Transcripts For KICU First Business 20140127 :

Transcripts For KICU First Business 20140127

dow dropped below 16,000 losing 318 points. the nasdaq 91 and the s&p is now below 1,800. gold made a 6 dollar gain -- oil dripped 48 cents. depsite the down day- shares of juniper networks jumped 6% on word hedge fund jana partners has taken a huge stake. obamacare enrollment hit the 3 million mark as people sign through state websites and at the health deparmtne expects to reach its ultimate goal of 7 million by march 31st. and walmart is laying off 2,300 sam's club employees. chris gersch of altimus capital joins us now. chris, you're gonna be on your toes today. no doubt about it. why is this market tanking? >>this market is tanking this morning simply based on the fact that we close in the lows on the s&p futures on friday. there was an extra 6 points of selling on friday which indicates to me a lot of weakness and a lot of other traders weakness going into the open this morning. >>what is the turnaround point for this market? >>the turnaround point was the china news that came out. the fact that manufacturing data actually the economy contracted. really that carried over to the risk markets in the far east and then over to latin america. the currencies were sold offrisk off trade. and this snowballed. a lot of traders have been waiting for this. we had an imbalance of 1.5 billion to the sell side on friday so therefore everybody's cashing in right now. a lot of brokers are telling their investors to take some off the table. >>what's your trader plan? my trader plan is to wait. i'm going into the dollar right now as the currencies continue to selloff on the foreign currencies to the dollar. my individual plan as far as going into the commodities as a safe haven away from the stocks, if we do think there's gonna be a contractionthat natural gas contract has been overbought. we're gonna be shorting that and longing the crude contract just to see if that comes back toward its normal range. so stay on the commodities and lay off equities right now. >>we will be watching too chris. thank you. >>thank you. cateripillar reports earnings today-- and traders are already on edge over comments that came from big cat on friday...the equipment maker gave an early preview admitting that sales are slipping. retail sales of machinery were down 9% in the 4th quarter compared to last year. the steepest decline was a 19% sales slide in china. the situation was marginally better in north america were sales fell 1%. now here's chuck coppola- with our cover story. congress is weighing whether to allow big rigs to carry more weight on six axles than ever on the nation's highways. proponents say it'll save fuel, reduce emissions and congestion. but in light of the huge pile-up in indiana, last week involving 18-big rigs--- some think the idea needs to apply the breaks. congress may soon allow big rigs already allowed to haul 80- thousand pounds to increase to 97-thousand pounds. while crash investigators in indiana say a sudden white out caused last week's fatal 46-vehicle pile- up. eighteen of those vehicles were semis. and highway safety groups say so many big rigs in a chain reaction is a reason not to allow them to be heavier. "this is just a tragic event and perhaps unavoidable but i think it highlights that these trucks simply cannot stop." the improving economy has put more trucks on the highway. --- hauling 6.2% more tonnage last year than the year before. that's the best year since 19- 98. proponents of bigger and heavier say it'll reduce congestion. but steve owings doesn't buy it. his son, cullum was killed by a semi going more than 70-miles per hour on cruise control. "the ratio of weight is like a 300 lb nfl lineman going up against a toddler and the occupants in the car lose when they collide, to say the least." another regulatory step being considered by the u-s transportation department involves speed limiters on big rigs set at 65-miles-per-hour. the american trucking association supports it but independent owner-operators oppose it, saying, "the real to drive up costs for small business truckers and hurt their ability to compete." owings points out drivers who oppose speed limiters are paid by the mile, not by the hour. the regulation is still under consideration within the transportation department. boeing officials are not satisfied with the performance of the dreamliner...the reliability rate of the dream is currently 98%. meaning... 2 out of every 100 flights are delayed. the jets are being built at a rate of 10 per month--the highest number ever for a two aisle aircraft, which the company says points to strong demand. however, the 787 has been plagued with problems and was grounded last january for battery issues. norwegian air is reported to be in talks with boeing about compenation for its troubled dreamliners. many americans will get a shock from home heating bills as record cold temps grip the nations. natural gas prices topped $5 dollars friday-- for the first time since 2010. as natural gas prices spike-- high heating bills could persist through february. propane users are facing a shortage caused by the early cold snap. in wisconsin governor scott walker plans to met with propane industry representatives today. about 250-thousand residents there use propane to heat homes. herbalife is