Transcripts for KABZ 103.7 FM [103.7 The Buzz] KABZ 103.7 FM

KABZ 103.7 FM [103.7 The Buzz] KABZ 103.7 FM [103.7 The Buzz] March 16, 2018 180000

Drawing is tonight the body is a scholarship lottery we're just a bunch of guys. Just as exceptional There was nothing more nothing less $37.00 of us pain B.C. Little Rock. Welcome to the Arkansas Blue Cross or Blue Shield Razorback with a daily look at Razorback athletics plans to travel abroad Arkansas Blue Cross is affordable travel health insurance helps prepare for exactly this is world travelers visit a arcade Blue Cross dot com slash overseas or stop by a location near you to learn more we're talking Razorbacks basketball next with your host Chuck Barris. To be fearless is nothing if. Not a given fearless. One that's news to me will you be believed. To be free. And because you have the power. That opens doors and molds the seas to the one who stood for more than 65 years Arkansas all Blue Cross and Blue She lives. 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Fundamentally do it like a great piece of committee mystery is really more important I'm worried about what we do in obviously we. Do tend to part time this afternoon tru T.V. Is the network to go to to watch it we're on the air with a courtside show along the Razorback sports network at 130 Popeil be with us then and hope you'll be with us next week for more of the Razorback report we'll have more reserve back tomorrow on the Arkansas Blue Cross Razorback report if you plan to travel abroad visit a arcade lacrosse dot com slash overseas or stockpile O.T.C. In your youth or learn about affordable travel health insurance plans Arkansas Blue Cross or Blue Shield live fearless. 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Because this is one opportunity you don't want to buy a scavenger and if it's a hoax take you by the Arkansas bumper to bumper certified. This is your forecast for Central Arkansas for today 40 percent chance for mainly morning showers small chance afternoon 73 tonight partly cloudy 53 St Patrick's Day partly cloudy near 80 and on Sunday a 60 percent chance for showers and thunderstorms some strong possibly severe. You heard about the St Patrick's Day parade a block party oh yes my son the parade is is what the thirty's Merchants Association is a 10 year old block party that's right and this year we'll have both cosmos and society playing outside but also have the McCafferty and the O'Donovan schools of understand along with the literal Pipe and Drum Corps and big red flag. 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About a large portion of what you currently 0 including penalties and interest or you may qualify for other special programs if you are being audited have years of on file tax returns have a federal tax lien or worse yet are being issued a wage garnishment or bank levy listen carefully W. Tax group staff of expert tax professionals can immediately protect you from the I.R.S. And state collectors and get you the best possible tax settlement guaranteed call 80658202865820286520 something. To see. Where your guys. Thanks to. Your funny guys telling. Us some. Believe it. Or sell it and bring up. All right Dave. My name is day. To day here I start again. From. Your. Free seminar. Thanks so much for joining us we do appreciate that. We are alive out of this. Are you with us always. I am here on the highest point several features arena known to man. And. He's really high touch in the ceiling lights right didn't happen. Is this all big it's just a media feeding for a little. Sounds like. Walter Reed. Isn't fantastic so. What is it about 6 months old at this point still really about 20. Playing right now in front of you. Looking to be pretty much. We're looking at I think it's supposed to be a 2. Time I believe so we're just over an hour away from. What Today we had of course. Never let you down we had some of the great games last night how about Buffalo all the Pac 10 Pac 12 rather Pac 12 out of the tournament now. Teams have won so far what's the latest update on the Texas A and we have. Come up. With just a little so that's the Texas A and M. Prominent. Kentucky. Joe you'll be happy you won't. Staple Center in L.A. . I mean I could actually probably take down number. You. You made. Yeah that's a good it's a good thing you're right Jersey's man. Is. Accurate Yeah I think so. I mean 32 No that's well they. 32 well they. Actually they just do a number. Of. 30. Yeah but he just has number 3 retired I guess in order OK of how they were I don't know and then. Number 2. Yeah yeah that's. OK yeah so I got that. Right yeah Ben Wallace that does make sense. And. This should be. Really I was. Because. 2 I mean he was a part of 3 championships but he was part of 2 championships in Detroit yeah. That's true Detroit back when he only knew how crazy he was. Well at that point in time Rasheed Wallace I'm sorry. Ben is right Hell if we just say yes Dennis Rodman. Remember back when he was on the trip Yeah the war what he did on Detroit. He was not he didn't have all that you know again toward a wedding dress or anything like that yet he had all the crazy things that he'd done I don't even think that he didn't remember when he was with Madonna for a pretty good while I don't think he did was the done at that point he was he was a really good reason at that point yet he was just another player back in those days and I don't ever seen him like a crazy guy and then he went down to the state of Tokyo the Greek with the Chicago right yes. So yeah so he was. Detroit man they had a pretty good long good history of basketball up there. That was going to. Get him in the week before with 2 minutes and 20. 