, i will answer yes, i could survive alone for two days in the woods. Probably not the desert. Greg the person with you wouldnt though. [laughter] oh juan, why are you looking at me funny . Juan i couldnt grasp that. I guess you think shes a tough customer. Greg yeah. Juan anyway. Well, i tell you this, as a cub scout, i would hope that i remember some things, greg. I hope i regular some things. Like for example, how to find true north and get out of there. Two days is a long time unless youre near water. Dagen is on to something. Greg what about you, jesse . You dont seem out doorsy. Jesse in the desert, you slice a cactus in half and drink the water. Seen that on a dozen cartoons. In the woods, you build a leanto and trap a bear with a sharp stick. Greg my solution is better. So alone for two days . Go to sleep. Just sleep for two days. Then wake up. Everything is cool. Thats how i would do it. You can generally sleep through anything. Im trying to sleep through 2020. This is from maria m. What is one thing about the Younger Generation and im assuming when you say Younger Generation, do you mean millennials, gen zs . What dont you understand . These are the people you mentor, dana. The mentors. Minute mentors. Dana im going younger than that. I only recently learned about the guy that is the most popular amazing bad bunny . I never heard of him before in my life. And so i think that i im just so completely disconnected and dont understand the music thats not about them per se. Thats the thing that i point to. I never knew who he was. I listened to one song. It was not for me. Greg a terrible answer. Jesse, what does one thing about the Younger Generation, people younger than you, like in their 40s . Jesse what confusing me, people more successful than i am that are on youtube. Theyre on instagram. They dont do anything. They just they have like six trillion followers around just getting paid in bundles of cash. I dont get it. How do you do that . I want to know. Greg ill teach you later. Juan, what is it about the Younger Generation that confuses you . Juan why people resist calling and love texting and then expect an instant answer on texting . Like why cant you just call me. Greg i hate texting. Say again, what say you . Dagen im distressed against the lack of knowledge of the blues rock and roll that came out in the 60s and 70s in britain. They dont remember nsync. Greg that is sad. What i dont like about the Younger Generation, how they cry when theyre hungry. Grow up, you stupid, babies. Dana and i had a terrible answer . Greg that was a great answer. Dont question my answers. Dont answer my question. One more thing is next. Jesse time now for one more thing, greg. Greg what a show we had a pure december 19th, we have the beautiful, stunning, interesting show devito. And as always, rounding out the set. We are in the studio. 10 00 p. M. Tomorrow and it will be a barn burner. Hunter biden. Jesse that is it . Thats all youve got . You dont have animal videos . Greg i wanted to give everyone else sometime. How nice of me. Jesse i will take up the time. Happy National Twin Day come america. Johnny with his twin daniel. Daniel is a Real Estate Agent in manhattan, good luck with that. Finally, we have the producer and his twin brother christian. Christian is an e. R. Doctor saving lives while bret is saving america on fox. Then we have greg gutfeld and crag got felled right there. I will let you guys decide who the evil twin is. [laughter] the opposite of evil is good and that is what that will be this apm, please do not miss waters world, and dagen you are next. Dagen thank you, jessie. Take a look at this a we dont l got so close, but he put a brave face on. If there was audio you would hear a woman in the background going listen, you dummy come i will buy you some new walls, get away from the alligator. Jesse sometimes its just around with the guys. Dana perino. Dana check out the snowboard in new york with a ton of snow in new york city. These guys come i thought they had the you feel like a christmas give, go to the website and preorder everything. You get a certificate, put it in a stocking and you are the hero of christmas. Jesse the hero, everybody wants to be a hero, right, juan . Juan if you want to believe in a Little Christmas magic, 9yearold tommy hunt as he speaks his first word. Yeah. Juan that 9yearold british boy, he doesnt speak but only communicates with an ipad appear that, my friends was christmas magic. Jesse have a nice weekend, everybody. Bret good evening welcome to washington im bret baier. Breaking tonight a studying contrast and further evidence why so continuity of government getting that vaccine with four average americans and many frontline workers at new covid relief bill for their constituents. Those average americans wai

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