Transcripts for KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] KFKA 1310

Transcripts for KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] 20191126 230000

Better in the house was hot because of all the cooking and I'd be sweating as a kid oh you guys got that things that I remember as a kid it was I didn't like it and now as an adult. I don't dress up and we keep the doors open so it's not as hot and I get just nothing but great n.f.l. Football Thursday College Football Friday and Saturday great n.f.l. Football it feels like a 4 week turkey football fast 4 days of football and yeah I don't get dressed up for Thanksgiving either it's not like it's an all day affair just become Yeah I get out I split I go get a good jog in the morning play some tennis or some get out while I think it a little work out and you don't feel as bad about it yeah yeah but I love Thanksgiving I think giving the best because it's like everything that's great about Christmas but without all the stress it just eating This is eating no present just eating plus we put our we put our tree up on Thanksgiving so you guys it on Thanksgiving I mean this year we use it my wife's getting you know as we get older I think we we just want more fun in our lives more to tournaments Yeah I don't have the time to do it you know hopefully this year we'll take it down at some point. Coming up in 15 minutes we go Jason Garrett's talking Jerry Jones is talking and we'll go live to Mike Fisher the award winning journalist who joined us a couple of weeks ago live in Dallas cats and dogs living together Jerry Jones doubles down on criticism of Jason Garrett were also on Channel $83.00 Sirius x.m. Right left tackle for the Ravens Ronny Stanley How about that's going to join us on the show today he's got to be feeling good that often supply next week faces the Niners defensive line Oh boy that's the matchup of the year Ravens o. Line Niners d. Line is coming up but 1st well I joined I turned it off she was you said like late 3rd quarter I had a beginning of the 4th I turned it off last night Ravens out of this world blew out the Rams Lamar Jackson was amazing so let's start right there on the mark. Let me just ask you if you are 4050 years old and you and you've maxed your 4 a one k. And you paid off your house and you pay your cars down and you live below your means and so you are set your retirement set you're going to be content but somebody came to you and said siphon just 5 percent off and this is a stock that will that could make you rich and some people aren't comfortable with it some people like now I get one for one cannot take anything out of my 41 k. And then there are other people like John Harbaugh that said well I'm going to be a Hall of Fame coach I want to Super Bowl I'm a siphon off about 510 percent of that for a one k. I'll come play it safe I'm going to go all in on them are Jackson and a lot of people I got. It's crazy hey he tried to lart he could get hurt it won't last but John Harbaugh said what last I don't cite a Brady in Belad check a New England Dynasty what the hell last in this league so John Harbaugh who had a great reputation who had Max just for one k. Who was well respected was going to get Hall of Fame vote said you know what I'm going to go all in on the Marge x. And I'm going to siphon off some of that for a one k. I'm a take a mortgage on my house a little bit and I will roll the dice on this kid and maybe he'll get hurt but this whole thing about Lamar won't last what does in this league outside of knowing one thing last by the way not every investment I mean you guys dated right you don't have to marry everybody a date when you buy a home in real estate when you get out of college don't they call it a starter home you know you can't raise your kids in it it's not big enough but you buy in real estate what they call a starter home so what you're going to retire in not everything has to be for ever I don't know if Lamar Jackson is going to last I don't know you know people tell me it's a lot like Kahlan camper Nick so let's just think about that for. Colin Kaepernick got to a Super Bowl and 2 n.f.c. Championships. I think 99 percent of the coach is not a name like Bill Belichick would take that today that's a failure you look at this league where 20 teams you know this morning wake up I don't think they have much of a chance to win the Super Bowl I don't know if this last but what I know is it's great now I get another contract as a coach great now and the other thing is I don't think it's a fatter I don't think it's a trick I think he's a much better and I think Baltimore to me feels you can say the Cafferty step but he was a better high school quarterback than cavern a better college quarterback and he's a better n.f.l. Quarterback camper Nick never had a curveball everything he threw 100 miles an hour Lamar's got touch Lamar's the team guy Lamar's coachable Lamar is getting better Lamar's about the team not about Lamar So you know if nobody ever took a chance in life you'd have no Vegas if you want to gamble on stuff you would never Vegas and if you weren't willing to gamble on stuff we'd have no Silicon Valley which now runs the American economy John Harbaugh said you know what the 30 teams that drafted ahead of me are that they don't want to do this obvious going to go all in I got a 41 k. I've been putting away forever I've built a great reputation and again I don't know if this lasts but I know it's great now and what lasts Cam Newton gets defended it every corner any time I criticize him you defend him Cam Newton had one great year can stay healthy how long did that last Aaron Rodgers to me does not look physically like the same guy he was 6 years ago after 2 collarbone surgeries nothing lasts you just in this league you take what you can get you got to evolve you got to roll the dice sometimes take New England out of it. Best coach ever best quarterback ever one of the best owners ever take the best often said line coach ever the rest of the league be great now it's Ok to siphon off a little of the 4 a one k. To get rich now you know I just love everybody is so freaked out about