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50 people had been injured and that a lone gunman was responsible for this. We got word from Ralph Rayburn, a reporter from wsvn 7 in south florida working the chopper today for them, word from him that they believe all of this began in one classroom with one student and they identified the student at the time. The authorities locked down the school, told the students to lock down in place. Began searching the area and put up a perimeter and made their way to a nearby neighborhood less than a mile away where they found the young man in the maroon shirt and the black pants whom you just saw and hes the person of interesting. They brought witnesses from this to look at this man and personally identify him. Then the Broward Sheriffs Office took him in custody. What we have just been toldpy the florida senator bill nelson to peter doocy is that there are, and i quote, many fatalities on scene. We know the senator told peter that after receiving word from the school system. Now were waiting for authorities to tell us that the lockdown is over. We know that the students have been dismissed from the school, that they have been taken to nearby buses. We know the authorities are still investigating. Why know the streets around are closed and that hospitals are still waiting and ready to take in more casualties if necessary. This is the scene from earlier, 3 00 p. M. There was barely controlled chaos around the school. You can see that the Fire Department, the Parkland Fire Department was there. They loaded a number of students or young people on to stretchers and transported them to nearby hospitals. In fact, wsvn has a reporter outside the Trauma Center at Broward General hospital. Lets listen in. We have four people being tended to here at Broward Health. Were waiting for an update. We talked to the friend of a parent. Outside of that man, we havent spoken to anybody and dont see anybody on the outside. Well like to think if theres other relatives theyre on the inside trying to get as close to their wounded relatives as possible. We can pan off and show you this little scene going on out here. Were assuming that those might be family members or friends perhaps being briefed. Looks like a member of the Broward Sheriffs Office, a doctor, a man in a white coat there and some others from the hospital, either hospital staff or family members huddled up there. Another broward sheriffs vehicle pulled up and we see a van off to the left from the Sheriffs Office. Were thinking that this could be connected to what is going on on the inside here. Were well away from Douglas High School, well away from the active scene. Im looking in the distance. Ma m manny, we have the ambulances. One from tamarack and another to the left. Another unit right behind that tamarack fire rescue. So still activity going on here at Broward Health Medical Center in ft. Lauderdale. As soon as we know more, speak to a hospital official, a parent or any other activity takes place, well be back to you guys, craig and lynn. Thats the latest. Im sheldon fox, reporting live. We keep going back to this because this is significant. Police say they have a person of interest whom may be responsible for this Mass School Shooting that started 1 1 2 hours ago. This is 117th and northwest 47th drive, a mile from the scene there at park land. The shooting started in one classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Police, swat, releasing some of these children and faculty methodically as they do in these situations. The poor kids and teachers having to run out with their hands in the air. They took their backpacks as a precaution presumably going through them, looking for anything dangerous. What the kids must be going through. The question now is as you look at the live picture to the right, Police Looking at the person of interest and the picture on the left, an active scene. Are there more kids in the high school . Any more faculty left . As ralph has told us, theyre going to do the grid search. Its a fairly large campus. The perimeter expanded to the walmart. So as they clear sections of this perimeter, theyll clear it out little by little. I mentioned earlier, the governor is on his way. He was in touch with the white house. Hes going to Broward County to meet with Law Enforcement and emergency officials. The president has offered some thoughts on twitter, this from the president a short while ago. My prayers and condolences to the victims of the terrible shooting. No child or teacher should feel unsafe in an american school. He and Governor Scott have spoken about this earlier in the afternoon. The governor will be here at some point soon. Weve said it so many times. Its true. You dont have to be a parent to feel compassion for what everybody is going through. What these parents must be feeling when they got that call. Some of these kids in High School Drive their own cars, some dont. You know, seems like everybodiry kid has a smart phone texting parents. We heard from one father saying please call 911. The parents rushing to the school. If you have a kid, its your worst nightmare. If you dont, you feel for everybody. Lets go back to vanessa who has been talking to stunts and parents Shepard Shepard smith . New york. Thats Lynn Martinez and Craig Stevens reporting. I want to give you new information that we got from our other affiliates. A student, michael katz that he heard what sounded like a garbage truck banging and then a reporting of a boom boom boom and screaming. He got under the teachers desk. And this from the miami herald. Parents are being told that students are sitting between a publix and walmart with guns. This is Broward County, florida at Douglas High School. The town is parkland. Were waiting for police to confirm that this active