Transcripts For KNTV Today 20121227 :

KNTV Today December 27, 2012

Why johnny boy, is that any way to treat old friends . Ha i just stopped by to have a friendly chat with you. Might be very interesting if the president of the Mineral City Bank were to know that his most trusted casheer, john medford, is really john merideth, a jailbird and a murderer. I paid for the mistake, dude, and made a fresh start. Heh. Oh, johnny boy. You wouldnt want anything to happen to that nice little wife or kid of yours, would you . Would you . alright, what do you want . You already know that. This visit is just to make sure. Have that bank vault open for us tomorrow when we come in. I wont do it, dude you wont do it . Well this is a sample of what youll get if you dont. Hey, whats going on here . you keep out of this oh no you dont, stranger now john, maybe you can tell me what this is all about. Just a misunderstanding. A personal matter. Why dont you keep your nose out of things that dont concern you . Maybe i made a mistake. I guess maybe you did, and i aim to correct it later. This doesnt change things any between us. Who were those men, and why were they after you . Id rather not talk about it. I appreciate your help, and its not important, really. Im sorry the baby was asl you and john must really be happy with a nice little daughter like that. Oh, we are. Everythings just perfect. I saw john yesterday; he seemed to be worried about something. Is there anything wrong . Well. No, i dont think so. I thought maybe i could help if anything was wrong. Well thanks roy, but i think you got the wrong impression. Well tell john i dropped by to say hello. I will, and you come back again. Thanks say, saw that new herd of yours, cam. Mighty fine bunch of cattle. They sure are. See ya next week. Just relax, everybody, and you dont get hurt. Get your hands up you cant just walk in here like this cant we . get to work. Just a minute, mister. Are you following me . Who, me . Yes, you, and i dont exactly take to that. Oh, mister, youre mistaken. I never follow anybody. Nevermind that. I just wanted to go in the bank, thats all. Im gonna straighten you out about something. Come on. Hurry up. We havent gotten all day. Come on hurry it up in there hurry up we gotta get out of here alright, im coming sorry, dan. I tell ya for the millionth time, i havent been following you you shouldnt get so hot under the collar, mister. You better cool off. Help hey, sid, lets get out of here help help who turned out the lights . where am i . In a tunnel . The banks been held up just a cottonpicking minute, bullet cant you trail them an easier way . What, you think nelliebelle is a Mountain Goat . Well pat, i thought nelliebelle could go any place. Well dont you ever worry. They aint nobody outtrail nelliebelle yet. Here comes sid. And hes in a hurry. Theres a posse coming. You must have been trailed here. How could they . They got that dog of rogerss with them. Rogers, huh . Gather up this money. Well give them a nice warm welcome. There are the horses. They must be inside. Stay here, bullet. Were just wasting good ammunition. If we can keep them away from their horses, we got them pinned down. Maybe, but if they can hold us off till dark, theyll make a break for it. Where you going, roy . Keep em busy pat, youre an old tank driver. Head nelliebelle right straight for the cabin wow, this reminds me of the battle of the bulge lets close in on them, men theyre closing in on us. Sid trap door turkey, youre last. Throw those shells in the fire just before you follow us. Sounds like a battery of guns. Ya let him clean us out and get away. Why . I dont know; i just couldnt. This is a breach of trust and looks very suspicious. Either that or youre a coward, john. Which is it . In any case if you cant protect the interests of this bank, youre not worthy of a position of trust here. But mr. Prescott, my job. youre through get out. They trace them yet, roy . We trailed them to their hideout, but they got away. Roy seems to think theyre the same men that stopped you the other day. It kinda looks like you were working with them. We dont want to turn you over to the sheriff unless youve done something wrong. But you know those men. Now who are they . I guess i should have told you before. I know them as dude dalheart and cherokee tim. Theres another one they call sid. They got some kind of a hold on you. Yes. I killed a man once, back in kansas. My name was marideth then. How did it happen . Man was responsible for the death of my sister. She killed herself. I went out of my head, i guess. I hunted him down and shot it out with him. Did you stand trial for it . I was convicted of manslaughter and served ten years in prison. Oh, so youre not wanted for any kind of a crime now . No. When i got out i came west. Changed my name and married. I have a home, a wife, and a child. I built a good life here, until dude dalhart came along. And threatened to expose you as an