this running stuff last all these running quarterbacks work most don't last but Russell Wilson is lasting he never gets hit and Kyler Murray he's a baseball guy like Russell nobody's getting hits on him Steve Young ran around for years he ended up in the Hall of Fame Caprona God that was Super Bowl the Mars on the best team now will it last most stuff in life doesn't last I've said this before the greatest product I've ever purchased ever there is one thing that I bought for nothing and it's lasted forever do you know what that is it's a grill I'm always shocked you go to Home Depot or Lowes you pay 300 bucks for a grill I use it 190 times a year and it last 30 years that's the only product I've ever present my life I'm like I pay nothing for it it lasts forever I think last forever when now roll the dice because what I watched in Baltimore is a lot better what I see in Los Angeles and let's shift to that from day one day one joy is my witness I said. Let's slow down on Xan McVay is a genius let's slow down on the Rams are the future of the n.f.l. I said remember the 1st thing I said Kyle Shanahan is the best young coach in the n.f.c. West m.p. Carole's the best coach in the n.f.c. West so McVeigh's 3rd the 2nd thing I said is I live in Los Angeles I'm watching what's happening Iran's are overpaying for everybody Le Bron comes to town got a new stadium with p.s. L's. They're burning through money remember we used to joke with the Rams 2 years ago or like are they using a different bank than everybody Are they had one of these offshore banks where they get some sort of interest rate or they can hide money folks this morning the bank came to collect the note on the Rams and they're 6 in 5 and they have no 1st round picks for 3 years and McVeigh is the 2nd best young coach in his division and they've got to pay Jaylen Ramsey a fortune and Brandon Cook's may retire soon with a concussion issue and they have major offensive line issues in Jared governor next year will be the biggest cap hit in the entire league and old by the way you pay Todd Gurley a year early and he's done he's a be back and he's got 2 more years that you're going to have to load the Brinks truck over to his house last night the Rams had $22.00 yards rushing they ran the ball 9 times this was a power running team a year ago so on top of that a story broke last week that the stadium overrun is making the $2000000000.00 stadium a $6000000000.00 stadium which is as much as Jerry world the cold stadium and the Eagles stadium combined So that's just going to add more pressure on the organization to win now McVeigh win now Coach less need build now this thing is is I'm not saying the Rams are a bad football operation what I'm saying is they're the opposite of New England just talked about this with Lamar great is fleeting in this league nothing lasts but here's a way to make success last longer. Pay rarely and never pay early now knowing when to paste up on Gilmore they paid Gronk they paid for great kickers they paid for offensive linemen or a pass rusher but pay rarely be frugal and never pay early and I thought the Rams and I said this a year ago Le Bron came to down new stadium cost overruns selling p.s. Sells their paint everybody they have the most expensive corner with Jaylen Ramsey soon and defensive tackle and running back and now quarterback what's the hurry today they feel old stale tired they looks low last night now do I think McVeigh smart Yes Do I think they have good people in the building Absolutely but this to me we got way too hot on this I did not believe it was sustainable I didn't think they'd fall and be this bad like last night and to Sean McVeigh's credit he's a stand up guy and said we're not going to waste too much time whining about this and we're all in this thing together but I feel as responsible as anybody and you know and put your head down and go grind in and find a way to just get ready for next week because just dwelling on this doesn't be any good and you can't run away from the problems that we did have tonight but allowing it to set ourselves back is what this team will not do I can promise you guys at that he's a super smart guy my theory on life is trust smart people will figure it out. But this always felt like like a little too hot of a of an organization a little too many stars money for everybody used to different bank and last night the bank came to collect. All right Mike Fisher covers the Cowboys and has for over 2 decades is going to be joining us live from Dallas to make a couple of weeks ago we got all sorts information Jerry's talking this morning doubling down on his criticism of Jason Garrett I think he's laying the groundwork to get rid of Jason Garrett teams way too good to be 6 and 5 and it's not like their schedule is easy going forward somebody has got to win the division Eagles are getting all or most of their players back this weekend is the division not done because Philly have a shot it looks like they do this is coming up say hello to Casper they wanted to be the most trusted sleep company in America and now they are great products pillows bedding award winning mattresses do they sheets they also have furniture they're just transforming the bedroom they have $50005.00 star reviews making it the most loved and trusted sleep company in America for the record. 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Must to sync with and thereby a car or something truth it's so easy to switch and save on car insurance a guy code aka. Let's just wait you like smooth jazz smooch. