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Try to pass yet another repeal and replace of Obamacare it's unclear if they have the votes will hear from one of the many governors who oppose the bill Bill Walker of Alaska for Thursday September 21st this is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. I'm Kelly McEvers And I know it's a change coming up the latest from Mexico after this week's earthquake some buildings that survived the 1985 quake did not survive this time President Trump has announced a new round of sanctions against North Korea a new executive order will cut off sources of revenue that funds North Korea's efforts to develop the deadliest weapons known to human kind also the role of state attorneys general in the Russia investigation there are regular conference calls staff talking to each other all the time we're dividing up work then it's much more of an attitude of we're all in this together now this news. Live from n.p.r. News 18 Washington I'm Jack Speer Mexico's office of the presidency now says the death toll following a magnitude 7 point one earthquake has risen to 2 173900 children and 6 adults died when a school in Mexico city crumbled following the quake officials say 11 children were pulled out of the rubble alive N.P.R.'s Emily Green reports from Mexico City survivors continue to be rescued throughout Mexico City following this week's massive earthquake search and rescue teams from around the world have flown in to help in the effort it is a painstaking process because they don't want to use machinery for fear of causing buildings to collapse even more Meanwhile many volunteers have turned their focus to the state's play blood and Morello's which are close to the epicenter are collecting cash donations and buying supplies to send to the hardest hit areas among the items they say they need are baby food diapers medicine dog and cat food and plush lights for n.p.r. News I'm Emily Green in Mexico City as Hurricane Maria moves past the Dominican Republic tonight still a dangerous Category 3 storm with 120 mile an hour winds only now is the extent of damage in Puerto Rico in the Caribbean starting to be revealed in Puerto Rico the storm is blamed for at least one death in the entire island is without power Maria cause perhaps even worse damage in Dominica where the death toll has risen to at least 19 prime minister was about Skerritt says caring for the victims is like combat medicine we're running a hospital no. Worse than. In a minute to you know Warsaw was San Juans airport reopened to emergency flights Fema says it's sending water food and generators to Puerto Rico Republican leaders are trying to nail down the votes they need to pass the latest version of legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell intends to be. In the bill to the floor for a vote next week Senate Republicans face a September 30th deadline N.P.R.'s Susan Davis says more the proposal is the most far reaching of any of the plans Republicans have put on the table this year it would repeal key pillars of Obamacare including the individual mandate and subsidies that help individuals buy insurance it loosens Obamacare is federal regulations affecting people with preexisting conditions and it would reshape the Medicaid program from an open ended federal guarantee to a cap system in which states receive more limited funds every Democratic lawmaker opposes it Republicans say it will give states greater flexibility to meet their individual health care needs and put Medicaid on a more financially stable path Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska are 2 critical undecided votes who could determine the fate of the bill Susan Davis n.p.r. News Washington after recent run ups on Wall Street stocks lost ground today the Dow was down 53 points the Nasdaq closed down 33 points you're listening to n.p.r. . Insurance company all state says it expects losses of around $593000000.00 in August after hurricane Harvey's path of destruction along the u.s. Gulf Coast the insurer says that's about 3 times the previous month's losses the insurer says it expects losses to grow damages meanwhile are still being tallied from hurricane Arma which hit Florida this month as well as from Hurricane Maria grocery chain Albertsons is buying online Mills subscription service plated the deal between the Idaho based brick and mortar Grocery Outlet in the digital mill company the 1st of its kind that Gillum a Boise State Public Radio reports the C.E.O.'s of both companies are reticent to say just how much the deal is worth but a food industry consulting firm values the online milk it industry at around $2200000000.00 Albertson c.e.o. Bob Miller estimates meal kits from plaited will start showing up in some grocery stores in the next 30 days co-founder and c.e.o. Of plaited Josh Hicks says the purchase by Albertsons will expand the company's services to a wide range of new customers once the acquisition is completed the end of the month meal kits from plaited will be available at Albertson's Vons go in Safeway stores the purchase of plated by Albertsons comes at a time of big change in the grocery industry online retailer Amazon finalized the deal buying Whole Foods Market in August for more than $13000000000.00 for n.p.r. News I'm Matt Gilman Boise hard to believe but the now ubiquitous a.t.m. Turns 50 this year while standard practice in the industry now the machines are revolutionary when they were 1st introduced training people to interact with machines were other than a human being Britain's Barclays bank and saw the 1st cash machines in a London suburb in 1967 I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Jacob and delirium Lang La foundation supporting the health and wellbeing of underserved populations at Lang Law dot org And the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation Mack found dot org. Support for k s k a comes from the stall Reeves law firm committed to service to their clients and community in Alaska and beyond offering national resources with a local approach s t o e l dot com support for Alaska Public Media comes from the line chiropractic a full service clinic helping Alaskans live pain free through chiropractic care physical and massage therapy appointments welcome at the line