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Brick Rodrigues at the beginning of the 2nd hour open forum Thursday every week 11 to one. And podcasts Well streamed live every week every day streaming his live podcasts our 1360 k. Chintzy dot com Go to the podcast section and drop down and the programs that you want to listen to will be there I was going to mention that yesterday's program with a Dave Hodges and Paul Martin they had a guest on from Texas excellent excellent program would be on the winds Di open form the 1st hour I didn't get to listen to the 2nd hour I don't know what they talked about 1st hour gave you insight as to what's happening in South America and why the how of President Trump was able to work a deal out with the us the Mexican government and some of the governments in Central America to stop the illegal immigration from coming north this is what this tornado is doing he is interfering with the plans of the u.n. Last week I talked about his. His how he had when he addressed the United Nations and he told them what they are not going to do they're not going to stand illegal immigrants into America they're not going to. Interfere with our republic they're going to leave us alone they're not going to take American citizens to their criminal court and it goes on and on it was a very very interesting speech that he gave to the u.n. He told them that the money that the United States gives them we basically fund has not been used properly the income that they receive from the United States government now is going to be. Going to whip some of it's going to be withheld and we're going to start looking in to see where this money goes well goes into the hands of corrupt people they're all corrupt they've always been corrupt they'll always They'll never ever turn from their evil and going back to at the beginning of the last pro beginning of the last hour I likened this program to the Red Bull drop when they. Took a man up I think he was about 50000 feet and dropped out of a bit of a little carried a capsule dropped out and in his fall he broke the speed the sound barrier he broke that record Well that's this program where we've jumped out we've been falling and we're going to gain a little more speed and we're going to break the sound barrier and then we're going to land safely at the end of the hour All right Donald Trump has his own paid for by his own hard work Praetorian Guard who is his intelligence community that has been gathering dirt on all the criminals that hate him and hate the United States and hate the American people Jeffrey Epstein or Weinstein when Weinstein was. When people started to come out about Weinstein in all of his rapes pedophilia all this type of evil do you think that was accident absolutely not this was planned by Trump Keith Schilling who was Trump's personal security for from 2004 up until 8 months after Trump became president he left the Trump White House 5 days later. Ryans Dean Harvey Weinstein is now exposed for what he is as well as many people within Hollywood these people that have been. Defiling these young girls Kevin Spacey was found out to have been a homosexual abusing young man in fact Kevin Spacey I think there was a young man there was to testify either this week or next week about Kevin Spacey in. The rape that the Speccy raped him well he was found dead this young man who's going to testify against Kevin Spacey is dead I use the term he got the flu people around the Clintons get the flu people around the bushes get the flu in other words they die mysteriously they shoot them so they stab themselves 90 something times in the stomach and they die but it was a suicide. Then you have Geoffrey Epstein what happened with Epstein that case was closed so fast the media attention has been shut down so quickly by the lying press it's unbelievable at the beginning of the 1st hour I talked to you about the 5 wise virgins in the Matthew chapter 25 and 5 foolish virgins that by oil well the oil is the truth light to liken it to the truth in America the media you have the media outlets that are selling you oil which is a lie contaminated oil rancid oil. And then you have media outlets in this country many hundreds and hundreds of them throughout the nation that are selling you the truth. Because God says they have to the truth has to come out and the truth is coming out and then so with President Trump he's put the truth up in a. Right in front of the media so everybody can see it he has a new strategy the new strategy is to get a helicopter put the helicopter behind him on the grass on the grass with the engines running have the press come to him on the White House lawn and there he lets them ask a few questions and he did have to deal with. All the usual suspects that are nothing more then no CIA agents of c.n.n. M s n b c c.b.s. A.b.c. N.b.c. All this is all it's all this is his strategy all together. After the break Rick Rodriguez and Paul is all a sudden wake up my party. And out of the game. But. 