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A dollar a share, that cheap . Yeah, its a brand new company, the price hasnt had a chance to go up, yet. What company is it . Blue hill copper corporation. Now this guy burdick, hes the president and he told me that as soon as they get the mine started, in about a week the price is going to skyrocket. Now, theyre trying to keep the whole thing a secret, but blue Hill Corporation owns a whole mountain of copper ore. So, when they get going its going to be the biggest Copper Mining company in the whole world wow. So, you can see why i need the fifty bucks. Say, what about the fifty for the stuff . Oh, ive changed my mind. Why . Im gonna buy some of that stock. audience laughs eddie, eddie, we made a deal, you cant back out now why cant i, i didnt sign anything. Youll never get a chance like this again. Ill survive. No, wait eddie you oughta change your mind. All this stuff for only 50. Its going, going, going. Im gone audience laughs ill throw in my fishing rod, my record player. [margaret] if eddie holds out, hes liable to get the house. [betty] lets make a guess what it is bud wants that costs 50. Lets see, a down payment on a bicycle trip through upper ecuador . A correspondence course in skin diving . No, i doubt if its anything fantastic. You forget, betty, that your brothers older. Hes outgrown a lot of his boyish ideas. Mother, youre dreaming. The only thing buds outgrown is his shoes. audience laughs and, ill prove it to you. Fathers going to come home innocent, unaware of the 50 trap thats waiting for him. Bud will come tearing in that front door, and go to work on him. [jim] ah, my two charmers. [margaret] hello, dear. [jim] hello, darling. [betty] one. [james] hello, princess. [betty] two, three. [james] whats all this . [betty] four, five, six. [james]roof gonna fall in on the count of ten . Seven, eight, nine. flute music ten . [jim] no falling plaster. [margaret] see, betty, you were wrong. [betty] now wait, eleven, tweleve, [bud] hey, wheres dad . A little late but not much, i rest my case. What does she mean by that . [jim] dont ask me, im a stranger here myself. [bud] oh, hey dad, ive got a terrific business proposition i want to talk to you about. Okay, this is great dad, waitll you hear it. Is that a familiar tune . [bud] no kidding, dad, ive really got something. This is one of those deals that comes along once in a lifetime. How much is this deal gonna cost me . Dont i have to spend a little to make a little . No, i told you, you dont have to spend anything. In fact, you dont have to invest one penny. Well, its different from past deals, ill say that much for it. You know, that new slip covers gonna look alright. How about putting the same thing on the chair here . You see what this is, dad, its a stock deal. Oh, no. I was talking to mother. audience laughs i know whenever you mention stock, everyone things theres something phony about it. Not necessarily, the stock is just as good as the Company Behind it. Good strong company, good stock. Usually a good investment. Well, thats what this is. Now, a fellow named burdick, he buys gas at the gas station. Hes the president of the company. audience laughs [bud] drives a car a block long, wears imported suits. audience laughs [jim] i thought i didnt have to buy anything in this deal. Bud, be honest, you know fathers gonna get hooked. audience laughs [bud] as i was saying, dad, as i was saying, this mr. Burdick he owns the coo bill hopper company. [bud] the copper bopper, [kathy] excuse me, daddy. [james] yes, kitten . [bud] hob copper bopper [kathy] can you move your car so patty can get her bike out of the garage . [bud] copper bobber dopper. [jim] okay. 24 hours in a day and shes gotta waitll im talking to you to butt in. audience laughs well, ill come along and help you, dad. Anything to get some privacy. Oh, whats this, three dresses for the senior prom . [betty] oh, im only keeping one. Miss rogers at the Fashion Center sent them out on approval so i can see which one i like best. Theyre all about the same price, which is plenty, about 45. Oh, but you have your white chiffon. Oh mother, ive worn that to everything but the football games. You and father dont have to worry about the money. Ive been saving up for this for months. Sure. [kathy] well he is, i heard him talking talking to daddy out in the garage. Well, bud, doesnt it seem a little odd to you that the president of the company would be out peddling the stock . Oh, hes not peddling it, dad. Hes doing me a favor letting me buy it. Oh, come on, bud. He told me hes only doing this for a few of his friends. [bud] Bill Shepherd loud car honk works at the gas station, hes buying some. And mr. Hofstadter, you know who owns the lumber yard . Hes buying a thousand shares, so it must be good. Well, old hofstadter doesnt throw his money around. Oh, you cant really tell what this one looks like til you put it on but its the dreamiest of all. [kathy] oh, let me see. [betty] oh, dont smear cookies on it theres no possible way you can lose, dad, so what do ya say . All right, if youre sure you can manage it, you can have the 50. door slams thanks, dad audience laughs youre not giving him 50 to buy that stock . No, im not giving it to him. Im borrowing 50 at six percent interest, and im gonna pay him back in two weeks, just like i was borrowing it from a bank. Bud, how can you pay back 50 in two weeks . You only make 15 a week at the gas station. Okay, whats two times 15 . Thats 30 right there. And Bill Shepherds remodeling the gas station, so i know i can make another 20 in overtime. Dont you think youre just throwing the money away . Throwing it away . Mother, did people throw money away when they bought stock in the first telephone company, huh . Or the first railroad, or the first oil well . No, they made millions thump audience laughs yes, but this isnt the first Copper Company. But its the first stock in this company and its gonna go sky high , its got to. Really bud, if this stock were any good do you think theyd be out selling it to boys in gas stations . Well, im not a boy in a gas station. audience laughs see, thats the trouble. All you think im still a goofy kid with no sense at all. I know what im doing. [kathy] hi, daddy [jim] hello, kitten. Youre just in time, were going to have a fashion show. [margaret] hello, dear. Whats this fashion show about, betty buying more dresses . No, shes still trying to make up her mind about those formals she has out on approval from the Fashion Center. For petes sake, shes had them nearly two weeks. I spoke to mrs. Jebsen of the fashion [kathy] hurry [margaret] center today, she said [jim] all right. [margaret] there was no hurry. [kathy] betty, come on, were all ready [bettty] be right down. Take your seats please, were almost ready to start. L right. With this big crowd, were lucky to get seats. Ladies and gentlemen, our show begins with miss betty anderson. [margaret] clapping yay [jim] bravo shes wearing a delightful little number, very popular around spring for this year. Very smart, dont you think . [jim] pretty good, yeah. I vote for that one this is an important decision. Its going to take 45 of my hardearned dollars, practically all i have. Well, whats with