shooter situation is over. Weve seen the reporting there. Weve seen the incredible pictures from Ralph Rayburn in the chopper of carting away of this one person described as a student. With the maroon shirt and black pants. Trace gallagher has new information. What do you have, trace . Well, shep, were not going to name this kid clearly because police have not named him but we know who he is. Because of that, we scoured his social media footprint, which police have also done. We found that he has a number of relationships with gun groups and his Instagram Page is filled with gun associations. Its unclear what type of weapon was used today. Police have not mentioned anything about that. There was earlier talk of a possible suspect wearing a black cap that got out with some of the students as they were fleeing the building in the early going. We also found out that this person of interest was involved in a youtube chat room about bombs. Because of that, shep, that prompted the police to put out some alerts to go back to the school and get these kids out as quickly as possible and to go through the school and check for bombs. So not only are they trying to clear the school as they always do from room to room and space to space, making sure they have every inch of it covered, but now you throw this into the mix, were not saying there was a bomb on campus, were saying that police are checking to make sure that there were no explosives. This guy snuck out of the building and was in a neighborhood for quite some time. You have commercial buildings on the other side of the school mostly in a residential area. Its our understanding that he was in this residential area for the better part of 45 minutes to an hour before he was apprehended by police. Theres chatter now this person of interest might be taken by the sheriffs before hes taken to jail, might be taken to the hospital, maybe hes injured in some capacity. Well keep checking and find out more about this person of interest that is now about to be transferred from the police to the sheriffs department. Neil so were clear, trace, its my understanding theres no reason to believe that anybody else was involved. There was one shooter, right . One shooter. Thats all theyre saying. At first as we have always seen, they go through this checklist. There was reports of a couple of shooters. That was knocked down in the early going. Right now theyre working on the promise that there was only one shooter. They believe the school is clear of any shooters, but they are going through, looking for any kind of anything else that could be harmful devices. Shepard thanks. On the lefthand side of the screen is the school and the righthand side is where the person of interest was brought in. All of the body language has changed. Its appears this is a situation where the authorities are of the mindset that they have gotten their person of interest. Now to find out exactly what happened in that school. The official information that we have is somewhere between 20 and 50 people were injured. These are ground pictures coming to us live from wsvn. 20 to 50 people injured. We dont know an exact number. A local Fire Department chief has told the miami herald number and the miami herald is now reporting one person has been killed. Since that report, our own peter doocy has spoken with the florida senator, bill nelson, who has told him that many people were killed inside the school. We have not gotten confirmation from that. Senator nelson said he received that information from the school board or a member of the school board. I believe the school superintendent. We just got word from Coral Springs police that parents are picking up their children once released from Douglas High School and that release is underway now. So you can see the process underway. One more thing. A Senior Department of justice official tells fox news theyre in touch with the fbi and this, the attorney general Jeff Sessions is being briefed on the floor shooting situation. As you heard Craig Stevens report from south florida, the president has tweeted on this matter mores that once and spoken with the governor, rick scott. Now were waiting for the Broward Sheriffs Office to come forward. The broward sheriff confirms the suspect is in custody. The active shooter situation is officially over. Theyre beginning to evacuate the students from the school. Now we wait to learn from authorities how many people have been injured and whatever else they can tell us. You can see the broward sheriffs chopper is in the air is in our own local chopper. Lets listen to wsvn coverage now. 12 minutes past 4 00 p. M. In south florida. Saying when is enough. Again, it hits home for us down here in south florida. What happened . What was the motive . Were hearing its a student. We have not confirmed the name or former student. Were trying to get that information. One student saying he knew of the student and the student possibly had guns shepard this is the matter that weve been reporting on and were not yet using though we have the name. Trace gallagher gave you the information about the studentss background and participation in a gun chat. All the rest of that background. The rest of the speculation, we know having spent years working with the Broward Sheriffs Office there, a very modern and wellequipped facility or department. They will come forward with a Public Information officer to give us information when they can we have this one pick chun picture from wsvns chopper. The green is usually the European Form of the Broward Sheriffs Office. Theyre still surrounding this vehicle in which we believe the person of interest is still contained. I guess we can say suspect now. The authorities have said that the active shooter situation is over. The suspect is in custody. In other words, they believe