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Brick Rodriguez will continue falling from 50000 feet were close to the sound barrier we're going to break it here right now All right Donald Trump has his own personal intelligence gathering agency gathering intel on all the criminals of this country Harvey Weinstein Epstein was I don't think this was accidental either. And now he's so the I call this his pride to Praetorian Guard now is there a praetorian guard with the previous administrations that were working for them. On behest of the families that ruled this country yes absolutely. Now there are many aspects of this country they too could decide or could consider to be. Enemies of the constitution the people of the country. There was a a after $911.00 it was found out that there was a plan that had been put in place by Cheney Dick Cheney George Jr kind of continuity of government but it is basically is simply this there are there had been set in place in America you have called them. Aspects of government that would protect the America America in case of a nuclear attack let's say you took out 3 of the big cities in the country or let's say that there was massive half the country was flooded by some ungodly unforseen weather pattern no matter what would happen there would be a continuity of government the government would go on no matter what happened. There be mass starvation because of another dustbowl continuity of governing government the government would continue will the biggest threat to the continuity of government that has happened since $911.00 which was kind of minor Anyhow it was just used 911 was used to set this this policy in place the biggest threat to the continuity of government is Donald Trump. This is what you're watching daily this is what you're listening about daily this is the center of American News Daily This is the threat to continuity of government Donald Trump is a threat to the powers and the plans to everything that has been set in place for the last 6 administrations Donald Trump had been thinking about running for the presidency but what triggered it what triggered what made him so upset that he decided it's time for that right there the top you're thinking right there on the right so you can see it a come right back to it continuity of government I talked about senior executive services services that was Jimmy Carter's plan to appoint civil servant appointees to any of the civil service departments in the country didn't have to work your way up to the ranks you're appointed to Department of Transportation to the f.a.a. To Parks and Recreation to say you appoint anybody you want and those who have worked diligently and been loyal to the United States civil government for 3040 years somebody can come in and be appointed above them to run their department. Well that's what Jimmy Carter put in place senior executive service then Obama put in a civilian national security force which you don't know anything about this would be the same as the Praetorian guard of the Caesars the Caesars brought in apart from the military they brought in their own private army to protect them this army was not just to protect the Caesar at the time or the emperor but it was a political machine too it was it was up. Higher it was a profit it was for profit these men in the Praetorian Guard they got paid 3 and a half times what the real normal Roman soldiers got paid. Civilian National Security Force this is where. Obama said we need this force there would be more powerful than the Us Military Well remember what I had off Hitler did he brought in the s s I can't remember the full meaning of the s.s. I had it written down I didn't bring it with me but that was Hitler's Praetorian Guard it was the top elite man that surrounded trying to rip that surrounded Hitler to carry out all of Hitler's policies Obama wanted to bring this into this country another aspect of continuity of government would be the 17 intelligence agencies in this country these agencies can you believe that they were eavesdropping on Trump's phone call to the president of the Ukraine. This is what I say 2 programs ago go mentioning Bamford James Bamford's book the puzzle pet Puzzle Palace all of the intelligence gathering agencies within the country the main facility is Buckley Air National Guard base in Denver Colorado in the United States as one of 3 that's the main one it is gathering information on every human being in the United States of America and it's going to get your algorithms to you better protect them so you have these aspects of government that are in place to protect the country from even a president that is doing what is best for the country protecting the the Constitution the Bill of Rights this is who is coming against this president all of these agencies in the continuity of government or are coming at him this is what you're seeing So now I had you hold something right there at the top of your mind there on the front right now and come to that when did Trump decide he needs to make a move to run for president it was the 2nd term of Barack Obama the 1st term was so devastating economically to this country the policies that were put in during the Obama administration causing the race war that the Bible says there would be at the end of the world nation against nation kingdom against kingdom nation against nation in the Greek means ethnos against ethnos. Race Against Rape ethnicity against an ethnicity this is what happened during the 1st 4 years of Obama's administration the race war began in the United States it will never end it will only increase I would say to those in the Christian community you better not be part of it because you will pay you won't be a pay you may pay by the hand of man but with God's permission I do not get caught Hispanics blacks Anglo-American Chinese doesn't matter where you come from do not cut get caught in this ethnic will or scripture says that in the kingdom of heaven there are blacks whites Asian there are every race every tongue don't get caught in it and I'm afraid too many have been caught caught in Hispanic community