facing another round of criticism. a coalition in california believes the nutrition and health supplement company preys on poverty stricken immigrants-- offering false hopes of easy money. the group reportedly met with california's attorney general friday. a spokeswoman for herbalife had no comment. the accusations follow questions from a u.s.senator about the companies businesses practices. herbalife welcomes addressing the senator's concerns. shares lost another $5 dollars friday. wall street awaits two big events this week -- the federal reserve meeting that starts tomorrow "and" president obama's sixth state of the union address. as the president lays out his agenda for the year ahead, economic inequality is expected to be largely in focus. the hill dot com reports his speech will include a call to raise the minimum wage to ten- dollars per hour. college costs, energy, and the president's use of executive action -- are also topics that could hightlight the primetime speech. the number of americans who belong to labor unions is holding steady. in 2013 there were 14.5 million union workers-- which is 11.3% of the u.s. workforce. that is unchanged from 2012. and down from 17.7 million in 1983. the government data shows union members earn $200 more per week than non-union workers. the price of stamps went up over the weekend in the largest postal price increase in over a decade. stamps now cost 49 cents - a 3-cent hike, starting sunday, as the post office attempts to recover costs. some associations are appealing the decision, saying raising rates will decrease mail volume and hurt business. the postal service called it a last resort that reflects extreme financial challenges. in ipo watch.. investors in are "enjoying" a price hike. the stock jumped 23% going from $17 to $23. in its first day of trade friday on the new york stock exchange the online service locates caregivers for children, seniors and pets. the stock trades under the ticker crcm. the company expects to lose money as it expands. possibly coming to the market -- party city. the party supplier has filed to raise $500 million through an ipo. one caveat-- the company admits the helium shortage is hurting balloon sales. despite j-p morgan's rocky year, jamie dimon's pay nearly doubled in 20-13. dimon took home $20 million in compensation last year. that's nearly twice what he received in 20-12, when his pay was cut to 11-and-a- half million because of the "london whale" trading debacle. in 20-11, he took home $23- million. j-p morgan said dimon's raise was due to the bank's performance, and the steps it took to resolve issues under dimon's leadership. a number of financial firms are under investigation according to attorney general eric holder. holder tells msnbc it's just a matter of time before the department of justice is able to list the latest on banks or manager caught breaking the law. his department has faced criticima for going easy on large companies. holder rejects that pointing to the the tentative $13 billion settlement with jp morgan chase. the attorney general is also addressing new marijuana regulations--- for banks. eric holder confirms the obama administration is preparing new regulations allowing banks to do buisness with "legal" marijuana sellers. under the current law, banks risk the threat of charges of drug racketeering. california could soon join the ban the plastic bag bandwagon. after three unsuccesfull attempts to pass legislation there, new amendements to the bill were added including financial incentives for plastic manufacturers. silicon valley is doing some damage control. the area's rapid growth is blamed for the skyrocketing cost of living in san francisco. it all started with a transit controversy. tech companies, including google caused outrage when the companies' private employee shuttles, disrupted traffic by using municipal stops. city officials placed new regulations on those buses last week. tomorrow...industry leaders in silicon valley will launch a "goodwill campaign" that the la times reports will focus on creating jobs and affordable housing in the area. food labels will soon get a facelift. the food and drug administration has sent a proposal for new guidelines to the white house. it will be the first change in two decades. it's expected the labels will be easier to read, and more clearly describe content such as sugar, whole wheat, and calories. serving sizes will also become simpiler to understand. two big names in food are ramping up business south of the border. nestle and pepsi-co are expanding in mexico. pepsi says it will pour about 5 billion dollars into the project and add four-thousand jobs, while nestle is building two factories worth a billion dollars. billionaire investor carl icahn is losing a bet over netflix stock. last october, icahn sold 3 million shares of netflix. his son brett and his business partner said the stock was undervalued. icahn disagreed and promised to pay if the price rose. well you know the story- the stock shot up from $300 to $400. under the agreement, icahn jr and his partner are entitled to about $11 million so far. still to come: does debilitating debt have americans dodging the mall?? plus...branding a pop star goes from teen role model to bad actor. an american "sweetheart" celebrates her 100th year, with a youthful makeover. that's all after