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Regen privacy by your very own personal private e-mail address is available to you at Reagan privacy dot com Go get your regular e-mail address right now at Reagan privacy dot com That's reg and privacy dot com. The world welcomes the new year and the sobriety it's now 2018 everywhere outlying u.s. Territories the last across the threshold right here president greeting reporters on the way to a celebration as Mar a Lago state of Florida last night but we're going to have a tremendous year stock market I think is going to continue to go up. Companies are going to continue to come into the country and doing it they are soon to be a record with the also tweeted wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to not only friends and supporters but also enemies and haters New York's ball drop in Times Square was one of the coldest on record just 10 degrees colder with the wind chill but the polar bear plunge is still set for later today on the beach in Coney Island a deadly start to the new year in Iran and now in a 5th day of demonstrations that started over economic issues expanding to a call to end the government corruption what you see is is Merriman a send off the 2009 uprising but I feel a sort of far deeper than that and a lot more promising he's with one opposition group demanding the removal of the Islamic regime and a new government Iranian state t.v. Now reporting at least a dozen protesters killed in all in saying security forces had to repel armed protesters trying to take over police stations and military bases this could be a big year for both NASA and the private space industry in the u.s. Since the retirement of the space shuttle fleet in 2011 NASA has been relying on Russia to fly u.s. Astronauts to and from the International Space Station as it waits for private contractors to be ready to perform the task at a fraction of the cost this is the year both Boeing of space x. Are to test fly their capsules with a human crew to the orbiting outpost space x. Founded by a scientist entrepreneur Elon Musk also plans to fly its capsule unmanned to Mars Brown vaccines their end. All money managers may seem pretty much the same but while some money managers may recommend High Commission investment products. Fisher Investments avoids them. Some money managers may have hidden and layered feet. Fisher Investments never does. 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Now legal to buy recreational marijuana in California cities got to decide if they want to allow sales or not but once a business has city permission the state bureau of cannabis control run by Lori Ajax can issue businesses a state license but most banks won't work with people in the cannabis industry as the drug is still illegal at the federal level we've been working with the state treasurer's office we've been working with the administration everybody's working on the banking issue and we're hoping that this can get resolved but we are going to be prepared to take cash for licensing fees she says they've already issued hundreds of licenses and expect thousands to be issued this year as Jessica Rosenthal a feast for college football fans ring in the New Year with some more college football action starting at noon Eastern with the Outback Bowl as Michigan faces South Carolina 30 minutes after kick off their Another New Year 6 will get started with the Peach Bowl as 7th right Aubrun battle number 12 central Florida at one Eastern 14th right Notre Dame and number 17 El as you will do without the citrus. Will then the college football playoff semifinal starting with the Rose Bowl as number 3 Georgia battle 2nd ranked Oklahoma 5 Eastern one of that game heads to the national championship next Monday to take on the winner of the Sugar Bowl between top ranked Clemson and number 4 Alabama that kicks off at $845.00 Eastern that the politician Oh Fox News suffer low Bills fans are partying like it's $999.00 that's the last time they made the playoffs now they're back in the postseason rays after being Miami yesterday and some help from the Baltimore Ravens who lost the Bengals to the Bills will face the Jaguars on Sunday after the Chiefs host the Titans in the other a.f.c. Wild card match up on Saturday in the n.f.c. It'll be the Rams hosting the Falcons then the Panthers visiting the Saints 2 n.f.l. Coaches got fired right after the season finales the Raiders dumping Jack Del Rio After 3 seasons and a 6 year run with the Colts is done for Chuck Pagano and he said Brady found his radio. Broadcasting from the reeds metal studio or today pick up today at 5 o 177 metal the mixtape bells were classic for me t.v. Is a story of love betrayal and redemption and I think that I should pick all of it and to get a little rebut that it comes to women who are a true democrat from 1942 years after 941 Casablanca one time Casablanca Jim Johnson all the towns in all the world starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman I was in college or the most beautiful woman ever to visit because I'm black and that was a gross understatement Casablanca shows one time