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In my community for people facing hard times computer skills into a super resume are so important may seem like a small thing but it makes a huge difference in people's lives so with United Way creating a program or a work with the homeless together we go through their whole job history a resume and then save it on the very own u.s.p. Trying to provide workbooks and transfer to 6 I even budgeted for cupcakes so we can celebrate as a class when one of our people gets a child that's huge when somebody says a man they only applies for I got it that's what living in the United it was like to me my name is Dale position to help people achieve financial independence so I don't just wear the shirt I love it give every kid volunteer living on a good living on a daughter work Prachi by United Way and the Ad Council America's fight against opioid addiction could tech take a step forward this week President from peripherally promise an emergency declaration in August after his hand-picked opioid commission headed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made an urgent recommendation emergency declarations are typically used for hurricanes and floods but used the one to combat a nationwide epidemic with no obvious end point might require unprecedented resources President Trump choice for drug czar Congressman Tom Reno withdrew his nomination last week amid accusations he helped big drug companies passed an industry friendly law at the White House John Decker Fox News tax reform by Christmas that's what Senate Republicans are pushing there are a number of areas in tax reform that lawmakers in both parties want to see address so there will be some common ground that they can work on and the White House has been actively working to get Democrats involved and Lindsey Graham is also trying to win over some Democrats by promising to offer an increase to the minimum wage phasing it into $10.10 an hour arguing that businesses can absorb those costs if they're not paying as much in taxes as Garrett Tanny some Democrats argue the plan would mostly ban. With the wealthiest Americans you can expect a few punchlines in the nation's capital later late night legend David Letterman will take the stage at the Kennedy Center tonight to receive the 20th annual Mark Twain prize a special will be recorded at the Center for the Performing Arts and features a star studded cast of Letterman's friends and colleagues including top entertainers and comedians the evening pace tribute to the humor and accomplishments of the broadcasting icon who started as a weather man in Indianapolis Indiana pastor sapience the prize have been Richard Pryor Carl Reiner and will be Goldberg this special will air in November on p.b.s. Machelp Leno Fox News some of those paying tribute to Bill Murray and Martin Short I'm camping you sound Fox News for a gal. If you've ever wanted to send your child to a private or Christian school but always assumed it was too expensive we can help we're offering this half price to which India Abundant Life School Health care is in training their children to become godly young men and women by educating them spiritually mentally physically and socially called today if either one or 04656 l. Can get your child started at a budget night school for 1st your 12th grade and this is just one of the many schools we're partnering with see them 965 f.m. The answer dot com the car and truck doctors are ready to diagnose your car or truck problems every Saturday at 9 am technicians from local bumper to bumper certified service centers will offer you very advice it's every Saturday morning at 9 am only on 965 f.m. The answer detailed information for your car or truck can be found at Joe's Garage 5601 crystal Hill Road North Little Rock w.w.w. Doug Joe's Garage in a large dot co This is the Sean Hannity Show on 965 f.m. The answer at. Best talk show on Hannity is gone now. I think the signs it has become. Opportunist who does the bidding of a dictator I think I just later self promotion is a terrible thing but clearly somebody has to do it but we're not getting the job done and I'm not going to blame myself I'll be honest they are not getting the job because I'm not happy about it and a lot of people are happy about it holy cow elbow showing. One Else. Well. Then. A. Final Round up should overload our to fear the world we have organized and led to 3 quarters for century to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain the last best hope of earth for the shank of some half baked spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats and shop problems. He says is unpatriotic catchment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history no idea what is happening there just Senator John McCain news roundup information overload our 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program we've been talking at length on how Donald Trump. Has totally almost singlehandedly now dismantling Obama's imperial presidency and the latest on the Iranian deal in the latest on the health care deal last week or just the 2 biggest examples Donald Trump and then of course we got Steve van and saying that what's happening with what happened in Alabama is just the beginning to clarity war on the as stablish meant Rhino Republican Party that has yet to get anything done Mitch McConnell