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And gather recruits. Islamist militants are with the british fighters urging people dom to the region to wage war. The president announced this week that up to 300 military advisers will be deployed. This is not a combat mission. In the midwest, a desperate race to pile up sand bags as the water rise. Entire towns and acres of farmland are under water. Unfortunately theres more rain in the forecast. Weve been here for years and years. Ive never seen it that bad. A brushfire destroyed several homes. The flames swinds pushed the flames so quickly, the firefighters couldnt keep up with it. The head of the irs getting grilled by the committee ore missing emails. What i didnt hear in that was an apology. I dont think an apology is owed. Outofcontrol lance man attacking a Greyhound Bus driver in phoenix. All that they have taken down one of the giants. And all that matters when youve landed the leading lady updating their selfie still looking fantastic. On cbs this Morning Saturday. Former Vice President dick chaney slamming the president. And worst of all, americans are watching soccer. Captioning funded by cbs and welcome to the weekend, everyone. Im Anthony Mason along with vinita nair. Good morning. Happy summer. No kidding. We have a great lineup of guests, the first day of summer including chef gill wilson. He earned high honors from bon appetite magazine. One of the most influential groups, the feliz brothers here to make their National Tv Debut in our saturday session. First the top story this morning the deteriorating situation in iraq. The al qaedainspired militant group known as isis now is at a keyboarder crossing. Theyre near a 200miles east of baghdad. They seized the site yesterday in day long battle that left at least 30 iraqi troops dead. It comes as thousands rallied in baghdad this morning. Iffer the latest on the situation, we go to Clarissa Ward in the iraqi capital. Clarissa, good morning. Reporter good morning. The seizure of that Border Crossing is a huge strategic advance for isis because it means they can now easily move heavy weapons back and forth across from syria to iraq. In the shiite stronghold of sadder sadr senior in baghdad, theyre membership of mite. Their sleerd radical antiamerican cleric. Many fear this parade will only heighten sectarian tensions when things are spiraling out of control. We traveled across town to visit a sunni neighborhood in baghdad. Getting into this neighborhood like many sunni neighborhoods is incredibly difficult because the entire area is surrounded by these large blast walls and theres just one way in and out and thats guarded by a major checkpoint. We met taxi daughter ali and his wife and daughter. They told us shiite militias have recently begun a campaign of intimidation. I situation he said the situation in sunni neighborhoods in general is not good. Why is it bad . My brother was arrested a month ago and we cant find him, ali told us. The day before yesterday they dropped a dead body on our highway near the neighborhood. Ali said he and his family are trapped. If they had enough money, they would leave the country. What will happen to iraq . I swear he said there is no future in iraq. There is now a huge amount of pressure on iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki to try to win back the trust of people like ali and his family and build an inclusive unity government. There also is great deal of skepticism here that he can achieve that. Vinita . Clarissa ward in baghdad. Thank you. The goal is to set up a strict islamic regime in iraq and syria. In an interview president obama talked with norah odonnell. Would that have existed if we backed the rebel forces in syria . Yes. I think this notion that somehow there was this readymade moderate syrian force that was able to defeat assad is simply not true. We have spent a lot of time trying to work with a moderate opposition in syria, but as i said yesterday, when you get farmers and dentists and folks who have never fought before going up against a ruthless opposition in assad, the notion they were in a ruthless position to suddenly overturn, you know not only assad but also ruthless highly trained jihadists, if we just sent a few arms is a fantasy. You can see more of Norah Odonnells interview with the president tomorrow morning right here on faceface the nation around on cbs this morning on monday. The pentagon says they wont be there to fight along iraqi forces as that country battles a raging insurgency. Mark albert is in our Washington Bureau for a look of where this is all headed. Good morning. Good morning, anthony. Approximately 370 servicemembers are in iraq now at the u. S. Embassies. The president has authorized 300 more in special Operations Forces to provide iraqs beleaguered government advice and intelligence. The u. S. Is already preparing for their arrival. The u. S. Has now launched 24 manned and unmanned flights over parts of iraq to get a better idea of the strength of the Insurgent Group isis, the Islamic State in iraq and syria. Isis has already captured major swaths of territory. Look. Everybody shares the proper sense of urgency here. Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby said friday two u. S. Assessment teams will gauge the status of iraqi forces, the situation on the ground and how u. S. Advisory teams made up of special Operations Forces might help beat back the insurgency. Kirby took pains to stress one point. This is not a combat mission. This is not a combat mission. Thats just the way it is. This is not a combat mission. This is not a combat mission. Theyre not there on a combat mission. Reporter more than 4,400 american troops gave their lives to iraq during the eightyear war. Spokesman josh earnest says theyre mindful of the loss even as they approve sending more forces back. Theres been a willingness by the president thats been determined demonstrated to act where necessary to safeguard the interests of them in the united states. That applies in this situation too. The pentagon said three to five additional u. S. Assessment teams could begin arriving in iraq over the next week for a temporary stay and that no decision on air strikes has yet been machldde. Vinita . Mark albert. Thank you. For more we have mike hanlon from the brookings institute. Good morning, michael. Good morning. Good to be here. Give us a sense of whats going on. Theyre building a government in iraq. Right now is the government in danger . To government is the danger inmy m ways. You know, the way i put it when people see the iraqi meltdown you have to remember politics Trump Military training and right now the u it ins that are up in the north and west have basically dissolved because they did not want to fight for a man, Prime Minister, maliki that many of them call now the shia saddam saddam. They liken him to saddam hussein. They consider him to be a dictator whos only out for the broader shiite community. You see maliki drive all of them together. And then theres the spin offof this isis group. They prefer working with that group instead of the government of your own country. When you see that thats got to change. As you point out the enormous difference we made what can 300 advisers make at this point . Not very much in the absence of political reform. Your answer was spot on. What was being described by mr. Kirby and others is appropriate but i wouldnt have expect them to do anything significant until we get preliminary reform. Its to size things up anticipate next steps but they cannot be successful whether its American Forces or iraqi forces. Im sure it will be iraqi forces under any circumstances but they cant be successful until theres political reform until they bring some of the sunni leaders. Were also seeing a new recruitment video basically telling them they should be a part of this attack in both syria and iraq. What do thy make of the video . What are they trying to do . Ads you mentioned, there are videos out there. The most encouraging thing is the top shia leader the top religious leader in iraq and a couple of days ago he encouraged many shia membership on the street to join militias to defend in a sectarian way part of the country and now hes