in the black community just because of trying Obama not trump Obama that this is why present President Trump decided to run he knew that he could not. Sit by any longer he needed to make a move he had a strategy to make the move and he was successful and right now the agencies that are in place to make sure that the continuity of the old corrupt government has protected these agencies are to protect the way it was Trump has been exposing it he has been. Bringing everything out into the open now you see where the Democrat Party has been quietly standing for all these years now it's evident that is socialism communism fascism is this is not all that the Democrat Party has been that has been hidden is now in the open and at the same time aspects of the Republican Party the compromised Republican man that have been there forever have been compromised through scandals through sex scandals through their homosexuals their they are compromised many other Republicans are they know that. They're in a They're in a situation where many are not going to be put back into office after the next election but Trump made his move his move has been successful this is the truth everything Trump is doing is like I was saying he's on the White House lawn with the helicopter in the background the reporters before him answering their questions they and he's not he's coming straight out and saying well you know Joe Biden bought off a. One of the people that was doing the investigation in the Ukraine and he told them back down or else he's going to go home this scandal came out by Donald Trump before the press on the grass this is the strategy of this president now he knows he's playing. Hardball like these people have never played before Joe Biden is done his son is caught. Now yesterday. Bernie Sanders ends up going to the hospital after a speech because one of his arteries in his heart has been blocked do you think that's accident do you think that maybe maybe give the God a heaven has a plan and some of this stuff the field is being narrowed down. Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren hurt her dreams are being shattered she thinks that she's gaining momentum she's not she's not all of a sudden now there's talk about Hillary Clinton coming back onto the scene do I think she's going to come back yeah probably to some degree because she's doing everything she can to try to bring some hope to the Democrat Party will she run again I don't think so I don't think so because her health is not going to hold out she is sick she has physically does not have the stamina she has. Had strokes she's had I damaged she has had beast fainting spells where her body like Angle a Merkel she just shakes uncontrollably can't even stand up she's not physically well now as we're dropping Trump made the decision to run he ran he's being successful he will continue to get even he'll be even more successful before the election God has things that he wants to reveal to the American people to the world that have to be come out that have to be made. Be presented to the American people. He has more to do so that more of the corruption comes into view and with that. There are going to be. There's going to be a router push to destroy. The Constitution the Declaration of Independence. As good as a major push to destroy that going to. Recruit services on the scene right that. A lot of radio stations post about having 234500000 listeners but what they don't tell you is the average listener only listens for 4 minutes a song plays they don't like same old boring commentary or worse yet as soon as the commercial starts playing they change the station here at 1360 k.p.h. And see our listeners listen longer a lot longer we have one of the longest time spent listening in the industry that means our listeners don't change the dial when the commercial starts playing because they don't want to miss what our host have to say next advertisement 1360 k.p.h. N.c. And have your message be heard call us at 970-587-5003 we also have the best rates in Colorado 970-587-5003 or 30 to 60 k.p.h. 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Reason number 647 most people don't even know that the courts have already ruled once money is deposited into the bank the bank owns the money and that a positive is merely an unsecured creditor of the bank which means if the bank goes under you get paid laughs after the financial crisis and stead of breaking up too big to fail the government in the Federal Reserve created dot flank and made too big to fail banks even bigger well put in your deposits more at risk I'm Joe Jake went c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading group to learn more visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592. Will continue the podcasts on 1360 k h o n c dot com The program is streamed live every week 11 to one on k. Chintzy dot com or you can just pull over in your car or tune in at home however but. All right let's let's go ahead and continue here I finished off by saying before the break that the Constitution is the problem the Constitution has something that is also a problem that is hindering the continuity of government. The Constitution is what has been the primary force behind the freedoms and the the blessings of America but it's standing in the way it is a document that is is hindering the New World Order one world government type of thinkers from being able to. Be the way that the world is going to go eventually is going to go a different way it will be a new world order is going to be something different. But