chiropractic dot com . From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Kelly McEvers in Culver City California and I'm Elsa chain in Washington d.c. Republican senators are mounting a last ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act It's unclear whether the bill introduced by Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana has enough votes to pass many Republicans on the fence are looking to their governors for guidance and joining us now is Alaska's governor Bill Walker he is an independent and he is against the plan his state's senior senator Lisa Murkowski could be one of the deciding vote on this Governor Walker welcome to the program. Thank you very much. Thank you for joining us healthcare in Alaska poses obviously some unique challenges it's a very rural state and it's very expensive to provide health care there why do you think this bill does not meet your state's needs. Where else has left a lot of unknowns about it right now I'm trying to challenge much. Uncertainty about it. Because there's a lot of disparity as far as a different analysis of it and things are moving very quickly so I am concerned the state of the law at all last and that 82 percent of our our communities are not accessible by road if you are if you are in a marriage where it will most likely in. A better back flight which is a $50000.00 plus. Expense it's very different to the last there so I'm following very closely and I get that from think about process I'm not. I'm not a parson I'm the only non nonpartizan it and it took over 50 states so I don't look at the parcel stand quite well when I talk about one specific provision in the bill under this grand Cassady plan it seems like very rural states like Alaska would actually get more funding at least for a few years in fact projections from Cassidy's office at least say Alaska supposed to get more money for Medicaid beneficiaries than other states would Are you concerned that that still would not be enough money for your state. Well I have to look at it from the short term immediate short term in the long term so I am concerned that the sort of what is being added I'm concerned that it may be on the other her short term basis but that's gone so I want to do about Alaska is Well certainly that's that's who I. Want to raise their arms and I'm honored to be the governor of Alaska but it's just so somewhat bigger than Alaska as well the health care issue is national a national issue that may be at the. Again you know I just don't believe that any one party has a monopoly a good idea. To buy cars and intellect and discussion and find a process that involves. A fair process of all the Governor for that has been today well I'm still a little unclear about your specific concerns about the legislation you've come out as against it explicitly but what can you tell me that you're specifically concerned by. I have not been convinced that it's. The it's good for Alaska I'm not convinced that we won't see a decrease in funds decrease in those that are covered and so you know while I do appreciate the. Greater flexibility for a state in this with a governor of Alaska from having that but if it's moving in the dollars that enough that's that's a problem and so I saw mountains up to the letter because of my concern about the process but also my concern. Again getting a lot of conflicting information from different different offices different different organizations as for what the what the bill actually does so you know the intent I think is great but the intent is not part of the actual legislation itself and that's the problem as we mentioned Senator Murkowski is a critical vote on this if he opposes a bill that could effectively kill it have you spoken with Senator Murkowski about how she should vote. Why so hear about the about this on numerous occasions and I speak with her frequently on this issue and basically 'd been doing pairing notes about what I've been hearing what I've been told my concerns your thoughts of her concerns and so I am very obviously very engaged the process but also very good with me in the process which I appreciate that very much but also General Dan Sullivan that are united in communications as well so it's not just it's both of our senators on the case with I appreciate very much their willingness to reach out and see them. I mean in here my concerns are right there might not matter of the side of the lot I would like to make it less those partners are right thank you very much that Governor Bill Walker of Alaska. Officials in Mexico say more than 270 people have died from Tuesday's earthquake most of the deaths have been in the country's capital Mexico City the mayor says as of last night 38 buildings had totally collapsed thousands more heavily damaged N.P.R.'s Carrie Kahn reports that many of those buildings were built well after the deadly 1905 earthquake. A backhoe scoops of rubble outside the Enrique reps and school in southern Mexico City their rescue workers have been searching for survivors around the clock Mariana to c.e.o. Lives a block away in a 6 story apartment building where many of the kids lived who went to the school. So many playmates are dead now it's just horrible she says this building has damaged too and she can't get back in until it's inspected it's a new building constructed after the deadly 1985 earthquake that claimed the lives of more than 6000 people she says the wing of the school where the children died was also dealt. With. This school has been there for 40 years she says but the part that collapsed the 3 storey wing was just recently built n.p.r. Couldn't confirm the year of construction but Mexico City Engineer Paulina's Cobar says she's been inundated with calls from owners of brand new buildings who say they have major damage to Iraq and. There are many construction companies whose work is not very good she says. Says with the population of the city on the rise in the demand for housing enormous as Cobar says new constructions in some cases has been hastily built she's had more than 10 clients with new buildings call her to complain about major cracks and uninhabitable structural damage but geophysicist Rothstein says due to Mexico City's high seismic activity it has some of the toughest construction codes it rates