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I have got to call it like i see it. Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Hi, im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. Another tear attack by muslim killers. That is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. This morning in paris, france, three gunmen shouting islamic slogans invaded the offices of a french satire rick newspaper with murder on their minds. [gunfire. [gunman killed 12 people, wounding 11 others. There is no question there is another terror attack by muslim fanatics who are waging war against nearly everybody. Every country on earth is being contact impacted by the jihad. Yet, we still still will not admit the truth about this ongoing war. One thing that im very confident about is the values that we share with french people a belief, a universal belief in freedom of expression is something that the cant be silenced. It isnt the few. Jihadists have strongholds in a dozen countries. They have killed thousands of American Military people. Tens of thousands of civilians. They are occupying thousands of miles of territory in the middle east and isis fanatics are beheading people on cam rand kings people all over the place. President obama should know the word few is absolutely erroneous. These are people are waging a world war and it will be a never ending war unless the entire world comes together to defeat the islamic jihad. Many people will not even admit this is about fringe islam. You know, this is a chronic problem. I stopped calling these people muslim terrorists. They are about as muslim as i am. I mean, they have no respect for anybody elses life. Thats not what the koran says. You know, europe has an enormous radical problem and enormous i think isis is a cult. Not islamic cult just a cument. Thats just dumb. Isis recruits fanatical muslims. Thats who they recruit. They dont go after flour children from san francisco. They are not the moonies. Howard dean does not know what he is talking about. He is an n. A state of denial. And there are many many others like him in america. Now, the french newspaper that was attacked by the jihadists had printed car tunes of mohammed poked fun at islam. In the jihad world thats a capital crime in 2012 white house spokesman jay carney actually warned the publication. We dont question the right of Something Like this to be published. We just question the judgment behind the decision to publish it. Well thats a message of weakness. Although i understand mr. Carneys point of view if you dont have to antagonize fanatic call killers dont. But the real issue is confronting the jihad. In europe, many people are getting fed up. About 18,000 germans recently demonstrated against muslims in general living in their own country. These germans were not protesting the jihad pro se. They are angry with with islam, period. And thats a growing trend in europe. But that stuff does little good. What should be happening is a coordinated effort among the nations of the world to fight the jihadists and punish countries that enable them. And if pakistan, for example, aids a terrorist, then all business should be cut off. Pakistan and other countries like it should be pariahs isolated. But the world will not do that. Thus the jihad lives. And 12 more people die in paris, france. And thats the memo. Now for the top story tonight. Reaction, joining us from washington steve beachy. Foreign policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation and lt. Colonel tony shaffer senior fellow at the london policy research. All right, colonel, begin with you. I think the world is too soft on the jihad. I mean you look everywhere. Very little coordination. There is among intel agencies interpol, cia. The third world nothing. You know, they are scattered all over the place. And i think its never going to change. What say you . Oh bill, let me be very clear. I agree with you. When the association of british muslims makes a stronger statement of condemnation and accepting the fact this was an islamic attack and the white house completely down plays it. There is something really wrong. In as much that you are correct that we have great intelligence assets trying to do the right thing to coordinate. They are blinded by Political Correctness which sits on top of them. I dont understand, doctor why barack obama you know well its just a few guys you know, we are not going to let them the jay vee, you know. Isis. Whats wrong with him . What is wrong with the president . Well, bill if barack obama really wants to give the rest of islam a break, he feeds to go in and crush isis. He needs to go in and hunt down guys like these three in france and get rid of all of them. If you do that, if you pull that root. The rest of islam can live peacefully with the rest of us in the world. The rest of the slams is not going to support that effort. Did the rest of you ever think about why barack obama continues to you know why . Colonel shaffer . Well, i think there is a fundamental essentially denial of the facts on the ground consistently because it doesnt meet his political narrative from his world view as best can i tell