And I. Think. This is k d k o m a candy South Dakota 89.5 on your f.m. Dial Hey everyone it took over 1000 year old to reach is here in the red but it is here now people are getting sick every day and we need to do our part to help stop the spread of coal with t. Here are a few things you could do to help stop over 90 wear a mask musher hands often and practice social distance and everywhere you go even when you stop talk with a friend also traditional aspects of fighting called an 18 barrier also known as Asha. If you're not feeling well stay at home and if you're feeling like you're getting worse call are going to h a submergence you know their numbers 60534621 if it is after hours go into the community hospital emergency their number 605343611 sponsored by the. Taskforce. Hello hello you're listening to Katy 89.5 f.m. Like any South Dakota My name is Doc and I'm here with your community corner your local announcements keeping you connected to your local events news and happenings within our listening area all right let's get started with a message from the resource center food pantry the food pantry program can deliver food for those of you who are shut in or do not have a way to get to the food pantry if you do not have a ride to pick be food pantry give us a call Tuesday mornings between 9 30 am and 11 am and give us your name address phone number and the size of your household then we can deliver your food pantry box delivery start at 1 pm and we will call you when we arrive at your home due to the cove in 19 pandemic we will leave your food box at the door and will not take it inside. Move it on if you aren't in need of information concerning covert 19 call the covert response line at 605-384-5683 ask for assistance the purpose of the covert response line is for people to call if they had been officially placed under quarantine so that they can request food or supplies needed for you and your household members deliveries will be made from 8 am to 8 pm daily. Only sorry about that do not call taskforce members directly all calls must go through the covert response line that number again is 605-384-5683 in case of emergency please call 911 sponsored by the intense to covert 900 task force and moving on to some information from the intensity tribe your next general council meeting will be on October 22nd at 10 am at the Wagner armory on the agenda is enrolment your next meeting after that will be Friday October 30th at 10 am The Wagner armory on the agenda again is the discussion in planning for the Bernhardt settlement funs holds another important meeting. Moving on the lake Andes Carnegie public library is helping people complete the census they're located at 500 Main St Louis County South Dakota their phone number is 487-7524 their open Monday through Saturday from 1 pm to 5 pm and Wednesdays from 1 pm to 7 pm computer Reservations can be made by calling the library you can by completing the census promote on the computers at the library you can be entered to win a Lenovo i Pad. Drawing will be held up to her 2nd and the 1st 200 people will receive gift cards from coitus Alright the lake Andes farmer's market is held on Tuesdays from 4 to 6 pm at the City Park located at the intersection of 7th Avenue in Lake St social distancing is encouraged and masks are recommended if you have any questions regarding the Farmer's Market Mary Jo Parker can be reached at 481-0011. Ready let's move on to some other information. The n.d. Central Indian Education Committee. Will be having a meeting on Wednesday October 7th from at 5 pm from the library door one that's how you get in and their meeting is to approve the September 9th the minutes reports family walk through Report election for i.e.c. Board members participation numbers review an update by lolls j o m annual report in jail application and in addition to that there are 2 positions available on the n.d. Central Indian Education Committee. The n.d. Central School District is asking eligible parents and guardians to partner with them to run for a 2 year and 3 year break in terms on the in Education Committee. And if you are interested you can pick up a petition at the superintendent's office the petition must be returned to the superintendent's office by Friday Oct 7th at 4 pm elections will be held again on Wednesday October 7th pm For more information the superintendent can be reached at 477671 The Charles mix County Courthouse would like the public to know that absentee voting begins September 18th 2020 for the 2020 general election masks are mandatory and please stay home if you feel sick. Move it on make your voice heard and vote Whoa yeah I send my voice your vote will make a difference. Currently . Their Brave Heart Society is registering people to vote they are currently set up on main street in front of the hallways general store and if you are not registered to vote they will help you get registered if you are in an active voter and haven't voted for a long time and would like to vote again you must reregister so you could do that again either at the courthouse or with the Brave Heart Society. Also if you have moved you must update your address and reregister at your new address you can also request your absentee ballot and they can help you with that. Then they will also help you if you have if you do not have a state or tribal id. There is a personal ad dated dated or have a David. There is a personal effort David form in the auditor's office that you can file in person by November 2nd or at the polls on Election Day on November 3rd you can use your tribal id to vote your right to vote is sacred and will empower future generations if you would like more information on the Brave Heart society's get out your vote. Campaign you can contact Lauren Crowe at 6820430 or Jane sent. St John St John's lunch is a rouse or William religion or on Facebook already so that is a message for people to get out to vote. To some little things they're all right moving on strengthening our communities we'll be having a wellness walk on October 1st from 8 am to 8 p m. You will register for the walk at the road or reshow ther and complete one rat. Lap for prizes there are also seeking focus group participants they have a few open positions there are looking for American Indian women between 40 and 70 years old who have not had a breast cancer screening in the past 2 years. And have health insurance or eligible to receive free or subsidized prevented of care by the state of South Dakota for more information contact shushing then or Dr soem he roll to sign up for an interview the focus group is October 3rd at the Randall hotel meeting room shushing can be reached at 469-6180 Dr Ro can be reached at 357-1593. All right women