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Boxer. And Lisa Brady airbag maker to caught up pleads guilty to a federal wire fraud charge agrees to pay a $1000000000.00 fine for hiding evidence of a deadly defect that it's inflators can explode with too much force blamed for at least 16 deaths worldwide the criminal plea coming as lawsuits continue against Aqaba and several automakers lied carmakers b.m.w. Ford Honda Nissan and Toyota are also accused of knowing of the dangers in using the airbags anyway say the company's involvement ranged from design import to using to cause product as a cheaper option for safety. The automakers say they were misled by ticket and shouldn't be held liable public safety and military spending 2 key parts of President Trump's 1st federal budget proposal I budget also puts America 1st foreign aid one of the areas that could be cut to help offset a 54000000000 dollars boost in defense spending but White House spokesman Sean Spicer says the president will honor his commitment not to cut Social Security and Medicare let me get back to you on the specifics but I think he made a commitment to the American people one of the things that I think the president continues to get high marks on is that regardless of whether you voted for him or not you agree with his policies a man of his word the fine print on the budget isn't due out until May but a policy blueprint was sent to federal agencies today ahead of tomorrow's primetime address to a joint session of Congress President Trump's reckless agenda and incompetent judgment is jeopardizing the security of our nation House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also says the president hasn't proposed a single jobs bill the White House says he's creating jobs by removing impediments for job creators the 12th record day in a row on Wall Street to gallop 15 points 220037 the s. And p. Also hitting a new closing high. And. The value of the nation and the at the top of every hour. 967100. The power talk news update the community is mourning the loss of a pregnant woman who was shot to death in central Fresno candlelight vigil last night for 20 year old Amber Baker who is the mother of a 4 year old baby and 7 weeks pregnant at the time according to family members she was found in her bedroom early yesterday morning during a party at her apartment on Blackstone and Griffith a roommate says there were at least 7 people inside the apartment at the time nor rest of been made homicide detectives are taking over the investigation if you have information you're asked to call the police authorities are saying an officer was forced to shoot a violent dog in Southeast Fresno that happened yesterday when the officer was responding to reports of vicious dogs at a home near Cedar and Larry avenues the homeowners say 4 pit bulls were fighting in their back yard after attempts to separate them the officer fired 2 shots one of the dogs was killed and 3 others ran off but were later caught by the s.p.c. a The owner cited for having unlicensed dogs the investigation is ongoing in sports a week after getting released by the Dolphins defensive tackle Earl Mitchell is continuing his career in the Bay Area the 40 niners signed Mitchell to a 4 year deal worth $16000000.00 The 29 year olds played in the 100 games in his 7 year career with Houston in Miami he started 5 games for the Dolphins last season power talks the Valley's weather authority a chance of showers today in Fresno with a high of 58 tonight partly cloudy with a chance of frost low 37 and tomorrow sunny and 59. You're up to date with a.b.c. 30 Action News power Talk 967-1400. 95 couples court is now in session so we have sound on the lines ring is goofy only the couples court because she has that box that box that holds all the memories all the photos with her ex you know it's our run it down how's everything going with you you go in when you decide to come to court I mean all right but she still has the old. Friends. That we went to rebel in so there you are in this relationship in your low. A bit uncomfortable you like we're trying to move forward together and I'm tryna you know make this commitment here why you keep in this old box of letters in the mental that make you think of this mobile phone right there yes get awkward as to who we are that used to hold onto that as a reason for that if the only guy in the room that I'm in. Ever. Thought of memory disease would he ever say. Anything. About my. Brain. Case All right what about you give us your $0.02 it's a couple's court. But. You know. What I'm over the cat. Jackie What about you you're inside couples court you the jury Lou you sign with I'm going to be with you no doubt Ok tell us why not do as you know the other part of. Your life so with that being said it's time to give the verdict any goes a little something like this is no the jurors are getting a lot with sound get rid of the past because the past is in the past so maybe Fiona may have to reconsider but that box price of the beans said. Doubles court is now adjourned in the photo real estate known as a home is more than an investment it's where you build your future top Fresno and Clovis agents are dedicated to helping you find a home you can build your future and we offer best in class service with a commitment to putting you 1st real estate services designed to fit you that's the mother of promise visit my Voter dot com to learn more are col 332-4845 that's 332-4845. Bellies whether it's 40. 