is literally ground 0 in this battle in the fight Joining us now is Senator Rand Paul who was very instrumental in getting the president to pay attention to the 1974 law that exempted corporations that had businesses in different states it allowed these businesses to buy their health care across state lines and basically it was a cooperative and they weren't subject to the burden of state law nor at the subject to the burdens of the Obamacare rules or regulations and now people can form their own cooperations associations and they have the ability to have the same benefits that the corporations do that means the buying power that let's say restaurant workers would have or radio workers would have or any industry workers would have they can now buy across state lines once this is implemented they can have the buying power purchasing power of big groups they can buy across state lines and they can even get plans like for example a catastrophic plan which is illegal under Obama the single best thing that could have happened for Obamacare considering the colossal failure of Republicans to keep their promise to repeal it and replace it and Paul was instrumental in all of this how are you Senator quite good yeah what the president did last week to legalize individuals to join associations about across state lines it may be one of the biggest free market reforms ever in the past generation it also may be the biggest thing that will allow people to escape Obamacare because people are going to be able to get out of those individual marketplaces out of these Obamacare plans and they're going to be able to get the kind of a. Sure and you're right the big corporations have this what Pepsi has it's what Coca-Cola as it's what Amgen Amazon Microsoft these big corporations offer a risk appliance So what we're doing is saying hey the individual's going to be able to get Arista plans now and do their size they should be able negotiate lower rates but also through their size they should go to negotiate good terms meaning good insurance Well I would think that this would allow a lot of the things that you would I have talked about real solutions for years and I think you're one of like 2 senators and then the freedom Caucus members that actually discuss things that would work like health care savings accounts like who operated So I mean I think you and I have been the biggest supporters of health care cooperatives because they actually work and you can couple those cooperatives with some type of catastrophic insurance if you have a an accident a bad accident or get a heart attack or get cancer and what about great thing about this yet the great thing about this is doesn't cost any federal money the president mentioned this also this isn't a big federal program like Lindsey Graham's you know block grant thing that cost a trillion dollars in grants this causes 0 this is let you have the freedom to form associations and buy insurance and it costs 0 taxpayer money well I like the idea for all those reasons but we still really are just threading a needle here because Obamacare is still in place and if Donald Trump is president even a years I mean the next person then is going to undo what the president did here and then we'd be back with Obamacare No the have it the problem is we had 6 senators who voted to repeal it 2015 I brought up the exact vote this time I brought it I made a vote on the exact same vote again a bill and an exact same bill it would have revealed repealed the employer mandate the individual mandate would repeal it all of the taxes would have been a trillion dollar tax cut as well we could have done it with just Republicans but we lost Republicans who were for it and then got weak kneed and voted against it. So this is a real problem and we're struggling as a Republican Party trying to determine who we are anymore we've got a budget battle going on and I told the president that I want to help the president on the budget and I said I will vote for the budget as long as the spending doesn't exceed the caps but guess who's asking to exceed the caps John McCain John McCain and Lindsey Graham both of them are insisting that we exceed the caps and that we spend money that is above the caps that we put in place and so we have conservative Republicans saying no no the budget should should stay within the spending caps but then you have John McCain and Lindsey Graham saying oh no no we want to spend above the caps and we won't vote for any budget unless it spends above the caps I got understand that you said something that I've been saying now for a while and that is the Republican Party does not have an identity any longer they really don't have an eternity Well there's a fake identity there's the identity that every congressman every senator goes home on the Republican side they say we salute we need entitlement reform and it's going to be in the budget in Tottenham reform but mark my words they will not do it they will not introduce any bills that will reform entitlements because they're afraid of their own shadow the the actual budget has like 6 trillion dollars where the savings on on entitlements but it's a fiction they will not do it their savings for next year and so this week when we get to the budget I will introduce an amendment that says the instructions for the budget should allow us to do entitlement reform and