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Stimulating to 96 find them the answer is simply a series of single media groups on the message as am I. A deadly helicopter crash in New York City I'm Steve Rappaport Fox News federal authorities investigating a helicopter crash in the city's East River at least 2 people killed and one rescued one witness said that they saw one person aboard the helicopter come out of the helicopter using the raft we get that they need that I witnessed also that they did not see anyone else come out of the helicopter they described the crash as a helicopter landing on it died and then looking over and for about a minute and a half no one came out of the water that is according to a witness that Fox's Brian N.-S. At the scene it's not known how many people were on board the White House rolling out gun in school safety proposals in response to the Florida high school shooting that killed 17 people arming certain school staffers which could include teachers It also recommends raising the minimum age to buy certain types of firearms to 21 White House deputy spokesman Raj Shah said on A.B.C.'s This Week that toughening scrutiny before a gun purchase will also be a focus to make sure that the the flow of information that goes in the background check system from local and state state courts is more updated real time information the N.R.A. Opposes some of these measures even suing Florida for its efforts to raise the gun buying a box is going all Scott as part of President Trump's pledge to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill the proposal includes using a court order to temporarily take guns away from people deemed a danger to themselves or others the March Madness brackets are set up our conferences again dominated the brackets the Atlantic Coast Conference had 19 chosen Virginia is the overall number one seed the other top seeds are Villanova Kansas and Xavier there were a team from the Southeastern Conference 7 from the Big $126.00 from the Big East and 4 from the Big 10 boxes Bob mortality tournament regulars in order Damon and Louisville did not make the cut this year at the action tips off Tuesday Fox News fair and balanced. Wildfires burn millions of acres each year and then firefighters like James Hall battle to contain but they can't do it on. A single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. In the store your home your community or more that can be just as dangerous as the wildfire itself but you can do something firefighters can you connect Now to the pier your home and your community for wildfire you can reduce the risk do your part go to fire adapted to work gets adapted learn what you can do to reduce wildfire damage later at fire. Or a public service message brought to you by the U.S. Forest Service and the council learn more at fire and. Another nor'easter on the move there will be portions of it by tomorrow afternoon getting into the mid Atlantic where there's going to be some snow falling elevations where you typically don't see snow falling so this is something that folks along mid Atlantic we want to pay attention to but it will get closer to the shores it continues to March its way up the coast as you run through the overnight hours into early Tuesday morning is when this is done is going to be at its worst and it's really when it's going to get closest to some of these major cities like New York running up towards Boston Fox News meteorologist Adam clot some people remain without power from the nor'easter that hit the region last week a push at the gas pumps is unusual but there's been no change in the average retail price of gasoline over the past $2.00 weeks the prices to 59 for regular just as it was 2 weeks ago what happened was there was virtually no change in the way that the average wholesale price of gasoline in the stereotype and things are at a very temporary static point industry analyst Trilby Lundberg says prices will likely rise soon as the cost of crude oil to. Up a group of lawmakers are looking into the treatment of student athletes by the way the Congressional Black Caucus has launched a task force with a purpose the group says to assess the treatment of student athletes and the money that influences college sports that task force will be led by C.B.C. Chairman Cedric Richmond a Louisiana Democrat its formation follows reports about LET IT programs paying some student athletes in violation of in C. Double a rules the C.B.C. Says it will meet with players coaches administrators and in C. Double A leaders to determine if anything should be done at the federal level Fox's Jarrett helper in Washington Recapping our top story a helicopter has crashed in New York City's East River tonight at least 2 people killed and one rescued It's not known how many people ran board all together federal authorities are on scene witnesses say the chopper flipped over after a hard landing I'm Steve Rapaport Fox News Radio. Attention pastors find out now for the pastor's appreciation luncheon on April 26th that's the no was the venue in Little Rock this year. Senior pastor of 1st Baptist Church in Dallas Fox News contributor and spiritual advisor to President Trump Dr Robert Jeffress there are not 3 kinds of people in the world or just those who follow preist and those who disobeyed Christ those who take Christ word seriously and obey them and those who reject Christ words that test our faith is whether or not we obey Christ our commitment to the call surprisingly reflects our commitment to Christ will have a wonderful catered lunch door prizes to win and so much more this is our way of saying thanks for all you do for us the free passes appreciate a much featuring Dr Robert Jeffress is April 26th space is extremely limited in the side of the Right now at 96 by that that answer dot com The word Pastor. From a crossbreed holster studio. Musicians on American radio know the white bear arms because that's the last form of defense against tyranny we're making the 2nd Amendment Great thank you I am a very strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment educating informing and entertaining responsibly armed citizens from coast to coast theories your host of armed American radio mark the walls are. Going to put the notepad away here the. Hours it took to bring you to this program