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As soon as class was over she was gone. Back home . Yes. Thats where they found her. My girl is not answering the phone. The officers could see a lot of blood. Police thought her boyfriend s behavior seemed odd. He gets to the door and sees it kicked in, he doesnt go in. People felt that there was something suspicious about that. But, he had an alibi. Did he try to point the finger at anybody else . He did. Angilas ex husband. The ex had an alibi to. He came off as very calm and collected. And there was Something Else missing. We got a phone call until someone found it. They asked me if i would be willing to come up there and wear a wire. One old friend talking to another. This is just my second drink. About a secret she was dying to share. I think she was almost proud of the whole thing. A case where the biggest twist came after the verdict. Wow that was my response, wow hello and welcome to dateline. Working mom Angila Wilder dreamed of becoming a nurse and was burning the candle at both ends to make it come true. Then, angila was murdered. Investigators suspected the attack was personal, and just when they thought it was cased close, turns out it was not. So, they set an elaborate trap hoping to catch a killer. Here is Keith Morrison with prairie confidential. It was dark, on the Great Central plains. Moonless, in the early hours that friday the 13th of november. A small light wind shivered along flat deserted streets, and nipped the freezing little teeth of the ruins of autumn in minot, north dakota. Was there a muffled sound of a cry, no one heard. Not a thing. Its a modest place, modest in a good way. And uncommonly friendly, comparatively speaking, of course. Its comfortable. Its a family community. North dakota nice, maybe an old fashion phrase but it still fits. The people who have been around a long time still greet each other on the street. As they did that chilly morning in november 2015. When parents dropped off their kids at this elementary school, and where later that morning at Minot State University department of nursing, professor diane shull wondered why one of her students hadnt shown up for an 11 am exam. Before we all started taking the test i said has anybody heard from angila . Angila was this woman. My name is Angila Wilder im a Student Nurse with and i will be investigating your cardiovascular system today. She was a sweet little southern girl. Always miss diane, yes maam, no maam. I let the doctor know and he will be with you shortly. Angila wilder was an addition to a Nursing Student a mother of three, who just days before had revealed to her professor that she was pregnant. Did you have any advice for her . Well, we talked about how stressful school is, we talked about, you know, who are not feeling well and then thats when i just told her yes is expected to come to class but if she couldnt she needed to call and let me know and we would just make other arrangements. But that morning . No call. No angila. Was she ill . Class was over. Before one of dianes students dropped a kind of bombshell. She said, well, i think it was angilas house where there was police tape around it, a lot of people in hazmat suits. And indeed it was angilas house. This little place next to a lutheran church, across the street from that elementary school. It was angilas fiancee home from a night shift who called 911. I just got home, my back door is kicked in, and my girl isnt answering the phone. My sons inside with her and everything. Im about to go in and see what is going on. Okay, why dont you just wait for officers. Ill get them over there. So, the fiancee stayed outside. The officers went in. The house was neat, tidy. They found the twoyearold unharmed. They went down the hall looked into the next bedroom, and there she was. Very dead. I didnt know at the time exactly how many times she had been stabbed but i knew that it was vicious. Why not Police Detective Sergeant Dave goodman. How many eventually did you found out . Somewhere near 40. And there was the fiancee, and you have a crime that looks like a crime of passion. What story did he tell about coming home . He reported that he had been at work all night when he arrived home, and found the back door to the residents kicked open, he said that he was obviously concerned about that. If that was me, i think i wouldve rushed in there to see what was going on with my family. And i say that to, of course, until you experienced that yourself i guess none of us know how we would react. Still, good mens Detectives Instincts kicked in, so what if some 911 dispatcher told him to wait, wouldnt innocent, worried parents really do that . It was suspicious. Why did angilas fiancee Chris Stay Outside . And, had he really been at work all night as he said he was . They took him downtown to the first of several interviews. Where goodman and his partner detective Sergeant Chris mathias sized him up. His name was chris jackson. How did he present . He was calm, he was crying, he was upset. He was mad. Where was he that night . Chris said angila drove him to work at walmart. Dropped him off before 11 pm. And i kissed her, and i said i love you, sweetheart. Drive safe, have a good night. Angila was nervous, he said, afraid to be left alone. Why did he say she was anxious during the night . The night before she thought that she had heard somebody messing at the front door of the residence. She felt like she was being watched. So said chris he called, and he texted her repeatedly. But after 2 am, he said, she didnt pick up when he called. And he figured she had fallen asleep. But no, she wasnt sleeping. But who killed her . And why . When chris first arrived at the police station, they let him make a phone call. It was obvious he had his own suspect in mind. Richie is probably the piece of [bleep] who did it, god i hope [bleep] they [ bleep ]. Richie, who was he . A pregnant young mom dead, her toddler nearby. An investigation about to lead it to even darker discoveries. Coming up her fingernails were broken off. Detectives talk to richie. What happened to your face . Where . Right here . You got a scratch on your face. Are they getting closer or getting away . Did he have an alibi . He said he did. When dateline continues. Chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. With up to 13 camera views. And the z71 offroad package. You ok . Yeah. Any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life. Chevy silverado. Trelegy for copd. Birds flyin high, you know how i feel. Breeze driftin on by. You know how i feel. You dont have to take. [coughing]. Copd sitting down. Its a new dawn,. Its a new day, its time to make a stand. And im feelin good. Start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily copd. Medicine has the power to treat copd. In as many ways as trelegy. With three medicines in one inhaler,. Trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung function, and helps prevent future flareups. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler. For sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,. Vision changes, or eye pain occur. Take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy. And save at trelegy. Com. Kayaking is my thing. Running is awesome. But her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. Now im staying ahead of it. Dupixent helps heal your skin from within. So, they can have clearer skin and less itch. Serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or Vision Changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or Stop Asthma Medicines without talking to your doctor. Ask your doctor about dupixent. After advil. Feeling better . On top of the worlddddd before advil. Advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. When pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liquigels. The wind on the prairie is a when pain comes for you, Keith Morrison voiceover the wind fickle thing. Like people sometimes are. Is that why Angila Wilders fiancee chris was so angry . Richie is probably the [bleep] piece of [bleep] who did it. There was a history to this, long before the november morning in 2015 and far away from minot, north dakota, in alabama, angila met richie at church. They were the best of friends as kids, after angila had a baby as a teenager, it was richie who scooped her up, married her, adopted her little girl and before long they had a boy of their own. All witnessed by angilas sister, krystal. She tends to date guys who were funny, gentle that were intelligent and really ritchie was all of those things. Richie was in the air force, thats why they moved to minot, the airbase there. And thats where angila pursued her dream of becoming a nurse. She took classes whenever she could, she could have up to two jobs at a time, still attend her classes and take care of her kids. Why did richie and angilas lifelong bond rupture . Who really knows. But theres curdled into a corrosive, toxic anger. Richie was court marshaled, convicted of domestic abuse, drummed out of the military. A divorce followed. But then, like the prairie wind, their affection shifted. Richie remarried, small town north dakota girl called cyndi who had moved to minot and became a Kindergarten Teacher. And soon cyndi and richie had a baby of their own. And angila got engaged to chris and she had another baby too. And these two new families all settled down again, or they might have, except for rich in angeles nasty custody battle. She said he was fighting me all the time, its been really hard with the kids. It was bad between those two, scary. I got a frantic phone call from her one morning and i was like calm down, what is going on . And she said its richie. I just woke up, came out of my bedroom, went into my living room and he is sitting on my couch, and looked at me and said see i told you i can get to you if i wanted to. Is that what happened here, an angry exhusbands revenge . Hello. Are you richie . Yes, maam. A few hours