Transcripts For KOFY BREAKING NEWS Mood And Memory 20141028

KOFY BREAKING NEWS Mood And Memory October 28, 2014

Of broadcast tv shows, Emmy Awardwinning dramas, comedies, local and National News and weather, reality tv shows, kids shows, live sporting events. Theres no contracts, no installation costs, and no monthly fees. Just free hdtv that can look as good or better than cable or satellite. Its all thanks to a recent federalgovernment mandate that requires all broadcasters to transmit a digitaltv signal. Clear tv lets you bypass cable and satellite to bring broadcastnetwork shs directly to your television, so you can enjoy crystalclear local and National Free hdtv. Sounds too good to be true . Coming up, well meet people from all over the country who switched to clear tv and are watching some of the very same shows that you are, without paying a single dime in monthly fees. I was amazed by all the channels that i got. I can get abc, nbc. The hd picture is perfect. Cbs, fox. I got all these hd movies. I get to watch sporting events with my friends. Cw, and dozens more. For free. For free. For free. Well also visit the mall to ask consumers to take the clear tv challenge, to see if they can tell the difference between the quality of cable, satellite, and clear tv. Honestly, im not sure. They all look almost the same. I cant tell the difference. Hmm. This is gonna be tough. Um. Wow. Its, uh, hard to tell. Well also take you inside the homes of real clear tv customers as they go from room to room, installing clear tv all by themselves in minutes without any extra installation fees or additional monthly fees for extra rooms. If youre tired of spending hundreds of dollars a year for additional cable and satellite channels that you may never even watch, and paying every month for broadcasttv shows that you could be watching for free, then its time you watched tv the way it was meant to be free with clear tv. Ill bet some of you are still watching standarddefinition tv because you just dont have the money to pay additional fee for hd service. What if i told you you could watch standarddefinition and highdefinition broadcast television and put 10,000 in your pocket with clear tv . Lets do the math. Basic cable and Satellite Services can cost you up to 80 a month, maybe even more. But even 80 a month is 960 a year. Over the next 10 years, that adds up to almost 10,000 with clear tv, you can watch hundreds of your favorite broadcasttv shows every week in standard definition and ultraclear High Definition while saving a ton of money. Imagine taking just a small portion of that 10,000 and hooking up clear tv to a brandnew bigscreen, highdefinition television. If you want to affordably enjoy todays highestquality digital entertainment, then the answer is clear. Its clear tv. I switched to clear tv because, with satellite, i was paying for channels i dont even watch. I put it in the window, i plug it in, and i scan for all the tv channels i want. The hd picture is perfect. The picture is so clear. Clear tv gives me all the overtheair channels for free. I got all my sports teams, all their games. And she can keep up with all of the stars on the dancing shows. We found excellent programming for the kids. I cant imagine, with all these channels and the beautiful picture, paying for something when i can get it for free. So, you may be wondering how exactly you get free highdefinition tv with clear tv. Recent changes in federal law mandate that all local and national broadcasttv networks transmit all their shows via a digital, overtheair signal. Im talking about major broadcast networks, like abc, nbc, cbs, fox, cw, ion, and pbs, and more being added every year. These networks are producing some of todays toprated shows and broadcasting them in digital standard definition and ultra highdefinition clarity. Clear tv is a powerful, portable digital antenna specifically designed to receive these governmentmandated tv broadcasts. Once you purchase clea youll be able to instantly watch local and national broadcastNetwork Television for free. Its that easy. We wanted to find out the truth about the signal youve been paying for all these years, so we interviewed a broadcasttelevision engineer with over 15 years of experience. He asked us to disguise his identity, for fear that he could lose his job. Well call him joe the engineer. Joe, why dont most viewers know about free broadcast tv . Well, whos telling them about it . The Cable Companys certainly not going to tell you about it, because theyre in business to make money. Why would they possibly tell you about something thats out there thats as good as what theyre giving you, for free . Does paytv lower picture quality to sell extra services . Yes. The bottom line is, theres a lot of information. In that signal is your television stations, your telephone, your internet thats all coming down the same wire, where, with the digital antenna, all youre getting is a broadcast signal and nothing else sharing that signal, so its a cleaner signal. Did free tv broadcasts ever stop . No. The truth of the matter is, broadcast is still doing great, even though the Cable Companies would like you to think its no longer around or available. This is not the broadcast of 30 years ago, where it was an analog signal, fuzzy, you had to use rabbit ears, ugly antennas on your roof. If you have a digital antenna today, you can receive broadcast, and the picture is every bit as good as what people are paying for today. Now, one of the first questions people often ask about clear tv is, will my picture be just as clear as it is now . The truth is, it may actually be better. Thats right. Many Cable Companies and satellite providers use what is commonly called compression. Compression lowers the quality to make it easier to distribute the signal over cable or satellite. Unfortunately, compression techniques literally discard portions of the original tv signal, negatively affecting the picture quality. But heres what makes clear tv so exciting. Unlike cable or satellite, broadcast tv stations dont use compression. They