Transcripts For KCSM Focus On Europe 20160605 :

KCSM Focus On Europe June 5, 2016

Nation has a lot of work to do to prove that it merits such a status. To highlight its efforts at reform and at the request of the u. S. , albania has agreed to recital thousands of members of an Iranian Opposition group known as the peoples mujahedin. For years, theyve been housed in the u. S. Backed cant in iraq. Our reporter went to the albanian capital to meet a former member. Ehsan bidi is keeping a low profile in a toronto tirana suburb. He claims to have been threatened by his forme comrades, militant fighters from the peoples mujahedin of iran or mek. They do not want him to talk about his experiences. Bidi theyve been after me since the day i left the organization. I got eight threatening phone calls. The even posted a video calling on others to hunt me down. He lives away from the road in a little apartment which he shares with a friend. He recalls his time with the mek. They were fighting for a just cause, he says, the liberation of their native iran from the oppressive regime of the mul lahs. But he fled after the group turned to increasingly brutal methods, including against its own people. Bidi they put hundreds of my comrades in jail. Some were tortured. Four were murdered. The peoples mujahedin even jailed and tortured members who had been persecuted beforehand by the mullahs. He tells us the mek now has just a few kilometers away from here people in the way behind the barbed wire and walls. Around eight hundred are said to be living across albania after being expelled from camps in iraq. The albanian government tolerates the presence on humanitarian grounds, as the group claims to have pronounced violence, but in albanian journalist and security expert, arlan hoxha, sees them as an unpredictable risk. Hoxha the peoples mujahedin are prepared to use their military capabilities and years of training at any time. They do not need special equipment. They are dangerous even with most basic weapons. And i have another advantage in albania its not difficult to get your hands on guns here. The mek was originally founded in 1965 to overthrow the prowestern shah of iran. In the 1980s, the group fought on the side of saddam husseins iraq against the new fundamental regime of ayatollah khomeini. At the head of the organization was massoud rajavi, the charismatic leader who built up a cultlike following, but the military fatigues and aggressive tone were all style and no substance according to bidi. Bidi he was in awful physical condition. He was so weak he could not even carry his own gun. At the same time, he was reportedly merciless in his instructions to his army. Bidi we saw with our own eyes how the peoples mujahedin trained members to become suicide bombers, both women and men. They were a little army that attacked targets in iraq and iran. So where does the mek stand today . Is it preparing a new offense of . We hope to gain insight from members living in a base in tirana. The u. S. And u. K. And eu have removed mek from their list of terrorist, but what do they say to the current charges against them . We are everywhere, in europe, the united states, and especially iran. But the group is not involved in any violent activities. Some people have clicked the group quit the group and now they feel threatened by you. He says thats the version told by the iranian regime. Pure propaganda. They then declare the interview over. The peoples mujahedin is a taboo subject in albania. The government hailed the government failed to respond to our requests for an interview or even to answer questions and now there are reports of a further 2000 former fighters being taken in. According to security exper hoxha, this represents an additional risk. Hoxha the main problem is that the Islamic Republic of iran is determined to wipe out the mek. The regime sees the group as potential enemies intent on attacking important targets in iran, so iran will continue to try to target its leaders. For defector bedi, bidi, theres no doubt that the mek will then strike back. Bidi the mek will wage a violent struggle and use terrorism to achieve their goals. They are dangerous for albania and European Society as a whole. For the time being, ehsan and his friend are stranded in albania. Were they to try to visit their families and iran, they would immediately face arrest. They are two foot soldiers of a bloody conflict that has now been transported to the 700 kilometers away to europe. Michelle the french word for suburb is often used as a pejorative, used to refer to lowincome housing projects heavily populated by immigrants and blighted by high unemployment and crime. Young people there feel marginalized by French Society. Many leave school early, deepening their sense of the outsiders in their own country, but one small private school governed by strict rules and discipline is bucking the trend. The school teaches traditional values like patriotism and respect, and as a result, the students feel a greater sense of french identity. If i want to be happy, i must see all men and women as my brothers and sisters, regardless of race, religion, or background. If i want to be happy, i must love the truth and seek it with humility. If i want to be happy, i must support peace, for i know there is strength in being peaceful. Those are some of the golden rules that every pupil here must follow. Each morning begins with the same routine. The teachers and principals greet each student with a handshake and address them with the formal french vous. This is another ritual. Every morning at 9 30, the pupils patrick practice a bit of patriotism. Thats not a matter of course for the girls and boys here. They live on the outskirts of harris of paris and are mainly from families who live on the outskirts of society and in general are not really accepted by the mainstream french. The parents come from countries like morocco, algeria, or senegal. Everyone is equal. The boys wear green hoodies, the girls red sweaters. The school wants to give them all a chance in life by helping them to be good french citizens. Do you want to be servile or civil . Do you want to be futile or useful . The School