Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170311 :

KGO World News Now March 11, 2017

Remembering where they left their keys, or where they parked their car. Our strategy was that we would not go out there with a product that we are not confident, that we have credible Science Behind it. dr. Laux and weve only been talking about agerelated memory loss. Today your brain is under constant attack. Lack of exercise, chemicals, pollution, the economy. Technology. Stress. So, all the more reason people should be taking cebria. I saw myself go from forgetting peoples names, forgetting phone numbers, forgetting you name it, to having it at my fingertips. I stopped forgetting things, little things, the store. You give me ten things, ten items to get at the store and ill come back with ten items. I dont have to purposely remember things anymore. I can just go and not even have to think about it. I dont stop in the middle of a sentence trying to figure out what word im supposed to say next that means what im trying to say. Things come to you quickly. And i dont think i expected that. I thought it was just part of being old. I had no idea that anything could be different or so much better. One of the things we havent talked about is safety. Very important. dr. Laux of course thats a priority. As a physician, my commitment and oath is first do no harm. Ive looked at this closely and cebria is an extremely safe product with over 12 million doses taken worldwide. What were talking about here is a patented blend of natural neuropeptides, like what the body made when we were young. Were just supplementing what the body doesnt make in abundance anymore. bella i noticed a dramatic difference in just a few weeks, but is that typical . The science shows significant effect in 30 days. Well, weve certainly seen the science, and weve definitely heard the results. Now its your turn to try cebria riskfree for 30 days to see how well it can work for you. I just felt my brain waswas clear. I dont feel like an old person. I feel like a younger person, all because i can remember more. The stuff works. The cebria is working. Its just a whole different life now. narrator introducing cebria the worlds first and only patented natural supplement capsule with neuropep 12, scientifically shown, in a published doubleblind study, to significantly improve memory in just 30 days, boosting your ability to retain and recall new information. Developed by a leading European Pharmaceutical Company with a 20 year history of creating treatments for alzheimers and stroke, cebria is their latest breakthrough. Cebria is a patented blend of neuropeptides that supports healthy neural connections in your brain. When were young, our bodies make an abundance of these neuropeptides from the foods we eat. But as we get older, our bodies make less of them, and thats when our memory starts to fail. But cebria can help. Look at these brain cells under a microscope. When treated with the natural neuropeptides in cebria, the cells begin to grow, reaching out, making healthy new connections, helping restore short term memory, and theres nothing else like it. Now available for the first time in the u. S. , cebria is a small capsule you take just once a day. And with over 12 million doses taken worldwide, you can be confident that cebria is both safe and effective. It was just so simple. That i didnt think something so simple could be so helpful in such a short amount of time. Studies have shown that people over the age of 60 lose about 17 of their memory every 10 years. Studies of cebria have shown that people improve their memory by an average of 18 in just 30 days. narrator so, whats getting back your memory worth to you . You cant put a price on it. But for about 1 a day, you can restore and protect your memory every day with cebria. A full 2 month supply of cebria is only 79. 95. But it wont cost you that today, because were going to let you try cebria riskfree for a full 30 days. All you pay is shipping and processing. And when you call in the next 20 minutes, well also include the acclaimed new memory advantage. Coauthored by dr. Laux, its filled with the latest information on easy things you can do to improve your Mental Fitness and memory for life. A 20 value, its yours free. Well also send you a 30 day supply of cebrias perfect omega. Just one perfect omega has the power of three ordinary fish oil supplements. From the fresh waters of alaska, each softgel contains 300 more ultrapure dha and epa. Supporting the healthy functioning of the brain, eyes, and heart, and elevating your mood. A 40 value, its yours free too. So call now and try cebria for a full 30 days, and if your memory doesnt improve, if you dont feel sharper and more confident than you have in years, simply return cebria, but keep the new memory advantage and the 30 day supply of perfect omega