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Warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels a key goal of the Paris Agreement scores of civil society groups condemned governments and the European Union Australia Canada and the u.s. For blocking progress at the talks all the NIH or strategy chief at the Union of Concerned Scientists said quote Never have I seen the almost total disconnect we've seen here at cop $25.00 in Madrid between what the science requires and what the climate negotiations are delivering in terms of meaningful action and fry the climate negotiator for the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu whose existence is threatened by rising sea levels called out the United States for watering down the final document even though President Trump is withdrawing the us from the Paris agreement this is an absolute tragedy and a travesty on those affected by the impacts of climate change there are millions of people all around the world who are already suffering from the impacts of climate change. Denying this fact. Could be interpreted by some to be a crime against humanity thank you and the lesson indigenous leaders blasted the United Nations for marginalizing civil society groups over 2 weeks of negotiations while welcoming polluters at the climate summit this is cure a sure way to Reagan I'm Our representative from the indigenous peoples organizations at the cop. When you silence us you deny yourselves the learning from our ways and you continue to sideline those who have real solutions for all communities we are experts on climate we have a clue the stewards of nature we know the legitimacy of our voices and it's about time that you recognize that. Here are stories learn our history stop taking up space with you'll fall solutions and get out of our way we'll have more on the failures of cop $25.00 climate summit will be joined by said Raman from London as well as tossing pool is executive director of the Climate Action Network from Cape Town South Africa on Capitol Hill the House Judiciary Committee has reached its report explaining its decision to charge President Trump with 2 articles of impeachment for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress the 658 page report released this morning details Trump's efforts to withhold military aid in order to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival true Biden on Wednesday the full Democratic controlled House is expected to vote to impeach President Trump sending the charges to the Republican controlled Senate which will then hold a trial on whether to remove Trump from office on Sunday Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer proposed terms for an evidentiary trial that would start on January 7th and go beyond the investigation conducted by the house witnesses who could be called to testify include former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this comes as top Republican senators face calls to recuse themselves from Trump's impeachment trial late last week Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Fox News he was quote taking my cues quote from the White House and on Sunday Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was questioned by Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan about coordinating with the White House on Impeachment should Republicans in the Senate really be taking their marching orders from the person being investigated you know I understand the president's for us Gratian but other it was best for the country is to get get this thing over with. Clearly made Obama and I'm not trying to hide the fact that I have disdain for. The accusations in the process Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he may not have any witnesses at the Senate trial we'll have more on Trump's impeachment later in the broadcast with Ralph Nader long time consumer advocate corporate critic and former presidential candidate the trumpet ministrations reportedly planning to withdraw 4000 u.s. Troops from Afghanistan with President Trump set to make an announcement as early as this week the drawdown would leave between 8 and 9000 u.s. Troops in Afghanistan continuing to fight the longest war in u.s. History now in its 19th year this comes just days after a major exposé by The Washington Post revealed senior u.s. Officials allied throughout the war in Afghanistan about progress while hiding evidence that had become unwinnable in India the death toll from a crackdown on demonstrations has risen to 6 this massive protests rage against the citizenship amendment bill which many have denounced as a major step toward the official marginalization of India's 200000000 Muslims among the dead were 4 people shot dead by police in some states biggest city go hati where government imposed curfews closed schools and brought commerce to a halt the citizenship bill passed by the upper house of the Indian Parliament provides a path to citizenship for immigrants from Afghanistan Bangladesh and Pakistan unless they are Muslim in Bangladesh at least 10 people were killed after a fire tore through a factory near the capital Dhaka Sunday a local fire official said the 3 story building clearly had no safety measures the deadly blaze came just 4 days after a fire to Dhaka plastics factory killed 1000 people in Lebanon government forces fire tear gas and water cannons at thousands of protesters who flooded the streets of Beirut for a 2nd straight day Sunday just bursting a peaceful rally calling for an end to official corruption and economic inequality protesters responded by throwing rocks. Oxon setting trash cans on fire dozens of people were arrested this is protester 905 the thickness of the room but we will not leave until they submit to our demands they are the ones who stole the country they're the ones who brought us to this point not us we are citizens who want our