67 am 1400 clouds and rain turned into sunshine later on today we're looking for a high of 56 for the overnight low of 35 tomorrow going to be sunny day and a high of 58 more sunshine on Wednesday getting warmer with a high of 62 power Talk 967 in 1400 and I are grittier station. Lead resistance plus Persis stands equal progress for our party and our country a few days ago I called the fake jews the enemy of the people and they are we shouldn't whine and if we sound like we are an interest group only concerned with ourselves it doesn't work with the public it's kind of hard to you know tell others to have an independent free press and we're not willing to have one ourselves. Back in. The Well. The revolution. That. She is in for a shoot you. For America. Round up and information overload this broadcast is being watched live by millions of Americans and around the world the in more than 225 countries that now hate us thank you very much it's not the end of the last think it uses for a mini me gun I completely I will come on the ward and this is where the old Eagle Ford to me go. And say I may not I pop another thing to say but I want to say thank you to the president from I mean remember last year want to seem like the Oscars were racists. Like this you got your life's not reflected You can't he has your back to you has your back we have your back for the next 4 years. When everybody please join me in giving Meryl Streep's a totally undeserved round of applause please. Ah you're not going to am I'm going to have fun tonight I stressed by the way is that any bank on. The fence some of you will come up here on the stage tonight and give a speech that the president of the United States will tweet about him in all caps during his 5 am bowel movement tomorrow. And I think that's pretty darn excellent if you ask me all right news round up information overload our There you had it all these Hollywood out of touch liberal elite spewing their hatred and what was nothing short of a despicable display last night after all how many more self-congratulatory Hollywood award shows can we have and what are we gonna have awards shows for cops and doctors and nurses and contractors and radio producers and everybody in between we don't have awards but we do actually for hosts we do have hunted when to Marconi awards and radio and records I want to number their words too but I bought it you know it's. I don't really think of it had the same level as that but in all honesty nobody paying attention to it nobody really cares the the like your show they don't care about whether you got an award I don't think I mean this so holier than thou they support the worst failed policies of Obama that would have been continued on to Hillary where millions of more Americans are out of work in poverty and on food stamps and they don't give a rip because that's not their life in their huge liberal chauffeur driven Lear jet limousine liberal lifestyle where the overpaid in their mansions with their security guards feeding the finest food drinking the fine is wine having gods and they don't give a rip about the rest of America that suffering because of the politicians they want to elect that I'm so sick it's nauseating. I thought I used to like Jimmy Kimmel and they asked me on a show recently I said I'd probably do it forget it I give in why would I fly out there for him anyway Joining us now Emily Shire of bustle dot com d.c. McAllister of the Federalist and p.j. Media welcome both of you. Emily I bet you love last night didn't you I bet you thought it was a great show of great show of unity you're going to love this I watched girl during some of it. Tell your it will never get credit that is the single worst television show ever made it is he in the last thing America wants to see is a naked Leda Dunham in another episode I want to see Lena Dunham naked and you do yes very much so that's why I don't want to show I have watched it but I won't watch it again I think I'll pass that's fair everyone and I don't do their own t.v. And opinions especially with Hollywood and art you know how Hollywood an art and how many more congratulatory shows the Golden Globes how many shows do we need so congratulations on there is definitely a sense of award overload and in fact it's and can't there's a history I mean like the ratings are one of the lowest ever and Oscar history you think it might be related to the liberal politics I think it's just that we have a lot of awards as I mean and I've had the I've had a lot of reward shows in past years and still that didn't stop them from watching the Oscars they're not watching anymore people and by millions are leaving it seems that people have then you know increasingly less interested in awards shows I know they've had trouble maintaining audiences for years that's not a new trend and also you know going political at award shows it's also not a new trend that's been going on also for a decade you know did we really have to get lectured by I guess this Iranian I guess producer or whatever happened to be why is it that d.c. McAllister Why do we get lectured by a guy lecturing America when the Iranians throw gays and lesbians. Awful rules and kill them or beat them to death or they treat women in the worst possible manner I thought Hollywood was all for women's rights and gay lesbian rights and for religious freedom you can't build a temple or a Christian church in Iran the last I heard it was almost like it's the enemy of my enemy is my friend and since the Iranians are enemies of the conservative right then somehow they are embracing the Iranian culture I don't know that it has a disconnect on the side of the Democrats especially in Hollywood you know I you know the part I think that crystallized last night and which is why people