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The flooding disaster persists with swollen rivers across the Midwest some 14 states affected Iowa and Nebraska the hardest hit hundreds of homes damaged a lot of farms underwater there's an even bigger flooding disaster though than in the Midwest going on in Africa and u.s. Military teams are reportedly close to joining the rescue efforts still ongoing a week have to cite could die swept across southeastern Africa Mozambique's environment secretary saying around 15000 people still need to be rescued say for he said all sorts of reached at least 3000 now counting Multan 200 people dead they say to put City of bear out countries to book of Enoch innocent of the saying everything was destroyed because say the site has created what one described as a 30 mile y. In land ocean Simon I'd thought Secretary of State pump a hose in Jerusalem saying we're very close to finally rooting ISIS fighters out of their last stronghold in Syria threat from radical Islamic terrorism remains to finish out the last few square meters there His visit comes after the governor of Bethlehem in the West Bank said Israeli soldiers shot and killed an armed Palestinian today calling it an execution Israel's military says a soldiers all rocks being thrown in Israel a vehicle that opened fire in response you may recall last year when a bunch of suspicious packages were intercepted mailed a big time Democrats and other Trump critics while the Florida man accused of sending them is back in court today in New York Cesar say aka's expected to plead guilty in Manhattan federal court which would have heard a trial set for July he's accused of mailing pipe bombs to more than a dozen people mostly prominent Democrats including former President Barack Obama former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton George Soros and Robert De Niro a pipe bomb was also sent to the New York studios of c.n.n. That's Fox's Tanya Jay powers on Wall Street stock futures are down before the opening bell in about 25 minutes Dave Anthony this is Fox News. One minute. Does your financial advisor take the time to really listen to you is your financial strategy personalized for you and your family or your financial advisor either as your life and financial situation change I'm Gail park your mountain home and we're jealous financial advisor when we work together we'll focus on what's important you will use an established process to create a personalized financial strategy by your eyes tools and resources to help you reach your goals constantly staring at 87050881 warning or Jones for a 2nd c I'm told for the small and getting ready for us sunny day in a high of almost 60 a clear night the low of 35 tomorrow sunny even warmer expecting 67 and then a slight chance of thunderstorms Saturday and a chance Saturday night as well the high on Saturday at 61 the weather it's been a service of the h.p.r. Network customers are here advertise on my mountain talk today customers are here. From the Fox News or radio studios in New York City. Brian Kilmeade. Everyone is going to be a big our Mark Steines always humorous insightful will be joining us in studio big personality also doing shows with Dennis Miller these days Brian Brian Byrd standing professor from the King's College will be telling us for his inside the college process and they'll be part of the fun in as well as taking your calls at 186-640-8766 extension 9 you go over some of your e-mails and your correspondence that you got in touch with me during or right after the show yesterday we'll start bringing them back the next day which would be today and keep in mind you can always get in touch me go to Brian Kilmeade dot com and then his way to click on there and get in touch with me as well as sign up for newsletter kill me condense recaps every show like this one so let's get started now with the stories you need to know Brian's big 3 number 3 just kind of goes to show how easily people can be swindled into things and how our culture values getting into prestigious universities so highly that people are willing to do things like this I guess so I blame you Mom I blame you Dad that's the word from Laurie Laughlin's daughter would be a jade to the college admission scandal was exposed destroying her social media career and her endorsements are gone and as predicted the scandal is spreading up to 60 u.s.c. Students involved Now the looking at men's lacrosse they're involved and now we Parry we go across town to u.c.l.a. Where a soccer player on an elite squad doesn't play soccer you know a lot of people are asking because they love me and they ask me about a man named John McCain So I have to be honest I've never liked him much and I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted I don't care about this I didn't get thank you that's Ok. I don't know what to say to major mistakes model will could have been too great stories for the president President inexplicably keeps talking about John McCain in front of a military audience yesterday in Ohio and George Conway the husband of. Kelly n. Conway. Instead of killing talking about killing the Caliphate which is happened under his regime in Syria and it's been talked about an outstanding economy that 71 percent of the American people say is great in 50 plus percent credit him why go to McCain in Conway. Asking us to shape him into a candidate because it's all about a cult of personality and this is the Seinfeld of candidacies of flip side that was a show about nothing he's a can't