Transcripts for KDRT 95.7 FM KDRT 95.7 FM 20191215 030000 :

KDRT 95.7 FM KDRT 95.7 FM December 15, 2019 030000

Listen. Well I like that piece of music don't you it's called the tail of Jim I'm a puddle duck and played by the Royal Opera House orchestra Covent Garden and composed as well as conducted by John Lenz Barry this comes from. B.m.i. Cd original soundtrack recording from the music of the Royal Ballet film tales of Beatrix Potter. Well we're not going to potter around very much today with just you know other than film music for the next several minutes on. K d r t's they're dreaming of Gary chew good to have long today. Coming up a whole host of pieces of music that come from film this next one is a film that actually it's sort of a it's sort of classic and a cult film sort of the same time in that 3 leading stars in it all passed away not long after they made the movie maybe knowing you know what I'm talking about Clark Gable Marilyn Monroe and Monk Comrie Clift The movie was called The Misfits screenplay was written by one rose husband Arthur Miller the famous playwright Well here is a piece played by the London Symphony Orchestra it's conducted by Eric Stern and it's simply called gay and Rosalynn it was with the names of the characters that Gable in Monroe played the film was directed by John Houston that's how high quality it was. It came out $961.00 I believe in the script as I said by Arthur Miller and a lot of it was shot around Reno Nevada they said but let's listen to the music and music so what we're here for and the music was composed for this film by Alex North . Some pleasant music from the film The Misfits. From 1961 directed by John Houston starring dark Gable Marilyn Monroe and what Gomery Clift from the script by Arthur Miller as we said before the music began and some of it was shot around Reno Nevada probably those rodeo shots if you remember the movie movie was in black and white 2 well everything's in color here on k t r t o p f m Davis California 957 streaming at k.d. Org We do hope we have some streamers connecting with us this afternoon besides the folks who live in your little county can use their f.m. Radios. Though we do have a podcast Coming up after the show's over and the show will repeat on Thursday night and on Saturday evening I'm Gary Chu And here's a piece of music I'm going to give you all the information except the name of the movie pretty much and see if you can guess what that movie is. It was a it won for Oscars. Best Picture Best Director Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress Yes Ron Howard was the director of this film you know Opie. Andy Griffith's a little boy he's all grown up and getting older. Anyway here is a studio Orchestra conducted by the composer of this music James Horner let's give it a listen and see if you remember. The The studio Orchestra conducted by the film composer James Horner the movie came out in 2001 directed by Ron Howard and the 3 main stars in it Russell Crowe Jennifer Connelly and Ed Harris Ed Harris played a character that really didn't even exist in the story you saw him a lot in the movie but he was only a Fig Newton of Russell Crowe's imagination in the film called a beautiful mind remember it won for Oscars in 2002 actually true story about a very intelligent man who won the Nobel Prize and his name escapes me at the moment but it's an x. If you've never seen it. This is Gary to talking to me about movies now I see it. Well the u.c. Davis craft center is a safe welcoming creative space for the local community featuring classes labs equipment and studio space for ceramics glass metal wood textiles photography graphics and screen printing the center is open to the general public as well as u.c. Davis students and affiliates including alumni for more information just contact u.c. Davis craft center and here's the phone number 530-752-1475 or you can go on the Orwell and go to see are you dash u.c. Davis dot edu slash craft center actually I'm playing music now from movies that I really really like I really like to be a full mind. I like. The the Misfits I mean it wasn't a great movie but it was iconic in some ways because of the stars in it and this movie is another one that really sort of enraptured me when I saw it it's a very unpleasant movie in terms of its being dystopian in the future and it came out let's see what was the I don't remember the year but it wasn't too long ago I was directed by Alfonso cool to own Alfonso Cooter own who is a big name and making good movies Clive Owen is Julianne Moore Michael Caine. The film received 3 Oscar nominations and here is music from a contemporary English composer by the name of John Tavener not to be confused with John Taverner he was an early composer. They Bernal's sed Symphony Orchestra Michael Thomas conducts for a string orchestra a piece called Little Lamb by John Tavener This will give you the texture and the