Transcripts for KLZ 560 AM/K264BO 100.7 FM [560 KLZ The Sour

KLZ 560 AM/K264BO 100.7 FM [560 KLZ The Source] KLZ 560 AM/K264BO 100.7 FM [560 KLZ The Source] October 11, 2018 050000

Already resource them but he needs at least one death has been reported nearly 400000 homes and businesses are without power you're listening to USA radio news Hi I'm Wayne Allen Root health care in this country is a disaster health insurance is completely unaffordable and it covers very little but there's a better way I'm living proof I've joined myself I'm a liberty health care member exercise your freedom with Liberty health year Liberty health years a community of people who voluntarily share one another's medical costs everyone loves liberty our rights come from God not from government liberty belief people should make decisions for themselves and their families members are able to take back the freedom to make their own decisions about their health care you have the freedom to direct your health care not to be dictated to by big government or insurance company bureaucrats stop letting others tell you what to do exercise your freedom join Liberty Bell share do it today there were no windows no limit in a room that period no penalties you can join liberty has shared any time 365 days a year I did my family is a member liberty toll free at 85550 liberty for more information that's 85558 liberty or online at liberty health care dot org That's Liberty Hill share dot org One Republican senator is calling for more civility in politics he was a radio's Timberg reports Republican Senator Rand Paul said he worries that the current political climate will lead to deadly violence which may include an assassination he joined Fox News to talk about people needing to be more civil regarding politics and I was there at the ball field when Stephen schoolies almost died from a very angry violent man who was incited really by rhetoric on the left and this hasn't been reported enough when he came onto the field with a semi-automatic weapon firing probably close to 200 shots at us shooting 5 people and almost killing Steve Scalise he was yelling this is for health care he also had a list of conservative legislators Republicans in his pocket that he was willing to kill So what happens when Democrats say get up in their face they need to realize that there are a lot of unstable people out there there are people with anger. There are people that are prone to violence than I do going to live next door to you don't know where these people are for us a radio news I'm Timberg You're listening to us radio news now you can fly anywhere in the world and take prices on your airline tickets. Or anywhere else. And. International travel right now. Is 802155141802155141 that's 802155141 like California Oregon and Washington and many other states Canada has now decided to cash in on the lucrative cash crop he was a Radio Network's Chris Barnes has more on the story on October 17th Canada will become the 2nd and largest country with a legal national marijuana Marketplace Europe guy launched legal sales last year after several years of planning it it's a profound social shift in Canada promised by the prime minister Justin Trudeau and fueled by a desire to bring the black market there into a regulated taxed system after nearly a century of prohibition for USA Radio News I'm Chris Barnes President Trump has signed into law the patient right to know prices that that will lower the cost for the estimated 60 percent of all Americans that take prescriptions With more here's John Clemens in addition to the number of all Americans taking prescriptions you can also include 90 percent of all seniors who spend as much as $340000000000.00 including 45000000000 out of pocket a year up until the signing pharmacies were not allowed to tell patients about the vast prescription freshens President Trump says progress is being made for all Americans using prescriptions tremendous progress has been led where we're making very obvious progress. You can see it is we are we just saying prescription drugs and the cost of prescription drugs I'm John Clemons for USA radio news became. I if you and she often I would love for you to drive to work every morning with a smile and to be Auntie Austin show for a new laughter fun and fact yes the truth has no doubt on the end she often show every weekday morning by pm at 11 am right here I am 560 k. L.c. Another hour of our American stories is coming up on Calle z 560. This is Lee have been this is our American stories and now it's time for our this day in history segment brought to us as always by the folks at Hillsdale College the best place in America to learn about our nation's history the Constitution great literature and all the things that matter in life all the things that are beautiful in life and if you can't get to Hillsdale Hillsdale can get to you just go to Hillsdale dot edu and sign up for their free and terrific online courses this next American stories about the youngest Civil War general in the Union