only Tuesday January night at 7 pm at the Riverdale 10 v.i.p. Cinema sat. In Casablanca December 19th 41 as cynical American expatriate encounters a former lover with unforseen camp locations get your tickets now at Riverdale 10 dot com Casablanca Tuesday January 9th at the Riverdale 10 from days. Me t.v. And 965 at him the answer I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship listen everywhere you go with the 965 f.m. The answer app follow us on Twitter at 965 f.m. Every day in every way we make the argument that the individual needs to be empowered we got to get the government off the backs of job creators let's start celebrating people that take risks Hugh Hewitt 965 f.m. The answer. Morning Glory America 1st brand new day of the new year with broadcast a part of it didn't broadcast yesterday but this is the 1st broadcast day of the new year and you are with me to 2nd hour thank you for doing that is our tradition to begin the 1st broadcast of every year with Dr Larry on the Hill tail college marching to the ideas that animate every discussion it's also my intent to get you over to Amazon dot com to order my new book The 4th Way a conservative playbook to a lasting Republican majority it's link to Hugh Hewitt dot com vital that you get this most important book that I've ever read cetera thing down that you're doing right now go order a bunch of copies for yourself your family and more importantly any elected Republican official that you know any conservative with any amount of power in the country and start sending them off so they do the right thing from the beginning and stick with us because now we're going to go into the modern philosophers obs and Lock Oh my gosh this is tough stuff Dr Larry are in is my guess is the president Hillsdale College all these conversations are collected at you for Hillsdale dot com Everything else they'll Hillsdale dot edu but I'm telling you this is tough stuff Dr Arne I don't think you can make these guys interesting Hobbs in lock that's who we're going to cover now and you left off Milton who might have made it possible to make Hobbs interesting. I have always hated Thomas Hobbes and I know I'm with a guilty conscience I'm supposed to love Locke but I can't for the life of me read him without falling asleep explained to us Hobbes in Locke Well 1st of all I'm going to try to and group those 2 because I think they should be a good group. But you know they are actually riveting reading I haven't Leviathan isn't an amazing piece of writing and it's a story he's bright. It is. Like me Macchiavelli without quite the poetic force but it is a drama it is a very dramatic and powerful attack upon the world as it has been conceived before the modern philosophy early in the book there's a chapter called of reason and he says there that reason then is but a scout or a spy to arrange abroad and find a way to the thing to say. I'm quoting that from memory but I can remember when I 1st read that I went wow because you see one of the things that's going on in modern philosophy especially in the early part of it is if we're going to shift our focus from how men ought to be to how they are then it actually comes up that what we should be thinking about is what they want and in Hobbes it is systematic that your rational faculty is a servant of your passion it is a reversal of the classical doctrine that happiness comes from virtue and virtue consists specifically in the subordination of the passions to the reason and so the world is turned upside down in. The design other worldly things they become in the Leviathan spirits invisible like ghosts and paints and and. It is you know he gives an example once of what war among rational people would be like people who really understood their self interest there in light of self-interest they would understand that the most fearsome thing is violent death and the thing most to be avoided and so in a war if rational people were the soldiers a picture of war would be 2 armies running from one another as fast as they could go. Now that is a remarkable thing to be writing I mean think now you know we've been you know you have to restore the moral perspective here we have had our fellow citizens slaughtered in their cells and cremated in a fire that only went out few days ago that darkened the skies of New York and put a stench in the air for weeks and is a frightful thing to do to men women and children alike and thank God we have people who are prepared to go up the stairs to save their lives or who are prepared to go to Afghanistan and hunt in those case until they kill them who did that thing well. That is not the perspective of Thomas. Not knowing and he makes I have given argument for his point of view well that summarizes point of view that we ought to all be willing to give b.n. And give over to someone who keep us safe that's it and you know that the goal of I often is an argument for a dictatorship designed to preserve our security and and that is a consonant with because remember one of the parts of one of the things that's going on in early modern philosophy not so much in Mexico only because Mecca