Tells us. What makes it different is that instead of me telling you what our family of correspondents and contributors will be reporting they, im told, are going to be report can on me. Im not exactly sure what theyre going to say, but i believe my prepared and colleague rita braver does. Good morning, rita. Good morning, charlie. Thats right. This morning, all you have to do is relax and watch tv. Because were having a celebration of of Charles Osgood. Good morning, this is Charles Osgood. We begin at the beginning. Charlie has had one of the most memorable careers in broadcast journal. Time is running out to get the almost 50 years at cbs. Im Charles Osgood this is sunday morning. 22 here at sunday morning. Its a broadcasters dream. Looking back, which i now can do. Sunday mornings are filled coming up Charles Osgood on the air. Im an on this me mason here is anothers side to charles story, did you know he had ha top 40 hit . What did you think . I was delighted. Quite unexpected. Well tell you about charlie, the music man, later on sunday morning. Im martha teichner, what rhymes with understood . Osgood, of course. Its understood that charlie knows a thing or two about rhyming. On a fine summer day, the water led up to her knee. Thats right called poetic license. It requires a very rye sense. Charlies will be on display. Im mo rocco we all know how charlie loves to tie one on. I think youre great. But you without a bow tie is a little bit of a let down. Not what you expected. People say, i cant get away with wearing a bow tie. The natty neck wear of that sartorial sultan, Charles Osgood ahead this sunday morning. Im lee cowan, remember all those summer sundays when charlie was no where to be found . Well, we found him, here on the french rivierz do you have a routine here . There are a couple of naps involved. Usually after lunch. And that lasts right up until cocktail time. So the day sorta slips away. Youre invited later on sunday morning. Osgood theres much more besides, so they tell me on this special edition of sunday morning. The real story on pat toomey. On background checks for gun buyers. Toomey has shown the courage few others have. Toomey steps up on checks. Toomey is on the right side. State leaders should follow toomey lead. No wonder leading Pennsylvania Police organizations endorse pat toomey as best to protect our families. Independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Im tracy smith. As we told you this is sunday morning is all about charlie. And all of his friends and colleagues are here to do the honors. To start us off im presuming to take over one of charlies weekly dues tee by in throw duesing a special page from our sunday morning almanac. January 8, 1933, 83, eight months and 17 days ago today, the day Charles Osgood wood was born in new york. He was joined just shy of a year later by his baby sister, mary anne. And together they shared a childhood of simple pleasures. Summers meant happy times at their grandparents home in massachusetts. Where they whiled away the long days fishing and flying kites. Back in new york, charlie and mary anne shared a room in a small rental apartment and charlie began his school days at our lady of refuge in the bronx. That all changed in is the 42, when charlies father, a textile salesman, was transferredded from new york to baltimore. In Baltimore Charlie and his sister welcomed a much younger brother, ken. They experienced a unique period in our history. Who better to tell that part of charlies journey than charlie himself as did he right here on sunday morning a few years ago. Osgood baltimore, maryland, birth place of the great babe ruth and of the star spangled banner. Edgar allen poe did, too, so did this young khan. Charles osgood wood. The year was 194t i was nine years old. Like many 9yearold boys, i was in love with baseball. And radio. The world around. And what a world it was back then, a world at war. A world of rationing and air raid drills and victory guard fence. Still see that boy in my minds eye, happy in that terrible time as omaha 9yearold can be. We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bull ten. The japanese have attacked pearl harbor. Two days before i turned nine, i had to pin a tiny japanese flag flag to the big map i had tacked to my bedroom wall. It would be june 4 the date of americas great victory in the battle of midway, before i could happily pin up an american flag. Did i mention that i loved baseball . The orioles then were not the orioles of today, in those days they were a struggling triplea team. I loved them anyway. Especially when my father would take me out to the ballpark to see the games. In baltimore in 1942 there were white wooden houses with big front porches and grand white stoops. Many still standing, along with it is brie mow seltzer tower, with a distinctly american twist. In those days there was 40 foot tall Bromo Seltzer bottle on top of the tower. That would be the date under the clock, in baltimore they would meet under the fence. In 1942, milk was delivered in bottles, the mail was delivered twice a day and that boy named charlie wood had a paper would the. You have a stack of them held together by a strap, pull one out as you approach the customer. Into the throwing position, this is where accuracy and journalism comes in. Whether in the bushes or on the roof. My best boyhood pal was a girl, my slightly younger sister mary and the war and loved radio as much as i did. The street lights are up and down here. On april day as mystery as my boyhood memories we vivid our old house on edgewood road. This is on the roof. No. We didnt. Good radio signals, though. The fbi and radio was my window of the on the world. A world unto itself, a world more fantastic and more real than the world i saw every day in baltimore. The speed of light, a crowd of dust and a the lone ranger anything that you havent got