based on people i have talked to and officers who have briefed him to his face saying that radical islam is the issue who got fired by the way there is a complete denial that the muslims have a problem. The way you solve that problem is by doing three things immediately. First off building on what president said recently within the last couple days. Good muslims must renounce violence. Build on that. Go to muslim groups who actually do hate this and try to work with them and for Goodness Sake get back to doing whats necessary to penetrate these groups with something called human intelligence. Espionage. We are so afraid, bill of looking inside. Thats why i notice they identified these guys today very rapidly after the attack. Why . Because they have been monitoring them. They dont have the key element of command and control understanding of whats going on inside the network. Its hard to believe because we have all the eaves dropping up in space. Who is that now, colonel . Would you tell everyone who that is . President al cici. U. S. Army graduate. Who is he . He is the president of egypt. I mean,. Sorry about that. A lot of people watching you have to define. President of egypt actually taken the plead in saying sure. They will cut his head off and the king of jordan. There is no coordinated effort. The u. N. Is a joke right doctor . Er forget it. Never going to get anywhere in there. They might as well shut it down. They dont care. Wont do anything. Impotent. On and on. The u. N. Is not going to take the lead in this. They shouldnt take the lead in it. We dont want to give away our sovereignty and neither does anybody else. Couldnt they rally people against the jihad . Couldnt they make it harder for these people . These people walk around in the open. They are not fearful. They they attack. Oh my god. They are be be gettinged by organizations like the u. N. We need to take the lead with like minded countries its not going to happen with this president. Its not going to happen with barack obama. How much sax fight does the u. S. Have to make we have already fought two wars. It sounds like you agree with me this world is not going to jihadist go on and on and on and on. Last word colonel shaffer. We have got to do something to protect our interest and our citizens period. President obama does not have the right to pick and choose how he defends the country. He must defend the country. Recognize as a threat, need to go as a threat. Radical islam. Period. Rundown in new york city. De blasio situation stopped locations why . Then the police chief in pittsburgh holds up a sign a protested against the police. What . Those reports coming up. The pm pain reliever. That dares to work all the way until. [birds chirping] the am. New aleve pm. Its the first to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last all the way until morning. New aleve pm, for a better am. Your eyes really are unique. In fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. Thats why theres ocuvite to help protect your eye health. As you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch lomb. Ocuvite has a unique formula thats just not found in any leading multivitamin. Your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite. Do you suffer from constipation or irregularity . Trust dulcolax® for dependable relief. Try free at dulcolaxoffers. Com dulcolax® stool softener makes it easier to go comfortably. Hurry try free at dulcolaxoffers. Com. Dulcolax®. Designed for dependable relief™. Infiltrated those places under mayors giuliani and bloomberg. Under the new liberal mayor de blasio that surveillance has stopped. Where do you stand with the nypd surelsz . Would you stop that outright . The efforts of surveillance have to be based on specific leads specific information and need to go through a careful vetting process. Here now to join us from washington is former mayor Rudy Giuliani who exactly stopped the surveillance . He did. I started it in 1994. In 1993 the World Trade Center was attacked and the hole attack was planned in a mosque in new jersey. A year later the head of that mosque was sentenced to prison by judge Michael Mukasey for a hundred years and the head of the mosque declared a fatwa on judge mukasey who had to be under protection for 10 years because he tried to kill him. That was the blind sheikh what we are talking about. All of it was being organized within two or three mosques particularly in union city, new jersey. So when i was the mayor i had previously been the u. S. Attorney. I was quite aware of this. I would have my police do surveillance. And when i when they would argue against it i would say i cant imagine that any priest or rabbi would complain if i had a few Police Officers sitting in congregation what are you worried about . You never got it either. Infiltration of the mosque by somatic looking men by Police Officers just to figure it out. I dont know if anybody knows this there are very radical mosques in new york city right now. There is one in brooklyn. These guys are, you know, calling openly for violence against westerners and america and there is one in queens. And de blasio is saying we are not going to