are tuning out Hollywood was when Kim and Jimmy Kimmel brought in all the common folk and had them come walking like meet all the stars and like get some sunglasses and some tidbits the run of them like my cake you know from from the. Stars there in the front aisle it was condescending it was embarrassing it and it's just shows you that Hollywood does not understand their elitist mindset and how offensive it is that people out in flyover country and that just capsulated everything that's wrong with Hollywood and that one thing now I don't I think it's so out of touch I just can't believe you were could you imagine d.c. McAllister if it was if it was Hollywood beating up the Obama's this way what do you think people would be saying today that they would be how they would be cries of protest across the nation of course because Hollywood has an agenda and I think this is different I mean and what is right I mean there has been politics and arts mixed for years but it has gotten more polarized I think and we have become more were less willing to hear each other and less willing to see each other as human beings there's this political polarization and reductionism that's going on within the arts and people are tuning it out and it's this elite attitude that just has everyone so offended and they don't seem to get it they keep pushing and pushing it and Jimmy Kimmel says let's let's bring in unity. Tell someone you disagree with that you like something about them and then he goes on to bash Trump continuously throughout the show and they're just hypocrites and they don't think hold up to their own standards and we see it out here we're not stupid Wow And one sure that the Obama bombers will bash his way Emily you'd be outraged and there'd be cries of racism right imo I can't say that would necessarily be the case it's clear that Hollywood does have a largely liberal slant and I completely agree that the comments or you know the rain and director who decided not to come and protest is wildly hypocritical but I think there is something to be said that the current political environment imbues everything with a sense of polarization that we saw this during the Super Bowl with the Budweiser ad which was a pretty innocuous immigration story and people began protesting like crazy and then another year I think it would have been considered pretty bland and in fact pretty trite because you have a lot of immigrant stories in American culture and especially American entertainment culture that it gets used over and over again. Yeah but that was that was used for a purpose to push back against what the people elected Donald Trump to do you know this whole idea of this immigration and really I know you gotta agree with me on this this whole immigration thing by the left and by Hollywood and all through last night is being misrepresented people in America the Trump and ministration conservatives those who voted in Trump are not a good Unst immigration they're not against diversity in our culture they're not against different points of view and the richness that we have from people who come to this country we're against illegal immigration we're against not vetting people coming into this country who can be a threat to this country and this narrative that's being put out there repeatedly by Hollywood that we're intolerant of anyone who is different from ourselves is only causing more division in our country because it is simply not true I mean would you agree with that is just a lie this is causing more and more conflict and thereby put your waiting at well I do think we see a greater focus. On deporting immigrants particularly nonviolent ones of the taking once what are here to get under you got that and that was all that I think broke the law are very concerned about the end but there are other 300 lashes by the way in terms of trying to get work these are not you know at the rapists and the violent criminals that Donald Trump spoke about in his opening speech and that kind of rhetoric deeply disturbed many Americans and many people from around the globe and I think it makes sense that particularly in Hollywood when maybe there are people who care about those issues more are for more represented or come from the background that it's going to be more of an issue and I ask you a question why are these people in Hollywood willing to gamble with our lives and take an unvetted refugees because the national director of intelligence under Obama in the f.b.i. Director and CIA director under Obama on the assistant f.b.i. Director under Obama and the House Homeland Security chair and the the general John Allen who was the special envoy under Obama to defeat ISIS all warned that ISIS will infiltrate the population why are they willing to gamble with our lives and why would you be willing to gamble with our lives the executive order many of the immigration measures the same way you know John McCain and Lindsey Graham denounced the executive order the travel ban when it 1st came out as possibly causing more security concerns they certainly didn't think was going to help the issue and so when they see measures that in fact aren't tackling the national security concerns over foreigners over immigration and in fact worry that they may be leading to greater threats for our country I think you know the issue that Hollywood is supporting letting what more terror is in our greater infiltrates of ISIS doesn't make sense because what they're protesting is something that many you know well versed conservatives have criticized as causing more security concerns for the country your answer to that d.c. And presented by