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Look at the thinkers behind the capitalism next after the news I'm Eileen Alphen dairy with news headlines the White House is ratcheting up pressure on the Russia and us a geisha in the White House announced a top f.b.i. And Justice Department officials agreed to meet with congressional leaders and review highly classified information Republican lawmakers have been seeking on the handling of the probe White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Chief of Staff John Kelly will broker the meeting between congressional leaders and the f.b.i. Justice Department and director of National Intelligence Office It wasn't immediately clear which congressional leaders will be involved or whether it will evolve any Democrats during a meeting yesterday with Donald Trump the deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein and f.b.i. Director Christopher Ray also reiterated the Sunday announcement that the Justice Department's inspector general will expand an existing investigation into the Russia probe by examining whether there was any improper politically motivated surveillance as Trump has claimed the agreement came after Trump made an extraordinary demand that the Justice Department investigate whether the f.b.i. Infiltrated his presidential campaign Adam Schiff is the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee the Los Angeles Democrat has called Trump's claim of an embedded spy nonsense shift tweeted that Trump's demand that d.o.j. Investigate something they noted the untrue is an abuse of power and an effort to distract from his growing legal problems she has referred to the concern that trumps congressional allies will leaked details of the f.b.i. Probe to Trump and his attorneys cannot be a conduit to supply investigatory materials to the Trump legal defense team that would be a terrible abuse of power without substantiation Trump tweeted in March of 2017 that Former President Obama. Had conducted surveillance the previous October at Trump Tower where Trump ran his campaign and transition and maintains a residence the Palestinian foreign minister has asked the International Criminal Court to open an immediate investigation into alleged Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinian people Riad Malki said there is a culture of humanity when it comes to Israel he called the referral to the International Court a historic development I want to be clear that Palestine took this. You to the intensification of the rate and severity of the crimes committed against our people including settlement expansion of land grab and the legal exploitation of top notch of the sources as well as the brutal. Thought of gifted. Protesters articulately in the Gaza Strip Israeli snipers have killed an estimated 120 unarmed to Palestinians in the past 7 weeks of protest at the border fence of Gaza thousands more have been injured some of them severely. California lawmakers approved a measure that would let school employees or coworkers ask judges to temporarily remove guns from potentially dangerous people the vote on San Francisco is some a member of filled Tang's measure came in the wake of Friday's Maskell shooting in Texas and this year's earlier school massacre and Parkland Florida both of which taking referenced we've seen numerous shootings occur like the one on Friday unfortunately at schools people who clearly knew that a student was potentially a person who shouldn't have a gun a should have access to a gun would have been able to help with the kind of situation that potentially could have happened in parkland in Parkland we had a individual who clearly the principal knew the teachers knew that they could have used this type of. Training or we also see it in instances around coworkers so that's why we want to have the intention of expanding it to coworkers employers as well as people school administrators teachers faculty professors things Bill would expand on existing law California is already one of a handful of states to allow immediate family members and law enforcement officials to request gun violence restraining orders if a judge issues the order the gun owner would have to surrender their guns and ammunition to law enforcement Republican Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez says she doesn't think things Bill gives gun owners and off opportunity to defend themselves in court she said otherwise she might have supported it I don't have an issue with this bill were it not for the fact that it is x. Parte and here meaning that. Your weapons could be taken away a judge could decide that without you even being there to share your side of this story that could take 21 days for you to be able to do that and that is concerning to me San Diego Democrat Shirley Weber referred to mass shootings says she delivered the prayer at the opening of the day's Assembly session we have seen 27 violent acts in our schools and there has not even been 27 weeks in this year. In the past 9 years we have witnessed 288 school shootings the largest in the world and the 2nd largest is only 8 shootings in Mexico we've had more deaths in our schools this year than death among the men in uniform around the world and our schools are not supposed to be war zones Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King has introduced what he's calling the mayor live the shafts Act