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Should have gone up to him and walked up and started screaming in his face. Were living in the real world. Glor all that and much more, right now. Glor good evening. Im jeff glor. And this is our western edition. We are going to begin with our interview with the president late this afternoon. In our conversation at the white house, mr. Trump for the first time in public as president blamed Vladimir Putin directly for meddling in the 2016 u. S. Election. The president had drawn a lot of criticism for not doing that on monday when the two men held a joint News Conference in helsinki. Yesterday, after he returned to washington, he did say he accepts the finding of u. S. Intelligence that russia interfered, but the questions continued. We worked to get more information on all of this, starting with what the president and putin talked about faceto face behind closed doors. You say you agree with u. S. Intelligence that russia meddled in the election in 2016. Yeah, and ive said that before, jeff. I have said that numerous times before. And i would say that that is true, yeah. Glor but you havent condemned putin specifically. Do you hold him personally responsible . Well, i would, because hes on charge of the country, just like i consider myself to be responsible for things that happen in this country. So certainly, as the leader of a country, you would have to hold him responsible, yes. Glor what did you say to him . Very strong on the fact that we cant have meddling. We cant have any of that. Now, look, were also living in a grownup world where a strong statement, you know president obama supposedly made a strong statement, nobody heard it. What they did hear is the statement he made to putins very close friend, and that statement was not acceptable. It didnt get very much play, relatively speaking, but that statement was not acceptable. But i let him know we cant have this. Were not going to have it. And thats the way its going to be. Glor but he denies it, so if you believe u. S. Intelligence agencies, is putin lying to you . I dont want to get into whether or not hes lying. I can only say that i do have confidence in our intelligence agencies as currently constituted. I think that dan coats is excellent. I think that gina is excellent. I think we have excellent people in the agencies. And when they tell me something, it means a lot. Glor coats says the threat is ongoing. Do you agree with that . Well, id accept that. Hes an expert. This is what he does. Hes been doing a very good job. I have tremendous faith in dan coats. And if he says it, i would accept that. I tell you, though, it better not be. E better not be. Glor have you talked to coats since you got back . Yeah i have, sure. Glor what did he say . I just talked, generally speaking. He agrees with the statement you made. And i go along with him. Hes a very. Hes a great guy. Hes a great patriot. He loves his country. And hes only going to say what he truly believes. And the information thats given to him is that. Glor do you think any intelligence agencies, u. S. Intelligence agencies, are out to get you . Well, certainly in the past, its been terrible. Oku look at brennan. You look at clapper. You look at hayden. You look at comey. You look at mccabe. You look at strzok, and his lover, lisa page. You look at other people in the f. B. I. That have been fired, no longer there. Nlrtainly i cant have any confidence in the past, but i can have a lot of confidence in the present and the future, owcause its getting to be now where were putting our people in. But in the past, no, i have no confidence in a guy like brennan. I think hes a total lowlife. I have no confidence in clapper. You know, clapper wrote me a beautiful letter when i first went to office, and it was really nice. , d then all of a sudden hes gone haywire, because they got to him and they probably got him to say things that maybe he doesnt even mean. N t, no, i certainly dont have confidence in past people. You look at whats happened. Tak at allf the shenanigans that have gone on. Very hard to have confidence in that group. Glor on saturday you told us your doctrine is strength, and achieving peace through strength. Right. Glor after helsinki, Lindsey Graham said you showed weakness. Well, Lindsey Graham, let me just glor Newt Gingrich said it was the biggest mistake of your presidency. I totally disagree. I think i did great at the News Conference. I think it was a strong News Conference. You have people that said you should have gone up to him. You should have walked up and started screaming in his face. Were living in the real world. Okay. Glor who gives you the best advice . When you come back and you read all these stories and you say you dont know what the fuss is all about, who do you talk to . I will tell you, i dont know what the fuss is all about. I think we did extremely well. I think the press makes up the fuss, look its fake news. People understand that. I think the press largely makes up a lot of the fuss about a lot of things. Im not talking about one thing. Im talking about everything. Its crazy. You