you, mr. Wall street . You will notice that i am perfectlz calm. No visible signs of youthful enthusiasm. audience laughs in spite of the fact that i bring news of a most startling and joyous nature. What did he say . Whats the news, tell us. Mr. Burdick dropped by the gas station this afternoon on his way up to the mine. Do you know what blue hill copper is selling for today . Exactly two weeks after i bought it for one dollar a share . Three dollars a share. [betty] three dollars . Your brainless, impractical, immature brother with his silly stock has made himself, in two weeks, exactly 100. I told you he was gonna be rich wow, thats wonderful, bud. Youre pretty excited arent you, son . Well, havent i a right to be . All you thought buying this stock was a real hairbrained idea. Well, are you willing to admit now that i know what im doing . That im a grown up, adult human being . [jim] i think youve made your point, bud. Now, as one adult human being to another, may i make a suggestion . Sell the stock. Sell it . You know the old saying, a bird in the hand. Take your hundred dollars and put it in the bank. But, blue hill copper is just getting started. It might go to a hundred. Remember you never go broke making a profit,so why gamble . Im not gambling, the stock is doing just what mr. Burdick said it would and its gonna go higher. Bud, will you take my advice . But, dad. As a favor to me, go down to the Company Office right now and cash in your stock. Then on your way home stop at the bank, and deposit the money in your savings account. What if next week it goes to 20 . Then you can say, i told you so. But, in the meantime youll still have your hundred dollars in the bank. Will you do it . For me . Okay. But, i think its a big mistake. [man] looking for somebody . [bud] yeah, is this the office of the blue hill Copper Company . Used to be, they moved out last night owing three months rent. Didnt pay the phone bill, didnt pay the light bill. Didnt even pay for this furniture. Want some stock, kid . Here, have a few thousand shares. laughs this is dress number three. Now i want you to be absolutely impartial in your selection, but i think this one is terrific all those in favor of this one . [margaret] aye. [jim] aye. Opposed . All right, its moved and carried maybe you should have a little mink on it, now that you have a wealthy brother. No, im gonna go right on being the same sweet, simple girl i was when he was poor. Well, theres that high financing bud anderson. Lets see the money, bud. [jim] wait a minute, bud. Has something gone wrong . Yeah, i guess you could say that. Well, dont stand there looking like the picture of doom. What is it . Is it something youd rather not tell us . Im not afraid to tell ya. That stock i bought, i guessed wrong. Im wiped out, so tough luck. Im sorry, son. I goofed and ill take the consequences. I dont need anybody to hold my hand. And about the money, dad, youll get it right on the day, dont worry. Im not worrying, bud. Well, dont. Say, eddie, remember that stuff you were gonna buy from me, the radio,and the tennis racket, and all . Well, ill make you a deal. Are you kidding, im having no more deals with you, buddy buddy, not after that phony stock. You know i could have lost my shirt if i had bought that stuff. Yeah, but you didnt. Well, it wasnt your fault that i didnt. Listen eddie, i gotta raise some money to pay back my dad. The loan is due today, and well, i have to pay it. I mean im desperate. Whats desperate about owing money to your dad . Supposing you dont pay it, whats he gonna do . Thats not the point. In two weeks and thats today. Ive gotta put 50 in his hand by six oclock tonight. Why do you get the dough outta me . Youre working after school in shepherds gas station, arent ya . Forget it, forget i ever mentioned it worried about paying back his old man. That boy is twisted. Please takeem, dad, this was a business deal. I dont want the keys to your car, bud. If you cant pay the loan today, ill give you more time. I dont want that, ill get you the money by tonight. He can get the money from Bill Shepherd, he has a job at the station. Well, thats the rub right there. I happen to know that bill closed the station down for remodeling. gentle music knocking yeah . [betty] may i come in . Yeah. All right, say i told you so gimme the whole speech. How you tried to tell me i was making a big mistake buying the stock and i wouldnt listen. And, i know everything and nobody can tell me anything. Go ahead, enjoy yourself. Thats not what i came up for. Well, i dont want anybody feeling sorry for me, either. Look, i didnt come up here to gloat, did it ever occur to you that i might want to help simply because youre my brother, and because im sure that if i were in trouble, youd do the same for me. gentle music i appreciate it, but i cant take any help, not from you or anybody. Look, i know the spot youre in. About losing your job and all. It wasnt your fault. It doesnt matter, i gotta get out of this on my own. But, why torture yourself . Look, i have a little bit of money, about 45. You can have it as a loan and pay it back whenever you want. Mother and father dont even have to know about it. I made such a big thing outta being old enough to know what i was doing. Now that im in a jam, i gotta get myself out of it without running to anybody for help. Thats what i gotta do. [margaret] betty, the drivers here from the Fashion Center to pick up those two dresses. Yeah, ill be right down. Bud, how are you gonna do it . Where are you going to get the money before six oclock tonight . I dont know, but ill get it if i have to sell my shirt. audience laughs [margaret] betty knocking yeah, who is it . [eddie] its me, eddie. Come on in. Hi, bud, i came by to see if you still wanted to sell the radio and tennis racket and stuff . Yeah, sure ok, its a deal, 45 bucks 45, and five from the lunch money, yeah sure, you got a deal door slams dad wheres dad . [jim] son, right here. Hi dad, i want to pay off my debt, the whole thing fine, but theres no rush about it. And a dollar and a quarter interest. Thanks, but what happened, did ya strike oil . No, i just made a deal. I told you i could make it without any help, didnt i . audience laughs where in the world did he get the money . Search me. Hi mr. Anderson, bud isnt around is he . Well hes not far away, why . Betty, i just came by to tell you mission accomplished. I bought buds radio and tennis racket and things for you like you wanted me to. I gotem in the car, what do you wanna do withem . Oh well, just go on, ill be right out. Oh, okay. So, it was your 45 that bought the merchandise and saved the day for bud. Well, he was in such a terrible spot. And this explains why you sent as mother says, i do have my white chiffon. Im proud of you, princess. And you stop at the Fashion Center tomorrow and pick up that dress we all like. This one will be on me, that is ill pay for it oh thank you, father, youre sweet. Now where can i sell one used radio, one used tennis racket. You know buds pretty lucky to have such a nice sister. Thats right, but not as lucky as we are to have such a nice daughter. audience clapping [voiceover] robert young and jane wyatt with elinor donahue, billy gray and Lauren Chapin in father knows