highly in the world and of course and that's because there are excellent seismic contributors in Mexico the problem with any code is it's in Foresman engineers say the rapid rise in the city's population and demand for housing has drained the government's ability to keep up with inspections and Code Enforcement however geophysicist Stein says new buildings with damage could be up to code since after all the highest standards known as minimal life safety don't dictate that new buildings can't suffer damage even major structural lost just that they don't collapse and thats it. That's all that's been requested or asked to the building Mexico City civil protection agency that oversees building construction could not immediately provide anyone for comment but in an interview over Skype kit my a moto Seismic Safety Commissioner for California says Mexico's building codes are similar to those of his home state he says another reason why some buildings that survived the 1985 quake but fell in Tuesday's was because of how close the epicenter this time was to the city different. A different building he says the 1905 quake which was centered further from Mexico City heard highrises more this quake he said which was significantly closer hit smaller buildings less than 6 stories whether it was shoddy construction lax enforcement or just Mother Nature and near Polly Nasco bar says Mexico citizens need to demand more accountability I don't. Think that most of the net and hopefully the 2nd time around we've learned to build smarter and safer she says If not for us then for the next generation Carrie Kahn n.p.r. News Mexico City. Puerto Rico is in full on disaster response mode after powerful Hurricane Maria hit yesterday there is no power on the entire island and almost no running water there's been landslides flooding and widespread structural damage to treat it must say of the Miami Herald has been in Puerto Rico's capital San Juan reporting on the storm and its aftermath and she told us while she was hunkered down during the storm she was getting updates from one of the few radio stations that was still broadcasting and at one point they kind of cut off the governor and he got a bit of a you know in the middle of an interview with something where is the news business because they told him Look we have to leave our studio there is a crisis when the broadcasters returned they told listeners they had to evacuate their studio the windows had a blown out and the roof was starting to tear off it was a dramatic day all over the island to miss a says the trouble did not end with the storm we are in part one and it is complicated and chaotic to get around and a lot of roads are not only blocked by debris but also Entire neighborhoods are cut off by a lot of waters authorities have asked people to stay home but many are out trying to clear debris and get to loved ones that say says the few streets in the capital that are open are clogged with traffic it took us 2 hours just to try to leave the northern part of the morning where all the churning area because in a highway there were closed in one direction she says it's a challenging situation today and looking ahead people are worried they are very concerned about not only not having power you know we can live without power for a while but they don't have running water and people really don't have a lot of information I mean outside out there in the island people don't know how their relatives are the government can't reach a lot of these places the curfew in place of the book on others are. You know it's just really a big. The full picture of the damage in Puerto Rico is coming into focus we will continue to cover the situation there. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from c 3 i.o.t. Enabling corporate and industrial digital transformation with artificial intelligence cloud computing and Io t. Big data software solutions learn more at c 3 i.o.c. Dot com and from roadside attractions presenting stronger starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Tatyana must Lonnie in the real life story of Jeff Bauman whose strength became a symbol of recovery hope and healing after a national tragedy in theaters tomorrow. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Kelly McEvers And I know the Chuang the president got some welcome news this week several new polls show that his approval ratings once at historic lows have now taken up it seems people like how he's responded to the recent hurricanes and then there is his new willingness to make deals with Democrats but what does the president's base think N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson takes a look Donald Trump came to Washington to disrupt American politics and he has so much so that his party along with everyone else is experiencing whiplash after making a bipartisan deal with Democrats on government funding and reversing his campaign rhetoric about a program for young immigrants known as Dhaka the president was back to serving up for toric all red meat at the United Nations and pushing a purely partisan effort to get rid of Obamacare so which was the real Donald Trump former r. And c. Communications director Doug Heye says like so much about the president that's not clear we don't fully know yet because we've seen 3 or 4 Donald Trumps in just the last 3 or 4 weeks there's a lot that Republicans are taking solace and there's a lot that's causing them consternation 1st there was the way he made the fiscal deal with Democratic leaders blindsiding Republicans in Congress throw into that the Trump announcement on Dhaka if you were one of the original hardcore true believers for Donald Trump you had real trouble answering exactly what Donald Trump was doing the Sam number is one of those original hard core true believers and he's a former political advisor to trump I would be considered immigration hot let's say I'm a nationalist Breitbart reader and I don't have a problem with Dr but if I don't get the well funded if we don't get anything that's real in Foresman then this is something that we've given up and got to nothing in return Trump understands this although he said publicly he would not insist on funding for the wall as part of a deal on Dhaka his campaign is also running Facebook and. Ads