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Defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year saying he did not collude and here's a safe prediction Donald Jr's appearance on The Hill won't be the last we hear about this there were problems just a little currents away running in the background or whatever Republicans like Capitol would rather be talking about hurricane Irma continues to cut a path of destruction through the Caribbean people on the sister islands of Antigua and Barbuda are already assessing the damage if you're thinking about a David if you're on the Caribbean island but it's for the History Books Plus how a Jewish folk song made its way into a Japanese videogame called Sexy Parodi trust me on this one to stick around it's all here today here on the world. Helo's is here in a MacDonald with a b.b.c. News the eye of hurricane is heading past the northern coast of Dominican Republic towards He after devastating a string of Caribbean islands the hurricane lashed by buter St Martin and the British Virgin Islands causing widespread damage frantic preparations are being made in Haiti and the low lying British territory of Turks and Key course which are due to be hit later on Thursday with storm surges flooding and high winds Dr John Freeman is the governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands we have decided to evacuate certain islands of a particular line of threat we have started to fill our shelters because a number of people living in very low lying areas are very vulnerable We've also engaged in terms of getting people off the island who are here with American tourists and others up until yesterday evening when the airport closed we had extra flights moving people out and so we're trying to diminish the numbers here but now we're going to make. Hurrican Irma comes close on the heels of Hurrican Harvey which devastated areas of Texas in the southern United States last month the u.s. Senate has now approved over $15000000000.00 in disaster aid as part of an agreement struck by President Trump and the Democratic Party the agreement will also reduce the federal borrowing limit to December. The United Nations says that nearly a quarter of a 1000000 Muslim or hinges have fled their homes in Myanmar. Since October last year Jonathan Head is Bindra kind steet we passed a village after village which had been abandoned or burnt no Muslims remained so far as we can see with much of the range of population displaced and the militants under constant pressure from the army and police who is doing the burning we found out in an unscripted part of our government controlled tour when we were able to stop by an abandoned Muslim village which had only just been satellite as we walked in men armed with swords and machetes and who identified themselves as Rakhine bodies walked out there has been plenty of violence from the Muslim side but it stretches credulity to blame the systematic destruction of Muslim villages on them President Trump has offered to mediate in the dispute between Qatar and some of its neighboring Arab states a Saudi led coalition of nations severed ties with Qatar in June so to what they said was that support for extremist groups Mr Trump said he was ready to intervene if needed I can help mediate between cutter and in particular the u.a.e. And Saudi Arabia I would be willing to do so and I think you'd have a deal worked out very quickly I think it's subject that's going to get solved fairly easily. Kuwait has been really the leader of getting itself and we appreciate that very much but I do believe that will solve it if we don't solve it I will be a mediator right here in the White House. You're listening to the latest world news from the b.b.c. The Spanish prime minister has denounced Catalan plans for an independent referendum illegal and warned they were threatening for 2 years of democracy Mariano Rajoy said the government would ask the courts for the clear the planned vote unconstitutional regions Pru independence politicians say they will press ahead with the planned vote. Pope Francis has urged Colombians to set aside vengeance as they come to terms with a peace deal signed last year with Fark rebels he was speaking to huge crowds in Bogota on the 1st hoody of his visit to the country the pope told government leaders to commit to a peace and weakened by partisan politics. The b.b.c. Has gained access to Libya's largest official detention center for migrants and found desperate conditions many detainees have suffered deeply traumatic experiences at the hands of people smugglers as they tried in field to reach Europe or the gear and describes the scene from inside the center in Libya the men have told us it's so crowded that at night some have to try to sleep standing up there's no room to lie down and the door here is locked at night they have no access to the bathroom and many here say that conditions are worse than jail at least in jail they say you have your own cell with me as an er Salazar be he's the supervisor of the detention center we have a lot of problems facing costs we have nothing to give them sort of feel sorry for them really that sort of This Is Us but I have nothing to remove that it was support from the international community to. And as I was Darby the supervisor of Libya's largest official detention center and in that report there by all the gear and the Internet retail giant Amazon has announced plans to build a 2nd headquarters in North America kicking off a competition among cities to attract the investment the $5000000000.00 project could create up to $50000.00 jobs b.b.c. News. I'm Marco Werman It's the world on a Thursday back to school day here in Boston and back to the Hill this week for lawmakers in Washington that's where we start today with the latest from our nation's capital on the various Russia investigations Donald Trump Jr was in d.c. Today for a closed door meeting with Senate investigators looking into yet you know possible links between the Trump campaign and Russia last year so the late summer headlines may be about racial tensions hurricanes and a possible war with North Korea but look for Russia to come back into focus as Congress kicks back into high gear but the Woodruff is a political reporter at The Daily Beast just remind us briefly that the what happened with the investigations of summer Well we have water and