Transcripts for KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] KKNT 960 AM [9

KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] October 8, 2019 150000

Here's 916 us. President Trump to put or to explain his position on Syria the Brotherhood also spoke at the White House earlier saying we were only supposed to be in Syria for 30 days Syria was supposed to be a short term hit just a very short term hit and we were supposed to be in and out that was many many years ago only that the president said we continue to get in deeper and deeper and with no end in sight Mr Trump says the u.s. Is not going to be fighting endlessly overseas we want to bring our troops back home from these endless wars and we're like a police force over there we're now fighting with policing the president said he put off doing anything about this for 3 years the Western Journal calls the left hypocritical for criticizing the president saying these are the same liberals who continually chastised Republicans during the Bush era as being warmongers and protesting our involvement in messy foreign wars now they're criticizing Trump for trying to keep Americans from being further in boiled in a messy foreign war. T. Shirts are well on sale Monday are reportedly selling like hotcakes Alisa Zee explains according to Minneapolis Police Lieutenant Bob Kroll the design and sale of the cops for Trump shirts comes after the Minneapolis Police Department's new uniform policy that will ban off duty officers from being in uniform during President Trump's upcoming visit troll says he believes the policy is a direct response to the president's visit something the Department denies the new cops for Trump shirt is selling nationwide now with the money made from the sales going to charity Alisa Zee n.b.c. News Radio former truck campaign manager Corey Lewandowski says Democrats are trying to impeach the president for doing nothing but putting America 1st talking to trump supporters yesterday in New Hampshire Philadelphia added if that's a crime guilty as charged he said you can't overturn the election results of 63000000 people who wanted to send change to Washington. Well Jews all over the world will observe your people who are the whole you stay on the Jewish calendar that starts at sundown tonight so really Cussler with this report. Young people are is a 25 hour period marked by fasting praying and synagogue services in which Jews ask God for forgiveness if Allam everyone there is bad thing for God for many many hours on the other hand it's also a day of joy it's a day in which we look confident our relationship with God will be restored Rabbi Khiam put colored congregation have a Torah and Englewood New Jersey he says Jews must 1st make amends with anyone they have wronged before getting straight with God The Phoenix City Council is considering a fee increase for Roger pick ups and a new fee for drop offs at Sky Harbor a new proposal would charge Roger customers of a little $4.00 fee at the airport the new fee increase would make Sky Harbor $1.00 of the priciest rides your airports in the country are is already lobbying Phoenix customers are doing them by e-mail to petition city leaders to vote the proposal down in a statement live said in part the tax on fairly Burton's writers and that's a look at those of the last 4 nights 60 The Patriot. For the Roberts' tax retirement traffic center you thought it was going to slow down the accident right lane blocked loop one of one by span West the 7th Avenue emergency crews were on the scene for that when their right to center lane blocked us 60 westbound West Obama School Road and you've also got another accident cleared out of the way which is good news I 10 eastbound near 99th Avenue 7 streets Broadway road west of 24 St Elliott road at Loop one of the one you got a crash over in Tempe to Danny Davis 960 the patriot when it comes to retirement planning there are a lot of companies that would love to take your hard earned money and offer cookie cutter advice but very few the provide unbiased solutions and highly customized personal service types Mike Gallagher for Roberts tax and retirement planning when you meet with owners Dave and Amanda Roberts you'll feel comfortable knowing that they'll never make a recommendation without thoroughly understanding your retirement needs concerns and goals they have integrity and therefore do Sherry's they must act in your best interest minimizing conflicts of interest Dave and Amanda also understand the importance of implementing attack strategy that works hand in hand with your overall wealth and estate plan every decision is viewed through tax efficient lens true when you work with Robert's tax and retirement planning you're supporting a veteran owned business for comprehensive tax and retirement planning founded on honesty integrity and open communication just call 480-027-0280 extension 2 that's 48002 Chevon 02802 Roberts tax and retirement dot com That's Robert's tax and retirement dot com Everyone knows it's hard to stop a train but even the best equipment available still has wear and tear parts and let's face it this is Phoenix Michaeli a here again from Benefit air to tell you that when you buy a top quality train system from us for residential application not only do you get a warranty of at least 10 years on the parts we also include an extended 10 year labor warranty that includes refrigerant parts exchanges and Freon recovery with no co-pays or deductibles Most companies offer a standard to your labor warranty and may not cover refrigerant diagnostics or parts exchanges and after 2. 