Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180315 : v

FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight March 15, 2018

Celebrities, journalists, political elites across the country cheered them on. The tv channel nickelodeon went dark for 17 minutes to show support for kids leading the way. In new york city, a student diein was joined by the governor of the state, andrew cuomo. In baltimore, that city spent more than 100 grand in taxpayer money to transport students to antigun rallies. This in a city with one of the highest murder rates in the nation, a city that cannot afford trash cans or streetlights. Tr meanwhile in alexandria, virginia, 65 students walked out of an elementary school, as if kids under ten can go anywherere by themselves. Whether you like the kids and you like what theyre saying, and you may, but you should be opposed to this because kids should not be used to advance political agendas. S. Anyones. Us why . Because theyre children. They are not old enough to haveo the perspective that adults do. Thats why we dont let them vote or a drink or, if todays protesters have their way, buy guns. And so its wrong to exploit them, which, by the way, is exactly what was being done to them today, what the left is doing and has always done from maos red guards to right now. The anc in south africa used kids as political props in the 80s. Their cause was obviously morally defensible. Causes usually are morally defensible. But in the process, an entire generation of kids learned to believe that activism is more important than learning. And a lot of them regret it now. They were exploited, and theyre being exploited here. No matter what they chant, i remember that the enemy of the adults behind this isnt the nra. Its anyone who opposes their broader agenda. Thats mostly people who have no power at all. So the message from our elites is really simple. Stand against us and youre against children and therefore youre a monster. And if youre a monster, you deserve to be destroyed. Its a kind of moral blackmail. Igor volsky is director of guns down america and he joins us tonight. Igor, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me. Tucker so my complaint is not that people disagree with me on the second amendment. I think its totally legitimate. And i think its fair to have a debate on this. I mean, i probably agree with you, actually. Tucker well, maybe you do. Maybe you do. My first problem is the use of children to make a political point. So would you, for example, i know you supported what happened today, have a problem if thesef kids were being driven by their teachers in buses to an nra rally or if they were rallying against transgender bathrooms . The march for biology. How would you feel about that . You know what i love to see . I love to see students who are out there engaging in the democratic process, students who are doing really what Teachers Want them to do, what teachersrs teach them to do, and that is take part in critical thinking, find something they believe in and fight for it. I mean, you saw the students tucker theres no criticalin thinking here. You didnt answer my question. If they were taken to prolife marches or antigay marriage marches or something you disagreed with, by teachers i disagree with your premise. Tucker no, but how would you feel . Would you say thats totally cool . My question is really simple. In your hypothetical question of do i think students should be taken against their will somewhere to do something. Tucker no, no, no. No, no, no. If teachers were abetting a march, if teachers across the country were saying to kids, let me help you get to a march that represented something you found morally repugnant, would you be supportive on principle . Would you say this is them engaging in the democratic process . For guns, for example. I mean, if your premise is should students be taken somewhere by teachers where they dont want to go, i agree that shouldnt happen. Ud tucker would you be for it if you didnt agree with it . You heard the students after the shooting. You heard what the students said. They believe this in their gut and the reason is, tucker, is cause theyve experienced these bullets. Theyve heard these bullets. They buried their classmates. Thats why theyre doing this. Nobodys forcing them. Tucker what youre doing is and im not saying kids who are under the care of a teacher who has control of their grades and life are not free agents. They cant act fully independently as you and i can because theyre under the control of an authority figure. This is really simple. This is why teachers arent allowed to have sex with students. Because theyre in powerur and the kids arent. So why are teachers allowed to direct kids toward a political ideology . Its really simple. Because the teachers are not directing students to do anything. This is student led. This is the power of this movement of this moment is that now we are in a situation where students are saying enough is enough from the lawmakers who dont want to change the gun laws. Enough is enough from the nra who wants to push their Guns Everywhere agenda. Were going to push for change. Thats what theyre doing. Thats whats really inspiring about all of this. Tucker if i can make an obvious, almost technical point, which is that kids cant vote. Kids of the age of most of these students, 16yearolds cant vote, so theyre actually not in the democratic process. And weve agreed that they shouldnt be in the democratic process. Weve agreed that until they can make rational decisions, they cant vote and by the way, you dont want them to buy guns. If theyre too young to buy guns, why should they be making my gun laws . But you know who wants them to buy guns . Uy the nra. The nra specifically markets tucker who cares about the nra . Im asking you what you think. Why should people who dont have a right to buy guns have the right to make my gun laws . Its