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Would do it rich I was just telling everyone how great you are texting and driving next good people look bad to visit stop tech stop wreck start org a public service announcement brought you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. This is Nascar driver Kurt Busch and I am proud to support our nation's veterans you know you can get a faster decision on your disability compensation claims by filing an electronic fully developed claim or you claim on each benefits take it from a guy who lives his life in the fast lane faster is better visit Eve benefits dot v.a. Dot gov today to learn more claims on line v.a. Claims. A message from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Review with Hugh Hewitt brought to you in partnership with the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and Alliance Defending Freedom with Adam Schiff leading the way it's steadily losing credibility Democrats. Will it hurt Trump's reelection what does it. Do to a Dallas jury rules against a father who wants to protect his son from permanent bodily harm I don't even think straight up gender dysphoria 2nd grade it. Takes on the Mexican military and wins our southern neighbors. Statistically in terms of homicides. This politician in North Carolina takes on the left. Of bullies criminals in the bed I'm Mark Davis in for Hugh Hewitt great to be with you you can catch my program each weekday morning live 7 to 10 am Central time on 660 am the answer I cast at 660 am the answer dot com Follow me on Twitter at Mark Davis and follow this program as well at Townhall review let's begin with impeachment. California Democrat Adam Schiff to handle the impeachment inquiry in the house that could have some unforeseen consequences shifts credibility has been crumbling as numerous statements he made during the initial push for Trump's impeachment have just turned out to be false 1st there was a whistleblower then a 2nd now it's not even certain there was even one there's also the flap over the now unlikely quid pro quo charge my friend and colleague Hugh Hewitt recently spoke with David Drucker of The Washington Examiner about potential damage from a clearly unconstitutional proceeding. I think the president can win reelection even after he's been impeached but not removed by the Senate which is what I think is going to happen is there's going to be a straight party line vote you know that exactly that's not exactly what's going to happen and so I mean there's no drama here he's going to be impeached by the House on I guess they're going to focus on something as illusory as abuse of power they'll win on a nearly straight lie probably about Mitch McConnell will call the senators in for 5 days they'll hear Adam Schiff embarrassing himself and then they'll vote probably 51 to 49 to remove him I think you'll lose Murkowski and Romney but you won't lose Collins because you've got to win re-election and then it'll be over and one ad and he'll run when he run that he'll run on the fact he's been hounded for 4 years well he's already running on that and I think you know I think the key question for and it's you know what does an impeachment without removal do to him we've only ever seen that's an area where presidents in their 2nd term so here we're going to have somebody in their 1st term running for reelection has the backing of the party has a lot of money. But I I do think that pull that impeachment is very poor with a clear and certain meaning it could easily blow back against the Democrats but it could easily blow back against the Republicans they could in some ways the president shrunk or because he comes out in the in a sense exonerated at least among the right voting groups for him or it could make him look incredibly corrupt imperiled and make you know voters have this idea that they don't want to deal with this anymore so there are risks for everybody all around and I think people who don't understand how multi directionally risky this could be aren't understanding. The politics behind all of this and how uncertain it is yet now I have a theory I want to test on you David and keep it in mind putting your back pocket the president goes to the rallies and the rallies are the ultimate feedback loop for him if a line at the rally repeatedly gets longer. Wrong sustained applause it becomes part of his platform such as bringing the troops home and then he implements it so if he goes out on the platform and he finds out that get over it Mick Mulvaney he's equivalent to move on from 998 if that gets long strong applaud he'll start using Get over it I just think the rallies are over walked in as as ways of decipher ing which way he's going do you watch them all as a reporter to figure out what lights his face on fire I pay and close enough attention and I do think you're right they're very instructive Additionally his campaign this time supposed to last time is really learn to harness the rally people that attend who they are where they live how they can get involved in the campaign I do think that sometimes these rallies lead in the straight no because the people that go to these rallies are so incredibly supportive of him it would take basically a lot for them to have a problem with something that didn't for instance. Send her back was a thing from the rally and it took really close allies on Capitol Hill to say we don't care what you heard the rally don't do that and I mean I'm talking the public is like Mark Walker Carolina so I think you're right in terms of his methodology and I just think sometimes if it obscures for him the fact that he's a little bit