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Does that mean you made a decision . Not yet. April, the guy proposed two months ago. You owe him an answer. I know. Its complicated. He told me i could quit my job. Im worried that means he thinks im a housewife. Im not a housewife. In his house, no less, the one he shared with his ex. Its a huge decision. And its all happened so fast. And, of course, then theres the tb. What . What are you thinking . Anxiety is a powerful emotion. Would you say that you feel more nervous about the situation or fearful of the future . Ii dont know. Both, i guess. Howve you been sleeping . Youre shrinking me. Three weeks in psych, and shes freud. What . She said anxious and worried. Those are emotions that convey distress. Meigs field is beautiful. The sun reflects off the water with the blues and the greens, and the luminescence. How you doing there, mr. Mcgregor . Hey, dr. Charles, how are you . Who you, um. Who are you talking to . It was the nurse, yeah. Let me tell you something, doctor. There was a time i used to hate hospitals. But thats before i noticed the details. The staff floating through the halls like angels. There [stammers] do you see that . White light surrounding. Oh beautiful aura. You know, i missed the beginning. You were talking about your favorite spot. . Absolutely. Im here if you need me. Mr. Mcgregor get his antipsychotics yet . Yes. 2 milligrams of risperidone. Little over three hours ago. Youd think itd be making a dent in his symptoms by now. Not really happening. Give me a shout when the ct results come in. You got it. Sure. Not here. What . No no absolutely not. Im still working on a diagnosis. What youre asking me to do is premature and completely unethical. Natalie, please. Youre running a cerebral blood flow test for alicia. You clearly think brain death is a possibility. A possibility. But i will not get those test results back look, just let me run an hla test. Just to see if shes a match, just in should the worst happen. Okay, you know that if i do that, im insinuating to her parents that shes definitely gone. You are putting me in a terrible position. Youre right. When tim was born, he wasnt breathing. I performed his first surgery. When he came to, i was the first person he saw. Please, nat. Ii cant lose this kid. . . So, its about 2 00 in the morning, pitch black out. We start taking fire. Small arms. Just a few bad guys. One of our guys drops into a wadi for cover. Wham. Gets hit right in the foot. Oh, man. When i get to him hes writhing in agony. Cture wounds. So what was going on . Slowly, i light up the wadi, and right there, staring back at me, is a cobra. Get the hell out. Hood flared. Ready to strike again. Man, thats insane. We just heard. Our banger, marco . Ct chest showed the bullet isnt in the midline or touching the aorta. Its in the left paraspinal muscles. Should be as good as new in a few days. And back on the street. Yeah. Snakes here too. Organ donation . So alicias brain dead . The test results have not come back yet. Then why are you even here asking us to cut up our baby . No, thats not what im saying. Have you given up on her . No im doing everything in my power to diagnose your daughter. I dont believe this alicias life is hanging in the balance, our baby girl andre, just shes saying theres no hope. But there is. Alicia is still alive. Shes supposed to be our doctor. Mr. James, please. I know that this is difficult to process, but the reality is, we dont know what the test results are gonna say [melancholy music] . . What would it require . We already have alicias blood. All im asking is that you allow us to test it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We are the utility. Be unstoppable. Woah. This Samsung Activewash with touch controls from lowes has a builtin sink. At and wash all in one place. Now, thats what i call multiporpoise. Do you get it . Multiporpoise . Thats just a little dolphin humor. Its not for everybody i guess. Now get 10 to 30 off appliances 396 or more, at lowes. Halloween break which house do you want to go to first . The kat lady . [indistinct chatter] alicias a match. Yeah. [melancholy music] . . I know this wasnt easy. Thank you. . . And i am. But its just now, if i save my patient, it means yours wont make it. . . A big one. Appears to be pressing on the optic chiasm. Which, if his vision is impaired, could explain why he fell. How long do you think its been there . Based on the size, a decade. Maybe even longer. Huh. Meigs field was torn down in 03. In 04, sammy sosa and moises alou were still fixtures at wrigley. The restaurant where the quincea . Era took place putting pressure on his optic chiasm. . . Hes still really congested. Order a chest xray and give him 5 milligrams of lasix to try and clear some of the fluid. Dr. Rhodes, it seems like hes getting worse pretty quickly. Do you know what we did last month . We bought a car seat. We were so sure that we were gonna beat the picu, finally take our baby boy home. The fight is not over yet. . . [alarm blares] what do we got . Joy billings, 44 year old female. Triple zero. Gsw to the chest. 