realize that was a mistake, misinterpreted and he seems to be calling for two things in a much more constructive way. For maliki to shape up or design and then to volunteer or join the police but not to go off and fight like radicals on their own. So i think that kind of recruiting, that kind of video or commentary from the ayatollah is potentially constructive, and well have to hope so. Michael, very quickly. What you do think the odds of maliki stepping aside are . Pretty small, but i hope in failing that by conversation well persuade him. Hes got to bring in good sunnis and kurds into his administration and restore the iraqis. Otherwise theres no good to come here. Michael ohanlon thank you. Youre welcome. Minnesota is expecting more rain. Minnesota is expected to ask for federal help after record rain caused flooding and money slides. More than 4 inches fell on thursday the most ever recorded for a day in jeune and the Mississippi River in the twin cities is now expected to rise higher hitting major flood stage this weekend. The Severe Weather has been relentless this week with thunderstorms and flooding all across the northern plains. More is expected to come. For more we turn to barry blans from wbbz in boston. Good morning. Happy summer. It finally did arrive. Therell be scattered showers and thunderstorms here but the man focus for some Severe Weather preps on the carolina coastlines and also northwestward from indianapolis to des moines up to portions of the dakotas and nebraska. Up here strong damaging wind gusts are possible. Strong hail and isolated tornado may exacerbate some of the flooding along the rirns here as well. These going on for today. Mainly into the afternoon and evening hours. Beautiful new england and beautiful out on the west coast. Thats it for now. Lets go back to you. Vinita anthony . Meteorologist Barry Burbank of our boston station w withbbz. Thanks barry. A fire is contained this morning. Black smoke could be seen for several miles. Several homes and outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. One firefighter was injured. The cause of the fire has not been determined. A big cleanup is under way in ft. Collins, colorado where 7,500 gallons of oil leaked into the river, it ruptured yesterday. Absorbant material is being used to clean up the spill. The centers for Disease Control is investigating how and why lab workers were exposed to deadly anthrax material. At least 84 workers and three labs may have been exposed. And as vicente arenas reports it may have come down to failure to follow proper procedures. The centers for Disease Control says the scientists in the lab were using a method they hadnt used before to deactivate anthrax. They failed to wait 48 hours to make sure the back tire ya were not a threat. Dozens of workers were potentially exposed when the anthrax was sent to other labs. Ileana arias is the cdcs principleprince principle director. The cdc is investigating every decision made during the handling process. Weve had missteps in the past. In every situation weve identified things that could be changed, weve placed those fixes into account and we dont see those things happening again. Reporter the cdc handles diseases far more deadly and contagious and that anthrax and Deputy Director arias called the mistake deadly worrisome. The usda will conduct another. That investigation l take much longer. For cbs this Morning Saturday, im vicente arenas atlanta. The chief director of irs was grilled about missing emails and he failed to apologize. Executive director lois lerner and. Nancy cordes has more. I dont believe you. This is incredible. Reporter republicans like wisconsins paul ryan were not in the mood for explanations today. I have a long career, thats the first time anybody has said i dont believe you. I dont believe you. Thats fine. We can have a disagreement. Reporter John Koskinen took over last december. He said lois lerners system crashed in 2011 well before the dwgs ran and read emails from i. T. Staffers at the time to prove it. Unfortunately its not good. The sectors on the hard drive were bad which made your Data Recovery unavailable. I am very sorry. Everyone involved tried their best. Reporter but Committee Chairman dave camp was not convinced. What i didnt hear in that was an apology to this committee. I dont think an apology is owed. Reporter republicans long felt loiswis lerner was involved in the holdups of small groups. How about 51 out in roswell new mexico where all those space aliens allegedly came. Did you ever have spot for that . No. Hes been able to comb through other employees accounts and retrieve about 20,000 emails to and from lois learn over that questionable time period and 67,000 lerner emails overall. For cbs this Morning Saturday im nancy cordes. The National Gas Price is 3. 68. Its the highest this year since 2008. Violence in iraq is pushing up the price of gasoline nationwide and depriving motorists of the usual price break between memorial day and july 4th. The Consumer Price index climbed 0. 4 . Lets talk about how this affects consumer spending. Michael, good morning. Good morning. This is kind of being led by food, isnt it . Yes. Food is one. Gas lean. Food especially meat produce, fresh food have been drive constrained because of the drought. Yes. Its a terrible time for us. You have food going up gasoline and airlines going up. Exactly. So youre getting pinched. Inflation in general has not been a big problem. Its not been a big problem in a bhiel and now youre seeing its merge. At this point the levels of inflation arent high. As we mentioned, its in the things that you generally need. Is the gas price increase do you think short term and largely related to iraq . Largely short term. Yes, oil prices are up on iraq tensions even carrying over from ukraine. But theres been relatively strong demand. Theyre gasoline exporter. So, yes, its probably gas related. We were here in 2008. The economys bigger. You have higher wages to some degree over that span of time and were driving less and more fuel efficient so it probably shouldnt bite as bad as it did a few years ago. When you look at the market when do you see things pivoting . It does seem as if the summer is going to have upward pressure on gasoline. So i think that might be something were dealing with for a while. What about food prices . How long are we going to link with this . Its very hard to know. We have to know about the harvest and everything else. We should point out its really fresh food. Its meat and produce and things that domestically we produce and buy pretty quickly. Packaged foods, also foods eaten out is not driving higher in terms of price. Always hope these segments will be uplifting. Michael santilli thanks so much. The Presbyterian Church is tryinging to melt the icy divide. They narrowly voted at its convention in detroit to divest from three companies that it says provides israel with equipment. The wall street journal says the National Park service is banning drone aircraft from 400 parks. The use of drones in the parks has grown recently. The agency said the parks are meant to be enjoyed for their quiet and Natural Beauty not the noise and did traction made by drones. The Los Angeles Times says stephanie kwolc ekwolek has die. She created kevlar used in armoire. She was 90 years old. Tiger woods sidelined by recent back surgery. He plans to be on the tee at the quicken loans national in maryland last week. Woods has been injured for years. Hes only played three coming up to catch a thief. A father and daughter chase after an alleged burglar and they film the whole thing. And later its been credited with creating the middle class. Well look at the 70th anniversary of the g. I. Bill and show you how its rippling effect forever changed one mans life and family. