Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130315 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130315

he asked for a blessing for himself to pray for him. so it was very humbling i thought in a nice way to begin his papacy. >> apparently that's not a show, that's the essence of the man. we all know how he lived so simply. he is actually living testimony to what the gospel really is. the gospel means good news. and it's good news to the poor. and he is a beautiful testimony of service. do you know that in buenos aires he would clean, wash and clean and kiss the feet of aids patients. >> yes. >> this is what's been missing in not just the catholic church, but in many churches around the world, is service in the name of a loving god. and it's really, really thrilling to see. i am not catholic, but i cried. i just loved his tender heart. i loved that he didn't wear all the robes and stuff. if he says he's a follower of jesus, jesus was the poorest of the poor. didn't have a stone was his pillow. you know. and if you're going to represent him as the vicar, you know, then identify with him. and i think this is a brilliant start. >> he's 76 years old and a lot of people first looked at it and said, wait, 76? you know that's -- >> they thought maybe they would go a little younger. >> we're here to tell you and we're going to list some people who are older and really rocking it. okay? here we go. >> besides frank? >> besides frank gifford. who should be first on the list. queen elizabeth, 86 years old. >> she's ten years older. she's doing great. >> warren buffett, 82. >> uh-huh. >> the king of saudi arabia, 88. the prime minister of india, 80. rupert murdoch, 82. the formula one ceo, bernie ecclestone, 82. senator frank lautenberg of new jersey, 89. >> and ralph hall from texas, who will be 90 in a couple months. it makes me feel a little bit better about my milestone coming this summer. >> how do you feel about that milestone? >> you know what? it's just starting to dawn on me and it's like, i'm just surprised by it all the time. >> that i'm going to be 60 years old. how the heck -- in honor of the pope, did that happen? would i love to be 40 again? in some ways, but i had cass when i was 40 and i've got a beautiful almost 20-year-old and cody is going to be 23. and i think when you start thinking about ha you've lost in life, you lose the moment right now you lose the joy and the gift of right now. that's why it's called a present. >> i like that. >> it's right now. and you just, if you just concentrate, hoda on what you do have, still have a lot. you know a lot to be grateful for. >> and we talk about the james taylor song" the secret of life is to be enjoy where you are at the time." >> so here's bad news, if you're on a carnival cruise ship. this is not great. another issue with carnival, you guys. the carnival cruise ship "dream" is docked, in port at phillipsberg in st. maarten. they're having according to some people on the boat, power outages and overflowing toilets. 5,000 passengers could be on board. apparently carnival cruise put out a statement that said there's a technical issue, but at no time did the ship lose power there were some periodic interruptions of elevators and toilets. >> i obviously have a soft spot for carnival, i worked with them for 20 years as their spokesperson. they got very big after that i'm not sure what the situation is here. but i know they take everything very seriously. i hope they solve the problem very quickly. you can't have all of these kinds of things happening before it starts affecting things. i wish them all the best. but you can't blame this one on me, you know what i'm saying? >> blame it on george bush, okay? >> the best speeches in the united states, by trip adviser. here are a couple of suggestions. a bunch of people on the website weighed in. on their favorite beaches and here they are the third best beach is the gulf island's national seashore in pensacola, florida. >> i agree, you can camp on the beach, 150-mile stretch of it, it runs from cat island, mississippi, to santa rosa island in florida, it's like sugar. i've never seen such white sand in my life, it's glorious. >> number two, siesta key, a public beach in sarasota. clean, hard-packed sand there. >> the number one and i have to agree with this one as well, top beach in the whole country is kanapali beach in hawaii. great for long walks, swimming, snorkeling, sunsets, and views. >> let's go. >> hoda needs to take her thong. this is so exciting, i have such a great i heart hoda. >> just when i was in a good mood. >> this is about people shopping in a thrift shop. people shopping in a thrift shop. we got the clean version, so no one freak out. it's by macklemore. so first you have to feel a little of the beat. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> are you feeling little bit of it? >> no. >> come on. >> okay, here it comes. ♪ ♪ >> i get it, i get it. >> is there much more? >> it gets better. >> okay. i get it, i get it. and i hate it. >> how can you hate it? >> i love it. >> how can you from singing cinderella yesterday, where there's actual music by rogers and hammerstein. >> we went to see -- we had to leave early because of the pope announcement. but your reaction was different from mine. >> yes, "cinderella" we just have a couple of seconds, because we have to talk to sara. i loved it for my niece. i think she will totally go crazy over cinderella, the costume change, the beautiful scenery. they were all very excited. >> for people like me who grew up on the leslie ann warren one and whatever year it was, i missed that story and missed hearing all of those songs in their entirety. so that just shows you it's a generational thing. but everybody is good in it. very good. >> hey, miss sara haynes. >> today to announce johnson's baby of the week. celebrating new moms and their bundles of joy. first up is kiley james macarthur. next up, surprise, surprise, is elliott joseph holland dodson, who made his debut on january 11th, in california. mom and dad, are so happy 2-year-old ava is a big sister. and finally our third today's johnson baby of the week is kennedy claire fagan, born to kelly and gregory of los gatos, california. a big congratulations to all of our babies. if you'd like your baby to be considered for johnson's baby of the week, go to our website, at >> you're our baby, sara. our hair and makeup team have worked their magic. two lucky ladies reveal their ambush makeovers. and justin timberlake's new gig. >> and i believe our friend jason is here in our weekend chat is here, we'll be right back. given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! [ telephone rings ] hello. [ man ] jen, there are a lot of beauty brands that want you to represent them. really, who? no. they add too much fragrance. no, they make you wear pink. are you kidding? no. nah. [ telephone rings ] no. not my style. no. [ cellphone rings ] [ man ] you might like this one. aveeno®. aveeno®. let me think about it. [ male announcer ] the beautiful jennifer aniston now for aveeno®. time to reveal our ambush makeovers for two very happy ladies who were plucked off our plaza just today. >> "today" contributor and stylist to the stars -- ♪ louis liccari ♪ la la la la la >> and "people" contributor editor and new author very soon -- jill martin. >> how was the crowd? >> today was a great one. "today show" always has a great crowd. the kids were on break, today was big. >> wow, julie, what we started with our doggie outfits. 44 years old from fond du lac, wisconsin, so busy being a single mom to her two boys she had no time to focus on herself. she jumped at the chance to get pampered, let's listen to her story. >> well it's clear why were you picked out of the crowd. but sheryl, what do you think about this for julie? >> she works hard, she deserves it. she needs something new. >> you could barely see your mouth as you're taking. >> you have to take your udders off. >> i've never said that line before. i know you told me you've been through a lot and really want this. >> yes. i do. >> what do you think your boyfriend is going to think? >> a new me when i get home. >> julie is joined by her friend, sheryl, who also got made over. and she's here with a couple of friends and colleagues, janet and doc. let's take one last look at julie before. julie, come out and show us the new you. all right. doc, all right janet, take off your blindfolds. >> wow! >> we got a whoa and a wow. >> jill, you ready? step here and turn around. >> oh, my gosh! >> wow. >> spin right around and look at that camera. >> tell us about the hair. >> julie is a pretty girl, and i simply took -- it was an effort to make her look prettier. i lightened and brightened her hair. >> and then maiuki gave her her this simple bob hair cut. bobs are so flirty. this is a new length for longer hair. it's very attractive, very flattering and very practical. >> janet, what do you guys think? >> excellent. unbelievable. >> jodie foster there. >> oh. >> tell us about the dress. it's perfect. >> i didn't snow what she looked like. this is from maggie london. you're wearing one of the biggest trends right now, the exposed zipper on the side. and then just layering with gold and silver, metallics are really in. >> adorable. >> julie, why don't you stand with your pals and please face the wall. >> we'll bring our second lady, sheryl hershey, from elkhart lake, wisconsin. she told us her daily beauty routine, is taking a shower. and she's here with the crowd, let's take one last look at her there. and let's bring out -- >> besides taking off the udders, what