transmit a completely clear, uncompressed digital signal. Clear tv is specifically designed to receive and maintain the crystalclear picture quality of the original broadcast. Thats why were called clear tv. In fact, we sent mary, one of our clear tv correspondents, to the mall to see if firsttime viewers could tell the difference between cable, satellite, and clear tv. Do you have cable tv or satellite . I use cable. How much a month is your cable bill . A month, id have to say, its 100. Ive got satellite tv. How much a month do you pay for satellite tv . About 60. Im a big sports nut, so i got the sports package on there. Im offering to pay your satellite bill for a year if you can tell me which one of these is showing satellite tv. Youll pay my cable . Yeah. If i tell you . Yeah. All right. Um. And theyre all in hd, so wow its hard to tell. You know, they to me, they look the same. You want to take a guess now . Honestly, i wouldnt be able to. Okay. Im gonna say, the satellite one is. Im gonna go with this one right here on the end. Thats satellite. This one over here, you think, satellite tv . Yeah. This one is actually the clear tv. Youre kidding me. Wow. Yeah. And you cant tell the difference . No. Even though i didnt pick the right one, do i still get the money . You dont get the money, but i have something even better for you. This is free tv for life. All right thats clear tv. I have a gift for you. I get a gift . So, this one is clear tv. Thats that . Yeah. Oh, thank you. And its free tv for life. It saves you 12,000 which you would spend over the course of 10 years. Perfect. All right, thank you very much. Youre welcome. If youve been thinking about getting rid of your cable or satellite tv bill, now is your chance. Clear tv lets you watch toprated broadcastnetwork sitcoms, soap operas, reality tv shows, live news broadcasts, sporting events, Emmy Awardwinning dramas, and quality childrens programming in beautiful, digital highdefinition and all for free. Why keep shelling out big bucks every single month when you can watch clear tv and start saving today. Heres how to order. Coming up, amanda, one of our clear tv specialists, pays a surprise visit to a firsttime clear tv customer. Youve been preselected for us to show you how easy it is to install your new clear tv. Oh, thats awesome lets get started stay tuned to see how fast and easy receiving free broadcast tv can be. Are you tired of paying cable and Satellite Companies just to watch your favorite broadcastNetwork Shows . Why spend hundreds of dollars a year for cable and satelliteonly channels when you can watch broadcast television for free with the clear tv hd digital antenna . All you have to do is plug in clear tv and let your television instantly receive toprated Network Shows, local news and weather, sporting events, and more, all for free. Thats right free digital tv. Thanks to a federalgovernment mandate, all broadcasters are required to transmit a digitaltv signal through the airwaves. Clear tv lets you bypass cable and satellite to bring Network Shows directly to your television, so you can enjoy crystalclear local and National Free hdtv. Clear tv is amazing. If were just off the coast here, in the gulf of mexico, receiving free networkbroadcast hdtv, imagine all the free hdtv shows youll receive at home. Basic cable and Satellite Services can cost you up to 80 a month. Thats 960 a year, and almost 10,000 over a 10year period. Why pay that much money for extra channels you may never even watch . But with clear tv, theres no contract, no monthly fees, and no unexpected rate increases, just free hdtv that can look as good or better than cable and satellite. Call or go online now to get your clear tv hd digital antenna for just 19. 95. I took the antenna out of the box, plugged it in to my tv, and in just a few minutes, i was watching free networkbroadcast hdtv. Clear tvs compact design is perfect for an apartment, ideal for a college dorm room, and lets you watch tv in as many rooms as you like, without paying additional monthly fees. Order right now, and well give you a second clear tv antenna for free. Just pay separate processing and handling. Thats two clear tv hd digital antennas, a 40 value, all for only 19. 95. Not available in stores. Order now. I cant believe i get all these channels for free and in hd. Clear tv is for real. How easy is it to install clear tv . Lets rejoin amanda and courtney to find out. So, here it is. Wow. That is a big tv. I got to ask you, do you have cable or satellite . We have cable in two rooms. Did you install it yourself . No, no. I did have to wait around all day for the cable guy to come, though. Does that count . Well, dont worry. Im gonna show you how to install clear tv yourself on this tv, and then im gonna challenge you and time you to install it on the others. Im not sure that i have the skills. Amanda quickly put courtneys fears to rest by showing her that everything you need to install clear tv comes right in the box. You just choose a place to mount the antenna, attach the cable to the antenna input in your tv, and then let your television scan and locate all the free broadcast stations in your area. And by the looks of it, it looks like youre probably gonna have about 35 channels. 