It's a response to the Oakland mayor's warning earlier this year that federal immigration agents were planning a massive roundup of undocumented immigrants in Northern California echoing Donald Trump King says that shaft action amounted to obstruction of justice his legislation would provide that government officials who tipped off what King calls illegal aliens about imminent federal immigration enforcement could face up to 5 years in prison and dependent legal analysts have said they generalized a warning about a pending immigration raid rather than a specific tip to targeted individuals does not amount to obstructing justice the u.s. Supreme Court ruled $5.00 to $4.00 that employers can prohibit their workers from banding together to complain about pay and conditions in the workplace the move effectively bans class action lawsuits critics say the ruling will chip away at employees' fundamental rights to sue their employers for wage and working condition violations as well as discrimination bill Gould is professor emeritus at Stanford Law School and chair of the National Labor Relations Board in the Clinton administration he said the ruling means employers get to dictate the terms under which workers can register a complaint. Not between 2 equal for these the trip to forgive it's its employer promulgated over traditions which are imposed upon for workers so this is an enormous search. Former National Labor Relations Board Chair Bill Gould weather forecast for the San Francisco Bay Area patchy drizzle and cloudy this morning partial afternoon clearing breezy heights in the sixty's and Fresno in the central San liking Valley mostly sunny 82 to 87 degrees I'm Eileen out in Derry when you say 94 point one at 8 o'clock it is 7 o 8 in the morning you're listening to up front Bryant of words Tikrit I want to give you a really quick status check on how your radio station is doing we are just over 3 days out from the end of our spring fund drive it's a hard stop for better or for worse we are ending Friday night because we're not going to extend the fun drive into Memorial weekend. As of this moment we are a daunting $256000.00 away from making our goal. There's no way to put a shine on it we are behind. It's been a while since we're behind I think it's been since before the election of Donald Trump. And everybody around here is kind of a little nervous and on the edge of our seats. I just wanted to put this out right now because we're going to be going full bore every day between now and the end of the fund drive to try to make up their ground and make sure your Brady 0 station can be strong enough to deliver the coverage that you count on for the chim 5th primary for the November election for everything that will happen in between and if you're someone who doesn't like Tony and religiously but you're with us here right now think about making a pledge before you turned away again. We're very short on time you may not come back in time to help with the fund drive so don't just like put it on the To Do list or shove it to the back your desk just pick a minute out of your morning and call 180-439-5732 tell us to keep the good work going I don't remember that number it's 1800 Hey Kate p.f.a. And if you want to shop around for thank you gifts everything we've offered during this fund drive is laid out menu style at w.w.w. Dot k.p. F.a. Dot org. This hour we're going to be going through some of the thinkers who are foundational to both explaining and apologizing for in justifying and challenging the economic system that we hold if capitalism is a new documentary series from filmmaker save in 6 parts doing that intellectual history and doing it from a critical perspective and we're going to start where most economy on a one textbooks do with the figure Adam Smith. Here it is what we can see Smith work exercise in putting together an absolutely numerous science of man. Claims that the origin of the economy is rooted in the natural human capacity for treating a barge during. Evidence he offered to savage tribes as he called them of the Americas Adam Smith was the 1st person to really lay it out a laboratory and explicitly Once upon a time when there was no money people would have to swap things directly you know I I would say Tell you what I'll give you 20 chickens for that cow All right maybe 25 chicken. In case there were no shopping. Is. There. We'll make a trade. That when they. Have it made we. Want to go see it come to a deal that's how the economy work. Gradually that becomes inconvenient maybe you don't want my chickens I don't have anything else who wants we settle on one thing that everybody's going to want that to come somebody it was a radical idea for the 1st time economic activity was stripped of its complex social context psychology cultural norms religion and community and studied in isolation as if in the laboratory. It makes perfect intuitive sense the problem is it isn't true. You know one's ever been able to find any place where that's way ordinary transactions take place and if you think about it it's kind of this why they wouldn't because it assumes that even in the Olympic Village everybody's going to be dealing with each other and what Congress called the spot trick I give you something you give me something we walked. Away. At him Smith's idea of barter and trade could have easily been demonstrated by the way these hunters in this