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. When my mom advertising, many think kids are being directly targeted. Well show you how even the movie frozen is being roped into the advertising with electronic rules. Different rules for good morning, everyone im Nicole Brewer. Police are investigating a deadly shooting in philadelphias lawncrest neighborhood. Eyewitness news at colgate and roselee street, it happened just before 3 00 this morning. Victim was pronounced dead at the scene and police are in the releasing the victims identity and they have made no arrest. Lets check out that forecast with carol, hey carol. Sum are started this morning. Wow. It will feel relatively summerlike with these temperatures close to 80 degrees. We have a few clouds, you can see a few of them through ben franklin bridge area, new jersey pennsylvania, but also some sun breaks. We will move to the shore and we have a few clouds there as well in ocean city. Storm scan three showing those clouds and off to the west and south, few showers and might find a couple showers in the area west and south but not a bad day at all as these temperatures get close to 80 degrees. Tonight we will drop down to 62 degrees and tomorrow 84, nice sunny day tomorrow and on monday as well, nicole. Not too bad carol thanks. Next update 7 57. Im Nicole Brewer see you then. Four wholesome grains. Sugar. Only six . Six grams of sugar . Thats really good. Excellent, delicious. And yummy honey bunches of oats. Tasty yummy its not quite the dog days of the summer yet but it sure seemed like it at the sonoma county, california. The world east ugliest dog is not for the faint of heart. This dog took home the trophy which was bigger than he was. I found the description of the dog. Wild white and brown hair bulging eyes and teeth belie his energetic personality. A Plastic Surgeon coming back from a business trip caught a group of burglars leaving the hope hope hope. While somemy have called the police, he chased them. Reporter with his cell phone camera rolling they drove after the suspects. Okay. They crashed once and the alleged burglar threw his truck back into them and crashed into them again. Okaying okay. No way. Okay. Dad, what do i do. Okay. Start it baby. This doctor and his daut der sided to keep on going. Im proud of my daughter. Elena is a tough one and shes a very very hardnosed girl. They chased the man for several more miles. Then the suspects turned their truck around and aimed right at them. Theyre coming at us. Theyre coming at us. We just need a witness, elena to watch this. Police came minutes later. They captured two of the three men. They believe theyre responsible for others. Were not going to tolerate it anymore in my neighborhood. Now he and his daughter have a damaged car. We need a witness. And a story to tell. That was tim wetzel of our houston affiliate khou. Thats pretty scary and im not sure with my daughter in the car they would be heading for a truck. And i dont think any up next medical news in our morning rounds, including the discovery of what could be a genetic key of lowering your risk to heart attacks. Plus how a selfie may have saved this womans life. This is cbs this Morning Saturday. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand. Comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. This is cbs this Morning Saturday. Nexium level protection. Boring yeah if you want to see old faithful dont be such a couch potato yeah just go check out the thing for yourself highlander we aint got no room for boring ferdy gerdy ferdy ger boom [ cluck, cluck ] no, we aint got no room for boring for boring we aint got no room ahh [ male announcer ] the 2014 highlander. Toyota. Lets go places. Petsmart has a wide selection of the best natural and specialized nutrition for every need. See the difference the right food can make. All with our unbeatable price guarantee right now, save up to 3 on select hills® ideal balance™ dry dog cat food. At petsmart®. [ mom ] hi, were the pearsons and we love chex cereal. So we made our own commercial to tell you why. Chex makes seven gluten free flavors. Like cinnamon, honey nut and chocolate. When you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we love chex time now for morning rounds. Joining us chief medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook and cbs contributor dr. Holly phillips. First up this week major news about Heart Disease. Two new studies in the new england journal of medicine say a single gene may be critical to lowering your hearst attack risk. Jon, tell us about these studies. Its called oppose c gene. They have lower levels of triglycerides. Theres been some controversy. People with high triglycerides seem to be at a higher risk of heart attacks but its been hard to show lowering triglycerides has helped in lowering heart attacks. It turn out that these people who had a 40 lower level of triglycerides also had a 40 lower risk of heart attack, so thats really suggestive. Its not proof. That lowering triglycerides have something to do with improving the outcome. Does it have something to do with managing how they handle Heart Disease . Thats the big question. Now these are people who have mutations. What happens if we develop a drug and one is in development that lowers triglycerides significantly and you give it to a lot of people over the years, will that lower the risk of heart attack in them and that remains to be seen. I mean there hasnt been a new drug in a long, long time. It puts americas love drugs god forbid we should exercise and eat right. But were all excited. Perhaps another magic pill. This week they say they only target adult customers but lawmakers accuse them of marketing to children. The animated disney movie frozen was a huge success at the box office and it spawned a run away hit let it go. Let it go let it go but senators said the ecigarette brepdand saw a marketing opportunity with the tag line let it glow. They also objected to the Facebook Page enjoy, showing robert pattinson. And president crying wise defended the photo to senator amy klobuchar. Again aisle sate what i said earlier, hes an adult smoker. And its a peels the adults. Hes an adult but hes a kid in the movie. Jay rockefeller was livid. Im ashamed of you. U dont know what makes you go to sleep in theat night or work in the morning except the green of dollars. But jason healy defended himself saying he was in the business of promoting a safer alternative to ecigarettes. These things are the most likely significant tobacco reduction product ever. He has developed flavors like cherry crush, vivid vanilla and blueberry. It keeps users from switching back to tobacco cigarettes a claim Barbara Boxer had a hard time swallowing to. Whos attracted to cherry berry, vanilla. Adults. They are. Thats interesting. What is the market for ecigarettes . They say its completely exploding, right . Its already a several billiondollar industry and regardless of whether or not theyre being marketed to young people theyre clearly appealing to them. How easy is it for them to get it. Its very easy. They have to decide how to wreck late adds around cigarettes and sales. But we have to remember half of all ecigarette sales happen online. Even if we ban them its much more difficult to regulate that when so much of it happens online. One of the consistent things you hear is these are a safer alternative. Is that true . Are they safer . You know orks vinita the jury is out. With dont have enough data. We do know you get less tar exposure but there are still carcinogen and neck teak is less and less. To put it in context, 15 years ago we thought regular cigarettes were safe. Clearly theyre not. Its going tame some time. A new weapon in the bat of diabetes also made headlines this week. Its called a bionic pancreas. The device works with a smartphone to check blood sugar continuously. Then it ought mightily triggers doses of medication. It helped adults and children with type 1 diabetes improoch their blood sugar levelsover all. Researchers hope similar devices could also help fight other diseases. First Lady Michelle obama to talk about enforcing federal requirements on school lunch nutritions. You were not only at this meeting. You were sitting right next to the first lady. Right. She invited a group of medical correspondents. Sam kass is one of her senior nutritional advisers. He started off saying, look we were all celebrateing a couple of years ago for the knew trags trigs nutrition plans passed. Then in the past couple of years theres push back. Some are saying its too hard to expensive. Last month a bill was passed saying look if School Districts are losing money, they