your finger in . Yes, a wedding ring. Edgar bergen the only ventriloquist to succeed on radio. The shadow knows. I even knew what the shadow looked like, and he was invisible. American radio of the 1940s had profound influence on me, the reason im doing what i do today instead of playing the organ at a skating rink. I could imagine no career more delightful except perhaps to play short stop for the orioles. That was unrealistic, i was afraid of ground balls. In those golden days of radio i never minded the intruckss of sponsors, the commercials were entertaining. We both loved them. You want a peppy pup then you better hurry up. I took piano lessons at the peabody institute, an august institution thats still there. Director Robert Sirota had a surprise for me. We even actually have your report card. Charles o. Wood, 350 edgewood road, says that you took four terms of piano satisfactory. I was stunned that you still have a piece of paper with my name on it. I still remember the song i played, the happy farmer, almost didnt get to perform when they forgot to call my miami. In the evening our family would gather around the piano and sing our favorite songs. That was what families did in 1942, with the shades drawn and the lights dimmed in the midst of a terrible war. For a few minutes we let the rest of the world go by. So long, charlie, were grateful for the memories. See you on the radio. Charlie you provided the sound track so so many on sunday morning, thank you, ill see you on the radio. Well never be able to rock the bow tie like you. Charles, i have watched you and listened to you for years as a fan, even competed against you on a lot of sunday mornings, still as a fab. There is no finer broadcaster than you. There is no finer broadcaster than you. So i say with Great Respect and admiration, ill see you on the radio. Retirement rabbit from voya. Ey orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Get organized at voya. Com. Tthe whitenessmy wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing so its nice to know that it was as simple as that. No ones surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. Thats just what happens when cats call the shots. New friskies tender and crunchy combo. Tasty textures cats gotta have. Friskies. For cats. By cats. When are they leaving . Grilled cheese and campbells tomato soup go together like grandchildren and chaos. Made for real, real life. Heard of life of airline pilot. Hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror. Im rita braver. Any story by Charles Osgood is one of a kind. As is the story of Charles Osgood and his long career on the air. Here it is, right here. Natures cooling system. The Great American elm tree. Whether describing a National Treasure or deploring the plight of the homeless. Osgood being cold is not an abstraction but a reality you can feel in your bones. Only thing matters is to escape from the cold and now. You know what this is, of course. Charles osgood says, he wants us to take a closer look. Osgood maybe in some cases to be angry or amused or sorta shake your head about this crazy world. By the way, it is a crazy world. Which helps explain how an economics major at Fordham University in the bronx the cold weather was the same when you were here . Yes, it was. Ended up at the campus radio station. Osgood i spent more time here than i did at the in the classrooms or doing homework. He started as a Classical Music dj in washington, d. C. But at some point you were to become a news reporter. What was the inspiration for that . Osgood there was a job that was available and i knew how to get it. His business big time news job was at abc. Osgood good morning, this is Charles Osgood. Then in 1967, he joined wcbs radio in new york. Ed. Osgood today mrs. Martin is the proud possess or of a plant that towers like jacks bean stalk, look like a tomato plant is nicknamed fred. His distinctive style soon landed him a job at the cbs network. The osgood file. In 19 1 he launched one of the longest running features in radio history. What came to be own as the osgood file. Edward r. Murray knew how to use his voice. Several stories a day in twominute segments that are surprisingly complex to craft. Osgood see you on the radio, i say that every week, a phrase some people say. Ive got piece of mail or two complaining that this sentence seems to contradict itself. Short sentence, short paragraphs, theres nothing that cant be improved by making it shorer and better. When the idea of Live Television was presented to you, was that exciting for you or foreboding . It scared me to death. Good evening, time is running out to get the hostage in fact he says the first time he anchored a broadcast he got some constructive criticism from a legendary mike wallace. Osgood he said, you looked like you was had gone into a room to empty the waste baskets and you looked up and saw Walter Cronkites chair and said, ohh and you sat in the chair. You said to yourself, i hope nobody catches me doing this, hope nobodys watching. But soon he realized osgood good evening he just needed to be himself on camera. It takes two to tango but more than two to make any kind of peace in the middle east. Osgood its important that the audience be comfortable and they wont be if youre not comfortable. In 199, Charles Osgood took over sunday morning from the venerable charles kuralt. Osgood good morning, im Charles Osgood this is sunday morning. I know, it sounds strange to me, too. But here we are. Youve got to know that the audience came to, not just accept you, but to really be very fond of you. What was that like as you started to realize that . Osgood i think if you do something every week, you show up in their homes then they get to know you. When you knock down the door say, may i come in. We have actors and artists, not just politicians in the 22 years since, Charles Osgood has taken