just for trying cebria. Have your credit card ready when you call or go online to let cebria change your life. Think faster, and remember more with cebria. Call now my daughter would come up and say, mom, whats burning . Mom, do youyou left the water running. And a lot of times youre cooking because thats what you like to do. Its an enjoyment, you know, that you can do that. We have a good meal today with cebria, its so much help, knowing i can cook and not have to worry about, am i burning this up . You left the water on . Its just fantastic. Its real important to me, cooking for my grandkids. Thats what were here for, grandparents, for the grandkids. Its nice doing what i like to do. Something i used to do as a young woman, i still like to do it. Im thankful for the cebria because it really works. It does work. Welcome back. Im bella shaw, here with physician and researcher dr. Marcus laux, and were talking about agerelated memory loss. And, you know, dr. Laux, we take care of our bodies, and yet we neglect the most important thing our brains. And thats something we should never do. Your memories are the foundation of who you are. But thats whats so incredible about cebria. It actually sweeps away that brain fog and that mental fuzziness, restoring memory and confidence, getting us back in the game. Now what about all those other products out there that claim to help the brain, like ginkgo biloba . dr. Laux its a great herb. Ive studied it for 30 years. The research is really mixed, and the latest results no significant effect for memory loss. Cebria specifically targets your brain. bella and thats why you say its a breakthrough. And thats what separates it from other products out there. But, lets back up a second. Lets talk about actually how your brain works. In your brain, and ive got a model right here which is perfect, in your brain youve got 100 billion neurons. And they make one trillion internal connections in your brain. Its really how they connect and how they talk to each other that determines our memory, our thinking, and its critical. But ill tell you what, im gonna draw you a picture. Ill show you how that works. This is going to be a brain cell. And as it grows, it makes branches. Its important because those branches, thats how it communicates with other brain cells. And neurons are brain cells. Theyre brain cells. These are the branches. Think of them as trees. Think of your brain as a forest of these trees. And its these connections that have to happen that create our memory, our ability to think. When we age, we dont make enough of those neuropeptides which cause these branches. We dont have enough neuropeptides, we lose the connections. bella there goes our memory. We lose the branches on our trees. They shrink. Our brain suffers and our memory starts to fail. But with cebria, were talking one capsule a day, we give the body back what we had when we were younger, those neuropeptides to support healthy neural connections and increase the communication, improving our short term memory, raising your ability to retain new information and, bella, so importantly, renewing your confidence. I invited over a group of cebria users and one of the producers of this show, whose results were so dramatic, he insisted on joining us. I used to walk into rooms, forget why i went in there. You get back to the first room and you remember, oh, thats what i wanted. bella its like the Grocery Store. You go and you pick up your items, but you forget the one thing you went in for. And when you come outta the Grocery Store looking for your car. Like, oh, where did i park . I was in here too long, okay. cristie i had that at costco and i had three people helping me find my car. bella its embarrassing. It takes an emotional toll on you because you think, hey, uhoh, im losing it. You start getting older and you think, wait, thats the one last thing ive got is my brain. It is scary. Im not talking about alzheimers. Im just talking about the little things. john stuff like, jeez, whos the actor thats in and its stupid, but it still makes you feel like an idiot. I live in a retirement community, and i see the aging process, and it doesnt look so, you know, uplifting. But the cebria gives me a youthful feeling, a confident feeling. My brain was fuzzy, like a fuzzy tv, and now im clear, as if they adjusted the picture of my brain. Are you in highdef . laughing i never expected it to work this well. And all of a sudden, im functioning better. Its fabulous. And i can actually find my car. And i know where my car keys are. Im knocking em out with scrabble. 