monitor. You dont need a probable cause to put a Police Officer in a church a mosque a temple. You know, we had a shooting in Saint Patricks when i was the mayor. I had police in Saint Patricks. Cardinal oconnor thanked me for having the police in Saint Patricks. There is no special privacy churches generally want people to come in and worship with them. Not the islamic crew. They dont. Cair has objected to it its racial profiling. Demographics unit the brainchild of a cia officer named lawrence sanchez. And he got together with mayor bloomberg and then they designed this program where nypd would go in to if they heard that there was a an imam or a guest speaker calling for violence, they would go in and they would watch and see what happened. But de blasio has knocked that out and says, look, we are not going it to surveil unless we have evidence of a crime. Thats basically what he he is saying. I mean, thats really knocking logic out. The way you prevent crime is by using logical deductions about who may commit the crimes where is there more crime activity . You put more Police Officers where there is more crime activity. If, in fact, there are mosques in which there are discussions about or even encouragements to become like these lone wolf terrorists like we are seeing so much of, you would tend to want to put more police there. Yeah, sure. You would want to infill trait and got some undercover in there look, the per regions Authorities Say, the french Authorities Say they have dismantled a number of plots. Im sure under your administration and bloombergs administration you dismantle ited a lot of plots before they even got there. The times square guy. Back in the late 90s with two muslims who were going to blow up a subway station and we caught them two hours before they were going to do that the reality is it its irresponsible not to do it. The Political Correctness that the de blasio has brought to the city in the last year obviously has played into protest and the image that the mayor sympathizes with the protest and sees the cop as the oppressive force and you and i have got noon that. Now its extending into the terrorist thing were not going to look any radical mosques. I know its radical. Everybody knows its radical. We are not going to do that unless you have evidence that somebody in that mosque has actually committed a crime. I think it puts us all in danger. No question it puts us all in danger. We avoided the italian social clubs when we were investigating the mafia because no one particular person in that social club had yet been convicted of a crime. We knew from general that there was discussion there. You guys pug bugged those places where he had umpleg mr. You were racially investigating the italians when you were investigating the mafia mr. Mayor. I must have been. You know what it is . Its not racially employee filing. Its logical deduction. Its logical reasoning. Its what we were taught to do in school if you ever took a course on philosophy ology analysis. All right mr. Maher, we appreciate your time this evening. All right. Thanks bill. Directly ahead. Controversy in pittsburgh as the police chief there holds up a sign protesting cops. Wow. Later miller on the new York City Police embarrassing al sharpton. Wait until you hear this. We are coming right back. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. 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Save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. The year end Clearance Sale is on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep g . Goej÷c÷c cammeron mcclay was asked by antipolice protester to hold up that sign. The police replied. Some say that was disrespectful to his own department. We asked chief mcclay to appear with us. You are supporting the chief here, right, mr. Mayor . What do you think that sign meant . What do you think that sign meant . Well, i think it talks about two different issues that are both related first is that a belief that all of us can do whatever it is within our own power to eradicate racism and whether its a police chief, a mayor, a corporate ceo. We all have a responsibility to do that and the second one with the end white silence basically goes to what i believe to be a truth for many white people including myself talking about race issues is sometimes difficult. We feel uncomfortable. Some people are afraid to address them. In the context of whats happening in america, particularly here in new york city, where some politicians, the mayor of this city de blasio have kind of demonized the Police Coming text a lot of prefers calling for violence against the police. Generally they are all racist, the system is racist. Was it really wise for the police chief of pittsburgh to do that . I dont think he had a ill intent. It might demoralize department a bit. I would argue the other way. I actually think right now whats needside open, honest dialogue. I dont know of one problem that any of us face either personally or systematic problems that isnt addressed by first having an open and honest dialogue you dont believe that the Pittsburgh Police department is generally racist, do you . Not at