Army an incredibly fearless man who scented his air with cinnamon oil a man whose heroics have been reenacted time after time for the big and large stage and screen in fact President Ronald Reagan played him in the 1940 Western Santa Fe Trail a box office success that Reagan starred opposite Errol Flynn a year later Flint also start is this man in the bio pic they died with their boots on on this day in 1877 the u.s. Army held a West Point funeral with full military honors for Lieutenant Colonel George on strong cost. This is his story. On a desolate hillside and it's the rolling prairie of Montana George Armstrong Custer made his last stand although one of the most successful military leaders in United States history it was Custer's defeat that made him a legend and gave the American West its 1st true hero and. Historians now cast a less glorious picture of George Custer who is more likely referred to as a villain than as an American martyr mode one point is clear George Custer was an exceptionally brave and effective combat leader during America's bloody civil war the 23 year old Custer became the youngest and most admired general in the Union army with a Rolex that helped him win the most decisive battle at Gettysburg. Custer in a battle was was a thing of beauty he he could direct people with precision and never get rattled I mean he just had a sense of physical courage that was inspiring and that's a real gift when you're out there in the chaos of war and Custer had it. From an early age it was clear that this Ohio boy was determined to transcend his lowly origins his self-confidence so impressed his congressman that despite his lack of qualifications he won a coveted spot at West Point in 857. By the time of his graduation from West Point 2961 Custer's insubordination helped him compile a list of infractions Never before he called in the history of the academy Custer would finish last in his class but he wasn't stupid by any means whenever. Was running into serious trouble and he hunkered down and worked his way back in so in one sense he led a chaotic fun filled life but on the other there was a real disappointment. Although Custer was fresh out of West Point when the Civil War began and his exploits on the battlefield proved that he was more than ready for Command he never asked anyone to do anything that he wouldn't do him self in the bloodiest war in all of American history is in the thick of the fighting from the 1st battle to the last battle and he's barely scratched it's just absolutely remarkable Custer's luck he called it and he came to believe it was cited for bravery in his very 1st engagement at the Battle of Bull Run the New York Tribune proclaimed future writers of fiction will find in Brigadier General Custer most of the qualities which go to make up a 1st class hero. Not only did the flamboyant Custer act the part of a hero but he also dressed the part was like a circus rider gone mad someone wrote but those who at 1st thought this was just a showman but they changed their mind because Custer was a fire his soldiers they admired him even worshiped him they emulated his dress and his division began to sport red scarfs so that they could all look like Custer. Custer became known as the boy general and stayed on the very front lines until the last day of the Civil War receiving the flag of truce when General Robert e. Lee finally surrendered Maddox on April 9th 1865 and during the months following the surrender at Appomattox the restless Custer found peace more challenging than war. Then in the fall of $866.00 Custer received an offer to join the 7th Cavalry to protect gold miners and settlers from Sioux and Cheyenne tribes. Custer goes out to the Indian frontier it's really the only active theater of operations and this isn't like the Confederates a sou in Cheyenne in the Arapahoe. They don't know the histories of say Napoleon Bonaparte armies and they don't care. Custer camps on top of hills so that he has a view of the countryside builds big fires Well the 1st thing that happens the enemy sees him and goes away. Then on August 4th 1973 while protecting the Northern Pacific Railroad workers in Montana Custer and his 7th Cavalry were attacked for the 1st time by a large band of Sunni warriors who were led by Crazy Horse and the legendary medicine city. Would be on the Braves attack impetuously and little planet Custer who had been taking an extreme left me acted quickly and mounted an effective defense after a brief skirmish the Indians withdrew. Custer's 1st encounter with Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse helped to confirm his belief that the plains warriors tended to flee rather than fight what he doesn't realize is he's fighting but we've come to know as a guerrilla. That the doesn't have courage show that he doesn't have a place to show it in because he can't find the enemy and display the courage the way he's used to. And when we come back we'll continue with the story of Lieutenant Colonel George Strong Custer facing a war and a