450 points. What . I know i know excuse me, are you getting all the xs . steve the words now come more easily. Its the biggest change i know. Im not groping and grasping for words i wanna use. cristie i went to the Grocery Store the other day and i went, darn it, i left the recipe in the car. Thought about it for a minute. Im in the middle of safeway. Got everything i needed. Went back to the car. Doublechecked the list and went, yes bella you want people to say, youre so sharp. You know, it makes you youthful. I dont wanna really say im 66. Nobody needs that kind of advertising, but now i go, so, find the crack. You know, its like im 66 youre proud of it. john oh, and im proud of it. And the only thing youre gonna say is, wow, for 66, thats amazing. You know, and thats where you go. And its just one small pill and you think, this couldnt do all this, but it does. bella its comforting to know that other people are in the same boat. And its comforting to know theres something you can do about it. john well, now youre in the lifeboat as opposed to the one with the holes in it. steve absolutely, you know, i always tell people im too young to feel this old. Right. john yeah, you know, it is true. So, you wanna do something about it. sharyll now its im too old to feel this young. laughing i love hearing those stories, bella. I hear them over and over again. Cebria works. Now dont go away because weve got some people standing by on the internet over skype video with some questions for dr. Laux. Well be right back. theme music im not going downhill anymore. I feel like im back. It is making a difference. I see it. I feel it, and i know it. The people i associate with, work with, and have fun with, theyre all a little jealous. They wanna know what this cebria is and will it function for someone under the age of 72. My biggest gift from this whole thing is that i feel like i got a piece of myself back. narrator introducing cebria the worlds first and only patented natural supplement capsule with neuropep 12. Scientifically shown, in a published doubleblind study, to significantly improve memory in just 30 days, boosting your ability to retain and recall new information. Developed by a leading European Pharmaceutical Company with a 20 year history of creating treatments for alzheimers and stroke, cebria is their latest breakthrough. Cebria is a patented blend of neuropeptides that supports healthy neural connections in your brain. When were young, our bodies make an abundance of these neuropeptides from the foods we eat. But as we get older, our bodies make less of them, and thats when our memory starts to fail. But cebria can help. Look at these brain cells under a microscope. When treated with the natural neuropeptides in cebria, the cells begin to grow, reaching out, making healthy new connections, helping restore short term memory, and theres nothing else like it. Now available for the first time in the u. S. , cebria is a small capsule you take just once a day. And with over 12 million doses taken worldwide, you can be confident that cebria is both safe and effective. I was very surprised. But completely thrilled. Well, i really didnt think this was gonna work. I really didnt. So, imim amazed. Its unbelievable that one little pill can have one huge impact. Studies have shown that people over the age of 60 lose about 17 of their memory every 10 years. Studies of cebria have shown that people improve their memory by an average of 18 in just 30 days. narrator so, whats getting back your memory worth to you . You cant put a price on it. But for about 1 a day, you can restore and protect your memory every day with cebria. A full 2 month supply of cebria is only 79. 95. But it wont cost you that today, because were going to let you try cebria riskfree for a full 30 days. All you pay is shipping and processing. And when you call in the next 10 minutes, well also include the acclaimed new memory advantage. Coauthored by dr. Laux, its filled with the latest information on easy things you can do to improve your Mental Fitness and memory for life. A 20 value, its yours free. Well also send you a 30 day supply of cebrias perfect omega. Just one perfect omega has the power of three ordinary fish oil supplements. From the fresh waters of alaska, each softgel contains 300 more ultrapure dha and epa, supporting the healthy functioning of the brain, eyes, and heart, and elevating your mood. A 40 value, its yours free too. So call now and try cebria for a full 30 days, and if your memory doesnt improve, if you dont feel sharper and more confident than you have in years, simply return cebria, but keep the new memory advantage and the 30 day supply of perfect omega just for trying cebria. Have your credit card ready when you call or go online to let cebria change your life. Think faster, and remember more with cebria. Call now when i was on active duty military, i just worried about myself. Now i send hundreds of people into that environment every year. Itsits far more important to me now, to be on point, than it ever was to me for just myself. Go, go, go, go, go people live and die by the way we actually train