on the women's lodge is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you are in need of sheltering services please call or 24 hour crisis line at 605477130 we provide confidential services for all women an emergency shelter for women and children other services provided our legal advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and information and referrals stop the abuse abuse is not Ok Are you a college student grad student or recent graduate looking for work experience are you interested in Native American rights reproductive justice the Prevention of Violence against Native women and health issues consider an internship at the Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center in the women's lodge internships range from 3 months to one year with 3 months being the minimum stay intern positions are available all year round for more information our phone number 60577072 ask for Sharon. Charles mix County Wicklow office healthy choices for Healthy Families what is WIC it's a supplemental nutrition education program for women infants and children up to 5 years old for more information contact your local office in Lake Andes 477094 and in Wagner 384347. Katie kayo invites our listeners to participate in our quarterly community advisory board meetings they are held the last week in March June in Sept temblor n.d. Semper 8 o 9 high street like any South Dakota cab meetings are open to the public we hope we discuss upcoming events shows and other vital information about the radio station for more information 605477072 ask for Siobhan and d. To the covert 9 teen pandemic we are currently having our meetings online via Xoom so anyone can. Attend via their smartphone home computer or laptop or other tablet Internet device so that last our last meeting was actually on September 29th and we will be having another meeting in December why aren't Let's move on to your local job listings for those of you looking for a.j. O.b. On the y s t a k a the c m c The n.d. Central School District is looking to fill the following position paraprofessional closing day October 1st so today is the final day to submit your application you can contact the superintendent for more information at 477671 The AA The Wa community college is looking for a meeting its custodian closing day October 9th at 4 30 pm. You can pick up an application at the color by calling 384-3997 or online at w w w I c c or yacht Day dot com. Already . Avons farmer's market is currently accepting applications for a full time employee a cd L's preferred but not required applications can be picked up at the office or by contacting Kevin at 286-329-7263 extension 297 the end of Central School District also has a position for bus route driver closing date is October 2nd by 4 pm for more information or application information contact the superintendent at 477671 The Wagner community school also has job positions available they are looking for a nurse's office monitor slash other duties that is only available during school year a custodian for a 12 month position and interpreter position and a substitute bus driver all positions will be open until filled they are available online at w w w dot Wagner k 12 s t w s or you can contact the way to school business office at 38436774 more information the city of Lake and is accepting applications for a full time maintenance employee. Application applicants must have a sup a quarter drop driver's license and prefer bully. A commercial class b. Operator's license and position will be open to fill you can pick an application at the city finance office located at 58 North 3rd Avenue in the county supper Kota or you can contact the city finance office at 77694 that's 4776 for the Marty Indian school has jobs available as well they are looking for a nurse you must have a valid South Dakota are in license. And they're also looking for a counselor a master's degree in counseling in the candidate must possess a South Dakota counseling certificate and one year on the job experience in an Indian school environment they're also looking for coaches for the 20202021 school year you must have a high school diploma or Ged or previous coaching experience they're looking for a track coach golf coach head coach an assistant coach for the boys' basketball team closing date is October 9th 2020 for more information 345431 that's 345431 Pipestone system located near Lake Candy's is looking for a full time swine technician for full time position you comply apply at w w w Pipestone dot com or call 866-918-7378 extension 4 more information that's 866-918-7378 The Charles mix County Highway Department is looking for a full time administratively assistant applicants will be accepted into timber 30th so sorry about that a little bit late for that one unless they didn't get any applicants in which case you can contact the highway office county highway office marks machinery in Wagner South Dakota is looking for a service writer you can get an application at w w w dot marks Inc dot com or e-mail your resume to Chad at marks hyphen machinery dot com. Or you can contact Chad with any questions at 384-3681 that's 343681 the n.d. Central School District is also accepting applications for a temporary remote learner support paraprofessional. Preferred qualifications as technology skills working with the web and various websites and high email communication skills must have a high school diploma and pass a background check closing day is Friday October 9th 2020 at noon contact Dr Cheryl taler at 48776714 more information or you can stop by at the office located at 1001 high street. Ready to move on prestigious cleaning services l.l.c. Is looking for a part time and full time employees so you can contact Amber Hill at 402-340-7662 that's 423407662. The good Samaritan society in Wagner South Dakota is in need of a part time maintenance technician and driver you must have a valid driver's license for that position they're also in need of a part time cook you can apply online at good hyphen Sam dot com forward slash careers and search for jobs in Wagner at 384-366-1384 extension 3661 if you have questions regarding the position. All righty then in that my friends will be all for your community corner announcements here today on Katie 89.5 f.m. My name is talkie thank you for listening have a great day sending our heart felt condolences to our families in mourning and healing prayers to those in need of healing. Ready until we meet again community corner is a prerecorded program that airs Monday through Sunday at 11 am and 3 pm have a great day everybody. This is National Native News I'm anti neocon solace America's digital divide is especially stark on reservations where broadband is often an affordable