rights what we are asking for is not something that the political elite own it is actually our own rights that they took away from us Lebanon has been rocked by weeks of massive anti-government demonstrations that forced Lebanese Prime Minister Saad had 80 to resign back in the United States a state judge in Wisconsin has ordered 234000 names to be purged from the voter rolls ahead of the 2020 Alexion and a move to cry by critics as a Republican backed effort at voter suppression under the ruling registered voters who did not respond to a letter within 30 days asking them to confirm their home address will be forced to reregister or will be ineligible to vote next year according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel a majority of the voters who were sent the letters were in districts that lean Democratic in the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump won Wisconsin by fewer than $23000.00 votes that year then we're clear the chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party called the purge a quote product of a right wing legal and political strategy to prevent eligible voters from voting adding it should be a concern to anyone who believes in the core idea of democracy he said New Jersey Democratic Congress member Jeff friend who will switch parties and become a Republican then Drews announcement came over the weekend after we met President Trump at the White House Friday after news of his defection broke 5 adventurers top staffers resigned in protest venture who is opposed to the impeachment of President Trump and media news the hallmarks Channel says it will resume airing advertisements from the wedding planning companies Zola that feature same sex couples hallmarked initially banned for. Ads featuring brides kissing each other while accepting 2 similar ads that featured heterosexual couples after a backlash Hallmark c.e.o. Mike Perry reversed course and apologized Sunday night saying in a statement we are truly sorry for the hurt and disappointment this has caused Pentagon officials say they're investigating students at the Army's West Point Academy and the u.s. Naval Academy after they were filmed flashing white power hand gestures at the Army Navy football game in Philadelphia Saturday army cadets and Navy midshipmen in the stands were seen repeatedly making the signs which resemble an Ok gesture and one such incident was broadcast live by e.s.p.n. Last year the u.s. Coast Guard reprimanded an officer who used a similar hate symbol during a t.v. Broadcast and executives at Boeing are reportedly considering ending production of the troubled $737.00 Max passenger jet and an announcement could come as early as this afternoon after markets closed Boeing 737 Max airplane has been grounded worldwide after 2 crashes and Ethiopia and Indonesia killed all 346 people on board the 2 planes last week former Boeing manager Edward Pearson testified to the House Transportation Committee he tried to warn executives about safety concerns 4 months before the 1st steadily crash as well as before the 2nd crash but his warnings were ignored or risk requests that I want to warn to do with the general manager on July 18th I repeated my recommendation to start on the far through for a brief period of time. When I would mention that I've seen operations in the military so down for lesser safety concerns I will never forget his response which was the military isn't a profit making organization. We'll get response from consumer activist Ralph Nader who lost his grannies salmiya still know who was on the Ethiopian flight and those are some of the headlines This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean the good thing we are just back from the trade Spain were cop 25 the United Nations climate summit ended in a monumental failure Sunday afternoon shaders failed to agree to a deal that would limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels a key goal of the Paris Agreement scores of civil society groups condemned governments and the European Union Australia Canada and the United States for a deal that requires far less action than needed to avert catastrophic climate change all than Meyer the strategy chief of the Union of Concerned Scientists said quote Never have I seen the almost total disconnect we've seen here at cop 25 in Madrid between what the science requires and what the climate negotiations are delivering in terms of meaningful action in fry the climate negotiator for the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu whose existence is threatened by rising sea levels due to global warming called out the United States which worked to water down the final agreement even though President Trump is withdrawing the u.s. From the Paris agreement. It is an absolute tragedy and a travesty on those affected by the impacts of climate change there are millions of people. Around the world who are already suffering from the impacts of climate change. Denying this fact. Could be interpreted by some to be a crime against humanity Thank you. Environmentalists and degenerates leaders blasted the United Nations for marginalizing civil society groups over 2 weeks of negotiations at the climate summit sometimes kicking them out of the summit while welcoming polluters this is cure a sure way to Reagan and now really representative from the indigenous peoples organisations at the cop when you file an OS you deny yourselves the learning from our ways and you continue to sideline those who have real solutions for all communities we are experts on climate we have a kite the stewards of nature we know the legitimacy of our voices and it's about time that you recognize it. Post here our stories learn our histories stop taking up space with you'll follow solutions and get out of our why for more on the outcome of the un climate summit we're joined by 2 guests who are there now in London said Raymond is executive director of War on Want and from Cape Town South Africa has a name is executive director of the Climate Action Network International She's joining us via democracy now video stream we welcome you both to Democracy Now test me let's begin with you you were there right through to the end you organized the response on Sunday when the final cop closed Can you talk about why it's being described as a monumental failure even by negotiators and then though the success or the. Unprecedented level of organizing that's going on coming out of the summit. Yes Amy thank you very much for having me on the show this is. For once I think across the board many parties and civil society organizations and activists from different constituencies that sage union movement indigenous peoples women and gender have had one voice about the outcome of this cup and that it is the failure the clear gap between that he added to the outside of this process whether that is the science that's become clear with the 1.5 report whether it is the voices of many citizens in many countries across the world demanding a sponsor to the climate emergency and in addition to that the impacts already being felt in countries across the world the disconnect inside the halls of the unit to pull seed with cheap countries like the u.s. Australia Japan was phenomenal and not only where the you know these countries the key drop is in the process we also Brazil added to that mix as well and so it's very clear that the commitment to addressing this climate emergency and in fact the commitment to the pad is the beauty Mint was not demonstrated at all and the outcome clearly points in that election you mentioned Brazil now let's talk about the history of this particular crop conference of parties the 25th conference of parties was supposed to be held in Brazil but then a man many call the trump of Brazil the right wing president Jay your boss or not oh and one of his 1st sax cancelled the cop and Purcell moved to Chile and the right wing president there in the midst of a social upheaval like Chile hasn't seen and decades the protests that are going on . There he canceled the cop but the but chill I still presided over the cops in Madrid Spain it was last it was moved there in the last weeks so you have your boss or not a climate denier and you have President Trump now Trump is pulling the us out of the Paris climate agreement it would officially be pulled out the day after the election next year yet how did they wield so much power at this cop. Well this still have to they're not out of the process yet that will happen next year. And they really did a lot of problems there was stories about negotiators in the loss and damage negotiations saying they were literally being bullied by the u.s. Negotiators so they've played an extremely destructive role particularly in the loss and damage negotiations that pertaining to finance for loss and damage and so you know this is unbelievable enter the line I'm always trying to break down u.n. Language loss and damage Well this is the impacts of climate change the losses that you would have as we already witnessing across the world whether through 3 lads the damage that is. Expedience to do Davis taking typhoons as we've seen for example in the Philippines they devastation caused by fires as we have seen in Australia so the losses and the damage is related to that it's not only about the extreme like these that cause loss and damage but something called slow onset so sea level rise for example would be a slow. Unset it's not an extreme event that that wins all at once and this is exactly what the small. And states are talking about in terms of their survival or lady experiencing sea level rise and many have been forced to move so displacement and mind and see is also part of the impacts of climate change that would need to be addressed I said Raman we're speaking to you in London you actually left a few days before the end of the summit yesterday because you went back to London to deal with well the election that took place there the landslide election for the prime minister Barr stance and over the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn what some like George Monbiot have called the Climate election others called at Breck set but can you talk about any your time there and we see every year at these climate summit the significance of why this year was so devastating and so monumentally. A failure. Well I mean we come into these climate talks with governments having an unprecedented mandate from their citizens if we remember millions of people have been marching on the streets calling on their governments to take action to take action on the climate of birds and see We've seen the scale of the impacts fill our television screens in every single country in the world we've seen the impacts of floods and droughts of means and of course at the same time we've also seen unprecedented protests taking place around the world economic inequality it's clear that the world is broken governments need to act so you would have expected governments to comb knowing that this was a critical moment and to come with ambition and instead we saw the United States aided and abetted by other rich developed countries take a wrecking ball to those icons So 1st of all covenants came not willing to take action in terms of the last decade when they've literally done nothing in the previous decade which has meant that the critical actions that are required in the coming decade are much much harder they came from attempted to block any support for poor developing countries if you just heard from it as need I mean this is absolutely average is what they were actually asking for not just the United States but the European Union as well is basically to have life nor liability for the damage that their inaction is causing and more he