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Despite that very modest west, even almost southwest flow, of say five to nearing 10 miles per hour, it is enough that i would suggest that you sort of just knock 10 degrees off for a feelslike value. So it is really actually feeling more like Single Digits at the moment, even couple of spots subzero. Rest of the day today no better than 20 degrees for feelslike range, ten to 20, saturday, though, thats where the cold really settles in. As some snow showers actually cross the area, too, in scattered fashion. Sunday definitely the coldest of the pack, especially in the morning, we look at the region, as a whole here, at least the day planner, next couple of hours, specking some sun, late in the day, and specially by night fall, watch for new snow showers with the next cold front. Meantime, it will be very cold, for you today, but really is just taste of what the weekend has in store. Meisha . Whenever you talk about rain, at least know it is going up in temperatures, i guess thats the Silver Lining there. Thanks, katie. Good morning, everyone, happy friday to you. If you are just waking up with us, were so glad youre here grabbing your first cup of coffee with us, vine looking good both westbound and eastbound direction, still looking quiet. As you can see, all open, no construction to speak of there. Burlington bristol bridge still upright. Scheduled to open around 4 45, still up though. Ill let you know it comes back down. Just make note of that for those every you taking a bridge. Westbound bridge, westbound direction, from jersey looking good. Beautiful shot here. Very nice and quiet. Exactly what we want to see any day, but specially on a friday. This should stay fairly quiet. If it is like any normal friday would be. We have water main break west philly two, places are afflict dollars here, 63rd between haverford avenue and master street, and girard, between 62nd street and 64th. Use alternate, lansdowne avenue, probably going to be your best bet. And ill get to this. Last night underground explosion causing some construction, ill get to in a in about 15 minute, erika, back to you. Meisha, thanks so much. No classes again today at Ursinus College in Montgomery County. Number of students, staff, sickened by Mysterious Illness now nearly double what it was on wednesday. Eyewitness News Reporter justin finch joins us now at the campus in collegeville. Officials really trying get to the bottom of the outbreak. Keeps on growing, justin, good morning. Good morning, thats absolutely right. Right now, ursinus accounts about 18 a student and staff who have come down with this mystery illness. And they say that many in 48 hours are already starting to feel better. But what will take longer is determining just what this bug is. As you mentioned, classes are canceled today, as they were yesterday. As disinfecting teams go throughout the campus to wipe down common areas. As ursinus officials await health test result, those finding could take about a week to come back. This bug broke out about tuesday, when student and staff began showing symptoms which include stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Among the first precautions taken was closing down the dining hall for near that this outbreak may be foodborn. Now after passing the series every Montgomery County health tests, that dining hall reopened on thursday. Now, meantime, area restaurants, including wawa, and wegmans, served free food to student and several student tell us theyre watching their own symptoms, and other student, and are also keeping their hands and environments germ free, and crews are also working to help keep this campus clean. We started that early on wednesday. With the closure of our dining facilities, so the dining facilities have been cleaned and sanitizing. We also had a really focused effort on high traffic areas in our communities, so obviously residential living spaces, coming on areas, lounges, bathrooms, the fitness center, all of that has been completed and well continue with those cleaning and sanitizing effort, in all of those areas. As those effort continue, ursigns us staff urged student and staff who feel sick to reach out to the wellness center, urgent care facilities, they do want to count on how many people do come down sick. Again, classes are closed today. Many student and staff are off campus as theyve been since late yesterday. Meantime, the school trying to figure out if this illness is passed by food or person to person. Erika, back over to you. Cant be too careful on campus now, justin, thank you. Repair work still has street closed around an underground electrical fire at 21st and walnut in center city. This is eyewitness video sent to us by chris peters. Black smoke poured from underground last night. The fire initially knocked out power to about 400 homes and businesses. That number is down to less than 100 now, with crews working through the night. Repair work meanwhile has streets closed around an underground electrical fire at 21st and walnut in center city. We have some eyewitness video or rather had that earlier, well get to that now. Right now new information in the defemation case against bill cosby. Judge in massachusetts said his wife camille does not have to testify against her husband. Mrs. Cosby still has to give a deposition, but the judge ruled she can refuse to answer questions about private marital conversations. In a