bigger the coalition that is represented after rallies Oh I agree with that but I mean in terms of predicting what he's going to do if we had been listening more closely because I don't watch the rallies anymore because I've seen enough of them I would have seen and I was told by the senior official that the president goes to rally he says Bring the boys home bring the troops home and the place goes crazy so that he gets a signal that it's a feedback loop for him better than the post in the New York Times idea and believe but he believe he might believe the examiner he does not believe then he does believe his rally audiences I well I believe that you are right in that regard I don't think the president is interested in insert. The media filters interactions that Dion gets really upset with me when we're critical of him I mean everything for him to see that from the crown I look at it like he looks at the fans not voters and they're happy he thinks Xander something I mean you know very much like to me the verdict came down vis week. Dallas court case involved a divorced couple with twin boys age 7 would have shocked all of us just a decade ago the father went to court to protect his 7 year old son from the likelihood of a chemical castration to be arranged by the boy's mother who is a pediatrician we dealt with this sad story locally on the Mark Davis show shortly after it came down this story is part of a continuing narrative the attack on the gender definitions made by God Himself Now here's the fact I referred to it that way because that's how important it is to me and that's why it's important but it's also the gender different definitions defined by science itself so you can be a stone cold atheist and the definition of male and female should still mean something to you and the effort to blur these lines and to make it not just Ok but something to celebrate it if somebody is walking around with gender dysphoria which is a serious serious mental dysfunction envy if you amplify it even farther because in this culture that says that not only are we to say this is not a problem but it's something awesome I mean it's I. Think she's a woman Yea so you have that perversity and again the per versity is the willful decision to celebrate it the person who is gender dysphoric I don't blame them very a have a condition they have a mental illness I pray for them I pray for gender clarity for that but what are we to do. When we're not talking about an adult who's decided this on his own her but it's a child we have seen now this cultural warfare that had to did National Geographic. Gloriously feature a if you cannot enter a 10 year old boy. All made up in. Female regalia as if this is just a great thing so what if there is a divorce what if there are kids and what if the mother is on board for her son being turned into a daughter 1st of all that phraseology is false I have I see it for a fact you can't turn a son into a daughter you will always have a son what are you going to do to that son this woman who is a cop tell pediatrician pediatrician. Dr in Georgia. She and her ex-husband have twin boys twin boys James and Jude and one of the boys. At least when he's around mom. Thinks he's a girl to be called Luna. Dad says May you know that that crap doesn't happen so as a kid kind of playing to what each parent seems to want is this being prodded by an activist mother or does the kid simply have it's kind of funny I don't even think it's straight up gender dysphoria when you're in 2nd grade when you're a child everything is is so fluid in moist and under construction it's like the concrete is still wet and there's just all kinds of things going on before you follow you know the human norm of identifying yourself as what you actually are some kids take some side trips but that concept has been lost and if it persists it's like well if you've got a little boy who thinks he's a little girl it is time for for those who are inclined to drop to your knees and pray for gender clarity and to provide a loving guidance for that child back to what he biologically is and it's also time for the best counseling you can find and afford in order to get professional help to rescue your child from the the false world of gender dysphoria Well that's not America 2019 America 2019 is my son thinks he's a girl yeah let's go with that let's go with it chemically and castrate him let's go with it hormonally and help him change this is abject evil this is child abuse of the highest order here's what's happened most recently. On Monday a jury the jury this is not some renegade rogue idiot judge jury ruled against the father Geoffrey younger and his attempt to stop his 7 year old son from a gender transition being facilitated by Dr n. Ga less his ex-wife who is again and I have the irony of this just shreds me. Pediatrician supposedly giving her life to the well being of children and yet willing to sacrifice her own child on the sick altar of of gender transition at life site news their report said with a consensus of 11 of the 12 jurors the jury decided not to grant Mr younger sole managing conservatorship Now if any other type of child abuse was happening if the custodial mother wasn't a burden of the branding iron leaving them in the shed for 3 days without food they'd go get that kid so fast your head would spin mom wants little boy to become a little girl and dad says no and a jury says don't think so coming up unfortunately our southern neighbor is one of the Obama places in the world statistically in terms of homicides in addition to that the cartels if anything seem to be getting stronger in addition to that of the cartels