It's for. Which. To. She. Was. Was to him minutes after 9 o'clock this is 91.5 k. Or c. See him brand new music from Kiana Herald take it from the Muj ition and her beauty through my eyes St Vincent ahead of their from her latest mass seduction hang on me St Vincent going to be playing the Fillmore Arthur Torrey I'm in Denver on the 15th of January 2018 calendula head of that Truth or Dare from her new one take me apart some Otis Redding and that's how strong my love is and starting things off with Curtis Harding brand new thing called Face your fear and on and on. Hi this is David Greene while most of you are still sleeping I am spending my overnights right here at n.p.r. Getting ready to host Morning Edition usually on touching base with reporters and editors around the world writing scripts or begging for more coffee what makes all of that possible well it could be your car that's right the car you're driving could help pay for the next great story you hear on Morning Edition turn your car into the programs you. Visit k. Or c c dot o.-r. G. For details 91.5 k. R.c.c. Has been southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station for over 30 years thank you for supporting local news and local music be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter programing on $91.00 k. Or c. C. Is supported by the Colorado Springs Business Journal presenting the Women of Influence annual event celebrating local women who are active engagement accomplished in southern Colorado Nov 9th tickets available at c.s. B.j. Dot com by the Colorado Springs law firm of Gatiss can hurt and across helping clients deal with legal issues surrounding personal injuries from traffic accidents plus professional or medical malpractise Gattis can heard dot com I've. you'll know I don't remember an elbow starting things off at the top of the set with k 2 from little fictions. $91.00 k. Or c. C. Is on Facebook and Twitter you'll find news headlines local stories and station events and announcements find us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter at j.r.c. Sci. Fi This is Kyra great just this is just side Johnson from the head of the heart is John Spencer going to lose explosion listened in 91.5 k. R.c.c. In the music 7 pm to midnight 7 nights a week programming on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by your optics the Colorado I wear gallery in the Promenade shops at Briar gate and in Metro Denver in Cherry Creek north Greenwood Village flat our market place and Aspen Grove more your optics dot net your optics the art of optics by planted granite incorporated a native stone manufacturer with a selection of marble granite in court slabs for use in creating custom kitchens and bathrooms planted granite 3020 north stone and planted granite dod us. 35 degrees right now in Colorado Springs some of those foggy and Misty skies clearing up a little later on some of them happening right now light winds and it looks like temperatures will be in the mid to upper 20 range early morning far in freezing mist becoming sunny and not too windy and warm so we'll see if we hit those upper forty's to the mid fifty's but so far that's what they're predicting it's 940 got one more set of music before n.p.r. Hourly news and that's at one minute after 10 o'clock following that d.j. Melissa getting her show ready so night owls you keep it tuned to 91.5 k. R.c.c. This is Thievery Corporation. Do you treat. I'm. You just can't go wrong with a cowbell that's how I feel about it started things off with Thievery Corporation top of the set and the title track to the temple of I and I blockhead after that in the title track to the music scene. And so when following blockhead and wrapping up this show tonight with Adama self-titled released brand new here at 91.5 k. Or c c a night traveler. As quickly approached the end of 2017 consider how often. You might have heard a new take on a familiar issue or heard a story that inspired you maybe you were reminded of an old favorite song or discovered a new favorite artist all that is made possible with listeners support please make a year and give to ensure 2018 with many of those moments. Programming on 91.