Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20160324 :

KTVU RightThisMinute March 24, 2016

On the job. And pranksters team up at the beach. Wow. You got a spider in your whoa. Its in your hair. The simple trick that has them fearing the worst. Its your imagination and you go crazy. Brilliant. All right, guys. Who is in the mood for love . This happened last year. Theyre already married. These guys in malibu, really gorgeous area. Thats stephanie right here. She is out there with her boyfriend, tristan. Look up above. Do you see whats flying around them . Somebody droning around, making noise, ruining the perfect moment. No. Making it better. That drone was set up by tristan. Has special cargo attached to it. Little box with a special ring in it. Here is the plan. The drone is going to come down right to where tristan is, flawlessly drop that ring into his hand. Hes going to grab it, make a style point. Drone is getting closer. Tristan is getting nervous. Because the ring he saved up for is dangling over his head. Not that youre not nervous enough in this moment. Crossing my fingers. You see something has gone wrong. May day. Dropped something in the water . Youre kidding me. Oh tristan is freaking out. Something just dropped. Fortunately tristan and stephanie have a really amazing friend that finds the ring for them. It will be okay. It was a woman who found the ring. Just want to point that out. A diamond is in jeopardy . Their friend tara, handing it over to tristan, now relieved. I think the jig is up. He gets down on one knee right in front of her. Watch the smiles on everybodys faces. Dont drop it they have quite the story to tell. They shared for with us about this very intense moment. Stephanie and tristan via skype right this minute. Congratulations [ applause ] stephanie, what was going through your mind this whole time . We had picked the ring out together. When i saw his friend kind of say, hey, did you get the ring . I was like, oh, the ring dropped. He was proposing and did we get insurance . Tristan, what was going through your mind . Just shit. You get mad style points, brother. What made you decide to do it this way . No one has done it. Yeah. Would be a good better. Everybody will be doing it. Why didnt you use a fake ring . Thats a good idea. It was supposed to drop but my best friend told him to drop it when it was way over like the ocean. Oh so that friend is not invited to the wedding. Right. He was my best man. We got married last may. Its stephanies nephew was the ring bearer. Played it nice and safe. Show us. Where is the ring . There you go. Aw many families days begin like this. Goodbye. Im off to work. Vince is standing there, kissing his wife goodbye as these thugs, masked and armed with batons come running up and start beating on vince. He is refusing to give up the keys to his audi and begins fighting these guys off. Puni punching, kicking, pushing. Here is where hes vulnerable. He falls. These guys attack, jump on his back and begin working the keys out of his hand. Did he get the keys . He did get the keys. Now watch what vinces wife does. She bravely jumps into her own car and goes after them, tries to cut them off, but sadly they get away. Pretty good security camera. It caught a lot. Did they catch them . Not yet. The video has been put out there by the police hoping to catch up with these guys. Over to an australian Computer Shop where this guy is trying to pull off the old Mission Impossible by dropping through the ceiling. Lets make this clear for folks who dont understand. Mission impossible is a movie. You aint in the movie. That makes it look a lot easier. This guy stumbles around, puts his docker back on. Okay. Abort the mission, dude. Abort now. Its okay. He is covering his left ear. Theyll never be able to identify him. Then the worst burglar ever. Its bad surprisingly he was able to get back up into the ceiling from where he came from, and he left with nothing. Left all his fingerprints behind. Right. Its a snowy day in russia. You can see that there is traffic and you can bet a pedestrian is about to figure heavily in this story. By the way, the pedestrian has four paws. No the other way, dude watch what happens next. Oh wait, wait, wait. That cat somehow dodged the rear tire. And then that cat is like, wait a minute. I think it was kind of warm under there. Why dont i just run he is obviously just merging now. Obeying traffic laws. Obviously. Still too difficult to cross traffic. Might as well go with it. The driver of the car with the dash cam gets out. The car up front with the kitty under it drives away. That was the weakest rescue attempt i have ever seen. Oh, three feet the cat is still on the street cat looks right and decides, wait a minute. I was trying to cross the road. Let me turn around. He finishes crossing the street unimpeded. Go poor kitty. Elsewhere in russia we find another cat. This one has been rescued. It was rescued from a