His opportunity and nailed it. Nothing but net nothing like a police chase. This one in brazil on motorcycles. This video getting a lot of attention. Recently posted to the Facebook Page of a Police Support group. The guy were riding with is ace Police Officer on the road right in front of him another Police Officer thats tailing behind two suspects who are getting away on their motorcycle. For a very long time they chase them. Theyre not giving up easily. When you think theyre closing in and they make it these guys find a way to speed away. And this goes on for a while longer. Wonder what are they running from . We see videos from brazil theyre stealing bikes, it happens all the time. Its our understanding the cops are part of a drug unit. And watch this. Right about here you finally get to see the Police Officers get them to slow down. One of the guys on the motorcycles falls off. He takes off running and trying to get into a residence. On the other side of the street this Police Officer draws his gun, points it at the rider left on the motorcycle. He is then arrested on the spot. And you see another Police Officer. Like an entire bike cop team. Awesome. Yeah. Takedown. Good work. Thats dangerous for those Police Officers on bikes. Theyve got no protection trying to take guys down theyre on motorcycles themselves. Its tough. It was dangerous. The other suspect that ran away and tried to hide in a home took out a gun of his own but ended up getting shot in the leg. Eventually they were both arrested and sounds like this may have been a mission because they were carrying one kilo of marijuana, over two pounds. Youll never outrun bike cops when theres two people on a motorcycle. Youll never outrun bike cops, period. You guys like explosions and canopies on fire . And stupidity . This is the place to go. Sounds like our kind of place, nick. How can you not say yes to all of that especially a viral video show. This is living the dream episode two, youtube web series. Sent this to us. This is not water theyre pouring on the canopies. Soaking canopies in a bin of gasoline. When they say stupidity i didnt realize they meant stupidity. Its like being silly. Up into a plane. They jump out. There goes the canopy full of gasoline two guys jump out over arizona. Now, a flare gun and then oh boom there goes your canopy like a piece of tissue paper up in smoke. They go ahead, pull their reserve chute. What were you doing . Where were you . How many drinks deep do you have to be to go you know what would be hilarious . If we set fire to it with a flare gun. Just then adding a little bit more flare to their jump. Every neighborhood has that old guy who says get off my lawn and i guess every forest has an elephant that says get out of my for forest. He got some guys in a truck. They spot an elephant. The elephant keeps pursuing them as theyre backing up. But watch what happens next. The elephant rams the truck, and then it turns around and walks away. Look at the damage the elephant left behind. Well its a big animal. I hope they had elephant insurance. What happens if an elephant sat on me . Part of a safari vehicle now. A lot friendlier animal encounter in tampa, florida. Jim webb went to the golden arches supper club. After he came back out from inside he had a friend on the hood. He took pictures but he started the engine and thought the eagleette would fly away. It doesnt immediately get off the car. Pulls out of the parking lot, on to the street. It doesnt go anhere. I think hes confused but hes like you know what . Ihis goes. Jim has stopped in traffic. The bird does not leave until after traffic starts moving. And the birds like hes not going where im going so it just takes off. People wearing wet suits on the show but we never think about how they get the wet suit off. How to get off a wet suit. Im going to rename it how not to. Its a nightmare. 1 45 of this guy trying get out of his wet suit. Taken off the boots. It gets stuck and you have to do the hop around the boat and the boats moving around bouncing all over the place, cant get up there we go. Pop go his shoes off. Sit down first. That would be way too simple nick. The way hes going to grab a hold of that and then have his buddy trying to pull it off. Everybody knew that was going to happen. But now hes caught up and he looks like a mermaid that cant really get out of whatever situation hes in. The guy pulls harder and harder before someone has the genius idea of like a sock. Takes a minute and a half to get the wet suit off. Hes on the floor like a total muppet before there we go. No way 0 you can look cool taking off a wet suit. I wondered if he had that wet suit since he was 12. This car blows right through the red light past a dad carrying his child. See what happens when crosswalk rage meets road rage into a pig squealing competition with a twist. Oh its not a pig. You dont want to miss what this mindblowing contest entails. This is bizarre i i hahaveve t thehe w wororstst c colold d wiwith this runny nose. I better take something. Dadayqyquiuillll c colold d anand d flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alalkakasseleltztzerer p plulus s cocold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Ohoh, whwhatat a a r relelieief f it is. Iiveve j jusust t fofounund d mymy new beauty bff. Hihi t theherere new colgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee express white. Wawaitit, dodonnt t yoyou u memeanan m me . E . Nenew w cocolglgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee express White Toothpaste