Transcripts for KRCC 91.5 FM/KECC 89.1 FM/KCCS 91.7 FM [Sout

KRCC 91.5 FM/KECC 89.1 FM/KCCS 91.7 FM [Southern Colorado's NPR Station] KRCC 91.5 FM/KECC 89.1 FM/KCCS 91.7 FM [Southern Colorado's NPR Station] November 1, 2018 000000

Of ones with the funerals in the conservative community who are happening you know as soon as possible but during this time period nothing takes precedence over helping the people who lost their loved ones in starting to heal those that have been injured and I think that story as we start next week we get more broad in our support of our Jewish community and making sure that they understand that we love them and that we will protect them. When you look forward at how to prevent these kinds of events in the future I know that you disagree with proposals to put armed guards at schools or places of worship what kinds of steps do you think Pittsburgh and other cities can take to prevent this from happening again I had a great conversation with them Aaron's Annapolis Maryland recently lost 5 during a loss I have a phone call this afternoon to Mary Parklane I'll be speaking with the mare in San Bernardino I spoke at length with their buddy to wire in Orlando. I believe that as Mares The solutions of what we need to do will need to come by on the local level. That we can't wait anymore for Washington to solve our problems for us we're going to have to solve them ourselves and to those solutions involve limits to gun ownership to those solutions involve what sorts of things are you thinking about well there's different rules for different states right now a lot of states like Pennsylvania preempt local governments to have the ability to put limits on guns public discourse in this country has gotten to the point where somebody can feel that they should go to a synagogue as people pray in murder them simply because of the way they pray that you don't just get from step one to step 10 so at the local level we have to change the political discourse in the way that we discuss things in this country finally Mayor producer and that and I hesitate to ask this question for fear that it sounds insensitive but given that we are one week from a midterm election. As we talk about a presidential visit to Pittsburgh and a debate over public safety and extremism do you think there is a political overtone to all of this I can tell you that. With all the evil that I am seeing there is something that is a strong goodness what I can't tell you is as a political per Gnostic Kater what that means on election day I can only do what I can do as an individual and I would hope that every American would go out and vote no matter what party you're in and be a part of the democratic process in work to eradicate hatred it is what divides us Mayor Bill Paducah of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania thank you for speaking with us today and my condolences on what your city is going through Thanks Ari. When President Trump and his family were in Pittsburgh yesterday they placed stones at a memorial for the victims of the synagogues shooting the president made no public remarks though he did later post a tweet here at the Pittsburgh had treated him warmly and shown the office of the president great respect on a sad and solemn day he tweeted that he never saw protesters just after the synagogue shooting on Saturday Trump did speak publicly 1st he was off the cuff if they had protection inside the results would have been far better if some people criticized him for that because it sounded like he was directing blame at the victims later he took a different tone in a scripted speech this year well it's a semantic attack is an assault on all of us it's sort of assault on humanity this is a role every president plays the consoler in chief and here to talk more with us on how presidents lead in times of tragedy is N.P.R.'s senior editor and correspondent Ron Elving here Ron good to be with you also so when the president start taking on this role I mean has it been a political tradition since the beginning of the presidency or has it evolved over time it's been something presidents did for a long time but usually in a rather formal written usually distant fashion and then comes the broadcast age and after a natural disaster or after a national tragedy the president is expected to speak and pro lot of Americans who remember that modern tradition of it they have they remember Ronald Reagan at all he was so good at it and really what people look back to is that moment when the Challenger spacecraft blew up in flight and killed 7 astronauts in 1906 we will never forget the nor the last time we saw them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth. The touch the face of God It was chilling it was warming it was moving and everyone who remembers the president saying it in real time that is their challenger moment of course not all presidents were known for being great or tours the way Ronald Reagan wise for example President George w. Bush but he was known for spontaneous moments like right after 911 there was this moment where he was standing on the rubble at Ground 0 the twin towers were still smoldering in the background and she grabs a bullhorn where the president was there to ensure the ruins and looking around with that sense that we all had a matter of helplessness someone shouts out. We can't hear you and the president hadn't been trying to be heard but he suddenly heard that there was I can hear an hour as kind of lawyer here and it was nothing I was not a. Lawyer all of us are. So part of what made Bush a spontaneous remarks such a hit and so much a part of history was because he addressed this issue of education revenge and revenge was what the country was thirsting for but sometimes and more often a president's address at a moment like this is also responsive to what people are feeling but his calling for forgiveness I'm thinking about President Obama it was shortly after the shooting at Emmanuel a.m.e. Church in Charleston in 2015 he breaks into song during the eulogy of one of the victims see a great. Story the. Good side was. He was so moved that it literally burst into song in that fashion and of course counting on the congregation has to was. I mean these are moments that really draw out the distinct different kinds of leadership skills in each of these presidents at times of national tragedy the nation is in the habit of looking for someone to play the role of sympathetic parent if you will someone to provide reassurance empathy uplift we want someone to organize our grief for us rally our spirits and begin the process of healing Let's talk now about how President Trump has tried to fill this role after some of the hurricanes that we've