isolated community barter and trade to their hunt. In the. Us. The problem however is that they don't and they never have. Just called a system of communal sharing reciprocity. Or the my home as as for most indigenous tribes it is a thing of the past. Today no one in the village will eat these my house will be taken to market a few hours boat ride away and. Adam Smith you can't really blame him well they have the evidence but since that economists have been told over and over again by other pol it is well know people don't actually do the. Job looking for a society like that for 200 years they don't exist yet they still feel obliged to tell the same story so clearly this story is doing something for them which has nothing to do. Reality. The My home is did not evolve from bartering and trading into a market economy no matter what 18th century theory would have us believe. Rather colonization and the market system tracked them down in the 1900 centuries once robber was found in the Amazon. Many My who knows and other tribes people were enslaved and murdered during the robber boom that followed. Only a few fading photographs remain. And the collective tribal memory of their transformation into day laborers. So if Adam Smith's science of man cannot explain the building blocks of a market economy how did the market evolve historically. Capitalism was not the product of ideas but of historical processes. Transformed from my friends and indeed all of us into almost economic us. So while Chinese for ages of discovery were decreed by an emperor Western discoveries began his private initiatives unleashing a completely different process. Of. The conquest of Mexico in 51000 by Cortez is an example of this new link created between Geographic discoveries colonization and money. The fascinating thing I discovered when I started looking at the actual histories of confused is every single one of them was in debt Cortez basically got himself deeper and deeper into debt he's a gambler he said To hell of it I'm never going to get out of debt I have are even more money and gamble everything on this crazy expedition. When asked by the envoy of sponsors Zuma the she could sing about. His obsession with Gould portrays replied my companions and I are suffering from a disease of the heart from which the reason no cure. Is soon as he actually concertinas people took a very and when he divided up the spoils he arranged things in such a way that none of his soldiers actually got any of the money they ended up and the tard for them for the cost of medical care a charge them for replacement weapons you charge them for everything they were on that they were out of an arm serving killing. Minus and look like Ok I tell you what I'm not going to let you off the hook I'll give you 10 year moratorium go off to the provinces and govern and so they became these incredibly rapacious governors who just extract as much money as possible. But I think that sense of outrage and shame. Indignation like we just fought for an entire year and somehow survived 2 of the greatest battles in World History and still not pay me anything I owe them this is crazy. And that out sense of outrage and the limits of power combined turns them into Lost never actually see the guys that Cortez or people like that owed money to you don't really know who they were but that relationship between the financiers are expecting their 5 percent or whatever it is 7 percent a year interest and the entrepreneur as it were the the warrior who goes out there and conquers worlds that relationship becomes the very basis of our modern economic monetary system even though we no longer think of it that way. To spend Compiz to doors with their for racial appetite for precious metals around here amounts. Of silver. They called it settled eco the rich mountain. Over the 3 centuries that followed more than $62.00 metric tons of silver was extracted from Sarah Rico at great human cost. That is you know what if you actually. Like you get that. It was this silver that triggered an explosion in international trade in Britain it's a global market fueled by silver from the Americas at a completely different impact. While in China it encouraged small producers here it destroyed them. As was the silver that flooded countries like Spain created a growing demand for English wool which made raising sheep more profitable. Business were displaced to make room for more sheep the process was called enclosure. It was go us if I would say it was blast if it was just a little harassing a lot of resistance and a lot of policy and people shoved into urban situations which had a very high death rate so essential was and says shows the desperation in emerging new industrial towns was higher than it was Satan and and the countryside. The screw down houses roads Thomas More the pluck downtowns and leave nothing standing but only churches to be made into sheep houses this army have dispossessed homeless and jobless peasants has become a potential labor force helping to create a labor market. Excerpts from the documentary series capitalism by evil and see if this is the 1st installment which is on the work of Adam Smith as well as his historic context and we'll return to it shortly before we do I need to ask for your help. I just got passed a note from the father of 3 of our listeners an anonymous donor in Richmond Paul in Palo Alto in June point raise have