do something thats positive and they try to make it as negative as possible. Not all. And i have to say this, some of sse most honorable people i know, some great people, are reporters, journalists, et cetera. But the level of dishonesty in your profession is extremely high. Glor but we but the press covered the substance and the wording of that press conference accurately. I dont care what they covered. They didnt cover my meeting. Thimportant thing frankly was thing thasted r two d a half hours or st and a half hours. And in that meeting, we discussed many, many things that were very, very positive for both countries. Glor what tangibly emerged from that conversation . What do you feel you achieved . I think we achieved a lot. Things emerged out that were very important. Nuclear proliferation between russia and the united states. Thats 90 of the nuclear weapons. Protection of israel. He feels good about that. I feel good about that. Very good about that. That was a big factor. He talked about north korea. He said he will help. He agrees with what im doing. He thinks im doing a great job h th respect to north korea. El said he would help. I think he will. Lets see what happens. Glor how . You know, they have a lot of border. They have 25 miles of border right on north korea, so having that assurance i think means quite a bit. There were many other things we talked about, but i thought it was a very good. It was about two and a half hours, and i thought it was a very good meeting, very good. Glor how do you think he can help, specifically, on north korea . Well, for one thing, at the border. We dont want anything going in. We hope we have a deal. H,think we have a deal. Theres no rush, to be honest with you. S ere are no missiles going off. We have our hostages back. No testing. Theres no nuclear testing. So weve come a long way in a short period of time. So there is no rush, but what so te is is something we would like to see, the denuclearization of north korea. T feels strongly about it. I feel strongly about it. And thats good. I was not sure how he was going to react to that, but we had a very good discussion, and a long discussion on that. Glor i do want to ask you, sir, you said youd sit with the special counsel before. Has anything changed in the past six months that has made you change your mind more or less inkely to . My lawyers are working on that. Theres no collusion. Be ednt deal with russia. I have nothing do with russia, with respect to my race. I won that race rather easily, and i can tell you that i think frankly, 2020, i think is going to be even better than we did in 16. Or glor are you more likely to sit for an interview now . My lawyers are working on that. Ive always wanted to do an interview, because, look, theres been no collusion. Theres been no talk of russia. Theres been no phone call. Theres been nothing. And its. I call it a witch hunt. Thats exactly what it is. Its a vicious witch hunt, and you know what . Its very bad for our country, very, very bad for our country. Glor all right. Joining me now are our chief congressional correspondent, nancy cordes, and chief white house correspondent, major garrett. Welcome to both of you. So much to talk about. Major, lets start with post helsinki and russia. You were there in helsinki. Talk about helsinki versus today. Reporter well, the cleanup continues. They need a few more mops at the white house, but theyre working on it. The president now says Vladimir Putin is responsible. It cant happen. It wont happen. Hes making his most direct representation to the country that he cares about this issue, holds putin responsible, and is at least, for the first time, decoupling something hes never decoupled before. Whenever he heard collusion, or whether he heard, russian meddling, he said youre calling me an illegitimate president. Hes been urged privately to decouple those. These are two things, you won, and they meddled. Do something about the meddling. Hes moving in that direction. Glor nancy, reaction from capitol hill is coming in on what the president said this afternoon. What is that . Reporter many republicans said he made a mistake in helsinki. It wasnt his finest hour. Hes now admitting that. Lets relax, as ted cruz put it. But democrats think this walkback is disingenuous, incomplete, and probably temporary. And frankly, many republicans will tell you privately that they fear the same thing. Look, in your interview, you asked him, does he think that putin is lying about meddling . He said, well, i dont want to say one way or the other whether hes lying. There are almost no members of congress who would have any trouble at all saying, yes, of course putin is lying, full stop. They wonder why cant this president do the same thing . Glor major, he is trying to reinforce his support for dan coats, the director of National Intelligence now. Why is that significant . Reporter because he undercut dan coats and the entire Intelligence Community in a putign country, standing next to Vladimir Putin. That sent. I dont think its an exaggeration to say shockwaves through the Intelligence Community. Because when the