all. Certainly you dont believe your administration is racist, do you . No. But i do believe that there is power that i have as an elected official and there is powers that a police chief has north to up the dialogue to. Say to people yes we are listening. I think why a lot of people gravitated to that photo in a positive way was for so many people they see white politicians or white Police Chiefs and they say they are just not listening. I think by having that photo, being seen by people it starts a dialogue that takes us away from the polarizing debate thats already happening. Isnt it possible though that a police chief holding up a sign like that could engender a witchhunt . Again, i think you your move motives and i think chiefs motives are good. I understand that you guys are trying to send a message that if there is a problem and if is a key word there. We want to talk about it we want to hear your concerns. And i think thats good. There is a witchhunt aspect to this. Because you know there are charlatans and provocateurs that run around pointing your finger you are a racist. I have been accused of being a racist every hour on the hour. You are a racist. You say. This you criticize this, you are a racist. I think there is a danger there. There is a danger almost any action you take. Especially when you enter into enter issues it controversial. There is also an opportunity. Thats what we are trying to do. Our goal is to mend the relationship between the Pittsburgh Bureau of police and the community. You know. Does it need to be mended . It does. There has been a past history that has taken it to levels that have both demoralized the rank and file and at the same time broken the communication between our black community and our police force. We are trying to run both tracks at the same time. Its sort of difficult. The nice thing about pittsburgh. Its a small enough city with only 900 officers that you can work on individual basis. Bind together the steelers and the sports teams. Were not talking about the steelers this week franchise perennial. Go to the games. I have seen it. They come out to the community. Its a uniter. And thats the goal. At this time his guys he doesnt think racist. They have to be reassured as well putting their lives on the line. Thank you for coming on. We appreciate. It thank you, bill. Martha maccallum investigating reports that the state of oklahoma wants to ban hoodies. Can that be possible . And miller has some thoughts on the paris terrorist attack. New York City Police embarrassing al sharpton. Fascinating story. Hope you stay tuned to those reports. The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. If you have copd, ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro ellipta. It helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. Anoro ellipta is the first fdaapproved product containing two longacting bronchodilators in one inhaler. 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Truth serum segment tonight, tax increases, are they now in play for the new year . There is a lot of misinformation about it. First, one of the commercials that drives me absolutely nuts is cars for kids. 1877cars for kids. Kars karrs for kids. 1877cars for kids. Donate your car today. Are there no truant officers . Now, what the heck is kars 4 kids . A charity that took in about 28 million bucks in 2013. With us now our truth serum correspondence molly line and eric shawn. 28 million. Thats a lot of dough. They advertise all over the place. Driving everybody nuts. Where does the money go . You can get that tune out of my head . No. Please, it is like actually, cars for kids, if you dont natal a car, you do get a tax deduction. Does it help kids . Yes. What they basically dont say in this ad is who the kids are and they have been accused of having misleading advertising in the past attorney generals in oregon and pennsylvania. It basically is an Orthodox Jewish charity called joy for our youth. A lot of the money goes to another Organization Called ora. That in hebrew means awaken. And its an organization that provides educational services, Camp Services to what they say needy children. None of that is visible in their advertising campaign. It is on their web site and they say. So its only one seeing; the Orthodox Jewish kids getting helped by this right . They say 5130 kids have been helped. They do say they help some africanamericans. Its basically an Orthodox Jewish organization to help enlighten their religion. They spend a lot of money marketing, all right. How much money do they give to the orthodox kids . Well, for example in 2013, according to their own irs documents they raise 2 will Million Dollars from the 48,000 cars. 18 million were spent on services. Of that 12 million went to ora. 18 million out of the 28 was spent apart from the kids . 