this in the know message! charges of drunk driving, resisting arrest, getting behind the wheel without a valid license landed pop star justin bieber in a miami jail for a short time last week. here to tell us if the biebs brand will be diminished is david e. johnson, ceo of strategic vision joins us via skype this morning. what an image he has held up. forbes last ranked justin bieber at number 9 among the top 100 celebs, earning at $58 million. for years he made money on his good guy image. is this forever changed? >>good morning. yes it is forever changed and i'll tell you right now that advertisers and sponsors are looking for the exit door.he seems to be a star out of control. the fans are still flocking to see him right now. they flocked out last week to see him released from the miami jail but it's more of the wow factor of what's next? and advertisers and sponsors don't want to be associated with a star who's as volatile and troubled. it could ultimately land them in trouble as well. >>he's made money from his music. he has a best selling fragrance. he has merchandise. he has invested in spotify, tinychat, and sojo studios. but according to an instagram post, bieber insists his head is screwed on right and his family is proud of him. isn't this a mixed signal for fans? >>it really is. if his family and his managers are really supporting him and telling him this is the way to brand himself, it's not really working. people might say, miley cyrus changed her image and branded herself with the twerking and everything as this age's madonna. she did, but everything was coordinated. everything was part of a marketing and branding strategy. there were no arrests, no erratic behavior like we're seeing with bieber. with bieber it's his personal life that's out of control. the other things issome of these charges from last week could not only have endangered himself but could have endangered othersespecially the drag racing. >>can he overcome this? what should he do? >>what he needs to do is get in front of it. he needs to really give a heartfelt apology for any inappropriate behavior, any disrespect toward the law enforcement officers, and probably announce that he's seeking some help for some of his more erratic behavior. then he should go quiet for a while. whether or not he's gonna do it or not is the million dollar question. if he doesn't do a strategy like i'm suggesting, then what we will see is more incidents like this. then ultimately the sponsors and advertisers will be gone and it will be justin bieber maybe as a guest contestant on celebrity apprentice. >>david johnson, ceo of strategic vision thanks for being with us this morning. >>thank you. the morton salt girl is getting a makeover. to celebrate its 100th annivesary, morton salt redesigned its logo and updated the iconic image of the girl in the yellow raincoat. he now has a cleaner, simplified line to fit in with the label's sleeker lettering. thanks chuck! coming up...a slice of hollywood is on sale. the price tag for living like the star of a film classic. plus... could a stellar year of retail sales last year, dampen numbers in 2014? bill moller brings that to you, next! the american consumer is a fickle character. we're always changing our shopping habits even as retailers are forever trying to figure out how to get us to buy their wares. and with the recession waning, there's a lot of pent up buying demand. trae bodge is senior editor of, a retail coupon & research company. you crunched the numbers, what do we know about what consumer behavior will be in 2014 - different from last year? >>we were very interested to find out how people were feeling coming into 2014 and we had some really encouraging poll findings. about 7 in 10 people feel really good about 2014 in terms of the ability to save, better earning potential, and also the ability to buy the things that we need this year. so i think we're getting started on the right foot this year. >>what are we doing differently when we shop? the traditional way of course is to go to the store but now with apps out there is that starting to have an impact in how consumers do comparison shopping for example? >>definitely. we are much more well informed now and obviously that keeps retailers on their toes. consumers have the ability now to shop in the way that is the most convenient for them. obviously brick and mortar shopping is always going to be king because it's the way we've shopped for so many years. online is fairly new. although, for me i feel like i've been shopping online for my whole life but it's really only the last couple of years. online shopping is becoming a real interesting way to shop, and a lot of the late adopters and the older consumers are catching up and enjoying that as well. i think what we are seeing now especially moving forward into the new year is that retailers are offering a seamless way to shop for the consumer so you can shop online or you can shop in- store or you can look in-store and pick up online and have it shipped to you. that flexibilityis something that i think we're gonna see a lot more of and it's something that bodes well for the consumer. >> credit cards, cash, gift cards - are we changing the mix there at all? >>i definitely see that. about 60% of people are coming into 2014 with no holiday debt at all. which definitely indicates