else do you think about this? >> well sheryl works hard herself and she really deserves to have something new. >> are you excited for this? >> you bet. >> what is your husband going to think? >> i'm not sure he'll notice. >> we've heard that before. >> take off your hat quickly so everybody can see. are you ready for all of this? >> oh yes, you bet! >> they both have great faces and great senses of humor. you know the crowd, let's take a last look at sheryl and bring out the new sheryl. >> wow! >> sheryl. >> everybody, you ready? >> turn around, let's go, let's take a look. >> i can't see. >> you turn around, please, sheryl and look right in the mirror. >> oh, my gosh. yeah! >> you like? >> it's different. >> give you a few moments to fall in love with yourself. >> lewis, big change? >> big change. this is -- we softened the hair color. when you have dark hair, once the dark hair starts to go, do go a little softer. you don't have to be a blonde, but you should be a softer brown, a big tip here and keep the makeup very natural. lighter, thin makeup keeps you younger, less is more. >> and miyuki's great haircut. >> ready for spring on this freezing day. this is from london times, this is paired with a skinny belt, she has a little waist, so we put on a bigger belt to emphasize it more. feel free to mix and match belts. >> look at you ladies. >> louis. a couple of students put the irish saying to the test. billion and a half bottles. people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide. are proven to be effective pain relievers. tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. bayer back & body's dual action formula includes aspirin, which blocks pain at the site. try the power of bayer back & body. try the power for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable lahtuger). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. we're back with another installment of webtastic, when sara digs up cute videos to put you in a good mood. >> two college students decided to put the phrase "kiss me, i'm irish" to the test. check it out. >> just because i'm irish? >> all right. thanks. >> is this real? >> this is real. >> is this the real deal? >> i'm the real deal. right now, are you ready? >> yup? >> have a lucky day. >> real quick, real quick. >> i'm dating someone. >> are you irish? >> i am. >> it was shot at brigham young, university. the lucky girl is -- >> oh, my god, there was tongue. >> okay, i'm not sure -- >> well, and whoa! >> she's still going with -- please say that's her boyfriend. >> well? >> it might be. >> aw. >> thank you. you want a lot of luck? >> i have a test coming up. >> wow. >> i'm a little speechless right now. >> i feel like there's a point where he's held on too long. >> that only matters to the two people involved, doesn't it, sara in. >> she got 82% of people to kiss her. justin got only 32%. >> he only got 32. i think the girls are a little more tentative when a guy comes up. >> it can be a bit creepy from a guy. >> from the small screen to the big screen. jason kennedy has the scoop on what not to miss this weekend in his chatter. plus the five spring break destinations with great deals, you're going to want to know about. and irish cooking with a little irish whiskey on the side, nothing wrong with that. we're back with more of "today" on this thirst-day thursday, hoda is going crazy over this song. time for the weekend chatter, everything you'll need to know in the world of entertainment. >> here with the scoop is our dear friend and e-news correspondent. >> our baby brother, jason kennedy. >> let's get started with the movies for the weekend. what shall we see? >> how about "the call"? with halle berry. she plays, pretty scary, she's a 911 operator, she gets a call from a teenaged girl, abigail breslin. that's one, she spends the hour trying to save her from her abductor. >> we're leaving out "wonderstone." if you want to lighten the mood and go to the box office, they pay competing magicians. >> is it funny? >> it looks cheesy, but -- >> that's my concern. it looks a little cheesy. >> if you're going to stay home and pop the popcorn, what should we watch? >> a lot of this stuff coming out, have been nominated nor oscars. visually stunning, it didn't win an oscar. by i thought it should. ang lee directed this. and "hitchcock" his relationship with his wife while they were shooting "psycho." >> was it "psycho"? >> i think so. >> if it was, i want to see it. >> and "life of the guardians" an animated movie, an all-star cast. they team up and take down an evil man who is trying to steal kids' dreams. >> can i tell you what i'm addicted to on netflix? "house of cards." i watched 13 episodes. i'm done. >> it's so good. >> that's how you do it. >> i'm learning, i'm learning. >> you know hoda when she falls in