targeted to specific supporters that say quote Despite a lot of noise and a lot of rumors we will build a wall not a fence Nunberg says that while Trump's pending deal on Dhaka got him a round of applause in the form of positive media coverage and now better poll numbers the president is still risking a backlash from his base look he would like to as an idea we don't want him to turn into the typical politician and I can dispute that he has a particular part of his base that will support him regardless if he changes or registers to be a Democrat but it's not as big as people think I don't think it's as strong as people think I just think that at the end of the day when Republicans are going to have to start saying what did I get what did I get from a Republican president Mark Rothermund a long time Republican strategist in North Carolina says in the Trump era it's a mistake to think about just 2 parties what you're really looking at is you have a trial party you have the Democrats and you have the Republicans in the House and Senate this week there's a real time test of just how loyal Trump supporters really are tomorrow the president is going to Alabama to campaign for Luther Strange the Republican Senate candidate backed by Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell Mark Ratterman thinks Trump's trip to Alabama is a bad idea because in this case the Trump party Trump's base is at odds with the Republican Party in Congress I think this is a proxy fight between McConnell and conservatives and I think the president would have been wise to stay out of this I know he is going down I would say to you that I don't I would not expect a type of crowds or the usually gets and a lot of Trump fans who come to see the president might leave that rally and go vote for strange his opponent Roy Moore despite Trump's urging he's putting his prestige on the line for somebody in the base looks at as the handpicked candidate of the swamp in the Alabama Senate primary the president is not just supporting the Republican this. Stablish when Candidate Luther Strange he's facing off against his former aides Breitbart the all right web site run by his former top adviser Steve Bannon is going all out to elect strangers opponent Roy Moore and tonight just one day before Trump comes to Alabama another former advisor Sebastian Gorka is headlining a rally for more alongside Sarah Pailin this intramural Republican battle may seem like very inside baseball but the outcome will say a lot about whether or not Trump voters are so loyal to him they'll follow his advice and vote for a candidate they think represents everything Trump ran against Mara Liasson n.p.r. News Washington there are several federal investigations into Russian meddling in last year's election but states are playing a role to New York for one could become a powerful adversary of the Trump administration if the president tries to pardon anyone involved N.P.R.'s gyms are only explains why when President Trump announced a ban on travel for visitors from several predominantly Muslim countries right after his inauguration a group of attorneys general from mostly blue states quickly got involved Eric Schneiderman is the attorney general of New York we just started talking to each other right after my Sunday morning we had 17 states signed on to say this is unconstitutional we're going into court to stop it and we went to courts all over the country and eventually got it struck down this was an unusual states have traditionally acted as counterweights to presidential authority challenging the way laws are enforced during the Obama administration states such as Texas played a big role in overturning parts of the Affordable Care Act for example Schneiderman says Trump selection has galvanized many attorneys general and they have worked together to oppose White House initiatives on climate change immigration and voting rights there are regular conference calls step talking to each other all the time we're dividing up work and then there's much more of an attitude that we're all you know. We're all in this together this has been a joint effort though as Trump's home state of New York has perhaps a special role to play Schneiderman for example brought charges against Trump over a real estate course accused of defrauding customers I do have more experience with the president than others because I was in litigation with him for years over Trump University so I didn't think this particular skills that would be so important to turned out as of January it was and Trump for the record is no fan of Schneiderman's as this 2015 interview with a.b.c. News suggests anybody that knows and that's in this city knows anything about Eric Schneiderman we know is a political hack I know it very well trump settled the Trump University case for $25000000.00 Today New York officials continue to investigate Trump on other matters and are playing a role in the Russia investigation the state is looking into money laundering allegations against Trump campaign officials and if federal officials decide not to pursue the case it's conceivable that the states could file charges of their own Jennifer Rogers heads the Center for the advancement of Public Integrity at Columbia Law School if you're talking about New York State I think the likelihood is pretty good that if a federal crime was committed here that a state crime will also have been committed because the campaign was based here so probably lots of their meetings and phone calls and other actions like that will have occurred here and while the president can pardon someone charged with federal crimes he doesn't have the same power over state charges New York also has the power to regulate penalize and even dissolve corporations headquartered in the state such as the Trump Organization Robert Abrams is a former New York attorney general the attorney general in New York is a very key player with very strong powers particularly as it relates to corporate action and corporate The entities New York officials tend to brush aside questions about pardons and state charges as premature but states such as New York Washington . In California have already demonstrated they're not afraid to challenge the White House when they want to. N.p.r. News New York. N.p.r. News one leader from an organization that fights bigotry in Germany says neo nazis there could find allies throughout Europe when they unite to the right wing populist movement in Western Europe and I feel a pad and other movements when they unite Oh my God Our team is in Berlin to learn about the issues facing Germany as federal elections draw near That's tomorrow on Morning Edition. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Kelly McEvers And I know the Chuang coming up a Houston woman whose house has flooded 3 times and a look at an insurance program that keeps covering houses like hers and nobody but the federal government would assume this kind of a risk and encourage people to build it in a place that you know it's going to flood now news. Live from n.p.r. News in Colver City California I'm to Wayne Brown officials now say at least 273 people were killed in this week's magnitude 7 point one earthquake near Mexico City James Frederick reports rescue workers and volunteers are keeping each other going as they search the rubble of what used to be a textile factory the thing that you continue to see at all and construction site is just an overwhelming amount of people who come to volunteer to donate their time and their strength donate food water and it really is tremendous saying a couple days then for this the amount of support Mexicans are shown each other has not let down at all so it's it's really. James Frederick in Mexico City on Capitol Hill representatives of Twitter will meet next week with congressional investigators looking into Russian interference in last year's election N.P.R.'s Brian Lucas has more on what lawmakers want to hear from the social media company Twitter says it's cooperating with the Senate Intelligence Committee in its inquiry into Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign in a statement the company says it respects the election process and it will continue to protect its platform from bots and other forms of manipulation Twitter's appearance on The Hill next week comes after Facebook acknowledged that Russian linked accounts purchased divisive political ads during the campaign the committee's leaders Republican Richard Burr and Democrat Mark Warner have said they want to get to the bottom of how Twitter Facebook and other social media companies may have been used by Russia to try to influence the election Ryan Lucas n.p.r. News Washington long term mortgage rates are back up after falling to their lowest level of the year last week the 30 year fixed mortgage rose to 3.83 percent this week while mortgage buyer Freddie Mac. Says the 15 year fixed rate rose to 3.13 percent stocks finished lower on Wall Street with Apple and tech stocks falling the Dow lost $53.00 points you're listening to n.p.r. News. The world's wealthiest woman has died N.P.R.'s Amy Held reports that L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt died at her home last night in France Forbes ranked Liliane Bettencourt the world's wealthiest woman of 2017 with a net worth of 30 $9500000000.00 Her father a chemist founded L'Oreal in $1009.00 after patenting a hair dye but nearly end Betancourt's past was colorful in more ways than one her daughter accused her mother's confidant of swindling an elderly woman with dementia out of more than a $1000000000.00 then President Nicolas Sarkozy was also accused of having exploited Betancourt for campaign contributions he denied wrongdoing and was never charged but the scandal tainted him and he lost his bid for reelection Liliane Bettencourt served as L'Oreal's board director until 2012 when she was replaced by her then 25 year old grandson Amy how the n.p.r. News just days after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection toys r us is putting up the Help Wanted sign for holiday positions the toy store chain says it will be accepting applications for part time positions at stores and distribution centers that includes a new position called a toy demonstrator who will help kids test out the toys the retailer isn't saying just how many jobs overall but it's posted more than 12000 openings in its top 6 markets including Boston and New York City this is n.p.r. . Support for Alaska Public Media comes from imaging associates offering neural quantum quantitative m.r.i. Technology for early God Gnosis have memory loss epilepsy and brain traumas learn more at imaging a k. Dot com. And all I knew I just didn't want to continue to be a critic I don't want to be a liar manipulate I want to be somebody that people couldn't trust anymore but can you really change when you're in prison by now how on Alaska Public Media's Lucian's desk Thursday at 8 45 am during Morning Edition repeating at 5 44 pm during all things considered. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from cd w i t orchestration by c.w. Brings together experts technologies and partners to turn complexity into simplicity c t w people who get it and from Trader Joe's where new products arrive on store shelves Weekly also in-store refrigerators freezers and flower pots Trader Joe's says customers will find new products throughout the store more edge Trader Joe's dot com and Trader Joe's on Instagram. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered change in Washington d.c. And I'm Kelly McEvers in Culver City California the trumpet ministration is imposing new sanctions on North Korea and anyone doing business with Pyongyang the news came as diplomats at the United Nations in a show of unity condemned North Korea's nuclear and missile tests while world leaders agree on the need to step up the pressure there are many questions about what comes next and how the world can talk more Korea out of the nuclear weapons program N.P.R.'s Michele Kelemen reports this is a week of high stakes diplomacy Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had his 1st encounter with his Iranian counterpart Wednesday night and said it was a matter of fact conversation about how they view a nuclear deal very differently but with North Korea the u.s. Has few diplomatic channels I don't know whether I can have the same kind of a matter of fact discussion with North Korea we have very very limited contact with the other representative here at the u.n. From time to time but how the decision maker the