5 and all of that boy that's going to be pretty good. And then of course. Oklahoma obviously. The rest everybody else was I guess they feel a little vindicated that they got downstairs out of the tournament as they did so. You know it's but I tell 2 you bad isn't this you talk about some of the smaller schools in these majors and people always seem to disregard and every single season they come into the tournament like this and you're going wow they were not on my radar at all and they're just knocking each team's off right left it happens every single season every single year. I've. Seen. The Arizona really bother me talk about it want to be out there. Quite a great game but. They would have wanted to be there. That was bad. Bad. Yeah I really I kind of expected Arizona to rally the troops around. And Sean Miller with you know all that he was accused of and then he comes back. Totally denies it and who knows where the truth lies there I was kind of wondering it is kind of like remember what always played old myths and we thought our anti Kennedy is gone and. He's resigned are they going to rally around him when they play Arkansas is going to be tough no they didn't they lay down and I wondered if Arizona would rally around Sean Miller and they did just a little bit of a lay down. But. I mean I think that what 20 or 30 times more talented than Buffalo and Buffalo just beat the dog out of I mean I want to see you know what out of. Town wanted it more no doubt about it and now are are all the way all our culture of Puerto blows are man he's on the winning and it was pretty good that as well and I. Want to. Say. Miami's reaction that all I go I don't get that. Then when they do they did exactly that they let it get that open. This game coming up today with our good song and bungler Sully what are your impressions what are we what are we looking at today what are what are you kind of you've got to know Butler now you've got this watch them practice be around and what can we expect in one if you pick a team that everybody is more familiar with what's the team that they most remind you of. The harp players are. Going to. Guard play with a real good score. Or number 36 but. Can kind of make every shot out there and. They were going to get the call on Him guys in a few hours about the same size. This is a moment. Stark and a little bit. Maybe make it a hard on. Guard number 3. 5 great right guard. But then again. Make things happen. They were in. The wrong. I mean there are aware athletic. Go on early. Presence known I think that's going to give him confidence in. All year when he does. The Magic. This is this could very well be as far as a national coming out party for Daniel Gafur if they go on to win this game and they get to go on to play in the next game as well I think this is something that everybody's going to get to see him and probably. You know. I don't think that nationally as much as we know about Daniel gaffer D.S.E. He has got to know about him still on a national scale he's not I don't think he's on the radar out there yet so I think there's a lot of people who are going to look at him and maybe they only the very Only the guys who are really really close followers of this probably know who he is you know he was number 2 a few weeks ago. In the play of the day. And probably should have been number one in hockey play was pretty but. What do you think what do you think Mike Anderson he seems to be the team both seem very very relaxed to be kind of joking around and everything and they're going to come out and I think this is probably a pretty good thing in this 1st round. Not coming out and I don't think they're going to come out again what do you think what do you think he's telling his team in the locker room before the game today. Probably hard. Not really turned over. Pretty well you know they. Really got to work on I. Agree with you I think both teams are going to come out maybe. Motivate. And. Just Play Ball Don't try to do. Really hard but if they don't know one of those. I'm OK with that. I know that. But. I think you. Learn as far as I know they claim play on Glee I think their motto is play gritty pretty. If they do. Run into a very ugly game I'm not sure that doesn't favor Butler a little bit because of that now and I. Think you do have to. Tell me if. You're telling me I could be a little bit looser than. Normally. Of a game and you're saying that you and I getting from you Do you think they might be a little bit tight to start again. I don't know if. They really do the one thing they're not very good at. Me I don't. Think in the country and 3 point shooting percentage. Day. Butler defending the 3 is 206. That was 86. But that's $206.00 so. You're going to get off 3 today and you need to. Think about it. I saw. A witness. Who is. Live in the other night along with Pat Bradley a couple of nights ago and I believe it was Blake said he has a series that was. 8 points or more it's a victory for the hogs. He's done his research to. And I don't know that that's that's probably a pretty good omen to kind of like if. It seems like it means the rest of them a track probably pretty good pretty much in their threes. But also me. Moving. Back to their last 11 I think. That may be a key in the game. Really look. I just don't know if they. Can. Is there leading. To. Something like. That how many how many blocks do you expect out of gaffer today. I'd love to say. But. But I'd also like to see him. That way. Just look at him yesterday guys. He may have grown. You know. I can see him being really. And he told me yesterday I can't wait. To be on the floor but he's going to challenge today because. Fundamentally. I may have heard. That I heard I saw you guys on the air together last night by the way. But I mean. It was. Like you guys were having a great. The one saying. Putting. The people there watching. I don't know. Something is not of days very very close to watching