a simple question. They are not making your gun laws. Tucker theyre influencing them. Yeah, and as citizens in this country, they are allowed tucker theyre not citizens. Not citizens . Tucker theyre children. Theyre not 18. Theyre americans, but they dont have the full rights of citizenship because theyre not adults. They cant drink alcohol. A lot of them cant drive cars. You dont want them to buy guys and they cant vote. Is there a difference between an adult and a child . I mean, of course. Tucker then why dont you acknowledge that then . My point is, theyve been placed in this situation where their lives are in danger in american schools. And the reason is because of decisions that lawmakers made and because of the agenda of the nra that wants to put even more guns in their classrooms. I think its okay for them in fact, noble for them to say tucker i get it. Because you like it. But if they were going out, if one of their teachers, some scary altright person was taking them to a milo rally, you would freak out, as you know. And you know. Just admit it. Lets be honest with each other. If there were 50,000 kids going to a Milo Yiannopoulos rally right now, taken by their teachers from fort worth, you would say this is the end of america. Students arent doing this going to milo rallies because thats not what they believe. They believe in this. Tucker, you had students bury their friends. You had students lose friends and that happens all across the country. Tucker the theatrics. Pull back. Its not theatrics. I dont understand why youre dismissing. Tucker im not in any way dismissing. What youre doing is engaging in the classic moral blackmail techniques of the left, which is rather than make a rational case, you point to children and say, if you oppose what i believe, you are against them. Let me ask a rational question. You have sent a number of tweets out recently saying the cops are racist. They kill a disproportionally high number of africanamericans. Have i . Tucker yes, you have. Im not attacking you for that. I dont tweet about that. Tucker racism plus Police Brutality plus guns equals alton sterling, philando castile. Hold on. Are you questioning the tucker im not attacking you. Im not. Its the predicate to a question, which is this. If you believe that the police have a problem with racist violence, why do you want the police to be the only people to have guns . Its a simple question. I dont want the police to be the only people to have guns. I want to move us to a country where we have fewer guns and where we dont have assault weapons that can kill people. Tucker the cops you described as racist, would they have assault weapons . Tucker, im not saying all cops are racist. Tucker im asking you a sincere question. Im arguing that racism plays a role in the disproportionate murder of young black men. Tucker then i dont know why you are so trusting of police you say are killing people. You know thats not what im saying. Look, i want to have a serious conversation. Tucker im trying to have a serious conversation youre telling me im dismissing the children. [laughs] you are dismissing the children. Youre laughing at tucker i have four children. Im not dismissing the children. Trust me. Youre dismissing these children. Tucker of course im not. I think you are. Tucker numerous Top Democrats went out of their way to pander during todays protests. Us watch. We need laws, not nice thoughts and prayers. The nra has made me public enemy number one and im proud of it. Are you going to vote out of office the people who take the gun lobby money . And put your safety at risk . A the nra has held Congress Hostage for years now. These young people have shown up to spring us free. We need a vote now. We need a vote now. We need a vote now. Tucker dan bongino is a former secret Service Agent and contributor to nra tv. And he joins us tonight. Hey, dan. What do you make of this march . A couple of things are going on and your prior guest did it, nancy pelosi did it. A number of those politicians taking advantage of those kids at a rally at that was designed to reduce targeted school violence, not to pass legislative items on the democrat agenda but shame on us for bringing it up. We are the ones dismissing the kids, according to the left. Your prior gas to do things. First he did the appeal to emotion where they talk about emotion as if the emotion is a reason in this case. Of course we all feel horrible about what happened in parkland. Point stipulated. No dispute there. But he confuses the emotions surrounding the situation with reason and reasonable measures that Going Forward would reduce school violence. He did Something Else i found particularly disturbing. The liberals do this all the time. They do this utopian fallacy where they say things that are clearly nonsensical designed to make you look foolish. What they do is they say thingss like, we all want fewer guns in school. Of course we do, buts you dont get to pick that. The darn bad guy does. The bad guy walks do you think the bad guy walks in school and goes, there is a sign up that says we want fewer guns in schools, let me turn around. We dont live in utopia. We dont live in a perfect world, and its really infuriating have a debate with people who constantly engage in these silly tactics, never want to get anything reasonable done. They do this trick late to make you look silly. Tucker how would you feel if your childs teacher was proselytizing about a specific point of view and brought them on a bus to a political rally. Wouldnt you have a right to be outraged since thats not why you are sending him to t school . Outrage . Id be pretty pissed. I send my kids to school for reading, writing, and arithmetic. I dont expect political indoctrination. If a teacher has a political opinion, its happened to me before. I, unlike a lot of liberals, encourage my daughters to go back to school and make their case and make it in a