hahas s ththe e prprofofesessisiononalallyly rerecommended whitening ingredient hyhydrdrogogenen p pereroxoxidide e foforr whwhiter teeth in 3 days. Wiwiththouout t ththe e hahasssslele o off whitening treatments. Ththinink k ofof i it t asas y youour r smsmilile e bff. I i ththououghght t i i wawas s yoyourur b bffff. I i memeanan m my y ototheher r bfbff f dadazzzzlele. Wiwiththouout t ththe e hahasssslele. Nenew w cocolglgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee exexpress white. Whwhititerer t teeeethth i in n 3 3 dadaysys jujust by brushing. Rereseseararchch s shohowsws, upup t to o ababout 90 of kids fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Leletts s dodo m morore. E. [s[siningigingng]] we are flintstones kids. Add flintstones complete for nutritional support. [s[siningigingng]] 1010 million strong, and growing. Dash cam from southampton, united kingdom. The guy with the dash cam rounds the corner notices something going on up ahead. Little bit of road rage. What the whats going on . Some drivers got another guy down on the ground. The guy on the ground is wearing all orange maybe some sort of construction worker. Somebody else runs in tries to break these guys up and that seems to work thankfully this road rage doesnt continue. Guy with the orange suit seems to cool off and walk away. Not stir up any more trouble. Goes over and breaks it up puts it down come on come on. Fresh eggs and milk here. Ive got to get home. Traffic cameras caught this incident in russia. Watch what happens has the family steps into the crosswalk which they have the right of way. The small nissan blows through the red light, past the dad carrying his child. Dad doesnt like that one bit. Starts giving that guy an earful passes the kid off to mom, and then the guy gets out of his car. Oh no. And starts throwing hay makers. What . Darn. Thats not the example you want to give your kids though. That guy in the car got the best of him. Dad gets knocked down on his tokus other people pour out. Mom comes running back with the kid. Looks like the kid starts to take a few swings. Get off my dad. Yeah. I can see that Parent Teacher conference. This video features the merger of art and music in a very beautiful way. That is a painting and that musics talk about interacting with your art. No kidding. I want to try it. So cool. I want to play. I want to play. Especially because it was wired in a way where you could actually get different tones, melodies from the different sensors throughout the painting. Its cool. Basically a wooden canvas. The pant is just acrylic, used color pencils. And its conductive paint that helps music and melody. I mean if i was in an art gallery drinking free wine id be playing on that thing all the time. Its pretty cool. This video is older but its now trending. They wired the back of this painting using a board and hook that to a mack mini and speakers. There is a tutorial how you could make this if you wanted to make it. I want one. Thats pretty cool. Isnt it . Sounds wonderful in french but what im saying is pig squealing. The world pig squealing championship. Im going to show you why. Nono has won for a sixth year in a row. Oh, its not even a pig. Humans pretend they are pigs and squeal like them. Here comes the birth of a pig, breastfeeding then death. I give you first the birth. What is he doing . Hes giving birth to piglets right here. This is bizarre. Here comes the part where a pig is breastfeeding. Notice bottle nipples as little teats. Im troubled. French are weird but come on the final piece dela resistance after all, its paris, i give you the death of a pig. Its like a french film. The birth. The breastfeeding. The death. The end. These crossfit athletes carrying people up those escalators. Crazy, right . I want to say if a goodlooking gentleman with muscles wants to carry me up the stairs who am i to say no . Thats true. I changed my mind. See why theyve got their carryon next. Who wins . The orange or the balloon. Wow. Thats weird. Yeah. See how to ends on right this minute. By [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. Or just act kids scoobydoo rinse. It tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40 . Soso i itts s aall good. Aactct k kidids. S. Yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awaway. Yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay. Female annnnououncncerer you could try Home Remedies toto r rememovove e yoyourur w warartsts bubut t wawartrtststicick k woworkrks. S. Bubuy y atat d drurugsgstotoreress or wartstick. Com. Ususe e ononlyly a as s didirerectcteded. Faced with a choice of escalators or stairs ill take the stairs healthy life. People in sweden theyre over it. 39 escalators have stopped working and they have to walk up. Everybodys complain . Some of the places look at the size some are like 180 steps long. You can see this woman right there, almost fainted. Shes panting. The guys at reebok decided we like our Healthy Living were going to go out and help people as well. They got together crossfiters who help you know literally carry people up. No are you serious. Really . Yes. A bunch of crossfiters, they get together carrying kids dogs luggage, carrying everybody. Even a pregnant woman there up the stairs so they can get about their day. At the same time encouraging more humans get out. All i can think of is the legality of somebody drops somebody else and go tumbling down a huge lawsuit. And caught up in the i dont want anybody touching me just get away ill walk up. Theyre all up in