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Good morning the trade war once put off is back on President Trump is moving ahead with tariffs on Chinese goods what are the Beatles began recording the White album including the song Revolution news is next . Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Barbara Kline Mexico is responding to President Trump's latest promise that it will pay for border wall Trump reiterated devoured a political rally in Nashville last night Jorge Valencia of member station Cage's easy reports the message from south of the border is no way President Enrique Pena Nieto responded to Trump's favor medium Twitter and he said quote No Mexico will never pay for a wall not now not ever out on the street there was a similar sentiment Francisco to send you know was on a commute home from his job at a call center and was but I'm not I'm most concerned what it can be I mean can and if if you have if you send yourself from tying up to the wall simply shows his need to keep letting us down Mexico's presidential elections are one month away and aversion to the border wall might be the one issue most of the country agrees on for n.p.r. News I'm Jorge Valencia in Mexico City evacuation orders have been issued in parts of western North Carolina including old fort where water is quickly rising. Authorities say lake to Houma dam is an imminent danger of failing as tropical depression Al Barito dumps heavy rain in areas already saturated by weeks of rainfall Forecasters say Alberto still threatens several Gulf states the Ohio Valley and it's moving toward the upper Great Lakes president trumps longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen is due back in federal court today N.P.R.'s Ron Lucas reports a criminal investigation into his Does Miss activities is putting Cohen under immense legal pressure f.b.i. Agents raided Cohen's residence of an office last month as part of a federal investigation into his business dealings investigators carted off electronic devices and boxes of documents including materials related to a payment going made to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her silence about an alleged affair with Trump Cohen's attorneys and prosecutors are now with. For a court appointed official to decide which of the seaside ins are protected by attorney client privilege and which the government can use to build its case against him Cohen worked as both attorney and picture for a term for years he has not been charged at this point but he is under increasing pressure as his legal troubles continue to mount Ryan Lucas n.p.r. News New York authorities in Belgium say the attacker who killed 3 people in Lee as yesterday including 2 police officers shouted an Arabic phrase for God is Great several times he was then shot and killed by police Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip say armed Palestinian groups agree to a cease fire as long as Israel does the same this comes as Israel struck dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza yesterday in response to a barrage of rocket and mortar fire from Gaza into Israel one of the worst flare ups of violence since 2014 it's all those weeks of unrest and cross border violence this is n.p.r. . The Canadian government is stepping in to save a pipeline expansion from Alberta to the west coast of British Columbia Texas based Tkinter Morgan suspended operations on the project after growing opposition than carbon shock reports Ottawa now plans to spend more than $4000000000.00 to make sure it gets built the plan was announced by counted as Finance Minister Bill Moore know it comes just a couple of days before a deadline set by Tkinter Morgan to have the situation resolved or it will pull out a federal government corporation will be set up to assume the pipelines assets kindergarten will also resume construction as early as this week with financial aid from Ottawa are also plans to sell the pipeline to new long term owners possibly indigenous groups pension funds and even oil companies the Canadian government will also offer financial security against any political delays prime minister Justin Trudeau insists the pipeline will be built because it's in the national interest the offer is now before condemn or give shareholders for n.p.r. News I'm Dan Karp and shock in Toronto the European Union's trade commissioner meets in Paris today with commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and u.s. Trade representative Robert light sizer Cecilia Malmstrom says she'll push for the e.u. To be fully excluded from new u.s. Steel and aluminum tariffs the trumpet ministration is expected to decide by Friday whether to impose the new tariffs on Europe Asian stocks slid today Japan's Nikkei and Hong Kong's Hang Seng index has both fell one and a half percent the Shanghai Composite was down $1.00 on Barbara Kline n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Conrad n. Hilton Foundation working through improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the world learn more at Hilton Foundation dot org And listeners like you who donate to this n.p.r. Station. I'm Brian bureau and this is N.P.R.'s Morning Edition on High Plains Public Radio it's great to have you here with me it's currently 5 o 6 Central Time coming up in about 13 minutes we'll have some area new for you don't go anywhere it's going to be sunny to partly cloudy on the high plains today with highs in the mid eighty's to mid ninety's tonight there's a chance of showers and thunderstorms in some areas it's going to be mostly to partly cloudy with lows in the mid fifty's to mid sixty's in Northwest Kansas northeast Colorado it'll be sunny with a high near $84.00 tonight mostly cloudy with a low around $58.00 and a chance of showers and thunderstorms in north central Kansas it'll be mostly sunny with highs in the upper eighty's tonight clear in the evening then becoming partly cloudy with lows in the lower sixty's in southeast Colorado it'll be mostly sunny with a high near $88.00 and a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight partly cloudy low around $56.00 in southwest Kansas it'll be mostly sunny with a high near $88.00 tonight partly cloudy with a low around $61.00 and a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Oklahoma Panhandle partly cloudy slight chance of showers and thunderstorms highs in the lower ninety's tonight partly cloudy lows in the lower sixty's and the Texas panhandle mostly sunny with a high near $94.00 tonight mostly clear a low around $64.00 support for h.p. P.r. Comes from Grant County Bank in Ulysses Kansas supporting the community its future and diversity since 1907 more information edgy for bank dot com member f.d.i.c. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington and I'm David Greene in Culver City California So is it hard ball for real or just hardball negotiating President Trump shifting trade policy with China seemed to turn toward confrontation yesterday the administration says it is moving forward with punitive tariffs and also limits on Chinese access to American technology less than 2 weeks ago Treasury Secretary Stephen Newton had said that these aggressive moves were on hold now talks are set to continue between the 2 countries in Beijing this weekend I want to bring in Amy Selleck Oh she is in Beijing for a conference she was senior director for China affairs at the u.s. Office of the u.s. Trade representative under President George w. Bush so welcome back to the program great to be here David as I mentioned you're in China what kind of reaction is this more aggressive message from the White House drawing their. Well I think it's underscoring that a quick resolution to our trade frictions is certainly not in the cards here engaging the Chinese are reacting to yesterday's announcement out of the White House with I think we can say exasperated and mild defiance in fact accusing the u.s. Of flip flopping being reckless and still trying to infringe on Chinese core interests that China will not bend on. So treasury secretary Menuhin had said that the trade war was on hold just a couple weeks ago what happened. Yes the Ministry of Commerce is asking the same question because they too said this is unexpected that the White House has has flip flopped because it's inconsistent with the agreement that the u.s. And China reached when the vice premier was in Washington just 2 weeks ago and I think what happened I think that the u.s. Side wants to increase its leverage going into this coming weekend next round of trade talks secretary of commerce Ross is on his way to Beijing later this week and I think President Trump probably wants to reiterate that this is not going to be just checkbook diplomacy by more goods and we're all going to be fine I think he continues to stress that we are looking at fundamental imbalances and Chinese industrial policies that are distorting trade rules the u.s. Wants progress on that issue Ok so if this is largely to just put the United States in a in the best negotiating position going into these talks Why do you sound so concerned that this relationship is really in trouble broadly going forward. Yeah I do think it's important to stress that the still Rhett's that the administration reiterated yesterday tariffs investment restrictions export controls are threat there I date for announcement when some of those measures could be in place but no date for implementation I think the trumpet ministration really is still negotiating However that said I am concerned that the u.s. And China both are using national security considerations and economic policy making and national security is difficult to negotiate away in trade talks. Well let me ask you about the different aspect of this relationship because the trouble ministration could really need China's help if these talks with North Korea go forward to do trade disagreements jeopardize larger cooperation. Well the president actually linked North Korea with trade in talking to China year ago now and so indeed he himself has said that if China helps the United States dealing with North Korea then will go a bit easier with China on trade issues he seems to vax off from that I was surprised to in advance of potential summit in Singapore on June 12th the president would reiterate these these threats against China on trade issues but in fact I do think he wants to demonstrate we are not going to just be caught off in the straight talk and that China does have to deal with the issues that it considers core interests and does not want to deal with. All right any teleco she worked on trade policy under President George w. Bush you now lead the China practice at the Albright Stonebridge Consulting Group thanks so much we always appreciate it great being here David thanks as a possible summit approaches between President Trump and North Korea's leader a poem that kids learn in school comes to mind the poem says in its entirety so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rainwater beside the white chickens for North Korea we just have to revise this poem of bit so much depends upon the meaning of a single word that is relatively hard to pronounce denuclearization not very poetic but for the United States that word means North Korea surrendering its entire nuclear program quickly those who know that program say quickly could mean years Here's N.P.R.'s David Well what President Trump would like from a Singapore summit as his national security adviser John Bolton told Fox News is nothing less than this complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea Trump himself has allowed that may not be done in one fell swoop it would certainly be better if I were all in one does it have to be I don't think I want to totally jump it myself but all of that one would be a lot better Lindsay Ford says All in One is simply a fantasy a former senior a said visor at the Pentagon who's now with the Asia Society Ford says even if Garth Korea were willing to denuclearize which he doubts is the case it would take years if you look back at the nuclear negotiations that we had with Iran and how long and how many times that almost fell apart and Iran was not anywhere nearly as far along is where North Korea is it gives you a sense of the degree of difficulty of actually trying to roll back a nuclear program Joe with actually been there and tried doing that his State Department coordinator for the Clinton administration's effort to a. Why North Korea's nuclear program step one for any denuclearization now with says would be the weapons themselves and the materials associated with the weapons which can be actual nuclear material in the weapons and they're not nuclear components all of that has to leave North Korea but only North Korea knows for sure how many weapons are there and where they are kept stand for nuclear weapons experts Siegfried Hecker as last American scientists to have seen Korea's nuclear facilities from the inside I have great confidence that we have a good idea as to how much the Tony and the could have produced and that they have today and that ranges in 20 to 40 kilograms and it takes on the order of maybe 5 or 6 kilograms to make a bomb that would only account for at the most 8 nuclear weapons hacker Speaking via Skype says his best guess based on other evidence is that North Korea has at least 25 in its arsenal they hands an overall bomb program that's 10 times as large know they had one that's twice as large as what we think the answer is beyond those bombs says Joel Wit There's also the infrastructure associated with the production of nuclear weapons and research and development