Hollywood it's not about a disagreement on what kind of immigration we should have and whether voting is actually I mean voting is actually working and all that kind of stuff they're presenting it as we don't like foreigners. We at that were saying if a back and that were racist and that we don't like us who are different from us and that's simply a lie and that's going to that's my point it is going to cause more and more division and we can disagree but have support who do who do admit all this kind of thing but we cannot sit here to continue to say that we hate foreigners coming at because it I think you know they only are it actually does that I think unfortunately Donald Trump who may have some very well meaning policies when he refers to people as that Andres and make some really we're talking about illegal if you want to call her on your side all right he doesn't need Hollywood's help why should we not ensure 1st and foremost the safety of the American people in a very big intelligence official is warning us that we have vulnerabilities on the border that ISIS full of bull trait Why are you willing to gamble with the lives of Americans I think that's reckless of you and Hollywood Why are you willing to gamble with other people's lives I want to answer I'm not willing to gamble with other people's lives I have who are doing evidence that well that indentation profile you take on all trumps administration is putting forth so countries that Obama identified as having ties to terror that's not a good place to start look I turn to certain people when I'm I'm asking that's not a good place to start according to John McCain Lindsey Graham I'm happy Kerry all good agree I hang on we got to take a break we'll come back we'll continue this debate and we'll get right back to d.c. 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The fight for health continues let's fight for our parents let's fight for are willing to work hard and take care of us because no matter how tough no matter how clever and no matter how strong you are every warrior needs a doctor so let's fight to make sure everyone can get the care they need get our. For health for all. This week psychiatry slow down. Once I was back from Iraq I was distant from everybody in my family we had a reunion of our unit and you hear the spouses say your husband was doing that too I thought it was just us and really understanding that hey this is a common experience I learned more to listen to what he was saying and that made it easier for me to understand where his pain was coming from or your should know the resources are available learn more real warriors there my name is meet up many families have come to America for a better life I advocate for these families with United Way to make the community stronger I don't just with a show I never give advocate volunteer living on it go to living on a daughter work by United Way and the Ad Council You're listening to on Hannity on the Valley's power 29671400 write it down. And if you continue want top story the Hollywood attempt to beat down throats of Americans their liberal left those values and more of a liberal snowflake Hissy Fit going on Emily you keep ducking my question so if Obama identifies countries that have ties to terror if Obama names them by name if Obama's f.b.i. Director assistant f.b.i. Director director of national intelligence special envoy to defeat ISIS the House Homeland Security chair all say ISIS will infiltrate the refugee population rather than gamble with American lives is it really so awful to have a little extra vetting for those people that want the privilege of visiting our country is it really that terrible to you is it really offensive to you Oh well 1st of all it's not just you know whether it's offensive to me it's that I'm asking you a. Not just Ok I mean did unconstitutional I think constitutional threat and the fact that there is no evidence that the policies that Trump has laid out and Ricardo In other words you know another word Actually evolution are things you know is more d.c. McAlister than do our intelligence agencies f.b.i. CIA Director of National Intelligence she knows more than everybody the f.b.i. Director has said that they need more vetting and that's just a given that there is not the security in this refugees coming from these regions that is needed I mean I don't know what more we can do with that and I think it's built on this wrong idea I mean Obama he's got refugees coming for a while and we didn't hear Hollywood protesting in this way I don't hear you complaining Emily and you know but it's always put in this guys that we hate people and that we hate strangers it's a divisive and it's a lie and we just need to call it out and they're inconsistent they're hypocritical about it they did not hold Obama to account in their just spreading all kinds of lies about Trump it's just apparent Well I think it's fair to say that Obama certainly did not get the same scrutiny that Trump give but Obama also didn't implement the same executive order the way he identified those 7 countries did not lead to the 1st on death and then on refugees from Syria but all the other tensions that happened in the 1st and the few weeks that the immigration order was implemented so identifying the 7 countries really isn't the same and how you create the order Moreover I find it deeply concerning when people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham and others by the way Republicans like you trust very much on national security raise concerns that such an order would only cause more problems for the safety of our country that's my primary concern