can opt out. This is causing the first lady to be extremely concerned that this could lead to a roll back of the even tire program. Holly, this is such a positive thing to do for kids. Why is it still controversial . You know anthony, money. Money, money, money. Really, i think School Districts are concerned theyre going lose money on their school meal programs. They fear the kids wont buy the healthy lunches or theyll opt for better things. We have to keep in mind all of the kids have options. Its surprising the adults are toipg the pushback and opposed to the kids. Yes. Thats exactly what the first lady said. She said she expected the kids to push back but she really was surprised it was the grown ups. Finally this week a canadiannadcanadiannadcanadian woman credited for taking a selfie that saved her life. Swhenlt to a toronto room where doctors said she was suffering from stress. Two days later this came back. This time she recorded it. Its all tingling. On the left side the doctor said to breathe in breathe out, manage your stress and im trying. I dont know why this is happening to me. They played the video for doctors and they confirmed she was having a mini stroke. Talk about getting a great history from patient, right . Youve about got it right there on video. Its remarkable. Im having more parents send me pictures of rashes and bruises but nothing like that. Good thing she pulled over to take that video. Up next how two changed three generations of one family. Well look back at the anniversary of a g. I. Bill and how one africanamericans man signed up altered his familys legacy forever. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Make every day her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrees crafted with care and designed to delight. Fancy feast. Love served daily. Dad. How did you get here . I dont know. speaking in russian look, look, look. You probably want to get away as much as we do. With priceline express deals, you can get a fabulous hotel without bidding. Think of the rubles youll save. One touch, fun in the sun. I like fun. Well, that went exactly as i planned. Really . [ male announcer ] keep your lawn looking great with a troybilt trimmer for just 89 at lowes. All the goodness of milk all the deliciousness of hersheys syrup. [ buzzer door knock ] isabella. Vincent. Sharon . Did you say bounty is obviously the best brand . Exclamation point. Happy smiley face . Yes, i did did you know that more people prefer viva® vantage over bounty . No. Im gonna show you why. It stretches. Stretch. Stretch. It has a stretch. It stretches oh, i wish my jeans had that kind of stretch. [ laughs ] you use that stretch to get the scrubbing power. I think thats the cleanest spot on my table now. Can you do the rest of it . Wow, thats awesome. Right . Yeah [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. The towel more people prefer. Cleaning the home often involves using bleach. But lysol power free can change the way you clean. It cleans even better than bleach without the harshness. A powerful clean, thats Family Friendly thats what we call healthing. Lysol power free. Start healthing. Credited with creates the american middle class after the second world war. The service mens readjustment act of 1944 better known as the gmt i. Bill. It allowed millions of military veterans go to college and it became law 70 years ago tomorrow. Cbs correspondent james brown has one story of a mans who life and family changed forever thanks to the g. I. Bill. Reporter nathanial boon is advanced. The 86yearold retired attorney has made a bit of history himself. In 1946 he was one of the first africanamericans to integrate the marines. He joined with one goal in mind to get the g. I. Bill to get to college. My father had died in 1942 and my mother was sick with tuberculosis and they didnt have the money to send me to college. I heard that there was a g. I. Bill and if i served two years, that would give me four years of college. So it was a stepping stone to what you were hoping to accomplish in life. Right. Why the marines . They had a nicer uniform. But joining the marines would be no laughing matter for the 18yearold new jersey native. He would have to travel by bus to camp lejeune, North Carolina. Washdsington, d. C. , is where it really started. Why so . I had to sit in the back of the bus. There was a boon for college. It was a little section of North Carolina and it was constructed to accommodate the black marines. And it was a swamp. A swamp . A swamt p where there were snakes of all kinds. But the officers in charge proved to be a bigger challenge. There were white officers and white enlisted men who department want us. But you were treated decently by the white officers . I was treat deed sently because i had no contact with them. There were others a little before me who served. They told me a story of one of the officers would come out in the morning and immediately ask how are my [ bleep ] doing today. Excuse me . How are my [ bleep ] doing today. That was the greeting. That was the greeting. He would not be deterred. He served two years and matriculated to Bates College in lewiston, maine, in 1948. I document know what i would have done if the g. I. Busill would not have been there. In those days you were either rich or you were poor. Many of the veterans who used the g. I. Bill after world war ii, they were the first of their families to have ever gone to cljt. Curtis koi is deputy undersecretary of the v. A. Koi says the original legislation was in need of gamechanger for men like Nathanial Boone. It provided 500 a year in tuition and about 50 a month in Living Expenses. Back in 1944 a gallon of milk was about 21 cents a loaf of bread was about 9 cents. So those Living Expenses were quite significant. Nathanial boone wentz to batsz. He met his wife hair yet there. Theyve been married for r56 years and he went on to work. And he spent time scrubbing floors and working in restaurants to make it through. You were very enterprising. I had tochl i had no money. You were hard at work. I wanted to become a lawyer. He embarked on a professional career as a lawyer and they raised two children. Peter is an Orthopedic Surgeon and his daughter runs a line brair. Your dogged pursuit of a College Education has not only been personal but generational your kids and your kids kids. Youve started it. Ive been very, very lucky. My kids have done well. I attribute everything ive done and everything i am to the g. I. Bill. Reporter in 2012 they finally honored them for their service and he was one to receive a congressional gold medal in the states capitol. But for the marine corps, boy all not have gone to college. There would be no college, no hair yet, there wouldnt be the life that i lived. Thats a good picture. And what a life Nathanial Boone has lived. For cbs this Morning Saturday, james brown. More than 20 million have received the g. I. Bill for a coast of 40 billion. Today they pay just under 20,000 in annual tligs plus 1,500 a month for living. What an incredible story. And how much their lives. Coming up Jacque Cousteaus grandson is living underwater. Well take you inside the Research Laboratory in florida. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Chilis new mix and match fajitas with fresh new toppings. [ jennifer ] i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. I was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. I wanted to fix it. I wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. Pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. Whats going on . Its this new paint. Nothing stays on the wall. Not any of these things. Valspar reserve super stain resistant. And scrubbable. And this color still perfect introducing valspar® reserve™ paint primer with hydrochroma™ technology. Exclusively at lowes. Get the Party Started with Friskies Party Mix beachside crunch cat treats. People join angies list for all kinds of reasons. I go to angies list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. Angies list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. Youll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. Now that were expecting i like the fact i can go onto angies list and look for pediatricians. The Service Providers that ive found on angies list actually have blown me away. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action . Osteo biflex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints so you can keep doing what you love. Whatd you guys do today . The usual the usual [ male announcer ] osteo biflex ready for action. Good morning, everyone im Nicole Brewer. One person was hurt in an Early Morning house fire in philadelphias Oxford Circle neighborhood. It happened on the 7100 block of ruscomb street just before 1 00. That victim was taken to einstein but officials have not release their condition at this time. It took Fire Fighters zero minutes to gain upper hand on that fire. So far there is in word on a cause. Lets check out that forecast, first day of umer, carol. It started at 6 51. Not the the brightest start however, nicole, we have some clouds and in some cases a couple of showers. We will take you out right now and find storm scan three and you cane clouds that are there and see some of those showers, they are primarily to the west and south of the philadelphia area. They should remain light if you go far enough to the west they are slightly heavier but this is just going to be a shower that rolls through as we go through first part of the day and maybe first part of this afternoon. So not a totally sunny day but a mild one with temperatures getting close to 80 degrees, tomorrow we will find more sunshine and 84, nicole. Our next update is 8 27. Im Nicole Brewer, see you then. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im Anthony Mason. And im vinita nair. Team usa taking on portugal hoping to score a second victory in the first round but protests continue in the streets where many view the cup as a waste of money. And get your dogs right here. Step right up for a bite of summer. That humblest and most popular treat on the bun take a look at the history. You sold us. Inside what could be a gamechanger. Holler if you hear me is the latest by due pack shetee shoe pock sa core. It opens a stree technologicallyic supply line. Militants seized the site yesterday in daylong battle that left at looeft 30 iraqi troops dead. Control of the Border Crossing comes as thousands of fighters cross bag cad. Clarissa ward is following the situation in baghdad. Reporter good morning. Tens of thousands of men have been marching in shiite strong holds throughout the country, most notably in in sadr city in baghdad. Its led by the cleric el sadr. Tonight we learn thad isis militants have taken a key strategic Border Crossing from iraqi force is across it. Its a huge advance for the isis militants because it means theyll now be able to move heavy weaponry freely back and forth across syria to iraq. Iraqs Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki is facing lots of push at the moment. Many feel he cant do that until he forms a unity government, an inclusive government that takes minorities sunnis and also kurds, ands them into the fold. Certainly there is now great deal of skepticism as to whether Nuri Al Maliki can fix this crisis. For cbs this Morning Saturday, Clarissa Ward, baghdad baghdad. Now to washington where president obama has deployed hundreds of special Operations Forces to help Iraqi Government against it lambic militants. Marl mark mark albert has more. Good morning. Good morning, vinita. In the meantime two initial teams drawn from the 350 to 370 troops already at u. S. Embassy facilities in iraq will determine how up to 300 special Operations Forces could help stop the advance on baghdad by isis. In an interview with cbs this mornings nor real odonnell on friday the president said stronger and faefrt u. S. Intervention in see yas civil war would not have pretendvented isis from gaining strength. When you get farmers and dentists and folks who have never fought before going up against a ruthless opposition in assad, the notion that they were in a position suddenly to overturn not only assad but others is a fantasy. Reporter more than 4,400 american troops gave their lives in iraq from 2003 through 2011. The u. S. Has now launched 24hour surveillance flight over parts of iraq using land and seabased aircraft, both man and unmanned. No decision on air strikes has been made. Mark albert in washington. That thank you, mark. You can see more of nor real odonnells interview tomorrow on face the nation and on monday on cbs this morning. In this country severe flooding. Recordsetting flame caused river flooding and landslides around minneapolis st. Paul and the river flood stage is expected to reach its parngs this weekend. We have more from Barry Burbank from wbz. Good morning, everybody. Happy showers. Looks lying showers and thunderstorms mainly concentrated across the midwest. Watch the time stab p here as the showers an storms get under kwa once again later this afternoon and evening hours creating locally heavy downpours causing some flooding in some locations, especially poor drainage spots. As far as Severe Weather goes, not much. Perhaps some Severe Weather on the carolinas but also from indianapolis to chicago and north westward. Up in here theres some danger from strong to severe storms with strong damaging wind gusts, large hail and maybe an isolated tornado. Thats the main action coming in here today. Thats where theres going to be all this hot and humid air bumping in so we have this access of action separating the beautiful air in new england and out to the west coast. Thats it for your now. Back to you vinita and anthony. Meteorologist Barry Burbank from our boston affiliate wbz. Thank you. Someccer teams investigated ready for their match. Elaine quijano is there with the latest. Good morning, elaine. Reporter good morning. Last night there were more protests against the world cup and police met those demonstrations with a show of force. Money hundreds of Brazilian Police surrounded protesters outside the famous stadium but that didnt stop one voice from shouting its antiworld cup message. Brazilians have echoed that staging protests dur the world cup. On thursday the police tried to control this. Protesters were able to break into a luxury car dealership. At the start of the games last week dozens of brazilians were able to assemble but couldnt move past the police presence. They were there to benefit companies, not people. Employment inflation, education, health are all garbage, he said. Billions to favor large corp rakes while the people are abandoned. Meanwhile world cup play continues. Americans will be taking on top ranked portugal. Anthony . Elaine quijano. Thank you. It certainly stoked world cup fever here but they face new challenges when they play portugal. Here for a preview is nate scott, a sports writer. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Was this a surprise . It was aunt surprise that we won. It was a surprise how we won. To score a goal in the first 30 seconds, no one ever thinks thats going to happen. Michael bradley, one o the americans best players played awful and then it took a goal from a 21yearold substitute who no one thought would play. Surprising. Even his reaction to that goal its like he couldnt believe that that moment had happened. Lets talk about injuries because its really a laundry list when you look at all of the athletes including portugal. Whats happening on the u. S. Team . Jozy altidor went down with a torn hamstring, i think. They dont want to tip their hat to the other team. Hes a Strong Player built like a bull. Doesnt matter what sport hes playing, he would be a great athlete. So the u. S. They have other option ps but theyre definitely going to miss josiee jo siee joez joezy. Im not surprised. They cant really substitute one in for the other. I think he should regret leaving hip. Landon is a phenomenal player but jurgen is not that kind of player. You cant help but notice germany just destroyed them. How do you think theyll fair facing this team . They have one of their best players, pepe, so the u. S. Wont have an easy time. Portugals a very, very good team. But i think with the big loss theyll come in confident and they have cristiano rinaldo, whos the best player right now. Do we actually think hes going to play . Hes going to play. The portuguese