Valley is very warlike very spirited man. Harvey Mansfield with whom we've referred to before he regards it as an important thing to do to recover some of the spirit of Macchiavelli as a way to offset some of the influence of Thomas Hobbes it may be among some of this . To him as a political as an act of political education to make us fearful to dominate our lives with our fears and to excuse or to to demote and to put in the bank on our connection with God and with all of the higher things that are above so Hobbs is terribly important and you know. Me. I'll just say I found Hobbes. I you know I that was one of the early books that I found you know great books that I found riveting to read I do believe he is you could not say that about the 2nd treatise on government. Well Don you can't say that that's a terribly important book well you didn't say that was riveting No I have not found luck so riveting as. I have not but I but he says he's better why bother with a lot we can go right to the framers well because if you know I have a good friend named Thomas West and he's very wise and. He has if you go to the website of the Family Research Council you can find his Witherspoon lecture on John Locke and it's an excellent piece of reading and I agree with it I believe he's carried off something that I have for years urged him not to do in using almost exactly the phrase that you have used Glock is either part of this conspiracy that's going on with Macchiavelli and bacon and Hobbes and some others or he's not and he was very influential on the American Revolution and so the question would be Is America in its essence and finally. There is that argument out there and their their their love of lacunae I was called the great lock he was undoubtedly the most influential little Philosophers a part of and there are 2 ways you can deal with that or there are 3 ways you could agree with it but in my opinion that doesn't make the 1st bit of sense for one reason because we've always been such good warriors and of course our I had our ideal American the American George Washington who was for a. Long other things he was massively brave he was the magnanimous Aristotle description of the man of perfect virtue. And so I don't know if you can just agree that we're a bunch of lock ins in the low understanding of luck when the question arises how do you how do you cope if you don't agree and there are 2 ways that I can think of and one is you can say that the Americans were practical men and they were the slave of any philosopher they were students of the political things just as much as Eric Lee So Mr Gleason ancient Greece. And they contrived a political system that was in conformity with the natural political things they saw around them as those things had been qualified and modified by the birth of Jesus monotheism that's one way to go I have always preferred that way I think it's true but Tom with on the other hand who's a theoretic man a real ability want to redeem Locke he's not alone and there's also Mason talk of it Chicago who's more or less of this view has appeared to speak for him but he says he sophisticated man and a fine lot scholar and I heard him make arguments similar to those that come with snakes now what they quote what they do well and when they make these arguments I'll read you a quote from from Locke. If I can find the darn thing. Nature I can say has put in to manage this Art of Happiness it in their version to Mystery principles of action indeed there are large demands have tenets but these are so far from being moral principles that if they were left to their full swing they would carry him into the overturning of all morality. Moral laws are says curb in restraint to these exorbitant desires. Though that's what do you what's that supposed to mean to us well what is supposed to mean is this is not me coughing spell here this is not a man who is going down the road the Thomas Hobbes indicated where if we but govern ourselves by giving rein to our strongest passions we will have at the last a peaceful society and harmonious under the thumb of an all powerful ruler this is a man who's giving a richer and broader picture of human nature who understands that we do have these appetites but if we liberate them and follow them anywhere they will take us they will destroy us what it must curb is a moral law that is to say looking up and beyond ourselves when we come back Dr r. And we're going to turn to someone who actually is fun to read. No matter what he says America I'm warning you if you pick up a 2nd trade if you're in for a really long haul but Russo Well he's he's a lot of fun very mischievous when we return we go to the French with Dr Larry on this missile edition of the if you do it show. Somewhere in the world news is happening you'll hear it here 1st but only if you're here when Hugh Hewitt continues. I am over the moon about the my pillow dot com Buy One Get One Free special it is back Mike Lindau the extraordinary guy who invented this incredible pillow which is the best pillow I've ever slept on in my life has brought back the Buy One Get One Free It's real simple 1st of all why is this pillow so special the secret is in the patented fill that Mike invented over 10 years ago the pillow never goes flat during the night stays nice and cool you can throw the washer in the dryer whenever you want keeping it free from allergens go to my pillow dot com and enter the promo code Mike g. 