it is that there are multiple investigations going on there are multiple investigations on Capitol Hill and there have been recent reports which I can confirm that Bob Muller who's the special counsel running the Justice Department's investigation of the alleged pollution has teamed up and I'm a bit of coordination with Eric Schneiderman who's the attorney general of the state of New York I also reported last week or the week before hard to remember they all read together well has been working with agents from the i.r.s. As criminal investigations division that means it's highly likely he's investigating evidence that someone associated with the president may have committed a tax crime potentially of money laundering or tax evasion and what is the significance of Miller teaming up with the New York state attorney general so Eric Schneiderman cannot be fired by Donald Trump he works for the state of New York not for the federal government Additionally if Schneiderman finds that Trump or one of his associates violated New York state law the president won't have the power to pardon one of his associates or that the president's pardon powers only apply to federal law here in the United States so Schneiderman is insulated from some of the pressure that Muller faces and Theoretically that means that if the president chose . An extraordinary step which you know he's comfortable taking extraordinary steps and fired Muller that it's possible Muller could sort of pass the baton to Schneiderman and that gets well are something of an extra insurance policy so with lawmakers returning from summer recess how would you describe the narrative of Russia trunk connections at this point and where lawmakers pick up the baton in the investigation it's increasingly tricky for Republicans to talk about just this morning Don Jr the president's son testify behind closed doors to some Senate staffers confirming in a situation where lying would be unlawful that he did have communications knowingly with someone who he understood to be an intermediary for the Russian government in hopes of getting information that would damage Hillary Clinton now that Congress is back we're probably going to see more activity on the Hill as more of Trump's associates go in for these behind closed door question and answer sessions and the Russian probe is just going to be constantly running in the background so aside from Donald Trump Jr which members of Trump's White House team are currently under investigation Karen Kushner is the one who seems to have the most legal liability of course he is the husband of a banca trump the president's daughter and he is a White House staffer we know that he did not reveal that meeting last summer that John Jr had shared with in that meeting as well the fact that he didn't reveal that meeting when he applied for a security clearance is something that has the lawyers close to the president conserved outside the White House of course a number of former of trouble associates had to lawyer up General Mike Flynn who was not a national security adviser to the president for a short time we also know that Paul man afore it has faced a ton of scrutiny from federal investigators now court of course was the c.e.o. Of Trump's campaign for a short time there are several committees in both the House and Senate that are holding private hearings in the next few months can you just break down what they're focusing on and they all focus on different aspects of the Trump Russia collusion one thing that's important to remember is that one's. I love the investigation is looking into the possibility that crimes were committed a criminal investigation and then another side of the investigation is actually a counter intelligence investigation so Intelligence Committees both in the House and in the Senate it's like when their focus is actually figuring out what specific acts we can attribute potentially to Russian government actors Meanwhile the judiciary committees are also looking into this are going to be focusing more on the already legal questions so Betsy what are you going to be keeping your eye on in the coming weeks with these investigations it's really hard to narrow down there's a lot going on one thing that you know or is if more members of the White House start a lawyer up we know that the miller progress sort of widening at scope and that it's likely they'll be questioning a number of senior White House officials those folks are all going to need attorneys and when that happens that will be a good indicator of just how wide the program is and of course what can we understand about the nature of the investigation based on the folks that Miller's working with that's Betsy Woodruff political reporter at The Daily Beast the congressional committees investigating Russia's meddling in the u.s. Election got another day this week this one from Facebook the company found that hundreds of fake accounts likely operated by a Russian company that has links to the Kremlin spent $100000.00 supposed political ads on the platform that was before and after the 2016 presidential election here in the u.s. For more on this we've got Yacoob yond He heads the Kremlin watch program which is all about tracking Russian descent from Asian campaigns and at Western governments so Mr younger there's a lot of information we don't know yet about these Facebook ads but from a tactical standpoint does this look like an approach that Russian state actors would take to spread false information like definitely looks like that way actually we have seen a Russian government and its proxies spreading massive information against the best in the Morrissey's in order to industry any election. Like in the u.s. Or in France or in general in to try to sway public opinion what specifically are the hallmarks of the strategy that suggests to you Russia is behind this while there is clear evidence that Russian authorities actually employ people in so-called trophy farms so basically state drug companies which are creating this information on Facebook or they are trying to make the comments section toxic so creating basically propaganda so clearly trying to soothe a comment section or discussions or Facebook on Twitter so there's clearly that basically Russia is doing it today the question is how much of it is in the end and that's what we don't know at least in the public domain what's kind