campaign about nothing oh so true so far Marc Thiessen he's got big crowds and a lot of media but I don't know what's going on there now we've got something new Let him eat dirt no really they do a roaring for inspiration after losing to Ted Cruz in the Senate race actually a New Mexican dirt head out to the list of joining a new things and different things a collecting things remember he joined a hacking group a punk rock band route a fiction book where he talked about the joy of running over children combined that with an identifier positions on any subject I just wonder why the money and people keep flowing to him Meanwhile Joe Biden is getting a glimpse of the hurdles that await him when he gets into the race and they're even talking about a possible running mate right out of the gate and that's will begin 1st on bit Iraq I'm not kidding he writes in a magazine feature a glowing feature on him then he would go and meet people and try to get a sense of whether we should run for president not and to get revitalized he went to New Mexico picked up dirt and ate it. And went to some different things this is something I quite haven't heard from from adults and from human beings and they brought home some home because he's a good provider and let his kids have some I'm not sure if they took him up on him but he continues to tour at a dizzying rate to his credit he's going everywhere he's in Pennsylvania he's in New Hampshire he's going to other battleground states going to South Carolina speak in front of an African-American audience for the 1st time but he doesn't really say anything cut to. Oh yeah I am smart enough to know. That there's so much more for me to learn and the only way for me to learn that is to show up in the communities I seek to serve. He actually says I won't go I want to listen to people and find out and shape myself into the candidate they want me to be that's not the way it works I mean you're supposed to go out there and say here's what I believe this is what I know this is what I will try to do and here's how I try to do it I didn't think to be a candidate actually getting on the stump go and I don't know what do you think that's essentially the perfect way to say it he's basically the Seinfeld of candidates Mark T.'s in nails it cut 11. This is the Seinfeld of candidacies of things I thought was a show about nothing but he's a can't campaign about nothing I mean the Washing Post literally reported that he is going around and asking voters to shape him to into the presidential candidate they want him to be and help them come up with a vision Most people run for president because they have a vision for the country I mean Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren I mean I don't think their ideas are very good I think they're dangerous but give them credit they've been thinking for years about what they want to do if they get their hands on the power of the levers of power in the Oval Office asking us to shape him into a candidate because it's all about a cult of personality and it's the Seinfeld of candidates that I think will stick Meanwhile he's walking around getting big money got a big Obama donor and he is getting big crowds and he is does not have a job so he could just campaign all day and it's driving the other candidates nuts now and Joe Biden he has not gotten in yet the last major name probably the last name to not get in and we've been waiting for him for a while and he's leading in most of the polls people recognize him people like President Obama or the Democrats do and they want some more of that now just keep in mind you got to misuse their we don't know what's going on with him personally we know that he's made some money I have no problem with that they said he can't be middle class Joe and get $100000.00 per speech I'm fine you were most your life but he got a central location was family can go we know to that Hunter Well his son Hunter Biden one of his sons of course had lost their mom when he was in his twenty's and he was able to remarry and do both and he deserves a lot of credit and to tell that story would be a plus but now you have Peter Schweitzer talking about Hunter and without any international business experience right after the president the vice president visit China he walks off with an international business deal that will bring him millions listen to this cut 13. Joe Biden was criticized in the latter parts of the Obama administration for going soft on Beijing on the South China Sea on trade on human rights Look it's very simple in December of 2013 Hunter Biden flies on Air Force 2 to Beijing China with his father his father meets with Chinese officials He's very soft on Beijing the most important thing that happens happens 10 days after they return and that's when Hunter Biden small private equity firm called Rosemont Seneca partners gets a 1000000000 dollar private equity deal with the Chinese government not with the Chinese corporation with the government so he's going to answer that any candidate even on the Democratic side with this so it's got to say listen we got to be tough on China how can we do that explain the Hunter Biden deal he also has some mysterious deals in Eastern Europe don't know the answer but man you talk about Trump you think for a 2nd Trump is not going to get somebody to look into that if by gets to him and if these others actually want to win they'll demand some answers on that meanwhile Sadly the buzz among the Dems are the Supreme Court has 2 Supreme Court justices thanks to President Trump and