or just not available federal pandemic relief money as providing an opportunity to narrow the divide Erin Bolton reports on top of a small mountain on the Flathead Indian reservation in western Montana sits a brand new $180.00 foot cell tower confederated sale and Cooney trying to infrastructure administrator Chuck Reese says in the coming months it will help broadcast wireless high speed Internet over roughly 80 percent of the reservation to give you an idea of we're bringing fiber optic right in here to all the way up this mountain and this is 1st class connectivity nearly half of local residents here have no access to high speed Internet re says this change will now allow them to take advantage of online education and tele health and give tribal police comic Tiffany right in their cars in February the Federal Communications Commission offered free broadband wireless spectrum capable of broadcasting high speed wireless Internet to tribes initially not many applied to because to make the equipment on those towers really robust You need a healthy amount of power to go in and strong fiber Jeff Blackwell is with Amerind at risk management a native owned insurance company that helps trying to improve digital access within 5 years tribes have to pay to build towers and run fiber optic cable and other utilities to actually make these wireless networks a reality each project could cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars after Congress passed $8000000000.00 in federal coronavirus relief funding for tribes in late March tribes submitted more than 400 applications for the free wireless spectrum that's were new to good step for broadband purposes but also utilizing the. Recognizes policing tribes themselves in the center the regulatory process has a chance of significant success however Blackwell says many tribal lands weren't included and that the f.c.c. Will need to make more spectrum available to tribes in the future to really Trink the digital divide in Indian country in the meantime those like Blackwell will be focused on helping tribes currently in the build up process succeed for national need of News I'm Erin Bolton native peoples action native movement and data for Indigenous justice are hosting a weeklong virtual healing and justice run for Alaska missing a murdered indigenous women girls and to spirit people the 5 k. Run began Monday to raise awareness and provide a healing activity for the community Kendra Kloster executive director of native peoples action says they're seeking ways to provide a healing space including through the virtual run that I remember hearing from. The ground. Up and remember and be there for each other very near kind you know is not something that we are but we are trying to and I've read that we can go on line and right now we're we're being our virtual. Women we all are carrying other things right up. There in a lot of outreach and different rate that we really are what black community participants in the run can share their activities on the events Facebook page the run and Sun Saturday Lakota playwright Liveris a fast horses among winners of the 2020 MacArthur Genius Award it's fast horses recognized for creating space for Indigenous artists and stories and mainstream theatre all countering misrepresentations of Native Americans the MacArthur Fellowship is a 625000 dollars grant I-Man Tony out Gonzales. Is produced by the corporation with funding by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting . Support. For championing. And defending Native American rights since 1976 with offices in Washington d.c. New Mexico California. Support by the Center for Indigenous cancer research Comprehensive Cancer Center dedicated to cancer research medicine and cancer care for indigenous population. Risk assessment tool is available at. Or. Meet. The Native American radio network. This week Vice President Mike Pence and Sen Kaamelott Harris will debate in Salt Lake City this is Trey have reports the debate will have new rules following outbreak of code 19 that has impacted President Donald Trump Senators Mike Lee Ron Johnson Thom Tillis and other top g.o.p. Officials as well as White House media correspondents Pew Research calls the vice presidential debate and under cart and since the 1st debate in 1976 and has meant parlous viewers the lone exception 2008 when 68000000 people turned in to watch Joe Biden and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin there is another lens to consider Native American history there are a lot of stories to tell starting with the number of men and women who have run for that office Charles Curtis Kot was elected vice president in 1908 Donna Harris Comanche was a candidate for the citizens party in 1980 and one lone a lead to the White Earth nation was the Green Party nominee for the office twice 1st in 1906 and again in 2000 perhaps the most curious relationship though is between the office of Vice President and tribal leaders that started during the administration of Lyndon b. Johnson in March 1968 Johnson signed an executive order creating a national council on Indian opportunity it was a mix of federal officials and tribal leaders headed by Vice President Hubert h. Humphrey at its 1st meeting the council announced a commemorative stamp of Chief Joseph saluting the American Indian not much in terms of policy though during in the Nixon administration Vice President Spiro Agnew was more serious the vice president's staff worked closely with the administration on issues ranging from the return of blue lake to the tallis Pueblo to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Agnew proclaimed in January 1970 the Indian people still are most poverty stricken. Americans and it is outrageous that this should be so the vice president's office also attempted to shape tribal politics it supported the creation of the National tribal chairman's association as an alternative to the National Congress of American Indians the American Indian Press Association reported that some observers believe that the reason for that was the close affiliation of n.c.a.a. I president Leon cook with the Democratic presidential campaign of George McGovern then n.c.a. I executive director Charles Trimble told the Press Association that the vice president's council had become manipulative and the visit by 974 the experiment was over the new vice president Gerald Ford had no interest in serving as the council chair I marked for hat trick hat reports is produced at the studio of Indian Country Today a. Native voice won the Native American radio network. Out experience which is when to tailor jerky tell one with today's segment aboard with a champ for $94.00. Years earlier. Today world where the champ is in Kildare North Dakota at a rodeo sanctioned by the professional rodeo cowboys Association the stock contractor Betty proteome a young lady the 1st ever lady in the professional rodeo cowboys Association to create a card is named Alecia Betty from Kildare Aleisha Welcome to the show I ran a seal that's quite an honor in the history of the world of the rodeo to be the 1st lady there are some other ladies that have participated as Kirsten Bowl the great Harry Gold rodeo company. It's kind of a man's world and you jumped in with both feet. Yeah you know it sure is I'm doing what I love and being with horses and producing rodeos and this weekend I got the opportunity to work with some amazing people including for the 1st time and it's a great rodeo. Yes ma'am you know this is a family tradition that you're carrying Would you share a little bit of this history yes my family's been raising but. Just over 100 years now. We were members of the p.r.c.a. Back in the day and then we weren't and I just a. Pro to you said no. This is our 2nd full season yes ma'am Well there are. Some of the 1st ones. For decades but you. Know it's interesting to watch a bucking horse to jump kick or. Absolutely bucking horse is that along with bucking balls they're bred similar to that of a race horse they're athletes they're their intelligence. They have heart and they're just amazing and what have you learned. Learned you've got to be tough to get to be fair which I you know always live my life that way. Try and keep going and believe in your goals and your dreams as myself running for the brand I have watched you and you think outside the box and you made some very intelligent decisions from the start contractors that you have here for you sometimes the contestants for once. And those are big decisions to make a big difference when you're in the production Yeah and you know it wasn't a tough decision for me because I want to produce the best rodeo I can produce and that usually involves you know bringing in others. And this year I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get some of these in the world here. And you have. Standing with great. World champions good cash. And. The money to have. With. Myself and it's a lot of work. You know you need people to have a great team. It takes time. You know we have a lot of young ladies and women. Ordinary like you. Know. When I was. Growing up I never saw the difference. And if you think that I. Played the woman who. Played the game and. You very well. Thank you thank you. Program maybe heard on. Thanks for listening to today's segment with a chance. To tell you. This. Video. Just in the. Hotel Casino. In Bahrain. All right I am. Going. Native American radio service. You are listening to Katy k o 89.5 f.m. And Les Candy's South Dakota hates the host of the urban any and pod cast in your mom's favorite rapper night shield You're listening to Katy kayo 89.5 f.m. Lake and the South Dakota. This is go home coming to you from Katy 89.5 embryo school will be starting soon Don't wait until the day before school starts to get your children to wear masks get them used to wearing the mask now checked your children by teaching them how important it is to wear a face mask help stop the spread of cool but 90 where if face mask a positive example for our children at 80 a quick each be sponsored by the suit tribe cool with $1000.00 task. Can't. a. Little I. I. Each year thousands of people are sexually assaulted while walking or jogging alone to prevent someone from assault a new job with a friend never jog alone prevent sexual assault and jog with a friend and remember to practice social distancing sponsored by break the silence . Granted it's years when I was. Told that. Many people think they. List of. Things. Like. The occult. Blow but no soul. a baby safe they say. Placate Say Say Say. Say say oh she once told me when she was a place how to say wait. A minute is my life in a sense only in a symbolic enemy with a limitless someone to McCain She wanted to stop by the sun and the moon is stunned among the Muslim land among the Muslims by a blast of. 20 a. A cold glass the bit. Like a women show such a bit on the plate a snake away whenever I want to I want to come on I want to play a game as an appeal to. The Muslim came from love love. Love love love. The. This is one of those please go. To spring school. One similar. Life. Was going to be. Just the kids it seems. To be the new. No someone could go inside and say my life. Went to. God I don't see your last guy. Suzanne's village of friends and trust the son that comes. Battle. You. Know let me back up and. They. Like to thank. You. So alcohol in. The good. And imagine they didn't make the most potent move to. The. Alcohol. To go. To the next interaction to take. Can I get my ticket that call can I get that money can I get that money that went to my boss can I get the. Train. Do you think. I'll give it. If you. Mean. You. Use come up. With. The be. The mug. Plug. Plug. Plug. Plug. Both. Suck. Let me. See. Now I'm up. Fuel. Costs. Yeah listening to Katie kale Eddie 9.5 f.m. Lake and a South Dakota the home to one land of the friendly people. They say that from the south. People came. And they came from all directions in those days came to the river here came to see the new it hit oddly. Phaneesh they were on the other side of the river they were told to stay there. But today they live among the things very malicious of our relatives. Banded together for strength. Policy people in the land give us everything. Asleep say thank you every morning star leave care for the sun no shade in the evening. We watch the stars if we look stand in the center of the rock feel their places where they have run from the great circle and if we look in we see the stars lined up then we know it's time for this we see the stars are lined up with that rock and we know that soon it's going to be. Falling Leaves and if we watched Roxanne's see the stars then we know pretty soon that flows coming. Can tell all these things by the rocks your Earth and the stars above because you know from the stars above the new look at Earth started in to. See the people they came riding this one time. Came up from the south they had a lot of horses with them their common in they were singing a welcome song the scholars that Ari said they're arriving to bring in the horses for they're coming to count they're all singing and give that boy the fitting up on the rocks and watching from the. Moon The farther out these are the beautiful beautiful voice when he looked in the home and thing that. Until he kind of made his way around can't be because he was raised by his grandparents. He didn't have very much. Father was killed in a war infant