you watch this photo it's going to be interesting to watch the Republicans squirm because they'll all say they're for it but I promise you they'll vote against the amendment they will not vote to allow budget reconciliation to be used for entitlement so then I think you sound like me I mean because I agree with you about Lindsey Graham I agree with you about John McCain I actually read tweeted you last night but you're not even aware of it are you well I am but I'm coming today I'm upset today I'm mad I'm mad at Republicans who really don't believe in anything they say that the join the club because I've been saying this shouting this on t.v. And radio for money. Some months they suck and they have no identity and they don't work and they have no vision for the future of this country I mean it's pathetic the Republican party I've been close and know it Danity it's a false identity they project that they are a force you want to say to everyone they are for entitlement reform they're all lying they're lying. A lot when they said repeal and replace there are 100 Republicans in the house that never had any intention those 7 senators have voted to repeal in 2015 and you all you needed them to do is vote for the same bill in 2016 when it would have had and they didn't do it so they were lying to the American people is not true it's nonstop this goes on it just every day it's one more thing but I promise you they're going to vote for a budget that says oh do entitlement reform but I'm going to force an amendment vote and on the amendment I will say Ok let's have instructions in the bill as to how we could do entitlement reform with a simple majority through budget reconciliation and I guarantee they'll all the know we're also going to do it on Obamacare I'm going insist that they revisit Obamacare on the budget and I'm going to say let's put instructions in there that says that we can still repeal Obamacare I'm guessing that most Republican leadership will vote against me on both of those amendments on guessing you're probably right so now we're stuck with what now the president signaled today that he might be willing to cut a bipartisan deal to stabilize Obamacare because it's spiraling out of control he called it a quote short term solution so we don't have to worry about this transition into what you encouraged him to do and he spoke for you know minutes after he met with Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray and those are not 2 people I have any confidence in and I'm going to tell you the worst of them all is is your fellow Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell can't get a darn thing done we shouldn't bailout Obamacare I won't vote to bailout Obamacare we shouldn't give the insurance companies any more money what should happen is the people who are trapped in the individual market should be allowed to leave should be allowed to get group insurance through these health associations we should do everything possible to speed it up and I can tell you I was with the president for you know a good while the other day and the president said he's going to try to speed this up he wants people to as soon as possible be allowed to leave the. These individual markets these Obamacare markets he wants them to get group insurance across state lines and he's telling his people to expedite this and do it as fast as they possibly can let me play your fellow Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell talking about excessive expectations because I don't think they were excessive expecting repealing and replacing Obamacare and I don't think the excessive they get tax reform that we need in this country to get the jump start the economy and incentivize businesses to invest in factories in manufacturing centers in energy so that we can get the forgotten men and women in poverty on food stamps and out of the labor force you know back climbing the trajectory to success here's what he said. You're very. Early. Next. Part. Of. Our. Commerce. Artificial deadlines complexity of legislation and excessive expectations the president hasn't been in this line of work before now there was a moment when the president and Mitch McConnell I don't believe it for a 2nd Rampaul I couldn't disagree more on that this is an artificial deadline we had 6 years we've voted previously to repeal it what has to happen is voters in the states of the 6 or 7 senators who change their vote need to let their people know loud and clear go back and do what you promised you promised to repeal it we promise to repeal it we didn't ever promise that we were going to replace it with Obamacare lite we promise to repeal the damn thing we ought to vote and I'm going to continue to force them to vote as many times as I possibly can on repealing the thing I mean that well you know not going to do it but they're not going to do it I mean that's yeah which are haps it sends perhaps it sends a message back to their voters that their voters need to reassess their choices more with Rand Paul and then Ainsley Earhardt is going to stop by from the Fox and Friends program Fox News Channel that straight ahead. 