all of that would have to be identified and eventually dismantled identifying it could be a real challenge Stanford's Hector recalls that during his last visit to North Korea 8 years ago his hosts made a point of taking him inside a previously unknown uranium enrichment facility we've done it in the building you guys had no idea that we were doing it in this building there may be other buildings like that that they didn't say it that way but that was certainly my sense they have an adult and we don't know where they are Terry rerig of the u.s. Naval War College says his own view is that North Korea could see. Employee hide what it wants to keep the North Koreans are very good at tunneling and putting things below ground a lesson they learned from the Korean War when they were bombed heavily so they have buried a lot of facilities and it's not just those facilities that matters as the as a society is for they're going to be folks still in North Korea who know and could restart this type of program covertly if they wanted to removing that nuclear brain trust from North Korea says former diplomat wit quite simply is not an option it can't be absurd enact for 10000 scientists to be shipped out you could ask for them to be redirected into civilian work and have some assurance that that's working by having an on the ground presence to make sure that's what they're doing Stanford's hacker says even if North Korea agrees to abandon its nuclear program that would be an enormous undertaking considering the sign that it's taken at least 25 years to really put this nuclear arsenal in place. Turning it around and denuclearizing so to speak in a short for a time of the year went to is simply not possible it has just published report Hecker estimates it could take a decade to denuclearize North Korea David Bowman n.p.r. News Washington. Eventually single Morning Edition on your public radio station this afternoon on All Things Considered every family has its secrets but how do you explain to children a trauma that spreads across generations for that story and more tell your smart speaker to play n.p.r. Or your station by name. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Brian bureau here thanks for joining me this morning for Morning Edition on High Plains Public Radio it's 5 18 am central right now and coming up in just 2 minutes we have the original news for you all so stick around for weather at half past the hour with information coming at us all the time and from so many different sources it gets harder and harder to get what really matters h.p. Makes it easy by bringing you stories and conversations that matter now that's worth supporting. As we roll through the week let's keep our eyes on the road I planed morning is up next at 9 am central front in music from Justin Townes Earle and Parker Mills I play Morning after morning edition only on listener supported High Plains Public Radio. The you. Think the you. From n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly evacuations are underway this morning in western North Carolina that's where authorities say heavy rains from the remnants of Alberto are threatening the cause the lake to Houma dam to give way authorities in Maryland say they found the body of a man who disappeared during weekend flooding in Ellicott City west of Baltimore Dominic Maria But Massey with member station w y p r reports Howard County police have confirmed that the body is that of 39 year old Addison Herman a sergeant with the Maryland National Guard Herman was last seen late Sunday when he left a gathering of friends and ventured into the rushing flood waters Witnesses say he was attempting to help a woman who's trying to rescue her cat Herman was not on duty with the guard at the time local officials say Sunday that flash flooding was worse than what occurred in 2016 when damage to homes and businesses was in the millions of dollars Iran is giving the French oil company 2 months to secure an exemption from u.s. Sanctions being imposed on Tehran and c.r.s. Peter Kenyon reports oil minister visions ongan a tale of Iranian media that is total doesn't get a sanctions exemption in 60 days it shared a natural gas project will go to the Chinese National Petroleum Company totals already said it will end up or ations in Iran without an exemption Iran wants economic guarantees to stay in the 2015 nuclear agreement which President Trump has already pulled out of I'm David Mattingly n.p.r. News in Washington. In regional news the recent teachers' strike in the Sooner State has led the New Yorker to publish an investigation into how the somewhat unsuccessful teacher protests have spawned a movement of politically engaged Oklahomans in response to the walkout this year Obama Republicans offered the state's teachers $6000.00 raises the g.o.p. Lawmakers funded their raises with a series of measures that will disproportionately hit the wallets of low income residents and Democrats along with the teachers said the solution was far from sufficient but the protests may have sparked a larger movement drawing attention to the fact that Oklahoma spends twice as much per prisoner as per student some of the teachers have now pledged to place their names on ballots said One teacher I didn't know I was going to run for office when I started the walk you can find more stories at age p.p.r. Dot org for High Plains Public Radio I'm Jonathan Baker according to National Public Media people who listen to public radio are the nation's best and brightest this audience is influential and curious they are learning more and leading more connected to their local communities and tuned in to the latest public affairs and cultural conversations for information on how to reach this audience call 180-678-7444 ask for underwriting support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from visiting angels professional caregivers assisting adults at home in bathing dressing meals and light housework nationwide visiting angels America's Choice and senior home care learn more in 180-365-4189. From Subaru committed to doing its part to make the world a better place by supporting philanthropic initiatives in local communities learn more in Subaru dot com slash love promise love it's what makes a Subaru a Subaru. And from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing online meetings and a video conference room solution and one platform featuring digital video and audio was Screen Sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News good morning I'm David Greene and I'm Steve Inskeep we have the backstory of a deeply influential White House staffer Steven Miller is an aide to the president in his early thirty's in public Miller is devoted to repeating White House talking points a little more in private he's closely associated with pushing the president's hard