Transcripts for KHTE 96.5 FM [96.5 The Answer] KHTE 96.5 FM

KHTE 96.5 FM [96.5 The Answer] KHTE 96.5 FM [96.5 The Answer] April 15, 2017 180000

It's to make that gift this week and how fitting it is Holy Week the week the week of Easter celebrate Easter with me please do it this week by putting a Bible into the hand of a person who desperately needs one here's how you can do it go to Walsh freedom dot com and click on the open doors banner at the top of the page that's walls freedom dot com and in click on the open doors banner in with a credit card a 55 minutes man that's all it takes will pick up the phone right now and call people free 877-318-6819 Again that's 877-318-6819 put Bibles into the hands of persecuted Christians today just this week we're doing that piece helpless 87731868 thank you for go to Wall Street I'm gonna. Grow up. This is the Joe Walsh program Congressman Joe Walsh publican Joe Joe Walsh if you're a pastor we know you can be underestimated and under the weather you get overwhelmed and maybe overdrawn 96.5 f.m. The answer will celebrate the pastors of Central Arkansas at a pastor's appreciation luncheon April 27th at Little Rock it's free to pastors it will have prizes a fantastic lunch and a message of encouragement from Pastor Jack Wales to register search keyword pastors at 96 the answer dot com. If you're the mom of a city. Secret Keeper girl was made for you. To. Enjoy life worship interactive Bible stories and games on modesty bashing shelf and special moments with your daughter that you'll always remember secret keeper it's the most fun you'll ever have a digging into God's Word coming in one. To the other Greek Assembly of God church in Little Rock get tickets now at 965 f. In the answer dot com Breaking news stimulating to the 6 by the d.n.c. . It is a Salem media group on the. Fox News Radio I'm Joe Shapiro vice president Mike Pence hopes to reassure South Korea as tensions escalate with North Korea over its nuclear program passes now on his way to Seoul the Carl Vinson carrier group continues to steam closer to North Korea and China is now urging both the u.s. And both Koreas to cool it in a statement it said quote The United States of South Korea and North Korea are engaging it tit for tat with swards drawn it bows best we are all parties to refrain from inflammatory or threatening statements or deeds to prevent irreversible damage to the situation on the Korean Peninsula adding to the volatility the tropical ministrations resumption of leadership on the world stage an about face from the Obama doctrine of leading from behind actions Doug McKelway North Korea rolled out intercontinental ballistic missiles and other military hardware and a messy parade to celebrate the birthday of the country's late founder President Trump is spending the Easter weekend at his Mar-A Lago at state in Florida this is also the 2nd day in a row that President Trump has spent the morning at his Trump International Golf Club so nothing official on his calendar this Easter weekend this is billed as a as a family weekend but he is continuing to be briefed by the National Security Council about this North Korean threat he's also continuing to be briefed about the ongoing fallout from his decision to strike Syria and the u.s. Military decision to drop that big bomb the mother of all bombs on Afghanistan boxes Kristen Fisher thousands of protesters are expected in about 150 cities nationwide demanding President Trump release his tax returns. What are getting on our show you my taxes Well he's been a man and he's not only having no service or taxes he bragged about not paying down the protesters in New York City EROEI was also planted the u.s. Capitol in Washington it was doing the Fox News Radio fair and. Can you tell if this burger contains bacteria that could cause kidney failure listen. Can't can you can't see it either there's only one way to tell if you cook meat and poultry to a bacteria killing temperature use a food thermometer it's not an extra step for a nice to have or under cooked meat may contain bacteria that can make you very sick or worse. One in 6 Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year and roughly 3000 will die but you can keep your family safer by using a food thermometer every time and more about this and other important information check your steps and food safety. That's safety. Public service announcement brought to you by the u.s. Department of Agriculture in the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and the council Afghan officials now say at least 90 people were killed after the u.s. Dropped that massive bomb and an ISIS cave complex it was the biggest non-nuclear bomb ever used by the u.s. Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger in Iraq and Afghan war vets says the blast did a walk to fight terrorism I think the messages that was not just that we have cool big weapons we do but it sent a message that we're willing to do what needs to be done to destroy these terrorist networks around the globe and singer on Fox and Friends some Democrats believe the bombing only damages the u.s. Effort to fight terrorism by supplying ISIS with more anti-American propaganda at last April that your raft has finally had her baby with papa Oliver looking on April's baby is wobbling and wiggling and standing up and by the end of the day it's expected to actually be able to run on its own the birth was an Internet sensation with millions looking in on April's giraffe can that Animal Adventure Park in upstate New York the park's going to have a contest. Name the baby the Twitter verse a lighting up over the birth with comments like congrats to April and Oliver and not having a giraffe a mo d. At a time like this is a crime still NATO Fox News and who study choosing your best Facebook profile photo if you're looking to upgrade new research suggests you're better off asking a stranger to pick it out researchers at a university in Sydney Australia conducted a study and found strangers will select the image which makes the person look more confident attractive and trustworthy saying people make poor choices when selecting flattering images of themselves for online profile pictures which affects other people's perception of them basically others are better at seeing our best features than we are ourselves I'm Kristin good when Fox News world's oldest person has died in Italy Emma Morocco was 117 years old I'm joking here Fox News reading. Through her. Why yes I believe we shall live with here. Life a little bit same place radio talk radio a journey into the things with I'm your host change that thanks so much for joining us whether you're listening live on 965 f.m. The answer in the central Arkansas area or online via 965 f.m. The answer dot com or if you're listening to late on the podcast or on Krypton radio I'm glad to have you as always got a great show for you today we're going to we're going to get a geek own Seguin own up in here geeky Zac how you doing this I'm just fine afternoon I'm doing great man going to go see a movie after the show after the show today is that right yeah I'm going to be a great movie Campaspe boss baby Zack Zack watches you got a lot of movies I do now that Zach are our heart. Working producer without whom the show could not happen well let's get through some show notes here and then we'll get into the show we're going to do a I haven't had a good new segment a while just due to the format of the topics a guess I had so we're going get in get some news in and then later in the hour we're going to dig into some of the not so fun news for Marvel Comics that's been going on. Recently as are you my opinion is going on for a couple of years but some of the self is finally coming home to roost. And then of course they've had a recent thing with an Indonesian artist inserting some stuff into a comic book that was not Marvel's fault so we'll talk about that later in the show you can this is live talk radio you can call me at 581-823-0965 or you can tweet me at shame plays that's s h a n e p l a y Yes. And speaking of shame plays you go to shame plays dot com And I've got show no set for today show right now at Shane place dot com and you can see the news items are we talking about and then also the art of the articles and what not related to the marvels if you want to know more about any of the topics or news items that we talk about today in the same place dot com Last week's show is also up on the blog and that's why talk of p.c.i. Is Henry Lopez about the arcane is the world of shattered empires r.p.g. System and its update to fit the dish and that was a good show go check that out and this show I love talk radio live talk radio I love it but this show also goes out as a podcast on the blog of shame plays dot com i Tunes Google Play music stick your i Heart Radio and many other fine fine podcast directories I also put it up on You Tube So look for the same place channel on You Tube And last but certainly not least the same places also carried a week delayed on Krypton radio replayed on Saturdays and Mondays a week delayed our Krypton radio kept on radio. Is size 5 for your wife I Krypton Radio dot com I think next week we're going to talk about Dr Who His Today is April 15th if you're listening live and Dr Who returns tonight the Peter the last Peter Capaldi season which bums me out because I like him as the Dr I'm waiting on him to get some really good scripts and step we'll talk about that more next week after we've seen the 1st ep episode that that premieres again tonight or that premieres tonight. What a welcome to have a new sponsor Little Rock comic on the Little Rock Comic-Con is Arkansas' original comic and to a convention the 27000 Little Rock comic on his May 20th and 21st in Britain Arkansas look for Little Rock Cummock on Facebook or visit l r Comic Con dot com admission is $10.00 a day or $15.00 for the weekend tickets can be purchased through event right until May 10th or at the door $2700.00 special guests include Jason font