don't have Merrick Garland thanks to Mitch McConnell So we're going to pack the court and double the members maybe even triple put age limits and term limits on them and they all seem to be seeing that song The problem with singing that song if you Joe Biden is this question was brought up in your multi Dick I dedicate career the year is 1983 cut 7. President Roosevelt clearly had the right to send to the United States Senate the United States Congress a proposal to pack the court it was totally within his right to do that he violated no law he was legal listicle a absolutely correct but it was a bonehead idea it was a terrible terrible mistake to make and it put in question there for an entire decade the independence of the most significant body including the Congress in my view the most significant body in this country the Supreme Court of the United States of America Joe Biden are you going to walk that back it's just the beginning people think he's going to glide to the nomination just have some intramural fights it's going to be tough if you really if he's going against 14 opponents that are convicted on winning and not just mailing it in like Governor O'Malley last time or having fake candidates that really have no shot So listen we have a lot to discuss I'm going to do a pry and burn Berg I did not talk talk about the college scandal on purpose but it is moving just like we predicted here to expand much wider than just the 50 that were indicted that include 9 coaches this is and should really make you want you want to re-evaluate the whole college process where you go and what you'll do to get there this is the Brian Kilmeade show dumb move thieves for you kill me. 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Kim commando daily digital minute. Is brought to you locally by Jackson equipment rental and supply. The grip Kickstarter will be 10 years old in April since then $4200000000.00 has been pledged and almost $160000.00 funded projects today a few unique once I found on the site came commando with Thursday's consumer tech update get extended interviews on tech topics with the free commando podcast available on Apple certainly Kickstarter has its success stories the Pebble Watch made it to retail and later sold to Fitbit making countless millions the coolest cooler with a blender raised over $13000000.00 but not all are winners on the site now the stem a scope is a wireless stethoscope that you can put around a tree to hear inside the tree it raised over $100000.00 or the silent meditation vinyl record 20 minutes of complete silence on each side of the record Ok the slider is a smart cigarette lighter that won't work if you just have a smoke that's dumb and he smoker I know will just go get a pack of matches I'm Kim commando. 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It's Kill me Divino Isaacson seen here leaving court Monday was named in the federal indictment along with her husband it says their oldest daughter got a new u.c.l.a. After submitting fake soccer credentials the university's Web site list Lauren Isaacson is a midfielder on the 2017 team but she was not pictured in the team photo the site also says she was Team captain of the Woodside soccer club from 2012 to 2016 but a club official tells c.b.s. This morning they have no record of her ever being there so guess what she got a new c.e.o. I had to show up for practice in the 27000 season and this is an elite school division one school and she never played a 2nd of soccer fake by a fake position a lot of money in fact over 1700 shares of Facebook was paid and the father was picked up on a intercept saying I just hope I don't end up on the front page of a newspaper the answer is you are Brian Brown burgers here and he's. He's laughing in disbelief as chair of the program in business and finance at the Kings College here in Manhattan So Brian we always good to have you on an education as well as your finance background but now we're talking about emissions scandal what's going on here well yeah this is this is crazy and I'm laughing not because I think it's funny I'm laughing because this is my business and I'm sitting here thinking about this is what our competitors at the King's College our competitors are doing these sorts of things and how deep does it run but you know you think about this issue Bryan think about how much we idolize college education in this country you want to understand why people are willing to go to these lengths we've got this really inflated view of what a college education can do for you and it's causing people to not only sacrificed. And tons of money we've talked about that but their integrity as well and I think what we're seeing here is we're really just at the tip of the iceberg on this what you mean because you think so the whole admissions process they're putting revenue sports teams sailing soccer which is across men's and u.s.c. Case now it's funny about men's lacrosse yet what I think's going to happen here is you're going to get people starting to dig into how admissions works at colleges nobody really knows that on the outside eyes get a letter it looks like a black box you know you send all this information and there's somebody there reading it you assume they're making a good decision and you get a result that's going to start to change because people are going to want to know who's reading this stuff what exactly are they looking at and by the way how do they know the stuff that's on the page is true is there any investigation or are we just assuming anything