lawsuit, seven women claim cosby defamed them after they went public with accusations, he sexually assaulted them decades ago. Bill cosby is also facing Sexual Assault charges in Montgomery County. Now, we are await to go finds out more about if former eagle running back lesean mccoy will face any charges. After his alleged involvement in a brawl over the weekend. But mccoy is not the only athlete in the spotlight right now for acting out. In a tasha brown follows up on other athletes in trouble. The vicious assault video has gone viral. Showing the brawl at recess lounge in old city this past weekend. Allegedly, involving, former eagles running back, lesean mccoy. It is not the first time weve seen local professional athletes, thrust into the limelight, for all the wrong reasons. Form earl eagles wide receiver riley coopers image tarnished when individual he yo from kenny chest knee concert caught him using a racial slur. Street fight outside of boston bar, involving rookie sixers tarp, jahlil okafor. Casting a bit of a shadow over the 20 year olds first season in the nba. Quite frankly, as march tour at this issue, he is a very young man, with a loft money, look to go make everyone happen. I joe dooling, sports psychologist, works with the university of pennsylvania mens basketball team. When i talk to so many young professional athlete, and student athlete, it is amazing what we hear about the fears and the insecurities, and then all the sudden we see them on tv and theyre in trouble. Dooling says there is a Real Movement now in high schools and colleges across the country to nurture Young Athletes mental state of minds while still applause being their physical prowl he is. Hopefully moving forward, it will be more of the norm, where were looking at mental strength as well as physical strength. Really finding out where kids are and hopefully that will of course when some of these are fortunate enough to make it to the professional ranks, theyll have the coping skills. Need to start in high school and college. While the future of lesean mccoys allege involvement in this brawl remains uncertain, dooling says he has one question for the star running back, now, in his eighth year in the nfl. What i would ask him is what have you learned about this . What can you do differently . And hopefully thats what this is all about, this extraordinary opportunity for him to learn. Reporter again, no charges have been filed against lesean mccoy, and there is apparently no time line as to when arrest warrants would be issued in this case. In the sat center, natasha brown, cbs3, eyewitness news. This is the latest sign that spring is on the way. Phillies are picking up all of that gear and headed south. Boxes and boxes of gear sitting at Citizens Bank park ready for the southbound trip to clearwater. No word who the kayak belongs to, little curious. Clear water is about a thousand miles from philadelphia. Now the phils taking along 10,000, 12ounce cups, plus the usual baseball stuff including 2400 baseballs and 1200 bats. But, thats not all. How about 25 sets of golf clubs, hard at work, right, guys . Also the phanatic hot doak launcher, cant go without that. How exactly do they decide what to take . You know, we decide what we need, you know, what the players likes from the year before, then that will dictate what we order for this coming spring season, and the season. So, you know, the players tell us what they like and what they prefer. So they make the decisions. Also, this is really cool. Check it out. The phillies home alternate jersey. It will premiere april 15th. Theyll be against the padres, the jersey for the mid week home game. Six in all. So here get good view of that, pretty nazi, right . The First Time Since 1979 the phillies have worn red jerseys for regular season games. Cant wait to see these on, april 15th. All right, right now 5 90. Still ahead this morning, Hillary Clinton and bernie sanders, they faceoff in another debate. And there were number of heated he is changes, right now. Well show them to you coming up. Also im proud of all of them. Think it is a great story about teenagers who did the right thing, the right place at the right time. Ride to school takes terrifying turn on a new jersey road. How some young heroes stopped their run away bus. Jan . Reporter were coming to you live this morning, from your floor he is florist company in northeast philadelphia, where workers here are getting ready for very busy weekend. Valentine day on sunday. Coming up well show you some of the beautiful creations. Welcome back, bad news about the zika virus to report today. World Health Organization says that we are still at least 18 months away from large scale tries for azika vaccine. Health officials scrum bling to stop the mosquito born illness that can cause abnormally small heads in some children. Just this week we learned about two cases in pennsylvania, and one in delaware. Well, talk about staying calm under pressure, three new jersey student leap into action to save their fellow students, after their bus becomes a run away bus and managed to stop it. Christine sloan spoke to the young heroes and has that store. I three student grateful to be standing in front of us, story of survival on this school bus that went out of control on route 22, bridgewater, new jersey, when the substitute driver had a medical emergency. His eyes fluttered. Bus driver kept on swerving, and it was like a continuous swerve. Kayla