Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2015

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20150418

izzat ibrahim al duri was saddam hussein's number two, the king of clubs in the u.s. military's deck of iraqi fugitives. after the u.s. invasion toppled saddam, he became the leader of the sunni insurgency that bedeviled american troops and presidents for a dozen years. david martin at the pentagon has more about him. >> reporter: al-duri was the biggest one that got away, the only one of saddam's henchmen to elude american troops during the eight-and-a-half-year occupation of iraq. now, iraqi officials say their troops killed a man with hisis distinctive red hair and mustache. in an operation east of saddam'sh hometown of tikrit, which was retaken from isis earlier this month.or but it is not the first time he has been reported killed or captured, and dna tests have not been completed. on paper, al-duri was the vice commander of saddam's revolutionary command council. more importantly, he was his confidante, and as such, bears responsibility for some of the regime's worst atrocities,fa including the infamous gassingre v of an entire village of kurdish peasants. he melted away after the fall of baghdad in 2003 and was reported to be living in syria. but four months after the u.s. withdrawal in 2011, he resurfaced in iraq, appearing in videos like this one as the head of a group of saddam-era officers calling for the overthrow of the iraqi government. they have served as mid-level commanders in the insurgency led by isis, and theirga organizational skills may have helped isis seize and hold ground.ia but u.s. officials say it is strictly a marriage of convenience, since al-duri and his followers want iraq for themselves and do not share the religious fanaticism of isis. still, his name alone would have been a drawing card for other survivors of the regime to join the cause. if confirmed, the death of al- duri would be a major propaganda victory for the iraqi government, but not a lasting blow to isis, scott. >> pelley: the analysis of david martin at the pentagon tonight. today, the u.s. consulate in erbil, in northern iraq, was thee fe t the technical term for it is "anti-climb spikes." the secret service and the national parks service have come up with a way to keep intruders from climbing over the white house fence. the technical term for it is "anti-climb spikes." here's homeland security correspondent jeff pegues. >> reporter: the temporary steel spikes will measure half an inch. they'll be positioned on the white house perimeter fence at a five-degree angle. last september, a man jumped the white house fence and made it deep into the just over a month later, another man scaled the fence but was quickly arrested. in january, a drone landed on the white house grounds. then on wednesday, that gyrocopter pierced restricted airspace and came down on the west lawn of the capitol former secretary of homeland security tom ridge says breaches often lead to important lessons. >> we should not have a failure of imagination. so there was a breach on the congressional lawn. there's a breach at the white house. don't think that our enemies may use these old protocols, these old approaches. they may take a look at those lessons learned and apply them themselves. >> reporter: after september 11, security around the capitol was enhanced to prevent the next big attack, but these smaller incidents have exposed weaknesses. it acknowledged the difficultyng a of detecting a low, slow flier like a gyrocopter that, on radar, can be mistaken for a bird. the military is testing a new type of blimp that would detect smaller aircraft. senator ron johnson of wisconsin. >> i'm hoping this was not undetected, that it was detected and people decided to usetr discretion and restraint to save this gentleman's life. but if that is the case, that he flew under the radar, we have some serious problems. >> reporter: secretary ridge says these small security incidents highlight the real threat-- home-grown terrorism and lone wolf attacks. scott, here in the u.s., over the last eight months, there have been at least 20 terrorism- related arrests. >> pelley: jeff pegues reporting for us from washington tonight. jeff, thanks very much. today, president obama lost patience with the endless delay in confirming his nominee for attorney general, the nation's top law enforcement officer. loretta lynch is the u.s. attorney for the eastern district of new york. nancy cordes tells us that the stalling by the senate has nothing to do with lynch herself. >> it's gone too far. enough. it's embarrassing, a process like this. >> reporter: president obama named lynch as his pick to o replace the retiring eric holder 160 days ago. >> yet what we still have is this crazy situation where a woman who everybody agrees isalif qualified has been now sitting there longer than the previous seven attorney general nominees combined. and there's no reason for it. >> so help me god. >> i do. >> reporter: her confirmation hearing was held 79 days ago and, by all accounts, went well. she has the votes to pass, but work in the senate has ground to a halt over an unrelated dispute, an antiabortion provision in a human trafficking bill. >> and we're continuing to make progress. >> reporter: republicans are using the lynch vote as leverage in that abortion fight. it's a common tactic employed by both sides. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. what's the justification for holding up the lynch confirmation vote, even as you continue to hash this out? >> i've said all along i thought the president's nominee for attorney general is entitled to be considered on the senate floor. and she will be considered just as soon as we finish this very important bill. >> reporter: on thursday, senate minority leader harry reid threatened to force a vote on lynch next week. >> i'm going to serve notice right now, and miss lynch's nomination will not remain in purgatory forever. >> reporter: that forcing a vote may not be necessary because we're told that senate negotiators are close to a compromise on that abortion a provision, which would pave the way for a vote early next week and a vote on lynch shortly thereafter, scott, if there are no extra complications. >> pelley: and attorney general holder is staying in the job until lynch is confirmed. nancy, thank you. today, a family that suffered greatly in the marathon bombing asked the government to spare the life of the man who killed their child. bill and denise richard lost eight-year-old martin. their daughter, jane, lost a leg. well, today, in a letter in the "boston globe," they said, "continued pursuit of the death penalty could bring years ofat appeals and prolong reliving of the most painful days of our lives." tuesday, the jury will begin to hear evidence in order to deciden between life or death. timothy mcveigh was executed for the bombing of the federal building in oklahoma city. ago 20 years ago this weekend, 168 people, including 19 children, were killed. d it was the deadliest act of home-grown terror in u.s. history. 7 nearly 700 were hurt. anna werner reports now on wounds that never heal. >> i don't know what happened, just a blast. >> reporter: the scenes are unforgettable. >> we've got to find his brother. >> reporter: the cratered federal building, the facade blown off. first responders desperately trying to save the lives of children pulled from the building's daycare center. >> can you tell me your name? >> reporter: the denny children, two-year-old rebecca and her three-year-old brother brandon were among six children pulled from the rubble alive. brandon had debris embedded in his head. his father, jim, rushed to his bedside. >> kisses, kisses. i love you, honey. i love you, baby. >> reporter: scott pelley spoke with jim denny they night. >> pelley: you've seen the building.di >> i've seen the building, what's left of it. >> pelley: it's a miracle you have your children today. >> it's an absolute miracle. >> reporter: 20 years later, jim and claudia denny say their family has survived the bombing, but that was just the beginning. >> it's with us every hour of every day and we see it and live it. >> reporter: doctors thought their son brandon would never walk again, but he graduated high school and now works for goodwill. his parents say he understands everything going on around him but still has trouble speaking. >> he was healthy and had all the potential in the world, and this bombing... you know, he has limited capabilities now. >> reporter: their daughter, rebecca, recovered from minor injuries. she graduates from college soon, and is getting married. but the dennys can't forget the't 19 other children killed that day. >> next to her was her wonderful son. >> reporter: they often visit the city memorial to honor those they knew, and they keep talking about that day for a reason. >> we hope we can be an inspiration to other people whoo are going through some tough times. we're not the only family that goes through tough times. >> this is the way i live my life, i have my best day everyst day because i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. >> reporter: the family has also suffered financially because jim denny had to quit his job to care for his son. there's a fund-raiser for them this weekend. and, of course, scott, they will be here for the memorial service on sunday. >> pelley: good to see the dennys again. anna, thank you very much. parts of the south are in for severe weather tonight. tornadoes touched down yesterday in oklahoma, kansas, and texas but no serious injuries. denver got hit with a mix of snow, rain, and fog.ze about a dozen people were hurt in a wreck today on interstate 70, including members of a band called twin shadow. the first quarter of the year was also a record high. the global average nearly 56. there was a pretty big explosion today in fresno, california. it's a gas there was a pretty big explosion today in fresno, california. it's a gas line that has ruptured, launching a fireball into the air. at least a dozen people were hurt, including several with severe burns, we're told. the freeway was shut down. investigators say workers may have accidentally cut the line. it was not your average highway accident in washington state. a truck flipped over on an interstate, spilling hundreds of hives carrying nearly 20 million honey bees.n ben tracy now on what happened next. >> >> reporter: the beekeepers are on scene now. >> reporter: at 3:30 this morning, interstate 5 near seattle looked like a scene out of a science fiction movie. beekeepers tried to wrangle millions of bees with their bare they calmed them with smoke, but when the bees started to escape, most had to be killed with spray foam. >> i think we're going to make this quick. >> reporter: a washington state trooper tried to brief reporters. >> reporter: yes, i hear you. >> including jeff dubois from our cbs affiliate in seattle.le he did not appear to be enjoying this assignment. >> aye, aye, aye. they're flying all over the it's unnerving, to tell you the truth. >> reporter: it was far worse for his cameraman, damien glitch, who was stung 20 times. >> i feel light headed and i'm numb. i had stings to my face, to my arms. they crawled up my jacket