other than just controlling the drug trade a massive source of their power and their income is controlling the border on the of our southern border. They are in control of cinema a shoot out shocker next up on Townhall review with Hugh Hewitt Stay with us. Our best public leaders are weighed makers able to combine smart policy ideas with a call to what makes America exceptional creating waves of popular support m p Petersen dean of Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and for 2 decades we prepared wave makers through the nation's most unique master's curriculum combining rigorous study of our founding principles with the latest tools of policy analysis from America's most beautiful campus in Malibu California our graduates go on to a variety of careers from chiefs of staff on Capitol Hill to the Foreign Service and our intelligence agencies the top think tank positions and nonprofit leadership on issues like education reform and homelessness America needs citizen leaders and we prepare them like no one else find out why we say at Pepperdine School of Public Policy you'll see your future differently from here visit us online at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu that's Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu. Will you fight for your freedom every day Americans are finding their freedoms are under attack big government is forcing business understood by a late their conscience left this university her punishing and silencing conservative students and professors and so much more this is you know it there's no doubt that great America is under serious attack but thankfully my friends Alliance Defending Freedom are on the front lines before city councils before state legislatures before the court they have been fighting for your freedom for 25 years every day Americans and they do it can happen to you your business or your children your gift of $100.80 s. Freedom Fund will help defend your freedom and provide the resources needed to fight critical court battle please join the fight for freedom click on the alliance that then increase them banner and town hall Review dot com or call 806918969806918969. This is the. Mineta listen to America's money ace of the airways Victoria McVey here at night $60.00 the Patriot she's smart savvy and a serial entrepreneur So grab your wine whiskey or Perrier and come play with the poor McVey on Sundays at 8 pm she'll have you saying I was still a vista baby to your financial dismay So I'm a dog and I just got adopted by this new human guy and I'm starting to wonder how we got along without me I mean something as simple as walking around the block he's got his leash thing and he puts me on one and then him on the other and I'm just take them around I think he's afraid of getting lost without that Lieschen me guiding him along I don't think you find his way back home it's kind of cute a person is the best thing to happen to a shelter pet be that person adopt but do you buy the Ad Council and the shelter pet project out or. Welcome back to the town hall review with Hugh Hewitt brought to you in partnership with a.d.f. Alliance Defending Freedom I'm Mark Davis in for you this week Mexico might have breathed easier when the notorious Joaquin El Chapo Guzman was finally imprisoned after extradition to the United States it appeared that international crime syndicate not exactly roll over and die when its leader went away last week news of more cartel related carnage it had to rattle Mexico's new president and his pledge to deal with that country's prime problem in a recent attempt to take into custody El chopper's son who leads one of the cartels factions a battlefield exchange broke out in civil war with multiple casualties Nick Adams filling in for Dennis Prager spoke with commentator Steve Cortez about the seemingly unstoppable cartel problem in Mexico we've been talking about Mitt Romney's state and now you've got some thoughts. You know I'm I'm ashamed I voted Foreman 2012 I really am I mean not that I would have ever voted for Barack Obama but by the way that election I think we forget about this right because Barack Obama has been so you know canonized by mainstream media we forget he was quite vulnerable at that time in 2012 he was very beatable if Mitt Romney had just thought if he actually had some guts and some fire in his belly and was going to fight for that nomination or shoot for the election at the end then of course he didn't you know Instead he showed his what he's really made of and now he's shown it even more starkly I think quite frankly the man is a coward so he kisses up to trump when he wants to be named secretary of state he kisses up only once indorsement so he can become a senator and then once it's comfortable once he thinks the president of the vulnerable he turns on him and he goes to mainstream media and gives this you know ridiculous co-leader of in the house speech says We've seen some violence in Mexico. I know that you say that all will be a deal I mean look to us that. Yeah no listen and believe me I take no pleasure in reporting on this but it didn't get a lot of attention in mainstream media needs to what we saw in Mexico in recent days has started Thursday I think the fighting continued into Friday still some small skirmishes over the weekend was effectively the sin Aloa cartel which was all chopped O's cartel. Going to war really against the Mexican police of the Mexican military and quite frankly Nick Winnie the next complete had custody briefly of a topless son and they were arresting him to yell so he could be in prison and tried and they literally gave him up because there was