any. His mother had lost a secure friend went. He was raised by a planter they didn't have too much. To or very kind rethought. They told in the songs they told him. They sold him all the things that he needed to do to be a good young man and people respected. That he was very generous with his hunting. Very generous with his bold. Brave to stand before the enemy on a couple of occasions. Here now he was looking here because of you young woman he wanted to get to know her and he didn't know how to approach it because he didn't have very much some of those other young men to follow her and they had fine horses and they had fine robes they had all of these things and they would go off standing in front of her bare greased up the shiny paint on hair this way he was looking at each other to what do you stare now you which will big look like grapes hanging off he got ticks on you Floor think I look good used to big bushy Buffalo hero there look at you with your split toes come right through your moccasins Oh man you look like a buffalo you smell like they were just teasing each other because if you can get one of the magical show that his spirit is not very strong and you don't want that kind of a man flees to get really just tear each other up and still smile you know you underneath are just fuming he will but on the top there just trying to be just full he will feel full of to feel powerful you nothing bothers me love water need to think fire Kitch you outside in the dark will you really going to get it stand from that girl he is. But he didn't have anything for he could have stayed back. Then one morning he went down. And I got up early think the money went to flavor place to wash and he's been logging in when he looked there on the end of that love that girl sitting. Washing her hair she had about. He pretty fun just barely coming up in the yellow on the water in the green from the grass is like blue in the sky a man whose heart was just pounding. And hard to be. He looked him full of stars. He said Morning Star as you go across to whisper here is here. He thought he would be tricky flee took a stick and he lifted her moccasin that was plain that on the floor he pulled it back into the weeds he could talk like this and she dried her hair she came back along the log she is going to put her shoes on and when Moccasin was missing she said all k. Brothers this is who's got my moccasins not much to eat I got him brothers that he really got Lol cause on both side to him not to the farther away in the little to her brother stood up in the big guys old what do you mean took your moccasins we didn't take you much how when you guys did look then I can see where the strings dragged into the grass there floor he looked and they followed that string into the grass and they saw him laying there boy they just beat him just feed him bad what are you doing looking at our sister washing her self no it's not like that he said I just came to talk to her You have no right to be here Woody just too much pretty good. There is to this is his home in already people thought in kind of pitiful and he's got beat up like the new people. So to hide his shame he grabbed his bone he took his on pitiful horse and he roared off into the prairie. While his other pretty. Green. In a dream he saw warrior flying. Negreanu his son other one laying under a horse in a. Dream boat spinning wild rock. When he woke up in the mornings with no more time he came to a stream where the river was just not to widen but a little ways across from the buffalo were thick whole days where he sat and he waited and finally one of them didn't make him kind of flow down his way he took that life and it off. And then he got it farther and he got another Buffalo Bills that were at the end of the herd we can. Get another before he took all those mean he put it inside of both me took his horse me tied his horse and he let the horse go but couldn't go home he put those 2 boats in the water and he followed him he floated them down on the river and when he came back to the village people were there washing themselves and women and children were playing there he said Oh see here I am is a company help yourselves he said it's all the people who came over and grabbed the piece of the buffalo meat on the whole it will do just fine that is all true for good is used they are helping themselves and they saw that girl she came over there . This is feel he said he gave them awful hard she says it's the only hard to have for me he is kind of shy and embarrassed me didn't want to see the put had done. She said You should come see me I like says he couldn't even look at a boy who wonders face something but he would just tongue was just sticking his eyes for just in his mind like a cloud in the hole is just love struck. His belief. He went over there again and he got his flute told his grandfather but this. You know the automatic if. You take that to you ask it to sing. Magic precious sacred bridge the things he's. Given to them. So he took that flute you want to ponder hill near in the night time he saw the star going across fast and went red torture camp he said yes that's the one that I want he said. He said after all and he thought about her when the morning came he went down near her large and. He was standing there waiting. And she came out. After her bracelet. And he started thinking. This is how I feel he's. In early that evening the stars from just coming on. He stood up there near the home thinking above them he's sorry. He said to the wind after the night him dreamed you are through the night you have been my dream. I woke this morning a suddenly heal and I waited for you to bring sunlight into the day I twisted tree grass with the flowers I grew older I took this to you and. When you came from your largest upon the earth the sun began to shine in the birds begin to sing the butterflies begin to dance and my heart begin to pound he's. I wanted to say good things to you what my mind was a called my tongue was too thick. I offered you the bracelet you took it from my hand. As you walk past us and there goes the light of my life there goes the source of my desire. And my dream. All through the night who dreamed. And also the name will be my name. He took this. He played this song. RINGBACK RINGBACK RINGBACK Played the song. Of the people they stood many this. Stop whatever they're doing me listening to this beautiful young brothers they didn't want anything to do with. This young man he went to the. First one standing by the horses there and a few was watching doing that I was making some bad trades that people. Before he went to him the 5th you remember who I am he said yeah you're the one who sneaks to the grass and says If you