best. [kathy] come on daddy, hurry up, well i dont mind having my picture taken, but not in this silly hat. Theres a limit to what a man has to put up with. [betty] oh, this wont hurt you, and you want to make a trip to hawaii, dont you . For free . Sure, it would be great, but just sending our picture into a contest wont do it. It has to daddy. All my life ive always wanted to go to hawaii and we just have to win this. Come on daddy, you go out by the barbecue and sit by mommy. Why does it have to be a barbecuing picture and have me looking like a clown . [jim] but why . [betty] ill tell you why, the ideal family photo. The ideal families are always pictured around a barbecue. Okay, now everyone try to look pleasant. [kathy] bud, come on. Oh, you havent taken it yet. [betty] come on, get in there now. This is for you. Come on get in there so i can see you and bud let father hold the fork. Well what am i going to hold . You can have these. All right, now try and act as though we just won the contest. Wait, whats the matter with me . Im not in the picture. Well kitten, you wear this monstrosity. [betty] keep the hat on. We all have to be in the picture. Ill run next door and ask mrs. Davis maybe she can help us out. Bakery man, hello miss betty. Mr. Henslee, youre just in time to help us out. [jim] hello mr. Henslee. [betty] no, we want you to take our picture. Come on heres a camera. Now ill be happy to miss betty, but youll have to show me how to work this thing. Oh, you just look in the viewer here to get us all in the picture and then adjust here and press this little button, and thats it. Well now i ought to be able to do that. Well whats the occasion . You folks having a party or something. Oh no, the children just want to enter our picture in some little contest. Its not a little contest mother. Were going to win a free trip to hawaii. Hawaii, say now that is something. Father, put your hat on and dont look so embarrassed. Okay mr. Henslee were ready. [mr. Henslee] i hope i did it right. Well im glad to do it, i hope you win. Its hot, thats a might fancy camera you have there. Oh have a cookie will you kathy. Oh, thank you very much. I was wondering miss betty, today is our anniversary, amy and me, and i was wondering how much you would charge to make an anniversary picture of us. Oh, ive love to do it, but there wont be any charge. Oh no, no i insist. Oh, the cost is practically nothing because betty develops these pictures herself in a little darkroom shes fixed up in the basement, so you just tell her what time youd like to have her come over tonight. Oh excuse me, ill get my purse. Well any time thats convenient for her, seven, anytime. It will be fine. Oh i sure appreciate this and so will amy. [jim] say, this is pretty good, well i like it. Wouldnt that be something if we really did win that free trip . It certainly would. Im beginning to wish it werent just a dream. A dream, whats the matter with you people. You act as though were not going to win. So why bother sending our picture . [betty] im with you kath. We are going to win and father youre going to drive me to the post office so i can mail this in. Right now . Certainly, tomorrow night is the deadline and besides, you have to drive me over to the henslees so i can take their anniversary picture. Okay, if i have to. Now remember everybody keep thinking that we are going to hawaii. Arent we bud . Well im as good as there right now, hula kalua [jim] oh, thats fine. [betty] yeah, thats perfect, hold it. [betty] perfect. Oh no you didnt, it will be just fine. Oh dear, ill try to have a proof ready for you next time mr. Henslee stops by the house. Well its awfully nice of you folks to go through all this trouble. Why its no bother, besides its Good Practice for betty. I know you folks are in a hurry, but before you go we want you to have a piece of our anniversary cake and meet the children. Yes. Children, you never said anything about children. Why henry, you didnt mention the children . Oh amy, nobody wants a bakery man to stand around and brag about his kids. We are quite proud of them. Yes, especially tonight. Theyre all slicked up for our anniversary. Hey kids suzie may, kadee, all of you come and meet our friends. Well you better stand back or youll get caught in the stampede. Miss betty, mr. Anderson, this is suzie may, our oldest, and kadee. They help in the bakery after school. Heres lee, just got himself a new paper route. Congratulations. Hey, wheres toby . Hes sneaking another piece of cake. Toby, toby hi. Oh, isnt he darling. [mr. Henslee] our oldest boy tom found toby up around seoul in korea and sort of took him under his wing. Tom never made it home so toby came instead. Hi toby, you look like youve been having yourself quite a feast. You take picture please, okay. Now toby. Oh, thats all right, id love to take tobys picture. You take tobys whole family, okay. Now toby. Sure, anything you say toby, whole family, okay. Um, the whole family better group yourselves around in front of your mantel. Right over here. [amy] stand next to me. You sit down. Oh yeah, yea you do all this research on a perfect car then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you should have done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Oh dear. Whats the matter, huh, oh, oh. [mr. Henslee] wheres toby . [amy] wheres toby . [mr. Henslee] oh, here toby, come on. Put your hat on toby. Thats it now. Well this is one group i dont have to tell to smile. [betty] okay now, hold it. Oh, that will make a wonderful picture. Its fine. You know with a fine looking family like this you ought to send it into that hawaiian trip contest. Oh, our family wouldnt have a chance with anything that fancy. Of course you would. Well im afraid its a little late to send it in father. Well not with you developing the picture they could still sneak it in by tomorrow night. Oh, we couldnt get away from the bakery even if we did win. Well it wouldnt hurt to try. Uhuh, no, amy you and the girls bring in the cake, or whats left of it. hawaiian drumming i borrowed it from patty davis for our trip. [margaret] kathy mother, thats negative thinking and the way to win a contest is to think kathy, what a sight. Anybody want to see my latest masterpieces . Mr. And mrs. Henslee and heres a picture of the whole family. Oh, but these are very good. Oh yeah, get a load of that little guy. Talk about your mumbling [jim] yeah thats toby, isnt he something. [margaret] ive never seen such a wonderful, happy family. Yeah, and guess what our darling father was doing over there this evening . Urging them to enter this in the contest. What dad, you traitor. Well, the contest is open to everyone. Theyre such a good looking family. [bud] well thats the trouble, theyre too good looking. Yeah, nobody will have a chance against old smiley there. Well stop worrying, they decided not to enter anyway. You know sometimes dad doesnt show very good sense. phone ringing hello, no were still up. If anybody would knock us out i think your children are right mr. Henslee. You should enter the contest. [kathy] daddy oh, no bother at all. In fact, bettys already developed a print and you can pick it up tomorrow morning. Daddy, what are you doing . [jim] not at all, glad to do