warrior class he didn't understand the warfare he never seen before studied. On this day in history in 877 the u.s. Army held a West Point funeral with full military honors for this man we're about to dig into the life behind the life of the tenon Colonel George Strong Custer after these messages. On Malkin well found by why. I rarely write a why that. There are a lot of fellows out there. Scored says here with our American stories this is me having a strange conversation with my 3 year old Penelope and I'll tell you this was not staged to have her so many times of her randomly telling me that she wants a premium my pillow to after her old man got one I finally decided to record her complaining. That. The sad thing for Penelope is her birthday just passed and her father is money conscious so she was going to have to wait a while but we did just find out that my pillow was running a 4 pack special that's 50 percent off so I just gave and the Get your premium my pillows go to my pillow dot com and use our promo code stories to get the discount . The producer for the producers our American story on our American network and we would like to hear your story if you or someone you know has an interesting story to share with America simply pitcher and a pair of picture and a paragraph for your story. Just a picture of. Someone you know. Send a picture in a paragraph or 2 your story our American network. Something we want to know about and a picture of yourself in a paragraph describing something that happened in your life share with America. As someone ever done something for you to change your life share it with us share it with us share with. We want to hear about it we want to hear about your story with our American stories. And our listeners to share your story and. Your story at work. How. If you're just figuring out that healthy cooking oils are better than you may be asking What am I going to do with all these terms of. Had one of those moments when your favorite skinny jeans tailored generously apply large to your hips and thighs and fancy pants. About making your. Post your driveway with the. Time of year having a bad hair day. A little lump of lard contain your immaturity so there's no need for that lard to go to waste your weight. With. Other vegetable oils which can actually lower your chances for. The National supporter of the American Heart Association. John Nichols was making major strides in his career when it aged 32 a water skiing accident left him critically injured fortunately he had disability insurance for me disability insurance was the safety net I did not have to worry about the bills I did not have the financial concerns thanks to disability insurance that John had through work and on his own he continued to receive an income until he could return to work learn more at Protect your paycheck dot org a message from the nonprofit Life Foundation I'm Holly Thomas group vice president of cause marketing for me sees every baby deserves the best possible start but not all babies get 1 March of Dimes is changing. You can help lead the fight for the health care and baby join me and me to March for Babies Let's raise funds and be champions for families near and far together we are building a brighter future sign up for Macy's team today at March for Babies dot org. This is our American stories and we continue the story of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer. The foreclosure in the Treaty of 868 had created the Great soon reservation which in pump is most of the modern day state of South Dakota as well as millions of acres of hunting ground to the west and north including the Black Hills and by the terms of the treaty this land which the American government feud is worthless had been granted to the su for ever in return they were supposed to cease hostilities against the Americans the majority of the tribe had followed this course but Sitting Bull remain defiant. Refusing to acknowledge the treaty let alone sign it and then in 1974 thousands of Americans violated the treaty when a 4 letter word made headlines across the country it's 874 when the news hits the public that there's gold in the Black Hills and this is a time of depression in the United States and so those men knew and some women who can outfit themselves to get their quick men and head to the Black Hills to mine for gold. In the position of the us government is that. The miners are going to invade that country and there's going to be a war with Indians and that is inevitable. The white man had made a treaty with Red Cloud That said the Black Hills would be ours as long as the aggression grow and the water. Later I learned that the long hair had found there much of the yellow metal that makes the white man crazy and that is what made the bad trouble. Bucko 874. Ironically it was Custer himself who started this gold rush after leading an expedition into the safeword suit lands of the Black Hills and discovering the paydirt Custer has a great phrase he says we found gold among the roots of the