feeling in the emotion in the power of the movie called Children of Men. Her. Own way. And. The piece is called the lamb composed by John Tavener born 1944 died 2013. It was used in the film Children of Men directed by Alfonso could our own Clive Owen Julianne Moore Michael Kane and 3 Oscar nominations receive actually this to me. Is right for the season 2 we're moving into the Christmas season. This movie is a back door sneak up on you Christmas movie I remember and I reviewed this I worked at. Capital Public Radio as a remember when I did a double review about a regular straight ahead Christmas movie and this movie combined because they had connections even though they were completely of different genres. If you haven't seen children of men I can visors it and also I even read the novel Actually I liked the movie better than the novel which is usually not the way to go. That was the burning Symphony Orchestra Michael Tums conducting will say if you're a business owner underwriting a k d r t gives you the opportunity to get your message out to a relevant and gauge local audience ended to demonstrate commitment to the Davis community through support of k d r t and our unique local grown programming it with nothing like growing it from the roots I'll tell you here at k.d. r t We believe that underwriting is a sound investment for more information please visit k.d. R.t. Dot org slash underwriting or contact underwriting at k d r t dot org And for those of you who donated during our recent fundraiser we thank you so much course you can donate any old time but it's really nice to hear from you when we're making an obvious appeal. And here is that more familiar piece of music by in a even more familiar film composer and actually more successful in terms of how many Oscars he has in his den His name is John Williams. We all are aware John Williams ability to write music for movies and here is another one of those kind of movies that kind of falls into the category of children of men it's not a happy movie it's even in black and white like the Misfits was and this movie just kicked everybody out of Oscar hall I believe when it came out. This is directed in 1993 by a guy by the name of Steven Spielberg starred Liam Neeson Ralph fines and won 7 Oscars John Williams remembrances from Schindler's List Tamara small Nova is this vote vote the son. Trying to say solo violinist and violinist at the same time it comes out that way anyway Tamara is the violinist. Well that piece captures the power of the movie Schindler's List from 1903 directed by Steven Spielberg That was the composer John Williams conducting the Boston Pops and tomorrow's smear Nova with a violinist in the piece that's been given the title and in this particular cd remembrances from Schindler's List. Is an interesting movie in that it kind of couples up with a new movie that's about to come out and done by the great Terrence Malick. If you'll remember Schindler's List Schindler was a guy who was going against all the bad stuff going on in Europe during World War 2 and people who were in camps and stuff like that well this new movie coming out called The Hidden Life by Terrence Malick I'm looking so forward to seeing it is about a German couple that have fallen in love and they're raising a family and they're. It's I mean I'm guessing the year was maybe $1000.00 in the thirty's and the German Germany's starting to aggress everywhere into Europe and he doesn't want to fight for the 3rd Reich that's basically what that story's about so I guess this guy in this movie he's a German actors in this film by the way to hidden life but in them Liam Neeson was playing this. Man who was very rich very well known in his community. But he was not playing the game he just played like he was playing the game and it was a marvelous film so I'm looking forward to seeing the hit a hidden life you see when i where i am i forgot where I was here getting all talked up about. Movies which is from my favorite things well here is something that you might find interesting this is from an operetta from 1929 yes and if you're in Germany you would call it dine is mine guns Hertz I don't know what that means except maybe that says something like yours is my heart alone and it's by France Les har and here is it Tory stronghold leading his orchestra with Mike Davis sound like a real classical. Musician there Mike Davis on violin music from land of smiles in 1929 operetta by Franz Les are. From the 1929 operetta Land of Smiles that was yours is my heart alone by Franz Les har that Tory stronger more every strata in his orchestra Mike Davis on the violin hope you enjoyed that I'm very sure this is the streaming on k d r t l p f m And I've got something here I want to tell you about. I think I do pull out the right thing here. Well designed in 1905 a historic woodland opera house is on a one of our only 4 in 1903 opera houses still operating in