it. Fine mr. Henslee, goodbye. Dont you want me to go to hawaii . Now look kitten just because they entered the contest doesnt mean theyre going to win. But they have more people in the family than oh honey, now. How can they miss with a picture like this. I mean if the judges just got one look at toby the rest of us might as well pick up our marbles. Yeah daddy, thats right. With them in the contest we wont have a chance. Kathy, they have just as much right to go into that contest as we have. Wheres your sense of fair play . Mom, i think kathys got something. Why should we promote another family for something we want ourselves. Yeah daddy. [jim] kitten, what happened to your positive thinking . [margaret] angel, after all we have a pretty good looking family too. And if we want to stay that way we better get to bed. But daddy. Come on. [margaret] stop worrying, everything will work out the way it should. [bud] yeah, but not for us. [margaret] betty did such a good job developing that picture. [jim] yeah. [bud] yeah, you know, if we had any brains wed just tear the thing up and then throw it away and tell them it didnt come out, but cest la vie. [jim] fine upstanding attitude, very exemplary son. [margaret] come on kathy. [buds voice] tear it up, tear it up, tear it up, tear it up, tear it up, tear it up, good morning. Oh mr. Henslee youre early this morning. Well to tell the truth mrs. Anderson i couldnt wait to see the pictures. [margaret] well i dont blame you. They came out beautifully. [mr. Henslee] they did. Come along, i think theyre still in the living room. Actually i shouldnt be bothering with this contest thing at all, but you know how children are. [margaret] well, of course. [mr. Henslee] especially that little dickens toby. Hes practically got us on the boat right now. I know, were having the same problem with kathy. Last night toby even got out a little box and started packing his things. Kathy was running around here in a grass skirt. And the other one is [margaret] thats strange, well maybe betty put it some place for safekeeping. All i can do now is to wait until she comes home from school and ask her. Im sorry. Oh, thats all right. I wouldnt even bother if it wasnt for the kids. [margaret] i hate to have you make another trip, but could you come back late this afternoon. Of course, it would be too late to mail it in, but you could take it straight to the chamber of commerce. Oh sure, ill come back and thanks an awful lot mrs. Anderson. [margaret] hello dear. [jim] hello darling. [jim] hello princess. [margaret] betty, did you put the henslees Family Picture anywhere . [betty] henslee Family Picture, no i didnt put it anywhere. Last i remember it was on the coffee table. Oh dear, i was so sure that you had. I told mr. Henslee to come back later this afternoon and pick it up. Now i dont even know what to say. [jim] well well just have to find it, thats all. Bud you sure you didnt put it someplace . [bud] no dad, i didnt touch it. What about kathy . She couldnt have done anything with it. She hasnt come home from school yet. To borrow some more hawaiian clothes. [jim] well the darn thing couldnt just walk away by itself. Wait a minute betty. Cant you develop another print . Oh i could, but i dont have the negative. Why . Well i clipped that to the picture. I figured theyd want the negatives too. Say, maybe this is faith. [betty] huh . Maybe this is the way it was meant to be. [jim] meant to be . Oh you know, we were nice guys, helped our competitors, and now their picture has disappeared through no fault of our own so we get our reward and win, huh . [jim] oh cut it out, just get up and help us hunt. Henslee will be showing any minute. Bud, are you sure you didnt do anything with that picture . [bud] no mom, honest, cross my heart. Well if someones playing a joke, its a very bad joke, its gone far enough. [betty] now mother, were not that diabolical. Actually its fathers fault getting to this in the first place. Now dont start that again. Maybe we better try to track kathy down just in case she might know something doorbell ringing ohoh, thats probably mr. Henslee. [margaret] oh dear, i feel so bad. [jim] well you tell him well find that thing if we have to turn the whole place upside down. [mr. Henslee] well, here i am again. [margaret] mr. Henslee, im ashamed to tell you we havent found your picture. Oh, you havent. No, but were still hunting. Oh please come in. We have one more source to check, kathy. Oh. That is if we can find her, come along. Now look, if this is too much bother. [margaret] oh, not at all. This is our fault. Now from here is getting it so that you can get it down to the chamber of commerce before they close. [mr. Henslee] yeah. Hey, you kathy, i toby, you shake hands, okay. Sure. Hey toby got something for you kathy. For me, but, but why . Because your family good to tobys family, take. You help us get big, happy trip, all my new brothers and sisters, and mama and papa, whole bunch. Boy were gonna have fun. Toby gonna ride in a canoe and eat pineapples and see hulu hula girls. Ma say papa you not look at hula hula girls, but toby look, and then were going to go to pearl harbor and see lots of boats. Kathy, you cry . Boy thats funny, kathy dont like cake. [jim] i just dont know what you both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. Clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claim centers are available to assist you 24 7. For a free quote, call Liberty Mutual at switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509 call today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. To say to you mr. Henslee. That thing just disappeared into thin air and we cant find kathy, but she probably doesnt know anything anyway. If there was only time to take another picture. Well dont worry about it. Youve done more than you should anyway and actually as i said even if we would have won we couldnt have left the bakery. Foolish of us even to consider it. [bud] you know i ought to be happy the henslees are out of the running, i dont think i am. Im not sure i could enjoy a trip now even if we did get it. [betty] me either. Well, nothing we can do about it now i guess. Hey, weve been searching all over for you. Do you know where that picture is . [kathy] shh, not so loud. Betty, ive done an awful thing. I never felt so miserable in my whole life. [betty] what did you do . I hid it. Kathy anderson, is the print in there too . I tore that up. Oh no. Dont ball me out. Its just that i didnt want anybody to keep us from going on that wonderful trip. And well i saw toby out in the backyard and he tried to give me some cake dont cry kathy. Listen, listen, bud and i are just as much to blame as you are of joking around the way we did. Hey look i could still make a print from this negative. You run out and catch mr. Henslee before he leaves, okay. And tell him that we found the negative and ill make him another print in five minutes. Betty, thank you. Oh run, hurry. Is it gonna work . Of course, you realize this practically rules out your chances to get to hawaii. I dont care, all i want is to feel good again thats all. Betty, id just die if anybody ever found out what an awful thing i did especially toby. Well, maybe they wont have to