at this moment that they have their man. So who is this . Our recording is this a student that was in class this morning. In class through the day. Sometime between 2 00 and 2 30 this afternoon, so in the last couple hours, this student began shooting. Happened in a classroom. There was a teacher there. Weve since been told by Ralph Rayburn the reporter for wsvn 7 that the teacher had been brought out to be interviewed by police, which to be debriefed by police to give police what she knew. Other discussions led police to this area. It happened live as the chopper was above this other location as the suspected gunman was brought out and taken in custody, put in a patrol car and thus far has not been carried away. You can see some students there. This is a live picture from up above. This is these are live pictures, two coming from wsvn. Students and parents and the rest reuniting as parents pick up their students and wsvn continues live coverage. Lets listen. Ralph rayburn brought us a mile from Stoneman Douglas afternoon. Again, to confirm through police there, the suspect they have identified in this shooting is in custody. Now, the situation at the School Campus is where where there may well still be people inside, suctions of the school building. They canvas, they clear. They evacuate them. Lynn just shared. If youre on twitter, the p. D. Has done a great job of providing information as quickly as they can. For pickup information, for those of you with students that attend that school, and im going to retweet it, and well go over that again, once they release it, south at betty straddling park, thats where you can pick up your kids at this point in time as per Coral Springs p. D. Shepard weve just gotten this. This comes to us from our Network News Service affiliate wfor in south florida that reported to us a lot of students dont have what their seventh period, the last period of the day. So at 2 00 p. M. When this was alleged to have begun, there would have been a big mass of shooting where this happened. Theres always a marked officer in the school from the Broward Sheriffs Office. So somewhere in the school there was an officer wearing his or her Broward County Sheriffs Office uniform. The word from the Broward County Sheriffs Office and the Coral Springs police locally is that the shooter is in custody. No reason to believe theres another shooter. What were waiting to find out now is about casualties, a motive and casualties. Whether authorities have a motive is remaining to be seen. We expect to get information about the students involved and anyone else that may have been hurt as the first calls without out around 2 30 eastern time this afternoon. The latest that weve gotten from the locals is the numbers are varying wildly. Senator bill nelson has been our source on multiple fatalities at school. Lets listen in. To the right here is a live picture of the scene where the shooter was taken into custody. To the left is a picture of the scene, the perimeter there, outside of the high school. Lets run over to vanessa. Shes with the superintendent of Broward County schools. Yes, some former student. Dont have a name yet. Cant release any information to you. That individual, we believe, is in custody at the moment. We hear a high number of casualties. Are you getting any indication from the sheriff how many people may have died . Cant confirm the number. There are fatalities involved here. Can you tell us how many transports that you know of . Maybe a dozen . I dont know the number transported at this point. Again, there are numerous fatalities. Its a horrific situation. It just a horrible day for us. We got reports of multiple shootings. Can you confirm that . Im sorry . More than one shooter. No, we have no evidence of more than one shooter. The individual, again, has been apprehended. I would leave it to the sheriff to provide you Additional Details around that. Someone saw a teacher that was did. Is that confirmed . I believe theres an administrator or teacher that is involved. There may be more. I cant confirm if that is a fatality. Im sure this is a day that every superintendent fears. I pray that we get up and never have to see a day like this. Its in front of us and i ask the community for their prayers, your support, for these children and their families. Were going to do whatever we can to come together as a community to pull through this and we will. Again, were doing everything we possibly can. The students are being evacuated and released at the moment. Were working through that process. Are you aware of any indication, any warning, any behind that the student could have been planning we received no warning, no anything. Theres going to be an investigation. You can see in these situations there could have been signs out there. I would be speculating at this point if there were. But we dont we didnt have any warnings, no phone calls or threats that we know of. Superintendent, theres so many parents that are afraid, afraid to send their kids to school. What would you tell them out there . What i would say, we cannot live in a world built on fear. We have to do what we can to make sure that we provide the greatest Safety Measures we can for our kids. What ill tell you is that Mental Health issues in this country are growing and they are a big challenge and something that needs to certainly be addressed within our School Systems as well as in the Broader Society to ensure that these kind of tragedies dont continue. Weve got to be able to recognize individuals that are in distress that have challenges and be able to find ways to support them. Our schools, we do what we can to make sure theyre as safe as they possibly can be for our children. Again, this is a day that we prayed would never be here in Broward County. But were dealing with it and were going