California resident theater troupe presents dramas comedies and musicals your own the opera host or the opera house also hosts a young people's theatre program and a variety of dance and drama classes for all ages for more information call 530-666-9617 or you can visit woodland up at our house dot org. Well we're on the subject of hearts now since we just got the playing a thing call yours is on my heart alone. But we're going to switch the sound in the feel of the music a bit and make a couple of birth a remembrances. To American musician singer type person who actually owns a singer one was a big band and jazz player here is a tune that you may remember from a movie at the same time it was from a movie called. Young at Heart Frank Sinatra sings it with Nelson Riddle's orchestra and it comes from the same titled 1955 film that starred Frank Sinatra and Doris Day. By the way Frank's birthday is on December 15th he was born in Hoboken New Jersey in Sears a song by Johnny Richards and Carolyn Lee It's called Young at Heart. My story is much too sad to be told. But practically everything. Leads me totally cold. The only exception I know is the kid. Went down a quiet street. Fighting. Suddenly. And seen. Your movie it's sad Bulos. I get no kick from champagne. There alcohol. Doesn't serve me. So tell me why should it be. Getting kicked. Out of you. Son they may go for cocaine. I'm sure that if I took. One sniff it would. Be to. Leave to. Get a kick. Out of. I get a kick every time. I. Get a Kick though it's clear. To see. You. Get a kick in and play. With some in the sky. Nothing to do. You. Get a kick. Oh it's not a good day. Wrong track. It was to write singer though now here he is get the cd player to me please move. It. Here it is. And this is the heart seemingly set up a minute ago that I lost and now here is to do young and hard sorry not that. Us can come true. It can happen to you. If you're eon at home. Or it's hard you will find to be narrow of mind and. If you're young at heart. You can goal to extremes with impossible skiing. You can luck when your dreams fall apart at the same speed and life gets more exciting with each seeing. Is either in your heart or on its way don't you know that it's was never a treasure on earth. To be done. For as rich as you are it's much better by far. To be young again at home. And if you should serve to a 100 and. Look at. Your. Being allowed. Here is the best. You have a head start. If you are among the very young. And if you should survive to a 100 and. Look at. The Big Love. That. You have a head start. If you. Yes I remember that movie Frank and Doris Day to get it 155 young at heart. Well here is the next regularly scheduled song by Frank Sinatra whose birthday is coming up this Sunday. Where. Me. I thought you. Were. The dream. Car as I. Can't believe. Where. Were. And we said goodbye lol. I had read to. Frank Sinatra Gordon Jenkins orchestra. God what a great song Where are you Frank's birthday this coming Sunday December 15th and here is another well known American man of music. Not quite as famous as Sinatra nobody else is actually his name is Stan Kenton he was born on the same day December. 15th and teen 11 I believe and he was born in a town I used to work in working to Northern California Wichita Kansas Can you believe that well here is the Canton band stand cantons band with a stick and a rather a hank Levy composition featuring Roy Reynolds on tenor cantons band and time for a change. Thank In. The stand Canton band of. Roy Reynolds on Kenner. Hank Levy's composition an arrangement of time for a change. Stan Kenton born December 15th $1011.00 in which talk Kansas Frank of course is Birthday same day he's born in 1915 I believe we are at the top of the hour and moving into the 2nd hour of Garrett use they're streaming on k d r t l p f m Davis California I need 57 and for those who stream arse signal from the website it's k d r t dot org And we certainly hope we have some streamers out there today would like to call in the screaming scene up stream and. Streamers that's hard to say still a pretty good quid pro quo. Everybody is having trouble saying that word these days coming up this hour it's going to be a little bit different. We do have another movie piece coming up in the late hour it's music harkening back to the great film East of Eden which it actually took place sort of in the mind of the author in the mid coast of Cent silliness Monterey and places like that in middle California right now we're going to hit you with some really 3rd streaming sounding music to begin this piece which lasts about 10 minutes it's a Canadian group and it's the Dave McMurdo Jazz Orchestra Dave McMurdo is the composer and the arranger of this piece will be hearing Don Engler on alto and reget a red sweater on guitar and we will be in for about several seconds or a minute or so.

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