exconvict, huh . It would disgrace my wife and baby and tear down everything i built for them here. That explains a lot of things, john. Even so, i meant to stop the holdup, but i kept seeing the man i killed before and i couldnt shoot dude. I couldnt kill again. Now they think im a coward. And worse. Theres one way you can make up for all that, john. How . Tell us where we can find dalhart and his men. But i dont know that. Even if i could help capture them, theyd still expose me. That doesnt matter now youve paid for any crime you committed in the past. Alright. Ill do whatever you want. But i dont know where they are. Youd better stick close to home until we get a lead on them. Relax; its only medford. Mary john, dear. welcome home, johnny boy. John. Pull up a chair; relax. Come on, bullet. Thank you. Come back. You know, dale, sometimes i get fed up with scrubbing these floors and washing on those dirty dishes. I was meant for better thing. An executive type, for instance, where i sit with my feet up on a desk and. Well, you certainly look like a merry little ray of sunshine. I just saw john medford loading a lot of provisions in that buggy of his. He avoided seeing me. Roy, you dont think dude and his men are hiding out at the medford home, do you . Yes, i do. And i should tell the sheriff about it you cant do that, roy theyre probably holding mary and that baby prisoners in their own home. Yeah, if we take the sheriff out there somebodys liable to get hurt. Well we dont want that to happen. No. Say ive got an idea why dont i go out there and pay a little social call on mary . But you cant go out there alone well its a cinch that neither one of you can go. And besides, what looks more innocent than one woman paying a call on another. And you two could be watching from outside oh dale. Too much could happen if that gang is there. I could find that out, and without giving it away. And if mary doesnt let me in, wed know now listen, you stay out of this ill figure some other way. Dale where you going . Well hello, mary gee, its been so long, i just had to come see you and the baby. Hows johnny . Oh, he isnt here right now. I dont feel very well. Oh, thats too bad. I was out riding the other day and i saw john. He looked just fine. My, arent you lucky to have such a wonderful little baby . Its a girl, isnt it . Yes, shes asleep right now. Oh, gee, thats too bad. I wanted to see her. Id be quiet. Just quiet as a mouse. Well. Shes been so cross lately. Why dont you come back another time . Oh, isnt that the baby now . No, no, shes shes sound asleep. Shut up, you bawlng brat well it is the little darlings waking up. Ive just got to see her. No i. Ill see how she is. You wait here. There there honey. Its alright. Dude and his gang must her in the house. Hey. Medfords coming back. Hey, if he goes in there hes liable to mess things up for dale. Well head him off before he gets there. What are you doing there . Alright, get back in that closet. Go on a shot he heard it, too. Lets go. Lets get out of here. Hold it drop those guns and back up against the wall. Mary mary rogers, whether johnny lives or dies depends on you. Drop your gun. Dont try to follow us. Remember the gun in johnnys back. Get the horses, sid dale dale, you alright . Yeah, were alright, roy. What have you done to my wife and baby, dude . Are they alright . Dont come any closer, rogers. Ill let him have it. If youve done anything to my wife and baby, ill get you, dude. Ill follow you no matter where you go. Son of a. ill kill ya do you hear me . Shut up, johnny boy. Nothings happened to your wife and kid. But you double crossed us, johnny, and somethings going to happen to you. Trigger hey, phinneas mary, you and the baby alright . Here, take this. One of them is still in the closet. The bank moneys here. Ill be able to return it in the morning. The bank moneys here. Ill be able to return it in the orning. Alright, dude. Youre about to start paying for all the trouble youve caused. Get going. Dale, what are we going to do with you taking chances like that . Oh, that was no chance roy. I knew youd be around when the trouble started to take care of things. Supposing i hadnt had made it . Go on, dude. Youre the funny man that got your enjoys dunkin me like a donut, arent ya . Well ima fixing to get my enjoys now. Come on, boy. Ha ha john, i think its wonderful that mr. Prescott retird and made you the manager. Thank you, dale. Congratulations, johnny, or maybe i should say, mr. Medford. Yes roy ill never be able to thank you enough. Itll always be johnny to you and dale. That suit. what in the world are you dressed like that for . No more washing floors and scrubbing dishes, dale. Like i said im fed up with that mopping and scrubbing. I came to take that new job. That new custodian position that mr. Medford offered me. Wheres my office, john . Right over there, pat. Pat brady, chief custodian. Ha ha. Ah. Ha ha ha ha happy trails to you until we meet again