of interesting and this is a current of Facebook they say that most of these ads were not directed at a specific candidate and the vast majority of them didn't even reference the election Instead they focused on divisive hot button issues here in the u.s. Like gay rights or gun ownership for immigration what was the thinking behind that what this is again something where we can see Russia doing interrupt They have 2 levels of the game they're playing at a single time one is shorter I'm looking at the other options trying to attack single candidate and the long term game will be really trying to sway public opinion or make even worse the current situation in the core in this specific country so for example if you are having domestic ribbons and domestic political fights over a specific social or political issue this is something where the criminal would like to make even worse by those means such as creating this information on this such as for example migration base and and political Islam in Europe for example those are the topics of which tries trying to make worse and by this they can basically create the the impression that everything is all falling apart and those candidates which. Russia considers to be more preferable such as the drum during the campaign or let's say let's say my luck and its friends those will deter maybe benefit from such a situation are you able to track cause and effect from others like because Facebook sold as to Russian companies x. Number of us went to Donald Trump. Well we are not actually not only ourselves but we are basically the expert community in the West isn't able and honestly it's technically and metallurgical impossible but actually if you look at a case study on the Us presidential election next honestly the impact of Russianness information could have had the other impact on the on the overall the elections are so close that it's really considerable how much of the Russian impact it could have. Yacob beyond is head of the Kremlin watch program and deputy director of the European values think tank in Prague thank you very much thank you for having me. Next week will mark 3 months since the Grenfell tower fire in London British police say at least 80 people died in the horrific blaze that engulfed the high rise apartment tower one of the victims was 24 year old Khadija say she was a British Gambian artist and photographer just a month before the fire safe career had a huge break some of her photographs were included in a show at the Venice Biennale it was a compelling series of self portraits where she used old photo techniques to explore traditional Gambian spiritual practices after the blaze one of those portraits was hung at the Tate Britain Gallery in London as a memorial to or fires other victims my colleague John Wilson with b.b.c. Radio 4 had a wonderful remembrance could you just say on a show I want to share some of that with you now Wilson spoke with Ses artistic mentor nickel a green and curator David Bailey Here's Bailey explaining why he chose could he just work for the Venice Biennale. She was young age but spirit was very mature and very old in the sense like a kind of wise old kind of spiritual sage So I think what drew most of us was how generous in spirit I am computer was in terms of wanting to be open about the risk taken in the work which is very difficult at this level and at the same time really using mining all of that to think about producing a body of work based on a very old antiquated form of photography process and all of these photographs are self portrait she's posing isn't she in that's. Theory's the one at the Tate she has her back to the camera it's a beautiful black and white faded image and she's holding a bunch of of sticks what are they what are the represent Well I think for me I think the question has to be how is it possible to make work that is so historically and culturally rooted when we've so bombarded by social media about all these things about globalization and I think she's taken that and when I actually I'm going to really focus on my call tradition it's really kind of interpret 21st century modern techniques and go back and refer because you have to remember photography was the precursor to you know the movement of where we are in the 21st century image making little you have mentors who you worked so closely with her for for 3 years when did you 1st see her work and what was it about it that the attracted your attention when I met her 3 years ago when I been asked to be a judge on the discerning eye exhibition and I was able to choose artists and curator wall and I had not met her at the time that I saw her work and she submitted for this competition a series of 6 photographic images from her series called crowned which are celebrating and exploring their power of black women through images of their hair and also from above they're all shot from a bar and I was very I was very taken a moved by these pieces that I put in the center of the wall and she came to the opening of the exhibition and with her mother Mary and she was so proud it was her 1st exhibition after having graduated from college and she talked to me about how she was going to pursue a career and what that was going to take and how she she was working as a care assistant at the time and in a care home at the time and she talked about you know the difficulties of moving into the art world and making work in affording to make work and how that would happen and she did. I have a studio as such did she worked at home grown full time yes she worked in her home in Grenfell town that's where she was photo that's where she was developing the photographs she was developing her photographs and actually this work that she exhibited in the diaspora pavilion was taken she used relics from her mother's Gambian tradition and this work is really an exploration of of her faith and from you know a very personal context in the relationship she had with her mother could you just say and her mother Mary Mandy both died in the Grenfell tower blaze in June and London we were listening there to artists and Nicola green and before that curator David Bailey remembering what make could be just say and a photograph that special they were speaking with my colleague John Wilson on the b.b.c. Radio 4. Coming up whatever happened with that refugee agreement with Australia that Trump called a