35 free channels . Exactly. Oh, that is awesome. One of the things youll love about clear tv is the freedom. You can install it in as many rooms of your house as you want, without incurring additional monthly charges that are standard with cable and Satellite Companies. You can put clear tv in your living room, in your master bedroom, or in your kitchen anywhere you have a tv. And if you decide you want your kids to have clear tv in their bedroom, you can be sure they wont have access to those notsofamilyfriendly shows that air on cable and satellite. Youre also going to love the portability of clear tv. The sleek, compact design is perfect for your workshop. Put it in the garage. Great fun in your backyard. You can take it on the road in your rv and even watch tv on your boat. And for those of you with second homes you only visit, say, on the weekends why pay for cable and satellite all year long . Say goodbye to those monthly fees and waiting around all day for the cable guy. Take back control of your tv viewing with clear tv. Were here at the mall to ask people to try our clear tv challenge, to see if they can tell the difference between paytv and free tv. Do you have cable tv or satellite . I have cable. And about how much do you spend on your cable bill a month . About 60, i think. How much a month do you spend on your cabletv bill . Say, about 80 a month. What do you watch mostly on tv . Sports, and im a news hound. You know, all the cable news. What if i told you you could get your sports and news in High Definition, with no monthly charge . Id say, give it to me. Sign me up. Im gonna pay your cable bill for a year. Really . If you can tell me which of these tvs behind me is Broadcasting Cable tv. One is satellite tv, one is cable, and one is clear tv. I want to see if you can tell the difference. Okay. All right, so, i have a lot of money on the line here. So. They all look the same. [ laughs ] maybe well. I cant tell. Im gonna say that ones cable. That looks the most like my tv. The one here . This one is clear tv. This one here is cable tv. And the one over here is satellite. You cant tell . No, i cant tell. I have a gift for you. Free tv for life. And the money . No, you dont get the money. Oh. Well, you didnt win. So youre not gonna pay my bill. No, but i have something for you. This is free tv for life. Its clear tv. Awesome. Ill go home now and hook it up. Great. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. I appreciate it. So many people are tired of paying huge dollars every month through their cable or Satellite Companies to watch tv shows that they could be watching for free. Now you can finally cut the cord with the Cable Company and take down that unsightly dish from your rooftop. This is the clear tv hd digital antenna, and its starting a revolution all across america. People are saving as much as 1,000 a year while sitting on their couch, watching broadcast television in standard and highdefinition for free. With clear tv, theres no contracts, no monthly fees, and no costly installation charges, just a crystalclear digitaltv signal that looks as good or better than cable and satellite. And thanks to clear tvs lightweight, razorthin design, you can easily install it yourself in minutes without any special tools. Just plug it directly in to your television to instantly receive your favorite broadcasttelevision shows for free. At a time when were all looking to save money, think about how great it will feel to never have to pay another monthly cable or satellite bill ever again. How much money a month do you spend on your satellitetv bill . Between 40 and 50. Between 40 and 50 a month . Yeah. So thats about almost 500 a year you spend on satellite tv. Yeah. Did you realize thats almost 5,000, over the course of 10 years, that youre spending on satellite tv . Wow. No. [ laughing ] thats crazy. Oh, yeah. So, behind me, i have three tvs. Okay. And one is satellite, one is cable, and one is clear tv. Okay. Im gonna pay your cable bill for a year if you can tell me which one of these is satellite tv, since youre so familiar. All right. [ laughing ] i i dont know. If i had to pick, this tv right here. This is the tv. You think this tv is satellite tv . Okay. 100 , yeah. [ laughing ] what . This is clear tv. Wow that ones clear. And this one. Wow. Is satellite tv. This one here is cable. Whew. But dont get upset. Free tv for life clear tv. Free tv for life . Free tv for life. Thank you so much. By now, im willing to bet you love the idea of never having to pay a cable or satellite bill again or waste time waiting around for the cable guy to come hook your service up. Lets watch courtney as she installs clear tv for the very first time and breaks free from the grip of cable and Satellite Companies in just minutes. All right, ready. Set. Go. For courtney, setting up clear tv is as easy as mounting the antenna on her window, plugging the cable in to her tvs antenna input, and letting her television locate all the free broadcast stations in the area. Total installation time, just under three minutes. You know, its amazing that i can get 44 free channels in a room that i had to pay the Cable Company extra just to put the box in. Thats clear tv. Love it. In my opinion, clear tv is the best thing to happen to television since the invention of the color picture. Not only will you never have to pay another monthly cable or satellite bill, youll gain the freedom to watch broadcast Network Television in as many rooms as you like, for free. And thanks to clear tvs compact design, you can watch highdefinition television in places you never thought possible. Call or go online now and start watching your favorite broadcastNetwork Television shows absolutely free. Theres no catch, just clear tv. Order now. Are you tired of paying cable and Satellite Companies just to watch your favorite broadcastNetwork Shows . Why spend hundreds of dollars a year for cable and satelliteonly channels when you can watch broadcast television for free with the clear tv hd digital antenna . All you have to do is plug in clear tv and let your television instantly receive toprated Network Shows, local news and weather, sporting events, and more, all for free. Thats right free digital tv. Thanks to a federalgovernment mandate, all broadcasters are required to transmit a digitaltv signal through the airwaves. Clear tv lets you bypass cable and satellite to bring Network Shows directly to your television, so you can enjoy crystalclear local and National Free hdtv. Clear tv is amazing. If were just off the coast here, in the gulf of mexico,rect hdtv, imagine all the free hdtv shows youll receive at home. Basic cable and Satellite Services can cost you up to 80 a month. Thats 960 a year, and almost 10,000 over a 10year period. Why pay that much money for extra channels you may never even watch . But wi

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