needs than that is not only are they not putting anything on the table in terms of genuine emission reductions or the desperately need to finance what they wanted was loopholes so that their big polluting companies could continue to pollute loopholes that would basically bust the budget for the $1.00 degree guardrail so we come in here with governments with no willingness to act and actually acting not in the interests of their own citizens but acting in the interests of that big polluting companies and it was an absolute disaster so the question now we must ask ourselves What will it take for us. Our voices to be heard now the climate talks move to the u.k. In 2020 it's an unprecedented moment we're at the end of the decade the last decade and now we're in the beginning of the new decade if governments don't come with that willingness that which we can all be as citizens force them to hold our own governments to a counter to a national level so that they come with the right mandates I think we're talking about not just losing the 1.5 degree but the 2 degree and just to put that in context as I totally agree with you sometimes these climate words don't quite have the residence but the difference between the Ice Age and now was only 4 degrees and already in the pledges that we've got for the Paris agreement we see warming that will lead to 3 degrees we have absolutely no idea of what the world will look like but all we can say is that the impacts of the poorest people on the most vulnerable run the world will be absolutely devastating urine the committee for Glasgow next year where Cup 20 secs will take place so explain the significance of this 5 year period from Paris climate accord and what it means if President Trump succeeds in pulling the u.s. Out it will be a day after the election will be for the Glasgow summit. Yes it will be before the Glasgow service so the Glasgow summit is seen as the as the as a critical moment when he the governments will come to with a promise to increase their wheat pledges that for the 20202030 which is formally when the so-called Paris agreement kicks in they have to come with more willingness to be able to put finance on the table and to recognise that the support that's needed the so-called loss and damage needs to be moved forward what even after 4040 hours of extended climate negotiations which limb to cross the finish in line most of the decisions were then kicked off into touch and we're left for next year so next year is really a make or break and I think genuinely people will ask themselves after cop 26 if it doesn't deliver the ambition What is that un process for and how do we actually genuinely get more action because clearly our governments are not being able to deliver it in the un process this is a youth activist from the Polish ecological club addressing the climate negotiators on that final day Sunday of negotiations. Society has been set up out of this car our life's sealed around and future generations are in your hands and you are failing us do you want to be remembered as the ones who had the chance to act but decided not to as betrayers of our generation of indigenous people and of communities this Bradley fighting on the ground we are rising we are fighting and we will wean cops and gay people and the planet people power climate justice now thank you. To use activists from the Polish ecological club addressing the negotiators on Sunday. In Madrid Spain the camp ended and. Sunday and I wanted to go to the Washington Post which is reporting a growing number of Americans describe climate change as a crisis 2 thirds say President Trump is doing too little to tackle the problem the results from a poll conducted by The Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation point to a growing disconnect between Americans worried about the warming planet and Trump administration officials whose aggressively scaled back Obama era environmental regulations relinquish the nation's role as a global leader and pushing for Climate Action Now the numbers are amazing the poll finds this again is from The Washington Post that a strong majority of Americans about 8 in 10 say human activity is fueling climate change and roughly half believe action is urgently needed within the next decade of humanity is to avert its worst effects nearly 4 in 10 now say climate change is a crisis from less than a quarter 5 years ago Chesney mess up in Cape Town South Africa we give you the last word here and it is around the awareness especially young people have brought to the world around the urgency of this problem and where you see that activism going now even if the cop was a monumental failure. Yes We we recognize that this is going to be in our hands so citizens across the world the youth indigenous women the workers all of us have to be united it is amazing the youth the leadership on this issue in the past yeah of course putting the issue of the science firmly on the edge and the fact that we are in a climate emergency and so together with that arising up of young people to today and I'm very many many peoples across the world who have been fighting this on the front lines who have been losing their lives for protecting the environment and to address you know extractive industries like the fossil fuel companies destroying the planet and every 2nd Feis their lives for this this kind of the growing unity is becoming more and more clear and stronger and I think as a sad sad link to the protests on the economic injustices and the social injustices I think that what we can witness and what we're going to witness is a much bigger powerful movement across the world and olding their governments into account but not only just accountability they asked to be consequences for that in actions I think they me we are going to see I believe much throng of movements they're not going to tolerate in action