know. Oh look kathy. [jim] well they finally made it. And look at old toby, [kathy] lets see. [margaret] oh, they certainly look as if theyre having a wonderful time. Did they say anything on the card . [jim] oh wouldnt you know it. Having a wonderful time wish you were here. [kathy] i wish we were too. Oh, so do i. Gee, if this was only us. Oh dont look so sad kathy. Well get there some day. But when . Well, well start saving toward it right now. Wed never be able to get away. You always have to work. Well look the henslees thought that same thing, and they made it. Sure, they found a good pastry cook to take over for mrs. Henslee. whistle blowing and a new delivery man. Get your red hot prune filled bear claws here. Man this job is killing me. Oh bud, it isnt that hard. All you have to do is drive around in a comfortable truck and carry that little tray. [bud] no it isnt that. And im getting sick. Bud, youre not supposed to eat any of that. Of course not, we want them to show a profit. Thats right, we may want to borrow some money from them for our trip. [bud] what trip . Didnt you hear . We plan to go to this Little Island ourselves some day. Come on kath. Oh come on i just washed the floor. father knows best theme music oh. Who are you calling, sport . Nobody. Oh, come on. You dont pick up the phone and dial just to talk to nobody. Ii was calling the operator to find out what time it is. Aint we got clocks enough in the house . Yes, but sometimes i like to know what time it is hello. Mrs. Warren . Yes . Uh, this is harold baxter. May i speak to zelda . Oh, why, certainly. Just a moment. Zelda. Who is it . Its harold baxter. I dont believe i know him. Hes in my class at school. Oh. Hello. Zelda . This is harold baxter. Hello, harold. The reason i called you is. I mean, you know that party our class is having at School Tomorrow afternoon . Yes, i know. Well, you remember miss tilcy wrote all the girls names on slips of paper, and the boys drew the names to see who they were to take to the party . Yes. Well. I drew you. Honestly . Well. How nice for me. Yes. Im holding it in my hand right now. It has your name and address and phone number. Im looking forward to the party, arent you . Yes. Ill see you tomorrow. Goodbye, zelda. Zelda. Oh. Still trying to get the right time . Mmhmm. Oh, boy. We sure live a splitsecond life in this house, dont we . Huh . I was just in your room, harold, and i noticed that something was missing. Oh, no. No. Theres nothing missing. What about that football i gave you . It aint on your dresser where you usually keep it. It isnt . And i looked every place. I better go look. No, i already looked. Thats a professional football, just like the bulldogs use. And with those signatures i got from the bulldogs on it, it ought to be worth five or six dollars in the open market. And if the bulldogs ever win a game, itll be worth even more. Now, where is it . I lost it. Oh, come on. You cant lose anything as big as a football, unless you booted it through somebodys window. Is that what you did . No. I. I. Lost it over in the park. Oh, so thats why youre in here telephoning for the time instead of over there looking for it. Well, im gonna go over there and look, and if i dont find it, believe me, its gonna be the last Christmas Present you ever get from me. Zelda. Boy come on youre late for work. You grab your 10gallon jug of coffee, and back out of the garage. Right into your wifes car. With your wife watching. She forgives you. Eventually. Your Insurance Company, not so much. They say you only have their basic policy. Dont basic policies cover basic accidents . Of course, they say. As long as you pay extra for it. With a Liberty Mutual base policy, new car replacement comes standard. And for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. At Liberty Mutual, every policy is personal, with coverage and deductibles, customized just for you. Which is why we dont offer any offtheshelf policies. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. George. Huh . George, i was just coming back from mrs. Nolls, and i saw well, come here. Saw what . Well, its hazel. Shes been over in the park, and ive never seen her acting so depressed. George, that isnt like hazel. She never drags her feet. Youre right. Shes walking as though shes going to the gallows. Hazel, what on earth. Well, you look like the expression on your face. No, im all right. Well, somethings wrong. Its harold. He isnt hurt . Ive lost him. What about harold . Where . Hes going to a party tomorrow afternoon. A party . Yeah. Hes going with a girl named zelda. I know. Its a class party at school. You knew . Yes. He told me. He told you and he never told me. You see . Ive lost him. Hazel, he didnt tell me either, but im not going to start blubbering about it. Im sorry, darling. I forgot to tell you. Its a class party. The teacher wrote the girls names on a slip of paper, and the boys drew them out of a hat to see who would take whom. Thats sensible. That way no girl gets slighted. Oh, you dont know the half of it. Harold didnt draw zeldas name. His friend did. And he traded the autographed football i gave him for christmas for zeldas name. My own Christmas Present. Dont you understand . Harolds interested in girls. Well, what did you expect him to get interested in . Hemsnitching . Soon hell be getting married, and ill be babying harold jr. , and then ill lose him, and then itll be the same with harold iii and harold iv and harold v. Oh, how time flies. Already i have greatgrandchildren. Hazel, harold loves you just as much. [sniffling] oh, thats all right, missy. Im all right now. Of course you are. Hazel, he hasnt changed that much. You dont grow into a man overnight. Lets just say that he has started moving in that direction. Yes. I just got to get the right attitude. I just should not try to hold on to him. Thats right. Just let nature take its course. Well, within reason. His father intends to keep his eye on nature. Hes getting to be a young man now, maybe hell grow into a wonderful, mature man like his father. Thank you, hazel. Hey, dad dad yes, son . How much money do i have in my savings account . Well, offhand, i dont know. Id have to check your passbook. Why . Well, id like to draw out enough money to buy a corsage for a girl who likes violets. [sobs] ill get your corsage, harold. Its in the refrigerator. Ill bet youre the most considerate boy in your class. I try to be thoughtful of other people. Well, you aint very thoughtful if you think im gonna swallow that. But i aint gonna kid you, sport. I know. Youre growing up now. Its only natural you wanna take a girl to a party. Here you are. Youre all set. Now ill see if your fathers ready to go. Hes going along . Oh, no, harold. But he has to deliver some contracts to a client, and he has to pass the school anyway, so hell drive you and your friend there. But he doesnt have to, mother. I mean, i know how busy he is. Oh, hes not too busy for you, harold. Whatd you wanna do, take a taxicab . No, but zelda and i could walk. Walk . Walk a girl to a party . Barney tried that with me once. Just once. And i aint been out with him since. Boy, walking a girl to a party is one way to make a smash hit with her, i dont think. Dad yes, son . Oh, youre all ready