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more hi it's the herd if you're going to be taking part in this Friday sales then you're going to want to get a pair of Sketchers it might sound strange but think about it they've got award winning tech in them and with the memory foam padding standing in all those lines won't be that bad they really have it all style comfort fit and value I've got several pairs go see him for yourself visit a sketch or store near you or shop online at Sketchers dot com Skechers dot com Great shoes really comfortable. This is the herd. Not gone Mike McCarthy remember that the former Green Bay coach was Aaron Rodgers a special. Special you've got to get him back. To get him back. And you got to get him a more special deep bench because Mike McCarthy even though he wanted to be bold there he's not special he's no far by McCarthy he's not special So let's get Aaron Rodgers special they do care and. Special otherwise batters they got free agent or special Their coach might look for a whiz kid I'm told a special. Let me get that you're often supplied. Can I ask you how often do you in the n.f.l. Have a night where you get great protection her team great is really important with Collin caliber the perfect right. To. An arena brought with the latest on the 24 hour news watch the name of a man accused of sexual assault at the family Funplex in Greeley Friday has been released really police responded to the facility on 65th Avenue after the suspect identified as Gerald Devlin allegedly touched 2 at risk adults who were using the swimming pool in appropriately Devlin was arrested the investigation is still ongoing drivers caused a parking lot traffic jam that alarm or county Wal-Mart yesterday afternoon shoppers packed the store in Tim Neath just ahead of Thanksgiving and a winter storm Tim The officials say the traffic overload caused long waits getting out of the parking lot and long lines inside the store Meanwhile Laumer County residents woke up to lots of snow this morning making travel nearly impossible just before the Thanksgiving holiday road conditions are expected to be especially hazardous during this morning's commute a total snow accumulation of 16. 22 inches expected for Northern Colorado according to the National Weather Service a winter weather advisory remains in effect for northern Colorado and to 2 o'clock this afternoon the state of Colorado is issuing a warning about possibly contaminated marijuana the State Department of Revenue says several batches of medical and recreational marijuana were recently approved for distribution by mistake no illnesses have been reported but anyone who purchased those strains is being told to return them to stores for proper disposal I'm Marina bred for 1310 k. Of k. And 1310 k. Have k. Dot com. Somebody for stolen or for travel to can point whether on the Stew's days we roll do this after noon the snow will continue to get lighter across Greeley in northern Colorado come to it in tonight and skies will clear high temperatures today largely in the teens and want a single digits overnight Wednesday partly cloudy skies and high temps in the twenty's this weather update is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters. Northern Colorado as for balls stay sure to. It's getting harder to take care of Mom I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start. Sometimes I need time for me caregiving can be tough to find the support you need 184-426-5237 extension 2 Colorado caregiving dot org may be super but you're only human sponsored by the Colorado Coalition the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station I play for. High school basketball for every. Pickup game on the playground at because we. Possibly. Can make a play high school basketball hometown a Colorado. State Championship. Only one half of one percent of. College football 100 percent of them. Playing basketball and their high school team is so important high school athlete life lessons that help them grow lessons that can't be taught in the classroom and often aren't taught at. High school basketball because. In the front of a capacity crowd. This. High school activities Association. There's a huge. This is typically from more bacon please our newest in downtown Greeley is now open book Come on down and check out our very own 12 beers on tap. Meets our famous Colorado Poutine is topped with pork green chili and Friday are slow smoked ribs and brisket are Malthe watering and a must try Don't forget to have one of our pretzels made with our very own spent grain straight from the brewery check us out. Don't miss our show more baking please. On Wednesday nights here on 1310 k. F. Football fans join us some Friday November 29th when your Colorado State Rams host the Boise State Broncos in canvas stadium at 1 30 pm it's barely a day visit c.s.u. Rams dot com slash tickets for all the promotional details be there for all the pre-game festivities and exciting edge of your seat ranch football on Friday November 29th when Boise State comes to town call 80491 Rams or visit c.s.u. Rams dot com slash tickets today. Or Colorado State runs at the University of Colorado. Is Northern Colorado as for bowl station 3rd team 10 k. You have k. In the n.f.l. . Find a franchise quarterback and they've got that guy and we've already you and I have talked about I know you talk about it a lot he's already we already know he's the right kind of guy are k.g. We calm around here he's got the qualities you need as a person and a leader and an athlete but now he's developed into somebody who's not just a thrower he's a passer that didn't all work in New England it almost never does where they won 20 straight games but overall that's going to work for the Cowboys long term that Prescott's not the problem you know a mike Jerry who mentioned again this morning that I am the g.m. He likes to throw that out a couple times a year you and I know we know this that Jerry fashions him self as not just a successful global businessman but a football guy and a lot of football people a jillion Bill Parcells specifically are a little turned off by that a lot of football coaches don't want the owner peeking into the meeting rooms if Jerry hires a coach is he willing to give him sort of Jimmy authority or do you feel like he would go a college way or a Lincoln Riley perhaps would feel more appreciative of the opportunity like what's your crystal ball and what kind of coach he would get Mike I think you want some of the things that Jason Garrett either gives you or was supposed to have given you Jason Garrett is a creature of habit Jason Garrett loves the Monday in parts of football Jason Garrett really enjoys the process he's a detail guy and a communication guy