done deal Yasser Just ahead here on the world. I'm Marco Werman and this is the world remember that famous phone call between President Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull It happened in January just a few days after Trump was inaugurated it was supposed to be one of those pro-forma Hi How you doing courtesy calls to a close ally but it ended up being a tense 24 minute exchange their nerves frayed in that call over an Obama era deal with Australia that obliges us to resettle up to 2000 asylum seeking refugees being held in deeply controversial offshore Australian run detention camps there are many layers of the story and now there are some important updates to it the world Carol Hills is here so you've been following the story of these refugees on these 2 Island attention camps for a while now Carol what's the latest what happened well just a reminder about why Australia has offshore detention camps and has this policy whereby it won't accept asylum seekers who arrive by boat so Australian officials I think these the military now intercept boats carrying refugees and they take them directly to one of 2 offshore detention camps Australia won't accept people who arrive by boat so that either end up on the tiny island have no roots in the Pacific at a camp there for families and children or Mannus Island which is part of pop warner Guinea It's a men's only camp and that's the camp I'm talking about today so what happened what happened is a couple different things a couple days ago a court in Australia approved of a settlement it's a class action human rights case that was brought by the current detainees and past detainees of the man Alan camp against the Australian Government for illegal detention and negligence so the government office trailer won't settle and they offered a settlement to the court and it was just approved it's about $56000000.00 American but it affects a lot of present and past detainees so the actual amount that the detainees will get is maybe $40000.00 u.s. Dollars but more importantly the financial settlement does nothing to determine where the actually end up. Some of been languishing at this camp for 4 years how are they even going to get the money they're not allowed to even set up a bank account they are still stuck in Papua New Guinea without a solution to their eventual status what 3rd country they're going to end up in and the other thing that's going on is that the country of Pop Warner Guinea its own Supreme Court has ruled that this detention camp which Australia pays it to run is unconstitutional and so they are going to shut down this detention camp at the end of October and so these men have nowhere to go and what's going to happen to them now in that phone call I was mentioning earlier between the Prime Minister Turnbull and Australian Trump Trump really showed no inclination to take in any of these refugees even though that was part of the deal up to 2000 of these refugees and eventually he did honor the agreement what changed well he had to it was a bilateral agreement Australia agreed in exchange to resettle asylum seekers from Honduras El Salvador and Guatemala people are who are in a u.s. Run detention camp in Khost to Reka and so that agreement is in place but Papua New Guinea the country that's hosting them an asylum camp says they want to shut down the camp by October 31st their own Supreme Court in popular New Guinea ruled that the camp is unconstitutional and so what's going to happen to all these men in this camp there's about 800 about 700 of about 700 of them have asylum status but they have not been either accepted into the us or 3rd country so what's going to happen to them if you followed and reported on the cases of 2 of the detainees at Madison Island How are they doing well there's 2 people I focused on in my reporting one is a cartoonist named Eaton fish that's his pen name he's from Iran and he does not have asylum status so his future is completely uncertain he suffers from a lot of psychiatric issues and medical issues and currently I just found out today he is in Port Moresby the capital of Pop Warner Guinea getting care it's just not. Clear what's going to happen to him he's still cartooning and there's a big effort among cartoonists to help him and have a stray Leah take him in the other person that that we've reported on his name is Aziz Mohammed he's originally from Sudan and he's been at this camp a manis Island for more than 4 years I spoke this morning to a reporter in Australia who is in touch with him all the time via text message and Whatsapp and these is initially was excited about the financial settlement but as it has now realised it doesn't solve his status and he's stuck and he has asylum status status and so far he has not been interviewed by u.s. Authorities Yes So what happens with the resettlement process for like these 2 men it's unclear and it's unclear for everyone there I was in touch with various government officials in the us about how the resettlement process is going and they've made a number of visits people have been interviewed but no one has been chosen yet to be resettled in the u.s. Well Carol Hills thanks very much thanks Margot. Here's another story that centers on a humanitarian crisis and refugee camps the exodus of real hinders from Myanmar to refugee camps in Bangladesh some 150000 of them have already crossed the border there are those are a Muslim minority in me and Maher the country also known as Burma and there are hangers blame the Burma is government for the violence that's driving them from their homes the government rejects that accusation by b.b.c. Colleague Sanjoy that some are refugees on the Bangladeshi side of the border. One of. The big crowd of refugees will just come in and basically collapse on the side of the road sitting on their sacks their possessions many of them look completely exhausted weak and very hungry. And just inside a refugee camp. That's just been built by the side of a hill rows and rows of tents nothing more than plastic sheets stretched and tied between 2 trees propped up by bamboo poles it's filled with people there's a young man you looked to be about 18 or 19 of them are running on. How do you know my name is I mean I came 3 days ago people hiding in the mountains my willage was attacked my house set on fire by the army and blood is mobs there was gunfire everywhere