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You know nationalism of the president and you know you went after John McCain I thought rightly so on this you know after what happened in Vietnam we lost 58000 Americans and through the prism of politics we stopped fighting when we basically pull out after so many people died with the same thing in Iraq 5000 people dead we pull out if we don't have any intention to fight and win wars why are we fighting them anymore and I think this is really the problem this is where John McCain's had it completely wrong he's been he's wanted to be involved if he had his way we'd be in 12 different wars right now in 12 different countries but we wouldn't declare any of them one of the race ways that our founding fathers said that we would unify them and that we would rally around the flag is that we would vote as a body in Congress and we just wouldn't go to war unless we voted in Congress George Bush actually even though I disagreed with the Iraq war he did come and he voted we voted on the Iraq war I would have voted with him on the Afghanistan war because his people harbored those who attacked us so but both times he came to Congress and voted since and we don't vote we're just going on decade after decade and McCain and Lindsey Graham of the chief architects of these wars they have never met a war they don't like they're everywhere all the time agitating for a war they're bankrupting the country and yet we fight and a half assed way and we are policing and we've become policeman Look I've talked to our Navy SEALs these are these are some some some great guys and when you talk to them they say will do anything that you need us to do anywhere around the world anytime but the mistake comes when you ask us to go plant the flag and create countries for you because we're not policeman. We don't want to be policemen and we don't want to be into nation building but that's John McCain Lindsey Graham nation building everywhere Well I'm going to tell you something I mean if we're going to fight wars with any intention of winning them then not stop put these guys in harm's way to begin with and what happens every time now we fight we begin a conflict which we can win but when we we literally put handcuffs on our soldiers the rules of engagement they can fight back and number 2 I mean we don't have the stomach politically to see it through and all those people that put us in those positions are running for the hills if it becomes politically and viable in their eyes it's all about how it affects them it's not about what the right thing to do is when I think we have to be you're right we have to go in when we do go to war it should be rare and when we do go to war we should go to win but then we really do after come to say as we've been in Afghanistan for 15 years now it is nothing more than nation building if they will not stand up and fight for their country after we've given them billions of dollars of of weapons and uniforms and you name it we've given it to all and if they can't stand up and fight for their country they're never going to have one so it's sort of a little bit like welfare you can't give people welfare forever because it saps their incentive it's the same way with supporting foreign countries they have to eventually stand up and fight for themselves in Afghanistan it is time Obama put 100000 troops in there and you know the Taliban slink away but they go and they wait they wait they will always wait they wait for a 1000 years the people who live there need to stand up fight the Taliban if they're going to fight them but we can't do their business forever I like Rand Paul mad you should stay mad more often. You're definitely more effective when you're pissed off by the way my staff of the do a better show when I'm pissed off all right thank you for being with us we appreciate it when we come back a little Ehrhardt of the Fox News Channel's going to stop by in studio and much more as we continue when we come back more of the best of the Sean Hannity Show Stay tuned. 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I always struggled with like Ok so what's my story and it suddenly dawned on me that I was the beneficiary of these radical changes in you know women's rights and opportunities that began in the sixty's and continue and that I could have and maybe should have tried harder to tell that story but I quickly add as you point out I never thought there would be that receptive an audience and I think that what's happened since this election may have cracked open I hope it has I hope you know I'm seeing tens of thousands of people on my book tour and I'm now shaken you know about 78000 hands and book signings and spoken to you know $10000.00 more and I've got much still to do there seems now to be a willingness by more and more women and girls to claim. Their rights in a very explicit way not an apologetic way not like oh you know excuse me let me express my opinion but no I have an opinion I want to tell you what that opinion is can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia I was 12 years old when my publicist basically talked me into doing things that I didn't really want to do and that sex before and he tried to convince me that this was the right thing to do and go tell your parents to do 3 and started at 11 years old it's well we have to make people realize that children need to be safe on the sets and they're not safe Raja. Asians you 5 ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein. The little. Bright young you know you. Are and I think. You're a murderer here we're