after the murder, pat her talking to angilas fiancee, chris, Detectives Goodman and mathias called routine for a top. But he didnt seem to know what was going on. And ill tell you, angilas dead. , oh really . Yes. Did he seem upset by what had happened . He didnt, no. That strike you as odd . It did, yes. He would want to have some reaction, the mother of his child. Thats what we would expect. Their questions got tougher. Did you kill her . No. No . No. Im 100 percent truthful. Did he have an alibi . He said he did. Did you work last night . From 7 to 11 yes, maam. Where do you go after you left work . Straight home. Can anybody tell us what time you got home . Yes, cyndi. That is, his new wife, the Kindergarten Teacher. She confirmed that when she woke up for the baby during the night, richie was beside her in bed. He was home, the three times that i was up. If thats the truth, cyndi, thats fine, i mean maybe he was home during those three times that you were up during the night. Is that possible, sure. What do you know about this . I dont know anything. So, maybe the detectives could get some evidence from the crime scene techs who told them angila had tried to fight off her killer. Her fingernails were broken off, it appeared that the assault actually occurred while she was in bed and ended up on the floor next to the bed. Your dna is not gonna show up anywhere on her . No, its not possible. I wasnt even there. Gonna show up under her fingernails . No. But, they couldnt help but see the scratch. What happened to your face . Where . Right here . You have a scratch on your face. He had a story that he had been wrestling with his younger son and that he had gotten scratched. Police also in putting two cars driven by richie and his wife and in one, of small spot of something dark brown. On the inside of the door. Visible to the naked eye but not obvious that it was blood. But enough suspicion for them to go ahead and collect that. And when the lab called back a few weeks later with news . Well, it was quite a moment. We were excited, we couldnt believe it. That spot in rishis vehicle, it was indeed blood. Angilas blood. We ended up standing up during that Conference Call and hugging, we were so excited to get that news. But, no arrests, not yet. Not until more results came in, material found under angeles fingernails. About a week later we heard back on the fingernail clippings and that came back to richie and we said okay, lets go get him. And so they did. We found him at a local gym in town i said i have an Arrest Warrant for you for the murder of angila. Richie junior was charged with murder, he soon pleaded not guilty. We offered an interview to him, and he didnt want to talk. He went to jail. Then, a couple of months later. Hi richard, do you remember us . Detective mateo, Detective Goodman. Richie asked to see the detectives again. Because he was finally ready to tell the truth. And blow the whistle on his accomplice. Wait . Accomplice . Coming up drove her off the bed and started stabbing her. Richies story and why he says he kept it secret. He was threatening my family. When dateline continues. Its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. vo Football Season is here. Get Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv on us. A 449 value. Plus, get a free Samsung Galaxy z flip5. Only on verizon. My Mental Health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. Td can be caused by some Mental Health meds. And its unlikely to improve without treatment. I felt like my movements were in the spotlight. Ingrezza is a Prescription Medicine to treat adults with td movements. Ingrezza is different. Its the simple, oncedaily treatment proven to reduce td thats 1 prescribed. 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Every day, businesses everywhere are asking is it possible . With comcast business. It is. Is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address Operations Issues . We can help with that. Can we provide health care virtually anywhere . We can help with that, too. Is it possible to survey foot traffic across all of our locations . Yeah absolutely. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. He drove her off the bed, and kept stabbing her. Richie wilder junior had a new story. A new and shocking story that put him and his ex wife angila s bedroom the night she was stabbed to death. But did he kill her . Oh no, richie said. So who did . Richie was finally ready to reveal the secret. To point the finger at the very man who first accused him, the killer . Was angilas fiancee, chris. But to start from the beginning. Richie said chris had discovered angila was cheating on him while he worked his night shift at walmart, he wanted to catch her in the act, prove she was an unfit mother so they, chris and richie, would win custody of their respective kids. Sounded good to richie. So, friday, november 13th, 2 15 a. M. Richie told us that he picked chris up from walmart, that he drove him to the