in 2nd decile only in chapter 2 verse 7 the Apostle Paul talked about the Declaration of Independence and he says it this way he says that there is a sacred power or a mystery of evil or lawlessness which is called the mystery of iniquity in the King James it's a type of wickedness that is already working in the world it began to work in the world from the time that Cain slew Abel but it has been moving all through time it's some form of very evil anti law type of power and well we know that it's a spirit it's a spirit hates any type of law any type of restraint it's the devil but anyhow it says that this wickedness is already working in the world it's at work it has been at work but there is something there is one who is stopping that wickedness that power that evil that's restraining it and it is hindering and it will continue to hinder it or stop it or restrain it until a person and as this is it's kind of like it's personalize it's until he or it is taken out of the way it's personified until he or it is taken out of the way this restrain or maybe the Holy Spirit which I do not believe it is it is not the Holy Spirit or human government this is the Constitution of the United States something that was put in a law by human government at that time that the Declaration of Independence was signed this is what this is talking about. This has been holding back the evil the restrainer iniquity lawlessness this document has been keeping everything in check in this country for hundreds more us 1776 from that time before even these men put this document this lot together to protect the world from these type of people and when this constitution when this document is taken out of the way then there's somebody that's coming he's called the son of lawlessness the new the he's the he's the anti-Christ he will come Donald Trump will be in until this document is destroyed in the power of it is taken out he will be and I believe right at the time that this constitution I don't know what's going to happen but once it is no longer the Constitution of this country then Donald Trump will leave. I want to just present that we're falling and we're going to break the sound barrier right now is Hillary Clinton in the Bible is she ever going to be president no now in Isaiah Chapter $47.00 Isaiah's talking about a nation Babylon Well there's the ancient nation of Babylon which is present day Iraq that was the ancient Babylon of old were never can ease are in the time of Daniel was the king. Then at the end of the world there will be another nation that is like into the type Babylon the Great it's at the end of the world before Christ returns this nation is a major power in the world that no one can miss except for the Christians in America they cannot see America having a place in scripture well the Declaration of Independence is what I'm talking about in 1st the 2nd Thessalonians chapter 27 and the elephant in the room that I talked about which I said was America is not an elephant it is a it is some type and it turning into a monster it is turning in which are happening what you're watching in Washington d.c. Is you're watching the children of the devil those that truly do serve the devil many of them not all of them they're beginning to show they're taking the mask off you're beginning to see who they are what they're about what they want what they hate what they're going to do what their plans are they're ineffective presently because Donald Trump has a purpose before they get to take over their positions in evil Now that's a merican is Babylon the Great you cannot deny it is the great superpower of the time. Now in these analogy you have ancient Babylon in modern day Babylon then I like to liken it also to a woman we're about to break the sound barrier to a woman. A which someone in the verses I'm going to read is involved in witchcraft in sorcery in the occult in Europe let's say the nation of Germany who would be let's say that there was going to be a high priest of Germany who would you say would have been the main priest high priest of Germany years ago in the occult would you say it off Hitler would you say that Adolf Hitler did worship the devil Well the evidence points to the fact that he used everything that he could from the world of the kingdom of darkness in the occult and the s s was known to be they were Satan worshipers Well who would be the the prime which of that time would you say could be a bit on Brawn I'm just throwing this out I'm not saying to say Von Braun I don't know that much about Germany's history but I don't know but this jump to America in America. If I'm right eventually there will be a top say tannic priest coming in not here in power yet but who would be the high ranking which of all of American history. Is just my opinion I don't know but I've been looking at the scenario with Hillary and Bill and their involvement in the occult the Hillary she would fly to California to meet with the witches coven when Bill was a governor of Arkansas this is documented I talked about in previous programs were breaking the sound barrier hang on. Cheney Bill is involved he likes voodoo he likes Bhutto because he likes to see the power and what can happen with the voodoo Hillary she in seances she has conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Ghandi These are practices that the Bible forbids you're not to have discussions with the dead which the dead are dead but the spirits that were with these people at one time or pretending to be those people. Chairman Mal had a spirit that ruled him