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Got an i Phone Blackberry or smartphone download the Patriot app for your phone just go to your app store or log on to 960 the Patriot dot com today . This is your source for breaking news and what to make of it on this case the Mike Gallagher show or Sheen exactly what the Democrats stand for I'm concerned that if we don't have peace as president he will get re-elected even great Mike and I appreciate it very much you know as I walk over here very quickly now from the relief factor dot com studio Here's Mike Gallagher. Let's break down the daily drama today it's going to be and I want to warn you about what you might hear from the mainstream media. Gordon Sunderland the u.s. Ambassador to the European Union has been directed by the Trump administration not to appear today for his scheduled interview with shifty shift kangaroo court. It's the Committee of the House committees that are leading the impinged impeachment inquiry into President Trump without the benefit of a vote incidentally. Because they are terrified to put House Democrats who are in vulnerable districts on record as voting to impeach the president over this stupid phone call with the Ukrainian president I'm still getting requests for the transcript if you want to see the actual conversation where the president asks for Zilinskas help in investigating what happened in 2016 you'd all you have to do is text the keyword transcript 218655 Mike 86556453 that's the my Pillowtex line sponsored by my pillow The best pillow you'll ever sleep on in your life you can now order 2 for one when you use the promo code my g. I love this service I love the 2 a feature of our text messaging not only do we get to see comments that you want to send us by way of text message but we can also send you back links important information truth facts knowledge read the transcript I can't wait till the 2nd whistle blower comes out. I have a draw I have direct knowledge of the phone call that the whole world has read everybody can see it you want to read the transcript read it the president asked for a favor in investigating what happened with our 2016 election and what happened with this Russia hoax how did it start I was walking out the hall a moment ago my my long time ops director Eric Hansen made a terrific observation Eric said you know what's happening here right Trump is getting close to the Democrats role in the 2016 Russia collusion hoax and they're terrified because they're about to blow the lid off of the role that Hillary and the Democrats played. And they can't let that happen because he will be guaranteed a landslide and that's the one in 2020 and that's the worst thing that can happen I mean. Shift has called the Ukrainian involvement in the 26 election conspiracy theory a crazy conspiracy theory Oh really Ok well then fine vote on impeachment let's bring all the witnesses out put it all on the record put it all in front of the it for the whole world to see so we can find out just how crazy a conspiracy theory it is there are people on both sides of the aisle with ties to Ukraine you got out of get Nancy Pelosi Xan have you heard about this. One America news network is reporting on a published report that shows Nancy Pelosi shun made a video on behalf of Ukraine and got paid for. A recent report suggested Nancy Pelosi shun Paul may have used her position to benefit financially a promotional video from 2013 has sure 1st showing Nancy Pelosi speaking about her efforts in office to push for clean energy her message is followed by a promotional statement from her son Paul who was a board member of this school oil and an executive at its related company n r g lab polo She says My name is Paul Palosi and visual is here today to talk about accelerating the future that's what this school does it uses technology to maximize the use of natural resources you see pollution shun travel do you crane in 2017 on behalf of the corporate governance initiative where he serves now as executive director. The official reason given for his visit was to discuss a youth Shakur partnership with the Ukrainian government but clips of that trip have reportedly been removed from online you do the same kind of allegations the Joe Biden's kid is facing hunter so you've got 2 of the most powerful Democrats in Washington with their sons profiting potentially from their parents high level ranking high get ranking government positions and Trump is about to blow the lid off of this and they are enough frenzy they are panicked they are in the corner wounded animal I saw a video last night on Twitter that melted my heart there was a bobcat with a big metal trap on its arm and this guy came and rescued the bobcat but the Bobcat was snarling in and history and red that's what this is that's that's Democrats they're in there in a panic they are in a complete panic and it's it's it's a little frightening to watch because they're nuts last night Susan Rice went on Stephen Colbert show now I'm sorry Syria the Kurds Turkey it is complicated I don't have any easy answers to it I hear smart people on both sides of the issue I remember President Trump promised we're not going to keep endless wars going indefinitely that was a major campaign promise I have to presume millions of people voted for President Trump. At least partially based on that promise we were supposed to be in Syria temporarily How'd that work out I mean