line immigration policies the Atlantic in a new article has dubbed him Trump's right hand troll What's that me journalist McKay Coppins interviewed Miller for a profile where he grew up in Santa Monica in kind of this bubble of liberal affluence his parents were Jewish Democrats and kind of well respected in the community he went to Santa Monica he'd go which is famous in Southern California for being this bastion of multiculturalism and diversity and Miller told me that from a very young age he had what he called it a non-conformist streak Ok who is constantly pushing back against the sort of liberal consensus that his high school I'm thinking of the 1980s sitcom Family time Michael Dukakis Alex became Alex even with a guy like the right sort of Alex but more troll e I think would say he was constantly doing things designed to rile his classmates he ran for student government ones giving a speech where he complained that the students shouldn't have to pick up their own garbage because janitors were there to do it for them he kind of calibrated these things to anger and offend as many visible Abro period as possible and when he went on to college didn't dig in deeper even deeper he really became serious there I his most famous episode was the Duke lacrosse candle happened when he was there when 3 white Duke lacrosse players were accused of rape he really defended the lacrosse players and cast them as victims of political correctness what happened with the Duke lacrosse players love for the Duke lacrosse players ended up being exonerated the can. Accusations against them fell apart and Miller kind of stood there as this vindicated figure and he told me actually that that was the single episode from his college years that he's most proud of because he was able to stand athwart to the totalitarian tendencies these are his words of the of the last did he arrive on the Trump campaign with a reputation then the people hire him knowing who he was and what he was about oh yes he had been on Capitol Hill for several years by the time you joined the Trump campaign and he was known throughout Congress and this sort of right wing gadfly he would you know rant about immigration which was his signature issue and he became especially close to Breitbart reporters and I was kind of what his social scene revolved around so when he joined the Trump campaign people in Washington who knew him got a pretty good sense of where the campaign was headed Ok I want to get to his trolling as you said this was occasioned Sal but 1st let's talk about substance you said that he would rant about immigration before he joined the Trump campaign what is Stephen Miller's problem with immigrants immigration is probably the issue that he is most known for and also he advocates for a very restrictionist immigration policy he thinks in general there need to be many more regulations on how immigrants come in where immigrants come from and there needs to be a harsher crackdown on undocumented immigrants and illegal immigration but I want to know if you're out the sincere argument that he you know here because there's a trolling argument about immigration you can pick out a crime committed by an immigrant and put it up big time and I do that but there's also the statistics which don't show immigrants to be committing any more crimes anybody else I mean what is the substandard argument that he advances for being so so strong or so harsh on this issue the closest I got to getting a really substantive coherent argument from him about why he cared about this issue so much was he talked about how from a very young age and I'm just going to summer. What he said he had an inherent bias against what he called criminals of course all the arguments you just raised you know begs the question why are you especially riled by crimes committed by I'm documented people as opposed to everyone else he doesn't really have a good answer for that and it's why a lot of his critics say that you can see you know racial biases enough phobia inflected in his kind of agenda Yeah because he didn't end up being obsessed with financial crisis for example or of the various corruption and the crimes by people on the campaign that he worked for but illegal immigrants he does rant about but he does it effectively and you call him trumps right hand troll What do you mean by that well there's a specific style that he has adopted that's actually increasingly popular in the rising generation of conservatives but you also see it in Donald Trump where he delivered his arguments not really calibrated for persuasion but calibrated for agitation the travel ban is a good example of this just the 1st week of the Trump presidency the president signed this executive order plunging the airports into chaos hundreds of people were detained protesters swarmed the airports the architects of that travel ban actually counted the anger on display among the opponents of it as a political wind and you have a quote here in which Miller talks about his communication style and he says he doesn't necessarily favor provocation for its own sake but he favors quote constructive controversy with the purpose of enlightenment you mean to say that if he's outrageous more people pay attention to him he'd think that more people will pay attention and that it will also expose the hysteria and hypocrisy among his political opponents How has Steven Miller survived in the White House so long when so many other people around the president have been fired indicted or fired and indicted it's a it's a question I put to a lot of the people who have no. And him and who know him now in the White House and work with them they say was one of the key secrets to his survival in the White House is that he is actually content to be a staffer rather than a star right you saw a lot of the people like Steve Bannon early on flame out because they were considering themselves as the principals they were you know leaking to reporters all the time they were casting themselves as protagonists in these grand narratives and Steven Miller you know it's 32 years old he really is content to serve the president and he's found ways to kind of shape his own mission and his own ideology in a way that serves the president rather than trying to use the president to advance on agenda so ultimately is he an influential figure who is shaping American policies absolutely I thought I would say there are few more influential people because he is so close to the president the president less and so on McKay Coppins of the Atlantic thanks very much thank you. Historian Steven Miller and The Atlantic is called Trump's right hand troll. It's n.p.r. News from the looks of things it's global to say the illusory $70.00 barrel has gone by the wayside for oil at least told $66.60 to $85.00 also dollars 15 dollars 25 down