seeing. Here of your own free will. As someone coerced you into being if you count Harvey Weinstein of the course you know I'm not afraid of anyone in show business I turned down intercourse with Harvey Weinstein on no less than 3 occasions. So the Harvey Weinstein scandal continues here and it's getting worse by the day and here's the most fascinating aspect of all of this is how come you never hear all these people in Hollywood that supported the Clintons over the years interviewed one either Broderick and she accused Bill Clinton of rape I interviewed Kathleen Willey who said she was groped and grabbed and bondal been touched and kissed against her will I interviewed Paula Jones who says that then Governor Clinton dropped his pants and said Kiss it how come the media never plays this and why did they were they so supportive of Bill Clinton that's it cried the scene where he was biting on your lip and then when it was all over it was leaving. Up should you better put some ice on he casually put on his sunglasses and walk out the door it was a terrible ordeal from a guy no woman should be subjected to it but it was an assault he assaulted Yes And you did he touch grab car holding yes against your will yes and it's an allegation that is not made by one woman it's made by multi of us said Well. I needed a gallon or something and next thing you know he called down he seen Paul and he stands he's how everything he was exposed and assy and I'm not that kind of girl and I need to be getting back to my time I do yes. So beyond despicable beyond hypocritical Ainsley Earhardt the co-host of Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel each weekday morning 6 to 9 is with us she's got a brand new book out this is number 2 in a series it's called through your eyes my child's gift to me you know it's fact I'm going to ask this question through this prism when you have a daughter and I have a young daughter and I saw your daughter on t.v. With your dad is and you're Mr Earhart sir I know I know with the South that sir yes sir yes ma'am no ma'am I don't I right as I can put his mike on. There you got to get you got that you got to get closer to the mike Yeah you got to talk a little louder want to call me Sergio nonono I'm glad but it makes a difference I mean you literally make such a big difference in life what are your thoughts you've been covering the Weinstein thing you know when you play all those sound bites the girls who are accusing Bill Clinton of thus it sounds exactly like the stories about Weinstein I don't think any of us have ever thought about it has that happened so long ago until you brought it up Sean you know could you imagine if the shoe were on the other foot if this were President Trump Oh the mainstream media would be playing it over and over and over yet they're not really cut. In thing not right not for you know not and you know now we're seeing that it was a lot of these stars are coming out of the war I think it's the tip of the iceberg I had 2 women on last night Tracy Mecurio was on an actress that has been in movies and on soap operas and then we had a Jones who was with the Pussycat Dolls and it's him music and it's in t.v. And it's in the movie entertainment industry and these young girls go with hopes and dreams and this is how this is why my parents would never write Dad what they never wanted me to major in Peter and they didn't want me to go to New York at an early age that was the truest current one big reason yeah yeah I remember the only modeling was she corrigible growing up but she behaved she was trouble all to that is I'm not sure what you're getting We confuse with your son Mr all oh so she was an angel in your I don't know about an angel that I was the middle child he was a middle of the road operator that would put middle of the road a little child's Is that right. Well you know you think of it and I know this is a 2nd in the series by the way that the illustration the new these books that you do are phenomenal thank you and your 1st book was take heart my child and that was your dreams for your child I happen to see you guys on the show this morning your and your daughter is an angel girl is adorable and that's your granddaughters are that's right Ok And so now through your eyes my child's gift to me and I started thinking about as you got your talking about it this morning Sam get in southern y'all and this is what was interesting to me is when you watch kids and it's raining outside they love the rain you know to us it's an aggravation you know if with the snow it's an aggravation for kids have it you know and they for example you buy them a beautiful gift or a toy and all they care about is the plastic that they can pop you know like I mean we think it's the greatest gift we ever got I know and I mean so talk tell us about well that's really what the book is about Shawn it's just. It's it's sad watching your children and learning from them and being able to as an adult say I can grow and learn and learn the importance of life and what's really important and that's through the eyes of a child because you are sure your schedules as busy as it was we live in same lives I mean we don't go go go go go all the time path and those your child stop you and you go wow your child's name is hate and hate and there's your child that you find yourself stopping and saying I'm so stupid