a student tells you is true and of course what we're seeing the answer is No and it's not just on little stuff like were you in the National Honor Society It's Did you play the sport for 4 years that you claim to play and also to get in there to get that because evidently the coach is a much more power and I thought I thought the coaches would have influence say I could really use my i know it takes a 90 to get in here she's got a 92 missions staff I just hope you understand what she would mean to our team and the fact is she played at a high level she traveled a lot it was hard for study like the other kids yeah but you didn't think the coach had carte blanche and they seemed to have had it at Harvard Well and here's what happened Yale excuse Yes So you've I think you what you the coach saying today admissions staff is we've got to have her on the team she's a key part of the team I want to vouch for her and these admissions staffs you know they're spending like 8 to 10 minutes probably on an application that's literally how much time they're spending out of there saying Ok coach if you say so we don't have the time to do the investigation here if she's acting out of athlete and it's these reasons that justify her lower academic performance fine but you're right there. An amazing amount of leverage these coaches have over the academic decision here he's talking about the kid his view of this whole process as the chair of the King's College So Brian the other thing is as you work with campus now if I have a u.s.c. Degree and people go to u.s.c. Degree how much did your parents pay for that item's a running joke u.c.l.a. a Running joke Stanford you aren't that smart in school you had I think you're an idiot average How did you get in there well it calls into question the whole academic standing of a lot of these institutions people start to ask well what exactly are you doing in the classroom if these are the standards for getting in and if this is how easy it is to cheat to get into the school how much that is happening when students are taking classes What are the grades from an institution like this even mean and the fact is we are already know that's an issue because employers out there are saying don't tell me about your g.p.a. That's not going to tell me if you're the kind of person I want to hire So now the bigger question is it worth it number one if I have the grades should I go and the question is if it's if that school where you cost $74000.00 George Washington versus similar I think Syracuse was it 60 years at 34 now. President Obama took control of the student loan system and really put no cap on it so people go I got into school I could pay for my dream school but then they're done and they kept a of this monthly Stipe this monthly build up in afford the average student is walking out of college with $37000.00 and that you have to understand how much that constrains you and it's not just about being able to buy a home or buy a car it's about getting your financial house in order students are unable to do that so you're right Brian people have to think about college much more as an investment and they've got to look at the costs and the benefit and make sure they're getting the preparation they need to get the pay off though so you know a Mitch Daniels and he's now running Purdue he said he looked in there like the o.m.b. Director where to cut these colleges say oh really you don't have student loans as high as you can we're going to raise the tuition. We're is the transparency on why is that school $70000.00 what am I getting for my money how do you constrain the price Well what's happening is these schools are saying to attract students it's not just about having great classes and great professors they're talking now about what kind of pull a Shell facility is can we build to make this a cost running up environment like money so it's got to be the gym to it's got to be the cafeteria it's got to be the rock climbing wall it's got to be the lazy river running through campus these are the kinds of things that inflate cost plus you've got these armies of bureaucrats and administrators at the colleges because they're trying to administer all of these programs around diversity or inclusion or we've got to make this place a safe space we don't want anybody to be offended and the amount of paperwork and bureaucracy with that is enormous so when you're paying $78000.00 to go to a college you have understand that's what you're paying at that going to the classroom folks that's going to the bureaucrats and all of you jade it was a social media storm and my kids knew him which I have a sophomore in senior she said I didn't want to go to school she evidently couldn't Entertainment Tonight is angry at her parents she didn't know she would You can pay it off to get in she want to go to begin with she's on Instagram saying that isn't that interesting the student mad at the parents Well I mean it just goes to show how much getting into college is actually about the parents justifying their own existence the parents want that trophy it's good for their social standing and they'll do whatever they need to do to make that happen I mean it's hard for me to believe that kids don't know this is going on but I'll take them at their word but Penn some cases clearly case the other case they did know I mean yeah and in some cases they did know but that what's happened with college is it's become as much about stoking parents' own egos as it is about an education it has become something it's become