to deal with it as a community and well pull through it. My prayers and heartfelt sorry goes out to the families and this entire community. The comments about Mental Health and stress, are they speculation on your part or well, all i would say is that other than the obvious. Other than the of course. Thats correct. No sane person is going to go and commit such an atrocity. So i would say that is something that we have to deal with. Its not based on your knowledge nothing regarding the individual that committed this. I know its a challenge and something that weve been trying to deal with throughout Broward County and throughout this nation. Were going to have to step up our efforts. Someone in custody. So the rest of the students are being evacuated right now, right . Thats correct. Theyre clearing buildings out, doing it in an orderly manner to make sure its safe. Again, theres an enormous presence of Law Enforcement here and theyre assisting in the evacuation process. And west glade next door, are the middle School Students being let go or theyre probably going through an evacuation process as well. We have students coming from some of our middle schools like nova where typically may get dropped off here. We have them being dropped off at another site and note fighting parents. On a typical afternoon, what Police Presence and security every high school has Police Presence at the high school. There were officers on the school site at all times. You know for certain how many or where . Typically at least two, two cars of Law Enforcement individuals on our campuses on a daily basis. Resource offices . Theyre called resource officers, thats correct. Was the shooter contained to the one building . Do you know . I dont know the path or exactly how the shootings occurred. Where were you when you got the phone call and your heart had to have dropped . So today has been a day of enormous mountains and valleys is. I was leaving Monarch High School where we were giving the teacher of the year keys to a brand new toyota camry that was that she won for being teacher of the year in Broward County. We were celebrating our teachers and our schools. I got in the car. As im driving back to the office, i start seeing communication and hear from staff that we may have a tragedy. So i came from literally giving the teacher of the year a car and celebrating our teachers in our district to where i am right now. The deadliest School Shooting in Broward County ever. Thats what it appears to be. Im so sorry. Thank you so much for updating us. Shepard thats superintendent Robert Runcie, the superintendent of schools in Broward County florida. The sixth Largest School district in america with 270,000 students, 337 schools and 30,000 employees. One of his schools is in the town of parkland. Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school where the superintendent that walks away now told us in tears just moments ago of the tragedy he hoped and pray ed he would never see. We do not know the number of people that have been killed. From the looks on the superintendents face, there are a number. The senator, bill nelson has informed us that many people have died today. We dont know how many are students, we dont know how many are administrators on teachers but we know that the superintendent of schools very shaken man while delivering the news of what has happened today. Think of it. Giving the teacher of the year a car and hearing that there had been a tragedy at one of his 337 schools and reporting here to the town of markland and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to a scene of carnage. Another School Shooting in america, another line of students walking with their hands above their heads. Another young man taken into custody. Another superintendent grieving. Wsvn 7 is continuing to cover, this all the local stations in south florida broke into local programming 2 30 this afternoon. The pictures on the righthand of the screen is what we saw first. Students running from their school where we know one person had been firing a weapon and had killed people around them. They came to these triage areas and we just got word from the Broward Sheriffs Office that 14 people have been transported to area schools. They said the number was between 20 and 50. 14 transported. We dont know about any that may not have been transported. But to hear it from the superintendent of schools and from senator bill nelson, a number of people have been killed. This began just about two hours ago. A little more now with the first calls coming in to the Broward Sheriffs Office. Coral springs police there, pakland police on scene. All sort of in a coordinated effort as they knew they had a gunman who they could not find. So they locked down the school, locked down the community, continued to expand the perimeter around it. Eventually extended it to a nearby walmart. Another school in the area that was put on lockdown. Students in the classrooms told to shelter in place. Teachers keeping them there. A line of students coming out as police began to evacuate them one after another and another. All the kids piling their backpacks on the divided street on which the school sits. Some being taken to hospitals. Others being moved to other locations so their parents can come to get them. All of their belongings left in the street there for checking. The authorities uncertain about where the gunman was. How had he gotten away from the school . It appears, they believe, as the students were escaping, so did the gunman. They found him about an hour and 15 minutes later. Not a mile from the school. Now wsvn has a reporter on scene describing what is happening at this moment as we with it to learn about fatalities. They cant believe they witnessed the man in the maroon shirt being thrown on the ground, arrested