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Will view hurricanes packed a 123 punch in 2017 however you slammed ashore in South Texas in August causing widespread flooding to metro Houston taking dozens of lives and inflicting almost $200000000000.00 in damage my camera is on its side. I'm basically homeless later that month it was hurricane Irma and her giant eye wall that hit the Caribbean before slamming into south Florida. I know it's going to be . Crazy causing widespread damage and flooding 126 deaths 66000000000 dollars in damage Hurricane Maria hit weeks later in Dominica before devastating Puerto Rico you would hear this was very scary very scary the scariest thing in the world I thought we were going to die in the writers'. Cage Hundreds lost their lives that storm triggering a major humanitarian crisis continues today my show is a joy. Asked about left and right Democrats versus Republicans liberals fighting conservatives the Mike Gallagher shows about life family friends how are you going to pay for your kids' college what information you need to get that promotion How do you help your fellow man tells you about standing up to power whether that's the senator who's handing out favors to big donors while the race hustlers who divide us follow the Mike Gallagher show in Facebook or Twitter at radio talker Mike and online at Mike Online dot com It's the my Gallagher show the Mike Gallagher show started 8 Now back to 965 f.m. And say. Welcome back America this is he went on a special edition of the he would show taped originally for broadcast on December 31st 2001 January 1 2002 with Dr Larry aren't present at Hillsdale College if you want a little bit of Hillsdale you call 180-437-2268 Ask be put on the m. Primus mailing list once a month you will get absolutely scot free in honor of Mr Hobbs edition of a great speech or work intellect now Dr or Russo You didn't even put on your little cheat sheet you sent me the confessions which really makes him fun. Ed you put the meal on here I once had Alan Bloom come when I was undergraduate and they herded us all into a room and he delivered of himself into our extra lecture on the a meal that not any of us understood 3 words of and so I'm for the confessions I'm against the meal so explainers so and why we have to like him well I think we should abstract from the debate between pleasure and and stern discipline the wrong side of which you have taken. Let's talk about the discourse Ok Rico is a very lively writer he interested in the pleasures and of confession to the cemetery is a very interesting thing where he. Where there is a kind of deep it's kind of contemplation is lying in a boat looking up at the sky. Pretty day and watching the clouds and so you're in a boat it's just drifting and the sky above is here is your the sweet sentiment of existence comes over you sort of fringe very. There are 2 things to remark in his discourses that seem to me profoundly important for what comes after him one is the concept of malleability. Human beings are malleable for French term of course and it means that they can be change language itself is an invention or an art of remember that the classical definition of the human being is the human being is the beast the talk has language because language requires reason and that's what we have that makes us different from the other creatures well in risotto that becomes artificial that develops over time. And that means that we are evolving into something. He doesn't have a doctrine of evolution but he has a doctrine or artifice of change with time and that ties into the 2nd thing which is what he calls the general will. The general will later becomes influential with John c. Calhoun and some American authors but also with the Germany store system as does malleability and there the idea is is that. Our Will you see say what we wish for what we intend. Becomes the measure of our politics and the way you get harmonious politics you know he begins the discourse with men are born free but everywhere in chains. Why is that I don't know but what can be done about it I'm says a 20 year old member has given you know and I apologize to every American who hears this for that even every foreigner. But it's roughly that what can be done about it I think I can say well the point is is that you have to have to build a general will we have to all wish for the same thing so it becomes an act of statesmanship the purpose of government. To get people wishing for the same thing control of our wishes and if you put those 2 doctrines to gather You can see if you understand the right way that might give a very wide to go this might lead to the French Revolution it might lead to Marx it might lead to Lenin that could lead to all sorts of bad things as indeed it did lead to all sorts of bad things more