house, they were supposed to catch her in the act of cheating on chris. When we opened the door, it looked like there were two people in the bed, you know . And of course we pulled the cover, and i noticed that it wasnt a person, it was a blanket. Chris didnt understand that, said richie, because he said he went crazy in started stabbing her. I went over and i touched her neck to fill her pulse because she was kind of like and i touched her pulse and she leaned up and like scratch the mess out of my face, i grabbed her hands, she just said i love you. That was why his face was scratched said richie and his dna was under her fingernails. Anyway, afterwards which he said he drove chris back to work and drop them off at walmart. And where the chris ride . In the passenger seat. The same side of the car where the spot of blood was found. Angilas blood. When we first interviewed you, richie, why did you not tell us this . Well, one because he kept threatening my family. He said if you tell anybody, i will kill your wife, killed your little one. It was quite a story. The only problem . Walmart where chris worked has cameras everywhere. And it just so happened that Detective Goodman had spent most of the night before the interview with richie watching videos. Videos that kept witness of every movement, every minute. If chris left the store to kill his wife, then goodman would didnt find him on any video shot between 2 15 am and 3 am. Every 5 to 10 minutes, we have him there at the store. We have him in the entryway sitting down eating his lunch during the time that richie is telling us he is stabbing angila. In fact the only time chris briefly left the store, his schedule breaks. So he simply couldnt have taken part in such a game with ritchie . He couldnt have, and we knew that. Goodman held back as richie spun his tail. And then chris did not leave walmart during those times. I know he did, i picked him up. I know he didnt because i watched him on video. And minutes later, Richie Wilder, his bluff called, simply folded. You can stop anytime you want. I want to stop. Okay. When Richie Wilders murder trial started a few months later. The evidence shows that prosecutor kelly dillon was confident. I felt i had a very strong case. My strategy was to present the crime scene, the physical as evidence and present richies multiple stories about how this went down. Straightforward enough. As richie listened, his wife cindy, beautifully seated near the defense table. The prosecutor called witnesses who told the jury about angilas blood in one of ritchies cars. About dna linked to richie under angilas fingernails. About the changing self serving stories ritchie told. She leaned up and like scratched the mess out of my face, and i grabbed her hands and she just said, i love you. Up to that point, i was thinking, he might be able to convince a jury. But then when he got to the point where Angila Sat Up and said, richie, i love you, it was done. It was done for me. Its just such an incredible thing to throw into that story. It was just an example of richie needed to be the hero. What did he gain from killing her . What did he think he would gain from killing her . Control. He wouldnt have to deal with angila anymore. Richie wilder is responsible for angilas murder. And only Richie Wilder. Richies defense attorney, countered that the Murder Weapon was never found and suggested ritchie was somehow set up. There is reasonable doubt here, and i asked that you find Richie Wilder not guilty. And the jury went out. And returned in less than an hour. Ive had simple theft cases that have taken longer to decide than this case did. We the jury found the defendant Richie Wilder junior guilty of the crime of murder. Guilty. Richies wife cindy dissolved in tears in the courtroom. And then again later in the hallway. Hes a good man. Hes a good husband. He would never do anything that would hurt his kids. None of it makes any sense to me at all. I know that i was home that night, i got up on a couple of occasions with my kids, when i got up he was at home. Sad, still so loyal, still clinging to that long demolished alibi. Not so uncommon really for a spouse to refuse to accept an awful truth about her man. Anyway, cindy was left to pick up the pieces. Her sister abby moved to minot to help. I just felt like she needed me as a sister, and she needed the support. Ive been a single mom for years, i know how hard it is to do it on your own. So, i felt like i was going to do what i could to help her, to bear that burden and to figure things out. And it helped. Cindy went back to her teaching job. Even with abby there she felt lonely. We have certain kind of lonely. Oh. Coming up growing suspicions about cindy. Did she drive him there . Was she inside the house . Was she involved in this . And a secret reveal. Wow that was my response, wow when dateline continues. Night means. The smoothing benefits of retinol. Are now for your whole body. Plus, fastworking crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. Gold bond. Champion your skin. Your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. 