such they were so fearful of the consequences of continuing the fight it was a pitched street battle in a pretty wealthy neighborhood in Sinhala in the northern part of Mexico and again the the cartels won so I think that this what this shows us is unfortunately our southern neighbor is one of those violent places in the world statistically in terms of homicides in addition to that the cartels if anything seem to be getting stronger in addition to that the cartels other than just controlling the drug trade a massive source of their power and their income is controlling the border on the southern end of our southern border they are in control and no one crosses without their approval without payment without their permission and we've allowed that to happen largely because of our porous border policies well you can't have any more or be before long those horrible scenes that we've seen play out in Mexico they could play out here in Arizona into Mexico and Texas we can't let that happen it's just another reason I believe Donald Trump was so precious and in calling for the wall and it's a job it's finally starting a job we need to finish in a 2nd term political upstart Mark Robinson has filed to run for a statewide office in North Carolina he's running for lieutenant governor and you might either recognize him Mark story started with a fun planted spontaneous addressed to the Greensboro city council you might recall when it went viral Here's my Salem colleague sébastien Gorka with Mr Robinson on America 1st let's listen to mock Robinson at his local city council meeting one. I'm here to stand up for the law about 5th sins of this community because I'm going to tell you that what's going to happen you can take the guns away from off all you want to you all right along I follow them all I'll bring my guns down here I'll power me but here's what's going to happen the Crips and Bloods almost out of town they're not going to turn they're going to go home don't do and what's going to happen when you have to send the police down there to go take the police could barely enforce the loans of days and let us see we demonize the police criminal Aston Villa on the police and we met the criminals and the victims and we're talking about restrictive gun laws how are you going to do that how you don't do that when the police departments already him strong you're not going to be a big go down here take these guns from these criminals sort of criminals are going to hold old records they're still going to hell just don't like among all finished Do going to shoot me well and guess who's going to be the one to suffer it's going to be me while I'm here to take you tonight it is not going to happen without a fight and when I say fight I don't mean shots fired or I don't mean 5th or wrong I mean I'm going to come down here of this city council and raise hail just like these loose from the will do until you really listen to the majority of the people in this city that I am the majority the majority of the people in this city are law abiding let me try and explain what I understand about the antecedents to your incredible speech tell me what I got wrong and what I missed so you'll use up in the Army research you've been you born and bred in North Carolina Greensborough you didn't own a gun but you spoke at this event passionately about the 2nd Amendment because the local council decided to close to ban a gun show off with a public plan shooting and you were interested in buying your 1st of a gun is that the Is that why you did what you did that. Basically it they were trying to shut down the gun show and when they found out they couldn't that they didn't have the power they were trapped that they were trying to put pressure on the Coliseum director because he's the only person who had that power trying to put pressure on him to make the make him do it and that's what that meeting was for so what made you decide I mean had you ever spoken to city council meeting before I had one of the time your 2nd time yes that you written that speech out Absolutely not I had he planned on speaking that night I just heard some comments made that night in that hall that just in period me and I decided that I had to go inside something about how did they react what was the reaction from the council was the reaction from the citizens around you I remember clearly I remember walking up to the podium and I remember the mayor looking at me and smile and I thought that she thought recalls of something gave her a clue that maybe I might be you know that other Cubase to put a spin cause I think so she was smiling at me and I think she thought maybe here is one of my coming up to give Mrs not racist Absolutely I get it all the time because you're black you must be a Democrat Absolutely absolutely and that's the kind of vibe that I got from I'm sure you're going to be a friendly you're going to be a Congress absolutely and I wouldn't say that if it has had not happened to me so much in the past but I always kind of recognize that got to have that political antenna so the thing I remember about leaving what I remember leaving I remember getting a standing ovation a rousing applause applause but that's about all I remember from that speech it was just I got I actually got home my wife asked me if I spoke and I said yeah she asked me what I said and I said I don't remember what are you doing right now Mark Robinson Well for the last year and a half I've been traveling speak in support the Constitution supporting conservative causes. But we made a decision I have to do in this 4 year and a half that we need to make and the next step and the next logical step is to run for office so we've decided to run for lieutenant. That's exciting Why well here it is to fall number one I feel like that the political landscape right now is right not just for standard politicians but for Patriots and that's our slogan for our campaign Patriots over politics listen to the complete interviews with Cortez and Mark Robinson all for you in town hall Review dot com Coming up the president will get credit for running trying to educate a lot of people our friend Bill Bennett when Town Hall review with Hugh Hewitt continues in just a moment. In that mortgage Corp to be a national mortgage in m.l.s. 