18 gauge iv in the right ac. No drugs given per protocol. Baghdads alive down time . Roughly eight minutes. What happened . Watching tv with her kids. Rival gangs start blasting at each other outside. Stray bullet ripped into the house. All right, lets move her on my count. The blood bank. Police get the shooters . Yeah. Buddies of the kid from this morning, marco. [tense music] breath sounds bilaterally. Shes lost a lot of blood. Trigger the mtp. Hang blood on the rapid transfuser. Maggie, need a trauma surgeon now. Shes in the or. Three minutes. Thats too long. Chest tray. Youre gonna cut her open . . . Corpsman, need you to take over so i can cross clamp her aorta. Yes, sir. Back and forth as if you were clapping. . . In. [monitor flatlines] hold compressions. Resume compressions. Milligram of epi. Hold. Resume. Hold. Beat, damn it, beat. Come on. Beat. Beat come on. . . [monitor turns off] time of death 15 42. [somber music] . . Dr. Rhodes . Its her child, isnt it . Her little girl . Theyre the only new patients on the floor. Weve been here for eight months; we know everybody else. It has to be her. Im sorry, gayle. But hipaa regulations wont allow me to discuss another patient. . . . . [female voice] heart rate 156. The chase freedom unlimited card earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy. The cash back is unlimited and you can spend it on anything. Like, whatever the next ad is selling. Get the chase freedom unlimited card. Sick of getting gouged for limited data . Introducing tmobile one. One price, all unlimited for everyone. Get 4 lines for 35 per month each with unlimited 4g lte data. Switch today. Im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. 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When you take the boys to the park, what do you do with alicia . Consult with infectious diseases. Excuse me, please. . . Pupils are reactive. Mr. Mcgregor, can you follow the light with your eyes . How bout now . Mr. Mcgregor, how many fingers am i holding up . Three. One. Good job. Ill be right back. Legally blind . He can detect sharp lights and block images, probably how he made out my size earlier. But anything more than a few feet away is likely just a blur. His pituitary tumor, is it operable . The pressure on the optic chiasm. So hes gonna get some of his sight back. 15 years. Homeless, essentially blind. I mean, thats a crap hand. He should be pissed. Yet, hes happy as can be. Crazy i got this patient today. My experience, we get the patients we need. Turns out, the english language is primarily comprised of buzzwords for borderline personality disorders. Now that i know them, i cant have a conversation without immediately seeing the psych in people, which is clearly an impulsive reaction, which, by the way, could also suggest a borderline personality disorder. I mean, i cant even not analyze myself. Now im using double negatives. Youre a first year psych resident. Compulsive diagnosing is par for the course. Only listen to eurodisco. Really. My advice think less, listen more. Youll be just fine. Sir, just wanted to thank you for today. My pleasure. Im spent. Not gonna be easy over there. Youll get through it. The medicine, sure. Just hope can handle my emotions as well as you. Good luck. [instrumental music] . . Botulism . Isnt that a food thing . Im still breastfeeding. Most cases actually come from contaminated soil. It can be absorbed through the skin. Yes. Yes. We will start alicia on an antitoxin that will provide antibodies to stop the diseases progress. But what about the vent . The neurotoxin from the bacteria is what caused the muscle weakness. I believe shell make a full recovery. Thank you so much, doctor. [melancholy music] . . [keyboard clacking] hey. Hey. Whats it this time . Gout. Ah. May i . What do you think . An explosion of brilliant crystals like hawaiian shave ice. Hm. Yeah, uh. Okay. No, ii understand. Thanks for your time, dr. Laurel. Damn it. Its gonna come through. Theyre just babies. Well. On rough days, i call helen. Ask her to watch owen for a few extra hours while i do something to decompress. A good meal, a long walk. I find a safe space. See you tomorrow. Night. Hey. Howd the rest of your day go . Not so sure i want to talk about work. Alyzing me . Unintentionally, though. Ill make it up to you with burgers at au cheval . You can tell me all about how the bears are doing. But you know nothing about football. Exactly. [both laugh] . . [buzzer sounds]. He wont find you reddington if thats what youre hoping for or worried about. Toms alive. You dont have agnes. Im not worried about anything. I wont apologize for trying to restore my family. Even if it means destroying mine. And you hate him for it, for stealing your child. I know how that feels. You wouldve been with agnes now if you hadnt tried to escape. Yes. But then again, so would you. [ cellphone rings, beeps ] tell me. I got the girl. Find a way across the straits,

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