president appeared to give, at least equal ig not more weight to putins denials than his own Intelligence Communitys assessment, that undermined them in a way that he has been told is harmful, not just to his future, but our future relations with foreign governments that helped provide intelligence that led to the indictments that forensically established so much that the russians did in 2016. Glor nancy, beyond it was intwohour meeting, as we mentioned, in helsinki. Beyond what the president says about it, he did say a bit today, and beyond what Vladimir Putin potentially says in the tuture about it, do we ever get more information about what was discussed in that meeting one on one . Reporter well, some democrats are pushing for the interpreter, the american interpreter in that meeting, to come before capitol hill and testify. The chair of the Senate Foreign relations committee, bob corker, says hes looking into that. Most republicans feel it is inappropriate. Shes not a policymaker. And the state department probably wont allow it. But, members do want a lot more details. Reporter and given a chance today, the white house, Sarah Sanders did not rule it out. She was given that chance. She said the state department is looking into it. I thought for sure she would say absolutely not. But she didnt. Glor interesting. Major garrett, nancy cordes, thank you both very much. We will have much more of my interview with the president tomorrow on cbs this morning. And here on the cbs evening w ws tomorrow, the president s thoughts about the 2020 election. He is definitely running. Which democrat would he like to run against . Join us again tomorrow. Still ahead here tonight, from washington, prosecutors call this woman a russian spy who infiltrated tried to infiltrate the u. S. Political system. Ple pilot of a sightseeing plane did not see the mountain until it was too late. And later, yosemite fills with smoke as a wildfire spreads. 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Im a representative of the Russian Federation here. Reporter federal prosecutors accused maria butina of being a russian agent, who allegedly offered sex in exchange for a job where she could influence u. S. Policy. Butina has been charged with failing to register as a Foreign Agent and conspiring to act as or agent of that foreign power. The 29yearold entered the u. S. On a student visa in 2016, but had visited several times over the past few years. According to court documents, butina allegedly took steps to develop relationships with american politicians in order to advance the interests of the Russian Federation. Photos document her with republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and n. R. A. Chief ieyne lapierre. She was also actively involved in the National Prayer breakfast, and tried unsuccessfully to arrange a meeting between president trump. Nd Vladimir Putin. As she began making more contacts with conservative leaders, she landed on the f. B. I. s radar. Investigators allege she had an ongoing relationship with a 56 yearold republican operative strictly for business purposes, and was likely in contact with russias f. S. B. Intelligence agency throughout her stay in the u. S. A Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman suggested today that butinas arrest is part of an effort to undermine u. S. Russia relations. Ron hosko is a former assistant director of the f. B. I. , and says butina was following a russian playbook. The n. R. A. Looks like an ideal organization to come, join, be a member, and then come to our convention and perhaps meet and be photographed with important people. This served her purposes very much as well. Te reporter butina was arrested on sunday after the f. B. I. Says it saw signs she could be e eparing to flee the country, and today a judge ordered her to continue to be held without bail. Butina has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Jeff . Glor correspondent paula reid. Paula, thank you. A report just released by the astional Transportation Safety board tells of the harrowing moments before a sightseeing plane crashed in alaska last week. Passengers apparently saw the looming danger before the pilot. Heres kris van cleave. radio chatter reporter it was a daring 11scue of 11 people from a small plane that crashed into the side of an alaskan mountain. S vestigators now say moments before last tuesdays crash, one passenger texted another to ask the pilot to land. The passenger sitting next to the pilot told the n. T. S. B. He was uncomfortable with the worsening weather conditions shortly before he saw what the pilot missed a large mountain loomed directly in front of the airplane. According to the n. T. S. B. s preliminary report, as visibility went to zero, the pilot, 72yearold mike hudgins, told investigators he tried to turn around, but he became disoriented, thinking he saw a body of water. Ite plane was equipped with floats, and thus could have landed. Instead, it crashed. We talked to the coast guard crew that rescued the passengers. I was on the side of the aircraft, and i couldnt see anything at my side. Wow. The visibility was horrible. Reporter the report says it appears hudgins tried to e. Oid the mountain but reacted ono late. The n. T. S. B. Investigation is ongoing. Kris van cleave, cbs news, washington. Glor still ahead here tonight, what Major League Baseball is doing about an all stars old, racist tweets. They work together, doing important stuff. Like keeping your vital organs running and what not. The hitch . Like you, your cells get hungry. Feed them with centrum micronutrients. Designed to nourish and revitalize you at the cellular level. Restoring your awesome on the daily. Centrum. Feed your cells. On the daily. I can do more to lower my a1c. And i can do it with whats already within me. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And onceweekly trulicity activates my body to release it. 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If you need help lowering your a1c, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Im missing out on our family outings because i cant find a bladder leakage product that fits. Everything was too loose. But depend® fitflex feels tailored to me. Introducing more sizes for better comfort. New depend® fitflex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. But he has plans today. New depend® fitflex underwear so he took aleve this morning. Hey dad. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief glor in california, the wildfire burning west of yosemite is spreading by the hour. Its burned 27 square miles since friday. Timelapse video shows thick smoke spreading over the national park, though all trails and campgrounds do remain open tonight. 1,800 firefighters from as far away as virginia are battling that fire. It is only 5 contained. 5ogle vowed today to appeal a tcord antitrust fine in europe, more than 5 billion. The e. U. Says google stifled competition by forcing cellphone makers to use its android aserating system to install Google Search and browser apps. Google insists its system has made phones cheaper. Major League Baseball today ordered Milwaukee Brewers pitcher josh hader to get sensitivity training. As hader was pitching in the allstar game here in washington last night, racist and homophobic comments he tweeted years ago resurfaced. One said, i hate gay people and another said k. K. K. Hader has apologized. Ha said the quotes date back to aien he was 17, a time when you make stupid decisions. Coming up next here, whatst g n you finally get home after being rescued from a cave . 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Reporter it was the moment they reached the team of young soccer players 2. 5 miles inside this thai cave. Finally free, adul enjoyed his favorite meal, kentucky fried chicken. How does it feel to be back . Im very happy. Or reporter he and his 11 teammates and their coach appeared on a News Conference earlier today, healthy, showing off their soccer skills before taking the stage. Adul described the moment the divers found them as magical. Their 25yearold coach, who some parents credit for keeping the boys, aged 11 to 16, alive, explained they only planned on exploring the cave for an hour, so they didnt bring any food. They survived by Drinking Water dripping from stalactites. Several boys said the experience has made them want to become navy seals when they grow up, to help others. They also paused for a solemn moment to honor the former Thai Navy Seal who lost his life trying to rescue them. Surrounded by friends, adul offered his gratitude. Thank you. Thank you, jesus. Thank you, everybody. Reporter anna werner, cbs news, chiang rai, thailand. Glor incredible to see. Tomorrow on this broadcast, we will have much more of our interview with president trump. He talks about americas future in afghanistan, the 2020 election, and much more. Also tomorrow, a cbs news investigation exposes how unscrupulous marketers are preying on opioid addicts. That is a cbs news investigation. That is the cbs evening news for tonight. Im jeff glor in washington. Well see you tomorrow. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org washed out the road. Kpix 5 news begins with scenic highway win reopened. The section in the muddy creek was closed for 14 months. Not good for local businesses. Devon filling you in on todays big reopening. Rarely has a road meant so much to so many. It is pretty bad. It is pretty bad because the tropics do not make it all the way over here. For the past year and a half has been the southernmost point of the stretch of the coast. Mudslides make the town made the town unreachable. We ended up with no employees. The business went down 25 . 5 or 6 people is all we have in the whole town. 3 imagine the elation when this stretch of highway wind reopened before 10 00 a. M. That was ahead of schedule. I am super excited. All the road closed signs are up. I didnt have an idea that we would be able to go further than we have. That is what countless tourists have done for the past couple of months. News that highway that highway wind with open that highway wind was open spread. It was quite a workout. They have done a good job

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