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Horrifying right now listen if winning the lottery were easy everyone would do when it comes to financial stability don't get left behind get some tips for saving at feed the pig out org This message brought to you by the American Institute of C.P.A.'s on the Ad Council I started my adventure in the Air Force Reserve as a payload system our flight medic and your Force reserve pilot for their 1st on the 1st attrition we do a lot and a little bit of time on their mission it's very exciting career the Reserve gave me the opportunity to learn something totally different from what I get the training and their horses are. All setting there for service to be able to travel the opportunity to put a college out of stuff for their 1st reserve yobbos up or. Even start hearing me or Force Reserve. Welcome back to the Taliban all review I'm marking the scene for Hugh This week brought to you in partnership with the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy always learn more at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu Bill Bennett much of the public eye during the Reagan and Bush $41.00 of ministrations he was secretary of education he was director of Drug Control Policy the nation's 1st drug czar also a big part of our law. This morning in America on the same radio that you us is in that times filled by Bill Bennett and this week I did Bill and to discuss various matters including China as you have reflected writing history about America to China ever enter into our picture until Nixon went there Are we aware of what they represent I think we are aware now much more because of this president and my view is that whether we get a really good there satisfactory deal or not this president will get credit for and printing China and educating a lot of people about China I don't think people understood what sign it was all about now they're learning you know Bill if anyone was smart and corporate America they would hire you to come and buys them how to speak about China here is Adam Silver the commissioner of the n.b.a. Yesterday talking about n.b.a. Values card number 5 so the regrettable notion was that we'd upset our fans I didn't think at that time while we were saying we were we were great upsetting our fans but also at the same time supporting Darryl mores right to exclude express himself right to tweet obviously we made clear that we were being asked to fire him by the Chinese government by the parties. We dealt with government and business we said there's no chance that's happening obviously he made nothing clear there Dr Bennett No because they don't really know what they believe what should an American company do in that situation I think American companies should follow the example of another American company and I think that by a comment on South Park The n.b.a. Should act like South Park and stick it to him this is really Craven I don't watch much that pro basketball anyway but the slave she'll be a sense to the Chinese again part of the revelation about what China is and you know people are learning that that's a good thing and thanks to the president. In the South Park guys look if we get smart and we get we persist in the way. President's doing yes will be fine if we kowtow if the government begins that act like the n.b.a. We're done but kowtow is actually a word that came out of the Chinese imperial court do you think where they are. But sir American illegally but it's perfect does America the last best hope yet to be sold in Chinese. Well I don't know you know if there was a book I did called The Book of Virtues the Chinese bought it and that apparently sold a 1000000 copies I never got the royalties that's what but they know and they'll get sort of but this is the book a lot of people do they go to China with their wares they count the number of people and they don't get a return right I thought it would be good for the Chinese people Chinese families the one thing I found out long after publication was that they took one chapter out of the Book of Virtues that chapter was called face. Mean a shame was part of my Nixon term last week there was a great is corners 100 percent 7 days a week 24 hours a day that's their war on yeah you know I was a center of power America from Jack Kemp and the other is when most favored nation status as a member of the theory of course remembers capitalism will loosen it up you know make it freer and it's all free and of history but it didn't make Morse that terrible place terrible people. Doctor bill of rights the citizens terrible government not the out of the partner of the government power to the party I want to ask you about the opioid epidemic you were the driver and a very successful one which is where our radar no not good stats not this stuff because this is a different a different thing very different and in some ways more difficult harder to get out but also it's being it's interpreted misunderstood people don't get what this is mainly about now it might