why is that why is that not the primary concern is being pro-choice from Hollywood because that is not the message they're sending out about their problems they're talking about immigration they're not talking about you legal immigration and they're not talking about concerns like what you just stated there pitting one American against the other and they're spreading a narrative that's just not true why do you think they're doing that and what do you say to them to stop that. I would say the same thing as why is Donald Trump relying on rhetoric that paint you know what illegal immigrants as universally know it does He said that's not true that's not true what you're saying is not true Emily stop he said some he said some people you know what there are 642000 Texans and 7 years victims of crime by illegal immigrants and some lost their children and I did a whole town hall with mothers that lost their kids killed by illegal immigrants you care about them at all I care about them tremendously I can't tell Hollywood what to me I can't tell what to make I think we should take everything and all our . Own we are criticizing them. What I would say is that card people. Are. Driving me insane you know what. Real America. The lives of Americans. I'm more resourceful than I thought my suit can still make an impression my video games are still game changers and my lamp can bring others a bright future because when I donate my stuff to Goodwill helps fund job placement in training the people right in my community now my stuff gets a 2nd chance and will give someone in my community a 2nd chance to Goodwill donate stuff Creech ops find your nearest donation center goodwill dot org That's goodwill dot org This message brought to you by goodwill and the Ad Council. On News Radio I'm Lisa a listener of President Trump with a primetime address to Congress tomorrow night he will be the renewal of the American spirit he wanted vital Merican of all backgrounds to come together in the service of a stronger and brighter future for our nation White House spokesman Sean Spicer Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer already weighing in focus should be on the president's actions rather than his empty words because as we've seen. The things he talks about usually don't happen and Schumer says the 1st month of the Trump presidency is less of a bag and more of a whimper what he does so far is shift the burden on to working families Schumer says unacceptable in a very destructive practice Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaking out against bomb threats made against Jewish groups the threats made against schools and Jewish centers and at least 12 states today. We report you decide. Whether it's 40. 67. 100 the clouds and rain turn into sunshine later on today we're looking for a high of 56 so the overnight low of 35 tomorrow going to be sunny day and a high of 58 more sunshine on Wednesday getting warmer with a high of 62 but while buyers appear to be slowing down spending on home improvement projects are speeding up more than half of all mourners are planning to spruce up their house this year with 4 in 10 said to show out at least 5000 bucks investors are still in a buying mood the Dow closing at another all time high down 12 days straight this ties a record set back in 1970 s. And p. 500 also closing at a new high defense stocks helping push the indexes up after President trying to pump up military spending Meanwhile if you're looking for a stress free flight on your next vacation you might want to look at Alaska Airlines because a new survey saying it's the best in the u.s. With a Fox Business Report David as. The insane. To defend The fight for health continues let's fight for our parents let's fight for our wounded who work hard and take care of us because no matter how tough no matter how clever and no matter how strong you are every warrior needs for return trip For more visit your chance the gold dot com Big winners more often only venture chancy gold resort. Because he was one of the older our talk 967 and am 1400 and I are greedy a station. Favorite radio talk show host is all new year right now right Mr Maule one. Hears Sean Hannity is. The Academy Award. For best picture. You could piss off and they were sitting on your shoulders. You know I'm sorry no there's a mistake like you guys won best picture. I'm not. This is not a joke I'm afraid they went the wrong thing. This is not a joke you might as one best picture. Like this picture. Hello hello. I'm. I'm months. I'm going to tell you what happened. I opened the envelope and it said Emma Stone flow and that's why I took such a long look at Shea and did you I wasn't trying to be funny. Well you're funny Thank you. Very much wow this is this is moving not the best picture. But see days the best picture and then of course the. The nonstop attacks against Donald Trump imagine if they had ever done this to Barack Hussein Obama Imagine if that ever happened you know about a walls and all the liberal hysteria that's going on all the political speeches you know what's amazing about this is just how out of touch these people are I mean it's. It's pretty amazing you got $95000000.00 Americans out of the labor force $30000000.00 more Americans under Obama on food stamps $8000000.00 more Americans in poverty under Obama he doubled the national debt worst recovery since the 1940 s. Lowest homeownership rate in 51 years and their reality is that they bash the guy that is hurting the suffering that they seem to have a monopoly of compassion on they live in their giant liberal bubble bubble completely out of touch they don't give