today I'm going to kind of toss aside because live radio happens it just happens and Congressman Massey's office and I weren't put in touch together and we were able to put that together really last minute and that was wonderful he wanted to point out H.R. 511 to his bill that he said he's got tossed in the hopper now to lower the handgun age to 18 I mean this is a guy that's fighting for you right you've got the establishment fighting against you because they're scared to death of the press one of the questions if you're listening to the last hour Grover Norquist was talking about what happened down in Florida you have a lot of Republicans who are feeling the pressure of the media and I should have asked him that and it didn't dawn on me until after the break because things were moving so quickly with both himself and Alan Gottlieb together in the in that half hour but isn't that what leadership does stands up to that leadership way Vers because of the media Donald Trump points out the media all day long if you believe Donald Trump wavers in front of the media I don't I think he plays them like an expert. We may feel it because we're so used to the Obama years right when Trump said I say take the guns 1st due process later he misspoke and those of us who understand Donald Trump knew that and I pointed out that the leftist media was correct when they pointed out had Barack Obama said that I would have gone nuts and you would have gone nuts and they were correct but there's a distinction we know that that is what Barack Obama meant and that's what he wanted to do we know that we know there's a difference there is a line of demarcation there is distinction here between the 2 men trumps wide open transparency bring the cameras in let's watch Trump be Trump Obama's administration would have never done that so it's gun owners were you know we've got 8 years of Obama shell shock there that we have to deal with but doesn't a leader stand up to the press shouldn't Scott stand up and make the comment I don't want to make a knee jerk reaction it's only been 14 days what's happened hasn't even sunk in yet we don't have the investigations done by law enforcement yet we already know the breakdown in government at every single level local state and Federal State Department family services city governments state governments the incredible breakdown under sheriff Israel who is now in hiding he's a coward come out to play sheriff I've asked your media people to bring you on this program I have lost count how many times and won't get the courtesy of response he won't answer questions he won't answer questions for me he might answer I'm from a foreign loving leftist gun grabbing media and 16 year old kids but he won't answer him for me and the feds the F.B.I. . Is that what a leader would do isn't that what Scott should have done and said whoa hold the vote I support the 2nd Amendment we're not going to make a knee jerk reaction in blindly steal the constitutional rights of millions of our state residents here between 8 between the ages of 18 and 21 because of the actions of a sick psychopath that's what leadership does there hasn't been any leadership in Florida of course there's a Senate seat in play and I think Scott my to really hurt himself in that but to give us more perspective on all of this is the great doctor a W.R. Hawkins from Breitbart News and I say throw the notebook aside because he has written more about this than anybody I know and anybody I've read since Parkland story broke and of course you can go down various rabbit holes on this story as a W.R. Hawkins has done. If you are welcome to the show I don't think I've seen anybody put in the work that you've put in I've read every word that you've written probably 3 times and you come you keep coming up with new work let's start with this before we go into your latest which is not too long ago just a few minutes ago actually but let's go here is it doesn't leadership stand up Scott as a leader is that we expect him to stand up to the mainstream media not cave into it when would we expect that. It's reasonable to expect that they didn't get it. You got a $400000000.00 gun control bill. You know disguised as school safety and that's not to say there wasn't some degree of school safety involved but that's how he left the works they put in just that they can claim it and then what do they do they use the builder a similar minimum age for gun purchases to put in place waiting periods to put in gun confiscation orders you know and the waiting periods the gun confiscation orders speak for themselves ridiculous the increase in the age to buy a gun speaks for itself ridiculous but people have to understand waiting periods should speak for themselves too because the left and people like Governor Scott will sell these as cooling off period these are times when people can't know what these are these are mandatory days that a single mom who needs a gun to stop a stalker she will have to hide in a closet for that many days until her government gives her permission to pick up a gun ridiculous this is what Scott is the tallest on yeah agreed I would say that's a starting point I think the lack of leadership here the capitulation is. I can't say well you know I boy you go back over the years and you look at the bills that Scott has signed and he we've never seen Scott put in this position and when he is put when he was put in this position we see how he reacted and how quickly he fell without supporting or more even trying to anyway appear as he has supported the 2nd Amendment over the duration of his time as governor in this really something to watch on fault really truly yes I use getting he's getting pushed around by a bunch of 16 year olds who quite frankly are ignorant of the facts emotional no doubt but ignorant of the facts and Scott as the governor's allowing himself to be pushed around and of course their parents so let's let's go here to the the band the age that the $18.00 to $21.00 Grover Norquist was on the show an hour ago and he or I'm sorry Thomas Massie Congressman Massie made the following statement he says what are we supposed tell a 20 year old wife with 2 kids of a vet. Of a service member who is on deployment and she's home alone with her 2 kids she's no longer allowed to defend her family while her husband