in front of their eyes. Hes responsible for the multiple injuries. They saw they saw this coming. Dont know if he lived here or why he came to this community. But he was arrested in the Wyndham Lakes community in Coral Springs. This is a man that is now going to the hospital and responsible for these multiple injuries at the school. Were asking questions, calls to people here on scene, witnessed it. They barely want to be on camera. They cant believe they saw this. Scared, shaken up. Were trying to get more information as to if this person lived here, why think came to this community. Were going to get the answers right now. Hes being sent to north broward hospital. I did see the cell phone video. He was on the ground. I dont know if he was hurt in the struggle or some other way but now being sent to the hospital. Well bring you the latest. Franklin white, 7 news. Well get back to you as you learn so more from there. Just want to repeat, that was a pretty substantial and very informative live interview with superintendent Robert Runcie. He said theres numerous fatalities. Thats the First Official to say that. He said that just a moment ago. Numerous fatalities. He called at this time deadliest in Broward County. He alluded that some administrators or teachers may be among the dead. He said students will be evacuated and released as they clear each room in an orderly fashion. He also said that every high school, and we know this, those that live in Broward County, dade county, typically two cars of Law Enforcement. That goes to the investigation, who is this person. Robert runcie said that the shooter may be a former student who perhaps knew the layout of the school. Youre looking at a live picture of Pompano Beach fire and reuse. The shooter being taken at least with 140 14 other victims to nearby hospitals. The superintendent said there was no students or signs that this former student, if thats the case, was someone that needed to be on their radar. That is significant in that authorities before he was in custody had and idea who he was, they knew where he worked. Had an opportunity to look at his Search History on his computer according to our reporting. So they developed a bit of a portrait of this young man. That may well help them as they advance their investigation as that gets underway. Our main prior think is focusing on the victims and treat and care and support for loved ones. They have a little bit of a leg up in that they have been able to develop a portrait of this young ban because they had a good idea who they were looking for. The aftermath of the suspect being transported to the hospital. The aftermath is back at the school. The kids that had to do through this. The parents dealing with their own trauma that will linger a long time as weve seen in many School Shootings across the united states. Parents, according to superintendent runcie, he said students are being evacuated and released. We saw live pictures about an hour ago of the students being released very methodically told to run out of the building. They left their backpacks in a mile so police could go through them. Theyre being released. If you need to pick up your child from Coral Springs police department, pick up the students once released, which Robert Runcie is said is happening now from Douglas High School, go to the marriott south of betty straddling park. Im sure parents will have to show i. D. Shepard were listening to Lynn Martinez in south florida. The entire community has just learned that one of their schools has been shot by a student or former student. Craig stevens speaking now. The audio competing. The reason im letting you know, all of the local stations are telling family members where to go to pick up their loved ones. Theyre all watching this fire rescue vehicle take the person that police say is responsible for this carnage to a hospital to be treated. We know 14 people according to the authorities have been taken to local hospitals. We dont know how many people did not make it out of that school alive. Wsvn waiting for police to give us more information about that. The afternoon rush hour beginning on the lefthand side of your screen and on the righthand side as they zoom . Thats the vehicle containing the suspect and taking the suspect to the hospital for treatment. On the lefthand side of the screen is the area around this school. The reporters from wsvn trying to get to the bottom of what the motivation was here, how this all got started, who saw what and how many didnt survive. Lets listen. Communicated it was a shooting and kids starting running out of the building. At least as craig mentioned, the number is changing. At least 14 injured. We heard Robert Runcie, the superintendent of the schools, said numerous fatalities. He called this a horrible day for Broward County. We heard this from quite a few students, initially when the alarm was sounded, people out in it was a drill. They had a drill earlier in the day. One of the kids said its valentines day and he thought the noise came from balloons. He regrouped and said thats not it. The realization set in. A day when folks came to celebrate the special someone on campus and brought the balloons and candy and quickly realized there was no celebration. Shepard my friend Craig Stevens encapsulating the most incredible day. Its valentines day in this school. As he pointed out, theyre celebrating. What if its that . Sadly its not. Lets go to bill nelson joining its live now and first to tell us so sadly that there were fatalities in this incident. Senator, thank you. I understand you spoke with superintendent Robert Runcie of the broward School District earlier. What did he tell you . Yeah, its a bad day, shepard. He told he just exactly what he did. An hour later, said live in a press conference there. A number of