us to cuba, explored american architectural landmarks, even served up thanksgiving dinner. In the process, helping sunday morning earn three recent emmys for outstanding morning program. Through it all, he followed his own wise counsel. Osgood before your working years are through, i hope whatever work you do makes you happy. Makes you smile, you may be at it quite awhile. The feeling is not half bad so long, charles, thank god your voice will continue to engage us. I ditto that. We thank you for everything. Well see you on the radio. I grew up in the sunday morning family watching you because i had to. Because my dad was on the show then i fell in love watching you as a great broadcaster and even more than that a great gentleman. Congratulations, charlie, on a great. I were going to miss you on sunday morning, you set the goal for elegance and beautiful storytelling. See you on the radio, charlie slowing you down. But your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. Ive been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. I could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. One in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. Will it be you . And thats why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. Im working to boost lindas immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. Zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. Zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. You should not get zostavax if you are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. The most common side effects include redness, pain, itching, swelling, hard lump warmth or bruising at the injection site and headache. Its important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. Remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you . Talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. Youve got a shot against shingles. Single shot zostavax. A leading consumer testing the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. Osgood say hello to tilly, has people rolling over. This particular chicken is of the human restraint more or less, free range chickens answer to no man. They come and go as they wish. The canada goose. Sheep like little girl here theres wool. Raw material for a story. Easter chicks and easter eggs, there is the nest egg, cash people silt aside. I dont mean to sound vulgar but good rule to follow is literally, too watch your ass. Good morning. Im serena altschul. From the studios of great artists, Charles Osgood has always used his light touch to help his subjects look their best. Here are just two examples. Charlies story on the underground artist who became a legend and his visit to a pair of painters in their prime. He stalks the new york city subways waiting for his chance to strike. When the opportunity comes, he moves fast. He has to. Opportunity for keith hairing is a blank advertising poster. Using a piece of chalk, the young man from cute town, pennsylvania, draws a picture, which he finishes in a minute or two then moves on. He may do as many as 30 such drawings in a way. All different, but all the same in certain ways. He puts them down here so that millions can see them and millions do. You dont have to know neg about art to appreciate it. There arent any hidden secrets or things that youre supposed to understand. But hes got to be careful. Because technically what hes doing is illegal graffiti. He doesnt think hes defacing anything he believes it is art. Many subway riders seem to agree. But the law is the law. For haring its short lived and worth the humiliation because he wants ordinary people, subway riders to see his stuff. Is it art . Well, upstairs, there doesnt seem to be any question. Hes done murals like this one. And youll often find him working on paintings that look like the subway drawings, this big one for all its size only took him couple of hours to do. Here, too, he works fast. I think its more important to make a lot of Different Things and keep coming up with new images and things that were never made before than to do one thing and do it well. They come out fast, but its a fast world. Osgood so fast has keith caught on in this fast world that now he has a oneman show at a gallery in soho. Here are the same images, the cookie cutter man, baby, arts, dolphins and space ships. Only now it is the art world looking on. They think its art all right. I cant get over it. Osgood he has become a hot property. I want to buy a few of these. They pay plenty. 15,000 for that two hour special we saw him working on. Not bad for a 24yearold kid from kutztown. Iep though he now gets fancy prices for his work, still, every chance he gets its back down into the subway system looking around to make sure the compost is clear. Then, going to it. Art for the people. All for the price of a subway token. Osgood call it a portrait of friendship. Two friends, ambling through an art gallery. Everett cutler. One little thing that he selects. And anthony benedetto. Just beautiful. They were both born 7 years ago two days apart. Both gone to the same new york city high school. I probably knew his name but we didnt know each other. I was not quite 16 when i quit. Then through some coincidences we met it was more than 15 years ago. Osgood of course thats not the end of the story because each went on to great things. Edward left school to illustrate comic books like the shadow. Today, hes one of our finest portrait painters. Who has painted a virtual gallery of 20th Century America five president s posed for him. His painting of gerald ford and Ronald Reagan hang in the white house. And anthony grew up to be tony bennett. Of the american song book. But hes always said he has two careers while tony bennett keeps singing. Ab on this knee benedetto is hard at work painting. Bennett, drops in on kinstlers occasional master class. The angle of the needle, th