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Yeah, we let you pick your own due date so you can pay your Car Insurance when its best for you. Well thats good to know, because this next scene might take a while. [ helicopter and wind noises ] for a great low rate, go with the general. josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan i have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. [ helicopter and wind noises ] josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. vo Football Season is here. Get Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv on us. A 449 value. Plus, get a free Samsung Galaxy z flip5. Only on verizon. We moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. But then he got us tmobile home internet. I was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. I mightve taken it a step too far. Chainsaw Revs tree crashes chainsaw continues daughter screams lets pretend for a second that you didnt let down your entire family. What would that reality look like . Well i guess i wouldve gotten us xfinity. And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . What, we have a ton of mulch. Every day, businesses everywhere are asking is it possible . Eral ton. With comcast business. It is. Is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address Operations Issues . We can help with that. Can we provide health care virtually anywhere . We can help with that, too. Is it possible to survey foot traffic across all of our locations . Yeah absolutely. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Im katie phang with the its not just possible. Its happening. Hours top stories. President biden has landed in honeoye, vietnam, where he plans to meet with the countrys leadership later today. Its the latest in the United States is pushed to forge closer ties with chinas neighbors in southeast asia. And turning now to morocco, more than 2000 people have been killed and sat thousands mores injured in a 6. 2 magnitude earthquake that hit morocco on friday. Moroccos king has mobilized the Army Search And Rescue teams to find survivors. Now, back to dateline. Yep welcome back to dateline. Im andrea canning. It took less than an hour for a jury to find Richie Wilder guilty of murdering his ex wife angila. Even after the verdict, his second wife said and she would continue to stand by her man. Insisting to reporters that he was no killer. But cyndi was about to rekindle a connection with an old friend. And the story she would tell him would come with a Surprising New twist. Here again is Keith Morrison with prairie confidential. Murder can have so many innocent victims. Like the children. Angila and richies, forever deprived of both parents now. I am what the kids have now. They have been with me for the past year and will continue to be with me. They need to know that their dad is a good man. Stepmother cyndi and Kindergarten Teacher said she was doing her best in trying circumstances. Raising as step kids the kids of the woman her husband had just been convicted of murdering. She did get some help, mind you, from her sister, abby. I saw that she was struggling and needed some help, you know, trying to figure out the whole single parent thing. But of course, abby had to wonder what happened that night. The night richie murdered angila. Human nature really. I had tried to ask her a few times, you know, are you sure he was home that night . Same question that bothered those minot detectives. But cindy stuck to her story. He did leave the house that night. No he didnt. But, as you can tell they had their doubts about cyndi. Did you drive him there . Was she inside the house . Was she involved in this . But, no way to know. We just did not have anything to go on. Did you put it out of your mind . We did. Meanwhile, abby helped cyndi with the kids and watch her sister grow even more sad. She did seem lonely, she wanted someone to talk to. She wanted a companion. It seemed like she was just dealing with the realization that her husband wasnt coming home. Wasnt necessarily romance she was looking for. Just a man to talk to. Like the bartender shed once known at a minot brewery, called the original, his name was matt walters. He and cyndi had met before her marriage to richie in 2013. We hang out on slow nights. We do shots together. There was one night where we had a really good indepth conversation, ever since then she felt this connection. She would always refer to it as a connection. Did she trust you, felt safe with you . She seemed like it. They lost track of one another after cyndi married richie. And cyndi had a little girl. But after the murder, cyndi found matt on facebook. She said Something Like i suppose youve heard, and i said heard what . And she said she linked an article two richie being arrested. Did you feel a bit sorry for her . Yes, i felt really bad for her. Matt and some