fatalities. He did not know the exact amount. He implied that it was clearly more than one and could be several and many. Our heart goes out to the families of students, the school. Theyre grieving. I have already said my prayers to give them comfort, but this is a tough time. Shepard, each time this happens and how many have happened, we say enough is enough. And then it happens again. So its a tough, tough day. Shepard what can congress do . Well, you know, we could not even get passed a bill that would take the terrorist watch list and prohibit them from buying a high caliber weapon or any weapon. We couldnt even get that passed. So when you say what can be done, i dont know the answer to that. Shepard what do you say to parents in south florida who this afternoon are living a nightmare that no one would wish on their worst enemy . I hope you made contact with your child, and i hope its not long until you can wrap your arms around them. Unfortunately, some its going to be difficult because they cant do that. Shepard have you spoken with anyone else, senator, outside of superintendent runcie . Yes. Ive spoken to the undersheriff, ive spoken to the fbi. By the way, they are on the ground. They are leading this effort and then going into the investigation, they are going to be the lead there. Then well know the specifics. To your earlier question, what can be done . Well know the specifics. Was it a high caliber weapon, did the shooter get the weapon legally and so forth and so on. Shepard which undersheriff tell you and what did they tell you . Theres one undersheriff. The information i had from the fatalities came from the superintendent. Shepard undersheriff Thomas Wheeler . Yes. Theres only one undersheriff. Shepard and tell us if you can, what kind of information he gave you. Well, no more than what i just shared. Theyre there. Theyre actively there. He was standing in on the phone call for me because sheriff israel was in another part. The superintendent was on his way about ten minutes ago to meet with sheriff israel. So superintendent runcie will know the extend of the information that Law Enforcement have. Shepard do you have anything about this young suspects background . I dont. Shepard we have a good bit of information and were working were not going to give the name out until we hear the authorities. Thats the policy. Thats a good policy. Shepard senator, the best to you and yours and thanks for being here. Thanks, shepard. Shepard so now we wait. We wait as most family dos in south florida. Normally by this time, we dont know how many people will not leave that school today. But we all saw the superintendent runcie together. Thats a man that has 337 schools under him and 30,000 employees with 270,000 students. The sixth Largest School district in america and now theyre focused on that one area and that one school and waiting to find out from local authorities how many did not survive. It is the story in south florida this afternoon. And its in coverage in all of the local english and Spanish Language television stations. The same on television stations across the country as the networks have picked up this coverage from south florida this afternoon. Lets listen in to wsvn as their coverage continues. 20 minutes till 5 00 this afternoon. I wanted to correct myself. You saw a live picture on the lefthand side. That is the hospital where the suspect is going, Broward Health. Now on the lefthand side, we have i believe is this video or live . Video on the lefthand side. To the left is live. They were taking the shooting suspect on a stretcher 30 minutes ago. This is a picture outside the school there in parkland where theres numerous fire rescue and fire trucks and police trucks. Police cars were on the scene. Fbi is on the scene. Swat is there. Coral springs p. D. Is there. Everybody was there, superintendent runcie is there as well. What is happening now, how to release the children, evacuating each room, clearing each room, clearing each floor. Pairing their child up with their parent or whoever is in child of the child. To the right, we continue to follow Pompano Beach with the suspect going to the hospital. So you can see even in the pictures there, the number of people outside. Its an orderly process. Theres a procedure they go there by which they check everybody out one by one. That can take awhile. So everybody going to pick up the kids, keep that in mind. It could take a few minutes before you leave the area with them once you make the connection. Were also getting word that Governor Scott is traveling to Broward County to be briefed by Emergency Management officials and Law Enforcement. Theres word that as soon as he heard about the shooting, Governor Scott spoke with president trump, speak with officials in the homeland security. Looking at a live picture of a still very active scene. The take away right now has to be one of the saddest days in south florida. Sad for those of us with children and those that live here and dont have children. Superintendent runcie says theres numerous fatalities. He said we will pull through this as a community. Weve seen the images, seen the story, klum combine, new town, other communities that have had to pull together to get through Something Like this. Were trying to get a handle on what well be dealing with. To echo the superintendents statements there that south florida will get through this, too. Broward county will get through this. Certainly with the help of loved ones and neighbors. You see it but you dont think its going to happen in your community and it has. In the coming days as the investigation continues, a lot of questions as to who this person is, were there any signs. Superintendent runcie said there were no signs no, warnings. This may be a former student. Looking at a live picture on the ground