Uniform is a privilege. Anyone who breaks the rules has to wear ordinary close. Ghania asks to wear the uniform again after disrupting class a few days ago. The principal asks her what she plans to do to earn it back. I will do my best to respect the golden rules, to improve my behavior, and to respect the teachers. Weve heard your commitment, and we are happy to see you wear the uniform again and to welcome you back into the fraternal community of the school. We applaud you. Tough rules and strict hierarchies and any breach of the rules is sanctioned. That all sounds like a 19th Century School trying to raise children to be loyal subjects, but a lot of parents like the concept. Their loss used he used to be a bank manager in london, but he switched jobs last year. Instead of maximizing profits, the frenchman is now promoting pression pedagogy. Bergot singing the National Anthem or the eu him does not mean that we are returning to old values. It really means teaching the children to value where they come from. Someone who is rooted in place can develop their branches and find a sense of inner balance. But today, 12yearold malaur ys balance is disturbed. She is getting back a test and is disappointed with the results. Malaury im a little the average. Sometimes my sentences just do not make any sense, but here, we can learn without getting bored, and its one. They are giving me a chance to succeed. Most of the residents, the often economically disadvantaged suburbs of paris, are unfamiliar with success. Many are immigrants who feel that French Society is keeping them out. More than 40 of young people are unemployed. So it is important to her parents that their daughter get a good education. Its true that young people are not well integrated. I see a lot of parents who have simply given up. Their children become more difficult. So if you have the chance to send your child to a private school, that is what you do. And for that, they are willing to make sacrifices to afford the tuition of 70 euros per month. That is a lot of money for the family who originally come from the french west indies. There are children who have potential, but they fail due to certain circumstances. I think this school gives them a chance. The children like going to school here. They get a lot of encouragement, and they learned how important it is to share responsibility with others. That includes cleaning the toilets together, a job malaury tries to avoid at home. Malaury you get to know yourself and the others. Before that, you dont know yourself. And we learn solidarity, too. Solidarity is something the 53 pupils who has been attending the school since it started half a year ago have not experienced much. I like this school better. My old school did not do much for me. I had trouble with math, and they just said it was not so bad and did not do anything about it, but i wanted to learn. I hardly even learned how to write. Now he has learned to write, but he likes the singing lessons even better. Ing given a chance. Areinly peaps their school will help the rest of society accept as true frenchman and women french men and women. Michelle is instilling patriotism the key to forming a more Cohesive Society . My parents were immigrants, and i grew up in the u. S. With a strong sense of american identity. For me, as we saw with the children in that report, part of that was down to things like singing the National Anthem at school. Tell us what you think about that or any of todays stories by getting in touch on facebook, email, or twitter. Germany is providing refuge to thousands of people fleeing persecution, abuse, and war, but some migrants feel they are being persecuted all over again. Not by unwelcoming germans, but by other refugees. Religious minorities including christians and his 80s christians and yazidis have come under attack from radical islamists in iraq and syria. Some still live in fear. Nesrin just wants to hide all the time. She fled from her home in syria. She came to germany because she wanted her young son to grow up in a safe environment, but even though shes been here a year, she still lives every day in fear, so we agree to interview her in a protected room. Nesrin i was staying in soest. There were radical muslim then and women there who called me an infidel. They threatened to beat me up. I was completely alone with all of them. Nesrin is currently in the city of munster. She originally comes from afrin, in aleppo province. She came to germany without her husband and three of her children. Since arriving, she has lived in seven different refugee shelters a nightmare. Nesrin it hurts so much. She feels lost in germany. An initiative called noahs ark is seeking to help her. The group takes care of christian and yazidi refugees who have often been through many traumatic experiences. It was in a refugee camp like this one on the turkish Syrian Border that she had to leave her three other children. She never thought a life in germany would he so hard. We often get calls from christians, yazidis, assyrians, and other minorities who do not feel safe here. Things have happened to them that should not just be swept under the carpet. Women in particular who belong to religious minorities often suffer discrimination and abuse in refugee shelters. Many are afraid to go to the bathroom on their own. And increasingly, there are reports of attacks, according to h from a therapist who has treated over 1000 women who have suffered severe sexual abuse from i. S. Fighters. In refugee shelters where you have people from different cultures living together, especially young men living in close quarters with young women, theres a high probability of young guys getting stupid ideas and attacking young women. There are even attempt to rape women. Women like nesrin feel especially, ties by their experience in german refugee shelters. Many of them went through terrible things while still in syria. They took a pregnant kurdish woman and cut the baby out of her belly. They said theyd go to paradise because shes an infidel. I cannot talk anymore. Nesrin finds it hard to live in germany as a yazidi in the same house as muslim men. Things escalated when her husband came