coming up with Dr Larry on this 1st broadcast day of the year all of this conversation is collected at you for Hillsdale dot com There's a button for Hugh for Hillsdale dot com the connection up to the 4 years of Hillsdale dialogue over Hugh Hewitt dot com I encourage you to go over there also to Hillsdale dot edu for their wonderful online courses taught by Dr Oz colleagues of the lantern of the North Hillsdale College but I also encourage you when you're already looking for the button for the Hillsdale dialogue that you hit the button for my brand new book The 4th Way conservative playbook to a lasting Republican majority the 4th way most important book I have ever written and now we need it the New Year is upon us we've got to roll out and get this thing go and get it done the right way read it advocated for it it is the blueprint that we need team trumps a little confused about what to do well the 4th way will tell them what to do and how to do it states in America it is the here here at Shelby beginning of the new year. 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Welcome back we're here at the with back to Larry on President Hillsdale College it's the 1st broadcast day of the year we began the last broadcast day of the year marching to the ideas of western civilization and were almost tell me of another hour and a half of them with Dr Larry on all of these discussions are collected at Q 4 Hillsdale dot com Hillsdale dot edu as a linkage here at dot com as there is to my brand new book The 4th Way go and get both of them and stay tuned Dr on Welcome back he launches really the idea that we can that a a small group of people can mold and socially engineer a group of people into all wanting the same thing and achieving utopia and I just would like to comment to the people that we have taped the 1st of these just before Christmas and the 2nd of them just after Christmas and Mr Hewitt seemed liberated to talk more to pleasure the sick. Well I do want to warn people about Rousseau because he is very much a college phenomenon I mean like needs young people are drawn to him for his his optimism about the ability to achieve this utopia you're skeptical of well I studied for so meaty with and Hobbes with Perry Newman who teaches he's very ill now I understand teaching Clint not a great teacher one of the most thorough and systematic and insightful man I ever met in my life and I owe a lot of my education to him although not my errors which I have come pounding by the minute here he was a wonderful teacher both of her so and of Nietzsche and we would read these things like the man in the boat that I just described I think the last time I read that I'm sitting in his class and that was 27 years ago or so you do see the power of it it is you know it is true I mean what do you does not every this minute remember being a child lying on the ground in the grass looking up at the sky and feeling. Wonderful by the experience imagine the same thing except lying about you not even controlling where you go you might just anywhere see the intoxicating power over so now you just by the way almost casually group the people you group through so in need and Hobbes and my guess would be you would throw in Machiavellian Marx and there we would have the bad man. Am I right yeah yeah and so what makes them bad I mean in essence what makes those the bad people well you know that the problem with ancient philosophy is that it doesn't seem to get anywhere because there are just these questions that's sort of what life is like isn't it I mean you have these things that face you when you are called to figure them out but they seem to be hard to figure out because you have a loved one taken you know why does that happen I set right what does right have to do with it people say they have to ask themselves the question you know one of the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism in the classic sense in the Reformation is the doctrine of purgatory Purgatory which has some basis in the Book of Revelation I think and I'm not professing myself a believer in that here but if there's something there to it her Kotori among other things is a way to sort of bring one of the teachings of the scripture which is a blessed thing but also confusing in some context into accord with our own natural sense of justice what if it's true that Ted Bundy who murdered all those people had a conversion at the last minute and went to heaven where is somebody who done good work home life but rejected Jesus goes to hell well purgatory sort of adds a step on the way where there can be some more punishment to kind of make it a little more right we now tackle a pair of economists Adam Smith and Karl Marx the former a good sturdy Scotsman the latter a denizen of the British Library and which doctor honored duce me by way of a lending card once to the old reading room and I thank you for that why do we need to even know these 2 people and are they indeed the the Alpha and the omega of economics Smith is a moral philosopher one of his key works Theory of Moral Sentiments and there he comes up with a theory of the human being