is not in her husband's her husband's under 21 he can't either Boy Wanted doesn't have anybody in those positions at the naval bases or anywhere else throughout any of the military places and I mean come on out now do you think this is going to stand obviously the N.R.A. Filed a challenge to it fairly quickly with what you've got on that one Dr Hawkins' been to many other groups. In the race a big fish stop it if it gets before the right judge said it didn't but it depends on how many suits are filed or who joined the N.R.A. So and those kind of things. You know it's to be interesting to see Trump's push in the same thing at the federal level and so you know if they are going to file suit there it's would be interesting to see what happens. If we can push even one of these back we can push all of them back and that's the hope but Representative Miocene who's become a friend of mine is a good spot on here and bass is right you look at a 20 year old mother and I'm not saying this to denigrate military I have the highest regard for a military but whether she's a military wife or not she's a 20 year old mother at home with 2 kids and her husband all the work whether that's at the gas station or whether that's in combat was that women have been sent home by herself only with a baseball bat and a butter knife to defend herself I'm not trying to be funny I'm being serious why that is uncalled for and it's inhumane and shame on shame on Governor Rick Scott for supporting this year's my question about Governor Rick Scott I don't know that Governor Rick Scott does support it I believe Governor Rick Scott capitulated to politics here is what I but I believe he put his political ambition. Head of his so-called convictions so now now those convictions we can legitimately question and we're going to see this unfold over the coming months in the next couple of years that's what we're going to see from Scott sad all the way around I do want to point out that you may not be aware of this this is breaking down there have been 2 separate stories right now that the White House is claiming that Trump is backing off of any push to increase the age from $18.00 to $21.00 this is breaking now White House backs off call to raise minimum age to buy long guns now here we are talking about this live it's going to be difficult for us to walk through this as we're seeing it what we can do is give you that headline and of course a W.R. Hawkins' will analyze this for Breitbart News he will bring it to you at Breitbart News as he always does make sure to follow him on Twitter at a W R Hawkins' and at Breitbart News Facebook dot com slash A W R Hawkins and make sure to keep up with this because he does and this is unfolding in real time as armed American radio from these crossbreed holster Studios your prescription for freedom more with Dr A W R Hawkins for Breitbart News when we come back don't go away. The gun lovers big news for you are you looking for that perfect handgun for self-defense and trips to the range Well today's the day you can make that happen for free you know I'm a proud supporter of the 2nd Amendment which is why I am a U.S. DCA member member number $32.00 actually and for a very limited time the U.S. Is giving 10 of my lucky listeners $1500.00 each to buy a brand new camera 911 That's right 10 of you could take home 1500 who are free just go to our been responsible dot com to lock in your chances to win but this all ends on the 23rd so you have to hurry the clock is ticking and remember they're giving away 10 campers that instantly get 10 free chances to win the 2nd entered. If we go to are being responsible right now it's easy you can enter in seconds and it's 100 percent free but time is running out to arm and responsible for your 10 chances to win that's armed and responsible. And responsible 10 chances to win and you can take that 1500 bucks for that. Remember that responsible response when seconds count the police are minutes away which means if your family's in danger you'll become the 1st line of defense can you say with 100 percent confidence that you'll know what to do what about the gun laws in your state do you know them one wrong move and the one hand cupped in the back of a squad car which is why 170000 responsibly armed Americans rely on concealed carry for the latest on the ever changing gun laws and life saving training you'll get unbiased gun and good reviews and read true stories from real people who carry every day there's even a quarterly women's section with training and information designed specifically for the female shooter this is important which is why when you activate your subscription you'll be entered to win one of 4 guns just go to one of 4 guns dot com That's the number one of the number for guns dot com right now to start your subscription and claim your chance to win the gun of your dreams do you have 2 minutes for a great tip concerning defensive firearms or the concealed carry life style check out into the fray a weekly video blog hosted by Kevin editor of concealed carry magazine into the fray covers every aspect of self defense from legal and ethical issues to the latest gear and tactics accurate direct and easy to share with all your friends you can find every episode of into the fray at into the fray video dot com that's into the fray video dot com Hi everybody Mark Walters here folks whether you carry a gun already or are even considering it and this is very see. This business one of the most important steps that you can take is to join the nation's number one resource for the armed citizen the United States concealed carry Association the U.S.C. CA They sponsor the show you know who they are folks now is the time to learn how to protect yourself your family your property and your business with a concealed weapon because you never know when you may need to get us the CIA is designed specifically for those of us who have chosen to take our personal defense very seriously I put together special membership offers for the armed American radio listeners you joined the US C.C.A. Dot com That's joined the U.S.C. Ca dot com Now is the time to join to us take advantage of the incredible resources available only at the U.S.C. CA That's joint the US dot com These are troubling times in America both e-com a member today folks you know that