by the governments way that you know not just developed countries but in all of the countries the major emitters like South Africa for example well also be witnessing movements against the kind of continued use of coal in the country so yeah I think that the Hope Now well have to come from us the people and some of this unity was already demonstrated in. The human have to pull the pros to snow in the last 2 weeks and they get only go stronger and stronger Tasneem Asop I want to thank you for being with us executive director of the Climate Action Network International speaking to us from Cape Town South Africa where she has just arrived back from the dread cop and I said Raman executive director of War on Want speaking to us from London to see all of our coverage of the u.n. Climate summit we've just returned from Madrid you can go to Democracy Now dot au Archie when we come back Pietschmann with Ralph Nader Stay with us. Gonna. Let your light shine and I really Dale This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean the good thing this week Donald Trump is set to become the 3rd president to be impeached when the Democrat controlled House votes Wednesday and. 2 churches related to this effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden the vote will send the churches to the Republican controlled Senate to hold a trial on whether to remove Trump from office on Sunday Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer proposed terms for an evidentiary trial in the Senate that would start on January 7th and go beyond the investigation conducted by the house witnesses that could be called to testify include former national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Nick Mulvaney this comes as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell faces calls to recuse himself from Trump's impeachment trial after McConnell said last week Keyes quote taking his cues from the White House this is McConnell speaking on Fox News we do there are lives on coordinated with the White House council there with no difference between the presence of the opposition. To all those Meanwhile on Sunday Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was questioned by Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan about coordinating with the White House on Impeachment should Republicans in the Senate really be taking their marching orders from the person being investigated you know I understand the president's for us Grayson but I think was best for the trees to get get this thing over with I clearly made Obama and I'm not trying to hide the disdain for the accusations in the process a new Fox poll says 54 percent of Americans want Trump and peached I repeat this is a Fox poll which also says 50 percent want him impeached and removed I repeat Fox poll says half of Americans want Trump removed early this morning the House Judiciary Committee released its full report on Trump's impeachment that's nearly 700 pages and explains in 4 parts the committee's justification for recommending 2 articles of impeachment against Trump a. The use of power and obstruction of Congress Well for more we go to Washington d.c. Where we're joined by 3 time presidential candidate consumer activist and author Ralph Nader he's called for impeaching Trump for deliberately abetting the climate crisis among other issues his latest book written with Mark Green is titled fake president decoding Trump's gaslighting corruption and general b.s. Except he spells it out Welcome back to Democracy Now Ralph. So 1st respond to what is happening this week it is historic What do you think about the grounds on which President Trump is about to be impeached far too narrow and perilous if Nancy Pelosi wants to remove Donald Trump she went on a very narrow base she is clearly not supportive of impeachment generally she took it off the table when it was for opposed to her in 2007 the impeachment of the criminal war criminals George Bush and Dick Cheney and if she's come forward with a very narrow hand a very narrow hand for the most impeachable president of all time to go forward on the Ukrainian port as it is because it affects interference in the upcoming election by. Soliciting foreign aid in to interfere is not just the Ukraine or for he's actually said China Russia. Help help him. But just think of all the other impeachable offenses some of them per say that are kitchen table offenses he's destroyed credit disabled the life saving Injury Prevention and disease reduction programs the federal government Environmental Protection Agency the OSHA protecting worker safety the Product Safety Commission he should he's basically closed down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau protection from Wall Street and other financial crimes against ordinary people consumers investors small savers. That is a critical impeachable offense according to the framers of our Constitution the defiant refusing to faithfully execute the laws she didn't go with that the enrichment of his family with foreign governments using his hotels the so-called the money Ms Claus slam dunk per se she didn't go with the seizure of the power of the purse the appropriations power of the Congress exclusively reserved to the Congress by the Constitution she didn't go with that he took $3700000000.00 from the Defense Department to build the wall that's a clear impeachable offense it even gets worse a me a month ago or so Speaker Pelosi came to a press conference and said decisively that he committed bribery said well documented and she dropped the bribery impeachable clause the whole of struction of Congress is restricted largely to the Ukraine investigation when he has the broadest contempt of Congress of any president including by the way. Armed Force in 9 countries overseas without any congressional declaration of war and there is more. As well so that the question