a piece of paper you want to the wall because it says who you are it's an identity thing it's not an educational tool it's not about getting a job it's now. About being productive in society it's about getting yourself into the club and parents want into that club as much as students do and I think that's starts in pre-K. Brian it's not just all it's go to the King's College you have your kid i love that's best and we set all that. Time now for mountain Talk Radio News brought to you by Gail Clark a bit we're joking this is. Authorities are investigating the death of an inmate at a prison over the weekend now with your h.b.r. In news update I'm Tracy Westerberg the State Department of Corrections said Jamal Simpson was found unresponsive at his one inmate still Sunday with a homemade noose around his neck at the east regional unit in brickies an Arkansas House panel rejected for a 2nd time a proposal to change the meaning of a star on the state's flag represents the Confederacy the proposal was not to change the design of the flag but to remove language that describes a blue star above Arkansas as name of the flag as representing the Confederate States of America police have arrested 2 additional suspects in connection with the fatal shooting of an airman at a gas station North Little Rock Police arrested a 16 year old and a 17 year old in the case the 17 year old admitted to being one of the gunmen who entered the gas station demanding money trail Westerberg Listen next hour for more h.p.r. In news. 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I'm Tony Lomas for the smaller and getting ready for us sunny day and a high of almost 60 a clear night the low of 35 tomorrow sunny even warmer expecting 67 and then a slight chance of thunderstorms Saturday and a chance Saturday night as well the high on Saturday at 61 the weather it's been a service of the h.p.r. Network. Talk 97 on your radio dial for your smart. Mountain talk live everywhere. If you're interested in it Brian's talking about it as your with Brian Kilmeade Yeah I don't know if he's a whack job there's no question about it but I really don't know he I think he's doing a tremendous disservice to a wonderful wife Eliana is a wonderful woman and I call him Mr Kelly and the fact is that he's doing a tremendous disservice to a wife and family she's a wonderful woman yeah. That's the president yesterday just as you have to suspend disbelief he's going Marc Stein is with us in studio. And we're just listening to the president of states going off on George Conway who's been taking shots of the president for a year and a half he's the husband of Kellyanne Conway the one staple who's always been around the president speaking for the president the most hostile is hostile circumstances the most dire of times in the best of times so George Conway's talking about the president mental health and 1st it was Brad Parr Schell who handles the president's re-election campaign and then it was the president retreating and then speaking out so Killian cow we believe or not is taking the president's side on Politico She says the president obviously defending me he could privately say to me Honey you're a distraction we love you You're always be a part of the family but go be with your kids they need you go make a $1000000.00 an hour go do that honey it's the opposite she also said her effectiveness is trumps Council has not been affected by Trump slamming her husband why would it affect my job hasn't everybody tried to push me out already and here I am stronger than ever you're looking at the wrong way. I don't know if you have anything in your repertoire then remind you of this but I don't know this season 2 of billions actually I know that that's what it is except that underneath it all you know that there's actually something really sad going on she is the great survivor of this administration she helped get him elected she's been there throughout unlike all the other people who came in in January 2017 they don't all fall by the wayside in 2 or 3 months and and and the strain of this must be enormous I was at some event last year I think it was and Kellyanne and I were both getting awards and she brought along young kids who are grade school kids and where sitting at the where will sitting at the table she's proud of her as to the president and she wants her children to be proud of her service to the president and there's a obviously some kind of terrible fissure in her household and I don't know how she I don't know how you could see it then well I thought well let's put it this way I thought it was a little bit strange that he was in there with her to receive this this award but you know people people can draw their own conclusions on that maybe she drew conclusions as to you know why I was. Where I was but they but but at the heart it's basically the the partisan divide in this country now is so vicious that it can cleave households and this summer and we can do the late night comics 100 jokes about it all and can all seem funny when you're tweeting about it but at its heart there's actually something desperately sad about this well look I mean look at the family unit tell me that Eric undone Jr who looked up to and welcome by business as well as Hollywood you think they like 50 percent of the country despising them no and I think what's in a banca No and there has. To be some that has to be a way of managing political differences that doesn't require you know in the era of Bush Derangement Syndrome so cold people mostly the left mostly