theyre showing him with ice packs. They want to keep it in the air. This is portugals most important game. They really have to win. Even if theyre 50 , 75 , they have to win. Even at 75 . The man looks good lets be honest. Hes a handsome fellow. How do they defend gentsz him . U. S. Usually play as zone but i think theyre going to put one guy on him and say your job is to make rinaldo miserable. Does the u. S. Have to beat portugal here . No. But it would really really help them if they did. Its certainly hot out. Up next the dogs of summer call them hot dogs frank furthers weiners. Why theyre so popular coming up on cbs this Morning Saturday. [ male announcer ] type 2 diabetes affects millions of us. And for many, its a struggle to keep your a1c down. So imagine what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar . Imagine. Loving your numbers. Introducing oncedaily invokana®. Its the first of a new kind of prescription medicine thats used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Invokana® is a oncedaily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. Heres how. The kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss it may help you lose some weight. Invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. This may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. Other side effects may include kidney problems genital yeast infections urinary Tract Infections changes in urination high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. Do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. Symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you experience any of these symptoms stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking and if you have kidney or liver problems. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Ask your doctor about invokana®. Hello. Our diet Ocean Spray Cranberry juice drink is the only diet drink with the cleansing and purifying power of cranberries. These diet soda farmers are here to see where cranberries grow. Hey, where does diet soda grow . Ummm. Were taking a bite oust the First Official day of summer with that allamerican treat the hot dog. Theyre served everywhere from the ballpark to the backyard to the whouchlts bruce craig is the author of man bites dog hot dog culturelture in america. Bruce, good morning. Hi. What is it about the hot dog . It goes bake to history the history of immigration brought by german immigrants taken up by greeks, jews and many others and turned into local culture, regional culture. Its related to ballparks. Its related to amusement parks like coney island. Its its related to civil cities that grew side by side. Its there first. In the book you say its america encased in a dream. Yeah. What dead you mean by that . I mean the immigrant experience. People came with no money at all. You could buy lets say 1900. You could buy a sausage for a penny and the other accoutrements for a penny and sell it far nickel. And thats the way you move up in the world. This was an american idea. Horacio alger, moving up in the world. This is embedded in our culture. We can make it in the world and this is the way to do it. A lot of immigrant groups have done it this way. Chinese laundries, right . Look at all the ethnic restaurant use have in cities now, small cities. Food is the way up. Where did the word hot dog come from . Its a joke back from the 19th century. Theres a song called oh where, oh where has my little doggone. That song southbound a dog being put in a hot dog. Thats what the sock is about. When the butcher moved into town all the cats and dogs disappeared. Thats the jokey world. There are breath taking imaging of hot dogs. Some are hanging in the chicago science of museum. Who took these in. Patty is an artist and professor at the school. Shes just been interested in pop culture forever and the colors on the hot dog stands attracted her. We met and bonded instantly. This is years ago and weve been working together thon ever since. There are some great pictures not only of the hot dogs but the people who sell them in the book. One of the things i notice there are so many regional alal variations of hot dogs. Right. U whooi does that happen . I often say theyre a platform for ku tur. They become regional because immigrant groups like the greeks move to detroit and for added value they put something on a hot dog to compete with others so they put a sauce on it like coney sauce from coney island. Everybody there likes that and that becomes the style. That becomes the regional stool. People absolutely attacked to them. Sauces which you think are terrible, people order them from all over the world. So people can love and hate you, whats the best place to get a hot dog . Chicago. New yorks good and l. A. Lastly ketchup or mustard . Never. Abomb nation. Its in the bible. I disagree with you. Up next, raps first musical. With an awardwinning musical, Tupac Shakurs holler if you hear me, rap is about to shake things up. Youre watching cbs this morning. Best friends for years. One of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. Sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. So my doctor prescribed symbicort. It helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. With symbicort today im breathing better. Come on, boy [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function starting within 5 minutes. And that makes a difference in my breathing. Today, im hanging out with my best friend. Talk to your doctor about symbicort. I got my first prescription free. Call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Coffee is about to change forever. Introducing nespresso vertuoline. Now coffee becomes an experience like nothing youve ever had before. Nespresso vertuoline. Experience the revolution of coffee. To you. Theyre more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll its Broad Spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. K9 advantix ll for the love of dog meatball yelling cmon, you want heartburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums whats going on . Its this new paint. Nothing stays on the wall. Not any of these things. Valspar reserve super stain resistant. And scrubbable. And this color still perfect introducing valspar® reserve™ paint primer with hydrochroma™ technology. Exclusively at lowes. Thats from jersey boys. It debuts this weekend. The film debuts franke valley and the 4 seasons. Its a song already used in the public consciousness. But starting this weekend theres a new type of pop musical. Its called holler if you hear me me, and its inspired by tupac shakur. On a broadway stage in the middle of times square the music of tupac shakur has been reinvented. 17 years after shakur was killed in a driveby killing, his gangster rap has become a broadway show tune. If you look at his music as written on paper, you go wow, look at the phrasing of those words, look at the poetry. This is shakespearean. Reporter using 21 songs that shakur wrote it shows an excon recently released from prison who wants to turn a new page but when hes gunned down he returns. Its the story of tupac shakur but not about his daytoday life. I read two of them were not originally his song. A rose in concrete was not by tupac shakur. This is a kid who wrote every single day about the world in which he lives in and you put his lyrics in the context of a story where you care about the people, then the songs take on greater meaning. Reporter the idea of turning a commercial artists music into a Broadway Musical is nothing new. American idiot featured green day. And this featured the who. But nobody has ever used gangster rap before. So the real hard core band that sounds like, wow, yeah im in that groove its good for those people who are traditional broadway followers who never knew about tupac are like, this is great story. Reporter but according to the most recent numbers, 68 of traditional followers are caucasian and 68 are female and thats why toews cody fears the play wont have staying power. You have to hit the lowest common denominator. It has to have broad appeal. It has to evolve or it will die. And this may be the first step in the evolution . We may look a back and say wow, this is actually a watershed, you know . Things that make a huge waves culturally arent necessarily in their own times. Reporter leon says he intentionally priced tickets from 39 to 239 in the hopes of attracting a different audience whochl did you make this play for . Everybody. Holler can hear me can assistant right next to raiseen in the sun and right next to book of mormon. In talking to leon he told me this was something he had talked about for more than a decade and he consulted with shakurs mother. Shes a producer in the play. I dont think id ever see shakur on broadway. He did all the things we would do except he did it in one of the most unusual things wchl sheel you what the famed grandson of Jack Cousteau did. Thats up next. Good morning im Nicole Brewer. Happening today pastors in the Presbyterian Church can begin performing same sex ceremonies in states where it is legal. Church counsel members voted thursday to allow that move. They also changed language in the churchs constitution to define marriage as being between two persons instead of the man and a woman. Regional presbyterians have a year to vote on the changes. Lets check that forecast. Fist day of um iser. How is it looking carol. It doesnt look that bad n some locations a few more clouds but we are brightening through philadelphia and notice some blue skies up there but also a few clouds. Move to the shore a few more clouds there but still it will be a mild enough beach day with temperatures getting in the middle 70s. Storm scan three shows clouds out there and also a few showers to the west and south of philadelphia, they are light, and they are moving along but expect to find them as we combo through first part of the day and maybe even right through the first part of this afternoon as well but temperatures will be mild today, we will fine them close to 80 degrees, tomorrow 84 degrees with lots of sunshine tomorrow, nicole. Carol thanks. Next update 8 57. Im Nicole Brewer. We will see you then. A couple from south africa arrived by boat friday. They just road 6,700 miles across the Atlantic Ocean in a 22footlong boat. I that say they are the first pair to row from mainland africa to mainland north america. After their visit to new york is over, they plan to return home to cape town but not by rowboat. Theyre boyfriend and girlfriend. I wonder after all that how theyre doing. Now to another voyage. This one to the bottom of the sea to meet a man on a mission. He is the grandson of renowned french oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. Its called mission 31. Our reporter of our affiliate station wfor paid him a visit. Reporter it may be the most remarkable water fronlt property in the entire world, a plaszce where knowsy neighbors are welcome. I looked out the window and one of them were looking into the porthole checking us out. Fabian cousteau has spent the last three weeks living in a fish bowl known as aquarius the only underseaquarium in the world. Very much like an inner space station. This is the interspace station. Its three miles off of key largo. Inside are all the conveniences of small pant. Stocked kitchen, air conditioning, even wifi pumped in from the surface. And bunks that sleep six. There are many senatorers in the group but were so tired because we wake up at 5 00 in the morning and we go to sleep at 11 00 at night that 11 00 at night it takes about 30 seconds and were all out. Reporter everything from food to dry towels is delivered by boat sealed in large pot and delivered by scuba divers daily. Maybe its in the genes. Cousteau is following in the fins of his grand faux Jacques Cousteau who explored and brought back images from the deep to television sets. Cousteau won an ward for his documentary from 1936 World Without a sun. He spent 30 days in one he created. We know so little about the ocean. Reporter to bring the attention to the sea fabian has revived his grand fathers vision of life under the say. Spend 3g 1 days in an effort to top his grandfathers record. If we dont spark the interest of our upcoming generations in terms of ocean exploration, were faced with some of the most dire consequences that human beings have ever faced. Hes also putting himself in a dangerous situation. One wrong move could prove deadly. This drill, he flooded his mask. He must remain can calm while holding his mouth. The rest of us would go to the sur fashion something hes not allowed to do. We cant go. What could happen . Embolus and possibly probable, death. Cousteau is not in a hurry to leave. The team of scientists are spending their days carrying out extensive experiments. Do you think your grandfather envisioned this for you, to follow in his footsteps. Its a family tradition. Once you get in the ocean world its impossible to turn your back on the beauty and its majesty. Hell come out in 31 days. The first thing he plans to do is have a celebratory glass of wine. Its really fascinating. Theyre trying to collect all that information about small fish to see how theyre affected by large predators. But what a view. What a view. It does raise the question cow you live down there for a long time . I could not. I think we both know that. Up next Award Winning chef grew up on farm. Well show you how he brings farm to table sensibility on the dish. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. With psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. Then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. Enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. Ive been on the course and on the road. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. But the best part of every journey. Dad . Is coming home. Ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. Good job still running in the morning . Yeah. Getting your vegetables every day . When i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. Two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. Thank you daddy for defending our country. Thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Its great on strawberries apples. Bananas. Rice cakes. Raspberries. Toast [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. Spoons which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. Get the Party Started with Friskies Party Mix california dreamin cat treats. Hes a 13th generation who started cooking in his familys restaurant when he was still in high school. Now hes the chef and owner of puritan company, named one of the 50 top restaurants by bon app tell magazine. He was also named a rising chef of the year and named a rives chef. Chef will gillson, welcome to the dish. Thank you for having me. I congratulate the doughnut. No ones brought one to us in a long time. You can start the day with it, end the day with it. Summer solstice one of my favorite times to cook. We have lamb chops. Smashed finer ling potatoes. One of my favorite greens topped with toasted spices and everyones favorite ratatouille. Im not trying to call anthony out but he had a sip of this cocktail. What with redrink what are we drinking . Pimms. What started you u in cooking, will . I started spending a lot of time traveling with my folks and we had a farm that turned into a Vegetable Farm afterward. I always wanted to know what was going on behind the double doors of the kitchen and now i know all too well. Once we got into the farmg world it carried over. So many chefs we have on the dish talk about farm to table cook bug you a unique perspective. Your father is a farmer, isnt he . Yeah. We always joke theres farm to table and we have a farm and tables. It isnt really trendy. Its more of kind of way of thinking. Our farm is about 45 minutes outside of the city of boston and we get as many things as we can off the farm during that season and so it really kind of becomes the background. Youre a true massachusetts native. I am, i am. You can go back to job and miss priscilla . Theres about nine of us back to the roots. Tell us about that. To come from such a rich historical badgeground. The food then was not terribly great. Weve been abe to kind of obviously adopt it. One of the spirits of puritan is to pay homage to the roots of england. There were trips coming through doing the molasses trade. New england that did it and what our regional food is what we like to