and my lower back, my stomach. >> reporter: as many as 20 million bees were lost, and they won't survive without their hives. they were en route to a farm to pollinate blueberry crops. >> there's no other insect on earth that can do what they do. >> reporter: christian englund was one of the bee wranglers. >> it's a setback for thele farmers because they have to get the bees on their crops because they have a certain window of time that pollination happens.pp >> reporter: bee pollination is responsible for one-third of all the food we eat.mill there were five million active bee hives in the u.s. in the 1940s. now, there are half that, due in large part to what's known as colony collapse disorder. so this accident is a big loss. the driver of the semi was not injured, but like everyone involved, he likely felt the sting. >> ah! >> reporter: ben tracy, cbs news, los >> pelley: coming up next on the cbs evening news, what a teacher learned from her third graders. >> i don't get much sleep at night because my baby sister and she... she cries a lot. >> pelley: a simple assignmentsi with a powerful result. and later, when a gorilla gets angry, look out. >> oh, man! i'm brian vickers, nascar® driver. i'm kevin nealon comedian. and i'm arnold palmer, professional golfer. know what we have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. me, when i had a blood clot in my leg that could have traveled to my lungs. that's why i took xarelto®, too. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. i took xarelto® for afib... an irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke from a blood clot. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not 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it's hard to learn on an empty stomach, but nearlyut seven million elementary school kids in america live in poverty. 15 million are eligible for free lunches. many don't like to talk about it, but a teacher in denver has found a way to get her students to open up. here's barry petersen. >> what's your evidence? >> reporter: third grade teacher kyle schwartz is used to telling her students about the world s but she wanted to know about the world they live in, where 93% ofn, the students qualify for meal assistance. >> it's just this simple powerful way to help kids advocate for themselves. >> reporter: she created aor simple assignment where she wrote, "i wish my teacher knew that..." and they filled in the answer. some of the answers were, "my reading log is not signed because my mom is not around a lot." "i miss my dad because he got deported to mexico when i was three years old and i haven't seen him in six years."ar "i don't have pencils at home to do my homework." >> so i can give them pencils. t >> reporter: once you know. >> once i know. >> reporter: kyla wanted to explain why she sometimes comes to school tired. >> what i wanted her to know is i don't get much sleep at night because of my baby sister. she cries a lot. >> reporter: a great idea caught on. last month, schwartz posted some of the students' work on teachers in at least 17 states have used the assignment. a student in westchester virginia, wrote, "i got bullied on the bus and it made me feel sad." but the biggest change was in her own classroom. >> when there was a note that said, "i wish my teacher knew i don't have a friend to playn' with," that next day at recess all the girls huddled around her and they were all playing together because kids support each other. >> reporter: i asked one third grader, why not just talk to your teacher about your thoughts or needs? he said it was a lot easier writing it down as a class assignment. as we all know, scott, sometimesee it's a little tougher to say things out >> pelley: one great idea. barry, thank you very much. basketball great kareem abdul ba jabbar is recovering from heart surgery. that's next. heart surgery. that's next. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray outperforms a leading allergy pill. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. so go ahead, inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. i love making sunday dinners. but when my back hurt, cooking all day... forget about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day. and now, i'm back! aleve. frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? ...can't handle the side effects? botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder. ...and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems loss of bladder control... ...or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox® if you can't empty your bladder or can't or won't self- catheterize if needed or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions injection site pain, fatigue uti, painful urination,... ...and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and all medicines - especially botulinum toxins, antiplatelets, and blood thinners,... these may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask if botox® can help calm your bladder. visit to find a botox® urology specialist. female announcer: get on board for better sleep! it's sleep train's interest free for 3 event! get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. you'll never find an interest rate lower than sleep train's interest free for 3 event, on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> pelley: basketball hall of >> pelley: basketball hall of famer kareem abdul jabbar is recovering from quadruple bypass surgery. he has also been battling leukemia. he is the nba's all-time leading scorer with more than 38,000 points. many came via his trademark skyhook. kendall schler came in second in. last