to go. Good. You dont have to drive us to the school. Its only a few blocks. We can walk. Oh, thats all right, son. Im glad to do it. [phone rings] ill get it dad . Just a second, son. This is probably my client calling me. Hello. Hello, mr. Morgan. And ready for your signature. As a matter of fact, i was just ready to leave the house and bring them to you. Fine. Ill see you in a few minutes. Goodbye. Harold, well have to hurry harold. Harold ill never forget the first party i went to when i was darling, ill have to leave now. Oh, i wanted to tell Harold Harold has gone. Huh . But i thought you were going to drive him, george. I was, but i just got a call from my client, and i guess harold thought it was gonna be one of those longwinded conversations. So he went on. But i told him darling, i have to get these papers to my client. Bye. Bye. Hazel. Huh . Do you know where this zelda girl lives . Sure. She lives right across the park. Harolds got her address on that little slip of paper. Well, he cant have gone too far. I cant. Im expecting a woman any minute to discuss some decoration ideas. Could you drive him . Oh, could i . Harold, i think theyre absolutely beautiful. So do i. I mean, i knew theyd look beautiful. Violets are my favorite flowers, too. They are . Mmhmm. Thats very interesting. Most boys would say roses are their favorite flower. They hear everybody else say roses are beautiful, so they say roses, too. They dont think for themselves. They sure dont. You know, harold, youre not like all the other boys. Im not . You dont roughhouse. The others act like such children. Yes, isnt it disgusting . Im hazel burke. Im the housekeeper for the baxters. I raised harold ever since he was a pup. How do you do . Im zelda warren. Well, im very glad to know you. Harolds father was gonna drive you to the party, but hes a big lawyer and he had to deliver some contracts. So im gonna be your chauffeur. You wanna sit up front . Most kids do. Come on, harold. Come on. Get in. Come on, sport. Dont you want some ice cream . Its real good for storebought ice cream. course it aint as good as the kind i make. Wheres zelda . Dancing. Oh, well, why aint you dancing with her . Oh. Oh, sport. Look what you did. Oh, for petes sake. Here. Hazel. Oh, hi, miss tilcy. May i see you for a moment . Oh, sure. Get you some ice cream. Hazel, it was really very kind of you to offer to help, but oh, the pleasures all mine. Yes, im sure you honestly mean that, but im just glad to do this, and ill do the dishes, too. I dont mind the work. I think its fun. Im just crazy about kids. Well, thats the point i was trying to make. Theyre at an age when they no longer regard themselves as kids. Oh, youre so right. Get a load of that dancing. I was telling zelda i taught harold how to dance, but i aint got the spine for these dances. What i was trying to say is that, uh, some of the mothers offered to come today to help out, but i declined. Oh, good. cause i got a system for dishwashing, and some people, although they got the best intentions, they just get in the way. Well, i feel i know these students better than some parents. Parents often have such a strong mental image of them as children that. Well, they fail to see that theyve reached an age of selfdiscovery, where theyre beginning to discover themselves as young men and women. Oh, youre so right. You know, until yesterday, i looked on harold as my baby. And here he is, taking a girl to a party. Did he take her . Oh, sure. Theyre here. Well, didnt you bring harold . Well, i drove them here, if thats what you mean. Just now when you, uh. When you served harold ice cream and he spilled some on his suit oh, but i got it right off. I got him all cleaned up. Did you see the expression on his face . Yeah. He looked kind of peculiar. He could see that the, uh. That the other students were snickering. Snickering . At him. Why . I think he was humiliated. You got to get it off quick. It was humiliating to have you treat him as though you were his nursemaid. Harold. Sport, im oh, missy, wait till you see what i got. A terrific hat and shoes and a purse to go with it. Hazel, i didnt even hear you drive in the driveway. Oh, for petes sake. I got so interested in the hats, i forgot the car. I walked home. Its us, mom hi, grandma. Hi, honey. Go finish your homework before practice, okay . Yup, okay. Groceries. Prescription. And your books are back at the library. I dont know how you do all this for me with everything you have on your plate. Mom, just because you cant drive these days doesnt mean youve stopped needing things. Please know how much i appreciate it. I know, mom, and its okay. Look, i know how much of a burden ive become well, i just want to do something to make sure i dont become a financial burden, too. Mom. Look, my health isnt great we both know that im not going to live forever. Therell be funeral costs, medical bills. Things i dont want you to have to pay. I found a policy called guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance from massmutual and it will cover some expenses. When the time comes. Are you sure you want to do this, mom . Yes. 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Harold has reached the age when he can be regarded as a young man. You two women had him when he was a child. Now its my turn. Now ill take over and lead him into manhood. What are you gonna do thats any different from what weve done . Ill tell you what im gonna do. From now on, hazel, i dont want you running up to him and saying, come on, sport. Lets play football or lets play baseball. Those days are gone. Really, george. I repeat. Those days are gone forever. Hes reaching maturity, and now the papa bear takes over. Harold, i think youre making a mountain out of a molehill. She treated me like a child. My parents do the same thing. They do . I think all grownups do. It makes them feel superior. It helps them with their own feeling of insecurity. Theyre glad to have someone to look down on. Oh. And if we let it upset us, then we are being childish. Well, i never thought of that. And youre not childish. Thats why i like you so much. Youre not like all the other boys. All they can think of is things like football. Stupid . Full grown men, kicking, punching, and knocking each other down. Its stupid, isnt it . Well, i, uh. I guess it is. And baseball. Hitting a ball with a club and then running around in a circle. Thats even more stupid, isnt it . Yes, i suppose it is. Im studying toe dancing. Harold, have you ever thought of being a ballet dancer . Oh, well, no. Not lately. You should. You have the figure for it. Why dont you join my class . Right now, were rehearsing for a performance of sleeping beauty. Youd look wonderful in tights as one of the fairies. Now, im telling you that the papa bear is taking a firm stand on this. And when i talk to harold hazel oh, hazel. Hazel, hazel. Sport, im awful sorry. Football . Harold right away. Harold. Well, we aint got any football. You traded it, remember . Then can we go play some baseball right away . Well, i got to fix dinner, sport. Mother, dad, is it okay if dinners a little late . Can hazel and i practice a little baseball . Well, son, we wanted to talk to you about zelda. But, unfortunately, hazel zelda. But i