fire. When you first see him you think this cat is not going to make it, but it does. It starts moving. Then, like any child getting an asthma treatment its like, you know what, i dont think i want to do this. Pets are like family members. Of course the animals are on their list to save too. We can presume that account will cat will be okay. We see it later on with we presume its owner. Have you ever tried to give mouthtomouth to a cat . You know this from . Experience . Those are police in brazil experienced the miracle of life up close and personal when they got an unexpected call. Uh oh. Oh hey. Oh. That baby is on its way out. Wow holy cow it shot out of there like a cannon. Look at that [ baby crying ] you hear mom breathing and giving it the old heave ho when baby girl is here i dont think i have ever seen a baby birth video quite like that one. I dont think ive seen Brazilian Military police jump like that. Apparently the woman started experiencing pain. One of her relatives called 911 and the Fire Department was on their way but the military police got there first and, well, hello. Why would the military police come to a birth . They probably just showed up to handle the emergency, and what they got was a beautiful baby girl. Its fascinating. You can see the color coming into the babys skin. She starts out so pale. Just as she starts taking her first breath, you can see the color in her skin come up. Looks like shell have a lot of god fathers. Mother and daughter are doing just fine. This took place on march 23rd, 2015, but its making the rounds again because, i mean, this woman just gave birth on a makeshift mattress. I love that she just shot out like, hey, a woman can be on time. Look at her. Get ready. Took her nine months to get ready hey ba, ba, ba, ba dude drives his big old truck into the mud. And quickly gets it bogged down. Why it takes a whole lot of tugging to pull it back from the dirty depths. Oh see the priceless pricele m when a mofrpnkey decides hes ry for his closeup. Theyve evolved. Hes already doing a selfie. S starting at 12. 99 may all your tomorrows be as delicious as today olive garden people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. So im dabbling in new ventures. It was boardgame night with the dalai lama. Great guy. Terrible player. Go paperless dont stress, girl i got the discounts that you need its a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want more box. Any words for the critics . What can i say . Critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what . [ laughs ] so we brought in dr. Kakucan get to explaindone for nothing. What we mean by nothing. It means its free intuit turbotax. Closed captioning provided by enjoy the adventure kids mix. 20 flavors kids love your recreation relies heavily on your geographic location. In the south where its nice and wet, you mud bog. Oh he dives right in with his old chevy pickup truck. Quickly gets it bogged down. Part of the fun of all of this is getting unstuck. You get your next friend nearby who has got maybe an even bigger truck, and you hook it up and start tugging. Looks like they maybe could have used a better hitch point on this truck. Theyre tugging, tugging, tugging. Come on one more tug ought to do it. Oh, no, oh, no. You didnt need that bumper, did you . After that they wisely hitch it up to the axle and pull him out. Now, here a different kind of truckin. These guys are the rock bouncers that we see a lot. Adam ringer. Yeah, baby so good. Doesnt it. Like a pinball he goes up this really narrow trench. The whole idea, get to the top as quick as you can. You see adam there clawing for grip. There is not a whole lot left, but it doesnt matter because hes going where is he . Hes going up in smoke. And bustin right through it because he keeps launching that custom buggy up these different ledges on the hill, eventually making it to the top. This run was a bit of a scratch and claw but he had others where he basically just charged right up the thing. French bull dogs love plastic bottles. It was the frugivore in the cage with the camera. The monkey that eats fruit. It happens to reside at the Wildlife World zoo and aquarium. Hes having a conversation about how close he should get with his camera to that monkey. Give it to him. I cant give it to him. The monkey decided, he doesnt have to give it to me. Ill just take it. Hes already doing his selfie. See . Thats evolution. Snatches the gopro and trent says it took them several hours to get the gopro back. Thats what you get. [ laughing ] what did he think was going to happen . Its a monkey. And i think the monkey here is testing it to say, what is this thing . You see its face get up close, licks it. What do you taste like . Is it food . Trent says it was harrowing but they eventually got it back. Also a thief, this rat. Ooh it must be a pet rat. That just got out the cage. Please tell me that. Became famous. Got itself a really nice apartment. Actually, this is piper. Piper is a pet. The rat pulls the pizza over to the pillows and just like lounges. Look at him. Getting comfortable. And then starts eating. Look at this. A truth spreading video about the 14 most annoying things people do at the office. See what makes the list. Oh next right this minute. Still could tto come, a guy a couple skiing stunts but see what happens when the trick stunts him instead. Plus, the amazing way this Makeup Artist transforms herself into taylor aylor swift. Wow thats a bit weird. Right . Get one of our right best deals ever. For just 9. 