write, angela, and gaff i am, on the run away school bus headed to the Somerset County vocational and technical school, when the nightmare unfolded. It was like fast exit. He said what is this . We were like the ex at this time get to school. All three went into action to save themselves and 24 other kids on the bus. Wright and her schools Public Safety program, because she lost her father in a motorcycle accident eight years ago, and costello, bow scott, rushed to the driver. He kept trying to calm himself. He kept taking his hands off the wheel and on his schemes. Their plan to stop the bus at the red light. He almost started going past the red light, through the red light, thats when i jump up and just pushed it all the way into park. I told everyone to just, you know, get out, get out, you know, the bus. What did the kids say to you after you did this . Said thank you, all of this other stuff. Wrights mom heard the commotion because calebs phone accidentally dialed her. You must have been terrified . I was terrified. I am proud of all of them. I think it is a great story about teenagers who all did the right thing, you know, were at the right place at the right time. The schools closed so we werent able to get information on what exactly happened to the driver. We know because of their heroic efforts their classmates are okay. Well done, that was Christine Sloan reporting. Police say the School Bus Driver is in stable condition right now. Well, in this cold weather, were having quite important for everyone to stay warm and to find warm place to stay. That includes our pets. Some towns like buena vista have adopted extreme weather pet ordinances, that require people to bring dogs and cats inside when the thermometer drops below 32 degrees. It has gained momentum. Were glad, were hoping that it will be passed on the state and the local level. And ordinance in philadelphia also requires pet owners brink their animals in from the cold or they face a 500dollar fine. Well, katie is stuck outside on the skydeck. Shell be back inside and warm soon. Really there is can be dangerously cold for pets. Also our elderly neighbors, watch out for them, too. Everybody. Even though you are sitting inside, if a pipe burst or you end up maybe losing your heating, Something Like that, you can really end up in a jam here. So, we definitely have a lot of safety tips that come along with this, make sure that youre smart about it, you know . But we are at least weather wise looking at some pretty quiet weather initially, just cold outside. Thankfully, im very happy to report, here on the skydeck, not terribly windy at the moment. How much, there is a very modest breeze, it is enough that you might notice it when you walk out the door. But you are also going to notice your breath in front of your face here too. Bundle up adequately, folks. I want to walk you through what happens later today. Future weather, no problems. There is a reinforcing blast of cold coming our way that will trigger couple of snow showers, especially, tonight, and early tomorrow morning. Notice, some of the intensity getting pick up hereby future weather. Could be those sort of heavy bursts of snow like we saw with the squawl that rolled through yesterday. They might be little more widespread in coverage. Scattered granted but you might see few more pockets as opposed to what we saw yesterday. That lingers into early saturday morning, before skies start to clear back out, then just stuck with the chill. So, today, 28 degrees, very cold day, getting colder. I know the skiers are definitely looking forward to the Valentine Day weekends to get out on the slopes. A loft slopes are open, with really nice solid bases here, jack frost, big boulder, camel black, blue mountain, list goes on with multiple trails open. But look at these temperatures, and we actually have windchill watch posted, up in the pocono region for the weekend. So, windchill values specially sunday morning could exceed something as low as say 30, 35 degrees below zero. Thats the windchill. So it will be brutal in the mountains, certainly, here, in the city and everywhere else. Specially valentine morning, meisha, looking to be the absolute coldest period of this forecast. So true, katie. You see 21, sometimes that can be little misleading because the windchill, can be so dangerous. Good morning, everyone, happy friday. Yes, it is cold outside. But the good news is the roadways, they are area nice and dry. That is certainly going to help our commute this morning. Also, friday, just seems to be a better travel day overall, typically, and its valentines day sunday, always good news, 95 south at allegheny looking good, both directions starting to heat up. Early risers out, there sometimes on a friday well see that kind of this early prerush, so to speak, because a lot of people want to get a jump start to their week, hop on the roadways, right now looking good, clearly just breaking into the 5 00 hour, everyone still traveling at posted speeds. Burlington bristol bridge still up for those every in you and around this area, taking this bridge, still up, wait for it to be confirmed, and in new jersey 42 freeway northbound creek road you can see whats happening here. Not whole lot. Just few early risers what we can expect in new jersey as you head in the northbound direction. Construction, we have an underground explosion last night, and because of that, walnut st. , between 19th and 