that more people are paying with cash. we found that about 65% of people did use cash at some point to shop for their holiday gifts. i think that's really encouraging. it allows people to stick with their budgets if they're shopping with cash. now i think we need to be smart about how we use our credit cards. credit cards that have benefits like airline miles or store cards that offer pointswe should be mindful of trying to pay those off every month if we can so we can take advantage of the benefits but then not carry that debt forward. we did find that about 15% of people are carrying about $500 or more in holiday debt and 10% of people are carrying about $1000 or more in holiday debt so we do have a little bit of work to do. >>trae bodge, senior editor at retail me not dot com thanks so much. >>thanks for having me. bill-- a big ticket item tied to a box office hit is on sale. old man marley's house from "home alone" located in winnetka illinnois is on the market for $3.1 million. the 7 bedroom house was built in 1899. it debuted in the classic family film in 1990. still ahead -- apple earnings are out after the close-- who better to set us up for what to expect than a one time top apple options trader. find out what he has to say next in chart talk. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ my favorite apple man is on the show today. joining us is andrew keene, president of keene on the market. com. earnings are coming up after the close. what is your play? what do you expect? >>i'm expecting apple to have a good quarter. apple's very cheap on a pe ratio. last week was the worst week that we've had since 2012. apple's kind of hung in there. the at the money straddle which is a combination of calls and puts in apple for this week and is applying a $31 move apple either up or down. i think it's gonna go higher. i think apple's gonna rally and have a positive quarter. i think they're gonna have good things going forward. >>what do you think could really be a game changer for apple. as you say, the stock has been trading around this 550 ish line for a while now. >>i think the carl icahn put is in. basically if the stock is cheap enough he will go in and buy more stock. the stock is so cheap on a pe, they just need to come out with a new product. we've been talking about apple for years and years. the apple tv was supposed to come out at the end of last year. we haven't heard anything about it even coming out this year. we heard a rumor of the bigger screen phone coming out. that would be a game changer for me. i don't think the apple phone is that great, i like the galaxy much better logistically. but i think they need to come out with something instead of thinner, faster, lighter. show me a bigger screen. the china mobile deal should be good. the carl icahn put underneathi don't know if this stock gets under 500 all year this year. >>people are nervous about the stock market. are you? >>i got nervous on friday. i usually have been playing to the long side. for the last year and a half i've basicallly been long only and it has been paying out and i have actually had a really profitable year so far. on thursday and friday i gave back some of the profits. i'm still up very profitably this year but i did do some selling on friday. it made me a little bit nervous. the s&p just continued to move lower throughout the course of the day. we close on the absolute low of the day. this is the worst week since 2012. i'm not ready to jump on in and play to the short side just yet. 1783 is a very key level. i'm not gonna look to aggressively get short until we break to about 1730 to the downside. corrections are good for any bull market. but if you are a bull like me, there are times to get aggressively bullish and there are times to sit on the sidelines so i'm gonna wait to see how the next couple of days pan out. >>thank you andrew. >>thank you. it's time for us to wrap it up. coming up tomorrow-- faithful investing. a guest shares her financial success from buying stocks that match her religious values. and if you need a little levity in your life-- check out our first business website, facebook page or find us on twitter to see us in a spoof on the "daily show". thanks for watching. have a great monday. >> now, a paid presentation for the amazing new sheer cover studio mineral makeup, giving you radiant, flawless-looking skin in seconds. hosted by brooke burke-charvet, with special appearances by stars of "csi: miami," "scrubs" and "hall pass," "the young and the restless," and "the bachelorette." brought to you by guthy renker. imagine if you could make any flaw on your skin instantly disappear. what if you could have that beautiful, air-brushed glow that the celebrities have? and what if you could do it all in seconds, with just the touch of a brush? sound like magic? then keep watching, because hollywood's hottest makeup secret just b

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Miami , Florida , United States , Mexico , Norway , New York , Winnetka , California , China , Hollywood , Indiana , Wisconsin , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Americans , America , Norwegian , American , Justin Bieber , David Johnson , Scott Walker , Steve Owings , Miley Cyrus , Chuck Coppola , Jamie Dimon , Andrew Keene ,

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