offered to double $1165.00 if we can raise the equivalent amount to match it and it says here in 20 minutes. Now for most of the 20 minutes we're going to play you more from the documentary series but if you call right now we can give you a copy of the 6 documentary scent that comprises capitalism for a pledge of $240.00 or more at 180-439-5732 it's a documentary series that does not have distribution in the United States commercially it's made available to institutions they have to pay $498.00 for that schools and libraries it is a rare day that we are able to offer you something through our fund drive for less than the price you're able to find it anywhere else but today is one of those days if you make that $240.00 pledge right now we'll give you the 6 documentaries that comprise capitalism and your pledge will go further because of this challenge 180-439-5732 extension 90 seconds to we go back the documentary series takes you through Adam Smith's work puts them in a historic context that's what you're listening to now is ideas look very different in pre-industrial London than they do in 21st century America takes you through the origins of free trade with David Ricardo points out what his class position was in his society through the major challenges to capitalism the true inspiration with the writing of Karl Marx and the revolutionary moments of the 19th century asks why 20th century communism failed takes you into the intellectual tradition that started with Karl put on gays and sought to move economics past materialism and math and put it in a social cultural and historical context it's not just history they also do field reporting from modern day economic crisis points everywhere from South China to Haiti to Flint Michigan. It's 6 documentaries in total and normally during our fund drive we would ask for a pledge of $100.00 at a minimum for a single documentary by stealth instead of pledging $600.00 for 6 you get 6 for 240 and as it happens it's 6 documentaries you cannot get anywhere else the phone numbers 180439 to 57321800 Hey Kate b.f.a. Or on line at k.p. If a dot org And if you make the pledge right now that $240.00 will get us one 5th of the way towards making our $1165.00 match 180-439-5732 that to capitalism how do you create a market that's her interesting. How you create a market that's embodied from society. You can pass all kinds of laws which happened in England between 1650 and about to die early 19th century back to criminalize poverty. You can make it a capital offense for stealing a handkerchief. Children can be executed. You can imprison people because they kind of long to pay their debts. So the amount of terroristic type of laws that are being passed to criminalize poverty to be increasing debt to create new human beings that can be bought and sold that helps bring about a particular kind of market the people who were thrown off the ladder lost that connection to the land if you've got access to that and so you have a certain measure of independence you are your own boss. And you know really beholden to anybody and. Where is one seal alienated from the land you're in a much more insecure situation and. You're less able to contest the forces of the economy now is a situation where you know scape the wheels of capitalism turning they had to persuade people to consume which was kind of one of the problems with people living on their own land on the common land or whatever it was listed they were. That wild about consuming you don't need to come by very much if you actually live in a place like this is just loads to do and keep yourself amazed and eat and so forth actually dispose of. You so the trail of silver and gold began in the new world helps to stimulate a global market that eventually transformed British society. Around the world private entrepreneurs were using the newly found riches to build empires. Smith is fascinated as he has to be both a mushroom spread to the Empire. Of to every country in Europe is founded in the developed world. And how those colonies be developed to be developed actually as we would say by the private sector. Trading companies what are they doing there with provision of government into different parts of the world and these trading companies are becoming governments ships from Europe brought goods to Africa and took slaves to the new world and brought raw materials back to Europe. It was called a triangular trade. And was mainly a private enterprise which contributed to the emergence of market economy. The workings of Commerce and empire in the 18th century right the way through Europe is increasingly dependent on black slavery. Smith knows this very well the offer was a close student of the workings of the Scottish economy and his own date but he chose to turn a blind eye surgery. By the 5000s their at least he's often say that Smith was insensitive. To social movements and social trait which of his time. Lapse the elephants. The Wealth of Nations wrote slaves. Plantation said it. Gives activity. Ilke a tent in the. State that they did treat it and traded. And then they said that. In some of these plantations things. Exceed any factory at the day. It had been carried to the sticks I would. Have to get this from an exception that there was not a of that but and for me to say. That in every way it was capitalist to the exclusion of any other consideration and think. First museums in