is why the Democrats didn't take a stronger stand and go with a strong hand that would have tried pulling Crees public opinion because the kitchen table issues the health and safety and economic. Situations that he has fostered this look average like life expectancies down. Productivity labor is them down manufacturing employment is down under Trump. These are not impeachable offenses but the point is that he's vulnerable on these points and he's a line machine I always thought that Alexander Hamilton is Definition one of his definition of high crimes and misdemeanors was the use of the public trust consider this he is a sexual predator where is Congress on that they got rid of Franken and John Conyers for one percent of what Trump has done is in broiled and all kinds of of lawsuits by women who have sworn under oath that he's assaulted them harass them as Centra then you have the bigotry and the racism which he follows up with I mean his policies come down very hard on minority and the poor and then you have his incitement to violence if he's impeached civil wars will be riots in the street and then you cluster those under serial lying he lies by the hour lies by the day he's averaging 22 lies over 14000 since he came into office and you have an abuse of the public trust people understand that they don't want to have neighbors in or want to raise their children with this kind of model in the White House Lane massage any racism incitement to violence so she has forfeited a huge opportunity not just to impeach Trump but to room. Move him what's the point of just impeaching him if you don't use the full arsenal of impeachable offenses and what a lot of people don't know I've been down on Capitol Hill and most of the Democratic members of the house to do here are Committee opposed her narrow approach but they were overruled they were even backed by the share of the Foreign Relations Committee Mr Engle by the chair the Financial Committee Congresswoman Maxine Waters the obstruction of justice in the Miller motor report where he had about 10 documented of struction of justices that was even supported by her deputy the number 2 person standing a whole year from Maryland so she overruled them Oh and as a result I don't think she's protecting those 10 or 12 new members of Congress. From Trump he's going after them already and he's crowing he's he's the taunting her you say Nancy Pelosi has the majority in the house and she didn't go forward with all these charges and don't you know why because they're all low noise they're all fake That's why I've done nothing wrong so he's taunting her and he will do it before the hundreds of thousands of people in his rallies in the coming months a huge lost opportunity were off Nader You also wrote a column saying Trump should be impeached for his climate policy alone as we come out of this cop $25.00 this un climate summit in Madrid that has been called a monumental failure with many blaming it partially on the United States even though the Trump denying for as the climate denying President Trump is pulling the us out of the accord not before they help to water down these negotiations. Well he's done a lot worse he's completely unleashed the fossil fuel industry drilling in the Arctic drilling drilling overseas drilling rather under shores he's unleashed these massive greenhouse gases he had an opportunity as president either to ignore climate disruption and climate change should never be use this climate crisis climate violence climate disruption we've got to use the right words here he could have ignored it he could have worked to diminish greenhouse gases Instead he's actually expanding greenhouse gases now the Pentagon years ago declared climate disruption as a national security danger and they continue to do so even a Federal Reserve is beginning to speak up on this but Donald Trump calls it a hoax he calls it a Chinese plot. This is instability this is a psychiatric problem this is a president who does not defend our country against a fossil fuel unleashed ravaging nature with messes of drought and massive floods and ocean currents begin to change and melting glaciers and all kinds of critical assaults on the security the United States and its people on farmers on the poor on the shore all of that and that's not an appreciable offends I mean. What's what's the Congress up to here well we're doing here yes let me ask you even if they haven't gotten him on all of these different issues let's go back to Nixon one of the articles of impeachment that was being drafted that was not approved was for the secret bombing of Cambodia regardless he was gotten on for example abuse of power alternately here he resigned and he didn't go through that impeachment process. But regardless of what he is charged with does it matter if he isn't peached and then talk about what this means as it goes to the Senate where you have the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell saying he probably won't call witnesses although I think that's and flock saying he's consulting with White House lawyers etc Talk about why it matters if he is impeached. Well the matter is certainly for some people in this country that the House of Representatives has in in effect indicted him under its constitutional authority is sending over for trial in the Senate Mitch McConnell is a total dictator the Senate is an outlaw he's actually invited the defendant Donald Trump to set the rules of the trial by the senators who are the jury I mean I don't know whether people Justice Roberts wants to participate in such a kangaroo court but the tragedy is there aren't enough articles of impeachment that should have been passed through the house we have a 12 count articles of impeachment on the website Nader dot o.