the problem is though those things have all fallen apart in recent weeks in very obvious ways your cast for mattresses the Cowboys special teams looked like they were sleeping not knowing that that I'm the next coach here needs to be all those things but maybe he needs to be because that's the way it works in the n.f.l. You know 1st you hire an avuncular guy right then you fire him and you get you get a mean guy a taskmaster then you fire him and you're bringing in a Professor it's kind of a rotation and that way yeah I think the Cowboys. And the Jones is filing cabinet on replacing Jason Garrett which is going to happen if they don't have premium success in the playoffs needs to be a wide deep filing cabinet we can throw out the Lincoln Riley Oklahoma name as it is a sexy name to throw out because it's regional 1st of all because he's tremendously successful at least on office and Stephen Jones and him happen to be friends but this can't be a one name search is going to be a big fight and cap yeah you know it if it's so interesting because that I really do think they're all highly functional organization and I've said this for years we see Jerry sometimes in the vanity but God they draft well they I mean it's almost nobody in this sport can build an off uncivil line anymore it's hard because of the spread often says in college they've done now it's. You know it's you know this morning when you look at it. What saves garrets job to this whole thing he's got to win 2 playoff games well if you have beat Let's say you let's say you get a home field and yet you have beat Minnesota and then you lose in overtime to the 49 er's is that not retaining your job Yeah 1st of all to the organizational chart it's more organized than it's ever been and there is this myth and Jerry feeds the myth a little bit with his you know I am the g.m. Comments he also if you review is comma and says morning on one of 5 through the fan he noted all the help he gets he's got big ears Jerry does Stephen Jones is a gigantic contributor here so is Will McLain the personnel boss and so is Garrett So he's not just ruling things we're going to iron fist the organizational chart is fairly organized if there's dysfunction it's because the owner wants when they when these trophies he wants his hand on the trophy along with the coach if the coach will let the owner put his hand on the trophy and why wouldn't you frankly then they really didn't Big problems there I don't think column that there's a there's a line of demarcation that says he's got to win the n.f.c. Championship game and go to the Super Bowl or else I think it's more gray than that and you're kind of noting this what if the ball bounces sideways in the playoffs what if you play valiantly and well with this this team this roster by the way that never quits on this coach a decade in they never quit on him yeah they obviously believe in him as corny as he sometimes might be they believe in the corn in the us so I don't think there's that specific line they've got to do x. That's why my phraseology here is they've got to do something of premium level in the postseason yeah by the way we have to show you this the Cowboys we talk about them a lot you are in the cowboy library which I did not know existed I did not know it was a thing at a facility called the star so I want you for a minute here so take my audience in dude I've met Charlotte Jones way impressive I've met Jerry very impressive the stay. T M's in Arlington but you're at something called the star explained to my audience radio and t.v. What that is Mike the people I think most fans know about because you get to see the stadium on television and it's it's glorious in so many ways even to the point where it's actually thanks to Jeanne Jones Jerry's wife it's an art exhibit museum the whole building it's right on top of everything else this is an extension of that it is a kind of a self enclosed all encompassing place where a player or not player could live there's the house there's a hospital right here on the facility a full hospital there is bars and restaurants and dance clubs and you name it right here on in the facility there is in the basement I guess as you walk out to the field where there's 2 outdoor fields not to be confused with the indoor stadium and it's not a t.n.t. Size but it's big enough I think it's 8 seats 8000 and high school games are played every weekend indoors in Port center you walk from the field into these glorious locker rooms if you turn left or turn right and you go into a dining center it's not you know your elementary school cafeteria no way and that's the way most n.f.l. Lunch rooms are this is a full service it's a it's a dining experience for the players if you want to go just up stairs this is not directly related to the team although it was an extension of it there's a place called the cowboy club and it's an exclusive membership club Hammer's. Because then the reason there's no cameras is because you can go out and look over the balcony and watch practice if you want to and then next to that there's a place called Cowboy spits which is the most luxurious than a center you've ever seen so this is the Taj Mahal on football steroids at the start for Scott and he's at the in the library which is a place I never won in high school much or college so I don't know you know how that I don't know but no kid nowadays even knows what a librarian's you know. My. Great talking to you thanks again for the cowboy insight thank you covering the Cowboys for more than 30 years I want to give you folks a little bit of insight on that I've heard of this the Cowboys go into the best stadium it's the best facility what do you need a dance club for you know what people like dancing keeps you pliability have the pop one more defensive end the dance a little bit in between wins and that's I would love to see the I would love it for us to do a show from there when I got home it sounds amazing but it's not surprising I would not be great to do a show me how many stadiums how many facilities are there in the world that are just called somebodies world Jerry's World Cup That's a great life I'm going