to visit. He arrived in germany two months ago but was assigned to a different shelter. Nesrin when my husband came, my muslim neighbor went crazy. He started hitting the wall because he did not want my husband to see his wife without a veil. She has complained repeatedly to her social worker, but the authorities see no reason to intervene. As a rule, we see no problem with different Cultural Group from Different Countries and religions living together, and peveryday life back that up. Nesrin disagrees. A few weeks ago, she tried to take her own life with security personnel present in a large refugee home. Her dream of life in safety, reunited with her hud and and children, still feels like a world away. Michelle we hope that families like nesrins will get the hope and protection they need. One of the most stunning sites in europe is the danube delta. Much of it lies in romania and has been named a unesco World Heritage site thanks to its vast wetlands and rare wildlife. But this complex ecosystem was not always so prized. During the communist era, much of it was drained for farming, an environmental disaster. Now residents and environmentalists hope to strike a balance between development and conservation, with the help of ecotourism. Valeriu trofimov loves his home. He grew up in the danube delta in romania. This is where the river danube widens before india into the black sea. A network of waterways covers 5800 square kilometers, prime habitat for birds and fish, but many here are wondering how long it will survive. The area has been under threat for, especially under the communist rule of nicolae ceausescu. He ordered land to be reclaimed and tried to set up largescale industry. Canals were dredged, particularly on the ukrainian side of the delta. You reach spawning grounds for fish were destroyed in the process. Trofimov we need to find a new solution to protect nature and us residents, too. Were on the right track. Many of the 12,000 residents now believe that ecotourism could be the solution for protecting the future of the danube delta. Locals want to attract visitors to this beast part of the European Union to enjoy the river landscape with its rich ecosystem. They help paying guest will want to stay in the traditional thatched roof, mud brick cottages so that the local villages can be preserved. Many residents have already left the village is in favor of modern housing and greater prosperity inside the delta. The idea of ecotourism in the delta all started in the village of mila douazeci si trei. The name literally means 23 miles, the distance between the village on the coast. The village is proud to have produced no less than 13 world champions and olympic Gold Medalist in canoeing. The most successful of all was ivan patzaichin, who was competing right up until the 1980s. He has invited everyone to a meeting at the local community center. Together with an Advertising Agency in bucharest, hes developed an initiative for Sustainable Development in the danube delta. He is currently touring all the fishing villages to publicize the project and when local approval. The idea is that tradition is cool, and so is conservation. He urges the locals to preserve their houses in traditional style and to stop overfishing. He says everyone stands to benefit, but the locals complain of endless yurok per and want to know why they have to stick with thatched roofs because they are so expensive. Trofimov we just want to vent out little cottages but have to fulfill the standards of a smart hotel. We cannot do it. Then Big Hotel Chains come in from the outside. Ivan patzaichin understands these concerns, but its exactly because he does not want Big Hotel Chains in the danube delta that he is encouraging the locals to get active themselves. A few kilometers downstream, work is under way to build houses in the traditional mud brick style. Patzaichin these Building Materials and this type of construction has almost been forgotten. There are hardly any builders these days who know how to produce the loan bricks or to thatch roofs, but we want to change that. They are also eager to show that living in a traditional cottage does not have to mean giving up the benefits of modern life. There are already initial signs of success. Someillagers have spruced up their homes and canoes and are offering lodging for tourists. Trofimov is also renting out his home. A room here goes for 25 euros a night with half or. Trofimov still feel happiest when out on the danube pursuing his main livelihood along with the other fishermen, but if ecotourism can help to preserve this natural paradise, hes more than happy for it to move forward. Michelle the danube delta is definitely now on my places of my list of places to visit here in europe. Thats it for today. Thank you for watching. Please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can send us an email, write us on facebook, or send us a tweet. We love hearing from you. In the meantime, its goodbye from me and the whole team. See you next time. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] steves while dedicating a month of your life to walk the camino may be admirable, it doesnt work for everyone. But any traveler can use this route as a sightseeing spine and as an opportunity to appreciate some of the joys and lessons that come with being a pilgrim. Just 5 miles before the spanish border stands the french basque town of st. Jeanpieddeport. Traditionally, santiagobound pilgrims would gather here to cross the pyrenees and continue their march through spain. Visitors to this popular town are a mix of tourists and pilgrims. At the camino office, pilgrims check in before their long journey to santiago. They pick up a kind of pilgrims passport. Theyll get it stamped at each stop to prove they walked the whole way and earned their compostela certificate. Walking the entire 500milelong route takes about five weeks. Thats about 15 miles a day, with an occasional day of rest. The route is wellmarked with yellow arrows and Scallop Shells. The Scallop Shell is the symbol of both st. James and the camino. Common on the galician coast, the shells were wor

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