thought you and she she wanted me to join her ballet class. She wanted me to wear tights and be a fairy in sleeping beauty. Now that ive been on a date with her, she doesnt seem nearly as pretty as i thought. Well, ill get my baseball and glove. Hazel and i have to get in shape for spring season. Tights . Sleeping beauty . Well, it looks like i got him back again, but i aint kidding myself that its for long. No. The world is full of zeldas. If you dont mind dinner being a little late, im gonna hold on to him as long as i can. You go right ahead, hazel. Well, i dont know where this leaves me. Thats okay, mr. B. Papa bear just came out of his cave too soon. You better go back in and hibernate a little bit longer. Your times coming. [chuckling] [instruments tuning] i think a Symphony Orchestra spends more time tuning up than it does playing. I appreciate your coming by, george. You, uh, sounded worried. I am. Tell me. Um, whats worrying you . Mm. Bianca bellina, one of the worlds great prima donnas. Correction. The worlds greatest prima donna, by her own admission. Shes appearing with the symphony . Her next concert. Shes singing soprano part in mahlers 4th. I thought she was strictly an opera singer. Most of the Opera Companies in the world are suing her, so shes available. So, uh, youre expecting trouble . Since youre the Symphony Associations attorney, i felt i should alert you. You want me to stand by. Well, more than that, george. I want you to meet bellina when she arrives. I thought if you could make our position clear from the outset, maybe we might avoid the usual trouble. Well, uh, wont she resent that . Well, you have to be tactful, george. Firm, but friendly. And i should warn you that according to reports, there is no inbetween with bellina. At first sight, she either hates you or she falls in love with you. [chuckling] great. Either i have trouble with a prima donna or with my wife. Hazel, would you add toothpaste and bobby pins to your shopping list, please . Oh, this aint my shopping list. This is a list of my candidates. Playing politics . Well, you know i aint picked an escort to the Bowling League ball yet. Yeah. Theyre all nice, but, you know, they aint nothing special. [chuckling] well, i know you, hazel. And after youve made your mind up, youll have a lovely time whomever it is. [chuckling] oh. Two out of three. [knocking] buon sera, hazel. Come sta . Enzo martelli. I just cant believe it. Hazel. Hazel. [speaking italian] even when i dont know what youre saying, i like it. You have forgotten the italian we studied together . Well, youve been gone for a long time. Si, but you received my letters. Oh, sure. And i have yours. You write very well. Oh. Well, i just write down whatever comes into my head. There is no time. At the very last moment, my brother giorgio, he decides to come with me, and there is much to be done. And then i remember. You like surprises. Tell me, hazel. Is it a good surprise for you that i am back . Oh, bono. Molto bono. So your brother came with you, huh . Yes, and you will like giorgio. At the present time, he speaks no english. Well, if hes like you, hell learn soon enough. Well, sit down and tell me all about your trip. I would like to hear very much what you have been doing, but today. [speaking italian]. I cannot stay. I only wanted to see you and let you know i am here. Well, im glad it wasnt a day later because our Bowling League is giving a ball a week from today. And its in honor of the city champions. Thats my team. [speaking italian] well, maybe youll escort me to the dance, huh . An honor and a pleasure. Oh. Swell. Youre perhaps free tuesday night . Well, sure, if you dont make it too early. Say about 7 30 . Bene. And now i must go. Oh, enzo, how do you say, glad to have you back in italian . [speaking italian] [speaking italian], enzo. Grazie. Arrivederci. Till tuesday night. Bellina seemed fine yesterday when we brought her from the airport. She walked out of the first rehearsal this afternoon. Says she wont go on. But you are sold out, arent you . Every seat. She has to appear. So do something. Buongior is there no privacy allowed . Signorina, you remember mr. Baxter. Si, i remember. You are a lawyer, no . All of my worst enemies are lawyers. But also some of your best friends. Ah, well. But youre not. You side with those who persecute me. No one is persecuting you, signorina. Everyone is persecuting me. But everyone. I am alone. A poor, lonely, abandoned woman without a friend in the whole world. Well, surely no. Signorina, you have lots of friends in this town. Thousands devoted fans who stood in line to buy tickets to hear you sing. We are sold out . Completely. [gasps] [speaking italian] those poor, unhappy people who long for the music that only bellina can make. I weep for them. I weep for myself. Why are you going to disappoint these people . I cannot work under these conditions. Signorina, we want you to be happy. We want your public to be happy. Now, i think if we cooperate, we can find a way for everyone to be happy. You will try to trick me. No, no. As a matter of fact, i was going to suggest you have dinner with me. Oh . I could phone my wife and oh . We have a wonderful cook. I thought we could spend a quiet, relaxing evening together and get to know one another. Our cook specializes in italian dishes. Very well. Even a nightingale must eat. Perhaps you would like me to invite your publicity man, signor valassi, also. Valassi. Valassi . Never mention that name to be again. Capisce . Buonissimo. That means the same thing. You cook very well for an american. Oh grazie tanto. Le pars italiano . Hazel went to night school. At your age, you still go school . What do you mean at my age . Signorina, in this country, many adults go to night schools to acquire new skills to broaden themselves culturally. Yeah. One cant get too broad culturally. I would like this country better if everyone spoke italian. Well, then it would be italy, not the u. S. A. I cannot make myself understood in your language. I think you communicate your feelings very well. And when bellina feel this way, there is no song in her heart. She cannot make music. Exactly like myrtle may. Signorina, do you travel by yourself . Mymy maid and i. The signorina did have a Public Relations man. I warned you. Who shall be nameless. Hes no longer with her. Men. They are all the same. No. No. Some are worse than others. Lie. Treacherous. I will never listen to another man. Myrtle may could never keep a boyfriend either. The espresso, hazel. Coming right up. Oh, enzo. Buon sera. I let myself in. I do not think you will mind. No, but youre early. Yeah, and shes giving mr. B a real bad time. Hazel, you will do me a favor . Oh, sure i will, if i can. I brought bellinas photograph. You will ask her to sign it . Please. Oh, sure. If thats what you want. I will be a dream come true. I better get in there with the coffee. Believe me, signorina, all i want is for you to be happy, happy enough to sing. We do not talk of my singing. I may never sing again. Oh, that would be a crime. Anybody that has a good voice ought to use it. Would you mind autographing this picture for a friend of mine . No one understands how i suffer. Oh, i understand. Myrtle may used to have them