Transcripts for KCBX 90.1 FM/KNBX 91.7 FM/KSBX 89.5 FM [Cent

KCBX 90.1 FM/KNBX 91.7 FM/KSBX 89.5 FM [Central Coast Public Radio] KCBX 90.1 FM/KNBX 91.7 FM/KSBX 89.5 FM [Central Coast Public Radio] December 8, 2019 050000

Oh about. No question. No question. No question. Moment. But. Thanks. This is The Night Listener supported public radio. How are you guys doing on this rainy Saturday evening weekend week that was a hammer with the slide. Bird but buggy by the Jimmy Castor but she was right before that and hold on want to come in by Salmon day from the best of salmon Dave album and we started off until something a little different tonight I played the whole entire night train for James Brown so you know me and this is the night train every week I am hosting the show I'm going to play for you some of the greatest songs from Soul Dallas and soul that bloody slash. R. And b. Funk and I hope you don't mind when I slide in a little bit of urban contemporary one will be planning the reggae this week so climb aboard grab your Jag and shoes and gay ready to hear some of your favorites the night train up next tower of power our case to be expunged radio. Yes. Yes. You. To. She. Says she. Should. Come to. La. And. Make. Sure. Thank. You. That. That. Caus Public Radio c b x. This is the night train I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves this nice rainy weekend that was slipping into the darkness from war from their greatest hits from the hits album. Do you want to give funky with me that's what Peter Brown brought us from his hidden treasures album. And the freak from. That day and stays down as the best of she 1000 of my all time favorite songs when I was growing up and we started off this set of. Jams with do it with soul from Tower of Power from their album so side. Be sure to like us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram or Twitter at k c b a family coming up this next set of music we're going to have Nigel hall a little bit Al Green and. A little fun song for take up banks but up next Nigel hall on k.c.b. Eccentric Public Radio. Bringing. You back next week. GAEV. Skin. Suit. Sure. You can look good for. Killing. Small. Kelly Thomas. Clearly. Moving. Slow. To. Change. To. a solo cello player chance to play a. Eloah. Actual a. Color coloring. K c p x Central Coast public radio serving South Monterey Santa was a busy Santa Barbara County. Jacob banks chainsmoke in. His album Village Green brought us take me to the river from the Al Green explores are mine album and I don't holler I can't stand the rain from his ladies and gentlemen album relistening and sallow spaceball were at 90 point one and the pomo were 90 Parwan as well 95 point one on Lompoc Vandenberg religion and the Vandenberg Air Force Base 89.5 I'm on a Seattle the Leda and Ventura 90 point night and Avalon Shale and pizz Mile Beach 90 point one in Ca you kiss in northern moral Bay you can find us at 91 points 91.7 f.m. Dial and nor then sallow suppose Bill Callahan passed at all those Templeton and the task Darrow So just ahead we have a special request an end for Heather. She wanted to hear a little bit of Marvin Gaye and so there we have it and a little later on in the set one of the best Christmas songs by Donny Hathaway Felicia and this is the night train on k c b x. K. I am. By. Man. Our. Company. Man. Heard. Fire. Alarm our. That this Christmas by Donny Hathaway was one of the. Best Christmas songs ever I promise you guys that was from the central Now that's what I call a Christmas album from Donny Hathaway and after the dance from Marvin Gaye at the best of Marvin day that was one of my favorites and we started off with another selection from Marvin Gaye called it and their city blues make me want to holler from what's going on and that was a special requests for Heather. So I hope you guys are all and showing everything and Charlie thanks for calling. Giving me that nice little pep talk and boost. This is center Coast Public Radio Service and the central coast from Salinas to Ventura. The k.c. Banks website is a great way to access your favorite music and talk programs you can listen to live and on demand content see playlists access local state and national news and participate with comments check out our website at k c b x o r g. Coming up in the 10 o'clock hour I'm going to play some Ruth Brown and our album of the week from that sure fire so ensemble there are a group of mostly out of San Diego they play. A little bit of the Latin jazz and some soul and funk so that's our album of the week called Build bridges and it has like some of our favorites on there like. That you are always listen to or you hear like child like Mr Nader from last week I played him he's one of the San Diego Jake major He plays a job in the percussion but anyway that's coming up in the 10 o'clock hour we're going to slow things down with one of my favorites from the Commodores and Frankie Beverly and Maze and then. At the bottom of the hour we're going to get back with some folk This is Casey backstage to you once and those of his bill came and be x. H.d. Once an r. O. And k. S. B. X. Santa Barbara it's jamming on k. C.b.x. Dot au r g. How about a little bit of a Lauren Hill on k.c. Next that I train. That's why and how you know how I feel you son and this guy you know how you. Drifted all by your own how are you. It's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new law follow me it's a new day on it's a new day it's a new life for me. And. Please.

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