reasonable fashion. If the teacher gives them a bad grade, we can fight that fight, but thats what reasonable people do. They dont encourage kids to walk out of school during the middle of the day. Na do you know what kept occurring to me . God forbid one of these kids walking out of school was hit by a car or Something Like that. I dont send my kids to school to engage in a political protest. Tucker you ought to pull your kids out immediately if they are exploited the way these kids are being, in my opinion. You ought to pull them out. Its a joke. Dan, thank you, great to see you. The press were almost unanimous and their positive fawning ofiv todays walkouts, heres a selection. Im already choked up thinking its kids, its kidss leading the nation begging for School Safety because the adults have failed them. T the power of these young people, the decisions they make, they cannot be bought, they are fearless. E its pretty incredible to see these students of all different ages. A some 14, 13 years old. Not wanting to be underestimated about what they have to say. We are expecting visual, powerful moments here the nationser capital. Students across the nation say enough. Tucker joe concha writes about media for the hill and has to watch that crap all day longw we are only hiring dumb people in tv news. When did that happen . Did an order go out . Only nonskeptical low i. Q. People get microphones . Reporters jobs shes an anchor, she is not a pundit. They are there to simply report. I go back to the movie broadcast news. He says i think we are all going to be okay now. His curmudgeon producer, station chief, looks at the monitor and says who the hell cares what you think . We are having anchors insert opinion and emotion. Tucker i think that about myself every day. Issues like this gun control, abortion, social issues, the press has always been completely on one side. Ol ive never seen entire tv networks devote their coverage as an inkind contribution to the marches which is what happened today. A line definitely has been d crossed. It wasnt this way two years ago. If this is activism in many quarters at this point and it is taking aside. I did see, or hear anyway, when interview today that didnt get a lot of play and it came from a different perspective. And it came from somebody whos a very famous person, one of the great nba players of all time, went to a Police Academy after he retired and became an unofficial deputy, a and his name is shaquille oneal. Heres what he told wabc radio in new york. He said the government shouldol give Law Enforcement more money, give more money, and the guys not ready to go onto the streets, you put them in front of schools, you put them behind schools, you put them inside of schools. Shaquille oneal goes on to argue that banning guns simply is not something that will work alone because there is 300 million of them out there and this is the type of solution that deserves many, many different ideas being brought forward and instead what were seeing now is the media pushing one idea forward which is if you ban guns, used up the problem and its much more copperheadsyo comprehensive than that. Tucker if we ban guns, we should start with the bodyguards at network news division. Lets spread the pain around a little bit. It shouldnt just be widows in west texas who have to give up their protection. Viacom shut down its programming entirely and went black. Ive never seen a channel turn down advertising dollars. Thats how strongly they felt about this. N i wrote about this early this morning. Viacom is a Media Company and they own several networks. E cable networks. Whether it be blackk entertainment network, comedy central, nickelodeon, mtv, for 17 minutes at 10 00 a. M. , 17 being the number of people who were killed in parkland. Nu they ceased all regular programming and nickelodeons case, they said were shutting down because the kids are leaving and we are here to support them. Im paraphrasing, thats basely what they said. Id thats advocacy, activism. You can agree or disagree, but at the same time, this was an unprecedented event that we saw via viacom this morning. Tucker it is also cheap moral preening. If they cared, they would pay the College Scholarships and everybody in parkland. Great to see you. You get a bodyguard . I dont get a bodyguard. Tucker cable, and allowed to answer that. Texas just won a big victory. It could mean jail time for prosanctuary politicians. Thats up next. What is the power of pacific . Its Life Insurance and Retirement Solutions to help you reach your goals. Its having the confidence to create the future thats most meaningful to you. Its protection for generations of families, and 150 years of strength and stability. And when youre able to harness all of that, thats the power of pacific. Ask a Financial Advisor about pacific life. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. 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Tucker a federal Appeals Court handed a victory to the state of texas today and upheld the state law banning sanctuary cities and allowing the state to comply with federal law. The law threatened officials with jail if they refused to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Meanwhile, nine immigrants have sued the administration over itr decision to revoke temporary protective status for several countries. The status is supposed to provide shortterm deportation relief from those who arrived. From dangerous places. Thousands have lived here for decades under that status. Those people say removing their status would be racist. Lee guillen is Deputy Director and he joins us from new york. As i understand it, youre upset that texas is following federal law . Were not upset that texas is following federal law, we dont think theyre following federal law. Thats one of our claims. What we are concerned about is that the

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