your business. I want to say if a goodlooking gentleman with muscles want to carry me up the stairs who am i to say no . Thats true. I changed my mind. Thats perspective, baby. Not a fan of the snowman. Lexi i made a little snowman. My name is jasmine. This blogger goes by the name of j. B. Beyond beautiful on youtube has been sharing a very personal journey. We have been trying to conceive for six months now. This is our sixth cycle. God willing, this is the last time that were going to be doing this. She says that she and her husband have been trying to conceive for months and for a very long time has been unable to get pregnant. Shes gone through treatments. They want to have a family. And of course, im not pregnant there theres another video that she posted where you can just see that shes not feeling well. This journey can really mess you up mentally. Theres a new video that was posted just a couple days ago and the message is a little bit different. What are you doing . Nothing. I just want to say how much i love you. You can see her attitude is way different. Got to work tomorrow . No. Oh thats so good. Why is that so good. We can celebrate. What . What you think. Are you pregnant . Uhhuh. No. I swear. He doesnt want to get excited, right, theyve had so many disappoints but she says she is pregnant. Shows him the test. Weve got to go to the doctor. Are you lappy . Im happy. The crazy thing, you see the difference almosts looks look a different human being, from the stressed out video, i wouldnt recognize shes the same person. Goes from teen manager to star player. Nothing but net. Threepointer, absolutely nails it. Find out the inspirational story behind his stunning performance. Hihi. Iim m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. And i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. Ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. Yoyou u cacan n geget t tataxfree money from the equity in your home. Yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone. E. The remaining money can be used for anything. Ththererees s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. Anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. Itit e expxplalainins s hohow a governmentinsured reverse mortgage works. Ththererees s nono o oblbligation. Onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans company. Ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. Cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what a great solution this can be. Dodonnt t wawaitit, cacall now playing a box that the tea set came in. Boys pay close attention. A quiz at the end of the video because this is like going to biology clasp i give you, popping a balloon with an orange. How does it happen . Do you throw the orange at the balloon and it pops . No get orange skin squeeze it over the balloon and look at that. Just the acid of the skin . Enough to pop the balloon. The skin contains a hydrocarbon which is flammable but once on the rubber of the balloon it dissolves or just yee eating oranges go around and ruining kids day. How did some professor in my school days never shown me that. Not showing its simple experiments like this. Fascinating to us. As a kid, if id seen this wed try it. I want to see the slow motion to prove its not a guy with a in the first part of the video it does get very close. You can see when the guy squeezes the skin of the original you can see droplets of it right there, it either weakens or dissolves rubber of the balloon and pop. About a minute left on the clock of the final home game for the meadow brooks. 5751. When the coach calls for charlie hall to take to the floor. Fill you in charlie has been the team manager for the last four years. Hes a senior. Hes graduating. Charlie has learning difficulties. He has speech difficulties. But the team loves him. They got together come on final game youve got to send him in. Coach does it. And hand him the ball. And then oh. Nothing but net a threepointer absolutely nails it. Charlies not done yet, guys get the ball again, takes another shot. Off the rim. Quickly recycle it to charlie and another threepointer. At that point you drop the mike right, walk out . You want to make sure the games over. You cant celebrate too soon. The buzzer goes. And place goes wild. Whole team comes out, everybody gathers around. Grandma nancy says there wasnt a dry eye in the house. A great story. I love things like this. Thats our show. Well see you for the next rtm. Lowes presents how to put your foot in your mouth. Man. Wish my yard looked like yours. Hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the. Sorry now get the black decker® 20volt trimmer for 79 at lowes. Bulldog you dont need superpowers to help someone. Sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. Thats why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to Train Service dogs for people with disabilities. I would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. I relied on people a lot. He helps me live a more independent life. Bulldog we need your help to do more. Give at mattressdiscountersdogs. Com, or any mattress discounters. Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people [ cheers and applause ] announcer live from new york city its the Wendy Williams show. Today, shes an international superstar, and shes back on wendy. Jennifer lopez is here talking max, movies, and everything in between. And secrets revealed when we put her in the hot seat. Plus all of todays juiciest hot topics. Now heres wendy [ cheers and applause ]