of Power Rangers time force Gary chalk the voice of Optimus Primal from Beast Wars just in them oh the Power Rangers in space comics artist Timothy Lin and u 2 personality up to bottom of this and more coming out meet the special guest enjoy moderated panels costly and costly contests dealer booths and lots of cool comics toys and d. Culture fun don't forget the after party at Dave and Busters 7 pm that Saturday night after party events must be purchased in advance or event right by May 18th dealers artist tables are available now 2017 law Comic-Con is May 20th and 21st in Britain Arkansas live from Iraq Comic Con on Facebook or visit them at l r Comic-Con dot com So welcome and I'm going to be doing probably a live remote from that show. As well as you know we're doing some cross promotion stuff like that that would be cool to check that out folks are about to get in the new segment I've also got Michael Brown comedian Michael Brown who's a recurring guest a great friend of the show and also he's the host of brain trust with Michael Brown which is a You Tube geek. Culture Quiz Show the only one of its type that I'm aware of so he'll be on here a 2nd we're going to kick off the news here in a 2nd but I wanted to also mention next week after April 22nd is tabletop day international tabletop day time a tabletop games and the central Arkansas library system Next Saturday is doing an international tabletop day event from 9 am to 9 pm a Hillcrest Hall at 15 a one cabin all Boulevard all ages are welcome and they'll have tabletop games door prizes or more check that out I'm not going to talk a lot about this right now but we'll talk about it and weeks to come the Arkansas Comic Con not Little Rock Comic-Con That's May 20th and 21st but the Arkansas Comic-Con is going to be September 9th and 10th at the State House convention center that was just recently announced so lots and lots of cool cons and stuff like that. I got a Zack I got a super secret message from Michael Brown you think you go let him in the side hatch they're Ok go ahead and hit me that. Turn on the microphone in the in the newsroom there if you will but there's that hard work and news team. Gotta love them they worked on Saturday there's some news items are going to wait till Michael's in the seeker's I know he'll want to comment on them but I do want to talk about Nintendo ever nobody understands this when nobody gets this move by Nintendo intended so has discontinued the in the us classic I have a news item from could talk to. Nobody gets it this thing came out a couple months ago right around Christmas was a huge seller it's the little miniature looking original Nintendo Entertainment System. Huge demand people love it hard to get one big seller and for some way for some reason they decided to stop selling it and they've confirmed they confirmed to i.g.n. That it will no longer produce many in the us assumes the North America in 2017 is at least in 2017 and their statement is throughout April in a way territories will receive the last shipments of Nintendo Entertainment System in the s. Classic Edition for this year we encourage anyone interested in obtaining this system check where we tell Alex regarding available to you right e-bay is about to get crazy Ziggy to get these things so and a representative for Nintendo added to i.g.n. Anya's collectors classic edition wasn't tend to be an ongoing long term project however due to high demand we did extra extra shipments to original price this is Ok so as could talk you. Into their article like single stream plays dot com Check this out this is how the particle given the widespread excitement interest and sales of the unit has classic it only makes sense for Nintendo to stop selling it. Makes no nobody gets this and then nobody way you get you got it you have a. A classic system that everybody wants Mike Brown is in the building comedian Mike Brown of brain trust of Michael Brown go and grab your microphone turn on that red button next to it if it isn't already. In the Say Say Say The quick brown fox took over the years go brown I'm gotta live there oh all right you're there we're both we're in cool hats today we are I've got my door on and you've got your floppy it's not efficient What is that it's a bucket hat it's a market hat but I bought this at the Washington Monument monument in Washington d.c. Back in the ninety's so it's a monumental hat for you to monumental that during Bill we're just talking about inexplicably for some reason intent it was decided to stop selling these mini N.E.'s classic systems. It's got like a rom and it was like 30 classic N.E.'s games yeah I've seen them just for summer if they're super popular Yeah we're just not sell them anymore nobody gets it. Has could talk you put it they said given the widespread excitement interest in sales of the Us classic it only makes sense for Nintendo to stop selling it so I don't know worse yeah that's the only news item that I've saved some other stuff because I wanted you and Zach to be