the US C.C.A. Protects responsible gun owners if we're ever forced to use our weapons in self defense recently a US C.C.A. Member witnessed his neighbor being assaulted in his front yard he drew his weapon to stop the threat and was arrested even though he never fired a shot would you know what to say to the police and what not to say if this happened do you visit be their protector dot com for the US C.C.'s free guide the 6 things you didn't know would happen when the police arrived that's be their protector dot com. Taking on the anti gun crow once again here's your host of armed American Radio Mark Walters back please trust me holster studios with your gun lovers police 1500 bucks coming to 10 of you 10 of my 10 of my listeners are going to win 1500 bucks to buy a Kimber 1011 the US the CIA is giving 10 of you 10 chances reach of you when you go sign up get 10 chance it's free to do it's all they're armed and responsible dot com. Or you know my history with us maybe you don't I'm 32nd member of that organization it's now close to 300000 strong maybe even more by now I've lost count but they love giving away free stuff they're known for it they do it every single day the gun giveaways every day you can participate it's free to do You heard it here and I want to hear about it if you win market armed American radio dot org All right just go to armed and responsible dot com to lock in your 10 free chances to win it right now that's it's completely free don't miss your chance to win the 1500 bucks to buy the camera 911 armed and responsible dot com my pillow dot com You know you've arrived I feel like I feel I've arrived when I recorded my pillow Personally I have to tell you when I did that I thought man I thrive believe that's pretty cool ha here and in between the breaks it was a lot of fun to do and Michael and Dallas have great guy and as you know the N.R.A. Is losing sponsors and corporate partners and all this garbage because the leftist media is pressuring anybody in corporate America to disassociate themselves with anyone who agrees with gun rights so when you've got a company like Michael indels my pillow and they support us that's what that is our promo code does it helps us expand this program and get the word out to more and more stations by hiring the people that sell the programs and everything else this is how we grow to $200.00 plus radio stations around the country is by guys like that the promo code is a OUR take 50 percent off the product it's no different than where you get other anywhere else from Michael and else company it's but it's 50 percent off and it helps us and that's what we want to do is support the people that support us we could use your help doing that OK as armed American radio listeners Plus you get a great night's sleep I've got for the pillows my kids have and they love them the whole 9 yards and you will too I promise you if not there's a 60 day guarantee get your money back so there you go my polo dot com They are the promo code 50 percent off and Warfighter tobacco dot com Take 10 percent off everything on the site support the vets in the same way they support us we support them 100 percent veteran and great cigars accessories apparel glasses all kinds of cool stuff. Humidors the whole 9 yards they are the promo codes save 10 percent off everything but the sample packs are already discounted unleash the war fighter and you a W R Hawkins had to get the business out of the way brother you know how that is let's go back over to Josh where you want to start the news I just gave you maybe you looked it up maybe you couldn't because where you are but there is a report coming out right now as we speak that trump that the White House is saying that there's but that they're backing off of that I think but they're not they're not really they're not really backing off that Idol is misleading what they're doing is they are shifting that decision to the education secretary they're going to have her chair a gun I says they're going to have her chair a school safety. Course and that is one of the decisions with which she will be passed and so. The skeptic can say well better let her make that decision and choose to do that and Trump will have taking communion or a that's one or he may have pushed to the side just to let it let that whole idea that quiet so there's not the mystical I'd look at it as pessimistic would look at it but it's not accurate newspapers to say that he has he has given up on that word for let that kush go because that's not that's not the case you're hearing from someone who's very pro Tromp you've heard you are NOT talk about this on the radio now for a long time long before the election through the election up to this point well after a year later and I think. You are that we're going to be seeing you write about this probably going to be seeing something about this at Breitbart News real soon if not today sometime tomorrow for sure let's go to how rabid the anti gunners are you have a piece up at the top right now when I go and search up all your work at work and this this one really got me 17 crosses hung from gun show billboard in Kentucky because we all know that the gun show in Kentucky at the Kentucky Expo Center that happened on February 24th through the 25th was responsible for 17 murders committed by a lunatic in Florida right but yeah yeah these are just seen and acted like he was and you're exactly right you know and. It would be Is wouldn't be any stretch if someone's abuse their freedom of speech used their freedom of speech to incite some kind of terror violence that resulted in the death of a number of people if someone is holding a conference the next week and it's on freedom of speech if I protest that that would make about as much sense as what these people are doing here with this billboard as you say this gun show has nothing to do with the shooting and number one everybody must understand gun shows had. To my knowledge to my knowledge someone can maybe find one example to prove me wrong but to my knowledge I can't think of a gunman that acquired his or her guns at a gun show during the last 15 years really can't and so you get how you come to think of all the whole office that's a great point come to think of that I don't think I've ever reported on one that did but I look into that got these