have started for a lot of people you know they're going to. Do that last settle that lawsuit no while but you know with the with the prescription drugs but for the most part now we're seeing people dying in these record numbers from Stats No it's not your prescription show drugs it's not your oxy kowtowed by Cuban where people have had trouble with that it has mostly been by diversion it's stolen just taken out of the medicine cabinets given or sold to somebody else people have followed instructions from the directions for the most part are fine for their mills where there were people pushing it where the company's pushing it too much yes but don't look for a solution in the wrong place the problem now has changed president serious about this wants to get on a very top and I think even more attention has to be paid 70000 people a year now for the complete uit Bennett interview go to town hall Review dot com Coming up the Democratic Party did create 832 there's been a coalition of groups of people who are members of what are the by themselves and others to be a typical american different time when they stick together they can be a majority when they fight among themselves they could be a very fractious minority and incapable of governing political parties and how they change when the town hall review would you returns in just a month. Will you fight for your freedom every day Americans are finding their freedoms are under attack big government is forcing business owners to violate their conscience left us universities are punishing and silencing conservative students and professors and so much more this is you know it there's no doubt that freedom in America is under serious attack but thankfully my gran's Alliance Defending Freedom are on the front lines before city councils before state legislatures before the courts they have been fighting for your freedom for 20. 5 years of attacks on freedom can happen to everyday American did they do they can happen to you your business or your children your gift of $100.00 that a.t.f. Freedom Fund will help defend your freedom and provide the resources needed to fight critical court please join the fight for freedom click on the alliance the pending Pritam banner and tell it all Review dot com or call 806918969 that's 806918969. Our best public leaders are Wave makers able to combine smart policy ideas with a call to what makes America exceptional creating waves of popular support I'm Pete Peterson dean of Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and for 2 decades we prepared wave makers through the nation's most unique master's curriculum combining rigorous study of our founding principles with the latest tools of policy analysis based at one of the country's leading Christian universities our graduates go on to a variety of careers from chiefs of staff on Capitol Hill to the Foreign Service and intelligence agencies to nonprofit leadership on issues ranging from education reform to homelessness America needs citizen leaders and we prepare them like no one else find out why we say at Pepperdine School of Public Policy you'll see your future differently from here visit us online at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu that's Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu. Maybe it's time to take a fresh look at everything we thought we knew about landing a great job for instance what a phenomenal careers start at the middle school science fair instead of at the job fair if being the captain of the robotics team means just as much on a college application as being captain of the football team and if knowing the quadratic formula is every bit as important as knowing the right people well the fact is the job. The future will be heavily geared toward science technology engineering and math in other words the future he stammered more opportunities better pay and the road to these great jobs start as early as middle school so if you're a student talk to your school counsellor about stem if you're a parent talk to your kids because the job you'll get in the future may very well depend on what you do today a public service message from America's Navy. I'm of our birth and I'm proud to be a book person every child deserves to have access to books because children who grow up with books invariably do better in life than children who do not how do I choose a book is of the cover and yet sometimes you know it's sometimes the cover sometimes it's the title I guess I'm pretty visual so it's a combination of those 2 the 1st book I remember was Captains Courageous when I finished that book I had become so involved with these characters so here's the thing if a books really really impresses me and the writing is really really good I will pick and see what the last paragraph yes because that is in things of books if it's really really well done that ending that last book should rock I am a book person and if you're a book person to read to a child is work a lifetime advantage joined me a book people united dot org because reading is funny about it service announcement brought to you by Reading Is Fundamental Library of Congress and the and council. Welcome back to the town hall review with Hugh Hewitt Mark Davis filling in were brought to you in partnership with the a.d.f. Alliance Defending Freedom as we noted during a recent debate how the Democratic Party has changed right before our eyes the amount of change change quite remarkable It did not happen overnight. And with this change happen question is dealt with in detail by. Michael Bowen's per battle and election observer in his brand new book how American political parties change