general they have a hard time relating extra Konami course like slavery with sort of normal economic transactions and therefore things like slavery de associated with some kind of barbaric primitive pre developed underdeveloped society which cannot possibly be related to a modern developed economy. But a strong case can be made that council isn't actually started and the 16th century with the colonize ation of the Caribbean and Latin America. But if indeed to the birth of capitalism has nothing to do with Adam Smith Why has his books The Wealth of Nations become such an influential work and why is his view if you Khana me as science so widely held. Excerpts from the documentary series at all is it 6 documentaries in total we're offering that money box set for a pledge of $240.00 at 143925732. I'll be back to the documentaries in 2 minutes before we do a quick update on fund raising we're facing a nearly $1200.00 challenge to preach it will need 5 people pledging for capitalism so far we have raised $295.00 which leaves us $970.00 away. That this documentary series is literally something that you cannot get elsewhere in the United States it speaks something about the media economy here there is no commercial distribution the distributor makes it available to schools and libraries they have to pay $498.00 per copy. You can get it for less than half that through our pledge room at 180-439-5732 The 1st of those documentaries covers Adam Smith and theories about the origins of capitalism the 2nd which we're about to listen to excerpts from continues without him Smith but asks what parts of his writings have been lost as modern day ideologues try to reinvent their intellectual foundations to justify the present the next documentary covers the work of free trade apostle David Ricardo points out who he was in his society what classes he spoke for what his political agenda was and also Thomas Malthus the person whose thinking is foundational to most anti poor people rhetoric that you hear today the 4th documentary asks what if Karl Marx was right and then asks what went wrong with experiments in 20th century communism the 5th documentary covers the twin poles of economic thinking a stablished of the 20th century by John Maynard Keynes and Frederick von Hyatt the great debate and also asks when those are the 2 poles of the debate what gets left out and the 6th covers Carl Pohlad new a thinker and writer who defies disciplinary categorization who went back thousands of years using the tools of archaeology and anthropology and sociology and history to try to determine how fundamental concepts like debt money and exchange change over time the extent to which they're specific and to which they are universal it is 6 documentaries in total it is powerful intellectual history done with a critical perspective on the system we live in it speaks to I think the importance and the potential of k.p. F.a. And all 6 documentaries can be yours for a pledge of $240.00 at 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey k.p. F.a. Or online at k.p. F.a. Dot org less than a minute if you make that pledge right now it's like giving more to k.p. F.a. Than you can dig out of your own pocket because after we get 4 more pledges for capitalism we'll be able to keep that $1200.00 challenge. However at this moment there is not a single person on the phone and that he's terrifying So look whether you're pledging $25.00 for basic membership or $100.00 to make it average contribution or bump it up to 40 to get this box set of D.V.D.'s capitalism we're asking you to make that call now while your pledge goes further there's our 1st caller 180-439-5732 get the documentaries if you can everyone is packed with animations to make complex ideas accessible archival footage to take you into history and they do field reporting they go to present day hotspots around the world they go to South China they go to India they go to Haiti they go to Flint Michigan to try to point out that economic ideas have consequences in real people's lives and the notion that ideas have consequences is the promise of all of our work here at k p f a and if you've ever had your eyes opened and your ears alerted by a set of ideas that you heard on these airwaves we're asking you to come through for your radio station $240.00 gets you the 6 documentaries that capitalism 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kate b.f.a. . Line at k. P.f.a. Dot org Or you can see every think you get from the fund drive laid out menus style . We're going to ask you to keep calling and go back to the documentary Capitalism . Really we'll please come toward today is our 4th hearing into the ongoing financial crisis in 2009 in the wake of the financial collapse Alan Greenspan the former head of America's central bank the Federal Reserve Board record was invited back to Washington as the man who more than others promoted deregulation in the name of the invisible hand today in this hearing. Dr Greenspan I want to start with you you have biggest advocate for letting markets regulate themselves and my question for you was simple Were you wrong I've found a flaw you found a flaw in the model that defines our world work so to speak in other words you found that your is your view of the world your ideology was not right it was not work you had precisely No I've That's precisely the reason I was shocked because I've been going