189 million services on the kids 12 million to ora. 12 million to one other organization. And 18 directly. But, they make money, they spend a lot of money on other things like real estate deals . Well, there was a report that there was a real estate deal. They lost 5 million a few years ago. They invested in some kind of real estate thing . They claim that they were trying to increase their capital and endowment by by investing in real estate. It doesnt sound right to me. State attorney general of new york was investigating that apparently nothing came of that. What does Charity Navigators say . Says they are okay. They are not at the top of the list at all. Better Business Bureau claims they have been misleading in the past. Not 100 . I would say if you want not going to get my car. Even if have a skateboard not giving them that either. If you read the conservative web sites, taxation is now like 80 . Being taxed all over the place. Whats the truth . There is email going around a lot of people getting this going around for a couple years. How the top medicare tax going up this year 2015 that the top income payroll tax bracket going up. Estate tax and others going up this email going around host and nawrkts democrats for all these numbers, blame obamacare. Saying republicans have play nod role whatsoever. The big thing they get wrong is the date. These taxes that went up actually went up in 2013 in 2015 this year are we getting any tax increases . No. In play still in play. Top medicare tax. 1. 35. Thats true. Went up to 2013 that is because of obamacare. Tax rate there is right. From there on out. Same thing that we had that was past a couple of years ago is in play now. Right . 207 payroll tax bracket. No such term exist. Take the federal tax and add it together. Social security used to be capped. Its not capped anymore. You have got to pay no matter. What then the Capital Gains tax went up big time to what, 2 o . Is that where what it is now and less than a year whatever you are making. If you are in the 38 bracket thats what you are paying. Paying a lot of tax. I dont want to diminish that. We are paying a lot of tax here. Its not what this says. Its not what this says. Especially the estate tax numbers here a lot of the taxes that did go up go on folks 200,000, 25050. Maybe when i die maybe i will give cars for kids my skateboard. Im not sure. Probably wont. There they are. Everybody. When we come right back, it will be miller time. The d man on the paris terrorist attack. New york city cops embarrassing al sharpton. Wait until you hear this. Miller is next. [container door opening] what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. Introducing the firstever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. Once you go beyond utility theres no going back. I have the worst cold with this runny nose. I better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Thanks for staying with us, im bill oreilly in the miller time segment tonight, three hot topics, lets get right to the sage of Southern California who joins us now from santa barbara. All right, miller the paris terror attack and you say . Well to echo what morgan freidman said to himself in the Shawshank Redemption its time for the civilized world to get busy living or get busy dying. Because we have got a problem on our hand here and the problem usually lists its return address as the islamic fate. Im not going to do that silly thing where i have to stomp down every time i talk about this and say not all 1. 6 billion of them are nuts. But granted, i guess de blasio can talk about new york city cops as their monolithic and say to his kid dont trust the cops. I have got to stomp down every time. A lot of this stuff goes back to that faith and what i would do on a domestic level, i think first off we have got to start standing up here. If i was brandize university. I would welcome that i amersy and apologize to her for canceling that speech. Thats what its all about though, isnt it . France makes the tremendous mistake of opening its borders and flooded with muslims as you said most of them are all right. They are okay people. But there is a significant minority that wants to do damage. All right . And they are there. Now france has to deal with them. Every other country in europe is being overrun by muslims. Their fault. They let them in why did you let them in for what reason. They wanted working papers. You give them working papers. They dont have any right to french citizenship just like anybody doesnt have a right to u. S. Citizenship. They cawtedzed the problem. Now they are running around they dont know how to solve the problem, miller. They dont know how to solve it. You have first got to send a message hold a state funeral. Funeral. Barack obama. Attend that funeral and walk in with a. Netanyahu probably issued a statement because set least neurotic about it i would do the same thing when Michael Corely own sent his hedgeman over at the wedding listen get ahold of your life or ill would have to do it. I would winner that statement for whatever passes for moderate islam in this world now. You better get ahold of your problem or were going to have to do it and be a lot messier if you do it. There isnt anybody to get ahold of it. We can isolate countries like pakistan start calling a spade a spade. None so blind as those who cannot hear gunfire ricocheting down a hallway. It could be anybody. In no, i dont know whether you know this story or not, there was a lawyer who worked for alsharpton