99 you can get any large pizza with up to five toppings pile on your favorites with up to five toppings for just 9. 99 better ingredients. Better pizza. Papajohns. Com so now im not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of 548 whoo i mean, whoo. Guys, i beg of you. I plead with you. When you get great ideas, just say no. No. No. Say yes this video is of a guy pulling off a stunt on a rail. Where is the problem, charity . No problem at all. The sport of urban skiing wouldnt exist, were it not for guys like this. Lets try it again. Still refusing to see the problem here charity. A lot of wind. Third time is a charm, fellas. Here he comes. And there [ laughing ] yes. Oh, my god you all right . Looks like a bully put him up there. Its amazing. He invented a new movie. It was awesome. Look at the hang time he got come on his friends rush to his rescue. But its going to take a little time to get him down. Stupid idea, but great. Its wonderful. Video of the week. Okay. Not so fast because ive got more. This dude is boarding and he is about to take this ramp when ah yeah, bud. Got to put in the sound effect. Guys, knock yourlf out for a little bit. Take a look at this girl right here. She is known as pony on youtube. She has a makeup tutorial channel called pony makeup. She is an amazing Makeup Artist because this listen up if you have ever wanted to look like taylor swift is how. She provides the entire list of makeup pieces that youll need. A whole lot of foundation. Lots and lots of foundation. And then pretty heavy on the contouring. Obviously the colored lenses as well. She has the blue eyes. She starts lining her eyes. She is very particular about how she is doing it. Shes subtly changing the shape. By contouring, adding shadows and lines. She is doing this to herself. Its not she is doing it on somebody elses face where you have a palette you can look at and move away. She is doing it to herself. Right. She adds the eyelashes. Im interested to see how close shes going to get. Im starting to see it. Watch this. Now she has to have the bright red taylor swift lips. She starts drawing them in. She fills it in and are you ready to see what she looks like . Yeah. Wow thats a bit weird. Right . That could be a taylor swift doll right there. The shape what she did with the lips to create the extra shape that you often see with taylor. I think taylor ought to hire this girl as a decoy. Pranksters tell strangers. You got a bug on yo thats just a hose hes playing with. Think about when they put him in the bigboy pool. When the snacks get stuck. Modernday pranksters, a lot of them remind me of the boys i went to high school with because this prank has hallway shenanigans written all over it. Going to the beach and telling people. You have a spider on you. Whoa im sure he spends lots of time carefully selecting his victims. Dennis, roman and vitale. Forget it. As soon as you tell them there is a bug on them they just ah isnt it funny that people instantly believe a total stranger. You feel the tickle and it plants the thought in your head. When someone confirms it, you go crazy. Brilliant. You got a spider. Thats the worst. Oh. Its in your hair [ bleep ]. You got a spider. What are you going to do . Its in your shirt, bro. It attacks everybody in sight. A big spider. I would scream like charity. Whoa a lot of these people dont even wait for help. They just take off. There is a spider. A giant spider. Its huge. Its going down. Thats the best one what was that . What was that . All sense goes out the window, too. You just go running down the street. Run for the ocean. Run for the ocean. Drown it. Think about walking under trees and things are flying around. If something has fallen out of a tree on you, you know what that feels like. [ laughter ] bye all right, everybody. Thats it for today. See you on the next right this minute. \s jet skiers are followed by an eye in the sky, but somehow this drone gets a little too low. See the near miss and a mid air save all in one. When one firefighter carries something from a burning building another one is like, hmm, lets not put it there. Whats behind the dangerous game of hot potato. A diver spots a cool fish that he soon realizes. Was really struggling. See the magic gadget to pull one ironic rescue. Driving a golf ball at an axe leads to

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