people are able to escape but my father and grandmother went side the house at it I. Don't want to go to this is why so many rangers are coming in to bomb the dish a Muslim nation where they are welcomed and they feel secure several boats have just come ashore on the beach along the southeast and Bangladesh coursed large wooden fishing boats all of them filled to capacity with refugees one of them's listing dangerously to one side as they start jumping off one after the other the men now they're reaching into help the women they look absolutely shattered. It's difficult to independently verify what's happening inside Myanmar access is severely restricted. The government there blames the violence on range of militant groups something that this local villager corroborates although she was speaking in the presence of military officers. Muslim men destroyed the pagoda with heavy weapons and jumped the statue which. We could not stay in our village we have no arms while they had large weapons so yeah whatever that way tallow color through the sometimes described as the world's most persecuted minority denied citizenship of Myanmar despite living there for generations there is no visible growing anger on what I want. Is to be given citizenship of me and nothing more it is our country. And I want to drive us out and ensure that not a single Muslim is left and the army is helping them. Come across fear has driven the injures out to Myanmar but there are many who worry that the insecurity could quite easily turn militant and lead to radicalism. The b.b.c. Sent reporting there from Bangladesh. News headlines are next on the world. Support for Alaska Public Media comes from tidal wave books your source for travel guides new and out of print Alice kana beach books and bestsellers info at Wave Books dot com and on Face Book programming on k s k Anchorage is made possible because of contributions from listeners like you thank you for choosing to support Alaska Public Media I'm Guy Raz host an editor of the Ted Radio Hour. I'm Marco Werman Well the Russians are coming to Florida to give birth and they're staying at Trump branded properties in the state there certainly is sort of preference for in this self-made man married at that track projects this American multimillionaire these buildings they can stay and birth tourism a growth industry that's ahead here on the world to. B.b.c. News if you own a McDonald the eye of Hurricane Irma is heading past the northern coast of Dominican Republic towards he after a devastating string of Caribbean islands a big relief operation is getting underway for a bar buter and soon Martin frantic preparations are being made in Haiti in the lower lying Turks and Key course which are threatened by storm surges flooding and high winds Erma is likely to hit Florida and Georgia on Sunday the u.s. Authorities have ordered mass evacuations. The u.s. Senate has approved over $15000000000.00 in disaster aid in the week of Hurrican Harvie as part of an agreement struck by President Trump and the Democrats the deal will also raise the federal borrowing limit till December. The u.n. Says nearly a quarter of a 1000000 were Muslim or hinges of fled their homes in Myanmar from Bangladesh since October last year most of escaped in the last 2 weeks I b.b.c. Correspondent has witnessed the destruction that caused them just kind city because many villages abandoned or burnt. The Spanish prime minister has denounced Catalan plans for an independent referendum as a legal matter. So the government would ask the courts to the clear the planned vote unconstitutional. Pope Francis has made an emotional plea to the young of Colombia to help their elders set aside heat in vengeance as a country tries to come to terms with a peace deal signed last year with Fark rebels speaking to thousands in Bogota. He urged the young not to fear the future and to dream big and other Colombians have been emotionally and he said ties after more than half a century of war. The Internet retail giant Amazon has announced plans to build a 2nd headquarters in North America kicking off a competition among cities to attract the investment the $5000000000.00 project to create up to $50000.00 jobs Chicago Dallas and Toronto immediately expressed interest b.b.c. News. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world we're coproduction of the b.b.c. World Service p.r.i. And w g b h here in Boston you can't miss the dire headlines warning of hurricane Armas perilous path toward Florida and by the way people in Florida and elsewhere I hope you're taking the warnings and evacuation seriously Florida Governor Rick Scott said today that the state will not be able to save people once the storm hits 1st you might have missed that Irma has already caused significant damage on American soil in the u.s. Virgin Islands Stacey Plaskett represents u.s. Territory and Congress we reached her on Capitol Hill she says the storm hit the territory with destructive force the roof of the Schneider hospital on St Thomas was gone and they've evacuated patients from the hospital on the island of St Thomas St John and we're assessing water island there has been massive loss of property Fema has been doing and tremendous job along with our local emergency management agencies there are Navy ships that are on their way but the damage is tremendous to property and we do know of some casualties and we will be assessing that as we move along 911 our emergency management system is down and so individuals are posting things online and then ham radios and other types of radio in which people are able to communicate information our hotels have had sustained damage as well the airports have been cleared and they're using that to have cargo ships and others bring emergency equipment to the people on those islands and your time down there Congresswoman Have you ever had to face a time horizon after a catastrophe like this of many years yes in 1989 with Hurricane Hugo which was category 4 it took 3 years was the timeframe for the recovery this was a cat. Corey 5 I have to tell you though that we have been enormously prepared for this despite the level of destruction that we've seen we had 1st Hurricane Hugo on St Croix in 1989 Hurricane Marilyn in 95 on St Thomas and St John and so most of our Combs and buildings were within her king code but because of the force of hurricane Irma which