a rip about the millions out of work in poverty on food stamps that was created by the guy that they elected they don't care about the Iranian deal watching this arraigning guy lecture America seriously when they're throwing gays and lesbians over roofs and telling women what to wear and what they can't wear and beating people for nothing because you and God forbid you want to you want to support a god other than Allah or that could be the death penalty if you're on a pasta pasta system and we get lectured by them and he's getting you know the standing ovations they're so out of touch caviar private planes. As you'll dress made calls Donna Karan it's so beautiful oh oh oh oh how many industries pat themselves on the back like these people how many they're not they live in their mansions with their security guards and and they live a lifestyle that most Americans that to do. And most of the fighting and bleeding and dying in working in construction you know they don't live those lives and it's unbelievably arrogant their guy ruin the country we're trying to fix it and now they're mad at him all right let's get to our busy telephones here than 809 for one shot as a toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program All right let's go to Sandy is an Idaho Sandy Hi How are you glad you call I'm glad to get on your show and son I can let you know I love that we have people like you and others that can process that anybody any American can actually call and I don't say what they think and say their opinion and voice their opinion and so I dwell on the truth and the truth that may come out you know a lot of review by the media you can't have I I am so appalled I mean I don't like you talking about the Grammy awards and all that my mother and that's exactly where those people are there are a lot of Alana I don't even support them I don't support the breaking news that we always give them writing so I wish every American who is against the people that we know are not telling the truth you know lots of work and you know why should it turn it off don't even how much how many more of these unnamed and I mean they're just mind numbingly stupid movies cartoon figures you know how many more Batman Superman Spiderman Supergirl Supro So how many more can we watch how many more of these movies that have no message how many more sex and violence movies are they going to produce you know every once in a while you get a great movie you get a gladiator every once in a while you get a great Braveheart every once in a while you get the passion of the Christ but you know what all these people that have such contempt for the rest of us in this country and basically are calling us racist us sexist all of these names directed at us because we didn't do it. They wanted I don't like their movies I'm done with these people and they're so out of touch are going down we should make sure we can turn it off when it comes on our Lee And we're standing there and we have nothing else to life get a block and get out of your chair don't let me go jogging don't do something instead of sitting there listening to garbage and so on your mind up with God exactly that that is why these movie stars like now 3 get 9 and doing a little rant I mean what makes her an authority on what what what makes her such a great actress she's not what is so the point here is whether she's good or not it doesn't matter to us and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how you can talk about politics she is going to act I think a lot of politicians we didn't even like to we didn't vote for her just as she thought of more and she had a lot of people listen to her at the Grammy they reckon b l Ok she doesn't have a right to get in there and let me ask you a question Sandy what do you do for a living I don't want to know I want you to tell me what do you do now now because if I could do you people out there who I am just tell me what kind it would tell me what field it said on and. You're in want. Ok let me say this where is the Oscars for brave men and women in law enforcement why did they get and why why did they get all the attention why are we so stupid that we care about what gallons they're wearing what parties they go to and their idiotic ignorant inane speeches that they give while the slapping each other on the back I can't take it I really I can't make my son like son like he's so cool like. But nothing about why they are in high kill to be able to get him on the news I mean forget it you know what he only thing I thought he respects I don't think I have no respect for him I don't you know I I listen I hope he goes a little more Trump on him as he gets more comfortable in that position All right Sandy pretty shady your call Thank you and I do Americans get it God bless her she deserves an Oscar Let's go to Kate in Houston Texas Katie r.h. What's up Kate are you. A summer and hard working man in show business actually in journalism not in show business thank God I'm not in show business to put Listen you know I've been saying about my colleagues in journalism if I'm not a drama talk show host you know I'm going to tell you somehow they're lazy their agenda driven they lie with regularity and they're all over paid and you know what they hate the most about what I say about them that I expose that they're all overpaid you know what because they're phony listen I did real work I'm overpaid I'm just telling you right now I'm overpaid but you know what we could remedy that you could help you know you could give some of that to me I got a family listen believe me I try to give as much away as I can I usually don't need