charlatans like Joe Manchin Senator Joe Manchin and others in there right now you know stretching on gun shows this is common sense this is not this is not gun control this is gun safety this is gun sense no it's not it's stupid and what it is is taking advantage of Americans who may be emotionally distraught right now and it makes those of us who still think logically by accessing like cold hearted people and because we keep pressing facts facts facts facts but that's not going to win the day here because Joe Manchin in these others all they're desperate to do is put a little more control on the law abiding citizens to see coming and so I view it is not job mark on The View does their job viewed as much up to be sure that I want that citizen up so they see what's coming and they reject it and we need to reject this push and we need to reject the lunacy that ends up painting billboards that say kill the N.R.A. And insert false off billboards that have nothing to do with what happened in Florida and you you put. If you did that I'm glad you put this in the piece because these 2 go well together the the piece is titled If you want to read it 17 crosses hung from a gun show billboard in Kentucky National Gun Day gun show February 24th 25 K Y Kentucky of course Expo Center and then about half way down you also include the kill the N.R.A. I'm going to get somebody climbed up on top of that thing and painted that up there but regardless these things do go hand in hand and the media puts this out and the narrative that it forms when it gets 247 coverage in a 247 cycle is disheartening to a lot of people so I'm glad that you're out there to to to shed some light on this and you're right you know I think you probably feel this to a W.R. Even people who are usually level headed because we're humans we see something like this and you know emotions kick in and when you try to fix certain people it gets harder when their emotions kick in to doesn't you feel like you've got to go an extra step from somebody but normally be rational right but exactly exactly not the goal the goal the less. Is to force a paradigm shift in each person so that we go from using our minds to using our hearts you know and if you know your heart if you use your heart well then those mean looking guns you shouldn't be able to own those and if you use your heart well then those big magazines you should be able to own those and and those people deserve some of your income too that should be redistributed and so people deserve to pay for their health care too and what they get in there and they called you a using logic it's quite easy to manipulate you into giving up your freedom given up your income and everything else and of course they you know you're you're icing you know you're following the Pied Piper. Stay right there with me when we come back we've got 2 more segments with you and a whole bunch to cover I'm talking with 8 of you are Hawkins armed American Radio's political analyst from Breitbart News back don't go away. 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In late eighty's. 11 in early 812 the town of New Madrid in the Missouri territory was hammered by 3 major earthquakes Well the ground heaved in pitch hurling furniture snapping tree destroying barns and homesteads wrote Elizabeth Russian the Smithsonian magazine like those are great the election 2016 produced 2 rivers in the United States Mia one of those rivers is thoroughly inundated with an I try never trump debris and sentiment the other is almost wholly free of those ingredients it isn't just cable news that 2 rivers effect is mostly the result of self-will that flows we direct to ourselves the a Twitter feeds and chosen for us by Facebook and Google's almighty algorithm the rise of partisanship on every issue mediated by respect for basic decency is accelerating tapping the brakes and eventually making U. Turn is what the media needs to do on here. 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I'm here on the next show we've had a weekend to absorb the news good news bad news good idea bad idea the president and North Korea sitting down together Kim Jong un little Rocket Man Well we'll have to get it all out by the next year here at. A welcome back this segment of armed American radios being brought to you by might. Have to change that music. Or who that is but my pillow works some of you were expecting this is where the 1st chance I had gotten to it the young lady in Virginia is a social worker in Roanoke Virginia who claims to have been fired for having a concealed carry permit. Her name is storm she has been named storm during my talk here today and she's been on a number of other programs and she's going to be on a number of other programs over the next couple days that asked her to join me on the show today of course Congressman Thomas Massey was able to jump in here at short notice we were in touch with his office and vice versa and a combination of Grover and grow Grover Norquist and Alan Gottlieb kind of screwed up that one didn't screw up the hour just pushed the schedule ahead and shifted everything because we had to give that 1st half hour to Congressman Massie So I'm looking forward to bringing her to the program early this week coming up check my Twitter feed I'll let you know we're tentatively scheduled for Tuesday 4 pm Eastern Time if you care to listen live on armed American Radio's daily defense will clue in on that so thanks for being patient We appreciate it very much let's go back to a W.R. Hawkins from Breitbart News A W R Let's go to court cases let's go to let's do a little speculation here you have a piece up on Gun Owners of America reading lawsuit against Trump's bump stock gun control in the 1st thing that jumped out to me about that com I thought everybody how much of a supporter you were for Trump we both have been but you're not afraid to call it out when it needs to be called out lawsuit against Trump's bump stop gun control now of course we saw what happened in Florida which the last thing last I checked you correct me if I'm wrong there was no bump stock used in Parkland School is that right. OK well back then used in one crime period and that they get and I mean one crime says this. Well and that's I guess that's important to to make that distinction because effective Now anybody