22nd, is blocked for that construction. You will have to use alternate. Samsung or spruce street probably going to be your best bet this morning. Erika, over to you. Meisha, thank you. Well, today is your last chance to sign up for the broad street run. The largest 10mile road race in the u. S. Registration is being handled through lottery, closes at 11 59 tonight. Names selected from the lottery will be posted on line this tuesday, race sunday may first, so good luck if you are trying to get in the race. Blue cross broad street run benefits the american cancer society. Well, business will be blooming for flower shops across the philadelphia area, leading up of course to Valentine Day this sunday, you have maybe two days to go if you are not quite ready, have the flowers ordered yet, january jan carabeo joins us from sign says in mayfair, everything they have to do to prepare for such a busy weekends, jan, good morning. Reporter erika, good morning. Stein has been here for more than 125 years. They used to deliver flowers with horse and buggy. How about that . So we have upgrade add little bit. Thank goodness they have the vans now, will be getting very busy, very time soon, Valentine Day sunday, you have everything you can imagine here at steins, weve got the bears with the hearts ready to go. Of course, we have the roses, which are a fan favorite. But if you dont want to do roses, one of the owners hearsays this might and good choice. These are exotics. The birds of paradise, how beautiful is that . And a little bit down the line, we have all of the or kids, could be good choice, but we all know that Everybody Loves the roses on valentines day. If you dont want to do red roses take a look at these, rainbow, or tie die roses, even blue roses here. Something for everyone. Now theyll be getting very busy, and coming up in our next half hour, actually going to talk to the owner here, who says valentines falling on the weekend is a little bit different for them. Also, theyre dealing with this cold weather. So some interesting things to learn about, and also, how you can get your last minute roses or anything else you might want to get for valentines day, erika, back into you. Procrastinators are listening, jan, thanks so much. Not much love for the sit of brotherly love whether it comes to Valentine Day watch makes philly one of the worse cities to celebrate the holiday . Also, are you still looking for unique gift . How you can get one every these paintings sealed with a hippo kiss. Well beight back. Another classic love song. All right, so, where is this one on your list on your top five . I would probably say meisha really getting into this i would probably say this was out of the ones i chose i think this was maybe third, on my list, but it is one of those ones that, right when you hear it, every someone likes oh, oh, it is so amazing. The way to your heart is through Michael Bolton . Oh, there is a lot to go right into here, but yes, he is one of them. Fan at that time i can. More to come through the the morning. City of brotherly love not really feeling the love. You hear this . Financial website, says philly is one of the worst places to celebrate valentines day. Why, you might be thinking . Yes . Rates 95th out of 100 cities and the city got the low scores for the high cost of restaurant meals. You know the prefix menus, pretty pricy . Also the weather on the holidays, fan they looked at katies forecast, we do not blame katie. No. But im sorry waking up today 15 in the sit. That might give us a bad record. Go to minnesota one day, youll change your tune, real fast. There you go. Well, if youre still looking for unique Valentine Day gift, take a look at this, hippos at the aquarium, making paintings sealed with a kiss, really big kiss, tooment look how they do this. They put the paint on the little guys snaz, the hippos just take care of the rest. The one of a kind pictures are on sale starting today. The quantity tis are limited. So, proceeds, though, this is so neat, economy to benefit hippos in the wild. Love that absolutely. Oh, my goodness. And, also, hippo awareness weaken at the aquarium. Learn all about these huge animals, we have a link on our website cbsphilly. Com. A unique gift indeed. Now that no one has received a hippo kiss before. I havent. I want one. Well, now we know what to get you. Coming up, different casino of trouble on the campaign trail. Why one of the candidates had to ache emergency trip to the dentist. Also democratic president ial candidate, challenge each other policies in a sometimes tense debate. Im marlie hall in milwaukee, which wisconsin with the latest coming up. And i know, bad weather on the way, if youre not a fan of the cold, so, youre just going to have to snuggle up with your valentine this weekend, folks, frankly all jokes aside the kind of colds that can be dangerous if youre not smart about it, well have tips for you, also talk about just how cold it will get coming madam secretary, that is a low blow. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton clash as they fight for votes in campaign 2016. President obama was a frequent topic at last nights democratic debate. Hear what the candidate said about him, and the message they think voters like hearing. First, just freezing friday morning. And this is just a taste of whats to come this weekend, really, if you leave your house sunday, my hatso

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