for n.c.r. Yob $57.00 same amount also for boiler with $60.00 to $75.00 to $92.00 closing price for him we have natural gas a June contract also $0.02 that's the Wednesday morning boiling as record or h.p. P.r. Machine when he was. I'm Steve Inskeep with the advice of the u.s. Geological Survey is fielding questions on Twitter about interacting with the y.m. Volcano one person asked the obvious question is it safe to roast marshmallows over volcanic vents assuming you have a long enough stick the questioner asked if gas from a volcano would make the marshmallow poisonous or just really well done this is a downer but the u.s.g.s. Tweeted back no that's not safe don't try It's Morning Edition it's going to be sunny to partly cloudy on the high plains today with highs in the mid eighty's to mid ninety's tonight there's a chance of showers and thunderstorms in some areas it's going to be mostly to partly cloudy with lows in the mid fifty's to mid sixty's in Northwest Kansas ne Colorado it'll be sunny with a high near $84.00 tonight mostly cloudy with a low around $58.00 and a chance of showers and thunderstorms in north central Kansas it'll be mostly sunny with highs in the upper eighty's tonight clear in the evening then becoming partly cloudy with lows in the lower sixty's in southeast Colorado it'll be mostly sunny with a high near 88 and a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight partly cloudy low around 56 in southwest Kansas it'll be mostly sunny with a high near 88 tonight partly cloudy with a low around 61 in a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Oklahoma Panhandle partly cloudy slight chance of showers and thunderstorms highs in the lower ninety's tonight partly cloudy lows in the lower sixty's and the Texas panhandle mostly sunny with a high near 94 tonight mostly clear low around 64. Looking back on May 30th it was on this date in 854 passage of the Kansas Nebraska was enacted this legislation provided that the southern boundary of the newly created territory of Kansas should be as its southern boundary the 37th parallel of north latitude the act brought the area comprising southwest Kansas into the same territorial jurisdiction as the rest of the state the western boundary of Kansas was another matter by the original definition Kansas territory extended west to the great divide and at one time included Denver it wasn't until Kansas was granted state and that the now recognized western boundary was officially defined for High Plains Public Radio and when Boitano. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Charles Schwab offering Schwab intelligent advisory an interactive online financial planning service that combines technology with personal advice learn more at Schwab dot com slash intelligence advisory from performance bicycle offering a selection of bikes and cycling gear for the entire family performance bicycle store locations and an online store at performance bike dot com. And from the sustaining members of this n.p.r. Station. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington d.c. And I'm David Greene in Culver City California a former Obama White House advisor Valerie Jarrett says she is hoping to turn attention to quote ordinary examples of racism that happen every day that was her response yesterday evening to a racist tweet written about her by the t.v. Actor Roseanne Barr the tweet which far deleted read quote Muslim Brotherhood and Planet Of The Apes had a baby equals v.j. Here's Jarrett responding to the controversy last night on Ellen m s n b c I'm fine I'm worried about all the people out there who don't have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense Ok after this a.b.c. Has decided to cancel the Roseanne revival this was just hours after she posted that suite I want to bring in n.p.r. T.v. Critic Eric Dagan than Eric we should know Rozanne viral apologized for this on Twitter although she spent part of the night re tweeting fans who were defending her what do you make of that. Yes She also claimed in a tweet that she was quote n b n tweeting whatever that means and also continue talking about it everything was asleep emetic we're Julie. Exactly exactly and there was this weird dissonance between her telling her fans and her own tweets that she was apologizing that they shouldn't blame a.b.c. That they shouldn't organize a boycott or get too upset about this but I also read tweeting a lot of people who were criticizing a.b.c. And other people who criticized her and criticizing the cancellation of the show so it's just another example of how inconsistent and unpredictable her Twitter feed can be so this is not the 1st time she has tweeted something a remark something controversial I mean she she's even had bigoted tweets in the past a.b.c. Had to know in a way what they were getting into right with this revival knowing who they're working with So what tell me more about the network's decision at this moment. Right well c.n.n. Had a report where they said that the a.b.c. Exacts convened early in the morning West Coast time on Tuesday to sort of figure out what they were going to do and had concluded that this was. Not the 1st time that they've had to deal with a trials and tweet from her and this had gone too far people have pointed out that she has in the past back in 2013 she posted a tweet that compared Susan Rice who served on a national security advisor for Obama compared her to 2 in a in a way and had also said you know things about Islam that were insulting so she has had a history of doing this her she has joked in the path about how her son has scrubbed some of her more troublesome tweets from Twitter and I was at a press conference in January with a.b.c. Executive producer from the show in the Kath and they seemed to try to downplay what she was doing as sort of well that's just was and being Roseanne but I think it's some point it just crossed the line for a.b.c. And I guess is no where the in the in the last 24 hours with her cast mates not defending her in the way they normally do. Yeah that's changed to Sara Gilbert an executive producer on the show and costar put out a tweet criticizing it wanted to psych the comic who had served as a consultant producer on the show and put out a tweet saying she wasn't going to be on the next season of show before it even got cancelled and another actress who worked on the show had put up a tweet saying she was going to quit she was calling her agent to quit and then her agent told her the show it canceled so yes they have not been defending her in the way that they had in the past all right that was n.p.r. T.v. Critic Eric dead ends. Missouri's governor Eric Greitens is resigning he leaves Friday amid allegations of sexual misconduct and campaign finance abuses Here's St Louis Public Radio's Jason Rosenbaum Eric Greitens