champion. The boston restaurant scene is just exploding dhouchl you set yourself a part when youre opening a restaurant . I think one of the trends were seeing with a lot of people these days is were moving away from fat cheaper food. Hospitality gets overlooked. Once youre feeling taken care of, you want to be there for a special event, pony up to the bar and have a cocktail like this one and be able to enjoy yourself. I want to ask you about some photos we dug up you and your friends. One would think you have some fabors chef friends. We like to ride together in a circle. Whats going on here . Yeah i was kind of hoping that the whole thing about the google life thing and removing pictures had come about but some of these have not made their way off the internet. We had a lot of fun. E there are a lot of things we do for charitable organizations. Whether its on youtube or get something going. We did it for shock value. You shouldnt let me on amazon if ive had a couple of drinks either either. You talk about where your fascination from cooking came from. When did you know you had fallen in love with it . Its a love hate relationship. Anything in being in something that you love it demands so much of you and it defines you. I think there is a moment where i had been working, you know on the farm and i realized i didnt want to play in the dirt anymore. I wanted to work with food and have an instant gralt fi indication. When you can make a dish of food aenld joy it, at that point you feel like youve done something that right away you have that. Speaking of instant gratification. So many know yof as the master of the popup restaurant. Do you miss that at all . No. Now that i have a place i dont have to move from point a to point b, we get a chance to focus on what we do and we have a team that can work on its consistency, but popups were fun and if there was a time when it wasnt going on. So it was a way to get people excited about what was next and for me to get excited about what i was going to do next. Were both excited to try out this doughnut. Before we do that i want to hand you this dish and get your signature on it and ask if you could have this meal with anyone paste or present, what would it be . With my restaurant set in cambridge, it certainly is julia child. We could make a quirk and crack a bottle of wine. She gets my votes too. She gets the most of the years. Thank you very much. For more head up to our web size. Up next the feliz brothers. Coming up on cbs this Morning Saturday. Whats going on . Its this new paint. Nothing stays on the wall. Not any of these things. Valspar reserve super stain resistant. And scrubbable. And this color still perfect introducing valspar® reserve™ paint primer with hydrochroma™ technology. Exclusively at lowes. Its the yoplait greek tasteoff and were asking this sports town which blueberry greek yogurt is their champion. A tastes better. Its yoplait i knew it do you want to see which one yoplait greek beat . Chobani. Hoorah yoplait greek wins again. Take the tasteoff for yourself. [ laughter ] smoke . Nah, im good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release Smartcontrol Technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. Help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. Coffee is about to change forever. Introducing nespresso vertuoline. Now coffee becomes an experience like nothing youve ever had before. Nespresso vertuoline. Experience the revolution of coffee. Shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. The pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. It would have been virtually impossible in that confined space to move to change radio frequencies. I mean it hurt. I couldnt even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. As a pilot that meant i was grounded. If you spent any time in new york city, you know theres more than one way to get around. The feliz brothers got their big city start a few years ago. And this morning theyre making their National Tv Debut. The selftaught musician have influenced bands like the lumineers and just leased their fifth studio album called favorite waitress and here they are, the feliz brothers with cherry licorice. All i want to eat is cherry licorice i dont care if it sounds ridiculous who wants to spend their time soaking on lemon rind yes, im high on halloween candy again and your lips are sweet as brandy im high on halloween candy and your lips are sweet as branty im high on halloween candy and your lips are sweet as brandy im high on halloween candy and your lips are sweet as brandy. Dont go way. Oomz well have more from the feliz brothers. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Dad. How did you get here . I dont know. speaking in russian look, look, look. You probably want to get away as much as we do. With priceline express deals, you can get a fabulous hotel without bidding. Think of the rubles youll save. One touch, fun in the sun. I like fun. Well, that went exactly as i planned. Really . The best part of coming together is how delicious it can be. Hersheys smores, the unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. Make every day her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrees crafted with care and designed to delight. Fancy feast. Love served daily. luis andale, ya llegaron tus amigos. Play peel, play, ole, ole from mcdonalds. luis papa and you could win a trip for two to the fifa World Cup Final in rio theres something new to love at mcdonalds. [ male announcer ] update your home. Get 10 off all major appliances 399 or more at lowes. For paul ridley theres no substitute for advil. Its built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. Advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. Advil. Make today yours. Tomorrow on cbs sunday morninging tracy smith profiles talk show host and satirist Chelsea Handler and they talk with comedy actress melissa mccarthy. I cant wait to see both of those. President obama include how hes ready to bypass issues facing working families. Have a great weekend, everybody. We leave you with more music from the felice brothers. This is lyin. Good morning, everyone im Nicole Brewer. Happening today, some lucky people will get a free cheese stake at genos steaks. Heres the deal, first hundred people lined up at 11 00 this morning will not to have pay. A National Retailer is behind that promotion all you have to do is decide with or without. Tough decision though. Lets check on that forecast with carol good morning. Numbers started this morning, nicole and we are looking at kind of summerlike weather today. It wont be undually hot but it is bright up in the poconos jack frost big bowledder. It is not as bright with a few clouds and we will look at storm scan three and we can see why. Showers are to the south of the philadelphia, they are light but they are out there. So expect today with sun, clouds and further north you go, more sunshine, 70 degrees in philadelphia, 68 in trenton and in wilmington. We have a day close to 80 degrees this afternoon with that chance of the light shower especially west and south but as we move through the rest of the day skies do start to look better and it looks great around here tomorrow with 84 degrees and sunshine. That is it for Eyewitness News this morning you can always follow us on our web site at cbs philly. Com. Im Nicole Brewer make it a great day. Announcer when you see this symbol you know youre watching a show thats educational and informational. The cbs dream team its epic. Narrator today on lucky dog, its a family affair. Each forever family comes with its own dynamic and special set of needs. Carlos we do hiking. Brandon you folks do live in horse country. I think thats the problem here. Narrator so climb on board as we pay some home visits. Brandon how are you doing . Boy good narrator . And explore brandons most important familyinspired training moments. Brandon does he ride his bike, and he wants the dog to run alongside of it . Tony yeah. Brandon you never know, the dog might like it. Im Brandon Mcmillan and ive dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. My mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose a

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