we're going to be in Syria it seems forever and he's saying let's bring some of these troops home. So you remember Susan Rice you know Susan Rice of the the Muslim videos what caused Bengazi Fame member her member her how how a woman like her has the audacity to go on a comedy show like Steven Kull bear and blast the president here's count number 11 Here's what he called Bear who is a frenzied vicious Trump hater ass shoes and Rice about this announcement and this move where the Trump administration was trying to pull out troops from Syria which incidentally again a lot of smart people argue that withdrawing from Syria puts America 1st and the establishment last I want to break down this article by Brad Palumbo over the Washington Examiner because the foreign policy establishment is having a meltdown and if you know anything about the last 20 years of u.s. History he writes then you know that means something good is happening Lindsey Graham is melting down even Mitch McConnell melting down now politically that's perilous for President Trump he needs Senator Graham he needs Leader McConnell in his corner as he's battling the dirty Democrats over impeachment but it's complicated there's nothing easy about this but speaking of the establishment having a meltdown check out Susan Bengazi Rice last night on Stephen Colbert courtesy of gravy and you're a perfect person to have on right now Obama's national security adviser 4 years our our present president has just announced a withdraw all 'd of the u.s. Troops from Syria allowing Turkey to come in and really have their way with the Kurds with a label of terror terrorist organization. What does this mean to stability in that region. Stephen I woke up this morning to hear that news and as I do it seems like 6 days a week I just put my head in my hands this is. Crazy. Isn't shit by the way man do you eat with that mouth sorry we had to bleep out your obscenity that you uttered on Stephen Colbert last night because we can't play dirty words on the radio bat blank crazy that's funny when the president used b.s. The other day they melted down over his crash crude language but she's a hero she's she's a heroine Susan Rice he wears that right where was that red line that Obama drew in the words that red line was Syria I forget the red line you remember the red line number one Syria used chemical weapons and Obama and Rice did absolutely nothing remember the red line that was crossed to Syria and she's in no position to go gloating or criticize and incidentally Stephen papa Steven Kull bear foreign policy expert of the cold air reporter you're all clowns these are people these are. This is a clown show. Brand Palumbo Chez I love the way he characterized this President Trump Trump set the swamp on fire with the announcement of his decision to finally route removes from troops from northern Syria the White House and Trump gave the Turkish president his blessing for his long threatened military operation against elements of the Kurdish wife p.g. Militia that might have been among America's most effective partners in the fight against ISIS Lindsey Graham flipped out Marco Rubio flipped out. Brad Palumbo writes nightmare predictions aside trump a shown great bravery with this decision given the inevitable vitriolic political backlash the president campaigned on putting America 1st and he's fulfilling that promise to voters no matter how angry the establishment gets his decision will stop risking American lives and wasting taxpayer dollars on policing Middle East politics this is long overdue seen as are should carry goals in Syria have already been accomplished. And I'm going to take you through this just for a few minutes because I know you're hearing I understand you're hearing Lindsey Graham I understand you're hearing Mitch McConnell Endor stand your hear in the establishment meltdown but let's present an opposing point of view from Brad Palumbo who's a deputy contributors editor and a commentary writer at The Washington Examiner Where he says the president has boldly and bravely put the United States of America 1st and he doesn't give a rat's rear end about the establishment protestations I want to I want to play this out with you and then I want to get your reaction at 18655 Mike because frankly Promises made promises kept has been a very successful formula in the Trump administration 865 might win the really factor dot com studios call or text the my Pillowtex line is open to you at 8655 Mike as well if you want to leave a message and not come on air with us you can do that to new feature 18655 might. Then you. 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With the American flag flying behind in the reverse side of the coin pictures President Trump promised to the American people we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again and we will make America great again to celebrate the release of noble gold is providing a special holiday limited time offer to you get $5.00 off when you use the promo code Mike g. For more information visit Trump Quine 2020 dot com and get your 2nd edition Trump coin the new President Trump commander in chief coin there's a trump going 2020 dot com Use the promo code my cheek to get 5 dollars off the new Trump commander in chief going from our friends a noble goal. That can if we if we have a lot of money will feel like your old dollars don't think that. Ok if you're strong in Dubai to become enraged. When I finish like I

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