love. >> celebrity news, adam sandler and drew barrymore are teaming up again. >> it's the "wedding singer" 1998 the first time they got together, and then they did "50 first dates." the third romantic comedy for them doesn't have a title, but they play a couple at a family resort. they get trapped there with their kids from a previous marriage. i think it will be fun. >> shakira has a beautiful picture with that baby. >> i love that she's doing this. because many times when celebs don't do photos like this the paparazzi go to crazy measures to get the shots. there's gerard pique, her man. he's a soccer player. and the little guy is rocking daddy's jersey. >> "the voice" is getting ready to start. >> your favorite show. and shakira is gearing up to be a judge. >> blake shelton. >> it will be a good season with the two new judges, right? >> yes, and usher as well. no cee lo, no christine aguilera, she's great. but it's going to be, it's going to be good. i think this is going to be the best season. that's what they say every year. but i heard it's going to be pretty phenomenal. >> all right, jason, thank you. if you want to hit the beach, the best spring getaways. it's happening now. people are switching to finish... ... and it's spreading all across america. quantum with new power gel delivers amazing clean and shine, even in the hardest water, which cascade just can't do. so take the finish shine challenge and get up to 30% off! ♪ [ female announcer ] come alive with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. feel the taste. [ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don't you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. relieves nasal congestion. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. on today's travel, if you haven't planned a spring getaway just yet, there's still time. >> whether you're dreaming of lounging on a beach in florida, or pulling up to a pool bar in st. kitt's, we have "travel and leisure's" digital project editor. >> there's time to get a good deal? >> all of these deals are less than $300 a night. so let's get to them. >> let's go to st. kitt's. >> st. kitt's, it's the island that the caribbean tourism forgot. it's the undiscovered beaches, the st. kidt's marriott resort. beautiful blue umbrellas and lounge chairs on a white sand beach, there is your spot. there's pools and a swim-up beach bar. and a spa and a gym and a pineapple papaya body scrub. it sounds so good i want to eat it. and it starts at $199 a night. >> it's starting to be the off-season a little bit. >> exactly. >> how about jacksonville. >> it's lively crowds, popular, crowded, if you want some of that but want to stay a little away. one ocean resort rates their start at $179 a night. it's quiet and beautiful. you're just five minutes from the bars and everything, so there's lots to do. i was talking about affordability. i was searching for flights later this month. round trip from new york. $350. it doesn't get any better than that. a great affordable escape. >> what about the west coast, california? >> here we come. >> california, we know we love it, the destination close to my heart. carmel valley, just 120 miles south of san francisco. this is quail lodge. what i love about it is that it's been recently renovated to the tune of $28 million. not even open yet, it opens on march 26th. so talk about a new car smell, this is a brand new resort. and they actually even have a great land cruiser experience. so if you want to turn around and do some adrenaline-pumping driving, this is your place and there's golf. >> and how far is that from carmel by the sea? >> just inland. >> a quick drive. >> that by itself has to be visited. >> it's so beautiful. >> quiet, if you're looking for something bucolic, that's your spot. >> washington, d.c., the cherry blossoms? >> the festival starts on march 20th. they're expecting the peak day to be march 26th. this is a great spot, the liaison capital hotel, located, the closest hotel to the capitol, within walking distance of the national mall and the smithsonian. they'll do a great deal for you. $175, they throw in all sorts of picnic stuff and cherry and chocolate cookies and it's a really great and fun deal. >> you can go to the gym, too. and jackson hole, wyoming. >> if you're looking to get one last-ditch effort down the slopes, this is your place, they had 28 feet of snow this year. it's really beautiful. this is spring creek lodge, so if you're looking to go skiing and to explore the wilderness, they have an on-site naturalist who can point out the fox and bald eagles. $87 per person, per night. they throw in a free ski pass. it's a really affordable way to get down the slopes this spring. >> she did it again. >> thanks. coming up, two women battling colon cancer and the information that could save your life, right after this. good morning. we'll walk you through the weather here over the next week. we have some changes. for some, it still feels like winter. for others, it's heating up. almost summer like in the southwest. before we get there, we have a clipper we're tracking across the great lakes into the high plains. we'll see winter weather here once again today. doesn't look like any significant accumulation. more of a nuisance for most areas. and the interior northeast will be dealing with that also by the afternoon. but dry and hot for the south and the southwest. temperatures possibly record setting. once again, we already had that in phoenix just yesterday. 