we know has devastated our neighbor islands of the British Virgin Islands along with Barbuda and some of those others hurricane Irma came within 2040 miles the eye on the island north side of St Thomas which meant that they were receiving winds 150 plus miles per hour which is the reason why even within code we were not able to keep all of the buildings and structures in place but we're also concerned about of course is because hurricane Jose is right around the horizon that's making its way across the Atlantic and heading in the same path that Irmo was to the Caribbean and we are you know concerned that those buildings that are there are the buildings that are split expose that were able to recover them before and secure them before Jose hits landfall even if it's just heavy rains we know that that's going to provide additional damage to an already fragile area. You know there's been so much media attention on when and where I might land in Florida or on the eastern seaboard hitting landfall in the United States does it bother you that so many people don't realize Irma already landed in the u.s. On American soil when it hit the Virgin Islands not to mention Puerto Rico Yes You know it's difficult to hear the discussions in some of our news outlets where they focus the attention soley on the continental u.s. Talking about what's going to happen with Florida when other parts of the United States namely the u.s. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico have already. Been decimated by this hurricane Antigo Barbuda the British Virgin Islands Tortola and it got all the other places which have already seen the devastation and now need to support me encourage me to move forward our governor has said that he of course wanted to be thankful let the Virgin Islanders know that while we are fighting for equal rights the ability to vote we are also thankful as American citizens that we have theme of that our president has really stepped up he's received personal phone calls from him I've received phone calls from the White House and I see the fema State Department another's just expressing their support and trying to really get moving on how we can bring for revision so for that we're grateful congresswoman Stacey Plaskett the delegate for the u.s. Virgin Islands in the House of Representatives thank you very much for your time and the best of luck thank you sir thank you so much the small Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda was right in the crosshairs of Erma Here's anti-gun Barbara prime minister Gaston Brown describing the situation on Barbuda from my observation haven't done an aerial survey I would say that about 95 percent of the properties one of stuff and some level of damage it is absolutely heart wrenching 95 percent and Jellicoe Donohue is the editor of the n.t. The Chronicle and takers Barbuda sister island so Angelica What are the last 24 hours been like for you at the Chronicle expand absolutely horrendous and overwhelming at the same time I mean with all this tragedy has been happening and on the other hand full of love and assistance has been overwhelming and people are asking and calling and how is it we can help or if you know how is it we can help intriguer What is it that basically need most 1st of all we just need to go get it out of our puter it's just been known to you know on the hurricane watch for hurricane Jose So that's about the Haiti that we have to be right now yeah I mean. So close together and they are sister on. And on a clear day you can see each island from the other what's the difference in damage between Antigua Barbuda when what do you attribute that to Mother Nature playing a game and. We can feel the wind it's pretty scary outside and you wake up in the morning and look around and you're like looking minimal damage not many houses were destroyed so if you dump or was a few trees with nothing much and you think you know what it would probably be the same situation for with there in Barbuda but for the entire day yesterday in the before we could not communicate with Barbie we had no idea what was happening and not even a handful of the cell phone providers will work and it was absolute panic and chaos and if you listen to the news reporting you realize I've got the brunt of it of that horrible disastrous thought they had to face it on their own and finally when our prime minister was able to travel yesterday afternoon and he came back home when he described the situation over there we saw the 1st images. Then tell you country was just and also this belief it is a vast contrast between here and here which is a much better a little more resources compared to the beautiful actually had a really good housing structures and how they were building their homes these are a lot of concrete with homes to see that type of damage compared to us who use a lot of wood it's a vast vast vast contrast Yeah it's just the fluke of Mother Nature as you say do you have any friends and family on Barbara that's correct friends and family young family and are you are you and cousin are you in contact with them now. You know anything contact anyone and argue to the cell tower is a literally been to wow what is the biggest need for people in Antigua and Barbuda right now. The one to get them all to for media to the relief effort so just whatever contribution to can make Would it be clued a nice and clean bottle water hygiene products baby supplies all of the necessities you would need in the wake of a disaster and as you said you're now preparing for Hurricane Jose which is right behind it I mean how do you do that when you've just gone through one hurricane and things are damaged pretty severely. You continue to compare honestly no one has taken down their hurricane shutters or the boards all of the homes across and there's just a pretty much boarded up we were kinda sorta prepared I would suffer the bullet we heard of it isn't another system developing out in Atlantic I think majority of the team and decided you know what but as a sleeve the holes as they are fix what you can fix but to pay for the absolute worst and that's what we're doing right now and as to the historic nature of hurricane Irma Have you ever seen anything like this and then to get to be on it's no we dream we tried to compare it to Hardy King Louis hurricane though it happened in 1905 I was only 8 years old but I