friends took cyndi out for a drink at, well, where else . And talked about, you guessed it. Richies arrest. Did she have any comment about his guilt or innocence . She insisted that he was home with her, all night and he never left. I think the only thing i ever said to her was if thats not true and you testified to that in court you could end up in prison. Matt newsome thing firsthand about prison. He had done a little bit more than a year behind bars himself in his early twenties. For burglary, before turning his life around. And going to work as an electrician. We warned her . Yes. I let her know that prison is not a place she wants to go to. Anyway, matt was a shoulder to cry on. She was going through a really crappy time. And even after matt moved to denver, they chatted online. One day, cyndi said something very disturbing we were talking about how richie got caught and he is going to prison and i said well, thats a stupid way to do Something Like that. And she said, while the knife was a backup it was supposed to be a gun. Wow that was my response, wow she was the innocent bystander . She wasnt the innocent bystander, and when you get law the proper people know. So matt did. He called the minot police. Who biden had all but given up on the cyndi angle. There was a phone call into the General Police department phone line, this individual had given his name and phone number and that he had information in regards to the Angila Wilder homicide. So, what did you do . We arranged a time for Detective Mathias and i to place a call and we heard him out. He seemed very credible. He was somebody that had this bad gut feeling from conversations that he had with cyndi that there is more to this. So, detectives took the next step. They enlisted him as a confidential informant, and gave him a name. Whats it like to be a confidential informant . During the time it was kind of cool. It was kind of like what you see on tv. The arrangement, however, was a little daunting. They came out and told me if i would be willing to come up there and wear a wire . What was it like to hear that . I was kind of stunned and dumbfounded for second. After second i thought, if she was involved, the right thing was to go up there and help them. Careful. You can never know when you set a trap exactly what you will catch. Test, test, test. Im almost there. Coming up cyndi stayed silent until all of a sudden it happens. We were like we had this thing planned for two [bleep] years. When dateline continues. You want whats best for them. Ohh, ohh, ohh so ask your vet about new nexgard plus. Its oneanddone monthly protection from fleas and ticks, plus heartworm disease, roundworms, and hookworms. All in a delicious, beefflavored, soft chew. 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Serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. Sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. Tyk2 is part of the jak family. Its not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. Find what Plaque Psoriasis has been hiding. Ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. So clearly you. Sotyktu. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go trelegy for copd. Birds flyin high, you know how i feel. Breeze driftin on. [coughing]. By, you know how i feel. If youre tired of staring down your copd,. Its a new dawn, its a new day. Stop settling. And im feelin good. Start a new day with trelegy. 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Matt walters was willing, but how could he even arrange away without arising suspicion to see cyndi. After all he lived way off in denver. How did you organize the meeting with cyndi . I told her i got laid off and i was gonna come back to minot to see some friends and asked her she wanted to hang out. She seemed to jump at the opportunity. But nervous . Oh yes. Investigators set up a secret meeting, at this hotel. There were four detective sitting there and thats when it hit me, holy cow, this is for real. How to do it without spooking her . The detectives had an idea. One of our options was to have a hotel room which we had audio and video wired and we were going to be in the room next to it. But, matt was engaged, to a girl in denver. I said no, thats not gonna happen, theres only one reason you go to a hotel room, and i dont like you know, im not doing that. So, they considered hiding the wire on his body. Matt didnt like that either. Cyndi was very careful and paranoid, and i just gathered that if they put a wire on me and we started talking about the stuff there was a chance that she would want to search me. He felt like it would be better to just go for a ride or go out and have his car wired. So police did just that. Then hit a transmitter in the trunk so the detectives could follow and listen and. Test, test, test. 9 30 pm. Matt picked up cyndi at her house. Hows it going . Well, you know. Kids are finally passed out. They went to a bar, where matt turned on a phone app to capture the conversation. While they