for 40 years or more where the very considerable evidence that was working well which model was he referring to. Alan Greenspan's intellectual career began with. He was among her disciples and Susie asked to believe or in her theory of the supremacy of rationality. It is only. A desk area leadership back at the feet to say it's a death camp it isn't that there was a new facet of the land which is the fate of McHale that is that making death that is the end leads they lose at least that is the man in his sight I think philology is not that but his immediate friendship she's not by his emotions but by like good night he's concept night he's in that he's in there and I called the producer. When Alan Greenspan was nominated here. Later by then President Gerald Ford to get his Council of Economic Advisors Greenspan paid tribute to his old master and invited her to meet the president. Very quick fundraising update we have 30 seconds left on that nearly 1200 dollars speech challenge where 150 dollars away 180-439-5732 back to capitals. 3 years before the financial meltdown Alan Greenspan visited Kirkcaldy Adam Smith's birthplace in commemoration of the great thinker. One could hardly imagine Greenspan said that today's awesome a ray of international transactions would produce the relative economic stability that we experience daily if they were not led by some international version of Smith's invisible and. The recent decades a vast risk management and pricing system as a. Combining the best insights of mathematicians and finance experts. The whole intellectual editors However collapsed in the summer last year. And so with magical and mystical words like Invisible Hand words which were taken out of context the intellectual structure of free markets was created. People. Of course I have different views on where the free market is desirable so some people believe that we should leave the markets free. Other people say. Free markets are not very good we have to intervene in a tool you show just isn't that could do as well but you know most people would actually accept that there is such thing as a free market and you may or may not like the free market but you know it when you see it but that's the biggest myth about capitalism because my question is. What do you actually mean by the free market and then to illustrate his point I bring indeed example of try labor. Day in all the rich countries does restrictions on child labor. But there was a time when child live was a very wise bread thing. It was also a 1000 years before India's 1720 famously raised. Regions of England producing text. For being able to offer full employment to children from the age of 4 or 5 and allowing them to make a living. The only ninety's entry in the British Parliament the group of. Reform was made of very 1st time tool actual facility regulated child labor now even down on a lot of people. Regulation because. This regulation is trying to undermine defeat the foundation of a free market namely the freedom of contract. So there is a disease to draw one to war these people want to improve what is your problem. Today all other people will find these are going off suddenly to those people who accept that and contracts that society should override indie interests to know whether fair or d. Child labor beautifully illustrated. Essentially 0 political quite a stroke or markets propped up by. A huge range of regulation luck isn't like that once you accept the on the line for the car values also to regulation. These regulations become invisible like those appear on the wires or. Do we remember slavery a true free market without those piano wires are the only considerations with profit and losses. Market which was once widely accepted as the norm. Smith was very skeptical about whether in fact a science of society or science sipped economics was actually possible. This is a wish deeply cool shops about how free markets should be can prevent. The questions which Smith thought exceedingly difficult to address about social justice about fairness and about maintaining the fabric of society itself might actually be impossible to address. In the course of history we have lost all let's think about the political died then choose the ethical die mentions of. Progress towards a full bucket he called a. New. Excerpt from the documentary series capitalism will return to it shortly 1st a little bit of breaking news out of the phone room actually good news and bad news the good news is we have just received a 2nd challenge for the hour. Club at Lancaster Lydia in Santa Cruz and Paul in Palo Alto in the final 14 minutes of this program. Are willing to double $1365.00 nearly $1400.00 if we can raise that much to match them. The bad news is as of this moment we are down to just one person calling in the Pledge minds and we're about to go back to the documentary so I have very scant time to get more of you to join the phone number is 180-439-5732 this is it the fun drive is almost over it ends Friday night for better or for worse on the documentaries that you're listening to capitalism is 6 documentaries in total it is deep intellectual history that by on the ground field reporting to kill a sleek crafted they even use any missions when they have to to make economic concepts accessible and most notably it has no commercial distribution here in the United States it was not broadcast on t.v. Had no theatrical