guessed his $1.01 of mean there's one of you. He really popped to move good will knock him down landed him right in that horse's pee where horse Pete and he was as he was reading Bubbles was kind of going to he was just out cold ones that he walk when all the next one in the field will get no more there than here they were gambling they were playing the stick game and that there were damage that the drum was just going fast beating fast very thing in but he noticed as he was coming up that that man he had that piece the stick into stuck in his belt here all the time he been cheating them and so he grabbed him and they said the Member me to exist you're the one who likes to look at my sister. She's bathing the waters and when you use one of me he said he grabbed him by the hair and he pulled him up and he really popped him a good one when he did did he is kind of backwards his legs went up but I didn't hear that stick fell on everybody look he's been cheating is all G.'s and he really died a beating from the rest. But that time to could hear the thunder of hoof beats and when he turned here come the 3rd brothers are huge attack my brother says I am not afraid of you boy he came right not him a young man stood his ground he stepped to the side he took a knife and cut that was 'd his leg and cut part of the horse and when the boy came at him once again this time when he went by he grabbed a hold of his leg and he did jerked him really hard to flip them up the horse know the loud pop and scream that is funded like a little girl he just almost tore his leg off and. People came to what happened he said they beat me he said to beat me altogether he said but now I have gotten back one by one. For the people who look the cheated if that horse stealing the cheated the set used games is it not he tried to run you down on horseback and his cousin disharmony. Might have asked him to leave. So they went back to the camp carrying this one brother the 2 burly staggered come and I didn't do him back their lives that night though the great gathered all the people said look at this young man and he's a good young man he could have done this knee could have done that with honor he stood up for himself for his family. Flew early again next morning. He went down and he was going to go buy that camper that girlie people were offering them good stuff nights to remind them that they should be humble ways. To remind him that they weren't quite as welcome as they were but you to feel a little far away from home we don't want to just kick them out of that kind of computer model but still gave them gift remember that time and with the people in the morning he went down and he took his flute and again he was standing there. Thinking to that girl. And all she was in. For he waited and he waited. And he started thing the song. To play in the fans. Too soon from the trees along the river there came the boy in this girl. Named eagle from the north to finagle from the north is a few brothers McLucas Would you don't need these things that all lady I ain't think the ole don't feel like a girl if you could that girl she's got her father to course early the brothers don't want to hear it at all it is a much to her singing to her no knowledge that girls and to really homely. The twenties and had got him. He's way that sure enough the lady came on you boys get this bulb already and do this and do that and people gave them to take and drag that boy because you've labeled all messed up and other women locked up to you. Rather than drag them across country they were taken when I travelled from home that. And is there a trial and got in a boat in those days in the how to handle that boat it's not like the white man's boat where you kind of push it to swim push it out when you can a goal to the other round you just spin in a circle for gee there was a lot of settling going on that old lady would scream Hey don't you know 100 do that what's the matter with you and I woman supposed to do this anyway you boys are strong diesel they both got the pattern to you that looked like the most pitiful turrets of their that going down the river displayed that Wimbledon 50. 1 scream and holler in the box. Play that boy he grabbed his stuff later on he followed trail of those people. It took him a whole 2 days 3 days and then the storm came that almost washed later tracks and he went to the dead fall of the trees there could be didn't have much when he went inside the little place and the branches wasn't too bad so he laid upon one log sit in the mud his horse to the side and. Through the night he had a dream he was thinking about how soft and warm it would be to just be close to that girl he kissed her just all of the nice warm kiss when he opened his eyes here the horse was kind of rubbing against his face on t.v. Stars didn't he q. Fellers all manage their language with us for he felt very. He found their trail again and. He got close. He found his bag lean on the ground so he opened a bag then there was some was not in there some pound needing berries and it wasn't too bad you know took a little bit no from billionaire tool he never had that before. But he wasn't too hungry he was chasing that girl from falling. See it was about 7 night. When he came to the river's few made a small fire on the wall couldn't see from above on the bench if he was near the water and feel heard from things when he turned around looked there was a great big bear all came down he had his bone his hand he said but they said Don't make me hurt you come here because I need your help if you have medicine for man and woman he said help me are the kind. Bear brought out and talked to him waved his arms in wait for the South. Bear drop down and walk away whoa slow scared he says nice just shaken he buckles fell to the ground hole and then just for a next money got up early took off again. He thought of. They made camp and he went down below and he saw the girl going down after water so again he crawled through the grass and he got close to her he reached out and touched He's remember me and she looked down she saw him lean in the grass she picked up well what are you doing here she's standing on one foot. Come to feed. Them to them. You better go back to my brother from Chile. I don't care. To make you my way. So she went back up to camp I'll meet you later. And so later on her brothers were fed and sickly but it was taken care of. She would back down on the bench that she and Dixon tubers and some routes into. The brothers they went to heal $450.00. Issues Donner along the bottom in turtle he came along he saw her new stop there below the cut bank. For life and hawk in the saddle had one long good one the cost in the side saddle were just near