directed it against Bush Bush was a moron Bush was an idiot Bush stole the election something we've gone beyond that and by the way Buck doesn't believe that nor do I know noble and that's what that sound was well that but what we've taken it to the next level with the left now and that they're extending Trump derangement syndrome not just the trauma but to the 50 percent of the country who supports them so so Mark here is the president ited States while these these Democratic candidates are trying to l. Or Bill each other with the Electoral College with pay for get paid for doing nothing with the Supreme Court packing with term abortion the president states get these great economic numbers 71 percent of the country happy with the economy and he goes into a into Ohio smartly and talks about a tank plant has been converted and instead of taking out on the unions he says I need the u.a.w. To help us out here and reopen Lordstown and with General Motors doing do it now great great great but huge what everyone walked away with cuts 17 a lot of people are asking because they love me and they asked me about a man named John McCain And if you want to tell you about sure they are not yes yes . So I have to be honest I've never. Liked them much hasn't been for me. I've really probably never will. And that was the beginning it got worse from there John McCain passed away 6 months ago the president took on George Conway before he left the White House and then took on John McCain And by the way I read the whole speech was a non sequitur Yeah yeah and he's in front of a military audience Yeah I. I don't understand it he killed the caliphate in this last throws he adjusted the troop developments we're not abandoning the area any longer he thinks was a week to high 5 in same in the presence got it down more. Bring me back I don't get it well it's an ancient common law principle that you can defame the dad and not even Trump can d. Fame the dead so in other words that he can't put a glove on the guy because the guy is 6 feet under and that's it whatever they can get a rise out of the guy and so there's a certain there's a certain point listen it's about this but Trump has been this way since the 1st day I saw him on stage in Burlington Vermont it was fantastic I've never seen anything like this he comes out one minute he's talking about the Iranian nuclear program next he's talking about how Macy's stock has tanked since they stopped carrying Trump ties and in his head they loom equally the Iranian nuclear program and may see stock tanking and that's the way he is but as you said the other side of the story is that Democrat Democrats are out Woking each other at an insane rate said basically tearing up every every section of the Constitution and set of amending the concert with the Electoral College and the Supreme Court packing in this than the other they might as well just tell us you know is there actually a sentence in there you'd like to keep and as they do this everyone is getting distracted with stuff about McCain and George but most people haven't heard it 99 percent of the country has never heard of George Conway and I don't I don't understand this because there are people there are people who love Trump and there are people who hate Trump and then there are people in the middle who are a bit Tonelli queasy about Trump and I wouldn't put it any higher than that but they. Like the economy and they like other things but that tone only unsettle without the queasy when the president doesn't win absolute so a you should understand that you could be the biggest fan of the president you can your last name could be Trump Yeah just know that these 2 statements don't help you and the criticism is more than what you don't have to leave I watch some of the shows they go really you're finding something to criticize when there was nothing there he gave them a reason not to cover the tanks Yeah being made in the conversion of the factory and when you talk about crazy this governor of Washington who wants to run on Inslee who wants to run on a green economy he's actually talking about taking the $21.00 states forming an alliance and maybe separating from the country this is how crazy how would you do if you want to bring that up at the tank factory just got 21 I'm running again yeah I've not only do I think one of the country great I actually think I think we do a lot of things great and our foundation was great and these people are tearing it up not go after John McCain because of a dasi you know I agree with the thing about it is last time around Trump was funny and on any of the Democrat candidates. Than anyone I've ever seen he did a riff on Martin O'Malley who under no circumstances would he ever be running against who was the 1st guy to remember he was the other guy on stage apart from Bunny when Hillary was like I'm going to marry him and then he does like this 15 minutes he could any one of these guys with any one of these crazy ideas when we got people now talking essential about the abolition of citizenship about seceding from the nation about what did you say this morning 38000 judges overruled 27000 judges yes so that objection to state yes. Oh yeah that sounds like a spa survey. He won't be funny that anybody I mean this is this is top of the goal drop begin to slap Yeah I just it's got to be somebody to be able to say yeah I know you think about time I'm a cane don't sit or Lindsey Graham has been invaluable to the president internationally domestically. He tells it like it is and I think he really