and how they don't Michael was the guest of my colleague 7 leaves and it can be heard afternoons on 60 the Patriot So you have written a book about a topic I've been thinking a lot about myself a lot of our listeners have as well how America's political parties change and how they don't how they don't is what I wanted to start with if I can because there have been indeed over another decade certainly since you've been following it since both of us like history so much certainly throughout history there have been these these what would you call them premature obituaries of of the parties after certain elections you identified a few in your introduction I remember Haley Barbour telling me once that after Watergate circa 197576 there was even talk at the r n c of changing the Republican party scene but it never really does happen doesn't it never really does happen and they bade change that Minnesota for a while they were not going to be independent Republicans for a long time and the Democrats there have been no I'm thinking forty's is the Democratic Farmer Labor. Minister and it's always a little different I've got their own culture. Scandinavian American German American skier and so forth so I'd like to say you know you hear some of these politicians like Bernie Sanders stay socialism could work it works in Scandinavia right my answer is that means that might be able to work in a sort of to. Be each of these parties headed by church going to basic character a basic personality based b.n.a. That has continued even the spirit of the change their views on substantive issues the Republican Party has always been better not be a core constituency people who are thought to be typical America. That would be a lie themselves are not a majority of the country the actual character you know the components of that core group of changed over the time in the 19th century in 18th fifties it was illegal and Yankees and their descendants who had spread across the upper Midwest they were enough to carry a majority of the Electoral College for Abraham Lincoln 860 kid a you can say it's white married Christian or the kind of core group by themselves they're not a majority the Democratic Party that this creation 832 has been a coalition of groups of people who are members of what are considered by themselves and others to be a typical American of different kind when they stick together they can be a majority when they fight among themselves they can be a fairy fractious minority and. Incapable of governing what are you know the core group of the Democratic Party these big black Americans who can to be relatively low income tend to be more religious than the average American and so called gentry liberals my friend Joe Cocker term who you find you know in San Francisco the west side of elation York Nancy Pelosi Washington suburbs dance people all right gentry liberal that they are they tend to be relatively secular in their religious beliefs the vacant at the high end comes you getting the idea that they may have opposite points of few. Months and you know we've seen this in the presidential candidate battle a work claim that the government should dish or tax exemptions for churches that won't have stained sex marry right back at news for beta work you're going to distance you're going to lose your job we hope is that any you know well how about the African Methodist Episcopal Church meet the Meet the historical black churches My understanding is that these churches don't. I believe in sponsor same sex marriages. That are out of business and you know that that's right cried Rose all of us to talk about that in his reelection strategy for Bush in Ohio and who I was and there are a lot of effort in the black churches on the marriage issue if I'm not mistaken to help George Bush Well that's right you know when California voted against same sex marriage that's how Levon years ago in 2008 whites voted 51 percent for same sex marriage Hispanics voted 51 percent against a next marriage another was there basically evenly split blacks voted 70 percent against that same sex marriage that let me answer the marriage advocates blame Borman or is there a law that was really black right Michel one of the things we are told while you're giving that interesting history of the origins of the Republican and Democratic Party is we Republicans are not you I don't want to identify you you do whatever you want but I'm a speaking for myself we're often told that well the Republican Party of Lincoln it's not the same Republican Party they kind of shifted views I go back to the founding documents from Ripon and elsewhere the Republicans see any great change I think that's mostly a myth but you tell me if I'm wrong well I do you know they claim is that you know the Republicans may have been for against slavery but now they want to reimpose slavery your state should or something like that which I you know where there are racist party I think that but won't you know there has been since 196870 even in 1968 when George was free an independent candidacy he'd been a Democratic governor of Alabama he said he wasn't calling for a position of state mandated racial segregation anymore that was gone issue you haven't had a significant segment of the American public that's been a favor resegregation by race we have had racial quotas and preferences imposed largely but not a totally by live. Girls and Democrats which are racial discrimination but evidently have been banned by the courts right but the fact is that I mean parties have changed their views the Republican Party initially with a high care card right by the 1970 s. After more than 100 years of