-r. G. Developed by Constitutional law. Experts including Bruce Fein and the legendary constitutional law expert for the Library of Congress now retired Lou Fisher for those of you who want to see the missed opportunities here when you go after a president you want to remove them you don't go after him with a narrow hand and a get over get over a series of hearings is true it is truly tragic to see this opportunity and he glories in it he's doubling down he's going to continue nourishing nice impeachment offenses not like Nixon slinking back into the corner he's going to turn it into an advantage for him to the extent that that he can. Ralph Nader we're going to break and then come back to our discussion and also turn to Boeing. Which for you is a personal tragedy as well as a global tragedy Ralph Nader a longtime consumer advocate corporate critic former presidential candidate his latest book written with Mark Green fake president to coding trumps gaslighting corruption and general b.s. Stay with us. On the phone. Night Fiona Apple here on Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean a good many as we turn now to developments in the safety of Boeing 737 Max airplane last week the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing on the safety of the airplane which has been grounded. Worldwide after 2 crashes and Ethiopian Indonesia that killed all 346 people on board this is former Boeing manager Edward Pearson a testified he tried to warn executives for months before the 1st deadly crash of believe production problems at the rim factory may have contributed to these 2 tragic crashes but I don't believe our regulators are paying enough attention to that factory and I'm calling for further investigation of formally warned Boeing leadership in writing on multiple occasions specifically once before the line their cross and again before the Ethiopian Airlines crash Bell potential airplane risk due to the unstable operating environment within the factory those warnings were on ignored a risk request that I want to one meeting with the general manager on July 18th and repeated my recommendation to slow down the start through for a brief period of time. When I would mention that I've seen operations in the military so down for lesser safety concerns I will never forget his response which was the military isn't a profit making organization that was former Boeing manager at Pearson testifying last week before Congress sent me a still no great niece of our guest Ralph Nader died on the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in March we want to turn right now to her mother to 2 Nadia Miller on who is the niece of Ralph Nader Sami as mother they have filed a lawsuit against Boeing and a claim against the Federal Aviation Administration still. This is not an accident this is something that could have been prevented and as somebody who's lost the dearest person my life you know a. Death not to be in vain I don't want anybody else to die nater this is a personal tragedy for you but also a global tragedy and because you've been a consumer advocate for so long you have made these global corporate catastrophes very personal for everyone and our gang our condolences to your whole family on the loss of Sagna beautiful young brilliant. Activist who was going to Africa to work on issues there when she died in that flight to talk about the latest on Boeing. Well the latest is more and more disclosures more and more whistleblowers you have John Barnett the quality control inspector for the plant in South Carolina the 777 Boeing saying essentially what Edward Pearson said we have mounting evidence brought forth by the House Transportation Committee that the f.a.a. Knew a lot more than it made out publicly that it became an advocate or under pressure from Congress of past years instead of a regulator and the thunder boat just came out a few days ago was that in December 2018 after the Indonesian crash there was a risk assessment by the f.a.a. That these planes that they have orders for 5000 of these dangerous planes the $737.00 Max would have 15 crashes over the 40 year life of the plane taking $2900.00 lives and that was not released by the f.a.a. a Month after month of cover up the 2 people responsible for the f.a.a. Is abdication and giving Boeing the power of self certification in its factories l.o.l. And elbow her Amy are still there in the f.a.a. Steve Dixon is the new f.a.a. Administrator there are still Laird and the board of directors for Boeing that presided over these trails of criminal negligence and the failure to attend to aerodynamic stability. There is still there and the c.e.o. Dennis small Emberg paid millions and millions of dollars a year he's still there so until they are replaced we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel and the light at the end of the tunnel is not trying to use a whole cooked up glitch. Ridden software in the cockpit and C.A.'s It's called a software fix for a hardware defect you got a recall of planes and belt Boeing is going to develop. Engine hearing adjustments and engineering changes so that plane is not prone to stall which is of course what led to the crashes in Indonesia and if the Opiah killing $346.00 innocent people that's where it's got to be now and center workers got to get his Senate Oversight Committee active along with the activity by a Congressman Peter De Fazio on this latest news that executives appalling reportedly considering ending production of the 737 Max passenger jet an ounce meant might come this afternoon Yes Well that was actually expected because they've got these jets they've been producing in recent months 42 a month over one day these are jets that sell for a $130000000.00 each they've got them parked and stored in there they're running out of space and the airlines are furious with the way Boeing is maneuvered this whole thing they're filing lawsuits to recover their financial losses the labor unions for the airlines they're doing the same