came to office in 2017 with huge ambition both for himself and his various Republicans never before had a g.o.p. Chief executive entered office with so many Republicans in the General Assembly giving Greitens the opportunity to leave a policy Mark big enough to fulfill his not so secret presidential ambitions but on Tuesday afternoon Greitens addressed reporters in his Jefferson City office as a diminished man defiant but somber he ended months of legal and political drama by offering up his resignation a movie blamed on the quote forces against him a great deal of work is left on. I'm on the no. 10 So those who have been wounded the former decorated Navy Seal and best selling author will step down as Republicans who control the General Assembly call themselves into a special session for the 1st time ever to consider impeaching him despite leaving a state that's transformed politically to bright red curtains tenure was rocky from the start he feuded with fellow Republicans needed to pass his priorities once comparing them to patchouli 3rd graders he also relied on political groups with secret donors to attack his opponents that bothered Republicans like Michael Hafner a former Greitens aide who went on to work for a rival campaign in 2016 that's something that I think people should be concerned about moving forward in Missouri and should know who is funding these campaigns still writing name was bandied about in national circles especially since he was close to Vice President Mike Pence but those hopes started to evaporate after he admitted to an extramarital affair in January just following his State of the state address by the time a legislative report came out in April where the woman accused him of sexual and physical abuse even longtime g.o.p. Supporters like Nate Walker had enough I believe in the man I thought he was a man of integrity but now I really know that he's a phony and he shouldn't be in office Eric Greitens was charged with taking a seminude photo of the woman he had an affair with without her consent while those charges were recently dropped a special prosecutor was appointed to examine the woman's claims and he faced charges of illegally obtaining a fundraising letters from a veteran's charity he founded those woes are beginning to weigh heavily on Republican political fortunes most notably those of g.o.p. Attorney general Josh Holley who is trying to unseat u.s. Senator Claire McCaskill lieutenant governor Mike parson will now take the reins of state government and Democrats like state Sen Jim illness she'd hope he can unite a state that has been in turmoil we've had a very very dark cloud over this state. Now it is time to begin the healing process Steve Representative Michael Butler also has confidence that parson will deal with the state's challenges like underfunded roads struggling schools and big city crime he says Gregg legacy will serve as a cautionary tale I think the arrogance will look back at this and remember he got to be the governor of his home state is for his 1st election and he has so much power so much ability in front of him and yet he squandered it instead of running for the White House someday Greitens will become a tarnished footnote here as he leaves office in the wake of multiple scandal for n.p.r. News I'm Jason Rosenbaum in St Louis. This is n.p.r. News Hey thank you for joining me here for Morning Edition on High Plains Public Radio My name's Bryan bureau and coming up in just a couple of minutes is your regional news the current time is 541 central do you enjoy listening to loud promotional advertising on commercial radio of course not that's one of the many reasons you listen to h.p. P.r. And your Bing highlights your business without the hype more at h.p. P.r. Dot org. Claude Bergen brings Spanish medieval blues guitar to Garden City on Saturday June 16th see him live at h.p.r. Studios at 7 pm r.s.v.p. At h.d. D.v.r. Dot org. The number of the season Rose in New Jersey than mine in the nation. From n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly prosecutors in Belgium say they are still investigating whether the man who killed 2 police officers and a person riding in a car in Lee as yesterday was acting alone police said the suspect attacked the 2 officers with a knife and then used one of the officers guns to shoot them and a 22 year old man who was inside a nearby vehicle Eric Vander SEPTA's with the prosecutor's office there he says it remains a terrorism investigation really had enough reasons to open an investigation based on that or east. Between I'm trolling any conclusions Police say the suspect yelled although Akbar the Arabic phrase for God is great during the attack several times and the standard National is accusing the garage was government of suppressing antigovernment protests in recent weeks with the help of mobs as Maria Martin reports dozens of people have been killed in the country's political unrest in the kind of what they're called or mobs pro-government groups that happen according to Amnesty International looted with government security forces to put down protests and this to International says photographs and videos provide proof these groups were used to generate disorder and carry out attacks against students and other protesters at least 80 people have died in the unrest in the last 6 weeks stocks in Asia ended the day lower I'm David Mattingly n.p.r. News in Washington. And regional news in recent years the Texas Department of Public Safety has spent more than $15000000.00 on 2 high altitude surveillance planes and that's the Texas Observer reports the planes typically fly at more than 2 miles above the earth so they are impossible to spot from the ground leaving Texans in the dark about whether they're being watched the planes according to the manufacturer are capable of tracking people and vehicles from several miles away and transmitting high definition video overlaid with powerful mapping software in realtime to analysts and analyzing flight logs and tracking data the observer in partnership with the Investigative Fund found from between 20152017 most of the flights were concentrated along the Texas Mexico border the majority of the hundreds of d.p.s. Flight logs provide little information about what the planes were looking for and the purpose of the flights was often unlisted there's much more on this at h.p. P.r. Dot org for High Plains Public Radio I mean hey flame thinking about investing in a new car then consider donating your old vehicle to High Plains Public Radio instead of settling for low trade in value support a cause that you care for your donation helps power High Plains Public Radio Well also qualify new for a tax deduction for more information or to get started on your vehicle donation today please visit h.p. P.r. Dot org and click under support thank you support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Wells Fargo established 852 and reestablish 2018 with a recommitment to customers working off the principles the company was founded on Wells Fargo dot com slash renew Wells Fargo Bank and a. And from little passports a subscription service for kids hands on activities souvenirs and experiments are delivered every month to help kids explore their world and spark their curiosity at little passports dot com slash radio. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News good morning I'm David Greene and I'm Steve Inskeep n.p.r. News listeners have been asking Cokie about summit meetings you know like the summit the president Trump wants to have with North Korea's leader summits of the past include President Franklin Roosevelt's World War 2 meeting with Britain's Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin said the 1st time a little girl that's really an idolator had at last been brought together. But they don't generally. Join her that this momentous declaration that. Was to come Cokie Roberts let us be clear was not around to cover that summit but she had been around for a few others Hi there Cokie it's one of the few things I haven't been around. We're glad you're with us to feel some questions here's the 1st Nicholas card from Mark while Hawaii has there ever been and since before this most recent occurrence between the u.s. And another country has been abruptly canceled as President Trump did the other day although maybe it's back on yes in 165 allies and had cancelled a meeting in Soviet Union after the u. 2 spy plane was shot down it seems as in the case with this North Korean summit there's a certain amount of jockeying was going on to see who might cancel 1st and Eisenhower did he encourage us had met in the us in 1959 and hope for further dialogue but the plane ended that that same year 960 a foreign power meeting in Paris was Britain and France included also blow up because I refused to apologize for the u 2 which was this American spy plane that was going into Soviet airspace and was shot down but didn't I think Howard's successor and meeting with Khrushchev Indiana famously Jack Kennedy met with Khrushchev any Kennedy later said it was the worst day of his life that he got eaten alive by the old Soviet leader so these meetings can be dangerous back in 155 Eisenhower had to pledge not to give away the store. When he 1st met with Soviet leaders that's similar to the fears were heard today over the Trump meeting with camp although that leads to another question this one from my captain who asks when world leaders meet for a summit is it mostly show or do things get accomplished but if nothing else it's an opportunity to size each other up and see if you can get something done even if nothing concrete comes out of that meeting but in Ronald Reagan several meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev things did get accomplished including the signing of the treaty to eliminate intermediate and shorter range missiles but see these matters are usually so well worked out in advance of the summit with a huge amount of diplomacy going on between the countries again that's been one of the concerns about the somewhat hastily called meeting with no you know kind of posing concerns here the question is will they be able to accomplish anything and there's actually a fear that maybe they'll accomplish something that people will strike a clean Rev a good Joan has a question about the mechanics of diplomacy like when President Trump wrote that letter the other day to get mail doesn't get e-mailed How do world leaders communicate with the State Department so uses the client term cable because it was the telegram for many many years but now we're talking about security e-mails which is one reason why there was so much upset about Hillary Clinton's use of that famous private server it's also instantaneous Steve a far cry from the days of old when the news that the British had acquiesced to u.s. Demands about trade restrictions that were part of the reason for the war of 1812 that news got to these stories too late to stop the war it is already been clear mile and that concludes our summit with Cokie Roberts Cokie pleasure to. Talk to commentator Cokie Roberts you can ask Cokie your questions about the politics of the government work by e-mailing us at ask Cokie at npr dot org or by tweeting us with the hash tag ask Cokie. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm David Greene. It's Morning Edition right here on member supported High Plains Public Radio I'm Brian Barrow the current time is 549 Central stick around and just 2 minutes as the marketplace reports in regional news Republican secretary of state Kris Kobach officially filed paperwork Tuesday to run for governor Kobach told reporters that he wants to put more restrictions on property tax increases and he wants to repeal a Kansas law that crimps in-state tuition to some college students in the country illegally what kind of incentive is that we're going to give you a financial incentive because you're breaking the law it's outrageous I'm going to push legislation to repeal it efforts to repeal the law have failed in recent years supporters say gives an opportunity to students who in many cases were brought to the u.s. By their parents Republican insurance commissioner consults are also called to run for governor this morning Governor Jeff Collier and former State Senator Jim Burnett are expected to file their paperwork later this week this story from the campus news service a collaboration that covers health education and politics across the state for High Plains Public Radio I'm Ben Kubrick checks 2 motorcycles cars $218.00 wheelers you were donated the Huichol of any size supports High Plains Public Radio and you may even qualify for a tax deduction get started today with your safe and secure donation at age p.p.r. Dot org enjoy High Plains Public Radio on a different frequency when you become a mission driven member who helps provide a public radio to every 300 communities in the h.p. P.r. Listening area and beyond join today at h.p. Dot org Brian bureau with you for Morning Edition here on High Plains Public Radio the current time is 5 51 am stick around for your weather report coming up at the top of the hour. Right when you thought they were ramping down u.s. China trade tensions are escalating Marketplace Morning Report a supported by battell working to deliver environmental data to scientists around the world with support from the National Science Foundation with Patel It can be done more of a tell God or slash marketplace I'm David Brancaccio in New York remember 10 days ago Treasury Secretary Steven minutia and suggested u.s. Tariffs on Chinese goods are being set aside with the trade war on