that possesses a bump stock in Florida is now a class 3 Fallon. Right which is ridiculous but it's another thing Governor Scott supported you know this this is probably not the direction you want to go I'm not trying to side to I know go there go there I want to make the point I've tweeted it when he signed this bill I said this is Governor Rick Scott telling you he doesn't want to be senator Florida and then an hour later when the N.R.A. Sued him or sue the state over is done to throw us a this is the N.R.A. Saying yes Scott is correct he will not the senator in the state of Florida and I think when you look at all of these things you know we you and I spoke while ago. Confiscation orders waiting periods increase in age to purchase and now I added it above stock by hand I mean a bunch hard look I'm not I'm not being smart aleck I don't want anyone to think that I'm ignoring the fact that 17 individuals were killed but look he might as well has have banned or read scopes you know or he might as well have suppressors a school that's better suppressed we're going to buy it suppresses or suppressors used no but let's ban them that that's what I want people to say maybe if we don't use the word bus thought maybe when you're the word suppressor you see you go wait this is foolishness Yes it is foolishness the governor is passing gun to throw for the sake of gun control and then I'll guarantee you he's going to run Office and Bill Nelson he's a run against Senator Nelson and claim to be pro-gun and when he does it shouldn't take long for people to prove him wrong and he'd be forced to quit that race should be long it's interesting because we have a lot of listeners in Florida right now W.R.A.L. You're tuned in we've got listeners around Gainesville we've got them around Tallahassee outside Jacksonville all throughout the panhandle of course $860.00 in Tampa $930.00 got in Sarasota you're listening and in other areas and through other venues as well throughout the state here's the deal. I ask this question I give you I think I might have asked you this on the last on the last broadcast that you were here and that was Who is he playing to here I when I was trying to figure this out how hindsight's 2020 but at the time I was asking that question who is Scott trying to apiece here well now we know now we know we know there's there's he's got senatorial aspirations here this is also going to be a problem for Pam Bondi too by the way so you know the future for future roles anyway but it's going to be fascinating to watch because you just laid it out right there he's going to he says March on said look I signed X. Amount of pro-gun bills when I was there this was. The lawsuits involved in this are going to tell the tale so let's go back to the lawsuits on the bus Gun Owners of America G.O.I.A. Reading a suit against Trump's stock gun control we've got 2 big suits boiling up here number one age discrimination we're going to we're going to see that suit on age discrimination on 2nd Amendment 14 Amendment grounds raising the age to 21 and we're going to see the bump stocks because you now have Jeff Sessions directing the Department of Justice to redefine In other words make up a new description and call a machine gun something it isn't so that you can insert a bump stock band in it I want you to tell people if I describe that incorrectly Now you didn't say that they like. What I'm going to say is consensual observers absurd but you don't think I'm wrong I'm not what they're basically doing is they want to let us say This way they want to buy and B. W. Beatles so they have a ban on Jeeps let's just say they do so they're going to redefine the word Jeep so the change not only means cheap but it also means V.W. Beetle and that way they can use the Jeep and also by hand they did the Beatles and of course. People who are listening that get past the craziness that's reality that's what they're doing and if you listen to that then you're going to go whoa whoa that's. For them when they want to ban Chevy pickup trucks all they have to do is slightly redefine the word again and that's exactly right and that's what gun owners America's warning about if they can redefine machine guns so I cover non the single wanted to quickly to cover stocks which do not convert it's an automatic if they can make machine guns a pot above size they can make machine gun applied to anything and they can ban anything they want that is gun owners America's argument that has been mouthing that since the start and gun is America so they're ready in a lawsuit and it will be filed yes from those 2 with the bus stop and quite fascinating because I think you know what you might be wrong that bum stock might be a machine gun you know why because they're going to redefine machine gun to include bomb stock this is the absurdity Well wait a minute the Obama administration cannot outlaw stocks because they looked at the definition of machine gun and determined that the bomb stock isn't a machine gun right now we well hold on a 2nd not to Parkland let's just change the description of machine gun that would make them stock fit we can do that with semiautomatic rifles if we want to now by redefining semiautomatic rifles we can include the term Oh I don't know revolver in there somehow and make it one in the same how are you going to do that we're just going to redefine it this is a very dangerous place to be a W R I when you start redefining good I don't know how long we go to break the value on this topic it is important make this point. You make a video doing this by Lemme make a video this week doing this. I can look my finger in my belt and all I have to do is get my finger in a place where it's relatively immovable and I know that's almost conflict phrase ology but where it's relatively immovable if I can get my finger locked then I can pull that gun it gets my finger and my gun will be the buff stuck. My finger will be the buff side and I can make that gun shoot rapidly. But just bumping it against my finger and see this is what this seems a stretch but it's not a stretch so we're done with as the saying is look when these goons who don't understand guns the people wanting the Bain guns owners think when they figure out that I can make a gun to a super fast decision up thinker then they're going to want to go