grass. And he creates this image and that phrase that eat just go there if you're a farmer right you going to just plow up the levee going to plough up the land 1st you dig up the gold you put the gold in the bank then you put you in the ground. More than $15000.00 miners flooded into the region establishing the towns of Custer and Deadwood. The government offered to buy the Black Hills for $6000000.00 but the suit turned them down conflict. It was inevitable. Elements from Sitting Bull's camps come down and threaten to kill any chief that touches the paper finally on November 3rd President Ulysses s. Grant determined to eliminate this last pocket of Indian resistance in the West. Coast are now $36.00 was the natural choice to lead such an operation his mission was to for Sitting Bull and his resistance to the reservation or destroy them in the process putting Custer in charge of this operation showed that the American government meant business. Gentleman. 22 young men who carry 100 rounds of carving. 24 rounds of ammunition. Rations 15 days per men. Coffee sugar. Bacon and another 50 rounds of ammunition per man on a mule train any questions. 15 days supplies without wagons Jason Indians Colonel not cattle got to be quick got to be mobile wagons and slow is right down. Do not hold me back. I want to have a single Indian say that he escaped the 7th Cavalry Mark Kellogg a small town reporter for the Bismarck Tribune was the only reporter on Custer's last campaign his dispatches will be reprinted in The New York Herald. President Grant forbids the army from taking reporters with them but Custer knows the value of publicist. General in the morning just some of the officers seem unhappy Pete that correct me if I'm wrong are you going to tell your readers just. Your Side. You want to catch the Indians you have to travel as they do this is their country. And know what. There you readers this. 7 Carrie's going to get to. The skill of war. Not fighting white men it's not union confederates for us warfare has rules now for the Indians. Do you was was that how they fly. They don't fight Indian feels no dishonored running away for senator. Damn risk it's only good Indian is a day. Of a come of you must go out and if your garden a plain stupid. I was in India live on the open plains and submit to the confines of a reservation that you readers will read. My orders a clear Mr Kellogg. Indians are to be subdued driven back to their reservation. Your. Mission. We may need it. You can print it. Custer had a kind of a tortured relationship with native peoples he identified with them very strongly prided himself in his knowledge of their rituals and lifestyle and so that you know at one point he's embracing them and in many ways imitating them but on the other side he was part of white civilization and saw them as a primitive race that were going to eventually melt into the shadows Custer and his 7th Cavalry are also joined by a company of Indian scouts mostly crow and a rick or a who has lifelong enemies of the Sioux allied themselves with the Americans but in response to a plea from Sitting Bull the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes will join the Sioux in their fight. Within a week or so. So prior to the battle of will big one many more of these reservation Indians or pouring into Sitting Bull's camps this number swelled to probably 1500 to perhaps as many as 2000 warriors by June 25th 728000 individuals all together. Sitting Bull has amassed the greatest gathering of Indians on the northern plains in its history he sees it as his last stand against white introduce meant. For Sitting Bull's people there's no place to run there's no place to go this is in . Shortly after dawn on June 25th 876 clusters sends through an overlooked called the crows nest near the Little Big Horn River in Montana. They cannot see the village directly because the rain is very deceptive. But in the Valley of the Little Big Horn they can see a rising huge cloud of smoke. And the crows are the 1st one to recognize the fact that there was they said there was more in the user than the. Bullets. Was Clare's a stream at sunrise gives anyone I can't see anything it's a big vantage no Indians nothing. To look for the wriggling warms worms would be the pony heard. Sir if you don't find more Indians in that valley than you ever saw you can hang me dead set against it wouldn't it for. They would rest up. And I was around and. Daybreak uteri cute learned Q. He says if you must attack it has to be to day to day under cover we rest tomorrow . And I know what it is well tomorrow when I have one big fight that is my plan. Fell off one of the mules I know we send some men to. They found it's are a mile or so back there were 2 Indians but I trust they were dealt with they got away sir. Which direction the. Effect. Shown me that the Indians are very close. And many it's hard to say. That our presence is quite possibly been discovered. He had no choice but to launch your

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