Transcripts For KPIX 60 Minutes 20121231 :

KPIX 60 Minutes December 31, 2012

Has judd apatow hurt people . Oh, sure. laughter youre damn right he has. Judd apatow is a monster. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Im steve kroft. Im leslie stahl. Im morley safer. Im lara logan. Im anderson cooper. Im scott pelley. Those stories tonight on 60 minutes. [ male announcer ] this holiday at sprint, get 100 off any 4g lte tablet when you buy any smartphone. And get a tablet data plan starting at just 10 mo. No sharing required. Hurry into a sprint store or visit sprint. Com tabletoffer today. Military families face, we understand. At usaa, we know military life is different. Weve been there. Thats why every bit of Financial Advice we offer is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. [ laughs ] dad dad [ applause ] [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles. Usaa brings advice. Call or visit us online. Were ready to help. You know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels. E, copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 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And that fact led the department of defense to start a Crash Program to help veterans and civilians by creating an artificial arm and hand that are amazingly human. But thats not the breakthrough. We dont use that word very often, because its overused. But when you see how they have connected this robotic limb to a human brain, youll understand why we made the exception. To take this ultimate step, they had to find a person willing to have brain surgery to explore new frontiers of what it is to be human. That person would have to be an explorer with desperate need, remarkable courage, and maybe most of all, a mind that is game. The person they chose is Jan Scheuermann, a pittsburgh mother of two and writer, with a mind nimble enough to match wits on the wheel of fortune in 1995. Jan scheuermann im going to solve the puzzle. Too cute for words. Yes cheers and applause pelley when her mind triumphed, her brain sent signals of delight to every muscle in her body. But a year after this moment, those brain signals were being cut off. Scheuermann one day, i had trouble in the evening. I was making a lot of trips in and out of the car, it felt like my legs were dragging behind me. Pelley within two years, a genetic disease called spino cerebellar degeneration broke the connection between brain and body. Now, at age 53, Jan Scheuermann can move only the muscles in her face and a few in her neck. Shes dependent on a caregiver for nearly all of her daily needs. 52 across. Pelley . And her mother to help her solve the puzzles she loves. Healed . Scheuermann oh, oh, youre good. Pelley at the same time Jan Scheuermann was putting her mind to a new life, a neuroscientist, just across town at the university of pittsburgh, was imagining how people like jan might be restored. Andy schwartz, on the right, is working on an Ambitious Defense Department project called revolutionizing prosthetics. Four years ago, we visited his lab, and schwartz showed us how he implanted tiny sensors like this one into the brains of monkeys, and then wired them to a crude robotic arm. Schwartz told us that, when the monkey thinks about moving his own arm, his brain cells, or neurons, fire off electrical signals. The sensor in his brain can pick up these signals and send them to the robot. So hes operating the arm in three dimensions up, down, forward and back . Andy schwartz as well as the gripper. Pelley what youre telling me is that the monkey is operating this arm with nothing but his thoughts . Schwartz absolutely. Pelley what are the chances that a human being would be able to do this same thing . Schwartz oh, we think a human being could do much better. Pelley that conversation was in 2008. And since then, the 150 million revolutionizing Prosthetics Program has reached farther than most thought possible. Geoffrey ling awesome. Pelley dr. Geoffrey ling, a retired army colonel and neurologist, is in charge. After seeing the wounded on several tours in iraq and afghanistan, he told his team that he wanted a breakthrough within five years. Did any of them say, look, colonel, were not sure we can do this. Ling oh, absolutely. They. They thought we were crazy. But thats quite all right, because i think its in our insanity that things happen. Pelley that madness led to genius in labs all across the country. At the applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins university in maryland, Michael Mcloughlin led the multimillion dollar engineering of what has become the most sophisticated hand and arm ever developed. Its the same size and weight of an average mans arm and hand, and everything is inside, including the computers and the batteries. Is there anything that your natural arm and hand can do that the mechanical hand cant . Michael mcloughlin well, i can do this. laughs pelley okay. Theres that. Mcloughlin we cant do that. But other than that, virtually everything your natural hand can do, this prosthetic is able to do. Same strength, too. Pelley same strength . Mcloughlin same strength. So we can curl 45 to 50 pounds with the arm. Pelley theyve thought of a lot of ways to use it. When set on wheels, it can bring a human touch where no human can go. In this demonstration, we wore a visor that showed us the video feed from the robot. These gloves moved the robotic hands. And we practiced pulling a wire out of a bomb. Come on, give me that pinch. Awesome. But the holy grail in the project was finding a way to connect the robot directly to the brain. Scheuermann who wouldnt want to do this . When they