the river bank when the 1st docked on the side piece when you were there so long as it was on the streets that side I should go not you from getting hungry is a hit has some of this need to get that bad the last notch is the word you get that back here that's my auntie's bag I found it on the triple Heath if. You open it up and that was knowledge all she makes the best was not what she started eating handfuls of here have some he just took a little bit heartless just for her and they said and it caught fire on pretty soon she didn't feel too good. To put her hand to her head and licked away the sweat. For soon she started holding her still much as I go home. Is what's the matter he's I don't know I'm not feeling good she said she started giving up the ghost collapse . He didn't know what to do flee picked her up in his arms and walked right to the camp the brother saw him coming what did you do did you take your life you have no business here but they're going to beat him again and the father said What's the matter what's the matter I followed him I wanted to be with her he said and we were talking and then she became ill and I couldn't leave her there I want to want to bring her here for maybe you have medicine here that you can give to her maybe you have different ways among your people and then the as a father bag and she said we're did you get that to go with this what we were sure no no no she said that's not for her that was for you she said and the father said What do you mean he said there's bad medicine and I knew he was coming she said I sighed in the dream that gave this to him and she wasn't supposed to eat it and what did you do says that that's not a good things he says. Here in the way that. Girl lost her life. The father was very angry he got mad at his sister's You take him back for they had to load that boy in a he started getting sick to the night by morning he could hardly move and load him on that drive when they took him back as fast as they could. Cross the water back to them and then the with the people who took them they showed him what he had been eaten and they took the medicine man and they came they think function he gave him some good roots New gave him some good herbs and over 3 nights that he was very very sick. And from people see that those things crawled out of him. From people feared it was a terrible smell came Monday. Everybody knows about these bad medicine with but nobody likes to talk about all of who would like to live in harmony and slow that young man he turned into an old man over time so they say that sometimes if you could on a near the river they still lived there if you look in the spring. Pretty . Standing there when Lee. Should be looking down and we look in the top 2 to. 3. 100. Because to. Put it. On. If you look now. At Red stars over to the west. I think more. To the heart. That's the story. You're listening to Katy calle 89.5 f.m. . Your community radio we keep you in the loop. I want to talk about emergency contraception if you have had unprotected sex and you want to stop from getting pregnant emergency contraception could be the right option for you plan b. And the morning after pills are contraceptive which will signal reduce your chances of getting pregnant although they will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases they can be taken up to 72 hours after you have had unprotected sex but. You take them if you take plan b. Within 24 hours of having unprotected sex it is $95.00 about preventing pregnancy. For plan b. This message is brought to you by the Miss Pondar. The Bush Foundation and the radio. To much pay. To mock a clinic. In . The muck a clinic. In . A clinic. When. I had. To mug a. Clinic I had. To get to my pay when I had. One. When I had. To. Pay. It To My k. . I owe. It To My k. In. Ireland. Ok clinic I had. To. Pay when I had. A clinic. Hit. Hit. In. The. Old. Bit. O. Big. Lug. Bit of. Bit. Oh no. We're a. Bit. O. . In. A. Bit Chad. Lol they. From the. Eat. Eat eat. Eat. Meat. All. Bed. Big these guys. All. I. Told. My. Whole. Band. Me. And my. Fans. Just beat. It was the South. Wind. Strong. Or. Was it. You. Know. Feel. When. You just know. Well I was. All. Don't give you. See. Who. You do the. World. For me again. Though maybe a. Hello this is literally right you're listening to Katie calle 89.5 f.m. Lake and the South Dakota. Bill Trondra 40 because that's what kids do but this car is your territory and here your word is law so when you say you won't move until everyone's buckled up you want but you need to make sure that cliff. Never give up until they buckle up. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council for more information visit safer car dot go slash kids buckle up. This is Gail hope going coming to you from Katie k o 89.5 f.m. Radio stop the spread of coven 1000 and wear it face mask Don't forget to provide your children with a face mask children can get covert night scene so make sure they also happy face masks to wear also teach them to wash their hands often make it a fun game or sing the birthday song along with them to let them know how long to wash their hands make it quality time spent with your children and let them know they are doing their part to help stop the spread of covert 19 had to eat dog lick each sponsored by the Yankton Sioux Tribe covert night team Task Force. Don't let any energy company drill an Arctic National Wildlife Refuge live up to promises x. On your debt when if your mouth. It . Isn't. An. Important. Piece but. We need. We. Need. To meet new. People. Is. Really. What are all the things you witnessed online in a day cats playing piano. Your friend's picture being turned into a nasty name that's been shared 50 times 5152 when someone's being bullied online x. Hard to know what to do now you can speak up with the witnesses it looks like an eye in a speech and it's in the symbols section or the clocks in your phone you let the world know it isn't cool and you let your friend know you care learn more and I want this bullying brought to you by the Ad Council. Hello everyone the intensity. Taskforce has a new phone number to call the new number is 6 o 5 or 696467 if you need information or services you can call between. Monday through Saturday remember the new number is 6 o 5 or 696467 write it down put it in your phone you never know when you may need it 6 the 5 or 696467 sponsored by the. Force. Native voice one the Native American radio network. Yeah Welcome back. For those of you that get the 2nd hour. Like you. First remember this gave me chills. Still does. That's right I'm by Phoenix. And I get a little bit worried listening to. Let's get into this. Week. a. Long . Long way. Your name because the kind. Of the