94 will be the forecast later today. 82 in dallas. 80 for albuquerque. there's the cold air. 34 in minneapolis. only in the 40s in through the northeast. so it stays chilly here from new england all the way back into the high plains. that's where the coldest air will be. as that clipper moves through the ohio valley by tomorrow, we'll still have some winter weather to deal with and a little bit of snow coming in to the inner mountain west. 76 in albuquerque. 54 in denver. by sunday, your forecast changes quite a bit here across the midsection of the country and getting into the nation's heartland. temperatures are going to be coming down. we cool they thinks off quite a bit by sunday. this is monday. we've been hinting at what could be a bigger storm coming into the great lakes and the ohio valley. keep it here as we monitor that and bring you more details as far as snow totals. on tuesday, we'll start to see things quiet down. wednesday, yet another system comes in from the northwest. that's going to bring more rain into seattle, northern california looking at some showers. on thursday, that will start to push its way to the east, impacting salt lake city. 57 there trsday in denver. remember, you can wake up with al and stephanie weekday mornings 5:30 on the weather channel. people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ time for today's health. information that could save your life. if you haven't heard, march is colorectal cancer awareness months. the cancer that's preventible and treatable when it's caught early. >> that's the message from two amazing women who are living with the disease. we'll speak to them in a moment, but first, their stories. >> in 2009, 48-year-old terry agreeing was the picture of health, accomplishing things women half her age could not, but a colon os copy revealed the mother of two had stage 4 colorectal cancer. >> i can't think of anything more difficult to do than to tell your children that you've been diagnosed with cancer. >> after surgery and while receiving chemotherapy, she continued to pursue her dream and in 2011, finished the ironman world championship. attorney gloria borgess was 28 and ready to conquer the world when she was diagnosed. >> i thought i had a bad case of food poisoning, i had stage 4 colon cancer. by all accounts i wouldn't live to see my 30th birthday. she's done that and more launching her foundation, wonder glow, with the goal of funding cutting-edge cancer research. >> every day i am defying the odds, every day i am beating cancer. >> how inspiring are these two? terry greeg is a volunteer with the colon cancer awareness and the chairman of the wonder glow foundation. >> and dr. is the director of gastroenterology. >> i've been very fortunate, i feel for the most part wonderful. i have some weeks when i'm going still through treatment that are a little rough. but i continue to train and run marathons and do half ironmans and hopefully another ironman in the fall. >> that's unbelievable, if you don't mind my saying. it's incredible. >> thank you. >> and you were just 28, how are you doing? >> doing well. i just finished my 46th round of chemo on monday and flew here on tuesday. but i'm doing well, running the foundation and working out. lifting weights, playing basketball. >> and the doctor, we have to ask this. we know that the guideline is the age of 50 to start getting your colonoscopies. and a lot of people are terrified of them. but the truth is, the thought of them is much worse than the actual treatment. the preparation is the bad part and that's nothing. but if it's caught early, it's so easy to cure. >> yes. >> and these ladies, they were caught quite late. and they're doing so well it seems, are we making huge strides now? >> tremendous hope with this disease. the first point is as you say, don't wait until you get symptoms, when you're well is the time to talk to your doctor about screening and prevention. colon cancer is one of the most preventible and curable of all cancers that we know of. the earlier we catch it, the greater the chance of curing it. >> when you got diagnosed and learned about it you spoke to some of