where the problem is not the excess or the problem is the gun right in it and then the redefinition is going to be that machine guns or Also some automatics that some automatics are also machine gun and when that argument is made everyone who sit on their hands right now go to the stun the feck me because I don't own the bum stock everyone who's thinking that way you're going to be thinking different because they're going to tell you you got 90 days to hand over your block your Smith and Wesson in the P.C. Your colt A R 50 your Bushmaster a ork to your dangle the fans they are 15 and on and on I can go because they will they will ultimately say the problem is not the accessory it's the fire on that's where the see and how much I must put this in perspective for you semi-automatic rifle owners which is the vast majority of you what we're talking about here is the redefinition of your semi-automatic firearm to now become a thought a magic firearm if a bomb stock were attached to it you follow that it's not the bomb stock back right after this. Picture this scenario 2 masked men break into your house they're armed with weapons and a look of drug fueled rage to protect your family you're forced to take matters into your own hands you do what you have to do you pull the trigger minutes later the police arrive and suddenly you're handcuffed and pushed into the back seat of a cop car pause there for a 2nd if this were to happen to you would you know what to expect would you know exactly what to say to the police and what not to say would you know who to call every responsible. 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Facebook page brings together nearly 2000000 like minded people all of them interested in effective self-defense and the concealed carry lifestyle look for the official US C.C.A. Page on Facebook find the page click the like button and start learning all you can about becoming a responsibly armed American and remember to share these great tips with all your other Facebook friends the U.S. C.C.A. On Facebook a great source for information on personal safety and so much more the revolutionary crossbreed super talk history is the most comfortable and could see little inside the waistband polls to go everywhere at nothing even comes close designed to completely conceal a firearm of any size and make to be worn with any attire pretty shorts and a T. 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Hey it's Mark you know I'm a firm believer in fate you know that about the right things happen for a reason I believe that back to that insect like most Americans I have trouble sleeping the pillow always seemed to be one of the root causes I got tired of a flat going to get tired of waking up with headaches at all hours of the night so I tried the my pillow and guess what the works and here's where faith comes in Michael and all the founder of Michael was a recent guest on the show talking about freedom Mike found out I'm a to your customer of his and has offered you a huge deal on his amazing product are going to get a 10 year warranty on a pill that won't go flat a 60 day money back guarantee and their machine washable and drive a 50 percent discount off of a 4 pack of pillows go to my pillow dot com and click on the radio listener special or call 805448939 use promo code 8 hard to get big D. 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Sin City baby love Las Vegas and everywhere in between all over the country and stations like crazy every single week more to come got some info on that but I can't tell you just yet I'll be able to tell you next week though it's close out this last segment by giving you some more of it real quick the opportunity to get in on the the the gun giveaway police you get 10 chances are men responsible dot com You can win 1500 bucks army responsible dot com Make sure to go there and do that don't wait believe it ends on the 23rd so just get it done OK 2nd one is my pillow PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AND THANK YOU to support our sponsors these people support us they put themselves out there and it's great and they do they put their money where their products are and that's huge and they love you they support you in this message and freedom and what we're talking about and it's so important so vitally important we support that Michael and Ellen my pillow feels the same way about us we feel about him and his product he found out I had one for a couple years and boom he was all over it was a guest on the show we had a great time together they are the promo code take 50 percent off the 4 pack because they get everywhere else but now you can do it on behalf of armed American radio with the promo code it's wonderful and of course war fighter tobacco dot com and they are promo code unleashed the war fighter in you in support a veteran on company that supports us you want to smoke a great cigar or know somebody that doesn't get something celebrate that's the place to get it OK Warfighter tobacco dot com If you are Hawkins this is a really interesting topic here that I kind of shake my head at the 1st thing when I heard this I know you think the way i do we think alike when I heard the veterans home in California that 3 were shot and killed terrible terrible situation out there at the veterans on the 1st thing I thought was well how can that happen in California I actually thought that what kind of gun was used because California has the wackiest strictest gun control and probably so they say gun controls in the country and they're looking for more in the wake of Florida because we all know what happened in Florida. Wouldn't be able to happen in California if they just did something more like Jimmy Kimmel wanted to do but you point out California has every gun control push in the wake of the February 14th attack the state's gun controls include an assault weapons ban universal background checks firearm confiscation laws gun violence restraining orders firearm registration requirements firearm owner safety certification requirements a 10 day waiting period for gun purchases and good cause limitations on the issuance of concealed carry license in addition the state also has ammunition controls which require Californians to buy ammunition from state approved vendors and bar residents from buy ammo out of