to get into the oil business I don't know I'm going to vary it is not scientific. So doesn't believe in the you better have a feel he's more Manilow Dixon analytics on that we love Mike stop by by the Irani Stanley left tackle for the Baltimore Ravens right now the world's best off fans will be joining us before the end of the hour Joy of the news. This is the 3rd minute I'm speaking at the Baltimore Ravens from our Jackson certainly made a statement last night he did the game the 1st play with 5 touchdown passes in his Monday Night Football date you were chanting m.v.p. Game was not played in Baltimore Yeah as he left the field after the 456 win them but he insists winning the award is not his main focus when I like you it's Ok you know but I'm trying to win the Super Bowl and we took the game out of town I'm not really my m.b.p. You know if you come in Como I'll be satisfied but I'm going to Buddhist my team who are just wrong he is a team guy he really plays with those very special unique kind of energy. The what I like watching with them are the mostly obviously everyone pays attention to you know his when he scores a touchdown or his big runs but the way he acts when he gets hit is really pay attention to that the next time the next game like any time he gets touched by a defender that big tackle he pops right up like runs over to them and smacks of the how bad it is like it's almost like a. Amps him up or something you know everyone used to have a little bit of that like you'd like you know Andrew Luck said one time on our show he said I'm not I got to get hit one I need to get pop want to listen like throughout the game like he would if like he like that he just loves football it's really been I not been a joy to watch him play this year I'm very excited to see what they do and kind of see that thing was I mean they just took the energy out of the Coliseum well that I mean the performance by the Rams was it's just not right I understand you get down you kind of lose a little bit of your zest but you can also talk me down like that it's also a time to get into the new stadium anough of this year you know it's just looking at college stadium the numbers are all duplicated it's like look takes time to get into the real stadium if you got 12 and I'm going to feel like still you've got to you have to have better performance and not Richard Sherman is defending his quarterback after the 49 ers Well whenever the Packers he says to me he is not getting the credit he deserves. And you hear some of the noise and things said about him and it's frustrating because we see him every day we see what kind of work ethic he puts in the hours that he puts in preparing the 1st one in the last one I know the guy looks for no credit he always does encourage his teammates and put more work in and then you have people nit picking picking we're going for 300 yards you like well he didn't throw a lot we ran for $300.00 he's a good enough quarterback that people have to make excuses they have to move the bar they have to oh my God he didn't throw for 400 this day now it's passer rating is 145 in prime time against against one of the best teams in football and I'm sure they'll move the goalposts Jimi grew up with always is our leader and we will follow him into the to the darkest and dark with follow him into a dark alley no guarantee you won't touch it he was one of the one of about 10 to 12 really great young quarterbacks do you think 15 then broke the ball focus right now is yes he's at 68 point a completion percentage 20 touchdown centers that 100.6 passer rating one rushing touchdown enough for fumbles by the sales so it's good. George Carroll but often it is not the same without George can you I mean he's he's been special place to raise your gong Yes he has but you've got to give Jimmy credit and economy as a little bit of a back feel to me well but where and look I wasn't I was not sold on d.v.d. At 1st but I really I felt like it was like anointment before any kind of player No I mean has still not not played that many games but you have to give him credit he's he's winning which is all that matters he doesn't have to be spectacular for them to win and that's what Richard Sherman's point was that he doesn't you want you know I mean make some hill throw some picks I mean he's he's kind of an aggressive good lookin Alpha aggressive Delaware goal to him he's a good athlete knock not great like the x. Good athlete but he's not running around like Russell Wilson There's a lot of back in there but you know one of the 1st round right and clearly he has those leadership qualities that you know keeping the rest of the team inspired finally the Pro Football Hall of Fame has narrowed his class of 2020 down to 25 semifinalists right include some big names as 1st time nominees like Polamalu Reggie Wayne and Patrick Willis and the list will be cut down to 15 in January and then 5 will be selected as the next Hall of Fame and these this is the list of 255 modern players 10 seniors players who've been retired for more than 25 seasons for 10 years they are a tribute airs Yes you are an individual other than a player coach as well as who coaches will be inducted in the class of 2020 and honor the n.f.l. Is 100th season so Fred to have had 2 different players tell me Fred Taylor is the most underrated running back in league history. I can find I can buy that yeah but he played Jacksonville didn't get a lot of Fred Taylor was a man and a great running back but again that never won a playoff games and so much of this league is do we watch you play you know Fred Fred Taylor was a dynamic and he's actually he's actually very beloved Can you imagine if Russell Wilson played day one with a New York John. And that's no shot anybody else but Seattle a 30 percent of the country also I mean when Fred play the plate it was the difference era as well I mean I couldn't get every game in every city you know I mean like it's it's different now that you can be in Miami and be Russell Wilson and Seattle like you know the proximity doesn't matter anymore but South is that Thomas I think his name on there good stuff joy with the news