had during his presidency present a Trump has gone to the site in Texas in Florida Puerto Rico and has tried to represent the country and the country's embrace of these victims at times it's worked at other times it's been quite awkward particularly in Puerto Rico and then there was the quickie news conference that he had after the Charlottesville disturbance in 2017 equating or some people felt he was drawing an equivalence between some of the people who came to to rally as white supremacists as white nationalists as Nazis and the people who came to protest that Roe I think there's blame on both sides and I have no doubt about it you don't have any doubt about it either do you think this way that trump reacts in times of tragedy do you think that that's a decision he is deliberately making about how to react or is he just someone who's uncomfortable playing the role of the empathetic consoler in fairness a public shows of empathy are not president trumps wrong suit he did not promise that sort of a presidency when he ran and let's face it he has a great talent for bonding with Rally audiences and it's just less comfortable for him to acknowledge the sorrowful details of a tragedy such as Pittsburgh and far less comfortable for him to yield to critics who urge him toward introspection but should presidents be judged if they're not good at consoling the country in times of tragedy no president should be judged solely on that one particular part of his role that he has. Least control but there are going to be those people who are going to feel that a president should be able to provide something at a moment such as this that goes beyond a political observation and address the nation's needs and hunger at the level of the soul that's N.P.R.'s senior editor and correspondent Ron Elving thank you so much Ron thank you. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News all things considered here on 91.5 k. R.c.c. Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station Good afternoon it's about 18 minutes after 6 o'clock coming up right after all things considered it's the evening edition of Marketplace. Millions of accounts trillions of dollars under management but the boss says it is not all about the money we're focused on building an organization and rewarding our stockholders but ultimately the region $8.00 with whether we're doing the right thing by our clients . The right thing according to the. Marketplace and again that's coming up in about 12 minutes right after all things considered 91.5 k. Or c. C. Now you can have the 91.5 carat newsletter highlighting the week's local and national news delivered to your inbox every Friday morning sign up at Care org. I'm Peter Sagal studies show that the secret to human happiness is a spiffy new car no really it's science so when it's time to trade up for bliss donate your used car to us and we'll turn it into the programs you love this it to your c.c. Daughter or g. For details we can be with you wherever you go all you need is your phone to get the 91.5 k. R.c.c. Mobile app free as Google Play and in the i Tunes App Store. N.p.r. On 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported locally by the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College presenting church and state a comedy about faith politics and the Twitter November 2nd through the 25th tickets at Colorado College dot edu slash f.e.c. By Jackson Creek senior living in Monument offering independent living assisted living in memory care residences design for many lifestyle choices wellness programs tailored activities and more now scheduling tours more a Jackson Creek Senior Living dot com 38 degrees in downtown Colorado Springs at 620. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from indeed used by over 3000000 businesses for hiring where employers can post jobs and use screener questions to build their shortlist of preferred candidates learn more at Indy dot com hire from Log Me In makers of Go To Meeting a collaborative meeting platform with over 800000000 monthly users designed to connect people from anywhere in the world on any device learn more it go to meeting dot com and from listeners like you who donate to this n.p.r. Station. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Ari Shapiro and I'm Melissa changing it's been one year since allegations of sexual misconduct began pouring out against Hollywood power player Harvey Weinstein which of course led to the toppling of hundreds more prominent men around the country well a new n.p.r. Ipsos poll out today shows a significant backlash against the me too movement Americans are deeply divided on the subject and largely along partisan lines as N.P.R.'s Tovia Smith reports more than 40 percent say the movement has gone too far after a year of intense focus on sexual misconduct Americans remain deeply divided even on what sexual harassment means well I would say that show advances especially repeated any type of grabbing being initiated by the man and anything that's uncomfortable the word. Insinuation. That is overall half those surveyed say they're unclear I mean is it looking at a girl for more than 3 seconds 49 year old Eric 7 Yano from Pennsylvania says that's how a company he works for draws the line I have to sign a piece of paper that says I have to follow all use rules one of the rules is you can't look at a member of the opposite sex for more than 3 seconds while so I don't offend someone that makes no sense to me overall 43 percent think the me too movement has gone too far in encouraging it oversensitivity for example or a rush to judgment that includes one quarter of Democrats versus 3 quarters of Republicans oh yes yes definitely Carol Ricketts a 74 year old Republican from California is among those who say the benefit of the doubt in cases like this should not go to alleged victims I would be tempted I guess as a woman to believe a woman that to see that you know justice is done and you can't there is to decide. Every story throughout our poll party drives opinions more than gender which doesn't surprise Clara Wilkins a social psychologist at Washington University in St Louis according to our research it's sort of the way things were when there's sort of a conflict between gender and party party wins that's especially true Wilkin says for those with a strong conservative ideology they're more likely to think that gains for women are losses for men and so conservative women are more likely to think that maybe men in their life are going to be hurt by the need to movement or change in general indeed our poll shows nearly twice as many Republican women as Democratic women worry that a man they care about will be unfairly accused it's a very scary