werent in a car. Well, im gonna get a beer. I wanted us to be comfortable together i hadnt seen in years. He didnt push too hard, didnt probe. This is just my second drink. But now he was just so old friend catching up until past midnight, then i drove her home and you know she didnt get out of my car which is good, but it got to the point it seemed like an hour in where she wasnt saying anything, anything relevant. Detectives goodman and mathias parked no more than 30 feet away in the dark and were desperately trying to stay awake. At some point we both were probably thinking okay, were on hour four, were sitting in this dark car. Youre getting tired, youre getting exhausted, weve been listening for hours. There is nothing there . And then all of a sudden it happens. I said well i should probably get going. And her Body Language changed and just the tone of the situation changed. It was pretty obvious that she was angry. Angry . She seemed angry. Angry about what . I wasnt sure. So i asked her. Are you mad at your husband . No, like, im proud of him. Im just pissed that he got caught, and that he got sloppy and impatient. Cause we were like, we had this thing planned for two [bleep] years. Planned for two years . What . It was almost the floodgates opened and she got it all off her chest at once. He came home that night, and he said, it got sloppy. She fought back. He had to do what he had to do. She put up a good fight. Like, she did. Well, im sure. She was fighting for her life. She slashed his face. Thats what got him to, if it was me i would have got back there and cut her fingers off. Like the house on fire. What was it like to hear that . It was the hardest mental thing that ive ever had to do. To hold back that urge to tell her to shut the [bleep] up. She is sickening. She is disgusting. He [bleep] like went psycho on her. Because of the hate. And the frustration. And i totally wouldve done the same thing too. I know, its like i said before. A knife is a stupid [bleep] way to kill somebody. Well, he had a gun that was untraceable. But, and every time he took it a kept like jamming. And i guess that night it was old. I helped him clean up. He left again to dispose of the clothing and the weapon, and everything. And i thought we were like in the clear. Do you think youre horrible person . Or do you think it needed to be done . Because now youve said both. I fully believe it needed to be done. Needed to be done, she said. As if murder was somehow a winning solution to the long Running Struggle over who got custody over the kids. And finally, remember what angila told her fiancee before the murder that she was worried about being watched . Angila was right to be worried. Like, i helped him. Like, i would when he worked nights i would leave the house at like midnight and like, sit outside her house in my vehicle, seeing who came into the house. When her boyfriend left, where when, yes, we [bleep] had this planned out. And he [bleep] up. Because he didnt clean the car good enough. One [bleep] spot of blood in the car. When she said that, can you tell me what that was like . We were pretty excited. There were some high fives in the car. All right. Lets call it a [bleep] night. Im beat, youre beat. Well see each other again. Right . Its up to you. Run up and exhausted, Matt Rendezvoused with detectives at the sleep in. We got back to the hotel and we went to the room and i said to him, is it too soon to hug you . I was just so drained, and so then we called it a night. I went back to my Friends House that i was staying at and i couldnt sleep for probably two or three hours even though i was exhausted. It was all just so surreal. It was a whirlwind of disbelief and shock and disgust. I kept having pretty graphic images of what angila went through during the murder. You didnt know angila didnt you . I didnt. A few days later, the detectives went to the school where cyndi was a substitute teacher. Third grade that day. We met with her privately in an office at the school and i showed her that i had the Arrest Warrant for her for being a part of the homicide with angila. How did she take it . She really didnt respond. She didnt cry. She didnt make any statements. Oh, but she would. Such a surprise on the way. Coming up cyndi says she was just bragging. A handful of things in that conversation are somewhat true. But for the most part, its false and extremely exaggerated. But will anyone believe her . It was kind of a shocker in the court room wasnt it . It was a surprise. It almost feels like a death of somebody in the family. When dateline continues. And can help you breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. Dupixent is an addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma thats not or sudden breathing problems. Dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. Get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. 