who was charged, i think it was rape. They tropical depression the charges. In the investigation, the cops, the new york city cops found a prescription in the lawyers house for viagra. But guess whose name was on the prescription label . Al sharpton. Al sharptons viagra bottle was in this guys house. So the cops who hate sharpton leak it to the new york daily news. Can you imagine . Well, listen many times on this show i have called sharpton a stickup artist. That is not what i meant, billy. But i would say this. My problem with sharpton isnt that he takes it, its that he wants to sue pfizer because they it are little blue pills and he thinks they should be little black pills. Thats my problem with sharpton at this point. All right . By the way anybody out there listening. If you are in the middle of a corporate shakedown that lasts more than four hours, contact the physician and they will tell you. Side effects too to those shakedowns. There are dangerous side effects, billy. All right miller, whats your new years resolution for 15. Do you got one . I thought we were going to it talk about boehner for gods sake. I forgot about that thank you for reminding me. The most the darkest caucasian i have ever seen george boehner, did you see him yesterday. Im looking at your tie and seeing him. Its the same color as his face for gods sake. Its january. Can i tell you what he got for christmas . Earl shia. 99. 95. I looked it up in my 64 crayon box thats right between number 20 burnt orange and number one burnt see emma. This the only reason this guy is still around because barack obama sneaks smokes off him, all right . You can always tell which ones will carry in water for boehner he is the one who wheezes all the time. Wake up, boehner. Do you think its spray tan or is it tanning booth . Other a melted sherri think bar. He is red faced because is embarrassed he is a hack. Replace the indian logo boehners face you can still call them the red skins, everybody wins. Dennis miller everybody. Give him a hand and quick reminder if you would like to seat dman and me in person, its frightening. We will be in rio rancho new mexico outside of albuquerque on april 4th for dont be be a pinhead show. Thats a great time to visit the land of enchantment. Info or bill oreilly. Com. Martha maccallum on deck. Is the state of oklahoma trying to ban hoodies . And then some stunning information about killing patton. Thats in the tip of the day up ahead. Nexium® 24hr. Its the purple pill the 1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™ back of the book segment tonight, did you see that very disturbing picture of a baby and a snake. But, first oklahoma trying to ban hoodies . Thats what some internet sites are reporting. Is it true . Here now fox news anchor Martha Maccallum you see with hemmer at 9 00 in the morning. Yes, do you. Moodies, did you see all the historical stuff on the net about this. Huffington post get charged 500 feds you wear a hoody. In oklahoma. Not true. They already have a law that you cant wear a hood when you are committing a crime it goes back to the 1920s. Cant wear a hood when you commit a crime. Clue clux clan thats why there is that law. Proposed that would extend it to any sort of mask or costume or disguise. I think theyre going after these crazies that you see in like scream masks. So they dont want in oklahoma, they dont want people walking in public with their faces ob secured . Is that what it is . In the process of committing a crime you cannot wear any of these things. Right. So if youre busted and you have the hood on then youre in bigger trouble. But they made these exemptions. If you are in a circus or if its halloween, so theres plenty of exemptions for anybody you just get a pass . Its probably not going to pass. No. Its kind of intrusive. Yes. But i understand in an age of terrorism you dont want guys running around right. Id stop and frisk somebody who had the full mask on. In oklahoma you can do that. All right. Another crazy thing, baby, a python or Something Like this. Some big snake. Roll the tape. In the footage jamies 13foot python can be seen interacting with his daughter who is 14 months old at the time. When people see this clip they mostly react with fear or negtivity. And i dont understand why. Because as you can see the snake is just rolling around. It has no interest in biting her or choking her or swallowing her. Now, this is the definition of pinhead. He doesnt understand why. All right. Its a big snake. Its a huge bow constrictor. Where did this happen . This is in the midwest, i believe. Hes a snake handler who wants to open a reptile zoo. Look at those pictures. Im a person who likes my pets to be furry. These are reptiles. This is not normal. There was a terrible story we did in 2009 where a baby was killed by a python in her crib okay. And they were convicted of murder, these people. Now, im sure this guy says he knows exactly if i were the cops id be investigating this guy. Horrible, right . Yeah. He would claim theres nothing to worry about. He wants to open a zoo and hoping theyll get a lot of hits on youtube and his daughters can help him ew, no. Get a job. Idiots disturbed