them. Theres no way i could do what im doing if im not as mentally sharp as i am now. Get outta here loss of clarity is loss of their success. And success in our world means survival. Cebria is part of my everyday regimen now. Im more mentally in the game now than ive been in a long time. Im all the better for it. And my team is all the better for it. Welcome back, im bella shaw. Dr. Laux, weve got some people standing by on the internet from all across the country via skype video with some questions for you. Starting with marti, live from rome, georgia. Marti, whats your question . Dr. Laux, my mother has dementia. Will cebria help her . Also, im 69 years old, and i am so frustrated sometimes and worried about my memory loss. Will it help me . Marti, my hearts with you and your mother, but no, as alzheimers and dementia is a disease, that requires medical care. But for normal agerelated symptoms like forgetfulness, a faltering short term memory, that fuzzy brain feeling, cebria is a great solution. Thank you, dr. Laux. Now we have clyde from tucson, arizona, with a question. Clyde. Hi, bella dr. Laux, im 70 years young, and im really excited about trying cebria. What else can i do to keep my brain from getting old . Youre a smart guy, clyde. Thats the right question to be asking. Youve gotta eat well. Adequate protein, no trans fats, cut down on your sugar. Get regular, adequate deep sleep. Decrease your stress. Handle the curveballs. And youve gotta exercise, both physical as well as mental exercise. Play scrabble, learn a new language. Do something that challenges your brain. Use it or lose it applies here. Of course, take your cebria. Thank you, dr. Laux. Thanks, clyde. Well, we only have time for one more question. Beth from state college, pennsylvania. Hi, beth. My question is, im only 45 years old. Can cebria help me . This is an excellent time for you to start taking it. I mean, you are part of that sandwich generation. Taking care of your kids, probably caring for your parents as well. I get it. Youve got so much going on. Its easy to get turned around and forget things. This is a great time for you to start taking cebria. Sounds great, thank you. Thank you. And all our skype video people from across the country, great questions. Dr. Laux, we only have a minute left. Is there anything else youd like to add . Bella, why im here today is personal. Im not getting any younger, and all the things that i heard today, and the things that you said, my brain was suffering. And, as a doctor, it scared me probably more than most people. So, i looked for a natural solution. Cebria was a gamechanger for me. My confidence, my memory. It returned like what it was when i was at the top of my game. Cebria is a onceinalifetime discovery with solid science. I wanted people to have a chance to get what i got. To get back, perhaps, something they thought theyd lost forever. Dr. Laux, thank you so much for introducing us to cebria. Thank you, bella. For dr. Laux and myself, be happy, be healthy. Take care of your brain, and be good to yourself. When your neurons are firing with places to connect, your brains working, when its functioning at its best, you know it and you can feel it. I wont stop taking it. I wont, cause i dont wanna go i dont wanna go back. narrator its not too late to pick up the phone or go online to order cebria, the only patented natural supplement capsule with neuropep 12, scientifically shown, in a published doubleblind study, to significantly improve memory in just 30 days. Look at these brain cells under a microscope. When treated with the natural neuropeptides in cebria, the cells begin to grow, reaching out, making healthy new connections, helping restore short term memory, and theres nothing else like it. Studies have shown that people over the age of 60 lose about 17 of their memory every 10 years. Studies of cebria have shown that people improve their memory by an average of 18 in just 30 days. narrator a full 2 month supply of cebria is only 79. 95. But it wont cost you that today, because were going to let you try cebria riskfree for a full 30 days. All you pay is shipping and processing. And when you call in the next 5 minutes, well also include the acclaimed new memory advantage, with the latest information on easy things you can do to improve your Mental Fitness and memory for life. A 20 value, its yours free. Well also send you a 30 day supply of cebrias perfect omega. Just one perfect omega has the power of three ordinary fish oil supplements, supporting the healthy functioning of the brain, eyes, and heart, and elevating your mood. A 40 value, its yours free too. So call now and try cebria for a full 30 days, and if your memory doesnt improve, if you dont feel sharper and more confident than you have in years, simply return cebria, bu

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