can distinctly remember the chaos that that brought about was just a Category 4 I believe it took a last renting number Beautiful get but the little feet after that hurricane so before the hurricane Hurricane Erin McKean like Ok might possibly be that that you know that she has left us so that she has left us in an r.h. Stage just thinking about the devastation through the Caribbean that island this one is for the history books. And Jellicoe Donohue the editor of The Chronicle we wish you safety and good luck in the days ahead thank you so much You're welcome. Now to a story from Florida with no hurricane connection a story about an unusual Trump Russia connection. I'm looking at a glitzy video ad featuring images of Trump Tower in Miami bathrooms with gold fixtures there are ocean views and a fireplace ceilings and white glove service all yours for tens of thousands of dollars a month the ad is targeted at a very specific clientele Russians who want to come to Miami to have their babies and get u.s. Citizenship for the kids in the process that's according to a new story in The Daily Beast carries of ads he wrote it so we're talking about wealthy Russians who can afford to take anywhere from 3 to 6 months. On Florida beaches rent an apartment pay out of pocket for a top to your medical care and have their babies here and what's the benefit of giving birth in Florida in Miami. Yes So mothers left a couple of reasons 1st the medical care is a lot better here than in Russia and many cases especially in the way that we treat pregnant women and and terms of test part of care and of course the weather is a lot better in Miami than in many parts of Russia especially in certain times of year. But certainly one of the most important benefits is that the children get an American passport which enables them to come work in the u.s. When they're adults that enables them to come to school in the u.s. And more importantly to travel the world freely and not have the sorts of visa restrictions that Russian citizens also often have right and that's without exception if you're born in the United States you get a u.s. Passport right absolutely. So this is not something that happens that hot there are actually companies agencies that offer packages for wealthy Russian families to do this and a lot of these agencies seem to guide these families to stay in Trump properties or do these agencies use exclusively Trump properties. So yes there is this huge business of birth tourism companies that are targeting in this case tourists from Russia in the post Soviet space but you know other companies target other parts of the world they're not necessarily exclusively advertising Trump properties but certainly for their wealthiest here of clients the people who can afford to shell out $8085000.00 for just a few months in Florida those people are being offered very expensive apartments in Trump Towers and Trump Reale and places like that there does seem to be a kind of respect for Trump in Russia among some of the wealthy there is the fact that you would stay in one of these Trump properties for several months is that a draw. I think certainly when we look at forums when this is being discussed people are really drawn to the truck buildings there are some of their buildings that are discussed most often and then when you look at the sorts of people who are checking in there and tagging themselves a lot of times what you'll see is a Russian tourists of any stripe sort of checking in and saying Here I am at the Trump Tower we saw I saw one of the breakthroughs in companies sort of touts Trump as like this American multi-billionaire who built these buildings that you can stay and self's and there certainly is sort of reverence for this self-made man narrative that trump projects so how long has this been a thing for Russians going to Florida to give birth and roughly how many families are we talking about a year. This is not a new phenomenon this has been going on for I would say the better part of a decade. It's hard to quantify on many different accounts some people go on their own and that is sort of the burgeoning middle class birth tourism going in and trying to get sort of the lower level of birth tourism and then what we have is companies who are really catering to people who can afford to pay someone else to arrange that and an estimate that $1.00 of the proprietors of those companies gave was $40.00 to $60.00 births a month just in Florida through these companies that this is also happening in California and Salt Lake City in New York so bottom line is the Trump Organization profiting from this Russian anchor baby business and does that imply a conflict of interest for the White House. So yes there are 2 levels of trauma properties that birth tourists can visit or stay at in Florida and one of those are the condos the Trump Towers the Trump palace the Trump Reale where the money is not necessarily going to regularly into the Trump organization but one of the most popular destinations in part because it lets you stay somewhere more affordable and still vacation on the trampoline as the Trump International Beach Resort which is still owned and operated by the trap organization and certainly they are making money off of that how has the Trump Organization responded to all this. I reached out to them for comment on her haven't heard back yet. Katie's of ads give the Daily Beast joining us from New York thank you very much thanks for having me. And. How in all the Jewish folk song ended up in a Japanese video game head on the world support for the world comes from Legal Zoom dot com providing American business owners with legal advice through its network of independent attorneys available in all 50 states more information is available as a Legal Zoom dot com slash world I like with a podcast crunchy cracker he would language tricksy took the world in words Oh heavens my gracious one sequence the world in words get it on Apple podcast or wherever you get your pocket. RINGBACK I'm Marco Werman And it's the world on your radio a lot of Olympic coverage last year during the Games in Rio de Janeiro focus not just on events but also a disease and the mosquitoes that spread the virus Meanwhile there was this whole other mosquito related Olympic story that we missed Here's the quick version sprinter. Was a bronze medalist in Rio with the British 4 by 400 