well that's the news and thanks for stopping by heard we're saying there's there are some positions in football you absolutely pay and running back is a position now where you know the feeling is there's so many running backs you can't give a guy a 2nd contract I just had an n.f.l. Scout tell me somebody I've never brought on the show actually told me 2 days ago he's never seen a wide receiver draft like this he said there are so many wide receivers coming out of high school and college over the next 2 to 3 years he goes I'm not sure you better get your money as a receiver now because the market's going to get flooded there are so many great wide receivers coming out of high school in the college into the pros they're saying this is the best wide receiver draft which of course dilutes the position but here's a position I'd always pay for we talked about the morning meeting left tackle tackle period in the n.f.l. Ronnie Stanley is the tackle for the Ravens he has the highest rated pass blocking tackle in the n.f.l. According to Pro Football Focus and he's going to join us next that often is just steamrolling people and they got the best offensive line coming up in San Francisco so the Ravens o. Line the Niners d. Line on display over the next week that's one of the great match ups in the trenches all year so Ronnie's around the corner When's the last time you decided to take off and just go for a 16000 mile drive one guy Rainier's eat low did Alaska to Argentina rain desert sleet snow broke a world record doing it by using the new Michelin and Durrance x t silicone wiper blades there crafted for. Extreme weather they have an advanced quad tech 4 layer coated silicone that propels snow water are nice and last 2 times longer than other blades now you're probably not going to get $122.00 degrees on the windshield and snowstorms you've got a grocery store trip that last 8 minutes but it's nice to know you're taking care of only at Wal-Mart the new Michelin in durance x.t. Silicone wiper blades they are built and weather tough and hard harsh weather proven and we're now in late November so minimum of 3 months minimum probably for outside of Florida of rough weather coming up Ronnie Stanley next. 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With colleague our Tom Brady That's the most comfortable he's been all year he had fixed dropped his elbow her missing 2 of his top 3 wide receivers he was comfortable you had time to flow you know range storm in New England Brady looked good to me had a nice running game had nice protection here's the problem damn Donald was also really comfortable against Dallas his defense so much Kirk Cousins a couple of weeks ago so with Aaron Rodgers everybody's comfortable against the Cowboys defense Jeff Driscoll of the Lions had a passer rating of 1092 weeks ago this Dallas defense let's quarterbacks be comfortable you don't beat good teams that way I would be upset about everybody looks comfortable this is the herd being great is really important with Colleen Keller just perfect right. Does she say. Ok yes so sure oh say Gayle's look at the news in the morning one of the whole show insiders another scooter right fine podcast for each of them a 1310 k. Of k. Dot com i Tunes or Google Play. Want to catch back up with the nerd show Mr Beer 30 or brutal heard something on senior circle you want to reveal you can find them all and i Tunes Google boy are at 1310 k. Ok and. Who do I perform for I perform for all the awesome composers whose music deserves to be heard. I perform for all the stagehands who make sure I never miss a cue. I perform for a high school choir director who taught me to preen from the diaphragm and sing from the. Speech. Theatre. The performing arts teach valuable life lessons that typically aren't taught in the classroom they help high school students learn leadership skills that prepare them to enjoy a more satisfying productive lives I perform for Mrs Adding my high school debate coach who has helped me become more confident than I ever dreamed possible this message presented by the Colorado high school activities Association and the high school in your community. Question for you to view. 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Joining head coach and boy let the buffalo dept as the we've been sent to do season the buffaloes have been picked to finish 2nd to the Pac 12 and returned the core of last year's line as a result of the white. Sox that with players like McKinley right Tyler Bay You never battery purchase your season ticket to see the Bucs done. There is more than just the Broncos. From preps to college strip road Colorado's football station 13000 j.f.k. It's going to be a great starting Thursday mazing 4 days of football by the way the Patriots Cowboy game on Fox was the highest rated. N.f.l. Football game on television since the ninety's or something like that what it's 996 it was a massive number you know as I was talking to a boss the other day I said I don't know what it is about this n.f.l. Season it's the best n.f.l. Season I remember I think a lot of it is I have so many young quarterbacks stories I got the dak story I've got the same Donald playing well I got the baker story I got the Lamar story I got the kinder Murray story I got the Jimmy garage below story I got Derek Karas back story there just so Josh Allen in Buffalo is playing well you know I always know I have the legends and I got Aaron Russell Wilson I got Brady and Brees but this league has so many captivating. Quarterback stories right now and if you watched Lamar last night it was kind of one for the ages it was a remarkable performance where he threw for 5 touchdown passes Jared golf looked tired and the often for the Rams look sort of stale and staid and so it's the ratings are on fire for the n.f.l. And I think so much of it is you know the n.b.a. Has always been known as a story league that the better the stories the better the league the n.f.l. This year it's got a bunch of great stories guys stop wearing your girls your girlfriend shampoo get your own it's called die of men plus care it is available at Wal-Mart and I want to bring on Ronnie