year's st. louis marathon. this year, she came in first. the problem is race officials say she cheated. it turns out she sneaked onto the race after the final checkpoint, and it now appears she did the same thing last year. she has been stripped of her title, as well as her spot in next week's boston marathon. here's a warning-- when asp gorilla goes bananas, stay away. at a zoo in omaha, a little girl was beating her chest. you can just make out her reflection. it could be a sign of aggressionll to gorillas. one of them suddenly charged. >> oh, man! >> pelley: bang! and broke the glass. the zoo's curator tells us the girl may not have been the target. that gorilla may have been trying to exert dominance over the others. ray and jacob are good friends now, but it sure didn't start out that way. steve hartman on the road next. steve hartman on the road next. allergies can distract you. so when your symptoms start, doctors recommend taking non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. with claritin, you get powerful, non-drowsy relief 24 hours a day, day after day. which is important because with fewer symptoms to distract you you can focus on the extraordinary things you do every single day. live claritin clear. every day. >> pelley: we end the week with steve hartman, and a confrontation between a cop and a criminal. it may sound like the start ofe an all-too-familiar story but-t this one takes a couple of unexpected turns "on the road." >> reporter: they were the bitterest of enemies. for more than a decade, here onuk the streets of milwaukee, two men shared mutual disgust. one was a hard-nosed cop named ray robakowski. >> i wasn't a social worker. i was a police officer. my job was to take care what needed to be taken care of. >> reporter: which is why you didn't like him? >> definitely didn't, no. >> reporter: the other, a drug dealer and gang-banger named jacob maclin. jacob got arrested so many times, you could watch himself grow old in his mug shots. and it was that career thug and this officer who sat down one day over a cup of coffee. the district attorney's office arranged it. the meeting was to see if cop and criminal could work together and come up with a way to get out of this vicious cycle. but neither guy was buying it. ray was only here because his boss made him come, and jason was tricked into coming-- told he had a job interview. they basically just glared at each other the entire time. what were you thinking?yo >> he's going to screw up and i'm going to find him and put him back. >> reporter: he was dead set on putting you back in jail. >> yeah, i'm glad he changed his mind. >> reporter: or you changed his mind.r >> yeah. >> reporter: eventually, over the next couple of months, jacob proved to ray he wanted to get a job and turn his life around. >> we had 14 or 15 interviews in two weeks, and one was communitye. warehouse. >> reporter: community warehouse is a nonprofit home improvement store that hires ex-cons. jacob started working here eight years ago and is now on the o management team. to this day, he can't thank ray enough. are you grateful? >> very. very. very. oh, man. very. >> reporter: he said "very" at least half a dozen times. >> very much so. >> reporter: and as for that very helpful cop-- he retired from the police force last year. but you still wanted to work you wanted a job. >> yeah. >> reporter: so who did you turn to for work? >> jacob maclin. and he laughed. now he held the cards.he but i mean, i wanted to be here. >> reporter: through community warehouse, with his new friend jacob, ray has now helped morex- than a dozen other ex-cons leave their past behind. is ray a different guy than when you first met him? >> oh, definitely! did i say that too loud? >> reporter: pretty ( laughter ) jacob, of course, is equally unrecognizable. today, his high-speed chases arewi around swing sets. he has four kids and vows the cycle stops with him, all proof that if you can find the trust sometimes your enemies can be your best allies. steve hartman, "on the road," in milwaukee. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley, and i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captio your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. >> i'm ken bastida. we begin some breaking news out of southern california. very large fire is burning in the town of san pedro right now near los angeles. we have seen at least two homes go up along with some vegetation. we have seen wind carrying embers sparking other fires. the neighbors used garden hoses in one case to fight the flames. crews also dousing a couple of large palm trees behind the homes. we watched these pictures right now courtesy of our sister station. let's check in with our chief meteorologist paul deanno. wind conditions in the area? >> we have to watch out for the embers over the next couple of hours. wind gusts up to 28 miles an hour. we are looking for flames and not finding much. we may be on the tail end of the fire. but if there are any embers left that wind, 20, 25 miles per hour, could blow them and start a new fire. that's a dense area just south and west of long beach just east of rancho palos verdes near los angeles air force base. very dry down there and today, ken, very windy, as well. >> you can see how spread out the fire sites were. the fire started in a palm tree and then spread to some buildings. good work by the fire department. so far no reports of any injuries. we'll keep an eye on it for you. a massive explosion and fireball in fresno after work crews hit a big gas line a 12" line. this is video from a

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