of pompano rescue. This rescue truck is the person that police say is responsible for numerous fatalities causing the deadliest School Shooting in Broward County. Hes being taken to for whatever reason to the hospital. We understand hes going to the same hospital that four other shooting suspects that he is allegedly responsible for putting in the hospital will be at also. Again, not clear on the nature of what requires this, why he its not a straight trip down to one of the Law Enforcement buildings for processing and all that. Might be an abundance of caution, might be he was injured in some way. We know his first stop upon being taken into custody is the hospital. I think i saw we have a reporter there obviously. You saw the throngs of people there trying to get information about this young man and the other victims that were brought to Broward Health north. I was just thinking about the parents and the loved ones, what might it be like to go to this hospital because your child or perhaps your husband or wife that works at the school was injured, was shot. The alleged shooter is there as well. That has to be high emotions and a lot of stress for everybody involved. So you see the truck there. Its backed in. The doors are opening. We saw earlier the suspect actually be put on a stretcher. You can look at it to the right there. Looked like he was wearing a dark shirt. Walter said it was maroon. He had dark hair. No word on why they decided to take him to the hospital, what his actual injuries were or state are. Instead of processing as craig mentioned but he arrived at Broward Health north. Shepard Craig Stevens watching with us with Lynn Martinez. We just got the first video from inside the school. What is the origin of this . This is a student that took this video. This is inside a classroom it would appear. Lets listen. Shepard remember, students were told to shelter in place. They they went in to evacuate them all, this is video from an auditorium that a student took. We saw a still picture earlier that wsvn was showing and appeared to be from the same room. The question now is, you heard Lynn Martinez saying that the suspect has been taken to the same hospital, Broward Health north is where they took the suspect. Four other people are said to be victims of this person are also in this hospital. Lynn was saying, imagine youre the parent or brother or the child of someone who is in this school, who was in that school and shot according to authorities, the suspect was just brought there as well. Its a strange cometogether. Remember when we saw the overhead shots of the man being taken into custody less than a mile from the school. And there they are. He was wearing that maroon shirt that lynn was talking about and put into the back of this vehicle. Of course, we dont have an up close view here. There was no indication that he had been injured in some way. Of course, if a suspect complains and says he or she needs medical treatment and youre a Law Enforcement officer, you pretty much have to do that. All praise to the Law Enforcement officers. Think of what they accomplished today. The School Shooting began at 2 30. By quarter till 4 00, this man was in custody and no one was in any danger anymore because of whoever this is. Weve heard the reporting of trace gallagher. Those of you that may have joined us late, we learned a lot about this suspect. Havent used his name yet because its the policy not to. We learned a lot about his background. Ill go to trace in a moment. Somewhere along the way, he asked for medical treatment. So they put him in the back of a Pompano Beach fire rescue vehicle and took him to Broward Health north where some of the other victims are. Now i suppose theyre treating him. At some point, they will take him back down to the Broward Sheriffs Office as craig mentioned for processing and the rest. This man has a lot to answer for. Trace, his background is coming to view. Tell us what you can. Were still not going to release his name. Police have not released it to us. We have scoured his social media footprint. We found on facebook, he left the picture part blank. There was not a lot of information to glean from there. If you look at things like his Instagram Page, you can see hes fascinated by guns. We dont know the type of weapon, we dont know the power. We know this suspect, if its him, is fascinated by guns, fascinated by gun groups. He following resistance groups like syrian resistant groups and fighter groups of of iraq. We noticed a couple days ago, maybe a week ago, he was involved in a youtube chat room conversation about bombs or building bombs. Because of that, we could hear earlier while this was going on on the scanner traffic, police were saying we just found this information. This kid was on a building bomb site. We need to check the school for bomb, one or two bombs. You throw that in the mix, you have swat teams scouring the school and going space to space trying to clear it and then throw in this alternate factor of the possibility that there might have been explosives. Theres been no mention of them finding any type of harmful device at this school. Theres always a Police Presence on campus at this school. Its a complex of buildings. 