a military charities but but you know something I'm so fed up with all of them you know the only thing that I want to out of that was that I wanted you to be able to walk into that room it's our representatives because we have never had one there it is the most disgusting display. Sensationalism in journalism we're so fabulous we're so great look at us we're so amazing and it's like their lockers but I don't want any of those I can't watch the I couldn't watch that last night I gave that up years ago no way that I was going to watch that last night are you kidding me well I'm going to tell you you know something you may not know this I've mentioned before I've never been not one time 21 years on Fox 30 years now in radio since I started I've never been to a single White House Correspondents' Dinner and you want to know why. Because I don't like most of those people and they don't like me I know what this is your years on I mean everybody deserves to see you walk and I'm glad it's I'm don't get me wrong I'm so glad that he cancelled it because it deserved to be cancelled but if any here if there was ever a year for it to happen I really would have liked for you that the walk in there this year oh if he has one next year maybe I'll consider but. I was not planning on going I can tell you right now not Fox has tried to pressure me for 21 years to go and for some reason I always get sick on that day it's amazing every time whatever the date happens to be I get sick and I never get sick. Never leave it because you can't ever I mean you're the hardest working man up there so now you're never sleep then you're out and you're only doing the job we I want to I miss you every day that you weren't on yet it was like I would turn that radio on I would turn on the t.v. And I was like Where's my dose of Sean I'm sorry I apologize I I had a an issue I had to deal with number one and it was was scheduled to be off before the passing of Allen which did break my heart and. I know I appreciate and by the way I want to say thank you to because I do have a great audience even people that hate me on Twitter you know we're actually very nice the only people that were vicious and vile and hateful you know would like New York Times and Slate magazine really the guy dies and you've got to start taking a bunch of shots at somebody and you can't fight back what it was I mean that is the lowest of the low and I will never forget what Slate did to Alan Colmes I will never forgive them for that. Ever there before a ball they're disgusting they're not that we're going to stick a ball they are it was so repugnant and so evil and so dark and so mean spirited I thought I couldn't help myself I was going to let it go when I couldn't and I went out there and I blast doing it I want to kill you can't do that you know what and he was a friend of mine and he's dead he died and you know what he died loving his his family is devastated his friends are devastated so you going to take salt in a big open wound and poor as much in as she can and take a shot at a guy that can't defend himself really what kind of human being does it you have to have a pretty dark soul to be capable of that type of meanness at that moment when so many people are suffering at the loss of a loved one exactly and at home I think they we think of them fell ill and then this announcement really only about themselves you know they discussed me all right but you don't think well and I do want to say I'm sorry you can I know that was a huge loss for you and I thought of watching you when you were with him yes but you know way that in the days and I will tell you I never agreed with politics never and you've got me a little crazy but I just love the camaraderie of young relationship you got along or you know what he gave me on our last show together a copy of the Communist Manifesto Oh I was kidding I still have it yes he can get me a copy of that. I'm going to miss him i really well all right Kate God bless you thank you for your kind words it means a lot let us go to Beth in Portland Oregon Beth we only have about a minute and a half it's all yours just came on thank you so much. And again sorry about the loss of the. 7th you and I you know I'm going about. What you had with this. Congress and the conservative caucus Yeah Dave Brat and Congressman Mark Meadows excellent men excellent I am really disappointed in Paul Ryan I think he lied to the American people to say that that had already been signed and is going to c.b.l. Her scoring and they did not have ever even seen the bill I'm sorry I like your idea of going to Washington d.c. Sitting down with Paul Ryan and men from a conservative caucus and hold them to see the fire and say what is going on here why are you lying to the American people I am in the process of trying to put that together now we talked to Jim Jordan earlier and I've talked to other members since and I'm getting mixed stories from everybody and it's getting annoying and we need listen this is our only shot the country is in a decline you know that the c.e.o. Of Aetna said Obamacare is a death spiral you know how long does it take them to do their job I mean I don't have the luxury of living like a lot of these guys in Washington I've got deadlines every day and we've got to meet those deadlines there's like you and everyone all of us that don't get awards an Oscar let's put it that way in other words normal Americans normal people less time for this oh I'll get it done in 3 months oh my god I'm going to beat my head into the wall I have so little patience for a lack of urgency in life hey listen there's no reason ever by so I was