Stanley He's the highest rated former Notre Dame or been in the n.f.l. Now for years highest rated left tackle pass blocker in the n.f.l. He just got back into Baltimore a couple of hours ago kind enough to join us via the callee global satellite network going to let me start with this so at Notre Dame you had a bunch of different quarterbacks and felt like you guys had a different quarterback every year and then you get to the n.f.l. And you are Joe Flacco and boom then you go to Lamar Jackson so you've got a lot of different styles of quarterbacks in your short n.f.l. Career when did you know with Lamar When did you stanch Ronnie Wow this this cat is different this cat is special really was the 1st game he came in or you know and Joe and Joe injury of our had a come in as a middle season and he came in and played like. That in the whole game and just seeing that 1st chance and amount of maturity and you know the poise he had I knew he was a special What's the difference between Lamar last year Ronnie and Lamar this year . I just think this year he's more sure of himself these He's not 2nd guessing he's just gone out and playing and that just comes with this preparation and he goes in every week always focusing on his mistakes and trying to correct those are you surprised it looked like he put on 15 pounds in the off season it looks like he's throwing a tighter football did you see is off season work because it looks like he got totally committed to this craft Yes So I you know I didn't see it you know but I live just by the person he is he's going to put in the work he's not just coming you know sit around and enjoy this time off he's going to go out there and try to get better and he came back and showing people you know that work you put it you know he dropped in the 1st round of the draft so to Dan Marino so did Aaron Rodgers I can remember Lamar being with his mother during the 1st round his head was dropped teams were passing on him and I kind of like that chip on the shoulder when players drop in the draft they they come out they want to prove it does he ever talk about that that he dropped Is it part of him no I don't think he really talks about that that's not something you know that we try to you know reminisce on or remember but just you know move forward and we're just thankful that he's with us and we're all thankful that we're playing on the same scene together and our strengths which is you know compliment each other very well for the old saying you guys go on the road to Seattle dominate the Seahawks you go on the road last night and dominate I when I think of Baltimore I always think of what a great home team there is something no Ronny that's impressive when you can go on the road and win and did it feel different last night is it's a little more special to go to the other coast and win. Yes Always nice you know when those row games as those are you know very difficult games and when you're you have to go the crowd noise you know in this case the time zone or the time change on 3 hours you know hello and that or him and be able to execute a high level of a set a lot of maturity that's high because we have on our team Ronnie Stanley Ravens left tackle number one rated left tackle in football take me and take my audience Ronnie you know I grew up with pocket quarterbacks and I always figured often said linemen like to know where the quarterback is and now we've got movable moving mobile quarterbacks as a left tackle Do you prefer one of the other is it different playing with a guy that can take off in any 2nd run yeah you know if we is there for him because those defense as they're not just you know writing to a certain spot for say they kind of have to have to read the guy and maybe a guy will track back because Lamar you know it's taken off down the field and I have to be prepared so you know counter back to that in cut off is you know angle towards them are so those those little things like. Change a little bit but for the most part it's technique and fundamental saves and John Harbaugh is one of those coaches he's got a Super Bowl we always mention great coaches and yet we we don't put Harbaugh into that maybe it's because Jim Harbaugh is so famous and outspoken give me a give me a sense from Brian Kelly who's a great coach to John Harbaugh did you connect with John Harbaugh immediately what makes him special. You know you really just line is players be themselves and not trying to force people to so be someone they're not and and when you do that you're allowing guys to flourish you're lying to play at their best ability because none people are you know anxious up high you really can't play at your best ability you can't go out there and just let loose so I think he's done a really good job to balance that line of make sure we're prepared but also let us you know place free and just let loose you beat New England convincingly they don't lose much at home up in Foxboro. Your thoughts if you had to play New England again I mean I think it would feel special dethroning them obviously the guys like me in the media your thoughts of potentially facing New England again. You know if it happens I mean you know that's probably been special mashup you know in the future but right now we're focused after Cisco we're trying to you know run the table right now. We're trying to you know do some special and we're just taking it one week at a time and we've been having them and how these ruffles season they're all results which I'll have you seen the tape on the Niners defensive front yet Ronnie. I watch a little bit it's a lot as much as I like to. Watch a little bit you know the very talented as well I don't know a lot of those just for recruiting in high school I was guys there was supposed. To force other those are Oh I know that for a long time and they're all athletic you know big guys that I'm sure are going to be a challenge for our office and we look forward to Ok Ronnie Stanley good luck to you and the Ravens Congrats he just flew home got home a couple of hours ago the Ravens are on top of the world right now Ronny thanks for stopping by extra Oh you bet Ronnie Stanley