3,200 students in all. A Police Presence at all times. The superintendent said there was no warning at all no warnings, no threats of violence at all in the past day. So when you link that with his social media foot printed, you can bet the fbi is involved, local police are involved, talking to this persons family and his friends, trying to figure out an m. O. Of why this happened. If they go deeper into his social media footprint, theyll get a lot of information about what he is following and what hes doing leading up to todays horrific shooting. Shepard coming to us from wsvn live pictures ahead. This is the area where they set up the tryiage. A reporter there now were an update. Lets listen in. A lot of the students are being taken to the marriott. A loot of parents have tried to get closer on this end, coming back without their child. They are taking the students once they have been cleared, like you said methodically to a nearby marriott. You said the trauma involved as students. Some students are being released in this area as well as students are starting to come out, the ones closer to the gun fire. Many showing us, they have smart phones. Many of them showing us the pictures. Some too graphic to put on television. Blood, on the ground in the school. We also heard of a coach that jumped in front of several students to block them from students bullets. Possibly passing away. Inside of the school. So youre talking about trauma. Doesnt even cover the surface of what a lot of the students saw here today. Things that no one should ever see much less teenagers see inside of a place that they should feel safe, this happening here in parkland. Youre seeing theyre trying to clear this area. Youre seeing parents coming out, many of them without their child. This has been going on several hours now, parents running to that area to find their loved one. Now they just want to be reunited with their child. They just want to hug their child for the parents coming here and getting the worst possible news that a parent could ever get that their child did not make it. The parents are being escorted out of here as well. We have been told that several students were taken to broward north and four students were also taken to Broward Health Medical Center in ft. Lauderdale. An absolute chaotic horrific scene out here in parkland when a gunman walked inside of that school and began shooting, taking lives. The superintendent Robert Runcie saying that there were multiple fatalities. We dont have any clear numbers. Youre seeing the aftermath out here, people still trying to figure out where their child is, if they were taken to nearby hotel, if theyre still inside of the school being cleared out. Handle hundreds and hundreds of students at dismissal time, a time they were supposed to leave, go home. Instead, police rushing to the scene to try to figure out what was happening. Maam, are you still looking for your child . No. Luckily. So you can see parents still walking out. This scene here has been closed off. Parents either with a student inside or on the phone or have some contact with their child, allowed in to find their child. This is a plaza here, a walmart inside. Many students when everything happened went running to this plaza. Many going to pick up their child in this area, too. But strong words from superintendent Robert Runcie saying today was one of the he had a high giving teacher of the year award and then he began getting phone calls in records to the shooting. It was the lowest point that any one could possibly hear. Had a high and low, the worst day. Shepard were interrupting wsvns news. A Police Conference beginning right now. Its a fluid scene. We have multiple swat teams clearing all the buildings. If anybody knows anything about Stoneman Douglas high school, its one of the biggest in Broward County. Its a huge campus. We have multiple swat teams clearing every building to make sure that theres no other shooters. We have a shooter in custody. He was taken into custody i believe about an hour after he left Stoneman Douglas. After he committed this horrific homicidal attack. The fbi right now the buildings are not safe. Any parent who is looking for their child please go immediately to the marriott. Our deputies and other Police Officers are transporting these Young Students to be reunited with their parents. Thats where we want parents to go. I want to thank the mayor, the commissioner, and mr. Runcie to be here. At to be with me at this terrible time. The last thing i want to say is this is a terrible day for parkland, Broward County, the state of florida and the united states. My very own triplets went to that school and graduated from Stoneman Douglas. They played football and lacrosse at that school. It is catastrophic. There really are no words. We will keep you updated. I have not spoken to Governor Scott. He is out of state. Reporter elaborate on the shooter. He was found offcampus. I dont exactly know where. I believe he was found in the city of Coral Springs by Coconut Beach Police officer. From what i understand there was a time where he did attend the school. I dont know why he left. I dont know when he left. He wasnt a current student. I was told there was no confrontation. He was taken into a rest incident. Reporter to have anyone else . No. Possibly 18 years old. Reporter one dead . Multiple. Reporter there are still children inside. We believe at this point all children that we know about are cleared and are outside the building. However, we dont know if there are injured people. We dont know if there are people hiding. We will not begin to release information or begin to open up the crime scene until the s. W. A. T. Components as the school is safe and clear. When i hear all clear, will begin the next phase. Reporter teachers are only students . I have no idea. Reporter injuries, approximately how many . Injuries, i dont know how many. 14 people were transported to area hospitals. We will wait for the school to be cleared through google go onto the next phase. We will release information about our county. Reporter there are a lot of rumors. At one point there were firecrackers. He was outside and inside at varian times. Scott is real speaking live. A little bit of new information. He says its a former student who knew the lay of the land. This former student, was inside and outside the

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