grounded in his sympathies we could talk about that for a long time it's very interesting and the great joys of crops he has written. His doctoral thesis on that and it's well worth reading more famous in the myth is his prepared preparation of the ground for modern economics he gives an explanation the 1st great explanation and this is by the way about the time of the American Revolution for why it is a market economy works why it leads to freedom as well as prosperity in this turns out to be terribly important thing he is you know the inventor of the conception of the invisible hand my friend Sam have in place to tell a great joke about how libertarian his he says he resents the invisible hand too intrusive but what is meant by that expression is is that human beings one of the manifestations of their natural curiousness is a trait and cooperate with each other if you believe the process to work it is surprising how well it will work if it were guided by a single hand and that is one of the fundamentals of the achievement of freedom which is necessary in my opinion in the modern world and the market economy is vital to it it cannot be done if the common political power controls the property of the land and a centrally there will be no scope for private freedom that goes along with their control of religion would be the same thing or the control of the family would be the same thing and Smith in The Wealth of Nations explains why this works and how it works and that it works and that proves to be a terribly important work. Marx's a different sort of thing altogether to talk about Marx You see I think it's true of both myth and Marxist they're not mainly economists and that's not what they think they are and that's not really what their works are like both of them are trying to explain something both of them in different ways are trying to explain why things are as they are and how they are marked is trying to explain how they are as a process. Change over time and his belief is that things change because the material cause in the in the human soul that self-discipline disappears because it is the product of material cause Aristotle's doctrine had been that the soul must be nothing it must not have any matter in it whatsoever which means cannot occupy a place and and and that is the condition of understanding that is the condition of freedom. Marches idea is the opposite of that Marx's idea if you go back to think of the concentration. On things of this world ending in idea that a human being develops and that language itself is artificial then the question becomes how does it develop what is the process by which it develops and then Marx you get the most rigorous clear rigid kind of explanation in the Communist Manifesto and in capital and these are very detailed with a capital is a terribly frightfully German kind of work and it's very hard to read and it's very detailed and what he describes is a process somehow latent in history by which the means of production shape into conflicts with each other and these conflicts give rise to new developments and further conflicts till the time comes when we make the leap into perfect freedom we have heaven on earth then so this concentration of the things here on Earth come to mean in Mark's utopia on earth here in which we are all radically free Charles Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche and our guest Dr Larry Arne is going to explain it all to us Darwin of course well known to everyone as the author of The Origin of the species and. The launch of so many conflicts what do we need to know about him Well Darwin was a biologist he went to the Galapagos Islands and he conceived the idea that the species involved one evolved one from the next. He he found this confined ecology or system of life there and environment of life and he he decided they want to come from another. And the power of this comes from the fact that it is tied to this modern historicism that is full blown in Marks and and. It comes to be approved it purports to be a scientific proof that we are in fact evolutionary creatures which means that we lack a nature we are not a particular thing we are a way station between one thing and another thing and there's a lot of interesting things going on right now about Darwin there's a lot of debate about him of course. It's always saying to me by the way that. In one way the solution to the problem posed by Darwin is very simple if it were true that our nature that who we are is defined by a material process that would mean that our soul was somehow overwhelmed or dominated by a material process but if that were true we could not have objective knowledge of it it's the same problem of understanding that Mark faces when he says that our consciousness is set by storable period. And then the question rises Ok then how do you know that you just determined by history to think what you think and of course he he's a very clever man I think more than that he's a brilliant man. So I'm trying to work up some words of respect for Dr Marks and I've been taught to do that but it's hard for me but he has an out and that is