and I think that spirit is now moved forward about 40 years and could be or Spike 50 years maybe could this be as a the same spirit that is now presently in pain according to even Greek mythology some of the. Other cultures these spirits don't die they go on from you know generation to generation they continue they don't die and there is a this is the spirit that was with a Judas Iscariot that entered into him when he betrayed Christ that's the same spirit that will eventually be an anti-Christ it's to come can this principle happen with people throughout the ages like Chairman Mao Now that g Jinping might have that spirit of Mao And what about the top chief priest which in America who could that be. Well I'm going to read some verses here about this person that's a type Isaiah Chapter 47. This one come down and sit in the dust or virgin daughter of Babylon sit on the ground in abject humiliation there is no throne for you oh daughter of the Kal DNS for you shall no longer be called dainty and delicate with 2 elections now the election of 2012 when she lost to Barack Obama 2016 when she lost to Donald Trump Hillary would you say that she's now sitting in the dust sitting on the ground like just a common woman she has no more power the throne that she had been trying to attain to it says that she sitting in abject humiliation and there is no throne for you old daughter of the keel DNS The Kell DNS were a group of people that ancient people that the whole culture was involved in deep dark sorcery witchcraft the strong astrology things of that nature the occult world it appears that Hillary according to what I've read has been part of that world and now it says in verse 2 take millstones and grind grain unto flour in other words you used to do something that was important in society but now you're going to basically do the tasks that the common man does grind meal into flour. Then it says remove your veil and take and strip off your nice skirts to remove the veil means now you get to see who is behind that veil has this been happening with Hillary Clinton with Donald Trump during the campaign when he had his debates with Hillary do you think the veil and all that she is was removed so that all could see is very interesting these verses remove the bale and strip off your skirts now she was dressed you know is discouraged can be something that hide your shame is it is it could this mean that now. That Hillary Clinton really is. And the shame and what she is as a person is being uncovered look at Bill and Hillary we everybody talks about this is kind of a joke it's not a joke because people die. They talk about all the people that get the flu that hang around and have been involved with the Clintons x. Bodyguards doctors friends people that work that were in bed with them in certain businesses. They get the flu these people die thence faster Excedrin. Then it says in verse 3 people are going to see your nakedness. Your nakedness is going to be uncovered it's going to be exposed what you really are is going to be brought out into the international news so that everybody can see Benghazi. And her comment so what. I'm trying to remember the exact quote. Well then concerning monarch adoptee we came we saw he died something like that is everything being exposed literally like these verses are talking about I believe they are could Hillary be the chief Witch of the United States of America in all of us history could she be the high ranking priestess which. There isn't a cold world we've broken the sound barrier we're still going faster than the speed of sound I presenting this to you to get you to think could it very well be that we are so close to the end of the world that now the demons of Hell are going to start to come out into the societies of the world to deceive people to get police people to believe that there is a new wonderful age of Nirvana coming or is it actually the opposite are we getting reason world getting ready to move into the darkest darkest time ever in the history of man could with this scenario I'm presenting to you I'm just presenting it to get you to think about it. The Redeemer says this is Lord of Hosts. He says. He's the Holy One of Israel he tells he says this in verse 5 sit in silence go into darkness oh daughter of the Kelby Ans You shall no more be called the lady and mistress of kingdoms how many how powerful was Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state how powerful was she when she was the. The the 1st lady how powerful was she when she was the 1st lady when Bill Clinton was governor she has sat in the highest places in positions in the world but the Lord says she's no more going to be called The Lady and the mistress of kingdoms meaning she's traveled quite a bit. She will no longer another translation you'll no longer be called the queen of kingdoms so could Hillary be a type of this Babylonian woman in Isaiah Chapter $47.00. That says that 2 things are going to come to her in verse 9 a movement forward because we're getting close to the end of the hour we've broken the speed limit we look I'm sorry we've broken the sound barrier and we're going to have to slow down here pretty quick these 2 things should come to you in a moment in one day the loss of children and widowhood they sure come upon you in full measure this is talking about a nation but I'm using it as a type about Hillary in one day when she was last at election the 2nd time Donald Trump she could not even come out to face the public she did not she sent what's his name the skinny guy. Evil guy. Spare