company. Name. This out of love song. She got a. Good. Violin. By. The kloof with. You. If. You get a coffee kind. Of thing that. Says. Real Man then you can you. Money given time something. To be. Gained some system is going to. Be Long. You see. Someone coming to. See you. And to. See see. They soon fall behind me is. Good they made me feel much better. Than finding. Pieces. Of another bubble. Gum on the body and then someone. Come. Drop a little prince on you. Do Is Marvin Gay. Link well before that. This is. And if if it's your 1st time listening. To the underground. And we always love the feedback that radio Phoenix Org. Let us know where you're listening from. What station what time. Some people are listening late at night. In their. You're listening to the sounds of them on my feet. Thanks so much Sunday never. Know what to. Do to get all the families of the not missing when you click on a gimmick when it away maybe I can go but and they're going to ship which I would like to take our money and I am going to change the one that I. Know I Got And you know how much like it was like. Long ago. When I didn't know when I'm going to come I think it's the kind of thing that would go. Out. The rings because when things go to work and saying I'm going to make it so I want . To go sing something to eat when I'm going to make any remarks are we going to I want. To go see you coming so much with the phone lines. Are going to torture going on. The word I'm not going to get so many things we didn't want to get. Into getting around about the non-sexual amount of everyone who's going to. Be ending the week. I mean I'm going to see in a good Saturday to see you can't say I'm glad I'm going to sound. 6. Fluently. Thought it. Through the witness. A little. Devil a smidgeon it up all over the place since John are wise. And I got always I always love when a band. Is really tired on the beat. To mix it with anything. The track was one leg and set me free. It will. End for a Montel. Now is come a chair oh. And as promised in the back there it is kind of this. This is just released. Listen to it on the train on the way to the studio today it's called Cry everything back back. In kind of song I mean it's this. And I'll let you know we're going to take a little break. Don't go anywhere. Much more to share. This. List so. I'm probably Ok to have one more drink before I drive home. And I'm probably Ok I open the window to stay alert probably. Step out of the car please I probably made a mistake probably Ok isn't Ok when it comes to drinking and driving if you see a warning signs stop and call a cab a car or a friend Buzz driving is drunk driving a message. Brought to you by nuts and the Ad Council down this is I don't think. Well I'm glad you enjoyed it but if they decide to head back in. Can we go back sure I'd be careful getting out of the boat it's a kayak dad. I'm going to return the car. How about a taxi it's a short fare from your neighborhood to your nature hood there's a Discover the Force dot org to find a neighborhood park or green space near you property by the Ad Council in the u.s. Forest Service. It's. The next old looks. In it's going to get a little deeper on this and. I found this remakes a little while ago I didn't even know 4 to did one. Of my favorite been I would say one of my favorite bands of all time Radiohead. And I recently got this on vinyl Finally my son and I were record shop beings. Got this one and had this when it 1st came out on cd. He picked himself up. Is really in the Queen right now. But this one got me I would say through. Just out of high school. We all got that soundtrack when. Things go like pretty crazy in your love life and I want to get too deep on this one definitely got me through one of those really bad break ups for me it's Hail to the thief listen to it for about 3 months straight. I don't know if it made me feel better or worse I don't know but I really connected to me so. It's really cool I got found this group for Terry mix so let's get into this is so look enough contestants. It's. Just. You realize. Just. How much money. It's been found. To be told. That a. Song I was told. Was that. The news on the Ted Koppel thanks. To Ross I promise that reeks of the good in the realm of God made a. Little bit to my left the country in. The kitchen although they don't play the money means in the I would just. Wait till someone. Famous my. Time as it takes a bit to be the. One to take on some part of some. Book in the book this need to post something you change some 67 the cedar wood it was a. Bit soft on the bus a push to the next plant and this cost is a. System in a safe not even in a while ago for the asking when is this whole going to. Comply with it is what it was recently I. Was there's no better feeling thinking and hope. This year we don't look at the back of. Every action every day it's another distraction to get in the small. Post Office from the get. You realize. Just. How much money. For help. The same. Problem. Slow. Slow. Slow. Slow. Slow slow slow. Slow slow. Slow. Slow. Slow slow slow. Slow. Slow. Slow. Slow slow slow. Still. I wanted. To see. You soon would. Suit. Me. You'll excuse me would. You. Know I. Was. Told. You're listening to the sounds of soul the monks. And they keep going. Steve play seems. Like me. I would say probably my favorite track on his new album Apollo 21. Just turned 21 that's crazy he's been playing making music for many alongside the Internet now some production was said. Talented. Much loved everybody tuned in. Chillin it out for bed. And the memory of his stay connected as playing constantly remind you. To. Give her not just. One. Of the. elders. School when you can see learning and attention issues from their side you can be on their side that's why there's understood dot org a free resource for the parents of the one in 5 kids with learning and attention issues go from misunderstanding to understood dot org brought to you by understood in the Ad Council Welcome back to the dog show up next we have Satchmo Satchmo is a member of the shelter that group that's right a group known especially for the touch snuggling ball chasing face licking and of course companionship now that see him in action in the coming next I contact with this person that's actually the most the treats to intuitive and now he appears to be excitedly turning in circles have content to come up with his group but really the best way to know what amazing shelter pet like Satchmo is to meet one was at the shelter pet project dot org Today adopted by Matt has found the Humane Society of United States in the Ad Council. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. But you. Get. A.

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