in the room so welcome back to the show thank you for having me thank you for bringing me back yeah no problem I was held on the way in that the shows that I'm on are some of the best shows you do exact loves some Mike Brown I love some Mike Brown right on but that definitely love some the Mike Brown Yeah you got you got you got it you got it man whatever it is you got it so nice Yeah so. Go ahead I love that I never can say it right the little elevator pitch you have on what brain trust is brain trust yeah my game show is You Tube's only live audience geek centric pop culture trivia game show period on Youtube out of all the millions of people run you to where the only thing you're like what we are. You don't even say that we know of anymore No convinced on that yet I have not been proven wrong in almost 2 years now right well tell you I've got a new sponsor for the show Mike and that is Little Rock comic on you and some cross promotion and you're going to be there I am our show's going to be at Little Rock outlook on that Saturday morning hate when I am May 20th and 21st man to go on Saturday morning so you can see brainer I'm pretty sure I want to do a live remote from smooth little comments great so they are Futurama edition How come that on that show so it's going to be nice it's going to hopefully your guys won't do too much of a bin during the night before. I had there and I'll pay anyway good stuff move on non. Yeah but I don't recall Mike over the last Comic-Con he's cool dude Yes Guy Yeah I called him up he's like yeah just across the road works for me bro he has and he's the only game in town this summer well we've got one l. Oh that's true yeah the 9th comic on the end times barely going to mention them because they're not a sponsor right but just in the interest of love and on geek culture I make sure people know about it yeah but that's not for my that's the September so I am also speaking in September I'm doing some work with Spock on again in Hot Springs but let's move on nice Ok I saved this news item right stood and we're going to plow through these news items can't wait because I want to talk about Marvel Comics I will but I haven't had a good new segment a while so I've got a lot of news items here so we if this may be like the. What do they call it the bonus round or whatever we're liking riding around so I say this because I know that you and Zachary both going to want to say some but this yesterday of course dropped the new Star Wars The last I teaser trailer teaser truly don't mean what a used to teaser used to be you got like 10 seconds a little something and now you got like a 2 minute but they still did a great job but he's not 10 you anything yeah they're going on their back out of 0 contact with whatever 8 more months Star Wars I see that shot shoot 1st shirt you know I recently watched the. The special edition of The New hope for the 1st time in a while because obviously wrote one and you know I want to watch Oh yeah absolutely and I run through 13 times now and it gets better and better and better and I liked it to begin with yeah fantastic movie yeah. And I think it's the last thing we talked about when I was here yeah things though yeah I went through all that just just geek in on it totally. So I watched the New Hope special edition and the only 2 things that bug me about it from anymore it's been a long enough time now that the only 2 things that still bug me about it are of course the hand not shooting 1st debacle thank you that must have the show well it changes the whole nature of the character it does write it's not just a minor thing huge because Hans Solo went from being a scoundrel who would shoot you rather than talk to you to hero the rebellion a great character or took away the right guy or progress of the character I think Exactly and it's just ridiculous it just doesn't make any sense at all right I'm grito I'm 2 feet from you and I'm going to shoot the wall it just makes Yeah no since. The only thing that bugs me I really hate the scene where they where they have gone talking to job before he's getting on and walking across his tail and job of the hut is not a buffoon character not a. You know slapstick like I'm going to have I'm going to put my finger in your face and walk on your to you know what I'm saying and yeah does it make sense yeah and originally when they filmed that it was a human character and they were originally but they should've left that out the whole thing yeah I agree and and then just throw in a little easter egg at the end by having the little 3 2nd or 2 2nd cameo Boba Fett just kind of do it right. Helmet mug to the Arias scene in there yeah that's some fanservice right there oh yeah it was it was useless it was lethal you this Ok Well yes gone their way so really quick. Star Wars last I trailer that Zack what excited by the trailer I was impressed and I mean I just love the last words by Luke Yeah when he's like now my throw this is a trai

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