Transcripts for KOGO 600 AM/K292CR 103.3 FM/K292CR 106.3 FM

KOGO 600 AM/K292CR 103.3 FM/K292CR 106.3 FM [Newsradio 600 KOGO] KOGO 600 AM/K292CR 103.3 FM/K292CR 106.3 FM [Newsradio 600 KOGO] November 22, 2019 220000

Operation The f.b.i. Among those announcing charges today today we're here to announce the indictment and installing arrests and a case that involves government officials who abuse their positions of power and trust. The indictment says former sheriff's captain Marco Garmo headed up the operation with Sheriff's Lieutenant Fred Madonna prominent San Diego jeweler Leo Hamill fire arms dealer Giovanni Tolo to and alcohol in resident while and all helping him and those people have pleaded guilty or says when he learned of possible misconduct on behalf of an employee 2 years ago he requested the f.b.i. And a.t.f. Investigate Also today another big announcement from the San Diego County D.A.'s office and police announcing dozens of arrests in a drug sting in the East Village area downtown it's a Holmes with our reporting partner 10 News talked to people live in the area and some are Steffen who says the arrests follow a 4 month undercover operation targeting drug dealers at various locations in the East Village these locations were within a one of mile radius of each other so far $32.00 people have been arrested we spoke to people who live in the East Village area and they say it's not uncommon to see people selling trucks in that area. What we're not going to do is to just let the streets be the streets and allow people who live in our community to be victimized by rampant drug dealing that will bring other forms of crimes on the D.A.'s office and if they need the police to enforce this back in April to launch Operation Red Beard after residents complained about the amount of drugs being sold on the street also Day President Trump saying he wants to see the age limit to now $21.00 for all tobacco products including vaporing juice and devices that's like your real time traffic now it's 2030 so he said he gave $100.00 dealers traffic center just after 2 and the freeway start to build a little bit to the north about 53 slot of beach south 5 off and on Oceanside down through that city just sell 15 still pretty tough as you make your way towards the $215.00 merge and there was a semi this. And there are myriad hotsprings few hours back and they're still working to clear that this report is sponsored by state or brothers have you heard state of others Mark is 40 percent off one sales happening now it's a great time to stock up or try something new stock up on all 750 millimeter bottles of wine or champagne when you buy 6 or more state or brothers markets 40 percent off one sale don't miss a bike and caucus takes real time update morning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia with today in the van where we investigate the stories that can change your morning with you need an alternate route to avoid trouble in your commute or you want to Bayer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time our promise is to make your mornings a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the bed watch on channel 11 or cable 3 ology maintains 99 percent of the fresh fruits and vegetables original nutritional value experience the balance of nature difference for yourself call our go online now and become a preferred customer which gives you our best pricing and free shipping and we will take an additional 35 percent off of your 1st order this will be a limited time offer so don't wait call 802468751 or go to balance of nature dot com and use discount code Sandiego Ben Rhodes here you've heard me rave about the Remington club a full service senior living community located in the exclusive community of Rancho Bernardo the Remington Club is such a wonderful place to be for the holidays the community is beautifully decorated they host several special events holiday cheer is celebrated throughout the month and it is so festive and fun set up a tour with my friends Terry Christian or Jane at the Ryman Club 858-673-6340 or visit the Remington Club dot com I'm Dr Jeff Gordon and I treat pain with Salon pos That's because practicing good medicine is my responsibility as a doctor for back or joint pain I agree with c.d.c. Guidance that recommends using topical p. . Relievers 1st like Salon pos patch larch salon pastas powerful f.d.a. Approved to relieve debilitating moderate pain yet not addictive and gentle on the body look for the green salon pos box in the pain relief file so long it's good medicine. As Muslims going to tag anywhere like on a city street. Now you can hear fast relief anywhere with new improved crime a teen missed the only f.d.a. Approved asthma inhaler of a little over the counter so whether you need relief or symptoms of the park or at your kitchen table find a team list starts working quickly opening up your airways to restore free breathing. For temporary relief from mild symptoms of intermittent asthma use prime a teen list and breathe easy again available at c.v.s. Rite Aid and Walgreens use as directed. It was updated San Diego weekend weather sunny with highs today in the sixty's and low seventy's and a little warmer tomorrow and Sunday right downtown partly cloudy 60 a male and I don't hear nextstep dated 230 say connected stay informed on San Diego's breaking news station News Radio 600 KOGO. You. Think people had a chance to seal it taste it and live with it were themselves and we're going to Medicare for all you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations other than my own presumption which is nothing that is the Democrats' pitiful legacy in recent years. T. Minus $347.00 days. Presidential Aide language. Coming . To. The same you. Live. Show. I mean this is information seeking. More buyers solutions. To our Final Round up than information overload our news round of information overload hour on this Friday we had a pretty spectacular moment we didn't spend enough time on yesterday but that was the debate Wednesday night on the Area 51 conspiracy theory channel of Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Warren as part of this debate and I didn't think we'd ever get worse than Nancy Pelosi going to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill I'm like Ok Wow And then of course we got Obamacare and that was sold to us as well you get to keep your doctor you get to keep your plan and you get to save money well that didn't work out because millions of Americans lost their doctors lost their plans and everybody is paying more money on average over 174 percent more in money it was supposed to save save