I just I myself I've always been a worker you know and like you I say yes to everything that Fox ever asks me to do and my schedule is packed I have I mean literally minute to minute it is packed having a baby has slowed me down in the fact that I'm not afraid to leave work and go to attend to her or go to her classes and just put my work life on hold for an hour you find you're getting better at saying no because I got better as I'm now I just started my 23rd year at Fox believe it or not last year Gratulations Well we do without you thank goodness who would have thunk it are the last man standing at Fox that I give him in a studio docu believe that if you really think about it we're from South Carolina I watched you I would remember that was the last thing that we would do every night we'd watch a show and he got about not get up an anchor the local news and now working with you and if in a correspondent for your show and I'm on your radio show you don't bother like you've been there 11 years now Ramos 11 almost 11 years what did you think missed when you read this book because I'm reading it my kids are older now my son's 18 my daughter 16 and I'm realizing there were those moments if I have what I do have one regret that I wasn't home enough because I was working so hard and but I I remember my kids would like they would stop and pick up a rock and then I mean come on let's go go go go go No they then they pick up a flower and I'm like I'm stop with the stupid flower then they pick up something else that was annoying me and I remember at the time I was pretty good at realizing right it's more. Sort of they play with the rock the me to drag them along like they're a puppy dog and I understand that that's of interest to them but I shall fight you know they always say the simple things in life are the best things in life and that certain host through in raising children on a Saturday on a t.v. Station you know a gift from God So no matter how bad they are or how good they are they your was your responsibility that if all men love them and and cherish a man you know the little moments that we had with with all 3 of ours will probably won't so we were sitting together talking of at the beach somewhere sitting around on the beach and just been in family Joe that was far more important and get a new color or a new house or whatever it might be some new toy What I Like he said I think they had more pleasure playing with boxes that it always came in and I know right away you know I'm looking through the illustrations and you have like a snowy day with an airplane and the kids are ecstatic you have a scene in a park a fall scene and illustrations are beautiful and then you have a little girl chasing birds and the book and a story around that think it's in a playground which used to give me odds at a because I thought my kid was going to break his neck and then then kids hanging out at a pond and just running around and playing with the dog and then you know butterflies and flying kites and going on little boats. I don't know about your life I don't get to do that anymore I know I barely gets a pretty thing but it's I think we rob our kids of their childhood a little well you know the pope has it's really it's been interesting to see how all this is unfolded the 1st book was about all the little messages that Dad would leave me next to my cereal every morning a scripture a point and it was called Take heart because there's a scripture in the Bible that says in this in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world and I think about that we talk about Isis we talk about you know all North Korea take heart I have overcome the world and that's kind of the message our kids teach us who learn to breathe learn to take a step back and truly smell the roses and you've been able to do that this is help you it's helped me I'm working on it I'm perfectly not reproduction as I am I mean I'm not I'm not perfect at this I'm trying but I'm learning I'm really just learning to to take a step back and watch my daughter and appreciate her seeing a dog for the 1st time it sounds Elaine from I remember from the 1st book you did tell that story that Mr Earhart's or you you would leave notes for all the kids right and Bible verses did you have any idea would have the impact to inspire Ainslie to do a book like this no not really shown just for the surprise eventually Yep them all are written down somewhere and I saw still have a file for a house that I would kind of run out on my have to go back to repeat and yeah you know see my family is just so shocked that I'm not in jail I mean they're really I was far more incorrigible in my life I will go there. I guess you say that's your brother Ok well it turned out Ok how does it feel to. And this is just the fact now that the president of the United States of America that you're his favorite show there's been articles read written that Fox and Friends is his favorite Cho I don't one of them I think yours is too he I think he's watched the shut up but yeah all right it's great yes you know the mainstream media are the liberal press want to write an article about you know we give soft interviews or we do that that is not true the vice president told one of his folks that works for him told me that my interview was tougher than he gave 3 of us interviews at 1 point one was not our with