well I just tend at that moment in history where you can see it all you can yeah yeah I'm exempt Well Darwin has the same problem depending on how you understand him and there are 2 things going on in the study of Darwin that are interesting to me One is there's a group of people called the intelligent design type and what they think is a Darwin's a bunch of rubbish at least the largest and broadest claims made in regard to him would be if you look about the world what you'll see is evidence all over the place of design of if you walk down a beach and you see a pile of rocks you think maybe they just got to depending on how they're conformed you think maybe they just got washed up but if you see a wristwatch you'll think somebody made an in there and it looks designed and one pile of rocks might look undesigned and another decide and if you look at the universe you'll see evidence of design and they are big critics of Darwin they're qualified biologists a lot of really smart and their arguments are interesting to me another is a fellow named Larry aren't hard who's writing books about Darwin associated associated him with Aristotle I read his book but I know him and have heard him talk about it a couple times and have some understanding of what he has to say and his idea is really to save Darwin from the charge that he is a materialist in this sense of modern intellectual historicism. And I just say that all those things are interesting it seems plain to me that this is a larger claim about Darwin that he proved that we are evolutionary evolutionary creatures cannot be true because if we were we would be it would be something material that would make it make us think it would be proved and we'd see right there America we got to come back to this this is a controversial bit of a Dr Oz presentation and it always is 1st broadcast day of the year we're talking about Darwin so we're shaken Yeah we're talking about everything that has made Western civilization what is Western Civilization Darktown of course the president will tell college all of these dialogues in the last broadcast hour of each week are collected and he you for Hillsdale dot com Everything Hillsdale collected at Hillsdale dot edu So if you had over the link by the way to that if you can't remember is that Hugh Hewitt dot com And be sure and go order my brand new book The 4th Way a conservative playbook to a lasting Republican majority in the 4th why most important book I've ever written you've got to go and get it for you and your family and all of your friends especially any elected Republican you know they turned out to be right back with Dr Larry are in on this the 1st broadcast day of the new year it's the joy. 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Yes broadcasting from the reeds metal studio order today pick up today at 5 o 177 metal I have a 30 year shingle on my work so I can forget it out of sight out of mind right wrong your roof is never not working from being baked in Arkansas Summers prefer those that are getting worried are storms proper installation and routine maintenance is the key to a long lasting roof Hi this is Joel with p.r. Roofing but us maintain your roof or help you but for a new. One or better yet but your insurance company paid for the next hail storm contact us that p.r. Roofing dot com for a free report at a constituent before you have a leak p.r. Working at Home Solutions Sean Hannity does the math on Russia now they might point to well Paul metaphor was indicted What about that Hannity and like nothing to do with Russia collusion nothing. What about Lieutenant General Flynn No that was lying to the f.b.i. That was not trump Russia collusion away it's coming it's definitely there that's not going to happen either though Sean Hannity show weeknights at 6 right before Joe Walsh at 9965 f.m. The answer if flat roofs are just going to leak false all roofs one installed properly don't leak if you're flat roof is leaking there's a reason why we can find this is Joel for p.r. Roofing at home solutions we are your work like the top of the gate the issue and help you solve the problem before it gets worse and causes more damage check our website at www dot com to schedule a free roof and gutter safety check contact us before your clogged daughter's cause of ice dam or your flat roof leaks and you have damage inside your home dot com The Mike Gallagher show starts at 8 now back to Hugh Hewitt 965 f.m. The answer being and cyber front to fans reclaim your email in minutes with 0 impact on network performance is it Barracuda dot com slash ai. Welcome back America Good morning starting your new year with a deficit of the ideas that have shaped doll the centuries before some will shape this brand new century in this brand new presidency and with Dr Larry on President Hillsdale College and we have not much time to conclude Darwin unleashed all sorts of terrible things upon the century the worst of things terrible things that by the way all the previous hours collected here for Hillsdale dot com over Hugh Hewitt Dr and we go back to Darwin he also unleashed upon the world a whole bunch of