average family going to save $2500.00 per family per year no that didn't happen now we doubled and now we're tripling it. Sounds pretty spectacular so she's now trying to ram down America's throat her $52.00 trillion dollar 10 years spending plan Medicare for all with no private option of of any private health care and remember one other fact 37 percent of American counties only have one option for health care under the Obama exchanges they got one choice and one choice only That's 40 percent of the country that's how bad this this is this is become what this law evolved into now we're going to we're going to take Obamacare every promise broken failing at a spectacular level all the big. Surance company said thanks but no thanks we're out a year and now people have one option and now they want to say Ok not only got to pass it to know what's in it but now you're going to have to we're going to pass it and you've got to feel it and you've got to live under it and you're going to taste it and then you'll like it here's Elizabeth Ward and 1st 100 days bring in $135000000.00 people into Medicare for all at no cost to them everybody under the age of $18.00 everybody who has a family of 4 income less than $50000.00 going to lower the age for Medicare to 50 and expand Medicare coverage to include digital vision and dental and long term care until in the 3rd year when people have had a chance to feel it taste it and live with it we're going to those and we're going to Medicare for all feel it taste it then you'll want it. Wow that is scary. We have had a long time friend of the program one of my biggest complaints about Republicans on the whole health care thing is so they get Obamacare passed and lo and behold Republicans have what 65 or so show votes in the House of Representatives to repeal and replace Obamacare it was never going anywhere because Obama was the president he was not going to repeal his signature legislation and we even had in the u.s. Senate we had Republicans vote up and down up or down on a on a straight repeal bill and 7 senators in 2015 that voted for a straight repeal Republican senators when they had a chance where it would matter in 2017 with Donald Trump as president they change their minds showboats that's where the disconnect is with the Republican Party and Sean Hannity because the fact that 7 years passed and that they didn't talk about health savings accounts I've been talking about Patient Power Cato Institute Goodman and Musgrave their book years ago patient in other words health care savings accounts we have had Dr Josh umber Atlas m.d. On this program we've sent him to Washington he's met with Newt Gingrich he's met with members of Congress because he's created a system in Wichita Kansas Atlas m.d. Where Ok you pay $50.00 a month as an adult $10.00 a month as a kid but unlimited access to your doctor 247365 what's even more may take care of stitches that take care of you know most of the stuff that we need taken care of need as Deepak you got high cholesterol you got high blood pressure and then he wisely went and negotiated directly with pharmaceutical companies so he gets the drugs that people usually need at 9095 percent discount and then passes the savings on to. Patients and guess what they walk out of the doctor's office don't have to go to the pharmacy How cool is that then he's taken this model which is not only producing a good living for him and it's you know he gets more patients than he can even handle and he's now duplicating it around the country anyway Dr Josh numbers with us and Dr Leo's Gross is with us the presidents of doctors for patient care foundation and the founder of the a penny health direct primary care now both of them by the way have come up with a pretty interesting idea that I like and I'm going to let them tell you about of themselves but you know is that what we need now Dr Joshua going to we're going to have to feel it and taste Medicare and and swallow it for years and then will really come to appreciate it you know it was a bizarre way to describe it you have to elect me to see what you'll get because I think it's such a hard premise to pitch on your own but so thank you for giving us the opportunity and sharing that air time with you to explain how it could work you know she's looking at a bigger system more complication more bureaucracy and what we're trying to do is show that less is actually what we need that direct care model or direct care for all could you make make medicine great again or we can offer unlimited visits no co-pays free procedures whole so Madson labs for up to 95 percent off if we can do that now over 1200 practices in the country and Dr Levy just put on the largest conference all year with over 400 docs in attendance than we can do this everywhere and we can decrease insurance premiums faith 30 to 60 percent this is a real viable model it skips the d.c. Swamp it's gets the you know divided Congress and it actually gets meaningful health care reform down to Main Street socialism so sometimes I have. Is that was that you know where Congress was not able to step in and repeal Obamacare the president ministration has done everything they can through changing the regulations relaxing things such you can actually return medicine back to the doctors and patients because frankly patients trust their doctors to reform health care but you know as you're seeing all these things unfold in Washington you're seeing the games being played in Congress you have to wonder what they're distracting you from and what Congress is working on behind the scenes is actually quite dangerous so the president signed an executive order that expands access to direct perma care it frees doctors and patients to engage in these direct care relationships but Congress is actually working on regulations that undermine the president's executive orders it's really weaponize in the Internal Revenue Service just like we saw back you know under Lois Lerner were really weaponize in the Internal Revenue Service to go after doctors and patients for using their own health care dollars for their own health care services for setting the safety stage for socialized medicine and we can't let that happen but it's happening behind the scenes with all these distractions so you guys got this bill out it's actually beam represented by or put into Congress it's called h.r. 370 it would bar some doctors from providing direct primary care which by the way separate and apart but you know you've got a powerful lobby in the health care industry all over Congress but barred doctors from providing direct primary care block prescribe treatments for