respects the president. Cut 24 I think the president's. Comments about Senator McCain hurt him more than they are the legacy of Senator McCain try to continue to help the president and a lot of people are coming to the pants now that called him crazy and a warmonger So it's kind of interesting see the politics of how this dispute is being used to bash people who are against both Trump and McCain got to know the president we have a good working relationship. I don't like it when he says things about my friend John McCain. Yeah that's basically I cannot. Get enough to think I was friends with John McCain But I was friendly with him for 10 years the 1st time I got to know him I was doing u.f.c. And I was doing sports and they go This is Senator from Arizona that's fighting against you have see he says it's too cruel it's barbaric I'm going to stop I was thinking to myself who's John McCain is not a war hero and then Little did I know we end up working a fox and working years he always made a difference where everyone he was in Bush's face he was in Clinton's face he was over Obama because he was about military 1st and the country and the thing about the thing about him is he had a vicious streak which I actually found quite enjoyable on there on the occasions I met him he was professional and he'd always pretend to be naive do jokes like I don't know how when you're guest hosting I don't know how you keep that x. And up for 3 hours he had all these little spin on it he did he was super professional but he also had this actually very sincere vicious very quick I think is fun I remember. The press called friends where where where he was supposed to endorse Bush and he said something like Governor Bush will be bold that adequate to that it was because they they hated They loved each other and i percent I said it a British newspaper the time I haven't say this much Wolf since the prince and princess of Wales his last tour of all stripes because that's what it was like childs a die of the last of phases and I that was who he was and it was genuine but there is no point picking a fight with the Colts this absolute and Lindsey that I had so on of the day and Lindsey Graham by the way is the professional hair there are Lindsey Graham is someone who has differences with the president and there are things he agrees with the president on and he behaves like a professional. All senator of his party who supports the president's policies and and and steps back when the president starts going extra Tweetie and I wish Actually I wish actually more senator as well like Lindsey Graham that they just said well look you know I don't really I've never heard of Twitter until someone said Donald Trump is on Twitter it's not a thing I do don't care about it but the policy is I'm fine with and that's all I want to talk about he was exactly what he said from soon exactly he says going to do bud to some of things along the way allow his critics to tee off in those in these are 2 My hope is it stops here's the thing John McCain was petty in his funeral you made sure the Trump wasn't there everybody that spoke took shots at President Trump including Meghan McCain unlike the Bush's when 41 passes away they have just as much anger towards a president they invited on they took care of him president turned around succumb to Blair House make sure you stay came and visit he brought them over so I just thought. You just say you not going to win take him on especially when it brings up the Vietnam comparison one was shot down and it will preserve the other one had heel spurs that have been confirmed but why would you want to spotlight on that but you know you know something Brian it's a basic rule in public disputes that you don't punch down and you know this anyone who does what you do you know like there's some guy who hosts the overnight show on W.'s z.z.z. Me dead moose junction Maine who hates you and is treating up as another loser show from Brian Kilmeade you don't you know go on who might go and and you're tweeting straight at him all morning long you can't get more pointlessly punching down than punching at the dead it's just not something it's not something a living person actively engaged in the business of the nation should be doing which. Both by this time we have become a both a life that's not right the only thing I said I badly off and that's. Ok I'll listen we'll be back in a moment with more of Marc Stein who plays himself for the at least this afternoon he's holding our politicians feet to the fire no matter who they are fast Brian Kilmeade. 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The city of Deer Park Texas announces a shelter in place order over concerns about airborne contaminants following a fire at i.t.c. Petrochemical Harris County Judge Linda we caught them feeding paper immediately early this morning and our plane was activated and executed this is Schools are closed near the plant u.s. Senators are looking into bowing under scrutiny following 2 devastating accidents within the past several months Senate will have a hearing next week that will look into the aviation safety as well as the grounding of the $737.00 Max correspondent Jessica Schneider new weapons laws enacted in New Zealand completely ban assault weapons and says he's expecting thousands of people out of Friday prayer service in Christ Church Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant says he's not worried about lawsuits as his state prepares today to enact one of the strictest abortion laws in the country. I'm John. 