people see that and then they think they can put kids you know this is a wild animal. Its a snake. You dont reason with the snake. More people die from dogs than from snakes, but i think thats because more people have dogs. Right. In the amazon more people die from snakes than dogs. Get a dog please. Were living in a crazy world. This internet stuff, that makes it crazier. Every nut in the world lets put the baby with the snake. No lets not. Please. Mccallum and i are simpatico on this issue. Yeah. He hates snakes. Hes afraid of them. Im not afraid of them. Coming back, some stunning news about killing patton. The tip moments away. Yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. It has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. For gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works mmm mmm live the regular life. You get sick you cant breathe through your nose. Suddenly. Youre a mouthbreather. Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. The factor tip of the day in a moment, but first the mail. Joseph ft. Worth, texas. Oreilly when reporting the epsteinPrince Andrew lawsuit, you left bill clinton out of the story. Im sure youll say theres no proof, the same can be said about information you presented. Thats total nonsense doctor. President clinton was not named in any lawsuit. Prince andrew is. We clearly labeled that dubious and our legal team explained why. We dont deal with speculation or innuendo here. You should respect that. The Prince Andrew story is interesting but who knows where it will go. Some of those charges against senator Robert Menendez were youre living in a dream world. An alleged scandal covered at nauseam. Bill you told john stos sell that all republicans want similar government, you are sadly mistaken and grossly naive. I should have said all republicans say they want smaller government. Jonathan, centerville, virginia, oreilly, why are you so mean to stosstel . I give him the same jazz i give everybody else. Ive known him 30 years so im entitled. Mayor de blasio was wrong to demonize the nypd but the cops are also wrong for failing to enforce the law. Mineral wells, texas, why isnt it okay for president obama to order authorities not to enforce immigration law, but wrong for the cops not to arrest lowlevel offenders . Thats a pretty interesting point, bruce youre making there. Gwen connecticut bill, i have not missed a single the factor since the 9 11 attack. No one else has the guts to say what you are saying. But its the truth. Nicki, longmont colorado. Bill, at the exact moment you were talking about how annoying it is to lose your cell phone i was running around the house trying to find mine. Anglo, italy beautiful place. As a small appliance that you can put on your king ring that when pressed will make your cell phone ring. Is that right . Id buy that, anglo. Gratsi. Mr. Oreilly im 13 and read all of your books. Killing patton was my favorite christmas gift. I appreciate that. The kids edition will be out soon, but you dont need it. Youre reading the adult book. Good for you. Victoria armstrong, new castle. Bill, you invite guests on the factor just so you can interrupt and belittle them making them seem delusional when they are making sense. Not copping it out victoria, not copping to it. But i have fond memories of new castle. I took a ship from there to norway. Great trip. And finally tonight, the factor tip of the day the datas in. Killing patton is the number one adult hardback book of 2014. We beat everybody, stephen king, james patterson, john grisham. In fact, grisham was second in sales but killing patton nearly doubled it. Also the audio far and away number one. That is amazing. And that is because of you guys and Martin Dugard the best researcher in the world. Im going to be humble here. This is a nogloating zone. Heres the tip of the day, when you have success you should handle it gently. Handle it with care. The factor tip of the day. And that is it for us tonight. Please check out the fox news factor website which is different from billoreilly. Com. Also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. Oreilly foxnews. Com. Name and town if you wish to opine. Word of the day, do not be a louche when writing to the factor. I think im using that word properly. I think i am. Again, thanks for watching us tonight. Ms. Megyn is next. Shell have the terrorism in france and well continue with that throughout the evening. Im bill oreilly. Please remember the spin stops here cause were definitely looking out for you. Breaking tonight terror in the heart of one of the worlds most famous cities. Twelve people murdered in cold blood, but tonight the cry of liberty and freedom has not been silenced by these terrorist thugs. Welcome to the kelly file everyone. Im megyn kelly. All across the world tonight we are witnessing rallies in support of the victims of frances worst terror attack in more than 50 years. And it comes as news breaks in the manhunt for the attackers. Just a short time ago we saw Antiterror Police carrying out a raid in the french city of rons. The attack started around noon paris time

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