him. So. I think. Because he's right. In Detroit. Thank you very much. On top of everything. You want to. We don't we don't need to mislead anybody. Springs right I'll be watching it from over here. At the lake. Party at the. Party. Well it's party. This morning. And. R.J. Wants. To know. All right. Tell me tell me. Again. Absolutely and. Everybody the bumper to bumper I'll be always ready rainwater some point. I think a big. Obviously gaffer getting a good start the bucket. Don't let him slip up. And maybe. They're going to move on to. The games coming up in just. Out of town today. Carl is a dog. Personal time cause a personal trainer one too good to get results but when it comes to mortgages less confident guilty. Sneezes one day sales up of the 25000 incredible deals of the day in store and online Friday and Saturday like a great selection of shoes for her 30 to 50 percent. Bally and more great name just 199860 to 70 percent off a sampling collection of fine jewelry steal the scene with 25 percent of the hottest you news products and charge them and betting are 60 percent off don't miss me she's one day Sam and me the new me see Star Wars class voters enjoy Center awards more savings savings are selling points places by. The president. This time for Arkansas Razorbacks basketball home of all Jim some from Arkansas one of 3. Players broadcasters brought you in part by. Mortgage What are you doing. What. Robert. Will be. Hurt. In a team in a 30 were. We. All the pieces necessary to reach this year even. Begin with. Let them my brackets are already busted make yourself heard on 1st of your thick head over face the check at our debate on Facebook last post your video reaction for a chance to debate with David A or Matt. Left the job that trailblazers last night poorly called D.J. McCollum 29 point obviously not the best night for nurses we all know why that Maks was this game more about the trailblazers or the Cavs in your humble opinion. About the Cavs the Cavs think they can't beat good teams that always the Blazers to use even a but we know that they're pretty good and they'll be a tough out for someone in the in the Western Conference but the Cavs were thought to be after the trains I thought wow they just you know they speed up the Celtics and then heat up the thunder one comfortably right after the trees are energized they have guys with Ron can play with but it turns out that in fact these guys are what they've always been which is nice but athletic rotation pieces there's not a single other all star on the team save Kevin Love who's not playing at the moment and not even any other bonafide Zakkai is definitely a starter on a championship team this is a nice team here the only team since the break that the tab 10 feet and that they haven't already also lost to so in other words they beat the nuggets but they also lost to the Nuggets the only teams they've seen that they haven't also lost to since the break the nets the Pistons and the sons notice a common theme there they're no good here this leads them to just want you to catch the last 2 you know if I were to leave the barrister said it's all right with the people that you know can play their 500 ish type teams and the Cavs only play those games and lost all of them and then when they played the good teams the Spurs in the Blazers obviously they lost they can't beat good teams here was another chance to compete maybe a good team they couldn't do it the Cavs as I've been saying are much closer to the roster that Le Bron dragged kicking and screaming to the finals in 07 than any roster he's been on since. I think once they figure out things defensively Cleveland will be fine that's why I walk away from this game thinking about the Paul and trailblazers I said months ago and I'll say it again if Damian Lillard ain't a star you have better ask somebody this is a bad brother that is something this brother is something special over $26.00 games better than 44 percent in the field better than 37 percent from 3 point range by the way haven't even attempted as many shots as he day McCullum this year the days after 21 again he's doing his thing as well just as the only other guy on the squad average and is double digits in points so it really comes down to a guard a real oriented game which is the N.B.A. Game of basketball at this particular juncture being led by 2 guards and mainly a guy and Damian Lillard just because somebody else is great a don't mean he ain't great just because somebody else is a superstar doesn't mean he's not one put Damian Lillard on of few teams and watch what would happen what it looks Broadhead Damian Lillard right now what if the Wiz a 10 day me a little right now what a car we had a me alone with him in Boston right now what if Russell what broke at somebody like a Damian Lillard this is the. Piece Why are you so defensive What are the left I'm just saying all I'm saying is it doesn't matter what the point I would have because I consider them a little of the god he can play point he can play off guard because you don't put the ball in the rack when it counts this is what he is he's a missed a big shot kind of do. They this is what he does so when you look at their winning streak in the Western Conference I'm thinking about the fact that they're one of the top 5 defenses in the game I'm thinking about the Guard or we have to play that exist and to date and the fact that this team is led by 2 guys your boy Neil O'Shea has done an outstanding job Terry Stott has done a great job coaching the team but these do right here let God Damian Lillard this he will teach you in a game and once you're in the game I ask this question you. That and I'll give it to you Can you name how many guys rather Can you name I already tell you no it's

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