thing so this is just another step toward what I think has to be the recall of these planes and the engineering adjustments so that the basic problem not a software fix. The basic problem is dealt with. You also sent a letter to the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau urging Canada to do an independent review of the 737 Max why is this so important in Canada right now around. Because when all the other countries grounded the Macs in March of this year there were 2 left Canada and the us and us was stubbornly sane from the c.e.o. Of Boeing to the f.a.a. To President Trump Don't worry it's a safe plane to crashes in a few months to a brand new plane Yeah it's a safe plane and Canada decided to ground them and that clinched the necessity for the us so Canada if Canada and grounds the plane along with the f.a.a. That's going to be a bad scene if Canada holds firm independent Transport Canada the Us will have to think twice about punk grounding the plane because hard to fly north america without flying over Canadian air space so I wrote to Prime Minister Trudeau . Urging him to rate retain an independent evaluation full certification. Full simulator training for the pilots are the 2 demands that the families of the of the victims are making before Congress for the f.a.a. Before the media in the United States so we are reliant on Canada if the f.a.a. And Donald Trump are going to crumble I mean Trump is not looking good on this issue he's very big business oriented he's running a corrupt government of corporatism militarism and nepotism you're not going to rely on him so that's why I appeal to Canada and people who want to get involved here we've got a consumer boycott of the 737 Max should it ever be ungrounded go to flyers right stud org that's run by. That's run by Mr Hudson who lost his daughter in the Lockerbie explosion over Scotland and it's a one. A full consumer group people should join a and they have all kinds of up to date material on the 737 Max I mean tens of millions of you're going to fly this Munster unless you get involved unless you put the pressure on members of Congress do you think polling executives should be forced to fly in $737.00 Max is akin to air marshals it's an extra safety measure Well there are going to go up on these flights but you know they're very careful flights everybody's on alert they're not flying all over the world with pilots say they're less trained because they don't have military experience the way our many of our pilots have or different kinds of weather patterns or other kinds of things so they will go up as they see. See I went up the head of the f.a.a. See I one up. You're not dealing with that kind of situation the f.a.a. Self reduced the probability of a crash to one out of a 1000000 flights instead of the usual standard one out of 10000000 flights these are crashes due to the design and destruction of the plane not crashes due to pilot error what you're calling for in your family's lawsuit I didn't hear is where you are calling for in your family's lawsuit very quickly. We're calling for full compensation for the losses were calling for Boeing to contribute to establishing non profit institutions dedicated to airline safety we're calling for full disclosure with depositions the lawyers who do these depositions get a lot more information under oath by Boeing officials the next Boeing people than the Congress has managed to so that these will all begin to reveal their impact in the spring the depositions will probably start in the spring finally a different issue last Wednesday $180.00 House Democrats joined almost all House Republicans voting in favor of a massive 3 quarters of a trillion dollar military spending bill for the Pentagon one of the largest military spending Bellus in u.s. History in the last 30 seconds we have your response. This is a tradeoff the Democrat Party has been making for years with every $1000000000.00 to the Defense Department they get some money for social safety net so they just gave Boeing they just gave the department defense another $22000000000.00 which would have renovated $22000.00 elementary schools in this country in return for paid family leave for federal employees what kind of tradeoff is that should be paid for millions leave without increasing the huge waste and corruption of the military budget which is devouring infrastructure needs in this country Ralph we have to leave it there I want to thank you so much for being with us Ralph Nader longtime consumer advocate corporate critic former presidential candidate his latest book written with Mark Green fake president to coding trumps gaslighting corruption in general be asked and that does it for our show a very happy birthday to Renee felt sent to my brother Steve democracy now produced by my party because your mention Karl of Wales to me were now somehow pop Jon Hamilton thanks to Dennis mine and I mean a good many thanks for joining us. Oh . And good morning everybody and welcome to another edition of the Twyning thang stations k d r t f and 95.7 in Davis California or k d r t o r g for those of you the don't live within the city limits because we're a little station and we just don't go that far my name is Dirk with you for the next hour 50 minutes plan some good 20 music. This being the holiday season I'm going to slip in a little bit of holiday music some point during the show and next week's is going to be a Holiday Extravaganza So hopefully you can join us for that one but anyways Grab your coffee grab become butcher grab your green tea grab your Coors like grab whatever it is a get you going on the Sunday morning and sit back and relax it's jump right in the music with old white Yoko and we'll be back talking a while talk and I will talk to. A a. Leg . Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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