from qualifying for medical reimbursements and impose new restrictions on how patients use their savings accounts while that wouldn't work out very well for the patient in my mind Dr armor I don't think it would work out very well we're in a system where we want to see patients thriving have less of the i.r.s. In their household less decisions being controlled on how they spend their health care dollars and I think the idea with the party that wants Medicare for All is well you don't need your own dollars anyways because we're going to try to manage that so in. I think they can do to weaken the Health Savings Account rules like Dr Lisa said through weaponize ing the i.r.s. Would would help in their cause of of limiting patient choice and so we really are trying to fight hard and punch above our weight class and encourage in any listener to reach out to their representatives will be closed for the holiday break so they'll be coming home they'll be near you and let them hear you that you don't support a bill that would damage their h.s.a. Spending abilities or damage their access to a direct care practice that could really revolutionize health care it really could I mean and as for how many times have you been able to duplicate what you're doing at Atlas m.d. Around the country other wards where people pay $50.00 a month adults kids $10.00 a month unlimited care 90 plus percent reductions in prescriptions and then if you couple that are a company that with a catastrophic plan and God forbid you get cancer or have a heart attack or have a bad accident which is you know catastrophic care is relatively inexpensive them especially the higher deductible you have. That then brings your monthly health care total for an individual adult down to what $400.00 a month I think we could you know we've been able to do this now it's about 50 percent year over year growth in the model so it really is picking up fast we open 29 new clinics in October alone so essentially wanted a just ourselves I mean these are all independently owned physicians so they're doing the grunt work but we're we're helping guide the path in with Dr Lee I think we're in it together we can touch about 80 percent of the new practices but you're right we could best case scenario decrease the cost of health insurance premiums to under I think $500.00 per household so on average generally not care for the wealthy. You know this is not health care for the wealthy this is health care for a girl America this is health care for in this city America of all shapes walks everyone can afford this if you can afford a cell phone you can afford health care you do not need to get people in the in the middle of this relationship it just clouds us and we're thankful to the president to sign executive order in both looking forward to this rule being released in a few weeks that that from the Treasury that expands opportunities for patients and doctors and can't let Congress get in the way and undermine the efforts of the president and his administration and the idea is if this bill happens what you do has to and Dr umber your successful model practice that you've developed a duplicated nearly a 1000 times around this country that by the way let me ask you how many patients do you have in your practice how many doctors how many patients we have 5 doctors in our practice and a little over 33300 patients and by the way every patient has access to a doctor 247365 right yes I was just e-mailing a patient back leg before we got on with you and they have your own personal tax number Yep and most people are like me they don't want to go see the doctor but they only call when they have a problem right right right but then you have the few people that call you every friggin day and drive you nuts and really get their 50 bucks a month or the $50.00 is if it's 50 a month right or if we get a mix and so it ends up at least being a sustainable model better for the president's every $100.00 a month for if you get catastrophic insurance then I mean right and you're and you're able to absorb your 5 doctors 3300 patients 247365 that includes a yearly checkup a full exams ditches what else broken bones what else is included basically anything we can do in our office some broken bones are big enough will need orthopedic surgeon and some special young kids are called green sticks or just more of a crack so we can manage that was planting in our office but basically decrease the cost of all your care by 80 to 90 percent and your insurance premiums by. 30 to 60 percent so if we could put it we just had a local hospital that it was that integrated this with with their employees and allow their employees to sign up for goals we say at the hospital 60 percent on their employer employee health costs the employees had 20 percent reduction in premiums 30 percent reduction in all out of pocket costs while eliminating co-pays and deductibles we want people to oppose this 3rd this h.r. 370 wait it restricts doctors working from their patients that restricts access to affordable medications and it's controlled in restricts for the 1st time in history a patient's ability to use their own money to pay their doctor. It's unbelievable I quick break we'll come back more with Dr Joshua Dr Lee as Grose I listen holidays coming up you want to look your best don't forget about the breakthrough new product from our friends at Chamonix and Gen You sell their new jawline treatment with m d l technology can only get it when you go to the Web genocide dot com 800 skin 509 so many have tried to duplicate their proprietary ingredients they never succeed and if you get the new jawline treatment which gets rid of the turkey neck sagging jawline you get the classic Genya sell their number one best seller that gets rid of bags and puffiness under your eyes and their immediate effect that works in 12 hours and by the way for Thanksgiving you'll also get the top selling Jen you sell I live left for sagging drooping eyelids everybody swears by everybody that I know that is trying to loves it but regardless you get 100 percent satisfaction guarantee if you like it great if you don't no questions asked that's the show many promise and now until Thanksgiving you'll also get there and wrinkle treatment for fine lines and wrinkles that's a free 3rd gift shipping is free Call now 800 skin 509 go to the Web Jen you sell dot com You won't be disappointed 800 skin 509 Genya Cell dot com from our friends at Chamonix. This is a. Show on. Radio City time kills them. All right with the economy booming this year now I hope all of those who are fort

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