time for young men in America where the fears been stoked by President Trump since the debate over now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh you are truly guilty of the broken lives and it's fueling a counter-movement hash tag him too for those who say they've been wrongly accused our polls suggest most Americans are still unfamiliar with him too but men and Republicans especially are paying attention just in the last 2 weeks we grew to 15000 likes Republican Nate juror wittes founded a hymn to Facebook page that's full of slogans like no man is safe and memes mocking me too like one cartoon showing Jill accusing Jack of pushing her down the hill but your wits insists he doesn't mean to oppose me too he just wants to give voice to another sort of victim we have females that come forward and make false allegations jumping on the meaty bandwagon and it's ruined a lot of guys lives and they're now just as brave of them to come forward on the question of false allegations our poll shows 77 percent of Republicans believe their common but most Democrats disagree those talking points are being used to discredit women and to weaponize this issue. Just simply for partisan gain attorney Deborah Katz says she ran straight into it when she represented Kavanagh's accuser Dr Christine Ford we have the president deliberately muddying the facts to confuse people in that way giving people a pass for engaging in the behavior and it's dangerous ultimately Katz says the backlash will fade with time the n.p.r. Ipsos poll does show much more consensus among young people fewer of those under $35.00 believe that me too has gone too far fewer say they would ever consider voting for a political candidate accused of sexual misconduct and more young people say they're clear on what sexual misconduct actually means for the next generation in our poll suggests the issue of sexual misconduct more often transcends party lines Tovia Smith n.p.r. News. NATO is holding its largest exercises since the Cold War The War Games in Norway involve all 29 NATO countries 50000 personnel and a u.s. Aircraft carrier N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt is covering the joint military exercises and joins us from Trondheim in Norway Hi Frank the hey or how you know good I know you've been out with u.s. Marines on a warship today tell us about what you saw he was as out on the u.s. As it would seem it's an amphibious ship as a big flight deck and the u.s. Marines were actually launching heavy trucks on huge hovercraft and was really striking Ari it was in the middle of a few Orde snow capped mountains and they were what they were trying to do was to get vehicles on shore to support thousands of troops in war games south of here tomorrow Now yesterday we saw Jets ships tanks from Germany the u.s. Britain and Norway all and lots of other countries all coordinating a mock assault on the shoreline here why is NATO mobilizing in such a big way right now you can't ignore the context NATO spent many years as we all know focused on counterinsurgency in Afghanistan but after Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 NATO seems to be refocusing more in its roots back here in Europe now the word games that they are staging right now has NATO forces defend the country that's been attacked by an unnamed invader and what they're really trying to emphasize here is a pillar of NATO which is if one country is attacked it's seen as as an attack on all NATO members now most assume this fictitious invader is Russia and earlier this fall Russia had massive war games in the east and now it seems to be NATO these huge military maneuvers by NATO and the Russians makes it sound like we're returning to something like the Cold War is there talk of that there in Norway where you are actually are either very careful to say this is not a new Cold War but they also admit you know the global landscape has changed and NATO showing strength I was on the ship today speaking with us Admiral James Fogo He's head of NATO Joint Force Command in Naples Italy and he said this is one of the messages we can know. Longer expect to operate in the area of the North Atlantic with a punitive So we may be challenged and so if we are challenged we were spawn of the challenge so whatever Fogo saying is you know if anybody's thinking of challenging NATO they need they frankly they need to think twice and of course President Trump has not been as firm about the u.s. Commitment to NATO as some of his predecessors I mean he's publicly be rated some NATO member countries for not spending enough on defense is that tension playing out as these exercises unfold No certainly not on the surface and there's a real emphasis on unity here in the United States heavy commitment we have 7500 Marines here I was talking the end Stoltenberg he's the NATO secretary general he says there's a difference between the political rhetoric here and actually the troops on the ground want to see is. The United States is increasing its presence military presence in Europe with more forces more exercises more people into equipment for the 1st time they're also u.s. Marines here in Norway here so the message here is the United States is still very very engaged in NATO That's N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt joining us from Norway Thanks Frank happy to do it Ari. This is n.p.r. News. One year ago the me too movement drew attention to the widespread problem of sexual harassment now the movement's power is tested at the ballot box I'm not willing to compromise my value over no action time some lawmakers have been accused now face voters tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Morning Edition with local host Abigail Backman tomorrow 5 to 9 am here on 91.5 k. Or c c. The host of Marketplace you might have known or maybe you didn't that before I worked in radio I flew planes for the United States Navy those were seriously sophisticated machines but they lacked one thing a radio that could pull in n.p.r. I can tell you what I would given to hear Wait Wait Don't Tell me on an aircraft if you like listening to your favorite shows in your own machine when the time comes don't add that part of the station they'll turn it into the programs you love. Donation information at. Work Good evening it's exactly 630 am I Purcell Kai Ryssdal Has the evening edition of Marketplace coming up next here on 91.5 k. R.c.c. Programming on 91.5 k. R.c.c. Is supported by the Colorado Springs law firm of data skin heard and craw committed to providing legal expertise to those seriously injured by drunk and distracted drivers 15 West Cimarron more information a data skin her dot com. 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