told me. I heard about the study, i said, oh, absolutely. I. I couldnt not do this. Pelley last february, Jan Scheuermann put herself on the line for a more sophisticated version of the surgery that they had done earlier in the monkeys. Theres a brain surgery involved. Its experimental. Why were you so excited about it . Scheuermann ive always believed theres a purpose to my illness. I didnt think i would ever find out what it was in my lifetime, and here came this study where they needed me. You know, they couldnt just pick any tom, dick or harry off the street. And in a few years, the quadriplegics and the amputees this is just going to help. The department of defense is funding some of this for the vets. To be of use to them and service to them, what an honor. Elizabeth tylerkabara what im going to do right now is im just going to make some marks here in your hair. Pelley the procedure was done by university of pittsburgh neurosurgeon Elizabeth Tyler kabara, who showed us that the area that controls hand and arm movement is accessible right on the surface of the brain. What are the dangers . Tylerkabara we worry about if we were to accidentally tear a blood vessel when we were putting them in, that we could cause a blood clot that would collect on the surface of the brain. Probably the thing we worry about the most is the possibility of infection. Pelley i mean, you do have a connection through the skull to the outside world . Tylerkabara absolutely. May i have some irrigations . Pelley during the sixhour surgery, two sensor arrays, each the size of a pea, were placed on the surface of jans brain. Woo hoo pelley then, they were wired to two computer connections called pedestals, the gateways to jans thoughts. You know, people are going to look at those pedestals in your skull, and theyre going to think, that has to hurt. Is it painful . Has it been difficult in any way . Scheuermann for a few hours after i woke up, i had the worst case of buyers remorse. I was thinking, oh, my god, i had brain surgery. Why didnt anyone stop me . Why didnt they say, jan, youre crazy. But as soon as the headache went away, that kind of talk went away, too. Pelley five months after the surgery, we came back to see whether she would be able to control the robotic arm with nothing but her thoughts. They plugged her brain into the computer and this is what we saw. Scheuermann i can move it up. And straight down. And left and right, and diagonally. I can close it. And open it. And i can go forward and back. Pelley that is just the most astounding thing ive ever seen. Can we shake hands . Scheuermann sure. Pelley no, really . Scheuermann yeah. Pelley like, come right over here . Scheuermann yes, you come over there. Pelley okay. Scheuermann let me grasp your hand there. There we go. Pelley oh, my goodness. Scheuermann move it up and down a little. Pelley wow. Scheuermann and i can do a fist bump, if youd like. Pelley thats amazing. What are you doing, jan . Whats going on in your mind as youre moving this arm around . What are you thinking . Scheuermann okay, the best way to explain it is, raise your arm. Now, what did you think about when you did that . Pelley well, not much. I do it all the time. Scheuermann exactly. Its automatic. Pelley is that hard work . Are you having to concentrate . Scheuermann it. No, it was hard work getting there. I struggled greatly to go up and down at the beginning. Now, up and down is so easy, i dont even think about it. Side to side, dont even think about it. Pelley just like your arms used to . Scheuermann yes. Pelley we asked dr. Ling, the program manager, where all of this is headed. Ling im old enough to have watched Neil Armstrong take that step on the moon. And. And to watch jan do that, i had the same tingles. Because i realized that we have now stepped over a great threshold into what is possible, and very importantly, what patients can now expect in terms of restoration. This is a very important part not rehab, but restoration of function. Pelley i wonder what your experience with jan has taught you about the brain and the brains ability to adapt to new circumstances. Ling i think its taught me something really fundamental, and that is we are tool users. And our arms and legs are just tools for our brain. And so, when we give another tool in jans case, a robot arm she will adapt to that tool to do the things that she wants to do. Pelley of course, many who could use a robot arm are not paralyzed like jan; theyre amputees. And for them, the project has found a way to connect the arm without brain surgery. 57yearold Johnny Matheny lost his arm to cancer. Dr. Albert chi, from Johns Hopkins hospital, found the nerves that used to go to johnnys hand and moved them to healthy muscles in his remaining limb. Albert chi now, elbow extension. Pelley sensors on his skin pick up the brains signals from the nerves and use those signals to control the robotic arm. Johnny matheny come here, i want to see you. Pelley so even though the limb is missing, the brain still sends the signals as if the limb was still there . Chi correct. Pelley johnny, it feels in. In your mind like your hand is. Is there again . Chi yes. Pelley as if your arm had never been lost . Matheny correct. Pelley unlike jan, the connection for johnny runs both ways. Sensors in the fingers send signals back so he can feel what hes touching. Okay, im holding the object and you can close on it. To see how well, we put him to the test. Hard or soft . Matheny soft. Pelley correct. Very good. Now, lets try again. Im holding the object. Hard or soft . Matheny soft. Pelley yep. Quite right. All right. He got it right every time. Hard or soft . Matheny hard. Pelley amazing. The next person to have jans surgery will have additional sensors placed in the brain to receive the sensation of touch. Andy schwartz believes that will help with some of the things that jan has trouble with. For example, sometimes, when she looks right at an object, she cant grab it. Schwartz okay, im going to take the cone away. Just go ahead and close it. Scheuermann oh, sure, no problem. Schwartz so as soon as i take the cone away, there is no problem. But as soon as i put the cone there, she cant do it. Pelley why is still a mystery. The progress is coming rapidly. They are working on a wireless version of the implant to eliminate the connection in the skull. And dr. Geoffrey ling told us that the Lab Experiments will one day enter the real world. Ling and were going to not stop at just arms and hands. I think that its going to open the way for things like sight and sound. And. And my dream, i dream that well be able to take this into all sorts of patients patients with stroke, patients with cerebral palsy, and the elderly. Scheuermann i think when other quadriplegics see what im doing with the arm, theyre all going to say, oh, wow i wish i could do that now, this is the way i like to eat cookies. Awesome. Thank you so much. applause i just feel very honored to be the one who gets to do it. Go to 60minutesovertime. Com to see the bomb defusing robot known as robosally in action. But we can still help you see your big picture. With the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelitys analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. All in one place. Im Meredith Stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. Its one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. Now get 200 free trades when you open an account. [ female announcer ] if you have rheumatoid arthritis, can you start the day the way you want . Can orencia help . [ woman ] i wanted to get up when i was ready, not my joints. 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Drone operated by the cia unleashed a hellfire missile killing one of the most wanted terrorists in the world, Anwar Alawlaki. The americanborn cleric had been waging holy war against his own country. Because he was a u. S. Citizen, it was one of the most controversial drone strikes in the campaign against al qaeda. To this day, the question of how the cia zeroed in on awlaki in that distant desert land remains a mystery. Some of that will be answered tonight, and youll learn how an unlikely danish spy named morten storm managed to get inside awlakis world and become one of his most trusted friends. And how, storm says, he helped lead that fatal missile to its target. Anwar alawlaki as you send us your bombs, we will send you ours. Logan by the time of his death, Anwar Alawlaki was at the top of the u. S. Terrorist kill list. The muslim cleric had become notorious for his fiery internet sermons that incited attacks against america. Awlaki jihad against america is binding upon myself, just as it is binding on every other able muslim. Logan awlaki had plotted with the underwear bomber, umar abdulmutallab, and he inspired nidal hasans shooting rampage at fort hood, texas, that left 13 dead. He had become the operational leader of al qaeda in yemen and was in the midst of planning more attacks. Morten storm was one of the few people awlaki trusted. What he didnt know was that storm had become a double agent working for danish intelligence and their partners, the cia, who wanted awlaki dead. Morten storm at that moment now, anwar needed to die by any means. He needed to be stopped. That was. Logan even though he was your friend . Storm he. He was not my friend. He was a person i needed to get close to to stop his evil in him. Logan how dangerous do you think he was . Storm very dangerous. Logan the two first met in yemen in 2006 when storm, a muslim convert from denmark, was as radical as awlaki. What did you think of him the first time you met him . Storm very kind person. You know, his character was. How. What do you call it, a joyful character. Logan did you two get on well from the beginning . Storm from the very first minutes. Logan and so you became friends . Storm yes. I liked him because of his views of jihad, because that was my views, as well. Logan storms path to extremism began in prison when he converted to islam at 21, a troubled kid with a violent past who had never found his place in the sleepy danish town where he grew up. What would people have said about you at that time . How would they have described you . Storm my reputation as a young teenager, i. I could punch very hard. I used to knock out a fullgrown man with one punch. So, thats. And i was known for that. Logan he says islam offered forgiveness and comfort in ritual, a refuge for a young man who feared his life was going nowhere. Storm i felt good about it, praying, as if i was cleaned. My sins had left me. Logan it freed you from your past. Storm it did, yeah, and thats what i needed. Logan he moved to yemen, learned arabic, took an arabic name, murad, and a muslim wife, with whom he had three children. By 9 11, he was immersed in radical islam and even named his son after Osama Bin Laden. Why would you do that . Storm because he was born in. Just after 9 11, and Osama Bin Laden was a hero. He was a muslim soldier who stood up against the big satan of america. Logan you know, Many Americans listening to that would be offended . Storm well, im telling the truth. Logan but over the years, storm began to have doubts about his faith. As dramatic as his original conversion was, so

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