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Radio that makes you see this is the Brian Kilmeade show meet up in a situation where if you. Carry your taxes to pay for the local schools is still happening. They're fantastic and don't close the border will just become the United States of Guatemala rightward or Nicaragua that's trying desperately to matter Marc Stein So security for illegals that's a new one well wait what I eat let's let's go back to the she said comprehensive immigration reform I'm an immigrant and I actually pay into Social Security and I pay for my local school district and all the things she mentioned because I made the mistake of coming here illegally and filling in the paper with you and I know I'm crazy Well the hell was I thinking and she's basically saying none of that matters and I'm you know at a son point Americans have to stop think seriously about this very few legal immigrants support this illegal immigration the president raising up with Hispanics Yeah yeah because for the same reason because if you are here illegally the massive underground remorseless Amex a shot of more and more of the economy huts you nobody when looking at a world where by 2030 they estimate a 3rd of all jobs weld wide will have been Oerter might get the idea of just having open borders so people can move here for the Social Security is insane and there's no doubt about it they're going to have a robot doing my job but just not us because no one and I thought it was a lifeline. Let's you touch me in the break. So nobody's got off to a more sensational start to Mr O'Rourke so beto Rourke is somebody that has now got more positive press coverage is bigger crowds anybody else and said almost nothing he has traversed the upper Midwest he's been all over Iowa he today is going to South Carolina and go in front of African-American audience he has said absolutely nothing and what we know about him is crazy he in high school he writes this novel where he talks about the joy of running over children a punk rock band Ok that was your interest and now we find out to regenerate himself he went to New Mexico and ate dirt and brought home some home yeah he's like almost a parody of rich white privilege which I don't I just got a concept white privilege not a concept because I live in a broken down pot and all the New Hampshire Well the white guys alive broken down loses and but the idea so I don't accept the idea of white privilege because you see ruined lives all over the country but there is such a thing as rich white privilege and he's almost like if he were mine a member of the Bush family can if he were like George h. W. W. H. H. H. W. Bush the full faith and he was like oh yeah I like skateboarding and then I go home and I write a fan the easy done now done it over the poor kids and then I go to New Mexico any . Beatle part 2 I can't wait to Marc Stein thanks so much. 48 percent of Americans have some form of serious cardiovascular health issue and 39 percent of unhealthy blood pressure does that sound familiar eating or healthy foods can help and one of the healthiest is beets now you don't have to run for the grocery produce section you'd have to go online in order super beets super beach is a concentrated crystal form of beets it's a super food known for being chock full of antioxidants beach naturally boost production of Dr dark side to which signal your blood vessels to relax or dilate now just one teaspoon of super b. 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Do not go outside I'm Dave Anthony Fox News that's the warning this morning in Deer Park Texas where there's something in the air near where that giant chemical fire burned for days foxes have been round monitoring this for us live now Dave a fire burning through the tanks of petro chemicals that international terminal scum but he was finally put out yesterday and while officials 1st said the air is safe they're now telling residents of Deer Park to shelter in place and don't go outside we caught benzene vapor immediately early this morning and our plan was activated in executed as designed Harris County Texas judge Lena Dahl go says they've also called in the National Guard schools are canceled due to air quality concern and it's Friday already in New Zealand and this is taking effect will ban all military style Simi or domestic weapons prime minister just and order in a week after the shootings into Christ Church mosques the left 50 people dead we will also ban all assault rifles and I capacity magazines and anyone who already owns what is now banned will be required to give them up but will be compensated the f.b.i. Has joined the investigation of the f.a.a. And how now grounded Boeing 737 Max 8 jets were certified following 2 deadly crashes in 5 months the Senate is going to hold a hearing next week software and pilot training under scrutiny the flooding persists in the Midwest style one Nebraska hardest hit among 14 affected states are water you know and then approximately half an hour a fairly Thank you all of our house that are under water the water was up to the roof of her home in Bellevue hundreds of homes damaged hundreds of miles of roads washed out a lot of farms underwater as well Mississippi's governor will sign a lot today outlawing most abortions once the fetus is heart b. Is detected as early as 6 weeks into a pregnancy that will lead to legal challenges last week a federal judge blocked a similar new long Kentucky this is Fox News. 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