spells. Who is myrtle may . My cousin. To hear her talk, she was never gonna sing again, but just give her what she wanted, an artist is always at the mercy of those who exploit her. The Symphony Association does not want to exploit you. All we ask is that you honor your contract. It is bad contract. I tear it up. It is a very fair contract, the most generous ever given a performer here. Money. What is money . Always little mind tries to reduce everything to money. You are talking to an artist, mr. Baxley. Baxter. Do not interrupt. No one interrupts bellina. And who care what your name is . Please, signorina, theres no reason to get excited. I was born excited, and i refuse to change. I am suing the Symphony Association. I am suing that tonedeaf conductor, and i am suing you. On what grounds . Your persecution has made me lose my voice. Oh, dont worry about your voice. Youre coming in loud and clear. Something in the food has made me ill. Now, just a minute, signorina silencio. Enzo, come quick. Shes gonna sue all of us. Shes very angry, eh . Oh, is she. It was bad enough when she talking in english, but now she switched to italian. [speaking italian] signorina bellina. [speaking italian] signor enzo martelli. [speaking italian] ah. Italiano. Si. [speaking italian] [speaking italian] at last, someone simpatico. Signor martelli, would you join us for some espresso . I do not stay. I am very tired. Signor, i hope you might be so kind as to show me to my hotel. [speaking italian] i have an engagement for this evening. So. Hmm. Very well. I will go along as always, and tomorrow i sue everybody. Enzo, please, for mr. Bs sake, take her to the hotel. But our date . Theyll be other evenings. Si. Arrivederci. Oh, signorina. Scusi. I would be honored to take you to your hotel. Ah. Bene. I will decide whether i will sue or not. Buona notte. Oh, uh. Uh, thanks, hazel, and, uh, im sorry about your date. Oh, thats okay, mr. B. Theyll be other evenings. Buongiorno. Oh, enzo. I didnt think youd be here this morning. I thought youd be at work. I do not start until next week. How did you make out with the prima donna . She suing you . No. With me, shes very friendly. Yeah, i noticed. You and her was very simpatico. Shes very unhappy, hazel. She will not sue you. She promised. Well, what about mr. B and the Symphony Association . When i left her, she was not angry with anyone. [phone rings] come on in. Ill give you a piece of the cake i just baked. Grazie. Then i must go help my brother look for a job. Baxter residence. Hazel . Oh, hi, mr. B. Tell me where we can get in touch with your friend, signor martelli. Well, piccolo mondo, mr. B. Hazel, this is no time to kid around. Well, that means its a small world. Hes standing right here. Good. Biancas refusing to rehearse. Look, mr. Sutherland and i were wondering if hed be willing to help us out just for a few days to get her through the concert. Well, you better ask him. Well, hed be more willing to say yes if you asked. Id appreciate it, hazel. Theres an awful lot at stake. Thanks. And if hell do it, tell him to stop by mr. Sutherlands office in Symphony Hall. All right, i will. Mr. B says the prima donna has lost her voice and he wants you to come down to Symphony Hall and help her find it. But why me . Well, it seems she only feels like singing when youre around. I dont know, hazel. Well, it really would help, mr. B. But if you dont wanna do it. When you ask, how can i refuse . Youre gonna spoil me, enzo. He said to come right down and to ask for mr. Sutherland. Si. Oh, as your escort for the dance friday night, what should i wear . You best suit and your dancing shoes. Arrivederci. Arrivederci. I will only be a moment, enzo, then when we go. Bene. But, gentlemen, i have done nothing. You saved the concert, and we appreciate it very much. Were counting on this sellout to cover the seasons entire deficit. I know it hasnt been easy, but tomorrow night after the concert, youll be free again. Tomorrow night . But tomorrow is friday. Oh, hi, mr. B. Hi, hazel. Uh, beautiful bouquet. Oh, thanks, mr. B. Youre home early. Oh, well, i, uh. I wanna talk to you. Shoot. [chuckles] well, the, uh. The concert is tomorrow night. Oh, i know, well, as long as hes there, shes little goody twoshoes. Uh, thats why he has to be in the audience tomorrow night. But thats the night of the Bowling League ball. I know. Unless hes in the audience, hazel, bellina will not sing. But itll be hundreds of people there. How would she know . She reserved a special seat for him. Front row center. I know how much this dance means to you. And in a way, its in your honor as captain of the championship team. What did enzo say . Oh, enzo said right out that he was going to the dance with you. He did . Said he didnt care what happened to bellina or the concert, that nobody was gonna talk him into breaking his date with you. He got mad, huh . Undetermined. That can make him change his mind. Dont answer now, hazel. Just think it over. Shoot. [phone rings] i bet mr. B forgot his ticket. Baxter residence. Hazel, this is enzo. Oh, enzo. Are you calling from the auditorium . Hazel, will you still allow me to escort you to the dance . Oh, sure. But what about the concert . What about all them music lovers . And mr. B is counting on you. Ill explain everything to you when i see you, and i will be there in 20 minutes. Can you be ready . Oh, sure. Ive started dressing already. Hazel, como bella. You like it . You know, im just dying to know how you can be here and in the front row of the concert at the same time. I am where i want to be with the woman i most admire. And my brother giorgio is where he wants to be, listening to bianca bellina the woman he most admires. Your brother . Hazel, it was for giorgio that i asked you to get her autograph. Oh. I should have known. Tonight, while i was dressing, giorgio said, i wish i could go in your place, and i said, giorgio, you are a genius. Does your brother look that much like you . Oh, no. Hes much more handsome, but from the stage, she will not notice. She will only see the admiration in his eyes, and it will be genuine. Oh, yes, but shes gonna be so mad when she discovers you tricked her. That will be after the concert. And if she loses her voice then, [horn honking] oh. Our taxi. Signorina . You are happy . Oh im so happy i could sing. But dont worry. Im not gonna. [music] hiya, mr. Wilson. Dennis, does your mother approve of your leaving your toys all over the sidewalk like that . Heck no, mr. Wilson. Well, then why dont you do something about it . cause theyre not mine. Well, who do they belong to, for heavens sakes . Thats erics and thats tommys and thats joeys, and thats stewarts, and thats oh, never mind. Dont you wanna know who they belong to . No. Then how come you asked . I shouldve known better. Excuse me for talking with my mouth full, but in a minute, i think youre gonna step on stewarts skate. Well, then move it. There. Did i save your life or somethin, mr. Wilson . Dennis, your parents are giving a big open house party tomorrow afternoon. Now, if it were i, id move those toys so the guests wouldnt fall over them. Gee, thanks, mr. Wilson. When i come back from the store, im gonna help you

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