former bishop Gorman in Las Vegas which is as good as any high school program in America West goes kid then he goes to Notre Dame he dominates he's the number 6 pick and now he's a great left tackle I get into this discussion Joy you and I have talked about this take quarterback out of it and I don't even know why this fascinates me but just a quarterback out if you had to pay for more people on a football team who would they be and I and I've told friends this for year I'd start with left tackle like I would pass the marshes but I sure didn't tear your probably another up and sublime and center audible call or you know it used to be I had a receiver like 9 but you get to a point where you know it's funny because I'm I do these mock drafts at home whatever so it's that I've never seen a wide receiver draft like this it's insane but there are literally. To great left tackle I mean honestly now when I if you have a premier tight end probably it probably is I don't isn't that incredible think of the value that Mark Atlanta last year Travis Kelsey George kiddo George Kittle is a game changer it really is you know it's funny because. Antonio Gates a prime example Antonio Gates was a college basketball player and nobody drafted him so it's when n.f.l. People look at players like him they're scouting delicate bodies what do you do with this body and it was always a weird body type you didn't know what to do with when the guy was like 65 and a half and you were worried about him on the defensive line because pad level would be bad so he's too tall to be a defensive lineman but he was too athletic to be an off of line he could catch and for years and years in football what do you kind of did do you make him a and now it's like oh he's impossible to guard so when you do get a gorgeous kibble he's way too big for defensive backs in a way too fast for linebackers and you start looking at these teams that are hard to defend and a lot of it starts it tight end Travis Kelsey Gronk in his prime George kittle. They're just you know again 65 and a half to 50 and they run a 458. Baltimore by the way got Lamar Jackson went undrafted to tight end one Mark Andrews I think from Oklahoma is just a beast for them really tough to defend most your good teams in the n.f.l. Now have a great tight end tomorrow as a Wednesday night tomorrow a special and our last day of the week on the air so we're going to have Greg Cosell tomorrow so we don't but we usually have I'm on Thursdays we're bringing Greg Cosell tomorrow we're going to have our blazing 5 tomorrow we're going to have Nick Wright tomorrow yell at me and Joel Klatt and I will disagree so tomorrow is an all star show for all of those of you just. I'm gonna give you a blazing 5 a great Cosell a joke lat a neck right this is tomorrow's our last day of the week and then we take go right to the following Monday are you are you going to be around town or I'm going to Pittsburgh for 4 or 5 days while the snow oh it is wealthy is going to be call it either way though yeah by the way the Michigan Ohio State game on Fox wintery mix which is of course great for football but awful for the rest of civilization to have to ever deal with a wintry mix speak for yourself on a Tuesday is coming up next guy guys Tommy John is here with unbundling of All Black Friday offers exclusively for my listeners right now during Tommy John's biggest sale of the year everything from underwear pajamas and loungewear to limited edition holiday gifts is now 25 percent off site why give the gift of mind bending come for this holiday season with Tommy John go to Tommy John dot com The code is heard right now 25 percent off the entire site Tommy John dot com code h e r d as we watched the suburban garden gnome carefully yesterday without stopping it he noticed that it moves like. 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Transportation options beyond the ability national deal of details about cost turns on the Pentagon 280-200-1000 Mercedes Benz excluding have commercial customers only . 2020 that's advisor for more information than his by the. Colorado's football. Team. To pinpoint weather on this Tuesday as we do this afternoon the snow will continue to get lighter across Greeley and Northern Colorado come to it into the night and skies will clear high temperatures today largely in the teens and twenty's single digits overnight Wednesday partly cloudy skies and high temps in the twenty's this date is brought to you by c.r.p. Or by 4 track Outfitters celebrating their 20th year locally the bridge agree Lee is the perfect place for you or your loved ones looking to transition to an assisted living lifestyle Brigid really offers a friendly family oriented community with a loving staff devoted to each residence well being the bridge agree Lee has a wide range of helpful services and amenities always encouraging residents to live as independently as possible have questions just call 339-0022 the Brigid really is the Goldilocks of assisted living not too big not too small just right. Over Colorado's football station. Really for Collins and. A.b.c. News I'm Linda Lopez the House impeachment investigation into President Trump will move to the House Judiciary Committee next week Committee chairman Jerry now Blair announcing that the 1st hearing will be next Wednesday on the question of high crimes and misdemeanors as outlined in the Constitution President Trump and his lawyer have been invited to attend president from joked about the impeachment investigation as he pardoned 2 turkeys named bread and butter in the annual White House Thanksgiving tradition thankfully bread and butter have been specially raised by the Jackson story made calm under any condition which will be very important because they've already received subpoenas to appear in Adam shifts basement on Thursday President from his headed to a campaign rally in Florida most people evacuated ahead of a California wildfire in the mountains north of Santa Barbara have been told they can return home stocks finished the day higher on Wall Street the Dow gained 55 points this is a.b.c. 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