state they're also going to have to register you to buy ammo next year when that kicks in and however none of that stopped a man from using what and doing what none of it stopped a man from Usenet high powered rifle to walk into the veteran's going to kill 3 people and. We've made this argument before and those who want to learn will learn and it's this gun control will never stop determined attacker It never has it never will make the point jump blue in the face that the last 10 to 15 years I was guilty and make it manageable name anybody name a mass public shooter name one. And apart from too apart from too I can't think of any of them that didn't acquire their guns via background checks snowboards they comply with all the left going to throw all that gun control is going to keep us safe they comply with it and then they commit a crime you look at a great example you look at. Elliot Rodger in. Santa Barbara May 23rd 2014 he had done that he passed a background check for he only used magazines of capacity of 10 rounds or less his guns were registered with the state as required and after he did all that what he did shot and killed people to say people the stillness didn't gun control ultimately it ultimately buyers criminals because it dissuades the law abiding from carrying they don't want to jump through all the hoops they don't have government lists they don't want to go through the hassle and so it creates defacto gun free zones where there aren't active or gun free zones and it just gives the criminal more targets at which to shoot and in you've got to wake up and realize that you have realize that you're behind the curve he believes. Oakland coffee shop feels it necessary not to serve cops for safety of customers but. Yours is the 1st story I saw on that and I thought you have got to be kidding me you are going to have a field day with this my response to them is fine don't call the cops when you need help what do you say about a coffee shop like this that won't serve coffee out of fear of scaring their customers but not with you they should they should be disallowed from from calling the police but you know when I found the story I went to a bunch of sources to verify executive they could not someone has misprinted this and finally I was shocked when I went to the east coffee company Instagram page I still have been that's enough they saw the announcement of having cops around put them in fear of their personal safety and I believe they said mental comfort I can't think how they worded it but it was and I'm like holy cow you. Are crazy but but I did and you know this all began with there were 6 things when they turned away uniform also they came in and they would not sorry and they turned them away and that's where the started only in California right only in California this is the law they want to export to you by the way this is the craziness coming out of California you know how not have time to go to California I wish I did I wish we had more time when they'd have your Hawkins talk about some of the things coming out of California California is pushing the envelope. To the point the state is becoming a threat to our own Republic's national security you keep an eye on what's happening out in California and the fact that you have politicians in Washington that are openly supporting the violation of law by local politicians is a very very dangerous thing to happen in America so keep your eyes on the story of course we'll be covering it over the course of the next few weeks it all has to do with our national security let's end this hour on a on a happy ending story because I love the headline again these headlines make me feel all warm and fuzzy New York and all warm and fuzzy Las Vegas and all warm and fuzzy Seattle and Portland and Tampa and Miami and Presque Isle Maine all the way from Presque Isle Maine to Seattle and down to Florida and everywhere in between when I read this I get I just get giddy suspect allegedly hits elderly concealed carry permit holder with stick gets shot 3 times a day of you are taken away that's it I mean yeah the 73 year old took a permit holder was walking back and now it's a habit and and this individual jumped out and either had a border a stick allegedly ready and struck the elderly man with it and they believe that he may have broken the old I mean elderly man's leg I mean this was the hard hit and the may be elderly man responded by putting 3 rounds hitting and. I guess it's just how it goes you know I don't want to cheapen it too much but you play stupid games you and stupid prizes and you come out in a concealed carry permit holder and hit real hard with the stick and especially the 73 you have put him in fear of losing his life well guess what the next thing you see maybe the flash out of the end of the barrel and I think that's what the suspect learned the hard way I believe that I believe the suspect was only 22 years old and he lived through the situation My guess is my guess is he may not try that again but you know if you're if you're dumb enough to do it the 1st time maybe you think you can do it right the 2nd time you tried again but if I were him I'd find a new line of work it's all the end of you are leaving at this you know lots of people go back to prison the 2nd 3rd or 4th time because they just can't figure this stuff out thanks for everything that you do a W.R. Hawkins and Breitbart News can't wait to have you back next week I guarantee you you are. Doing a lot of writing this week and we all get to benefit from the incredible work that you put in keeping us informed of this stuff love having your voice on that written word that you put out it right partners everything we thank you sir for everything that you do while it's been a great armed American radio so far when we come back in the next hour if you're sticking with us if not pick us up on a screen somewhere I'll tell you what David Cody is going to be here the man that broke the story fast and furious we're going to get all his take on everything coming until then carry on carry off and carry absolutely everywhere never leave your cave nightclub be right back. You just feel your prescription for freedom on armed American radio with more on the loudest voice in America fighting for gun laws. 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