release you cannot purchase the d.v.d. Set of the movie unless you are a school or a library in which case the distributor charges you $498.00 but you can get it for less than half that as your thank you gift for a pledge to k. P.f.a. Of $240.00 at 180-439-5732 extension 1800 k. P.f.a. 60 seconds left. Some of the voices that you'll hear in the documentary include Simon Johnson former chief economist of the International Money Fund David Harvey the Marxist geographer we've had him on this program before heterodox economist Michael Hudson Thomas Piketty the French economist who wrote the surprise runaway bestseller capital in the 21st century Yanis Varoufakis he was interviewed before he became finance minister of the Greek series of government Noam Chomsky David Graber the anthropologist who wrote debt the 1st 5000 years James Kenneth Galbraith we had him on frequently during the great financial crisis and many many more I think it speaks to the importance of k.p. a Faith in exploring these ideas in bringing critics of the economic system to the airways and if you value that we're asking you to pledge while your pledge goes further help us towards this challenge and if you can pick up a copy of the documentary for yourself 180-439-5732 extension 1800 hake a p.s.a. Or line at k p f a dot org. We'll take a leap of faith we're going to count on you to call in if you need to remember the number it's 1800 Hey p.f.a. Back to capitalism. One of the 1st to identify the intellectual foundations on which slavery was built the ability to separate economic logic from social interim and reality was a contemporary of Adam Smith a former slave and a philosopher to. He's buried here in Shama Bhana in the shadow of a former slave castle. Good arises to him. Just to give birth to good. Given us this wonderful. Anton. Wilhelm ammo set out to criticize the very contradiction of creating a science as separate from the human reality of capitalism. Most journey began as do those of so many before him on a slave ship out of Africa. Among the enslaved who came in among the people were being made into commodities where people who were from some of the courts. Some of them when they were brought in immediately showed their precocity. Was brought as a buck a more tolerant he was manumitted and he was educated in adoptive within the aristocracy he was educated to the point where he achieved to a doctor it's a doctorate in law and a doctorate in philosophy and he taught in the German university system I'm always brought to Europe as a child by the Dutch East India Company and was given as a present to a German Duke. The liberal Duke freed him and provided in with a free education. The thing that begins to emerge when these commodities are going to speak is they began to articulate the double standards and some of the problems in the rest of the processes of rationalization that was Gauri know that were going on in modern Champus. To suspect the Negroes to be naturally inferior to the whites such a uniform and constant difference could not happen if nature had not made an original distinction between these breeds of man. David Hume philosopher Adam Smith's intellectual partner. You have. 1st the question of the anthropological rationalization. I'm all wrote on the qualities of the Moore's in Europe and the very act of writing it the very act of articulating was to unsettle the view that something about him racially. Riku this acetate of his being the truth. As we know Rene Descartes the famous French philosopher articulated reality as being too old and vain mind and body will basically said that if mind were really separated from body mind couldn't feel anything to do if you live in. The country wimpish. I don't you should a movie can to deal with this problem of rationality and reason was being views ironically against reality and reason. This is a look at the way Adam Smith would argue he was articulating a system that sets up as an ideal world paradoxically a world without people. People tend to want to be free people tend to have values people tend to be aimed not as neatly predictable. In 18th century Europe a warning from an African philosopher was doomed to be ignored. Or had to flee Europe and died here and Sharma. While the Wealth of Nations pioneered modern economics a most books were burned and his work is all but forgotten. Excerpt from the documentary Capitalism I think that last story speaks to the importance of the work that went to this film I did not know about tell I watch these films. And what it's speaks to is how the process of making history is also a process of choosing which voices to replace this documentary does an incredible job of really opening that process of history making and bringing you people who are held up as the intellectual foundations of the economic system we live in putting them back in their process putting them back in their context asking who their contemporaries were that were their critics who were the forces of conscience when did the people who were subjugated in their society speak for themselves. And it's the kind of work that we're at our best we do here at Cape p.f.a. And that's why we ask you to support us during these fun tries to keep it going. There right now we have a nearly 1400 dollars challenge on the line the last count I got from the phone or puts a 645 dollars away from making it and we start with the documentary