people that are closer to the decision maker are going to behave is something we will have to understand and learn for now the trumpet ministration has focused on stepping up the pressure Trump himself used his un debut to blast North Korea's leader as a quote Rocket Man on a suicide mission today he announced new sanctions and as he sat down for lunch with the leaders of Japan and South Korea he vowed to do things differently the United States has had representatives working on this problem for over 25 years they have done nothing. That's why we're in the problem that we're in today in addition to frankly other countries not doing what they should have done China North Korea's biggest trading partner backed recent un sanctions resolutions but argues that alone won't solve this China's foreign minister is urging all sides to ease tensions and resume talks Russia's foreign minister is echoing that saying there is no alternative to diplomacy South Korean president moon Jane is also emphasizing the need for a peaceful solution he addressed the u.n. General Assembly today through an interpreter but. We do not desire collapse of North Korea if North Korea makes a decisions even now to stand on the right side of history we are ready to assist North Korea together with the international community Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abbate told the un that North Korea never had any intention of abandoning its nuclear and missile development and has used talks as a way to buy time they also spoke through an interpreter but out of North Korea attempting to dismiss with a smirk the efforts toward disarmament we have a seriously undertaken over the years proliferation regime is about to suffer a serious blow from its most confident disruptor ever ave is praising Trump for standing tough on North Korea the Us is also leaving the door open to negotiations when he was asked of dialogue is still possible Trump told reporters why not Michele Kelemen n.p.r. News the United Nations now a closer look at the round of sanctions announced today against North Korea it's part of the Trump administration's efforts to curb Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic missile programs as N.P.R.'s Jackie Northam reports Trump says he's getting a bit of help from China President Trump said he signed a new executive order that will give the u.s. Treasury Department the discretion to target individuals companies. Or financial institutions that knowingly conduct business with North Korea a new executive order will cut off sources of revenue that fund no it's careers efforts to develop the deadliest weapons known to human kind the executive order will also target North Korea shipping networks as a way to prevent thank sions evasion that includes a 180 day ban on ships and aircraft that have visited North Korea from arriving in the u.s. Trump says the order will also curtail trade in textiles fishing information technology and menu factoring industries for much too long North Korea has been allowed to abuse the international financial system to facilitate funding for its nuclear weapons and missile programs today's announcement got a boost Trump said that Chinese President Xi Jinping had ordered Chinese banks to stop conducting business with North Korea China is North Korea's number one trading partner but Bruce Clinger a former CIA North Korea analyst now with the Heritage Foundation doesn't put much stock in she's offer one is right to be skeptical about how strongly China will fulfill their pledge because we've seen that kind of pledges before and backed off for example the Bank of China cut off its a gauge met with North Korea back in 20052006 but went back to dealing with North Korea still cleaner said this executive order is significant he says rather than focusing on specific targets the u.s. Will now sanction any individual or entity doing business with North Korea Jackie Northam n.p.r. News Washington. In Alabama Republican voters go to the polls next Tuesday to choose their party's candidate in a special Senate runoff the choices are the current senator Luther Strange who was appointed and former Alabama Supreme. Judge Roy Moore g.t. 2 band of member station to b.p.h. Am asked voters what they think about the candidates running wars campaign rented out a $400.00 seat auditorium for an event earlier this week in Heflin Alabama but when only a few dozen people showed they moved everyone to a small room it started off like a Sunday at church. Or. More is best known for being suspended from office as the chief justice of the state Supreme Court twice once for refusing to remove a monument of the 10 Commandments in the courthouse and another time for refusing to comply with the Supreme Court's ruling on same sex marriage but more remains defiant Ok but real clear for everybody listening in the world I do not think homosexuals I do not like people because of what they delayed but I hate to see them 70 year old Larry Sams was that Moore's event sims that supports Moore and doesn't agree with President Trump's indorsement of Senator Luther Strange he calls strange a puppet of Washington insiders we're not puppets on and of anybody's trying and that includes dollars from 16 miles east right off Interstate 20 in Oxford Alabama that same night I find a group of older men playing softball. That will come up on Diana Cain sat in the bleachers to watch her husband play she says she'll probably vote for Luther Strange because he seems most aligned with Trump but she's conflicted her father was an immigrant from Mexico and she disagrees with the need for a border wall which Strange has embraced I think there's ways to go about it without spending all of our money and expect another country to pay for it we're sitting a few feet away is Mary Robertson with her 21st grandchild her husband is the picture she's still undecided about who to vote for on Tuesday but she knows one thing Trump. Endorsement of strange has absolutely no bearing on her choice she voted for Trump but she says she doesn't like the way he treats women and I had one trait me like a lady every single day and he does like I'm precious and that's why I mention take care of women why ask if she feels like she has good options strange and more and she lacks way had a good up his in years. But just like last November she says this Tuesday it's going to be a vote for the lesser of 2 evils for n.p.r. News I'm Gigi to ban. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Raise little Opus says when he was in prison he felt good with a constant refrain Oh you lied so therefore you're a liar. Oh you broke a rule you're never going to change but that's not who he wanted to be I'm in Helmand with Alaska Public Media solutions desk a look at what's making Alaska community stronger sort of Lopez says when he was convicted of 2nd degree murder in 2001 he was thrown into a correctional system that wasn't focused on helping people prepare to reenter the community he says even just waking up wearing a yellow jumpsuit constantly sent the message that he would never be trustworthy control and punishment at least for me has never changed my attitude has managed my attitude but it never really changed my internal perspective an attitude but sorta Lopez says he knew he didn't want to leave prison as the same person who entered his old way of thinking wouldn't solve any of his problems I don't want to commit another crime I wanted to figure out why I was so rebellious so angry so resentful or who wanted to realize and understand my addiction my criminal mentality I wanted to just figure out what was going on with me but how do you do that in prison when everything seems to say you can't change sort of Lopez found those few people who told him something different it was that one chaplain that would come by when I felt bitter and angry and I was resentful and acting now and would show me love when I when I least deserve it. When i least merit it it was there to stand by me to believe in me no matter what to say hey man I believe that something good can come out of you with that support he started a decade long process of taking classes like anger management parenting and understanding victim impact classes focused on behavior and attitude are offered at most correctional centers in the state but they aren't mandatory research shows the causes can be effective and change how people think and they reduce recidivism by about 25 percent if they're taught by well trained teachers the most effective programs focus on increment and problem solving but Monica hinders who manages the education programs at Spring Creek Correctional Center and Seward says inmates don't always sign up for them with the intent to change some just general just because they know they look better on paper and so they're trying to prepare for pro board or just to get a furlough to get out of here she says despite that even just the basic social skills a person learns in a classroom like listening and speaking respectfully during structured conversations can make a positive difference participants have to analyze real world situations together and reflect on how they would react and why some classes like ones on parenting also focus on improving the participant ideas of self-worth you have the teacher up there Nana you know to stay in and it's really not Superman official but that interaction with other inmates and having just having to trust in each other to be honest and open in hearing the other views and that I think that is in here if these guys are able to sit in a classroom and you know her get along and not fight not do what they sometimes like to do that that's a win and for some people like so to Lopez those small wins add up using the social skills and self analysis tools he learned in different types of programs he was eventually able to vocational classes to now he's going to out of prison for 3 months lives in a halfway house and is holding down a job with a. Ironworkers union in Anchorage. Soda Lopez practices his new skills in a welding booth at the union's office melting of the metal rod against 2 plates to attach them together if you don't do it right the 1st time you've got to redo the whole thing all over that's why you practice over and over before you take the test is only a one shot at the test you know that now because he sees the world differently he's getting a 2nd shot at life on the outside do the ideas for the solutions desk text hello 290-785-6055 join the conversation you can also subscribe to the podcast solutions to ask on i Tunes stitcher or n.p.r. One thanks for listening on the solutions desk I-Man how many. This week on the failures revolution from the heart of nature will you accept our offer to take responsibility as we commit ourselves to live and work for gender equality and thereby seek reconciliation I'm Neil Harvey Please join us this week for the truth and reconciliation of gender from the pioneers revolution from the heart of nature Friday night at 830 on f.m. 91 point one. Prison the aim to both punish and reform but how do they do that what's going on behind their walls join us for community in unity a conversation inside Spring Creek Correctional Center with inmates staff and community members will discuss preparing for release in the prisons role in the larger community it at 7 pm on Tuesday September 26th at Spring Creek near Seward for more information visit Alaska public dot org slash events you're listening to k s k Anchorage f.m. 91 point one where listener supported radio thank you for your support. The Chuang the National Flood Insurance Program will be paying out billions this year floods for insurers are a risky business that's why there is government intervention in the market but some houses are especially risky a tiny number of insured properties around one percent have been responsible for about a quarter of the claims paid Planet Money's no well King went to one of these homes just outside of Houston they're called repetitive last properties Jennifer Bales owns one this is her 3rd flood since 2009 By now she's an expert with a spiral notebook she jokingly calls the Book of Life it's a list of everything she owns for the insurance adjusters front door revere stock pot Well it's a 10 inch girdle 8 inch scale it Jennifer made me strap on a respirator before we went inside her house just putting I want this on Ok that there's a real mess with sick because when the water came up 5 and a half feet it wasn't just water it was sewage to this living room was completely full of shit with the