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I felt betrayed because i felt sorry for her and as a sister i wanted to help her, and then to find out that it all felt like a big lie and that she was betraying me and i was deceived, it was terrible. No doubt. She did say what she said on those tapes with the confidential informant matt walters. If it was me i wouldve gone back and cut her fingers off. Burn them, lit the house on fire. What did you think when you heard that . Knowing there was a two year old child in the house at the time . I thought, well, those are strong words. Thats a lot of hate. But was it . Or was it Something Else altogether. A few days before that scene in court. Hello. Hi. We interviewed cyndi by phone from The Word County Jail at minot. How would she . How could she explain all of those terrible things she said to matt on tape. Her answer, was also her legal defense. I mean im lonely, i was trying to see if there could be a relationship and i was kind of trying to impress him. Impress him did you say . Yes. Because i know he had a criminal history to, so i thought that would kind of be a connection, a comment thing. You said i did all of these terrible things when you didnt really do them. A handful of things in that conversation are somewhat true but for the most part it was extremely exaggerated. What would be true out of that conversation . The fact that i knew about it after it happened. Okay. And you hid the fact that you knew about it . Right. I didnt want to lose my kids, i dont want to lose my job. Would the jury believe indies explanation that she was merely trying to impress a man with a bunch of madeup tough talk . Certainly the prosecutor didnt buy it. If youre trying to impress a boy, you make up a story about being a State Champion Gymnast or a diver, not about being an accomplice to murder. In any case no jury would have to decide. On the charge of conspiracy to commit murder, the prosecutor offered a deal, cyndi would spend 25 years in prison, then get out to resume her life. And cyndi turned it down. She had a strategy of her own, she would take an elfrid plea meaning she would plead guilty not because she did it but because the jury would find her guilty in that way she believe the judge would impose a much lighter penalty. And, in may 2018s, cyndis attorney appealed to judge stacey lowe served for a lenient sentence, ten years. And now it was the judges turn, would she believe cyndis explanation . You were the one person who could have stopped this nightmare, you were the one person who couldve intervened, who could have called Law Enforcement when rishi wilder left your home, you were the one person who could have spared Angila Wilders life. You chose not to do so. I am here by remanding you to the north Dakota Department of corrections and rehabilitation as to count one conspiracy to commit murder, to a sentence of Life Imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Life without parole that was kind of a shocker in the courtroom that day in fact wasnt it . It was a surprise. But i mean its certainly in my mind well deserved. Were you surprised . This judge is known for hard sentencing in particular when children are implicated. They certainly were in this one. Absolutely. From cyndi, not a flinch. From her sister . It almost feels like a death of someone in the family. Everything changed. At least before there was some sort of a hope that even if there was a long period of time there still that hope that you know, we can make memories again and go on trips and you know spend time together outside of prison walls. And that is gone. But for angilas sister . Shes a horrible person. Shes exactly where she needs to be. And i am so thankful that the judge saw her for the individual that she is. The monster that she is. And so our story ends with a family shattered. And matt walters . Doesnt regret his decision to wear a wire. But he struggles doing the right thing was not easy. Basically im responsible for ending another persons life, in all meaningful ways, which is fine, she deserves it, but its still kind of a hard thing to deal with to know you and its someones life. You feel somehow its on you . Theres like a weight on me. And angila would surely be working as a nurse by now. Wed finally have achieved her lifelong ambition to care for people and make them well. She pops in my head and i just think im sad because she would have been one heck of a nurse. Thats all for this edition of dateline, im natalie morales, thank you for watching. Hello everyone, im alicia menendez, as we begin a new hour, devastation and destruction, the death toll is climbing in morocco after a massive earthquake, the search for survivors is. On also, ahead new developments from georgia as a judge denied his request from former trump Chief Of Staff mark meadows. But it could mean for his old boss. Plus, the gops effort to rebrand the parity in are shining a spotlight on latino artists and Fashion Designers during new york fashion week. This is american voices

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