existence it became the lowered care of more of a free trade party the Democratic Party influenced by the industrial labor unions became a party that believes more and protectionism now with that will trump the Republican Party seems to be moving at least a little back towards protectionism in yours at least some of the Democrats a great trade is really a good idea so now the Party contingent substantive issues and they change in response to changes in the voter opinion in response to events in response to change to most of caught how people change their minds about issues over the time and about Democratic change you know the Democratic party got started we were country of 20000000 people they were a country of 320 people to hear South's complete conversation with Michael Barone go to town hall reviewed dot com Coming up California has 138000000 dead trees in the state as recently as value weighted by the state's Department of Forestry California's lighting problems in the final segment of town hall review with us. This is Jerry Boyer of town hall finance for Town Hall dot com when they're not obsessing over Ukraine and Giuliani the media is spending its time bashing Trump for his Syria pull out but not a word is said about who got us into this mess President Obama many have been critical of Trump sudden pull out of Syria but long before Trump came into office Obama allowed Syria to go from a revolution to a long and lethal civil war Obama said Assad must go his CIA spent $1000000000.00 fine. Ending and training Syrian rebels to that end the u.s. Led effort to oust Assad pave the way for ISIS and the current chaos that Trump is trying to get us out of back in 2013 many conservatives opposed Obama's plan to overthrow Assad because we thought that it would extend the Civil War and that is exactly what happened while the media attacks Trump for blundering out of Syria they forgotten that Obama blundered us into it I'm Gerri boy. Sponsored by a.d.f. Alliance Defending free Hey everybody this is Steve would sign please to be hosting our brand new show right here on $960.00 the Patriot The show's called the beacon It's sponsored by Phoenix Christian and each and every week on Sundays from 9 to 10 am we take a look at how God uses the unexpected to do the unexplainable you are invited to tune in listen up and be encouraged Please join us again every Sunday morning from 9 am to 10 am right here on 960 the Patriot It only takes a minute to find out if you may have pre-diabetes and you can do it do I have pre-diabetes dot org But you're probably not going to know I'm sure you've got a perfectly good excuse kids work. 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To thirds of the state of California and they've recently begun turning off the lights . Its response to the. Northern part of the state. Is this. School of Public Policy was Hugh Hewitt asked. What do you do when the lights go out in the 3rd world country. Well we go to we go to candles and crank up radios as you say it's an amazing state of affairs that arguably one of America's most technologically advanced state is returned to the stone age and in many regions of the state you know what here's the irony today on the front page of The New York Times the very big story Google claims a quantum breakthrough that could change computing they think quantum supremacy they think. Barbara Now the question is can they keep the. Bill as you exactly right you and as with so many other problems here in the state most of them are manmade and we have me. He different issues contributing but most all of them have to do with bad public policy decisions and frankly bad management decisions. Now explain to people how we can spend billions and billions on a on a train to nowhere but we can't keep the grid on because it might start forest fires that will kill people well you know is I see it there really I mean there are myriad contravening factors here to it but I'll just call out the top 31 is we've had some bad management at the utilities obviously p.g. And e. Has been the one most recently that's been issuing these blackouts they have really dropped the ball as a relates to deferred maintenance and modernization so much of the great technology you just mentioned that Google and others are putting together just hasn't found its way into the electrical grid and whether it's emergency shutoff systems or micro-grid Swe just the utilities have not held up their end of the bargain when it comes to investing in infrastructure the 2nd thing is bad for street management California has $138000000.00 dead trees in this state as recently evaluated by the state's Department of Forestry and we're only clearing about 10 percent of the dead trees each year that we need to win so many of these fires really begin in the forest and spread into places where people live and then finally it's bad land use policy we are we're putting people into places in remote areas and running electrical wires out to where they are we've got to be a little bit more intentional when it comes to how we lay out land use and development thank you for joining us for this edition of the town home review with you at some point earlier episodes on our Web site Town Hall Review dot com sign up for. Best Talk Radio special thanks to executive producer Russell few been and producers Charlie Richards David Hosea Michael Adam Randy and Duane Patterson I'm saying. Thanks once again to our sponsors the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy a.d.f. Alliance defense I Mark Davis in this week for you it at least thank you for joining. 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