me and I can't remember the other wise and he said that mine was the tougher one out of all 3 of them which I took great pride in because I planned my questions the night before I talk about it sometimes I'll call you and I'll say Sean can I run over the questions with you or I'll talk to people on my staff and I'll come up with really hard hitting questions and things that I think our viewers are going to want to know I don't want anyone to think it's a softball question but I do want people to think we're fair and I think we are fair well and you work very hard to get these interviews as everybody does and I notice that Brian was was there earlier today one of the things you should be proud of is by far you you double your competition you beat them combined and and that's an amazing accomplishment especially considering how tough morning t.v. Is we have great grace and I just want to I will tell you this is the best illustrated book with an incredible message I think it reminds even those of us that are adults that we need to slow down a little bit and we can learn from our children that their gifts from God and they have wonderful things to teach us right mind us about you're going to be out in Huntington tonight a book reviews I don't box in about an hour and 15 minutes from right now Huntington 7 o'clock book review Brooklyn tomorrow night at Brooke Mark shot which is on 3rd Avenue and that's at 7 pm and then I'll be at r.j. Julia booksellers 6 pm on Thursday in Connecticut then I go home to South Carolina to sign books in Myrtle Beach on Friday night Saturday during the day in my hometown in Columbia and then on Sunday I'm in. My mom's hometown talk on Ainsley Earhardt Books dot com to see the schedule or any of my social media and if I want to buy a it's on my website to Hannity dot com Ok and now for the sign books so tonight a book review and Huntington if you want to go to any of these other ones it's on Aynsley Books dot com or handed me a car and he's legally Earhart Ainslie our heart books that that's I got to get it right oh all right if you want to buy a signed copy of the book you can go on Aynsley Book dot com Well congratulations it's a great reminder for all of my guys and girls of Honor which is the military charity that's right all right Mr Earhart circuit bus you good to see you I've got to you got to be proud of this little girl very much so proud of all 3 I'm just not. Going to have like the back can't go I'm all right quick break we'll come back we have an awesome Hannah date tonight 9 Eastern on the Fox News Channel quick break right back we'll continue. This story. This is. 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That's going to wrap things up with the night we are going to blow wide open the real Russia conspiracy collusion story it's all happening tonight on the Fox News Channel Hannity at 9 now Sarah Carter John Solomon our good friend Greg Jarrett nuking rich and Peter Sweitzer all break this down for you in an understandable way and I bet the rest of the media ignores it because they are corrupt you don't want to miss it that's happening tonight 9 Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. This is the best of the best this is the Sean Hannity Show. 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What will a Trump White House mean for your investments and your retirement find out on the David Lucas show this Saturday at 10 am right here on 96.5 f.m. The answer breaking news stimulating to 965 f.m. The answer is family click a service in Salem media group on the message as a l.-m. Much. More fuel for a political fire I'm Pam who sail Fox News President Trump isn't done with Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson who criticized his condolence call to the widow of a fallen Green Beret in a tweet this morning the president said wacky Congresswoman Wilson is the gift that keeps on giving for the Republican Party a disaster for Dan's the war of words erupting after the congresswoman who heard the condolence call said the president didn't appear to know sergeant led David Johnson's name she also says he told Johnson's widow her husband knew what he signed up for the president defended that phone call he spoke to. Fox's Maria Bartiromo tougher than dealing with the heads of countries believe me these are very very hard calls this sad and sometimes you know the grieving is so incredible a portion of that interview airs next hour on Fox News Channel some support for the president's plan to overhaul the tax code it works for everyday Americans it works for employers that work for bringing more jobs back from overseas Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on Fox and Friends President Trump says that he wants tax reform passed by the end of the year but that he's going to be very disappointed if it takes that long he wants it done even sooner Fox's Kristen Fisher in an op ed in USA Today the president says with my plan in place jobs will grow and family incomes will rise many Democrats argue the plan doesn't focus on middle class tax relief on edge in central Florida a neighborhood in Tampa where police believe 3 recent murders are connected we don't know if this is one individual we don't know their color we don't know the race their ethnicity their sex there's somebody on knowns.

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