happy trails to you keep smiling until then happy trails to you until we meet again the lone ranger hi ho silver a firey horse with the speed of light a cloud of dust and a hearty hi ho silver. The lone ranger shots i heard came from somewhere around here tonto. Look kimosabe. Blood. Tonto listen. There, man calling. Hes injured. Dont be afraid, were friends. Thanks. Im jason, express agent. Its no use, they got me good. Did you see who did this . Three outlaws, lew slade, sam kirk and rufe watson. Them after money . Gold shipment. On way to express office. Did they get the gold jason . No i held them off while driver and wagon got away. Ive seen watson before. Can you describe the other two . One a big man, with. Too late kimosabe. Him gone now. Poor fellow he didnt have a chance. One man against three. We go after them . Yes tonto. Man riding fast. Maybe that one of them. Its watson tonto, hes seen us. Come on. What are you chasing me for . I didnt get any of that hold up money. I know you didnt, neiter did slade or kirk, the three of you killed a man on the law wants you for that. You mean that express messenger died . Somebody aim too good, bullet hit heart. An innocent man gave his life to break up that robbery. Im going to bring the three of you in if its the last thing i do. Where did you leave your accomplices . Back at the cross roads. We figured it would be better for the three of us to split up. Youre meeting them again some place . Where . I dont know. Tonto it seems this fellow wants to take the full blame, well turn him over to the sheriff. Hey wait a minute. Ill tell you the truth. We was gonna meet in clarksville. We figured nobody would know us there. How long ago did you split up . Oh three hours maybe four. Thats the truth mister, i was gonna get some money there and head for the border. Get some money . You mean steal some, dont you . Tonto well take this fellow back and then go after those other two. Me hear name of clarksville before. Somebody famous live there . Yes tonto, somebody very famous, billie bannion the town barber. Town barber . What barber do to be famous . Billy has a reputation of being the bravest barber in the state. Just as handy with guns as with scissors. If kirk and slade tango with billy there will be plenty of trouble. Now get going. Hey what are you trying to do to me . I just aim to please now sit back. If its any comfort to you i wont be cutting your throat after next week. What do you mean . You can buy my shop and have it just for the asking. Oh billie youre joking, you cant quit barbering. Didnt you just say that a female woman shouldnt be cutting whiskers. You know i wasnt referring to you. Why you quitting barbering . What are you going to do . Well, i got a hankering to be a lady for a change. A lady . You . You think i cant . Nobody ever thinks on you as being a lady billie, a female maybe but a lady . Never. Well theyll just have to change their thinking cause im leaving for saint louis next week. It wont work billie, youre one of us. A rootin tootin two gun gal thats born to the west. And you wouldnt be happy no due place like saint louis. Besides, it takes big money to live like a lady. What do you think ive been saving my money for all these years . I got big money right in my safe in there. Youve got a lot of other peoples money in that safe too. And if you leave where are they gonna keep it . Aint no bank in this town. Youre the only one thats fast enough on the trigger to guard it for us. Well youll just have to guard it yourself, im gonna be a lady i tell ya. Oh thatll be forty cents. Alright but take it easy. Can you change a twenty dollar gold piece . I can change any chicken feed you got on ya. Wait here. Wheres the barber . Next room, back in a minute. Hey you, barber, get out here. I aint got all day. If i was you stranger i wouldnt talk like that to our barber. Billie dont take it kindly. Well youre not me and i dont care whether he takes it kindly or not. Hey you . I said to hurry it up. Hold your horses mister. Here joe, heres your change. Thanks billie. Seems like youre in a all fine hurry to get your hair cut mister. Quit your blabbing woman and tell the barber to get out here and to go to work. Well the barber is out and im going to work on you right now. Lady barber . Get away from me. No fool womans gonna cut my hair. I dont like the way you said that. Now you get out of here and quick. Why dont you stick to your knitting . Leave a mans job to a man. cause some women can do it better. Like what for instance . Like tanning the hyde of an hombre thats too sassy for his own good. Now get. I dont take no orders from no hatchet fake female. This goes for you and your shop and your orders. Why you honory pole cat you. Hey cut it out quit will ya . Thatll teach you who is the better man. Oh a sniveling side winder huh . You lucky i only skinned your arm, next time i wont be so easy on ya. Pick up your pop gun. Get your carcus out of here. And