terrible political theory or at least people who consider themselves to be political theorists about the right to rule and the necessity of superiority ruling and radical inequality among humans yeah it's kind of let the best man when taken to. Savage extreme That's right and that's right that's in there it's not you don't get a picture of nature is currently in Darwin of course it isn't all currently it is both kindly and not kindly but will feed the rabbit but it also fight to defend its own it is I guess there's this guy maybe isn't it because I'm talking and here really smart fellow from Richard Dawkins' Selfish Gene Yeah right and he's a great you know I hear I've seen him interviewed twice I've got really think he wrote acting on my theory that you can only do a few things well why waste time on him but scuse me Mr Dawkins I don't know you but I must say I haven't liked what I've heard him say and he's going to sit there smugly you know and takes great comfort from the idea that you know Darwin is true great Ok Now listen we're going to have to do and all I can remember about Nietzsche is that when Alan Keyes our friend told me he 1st encountered Nietzsche he was speechless for a day he read the history and was just in the way that Iran novel sometimes or do. A young person to you know action he was struck down by start this thread what do you know about nature Ok need to is a great German poet he comes after the doctrine of historicism philosophic doctrine historicism has become full blown and in a fashion he rebels against he wishes to recover the greatness of the man in part I has the theory of the over man over mange and 0 through stress it is a character in what is probably neat greatest book in there through strategy is a kind of a preparation for this Superman church and he he thinks he wants to recover greatness he sick of this process. And also of Haykel theory of the state in which lots of competing groups join together to rule and work out a consensus. To him the regime is produced by that are the regimes of the last man who seek to huddle together for warmth and comfort and have no boldness and no spirit in them we are closing this hour with a look at Meacham the German who warned of men without chess what they mean by that well what he meant was that these various strains in modern philosophy from Hobson maybe Locke and Marx and Hegel that what they were producing was man without chest men men who had no muscle no bone no strength and boldness no greatness to them and he she certainly wished to restore that he was restored that in philosophy . He wished for a comprehensive understanding again he wished to he was very interested in the classics Nietzsche in a certain way he did something some of some parts of something that Leo Strauss also pursued and that was. He looked at it all and said This is not working that well maybe we should start over again. These doctrines are low and. We need better ones and so he did a lot of reading of the classics he read them. With an unusually intelligent. He he in the end he comes up with this doctrine called the eternal return. In a certain way that's a historical process that's not a historical process. At the end of history what comes from Nietzsche is the ability to accept and to thereby to transcend everything the great moment at the end is not of the moment a moment of individual will individual comfort and individual. Life the great moment at the end produces the great man and. The She's works especially those are through stroke but also beyond good and evil and there's they're all like this the whole are seeking 1st of all to explain how we got where we cut and to offer an alternative which becomes mostly a poetic kind of an alternative it's very powerful I remember when I 1st got to graduate school a man who was in those days infinitely older than I although he's really only 3 or 4 years older but he was 3 or 4 years older in graduate school Peter ceramicist name. He he I said time with him that when we were in the middle of these great courses that Harry Newman would teach I said why did Nietzsche go crazy and Peter looked at me and said Wouldn't you. On that note work including our 6 and we're preparing our 5 we're preparing for our 6 really everything is been a preparation for our things the American founding and it is Jefferson in Washington Lincoln and starts with a man who spent most of his life in their. Acquaintance So don't go anywhere you're listening to this special New Year's edition of the Hugh Hewitt Show. The. My gala here coming up at 8 o 965 f.m. . This is where you turn this is the huge huge. Learned love lead that's the heart of the student experience at Bob Jones University discover a university that's both academically challenging it's spiritually encouraging learn from highly credentialed faculty who share your faith and approach everything from a biblical world view the challenge to love God and others like getting outside your comfort zone and giving of yourself grow as a leader through opportunities on and off campus learn more online to d.j. 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