your family members and we have your sister is over there. and tell us what happened when you talked to your sisters when they got checked. >> i was 48 at the time and screening is at 50 and my sisters were over 50 and had never been screened. immediately after i was diagnosed. they went and had colonoscopies, my one sister had precancerous polyps and my other sister was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. this was all within two weeks of my diagnosis. >> so it's familial then in this sense, it's genetic? >> exactly. there's about a 20% to 30% chance of it being spread from a family member. so you have a family history of colon cancer, young people in the family with colon cancer, sometimes uterine or ovarian cancer can be related. polyps or colon cancer is a family issue. >> you are so young. did you have, what symptoms if any did you have? >> i had plenty of symptoms, because i was so young. i think people sort of wrote them off, including myself. >> so i went to the bathroom frequently and they weren't impressive performances. >> you had a lot of diarrhea. >> i felt myself bloated at night, things like that it didn't stop me, i was working 14-hour days and working out. and when things got to really severe point i thought i had food poisoning, i couldn't keep anything down. even in the hospital, it took six days for me to get a colonoscopy and that's when they found the massive tumor in my colon. >> did you have bleeding? >> no. >> so it's not always bleeding. >> no. >> actually the symptoms can be very, someone could just feel tired and have anemia as a presenting form. >> and 50 is a magic number. just like with breast cancer screenings, they say wait until you're a certain age there are people who are exceptions to this? >> absolutely. if there's a family history. the key is not to make the decision yourself. but talk to your doctor about it. >> any bowel disease, my sister had acute colitis, the more you talk about it and get it out in the open. it's nothing to be ashamed of. but bowel issues are called the silent diseases. nobody wants to talk about them. if you don't talk about them, you can't fix them. >> you guys are amazing. >> thank you for coming in. >> and thank you, doctor. >> we'll take you to today's kitchen for some down-home irish cooking. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. 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>> porter, porter being stout, it's got stout in it. and actually sometimes people even used to pour some begin he is into the coddle. but i don't like that. >> don't guinness your coddle. >> it looks delicious. >> and you two kind of like having a little -- >> we like having a little bit earlier in the morning. >> while you're making us your drink, we're going to go over a little okay or not okay. so this -- we rant out of time. is it okay or not okay to kiss your tv guests on the lips? >> here's what we had to say about that. >> absolutely. i still haven't gotten over my kiss from tom sellick in 2,000. >> yes, it's okay, but only if it's george clooney. >> or tom sellick. >> oh yes. >> thank you so much for this. delicious. all right. tomorrow -- we have a great performance by the group, the celtic thunder and we also want to warn you -- >> we want to warn you now. >> hide the children tomorrow. >> you will discover things about -- hoda -- >> and you. >> never dreamed possible. jeff: he can't see. >> i don't let them determine what my limits are. jeff: but it doesn't stop him. you went to the bottom of the grand canyon. >> me and my magic stick. jeff: how viewing the world just clicks. that's part of how you find your way around. by bouncing sound in every way possible. we're going to send you to the same space i skydive. [captioning made possible by cbs television distribution] [applause] jeff: hello, hello! all right. a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show because there is a lot to talk about. this is the adventure. [applause] welcome to the show. the "jeff probst show." thank you. thank you. have a seat. thank you for the nice welcome for a show that will not be renewed. we are slowly on the countdown. i like to remind people you're watching history. you're watching some of the last shows of "the jeff probst show." [applause] all right. today, it is truly incredible. this is why we wanted to do this talk show in the first place. to introduce you to amazing people. we have a guy on the show today. he is blind. he skis, he mountain bikes, he rides horses. he even won a world record. she is going to show you how he does it and how he uses echolocation. it is crazy. we shot something before the show. i think you're going to be inspired by this guy. but first, the inspiring yvette nicole brown is back! [applause]

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