so much this hour I've barely 5 minutes to raise the ballots it's asking you to come through for this radio station to keep this space open for the type of work we bring you each and every day. To match the commitment of the thousands of listeners who've already stood up and pledge of their own hard earned money so that k.p. If they can be here for you with a contribution of your own. The phone number is 180-439-5732 the 6 documentary series that we've been playing excerpts from this morning capitalism is yours for a pledge of 240 dollars or more normally for a single documentary and we have to ask for a pledge of $100.00 to $120.00 in our phone or if you do the math if you're to pledge for 6 separately you'd be out of pocket $600.00 to $720.00 this set because if they were able to work out what the filmmakers in the distributors we can offer you for just $240.00 you can do that installments 40 bucks a month for 6 months whichever way you do it it will count towards the challenge and help us over the top 184395732. And this is something you literally can't get anywhere else in the United States did not have t.v. Distribution there's no commercial distribution of the D.V.D.'s that did not have a theatrical release it speaks to the hostility of the media environment in this country to a critical examination of socialism came out of Europe's much smaller filmmaking scene. The only distribution in this country is institutional schools and libraries have to pay $498.00 per copy however as part of our fundraising efforts we're able to offer it to you for less than half that it's one of the best values of the fun Dr it is also an incredible piece of filmmaking in its own right it is educational it is insightful I learned things from it. And it's yours for a pledge of $240.00 at 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kate b.f.a. Or line a k p f a dot org The count from the phone and now puts us $405.00 away from making that challenge with 3 minutes to go that means 2 people pledging for capitalism brings in the full $1365.00 for us 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey k.p.s. They are on line at w w w dot k. P.f.a. Dot org Let me tell you what's in it we've been featuring excerpts from the 1st 2 documentaries with both on Adam Smith you probably know him from your Econ 101 class as the person who came up with the idea of the invisible hand of the free market or filmmakers put them in context and ask what was the economy he was writing about it turns out there's not a lot of lessons that you can instruct the late for pre-industrial Britain for today and also the economy he was writing about was built on colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade today all kinds of things we would not consider remotely a symptom of freedom today the 2nd documentary asks what parts of his balloonists writing have been buried for the sake of convenience and bring back to the light what's called his moral philosophy the parts where he warns about the power of Monopoly capital of the dehumanizing nature of their division of labor in pro industrial firms. Where he talks about a fundamental imbalance in power between capital and labor that the state has to correct the 3rd documentary gets into the work of David Ricardo now held up as a free trade apostle and Thomas Malthus the origin of ideas that are weaponized against poor people in America to this day the 4th documentary is a deep dive on the tradition of challenging capitalism that began with Karl Marx and asks what went wrong when some of his ideas were attempted to be put into practice. In the 20th century the 5th documentary looks at the Great 2 poles that emerged in economic philosophy and policy in the 20th century between John Maynard Keynes and Frederick von Hyatt in assets when they are the 2 sides of the debate what gets left out of the conversation the 6 documentaries on the work of Karl Poland you use the tools of archaeology and anthropology to reach back thousands of years into history to ask how fundamental concepts of debt obligation money exchange change over time what is intrinsic to human nature and what is situational It's an incredible breathtaking sweeping book at the economic system we live in at the ideas that have cropped up to explain it to justify it to apologize for it and to challenge it. And it anchors those ideas in on the ground reporting in over 20 countries today making the point that ideas have tonsil quinces that is the promise of our work and we are asking you to help us over the top on that challenge we are now $165.00 away from making it with less than a minute to go at 180-439-5732 The capitalism.

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Radio Program , Economics Writers , Classical Liberalism , Classical Liberals , Economic Liberalism , Capitalism , Libertarian Theory , Alumni Of The University Edinburgh , 2nd Millennium , Modern History , International Economics , International Trade , Business Terms , Historiography , Political Economy , Market Structure And Pricing , Economic Systems , County Seats In California , Early Modern Period , Early Modern Philosophers , American Economists , Social Philosophy , Trade , Economic History , Adam Smith , English Stock Traders , Industrial Revolution , Radio Kpfa 94 1 Fm , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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