relay team but just 10 months before that she couldn't even walk her nightmare began when way before the games she flew to Nigeria to visit family Pretty soon she started noticing some weird symptoms which she promptly reported to her British athletics doctor. And I'm always. You know. Like. Stuff like that and then within 12. You know this. Turns out she had malaria she was put under quarantine and eventually lost the ability to walk. And how to walk like. Crazy something that you can do in your life you know wasn't able to. Walk. Start one and again when you're a sprinter you go for speed right and your recovery routine is anything but routine and then I start the belt. And just. Start. Again and I was like no matter how much kale. Session I was just so. Grateful and on our way to an Olympic bronze medal British sprinter and you were speaking and finally today. This is my email him an early 20th century Jewish folk song the lyrics come from the Biblical book of Isaiah from a chapter celebrating water my mam literally means water water decades ago the kibbutz community in Israel embrace the tune now you can hear it across the world at summer camps and Hebrew schools and also in Japanese video games so how exactly did this old world Jewish folksong make its way into the video game world the world's Brandy forward looked into that for a series Future folk. In 1906 when Konami really sexy Proteus I was only 2 years old by that time the Japanese entertainment company had already released games like Frogger and Metal Gear games my parents and brother were more impressed by the sexy Proteus soundtrack includes a song called lovely autumn me at and it may sound familiar Listen to this. That's my in my and it's prominently lived into the soundtrack last month tablet an American Jewish magazine published an article about my e my name being a big hit in Japanese video game soundtracks according to the article during the American occupation a full can square dance educator by the name of Ricky Holden was enlisted to teach full dancers in Taiwan and Japan from 1957 to $58.00. I started to look into Miami my aims earlier presidents in Japan but much of the information from 20th Century is a massive great depression run off ramp a Xena phobia World War 2 paranoia oil crises and a global purge of religion from the Bolshevik Revolution to the Holocaust. After living in and out of my own conclusions trying to scrounge up early 20th century documents I came up short and so I made a call Japanese have always been really fascinated by Jews. That's Mary White a professor of anthropology and a specialist in contemporary Japanese culture at Boston University tuition Japan it is sometimes to be the object of very friendly curiosity certainly seen as high class that's next smart civil having a strong sense of the importance of society well beyond. The fact that Jewish refugees are allowed into Japan I'm sorry I couldn't hear the last thing you said. And I found myself talking in circles because my head and heart sudden agenda based on what I was able to find about Japan's relationship to cultural preservation and Judaism just before the Holocaust a Japanese diplomat Lithuania named Shion Sugihara signed between 621-0000 exit visas for Jews fleeing Poland its nickname the food plant a large portion of the people ended up settling in Japan and I wanted it to be the reason my email made its way into Japan Mary let me know otherwise when I was 1st in Japan and thank you 63 there was pretty strong Jewish community in Tokyo and one in Kobe. But those communities are small and do not represent the influence of the Jewish culture in Japan which goes way beyond the actual Jews who live in Japan or. So maybe it wasn't widespread from Jewish refugees but Mary also suggested that post World War 2 occupation is a safe answer Japan had spent more than 250 years in isolation and its Edo period and when that ended the country was eager to learn about the rest of the world right from the. Very beginning of the major period in 868 there were the introduction of western and other cultures the Meiji period ends in 1912 and my in my aims composer and manual on Iran would have been 3 major you might have ended but curiosity didn't people were fascinated and the 1927 is what life is going on at the school I wondered if the song itself reached Japan in the 1920 s. If later in the thirty's the kibbutz communities were able to reach Japan if your pants pursuit of learning world culture brought my email into the country slightly before World War 2 So cats has always been judged by how it is not only after the occupation during their occupation that it was introduced so it's possible that my email made its way into Japan well before the post war occupation but proving that is difficult if you consider the context preserving Jewish culture during the mid 20th century was its own covert operation as it was ill advised or illegal So how did my my name end up in the video game and why well as most people in Japan if not all danced to my in my human gym class as a result of them e.g. Period and the influence of the occupation putting my mam in a videogame is just well it's an assault or. Maybe. For The World I'm Brandy full of. Stories part of our series Future full co-production with the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and that'll do it for us today I'm Marco Werman. And Boston. Half. The world is a coproduction of the b.b.c. World Service p.r.i. And w g v h Boston supported by the w g b h fund for environmental reporting whose donors include the Grantham foundation for the protection of the environment supporting a cooperative approach to solving our critical environmental problems while we still can and they can do to fund furthering the values that contribute to a healthy planet by the p.r.i. Embassador Council whose members include Peter Bergen in memory of Debbie Cit Cindy and Howard rich off ski John and Sally Van Doren Eric and Deborah suitor Javier Escobedo and the Gony Alyson Oh and the billy and Dodi Crockett advised fund of the Dallas foundation by the National Endowment for the arts and by the Lumina Foundation committed to a fair universal system for learning beyond high school that offers every American the chance for a better life Lumina Foundation dot org. Our Public Radio International . 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