kooker dude what's his name I think of it she sent him to come out to tell all the the Democrat people that were in the audience that she was not going to be able to come out he talked to her more about it tomorrow the next day. They say it will come in t. In one moment in one day loss of children would a hood then they shall come upon you in full measure they shall come upon you in full measure. In spite of the multitude of your claims to power in spite of her claims to power she did say she would be president which was given to you by the assistance of evil spirits the assistance of evil spirits it talks about a type of evil spirits helping this. Mistress of Babylon. In spite of your great abundance of year in Chapman's which means sorcery witchcraft the people around you involved the witchcraft the coven people. You have trusted in your wickedness you have said no one sees me but your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray you said your heart and mind I am there is no one beside me I believe that Hillary in my opinion has been saying she has every right. Part of me to be the president of this country because she's qualified she set everything up she had senior executive services in place she had all the different aspects of continuity of government in place there was no result I want to say. Happy just continue to do. So anyhow she had everything set up there is so much. Pardon me that. There's so much that she has done to set up her presidency that it's unbelievable but the thing is God said no God sent a tomato from across time and this tornado interfered with Hillary's plans. All of her cold magic could not help her to become president all of the witch craft of Bill the blue doctors in Haiti that had been helping Bill and Hillary for years did not have the power to put her in position. Then it says that eventually verse 13 she's wearied with your many councils and plans but now that the astrologers stargazers not big prognosticators stand up and make known to you and save you from the things that should come upon you. These things are not going to be able to save her now she may want to try to run for president again but I believe these verses are saying in Isaiah $47.00 that God is not going to allow it and I read I should read a verse earlier that says that God Himself is going to be the one to be able to bring judgment on her I don't think that there's going to be prosecutions coming I think that the she's going to escape laws of man. Right what only God can do what's coming I don't know but it says that no man will touch or only God will touch or. So all I know that people hope and wish that they could lock her up I don't think that'll ever happen I think what's going to happen issue just passed away like so many other people like the course of Man there's a time to be born there's a time to die and I think that this is the future for Hillary. Bill I don't think Bill's long in this world things are moving too quickly there witchcraft according to Isaiah cannot help him anymore there witchcraft is not power on a powerful enough to stop the judgments that are coming from heaven the man will be able to touch him heaven will and one of the judgments that came was Donald Trump. Because God has a plan to protect this country for his purposes and it's going to be done till he decides that the next plan the next step is going to be made and that would be after Donald Trump is out of office what's happening pray for Donald Trump because we're praying for him you're going to be praying for yourself he can only help the nation and the people of this country the other administrations didn't the coming administration won't so we'll. Now we're going to go ahead to deploy chutes so we can land safely on the ground by going to help one of the old out that say God bless shoes on God bless your families God bless everybody that you love God keep us protect you will be back next week Rick Rodriguez 36 he a chancy dot com podcast to the program all of the sound you can leave. For the hour. Christy faded lay it baked toasty stoned blazed suited when you're high there are a lot of ways. But there's only one thing you need to remember driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal everywhere if you feel different you drive different Bracci buy Nitsa and the Ad Council. RINGBACK Did you hear that that's the sound of money blowing out your walls an attic no matter how new or well built your houses everyone pays for utilities car best way insulation at 303-469-0808 or online at best way insulation dot com In keep your cash in your wallet where it belongs. Enterprise no code kid agency when shopping it in for Store dot com That's promo coach agency. Big Brother mainstream media government coverups you want to stop tyranny will so does he lie from the Info Wars dot com studios Gates Alex Jones. It is Wednesday. October 9th. 2019. Point live in very. Interesting times. And we're learning who will really have the mandate of heaven will it be Donald Trump of the American people or Libya the vicious murderous try comes that again hold 'd the record for the most people ever killed times at least 3 times 45 times what Hitler killed twice what the Soviet Russians ever killed that's from their own numbers and that's who dictates to us from the moral high ground of what can be in a Tiffany's commercial or what a online video game of it can talk about or say in America or what the n.b.a. Managers or players can discuss sure what can be on the shelf part.

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