water up in it and but there's a lot of cases where Jennifer isn't required to have flood insurance because her mortgage is paid off but her mom was an accountant for Harris County and she would come home and tell horror stories about what happened to people who didn't have flood insurance it was a no brainer it was just so now we're used to have to have flood insurance so Jennifer appears to be doing everything right but when you look at the numbers something's. Going very wrong Jennifer paid $83000.00 for this house back in 1902 after the 1st flood in 09 insurance paid out $200000.00 after the next flood another 200 $1000.00 and now the worst one yet she expects insurance will pay out about $300000.00 this one will pay out far more than the house and even the land is worth when her insurance check arrives in a few months Jennifer's 3 bedroom brick house will have cost taxpayers around $700000.00 so far here I'm going to let Carolyn who directs Wharton's risk management and decision processes center state the obvious private insurance company would never keep providing insurance to a home like that and yet the National Flood Insurance Program doesn't drop anyone and offers coverage to everyone and so so you have situations like this the National Flood Insurance Program was created precisely because private companies would go broke trying to insure houses like Jennifer's which Jennifer knows nobody but the federal government would assume this kind of a risk and encourage people to build and a place that you know it's going to flood and they'll build there because they know it'll be rebuilt over and over and over again there are around $30000.00 severe repetitive loss properties across the country we've known since the ninety's that these properties are costing us a lot and there have been efforts to address the problem there are now federal grants to give people money to elevate their homes Jennifer's house is constructed in a way that doesn't lend itself to raising there are also grants to relocate people like her buy them out demolish their houses return the area to grassland and idea that Jennifer loves the house I don't care if you get blown to smithereens and I'll dance on the ashes the grants are hard to get though I talked to a lot of people in Houston who'd applied and been turned down it can take years to be approved before Harvey Jennifer and her husband thought maybe they just had a couple of unlucky years and that they could sell the how. House now she realizes that probably won't happen who would buy it it used to be a beautiful place and all it has done since 2009 is scared out of us every time it rains for now she's not certain of anything except that an insurance check will come again and her house will flood again you know well King n.p.r. News support for Planet Money comes from t.i.a.a. Whether it's investing advice banking or retirement t.i.a.a. Believe smart financial decisions should enable life not define it t.i.a.a. Calls this the new success story learn more it t.-i a dot org. Hurricane Erin which tore through the Caribbean and across Florida earlier this month complicated life for a lot of people including Florida citrus growers Ellis hunt Junior's family has been in the floor citrus business for almost 100 years he has 5000 acres of citrus trees and a lot of these trees were badly damaged I talk to him today and before I did I looked at pictures he chaired with us of trees bent sideways and uprooted and trees still under a lot of water with what looked like hundreds of great for its floating on top of pictures don't do it justice when you stand there and you physically smell the stagnant water of the rotting grass and the fruits when I am in the warmer and it's a whole crop it was weeks away from being more ready to harvest and all the time and effort and dollars that went into a razor not properly lost that sort of it's devastating right so how would you quantify it how. Badly has this storm hit the citrus industry overall mix of severe blow I mean you know all farmers are extremely resilient and tough and just so stubborn and no matter what happens we all get up and we go again because that's what you do if you're a farmer but it's a very significant blow especially South Florida region in the Indian River and they're great growing regions but they're also flat and you can't get rid of the water quick enough and so these trees have been standing in water for 10 plus days and they cannot take that so there's that we can tree bear a crop next spring it's really too early to know the significance of this damage but just looking at the fruit on the ground what we've lost immediately is this year's crop and all the dollars spent on this year's crop and beyond just the loss of this fruit and the effect on the grower it's the jobs for all these employees a citrus industry employs close to 46000 people and that trickle down effect where it's a median for those people so this is impacting 46000 lives and their communities and you know you said it's hard to assess the damage right now but are we talking about just one season here are we talking about a much bigger scale damage you know it still Conor early to tell but I would think at least and this is a state as a whole maybe 'd it's 5060 percent loss and that's just a guess because there's some articles a newspaper saying you know the industry is already hurting from disease from a downturn in demand for orange juice in particular I know you said farmers don't like to talk and a pessimist. Way but I feel kind of pessimistic right now about the industry now because like I say we're just starting we're going to fight back because that's what we've been doing my family's been doing this since 1922 I'm a 3rd generation citrus growers growers that are 4th 5th 6th generation growers so when you've been doing something for close to 100 years in your family over the last 100 years there's been numerous things that were going to be the end of the citrus industry and lo and behold we keep finding ways to fight back Ellis hunt Jr is a secure scorer and chairman of the Florida Citrus Commission thank you so much for talking to us today thank you. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from c.f.p. 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