out on the road I was in Dallas yesterday I was in Orlando this morning. And I forgot my razor and I had to get one from the hotel I was staying at I literally was shaving with like broken glass it was so bad and I'm so glad that now I'm home and I have my Dollar Shave Club executive blade because it's like night and day once you try the executive blade or any other book the different brands that they have and different styles they have you're going to never go back to any store bought razor ever again executive is by far the best it's about a 3rd of the price that you pay in any store and you have the convenience it's delivered to your house and they also have other great grooming products and you don't pay to be a member Dollar Shave Club dot com slash Hannity you only pay for the items you buy and if you've never tried it before they have an amazing offer you get a month free trial of any razor for a buck try the executive and you get free shipping All right that's it then if you like it you pay for what you buy if you don't like it don't buy but you're going to love the convenience the price and the quality at Dollar Shave Club dot com slash vanity Dollar Shave Club dot com slash Hannity quick break right back we'll continue. On radio show you. This. Is all right. Our talk 1st traffic mornings and afternoons on our Talk 967 in 1400. You know I've had my eyes on the brand new Kimber 1011 for a couple of months you know what I think I'm going to eventually get this but you know what I walked into the gun store only to find they were completely sold out just like that my dream Kimber was gone and I was devastated but I'm going to find one now I don't want this to happen to you which is why I want to remind you you can still get your 10 free chances to win a brand new camber of your own from my friends over at the u.s. C.c.a. 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I heart media communities Hey there's my son you've been in your room all morning. What's wrong with your voice there is nothing wrong with my lawyers well it's just sort of I have been playing my video games and electronic games for so many hours Well it sounds like it might be time for you to take a break or hello. Susan I am today watching t.v. And text messaging all morning. Guys I think it's about time to get in the car and take a little trip maybe see some trees some green things well history using just the term. This weekend. Plug take your family to the forest there's nothing in the world like experiencing nature firsthand trees past Bluebird streams getting closer to nature can get you closer to your family to find the forest near as you go to discover the forest or. By the u.s. Forest Service and the I counsel. Welcome back to the Catch Up next we have Nico Nico is a member of the shelter pet group that's right a group known especially for those sunspots leaping chasing late rubbing couch purring bed leaping and of course companionship wonderful I want Bree but you say Nico is all you have to go with a Tabish Persian kind of mix tremendous cat I'd also like to point out a coach wonderful mix of colors is a black grey grey black brown somewhere in between indeed you know it's over a special cataract Just look how much stress it's actually owns the place and how she so incredibly cute in the difference to command a strong willed feline and see how she curls up and cuddles her person. The pitch on her purring is simply perfect nice on. Fantastic cat fantastic indeed but really the best way to know an amazing shelter pet like Niko is to meet one visit the shelter pet project dot org Today adopt brought to you by Matt has found the humor . Society the United States and the Ad Council ranger station Ranger speed Hi I'd like to report a bear sighting location in the woods just outside of town oh not surprising you get your home bears have theirs Yeah but see this wasn't just any bear this bear was wearing jeans and I had Smokey Bear jeans that I had that's definitely Smokey what exactly did he have to say well we were about to head home you know after having a bonfire I can guess where this is going right right see smoke he told me the fire wasn't actually out he said it's too hot to touch it's too hot to leave that's true did you know that 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans that means 9 out of 10 wildfires can be prevented Wow no kidding I'm a forest ranger where you never get sorry. That was a joke. If you see someone in danger of starting a wildfire step in and make a difference because 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans brought to you by Smokey Bear the u.s. Forest service or state forest or in the Ad Council learn more Smokey Bear dot com own leave you can prevent for years your listening to Sean Hannity on the Valley's new power Talk 967 and 1400 write it down. That's going to wrap things up it's a day Hannity tonight 10 Eastern Yeah the outrage ratings disaster big huge best movie mistake and of course how out of touch these elites are with the rest of us will get that that's my opening monologue tonight we have new king rich are holding Washington accountable segment tonight will they get the agenda done again I said Newt Gingrich is going to be on Fox and Friends interviews interviewed the president earlier today we will preview that Ainsley Earhardt joins us from Washington and then we'll have part one of my interview with President George w. Bush I did amazing weekend with him you don't want to miss that Ok. An Eastern set your d.v.r. Hannity tonight hope you'll join a c back here tomorrow. Was . 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