dont come back. Listen joe you go out there and keep an eye on him and let me know if hes got any friends in town. Sure thing billie. Awful wallop. Oh its you. When did you get into town . This morning. Been nosing around. Anybody ask you any questions . Of course not. The trouble is with you, you cant help looking suspicious. Here. Wear this badge i stole. Come on lets get out of here. I tell you im worried. Why should rufe take any longer than us getting here . You think he run into some trouble . Yeah and blabbed about where he was meeting us. Rufe wouldnt do a thing like that. I dont trust anyone. We got to get out of here. With what were dead broke. If we only had gotten away with that gold shipment. Ifs dont count. We got to get our hands on some money some other way. I suppose youve got an idea . Thats right. A good one. Why there isnt even a bank in this hick town. Why yes there is. Youre crazy, where . About ten yards from where you were sitting before. Talk sense will you . Told you ive been nosing around. This town thinks a lot of that lady barber, theyll tell you anything you want to know about her. There is nothing i want to know about that old she cat. Not even that shes got the whole towns money, just waiting for us to take it . Her . Where . A safe in a back room. Safe . Thats right. And you the best little safe opener in the whole territory. She can out draw us both. There wont be any gun play. Tell me now, dont you think my beard needs a little trimming . What do you mean by that . Plenty. Heres what were gonna do. There you are hank, you look like a regular dude now. Cant nobody give me a hair cut as good as you billie and that new hair tonic of yours sure smells sweet. You know i thought youd like that, you know folks tell me they can wiff that clean across the street. Well see you again next week billie. Hi. Hi joe. Billie, you was right. Now take it easy joe. Right about what . That no good hombre that got fresh with you. Oh you mean hes got friends . Yeah, fellow with a big thick beard, i never seen him before. They was holding a mighty secret pow wow. Find out what they was cooking up . Trouble. Theyre planning to rob you billie. Rob me . Why there aint a man living that can do that. But theres two of them billie. Only two of them . Well it aint quite a fair fight. Did you find out what their plan is . I heard some of it, the big one, the fellow with the beard, hes coming in and asking you to trim his whiskers. Then while youre doing it, the other one sneaks in the back room and opens your safe. Oh i see, when i go after one of em, the other one is gonna get the drop on me from the rear. Thats it billie. Dont you want me to stand by in case you need me . No thanks joe. You go down and tell that sheriff to get that jail ready for a couple of crooks. Sure will. So a bearded mans coming in here and ask me to do some cutting . Well ill do some cutting. It wont be on his beard. Clarksville is just through those trees tonto. Best place to look for slade and kirk . Thats hard to say, they could be hiding in town or outside of it. The description we have of those two doesnt help much. They may be hard to recognize. Them been on road many days, riding fast. No time shave or clean. Maybe them look plenty suspicious when them reach town . Thats just what i was thinking tonto. Wheres the first place theyd head to change their looks . A barber shop. You want me go there now . Ask lady barber if her see any suspicious characters. No tonto. Ive heard so much about this fabulous billie bannion, i would like a look at her myself. Ill ride in with you. You go to barder shop in mask, then whole town maybe think you bandit. Dont worry tonto, ill wear a disguise. Lets see. I could go as a rugged old indian scout. With a long mustache and a full beard that needs a cutting. I reckon i could ask the lady barber for a trimming. Without her or anyone in town getting suspicious. But if lady barber plenty smart, her sure to see through your disguise. I realize that tonto. But if i have to ill explain to billie the real reason why im there. Me understand kimosabe. Me help make you look enough like indian scout so youll fool even tonto. You got it straight now . Yeah i got it straight. As soon as you go inside, i sneak around to the side and crawl through the window. Thats right. Now keep it as quiet as you can. But if she does hear, ill have my gun on her before she can make a move. How do i look tonto . Like old time scout kimosabe. You fool whole town. I hope youre right. You look around town, see if you can pick up any trace of slade and kirk. Me meet you back here, me hear lady barber plenty rugged. You not let her cut too much or her get suspicious. Dont worry tonto, ill just get a trim. Be careful. Lets go. Hey wait a minute. Looks like somebody beat us to it. Reckon you could give me a little trim . My whiskers is spouting like weeds maam and say up t

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