hold that was May 20th now the trumpet ministration is pressing ahead and adding new pressure on China Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer in Washington in our China correspondent Jennifer Pak in Shanghai or on their respective lines here 1st Nancy in d.c. Bring us up to date on what the Trump team is doing now the White House has announced it's going forward with its plan to impose a 25 percent tariffs on $50000000000.00 worth of imports from China President transfers threatened these tariffs back in March this is the next step in that process a list of specific products is supposed to be announced on June 15th the White House 6 years to be taking another unexpected step he says he due process reporting the trumpet ministration also plans to limit visas issued to some Chinese citizens and the State Department used to routinely allow them to stay the maximum possible length of time now the Associated Press reports Chinese grad students in fields like robotics and high tech manufacturing will be limited to a one year visa and Chinese citizens will need clearances from a number of u.s. Agencies if they work as researchers or managers for certain Chinese companies those clearances could take months well you can imagine China's reaction to these latest announcements can be summed up in one word surprised because in the last round of talks in Washington earlier this month China said both sides agreed to not engage in a trade war so now Beijing says it's ready. To fight back here's a statement from China's Ministry of Commerce as read out by the local media loony punctual passion which is well to bungalow he she it says whatever measures the United States takes China has the confidence to defend its own interests China's nationalistic newspaper the Global Times with even more pointed saying that the us suffered from quote delusion and warned that remaking on trade could leave Washington dancing with itself right so the u.s. Is talking high level talks with North Korea but on trade what's next for China and the United States as the 2 sides are set to meet in Beijing this weekend right yeah well there are concerns that these talks might not happen if the 2 sides can't agree on a broad outline everyone expected these talks would be challenging partly because China denies America's repeated claims that it forces foreign companies to transfer their technologies to Chinese businesses now the China Daily newspaper says this does indeed happen but it's a result of normal business practices between u.s. Companies and their Chinese partners not because of course of policies and it says the u.s. Is using this issue as an excuse for trade protectionism and the official saying the news agency said this latest quote flip flopping by the trumpet ministration is hurting America's national credibility and David clearly yesterday's announcement was not expected especially right before Secretary Rice's trip to China it may just be a negotiating tactic to put pressure on Beijing in those talks Ross is scheduled to travel to China with staffers from a number of u.s. Agencies including Commerce the agriculture and energy department they are supposed to hammer out an agreement for China to start importing more agriculture and energy products from the u.s. The idea is to narrow the trade gap between the u.s. And China they're also supposed to discuss the fate of the Chinese telecommunications equipment companies e t e France and Trump has said he'll ease u.s. Sanctions on c.t.e. China had said those sanctions would force the t. To close. All right reporting from both d.c. And Shanghai there let's do the numbers the Footsie in London up 310 percent after the storm a drop in Italy and Spain yesterday stock indicators there are up this morning Dow and s. And p. Futures each up 5 tenths percent today the u.s. Federal Reserve is scheduled to take a step toward weakening a key piece of the legislation designed to stop some future repeat of the great financial crisis this is called the Volcker Rule that's the regulation detested by the bigger banks that limits some riskier trading practices marketplaces Kimberly Adams has more the debate over the Volcker rule often comes down to this what exactly counts as risky trading for banks and the green is an economist at the Center for American Progress the poker was trying to say you can have what you need on hand to serve customers but not more than the problem is what's called proprietary trading explains Othman now at Washington University so proprietary trade oil would be bank thinks that oil is cheap right now therefore buys oil hoping that the price will go up right now banks have to prove to regulators they aren't taking big risks with customer deposits and banks complain the rules are kind of arbitrary if a bank enters a position and told the position for more than 60 days that's fine does it for 59 days on one of several elements of the Volcker Rule banks are hoping to change to give them more flexibility lower compliance costs and potentially higher profits in Washington I'm Kimberly Adams from Marketplace Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Carbonite offering data protection solutions for businesses including automatic backup for servers and point protection high availability in disaster recovery and data migration learn more at Carbonite dot com today Amazon shareholders a vote on how the company interviews candidates for its board the so-called Rooney rule. Originated in 2003 when the National Football League again forcing teams to interview at least one minority candidate for top jobs now other industries have adopted variations of this from w e s a in Pittsburgh Marketplace's Erica verus has more a criticism of the Rooney Rule its effect wanes over time and interviewing one candidate doesn't equate to a higher that's what happened in the n.f.l. And that's why I care an overt Stacey's group Diversity lab came up with an alternative the Mansfield Rule 30 percent of candidates need to be female or diverse but she says even talking about diversity at the highest levels is a great 1st step I think in some instances it's worth it to just try something that conversation can help companies and their boards they differently about candidates list brand Pinterest have adopted the Rooney Rule Derren Rosenblum a law professor at Pace University says the rules could go further and points to European policy the French rules and the New Orleans rules require 40 percent as a floor for corporate boards and firms that violate that it will not have fair to say since respected and research shows companies with more diverse boards are more profitable America bear for Marketplace our producer Justin hope a long and general shin and David Brancaccio with the marketplace me.

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